Marana Automotive

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The Marana Automotive company is

founded in 2006 as continuation of a long and reach
experience of the founder M.Sc. Petar Tanevsky. In
this short history, the company has produced
various different delicate body superstructures.
Today Marana Automotive works as a design bureau
which cooperates with several small macedonian
automotive companies in many common projects.
This year, the last big project was the production of
eight superstructures for vehicles for transport of
miners of two domestic open-pit coal mines.
Petar Tanevsky has almost 30 years
experience in the automotive industry. His
professional speciality is the supporting vehicle
body structures.

Petar Tanevsky’s professional biography before he started the Marana Automotive company,
includes the next automotive projects:
- project leader and designer of the self-supporting body structure of the Sanos 522 Galleon, the
only double-decker model of the former FAS 11 Oktomvri (Sanos) bus factory and the first double-
decker in Central and Eastern Europe (source: serbian magazine “Auto” No.198, Belgrade, 1995),
- project leader of the Sanos 404, macedonian variant of Mercedes O.404, the best seller before
Sanos company bankrupted,
- cofounder of the former Konfor Automotive midibus company and author of the design and whole
superstructure of the model Molika,
- designer of an original conception of semi elastic truck-cistern superstructure bracket,
- silver medal of the Brussels’ world innovations exposition Eureka 2000 for the patent called Fast
To the history of Marana Automotive company belongs the next achievements:
- conversion of many vans to minibuses with delicate intervention in supporting body structure like:
enlargening of the Rear overhang of Mercedes Sprinter, enlargement of the window opening of
Ford Jumbo etc.,
- conversions of standard types of vehicles to special purpose, for example conversion of SUV Lada
Niva to Funeral, produced by stretching for fantastic 1.150 mm,
- developing of an original sandwich panel for isothermic panel boxes,
- reparation of old Sanos buses in modern fashionable Mercedes Intouro style with prefabricated
body components (side, front, rear and roof panels),
- many other special purpose superstructures

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Marana Automotive business perspectives
Thanks to the former FAS 11 Oktomvri (Sanos) bus factory, the biggest bus factory in the region in
the past, the Republic of Macedonia has a rich intellectual potential for automotive industry. Many small
automotive companies grew after company bankruptcy.
Today the automotive market in Macedonia is small. The need of many kind of standard or special
vehicle superstructures is to low, so the biggest companies at the moment in Macedonia are the bus-
reparation workshops. The salary of the workers is low. There are too much facilities for rent. The
perspective of the country are in the European Union, but the joining of the Union will late because of the
problem Macedonia have with Greece about the name. The Government offers two huge free economic
zones near the capital Skopje. In the near future, Macedonia will be a good country for investments and
transferring of the profitable automotive production.
Marana Automotive is the leader in the state for developing of the special kind of sofisticated
vehicle superstructures. Thanks to the reach experience, the knowledge in the Science of the vehicle body
supporting structures, the collaboration with the Universities, only Marana Automotive can develop the
most complicated superstructures for many different purposes.
Marana Automotive have not it’s own facility, but collaborates with many macedonian companies
in production of the superstructures. The mission of Marana Automotive is to find a strategic foreign
partner for developing common projects or transferring the foreign partners production in Macedonia.

Contact information

Contact person:
M.Sc. Petar Tanevski
Manager of the Marana Automotive Ltd
++389 71 629 304

ul.Tome Arsovski, br.49/42
MK 1000 Skopje

www. 3
Photo Gallery

Sanos 522 Galleon, 1995, designed by P. Tanevsky

Sanos 522 Galleon, 2010, 15 years after

Midibus Molika, 2002, designed by P. Tanevsky

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Molika, rear view

Isothermic superstructure

Kia superstructure

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Lada Niva Funeral, stretched for 1.250 mm, the world record for this model

Repaired old Sanos 415, remake in Mercedes Intouro style

CAD drawing of the repaired buses

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Repaired Sanos with new face and powertrain of the Mercedes

Conversion of vans to minibuses

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Ford Jumbo with enlarged windows openings

Conversions of vans to 22+1 minibuses

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Superstructure for transport of miners, mounted on Iveco chassis

The superstructure “Mende”, the last Marana Automotive project

Marana Automotive Ltd

June 2010
Skopje, Macedonia

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