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(Na kocu testu znajduje si klucz z odpowiedziami i interpretacja wynikw.)


PART 1: Read the following text and do TASKS I, II and III below.

Caffeine may be the most popular drug in the world. We consume caffeine in coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, some soft
drinks, and some drugs. The actual source of caffeine is the coffee bean, tea leaf, kola nut and cacao pod. Pure caffeine
is odorless and has a bitter taste.
Effects of Caffeine on the Nervous System
Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant. In moderate doses, caffeine can increase alertness, but if drunk too
much it can cause sleeplessness, headaches, nervousness and dizziness.
In massive doses, caffeine is dangerous. A fatal dose of caffeine has been calculated to be more than 10 grams (about
170 mg/kg body weight) - this is the same as drinking 80 to 100 cups of coffee in rapid succession - not an easy thing to
Caffeine enters the bloodstream and can have its effects as soon as 15 minutes after it is consumed. Once in the body,
caffeine will stay around for hours: it takes about 6 hours for one half of the caffeine to be eliminated.
Some studies show that caffeine causes physical dependence. One way to tell if someone "needs" that cup of coffee or
bottle of Coke is to take it away from them and then see if they have any withdrawal symptoms. Typical withdrawal
symptoms associated with caffeine are headache, fatigue and muscle pain.
These symptoms can be seen within 24 hours after the last dose of caffeine. One study has stated that the minimum
consumption of caffeine for physical dependence is 4 cups of coffee per day. Other studies say that a few more cups of
coffee are needed to develop dependence.
The "Discovery" of Coffee
Legend has it that coffee was "discovered" around 850 AD in upper Egypt by a goat herder named Khaldi. One night,
Khaldi's goats did not return home. When he found his goats, Khaldi saw them dancing around a shrub with red berries
(coffee beans). After Khaldi tried some of the berries, he started to dance, too. Khaldi spoke with some monks who
later used the berries to make a drink and coffee was born.

TASK I Decide if the sentences 1-4 are True or False.

1. Caffeine is only found in coffee.
2. Headaches and sleeplessness are always caused by caffeine consumption.
3. Some researchers recommend drinking 80 to 100 cups of coffee to see the effect.
4. Fifteen minutes is enough to feel the effect of caffeine after drinking coffee or other liquids with caffeine.

Task II Choose the best answer a, b or c for questions 5-8.

5. Caffeine
a) is eliminated from the body after several hours.
b) stays in the body for 15 minutes.
c) is in the body for four hours.
6. Some people
a) can be addicted to drinking a bottle of Coke.
b) become addicted to caffeine.
c) cant stop drinking coffee.
7. If people are addicted to caffeine and suddenly stop drinking caffeinated drinks, they
a) should drink coffee after 24 hours.
b) can have unpleasant effects.
c) should drink 4 cups of coffee per day.
8. According to the legend coffee was discovered by
a) dancing goats.
b) monks who used berries to make a drink.
c) a man looking for his goats.

Task III Match the words 9-12 with their definitions a-f. There are more definitions than you
9. dependence a) come or go into something
10. fatal b) being addicted to something
11. fatigue c) feeling tired
12. enter d) can cause death
e) depend on

f) feeling lazy

PART 2: Read the text and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.
According to a recent TV programme, noise pollution is becoming an (13) serious problem. Background noise
(14).. as traffic, police sirens and aeroplanes is growing year by year, and complaints to the police are becoming
more and more frequent. However, for people like Mary Norman, who lives close to London Heathrow airport, the
situation is particularly bad. Its becoming very difficult to (15).. a normal family life, she told an interviewer,
because the planes start first thing in the morning. They (16) a terrible noise, as you can imagine, and it (17) on
all day long. Of course I have complained about it but nobody takes any notice. Im fed up with living here, but
unfortunately I cant (18) to move. Researchers believe that the problem is getting worse. They have found that
people who are exposed to high levels of noise become more aggressive. Take the case of Henry Wilson, who was
driven mad by a neighbour who (19).. on playing his music at full volume. One night, he finally lost his (20) after
being forced to listen to heavy metal songs for hours, he burst into his neighbours house, poured petrol all over the
carpets and threatened to set fire to the place. When he finally appeared in court, the judge was surprisingly
understanding. He refused to send him to jail, saying that he had suffered enough.
13. A) increasing B) more increasing C) increasingly D) increase
14. A) like B) so C) such D) is
15. A) lead B) take C) hold D) guide
16. A) do B) have C) make D) set
17. A) spends B) goes C) lasts D) continues
18. A) let B) allow C) afford D) spend
19. A) demanded B) required C) insisted D) continued
20. A) mood B) calm C) temper D) humour
PART 3: Use the word given to form a word that fits in the space.
21. There was only one _______________ in my composition. CORRECT
22. Kids find computer games_______________. ATTRACT
23. This chair is too small and ______________ to sit on. COMFORTABLE
24. The ______________ to Rome took more than two hours. FLY
25. Please do some _______________ exercises for the test. REVISE
26. Kate cant use this soap, her skin is too _______________. SENSE
27. Miller was ordered off by Willie Collum for ________________ behaviour. VIOLENCE
28. Nobody seems to trust _____________ , they promise a lot and forget quickly. POLITICS
29. The red ______________ over there is the Science Department. BUILD
30. The island was ________________ many centuries ago. DISCOVER


PART 1: Choose the right form.
31. I havent got apples.
A) no B) some C) any D) much
32. I am afraid he .. you.
A) isnt understanding B) dont understand C) understand D) doesnt understand
33. Who usually you with your homework?
A) do help B) helps C) does help D) help
34. I at school yesterday.
A) didnt be B) werent C) havent been D) wasnt
35. Clive was driving into town when he out of petrol.
A) was running B) run C) ran D) had run
36. We expected George at 7.30 but he yet.
A) hasnt arrived B) has arrived C) didnt arrive D) might have arrived
37. .my sister three times today but her number is always engaged.
A) Id phoned B) Ive been phoning C) Ive phoned D) I am phoning
38. I have known John ages.
A) since B) for C) many D) before
39. When . the picnic, they went for a swim in the lake.
A) theyd been eating B) theyd eaten C) theyve eaten D) eat
40. Look at the clouds! It soon.
A) is raining B) has been raining C) is going to rain D) rains
41. Ill write to you as soon as my exam results.
A) I know B) Ill know C) Im going to know D) I knew
42. This is a no-entry area. We go in. If they catch us, well be in trouble.
A) must B) can C) neednt D) mustnt
43. If I had enough money, I a bicycle.
A) would buy B) bought C) had bought D) am buying
44. John asked us what we the following day.
A) are doing B) will do C) were doing D) had done
45. This house a famous architect.
A) designed by B) was designed C) was designed by D) had designed
46. I dont enjoy computer games now, but I like them when I was younger.
A) was used to B) used to C) got used to D) do
47. Joanna English for three years before she went to England.
A) has studied B) has been studying C) was studying D) had been studying
48. This time tomorrow I on a beach in Greece.
A) lie B) will be lying C) will lie D) will have been lying
49. You look really busy. I put the shopping away for you?
A) Would B) Will C) Shall D) Am
50. I would have come to the meeting if you me.
A) have told B) had told C) told D) would have told
51. I wish I drive a car. I think Ill take some driving lessons.
A) can B) cant C) could D) couldnt
52. My neighbours car breaks down a lot. He always by the mechanics at the local garage.
A) repairs it B) has repaired it C) has it repaired D) repaired it
53. You Peter in London yesterday. He went on holiday to Florida a few days ago.
A) must have seen B) neednt have seen C) cant have seen D) shouldnt see
54. The day before the holiday, the men worked than usual.
A) hardly B) more hardly C) harder D) the hardest
55. Im afraid this book is than his previous one.
A) far interesting B) as interesting C) far less interesting D) further interesting
56. I asked Ruth where her coat.
A) did she buy B) had she bought C) she had bought D) has she bought
57. While my car , I decided to wander round the city centre.
A) be repaired B) was repairing C) was being repaired D) had repaired

58. The first thing they did when they met after twenty years was to hug
A) ourselves B) each other C) someone else D) themselves

59. Dont make me one more exercise.

A) do B) to do C) doing D) will do

60. Its time you learning English again.

A) will start B) had started C) started D) start
PART 2: Supply the correct form of the words in brackets.
Dear Jane,

Well, here I am in Africa. I (61)......... (always, want) to come here and now I have (62)....................... (final)
made it. We arrived yesterday afternoon. As we (63) .................. (drive) from the airport to the safari lodge, we saw
some wild animals (64).................. (run) in front of us.

Right now I (65).................. (get) some breakfast and then we (66).................. (take) a jeep into the Serengeti National
Park. Everything (67).................. (already, arrange). I hope well see lots of animals. You know,
the (68)...................... (many) animals I can see, the happier I am. Its only the first day and I am really enjoying
(69) ...... (oneself) already. What a pity you arent here. If you did not have to look after your sick mother, you
(70)... (probably, be) in Africa now!

Anyway, I have to finish now. Ill write again soon.

Love to all,


Part 3: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words.

71. Jack left the office before I arrived there. ALREADY

When I arrived at the office ..

72. I have never seen such a pretty girl. EVER

She is the . seen.

73. She has never eaten caviar before. TIME

Its the caviar.

74. They sent for the doctor. WAS

The doctor .

75. Janes car was cheaper than Adams. EXPENSIVE

Janes car was .. Adams.

76. You have broken my favourite cup, she said to him. ACCUSED
She .. her favourite cup.

77. Alex, why dont we go to the shop? said Sarah. SUGGESTED

Sarah to the shop.

78. You will miss the bus unless you leave now. IF
You will miss the bus . now.

79. We argued last night because I was so tired. HAVE

If I hadnt been so tired, .. last night.

80. Id prefer you to phone Jane. RATHER

I ... Jane.

Task I: 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 T
Task II: 5 a 6 b 7 b 8 c
Task III: 9 b 10 d 11 c 12 a
13 C 14 C 15 A 16 C 17 B 18 C 19 C 20 C
21 correction
22 attractive
23 uncomfortable
24 flight
25 revision
26 sensitive
27 violent
28 politicians
29 building
30 discovered

31 C 32 D 33 B 34 D 35 C 36 A 37 C 38 B 39 B 40 C 41 A 42 D 43 A 44 C 45 C
46 B 47 D 48 B 49 C 50 B 51 C 52 C 53 C 54 C 55 C 56 C 57 C 58 B 59 A 60 C

61 have always wanted
62 finally
63 were driving
64 run / running
65 am getting
66 are taking / are going to take
67 has already been arranged / is already arranged
68 more
69 myself
70 would probably be
71 Jack had already left
72 the prettiest girl I have ever
73 the first time she has eaten
74 was sent for
75 less expensive than / not as expensive as / not so expensive as
76 accused him of breaking
77 suggested going / (that) we ( should ) go / that we went
78 if you do not leave
79 I would not have argued
80 would rather you phoned


Test skada si z rnego rodzajw wicze obowizujcych na poziomie B2 i wyszym.
Wyszukiwanie informacji w tekcie zadania zamknite : wybr wielokrotny, prawda/fasz (przykady 1
wiczenie leksykalne zadanie polegajce na dopasowaniu sw do ich znacze w kontekcie (przykady 9
wiczenie leksykalne zadanie zamknite wybr wielokrotny (przykady 13 20).
Sowotwrstwo (przykady 21 30).
Gramatyka wiczenie wielokrotnego wyboru (przykady 31 60).
Gramatyka zadanie otwarte : uzupenianie duszych tekstw odpowiednimi formami (przykady 61
Transformacje (przykady 71 80).

1. Jeeli z caoci testu otrzymae mniej ni 20 punktw, twoje umiejtnoci jzykowe kwalifikuj Ci poniej
poziomu B1, co oznacza, e bdziesz mia powane problemy w uczestnictwie w lektoracie na poziomie B2.
KONIECZNE JEST uzupenienie wiedzy przed rozpoczciem lektoratu, lub wybr innego jzyka.
2. Jeeli z caoci testu otrzymae pomidzy 21-41 punktw (mniej ni 51%), moesz mie problemy z
uczestnictwem w lektoracie na poziomie B2. Sprawd, ktra cz sprawia Ci najwicej trudnoci.
*Jeeli s to przykady 1-20, SUGERUJEMY nadrobienie zalegoci poprzez czytanie rnego rodzaju
tekstw autentycznych lub adaptowanych (mog to by teksty zawarte w podrcznikach na poziomie co
najmniej B1/Intermediate), zwrcenie uwagi na nowe sowa i wykonywanie rnego typu wicze
**Jeeli s to przykady 31 - 70 (a w szczeglnoci przykady 31 45, ktre stanowi niezbdne minimum
wiedzy z zakresu gramatyki przed rozpoczciem kursu na poziomie B2), SUGERUJEMY powtrzenie
zagadnie korzystajc z dowolnego podrcznika do gramatyki lub stron internetowych.
***Przykady 21 - 30 i 71 - 80 nie testuj umiejtnoci niezbdnych przed rozpoczciem lektoratu na
poziomie B2.
3. Jeeli z caoci testu otrzymae ponad 41 punktw, kwalifikujesz si do uczestnictwa w lektoracie na
poziomie B2.
4. Jeeli z caoci testu otrzymae okoo 70 punktw i bez wikszych problemw rozwizae zadania zawarte
w przykadach 21 30 (sowotwrstwo) i 71 - 80 (transformacje), SUGERUJEMY zapisanie si do grupy C1.

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