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In This Issue
HE Filipe Nyusi, President
of Mozambique, on the
bright prospects ahead
for the country
How the banking sector
is widening access as the
economy expands
The discovery of vast
offshore gas reserves has
the potential to transform
the economy into one of
Africas largest
Coastal cities, safari parks,
and seemingly endless
beaches: the tourism sector
has huge potential

75 | 95 | $130 | CDN $140 | AUD $137 | SGD $162

2015 Deloitte & Touche. All rights reserved. Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited
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Contents MOZAMBIQUE 2015

8 Year in review

10 Unconquerable soul Timeline

13 21st century man Review

16 His Excellency Filipe Jacinto

Nyusi, President of the Republic of
Mozambique Interview

18 Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of

Japan Guest speaker

19 Eastward glance Focus: Asian


20 HE Pham Binh Minh, Deputy

Prime Minister and Minister of
Foreign Affairs of Vietnam Guest
34 Jose Parayanken, President of 47 Balancing act Forum: Local
21 Tagir Carimo, Mayor of the City of Mozambique Holdings Limited (MHL) banks
Pemba Guest speaker Interview
48 The view from the shallows
22 Vintage port Focus: Pemba port 35 Holding all the cards Vox Review: Capital markets
logistical base populi: Holding companies
50 A capital idea Focus: Bonds
23 Alex Segura-Ubiergo, Resident 36 Going Dutch? Focus: Avoiding
51 The right policy Review:
Representative of the International Dutch disease
Monetary Fund (IMF) Interview
38 Bantu you know Forum: Why
53 Aldo Tembe, CEO of Moambique
24 Mark Lundell, Country Director Previdente Interview
of the World Bank for Mozambique,
Madagascar, Mauritius, Comoros, 39 FINANCE 54 Rui Oliveira, President of the
Insurance Association Interview
and Seychelles Interview
39 The quest for inclusion Review:
55 Lets roll Forum: Expanding the
25 ECONOMY 41 Pieter van der Merwe,
insurance market

25 There is a light Review Chief Executive Officer, Banco

Oportunidade de Moambique
28 Loureno Sambo, Director
General of the Investment
Promotion Centre (CPI) 43 Ernesto Gove, Governor of the In partnership with:
Interview Banco de Moambique Interview Centro de Promoo de
30 Roaring trade B2B: Trade 44 Paulo Sousa, CEO of Banco
promotion Comercial e de Investimentos (BCI)
31 All for SME? Focus: SMEs
45 Rui Barros, Administrator for
31 Claire Mateus Zimba, General
Barclays Mozambique Interview
Director, Instituto para a Promoo
das Pequenas e Mdias Empresas 46 Fair exchange B2B: Banking
(IPEME) Column strategies

81 TELECOMS, 97 Emanuel Chaves, Chairman and

IT & MEDIA CEO of Aeroportos de Moambique
81 Spinning the web Review:
Telecoms & IT 99 Economy on the wing Focus:
Nacla International Airport
84 Communication breakout
Forum: Telecoms companies 99 Thophane Narayanin, Treasurer
of the Chamber of Commerce and
85 Rogrio Paulo Samo Gudo,
Industry of Reunion and Social
President of Escopil Interview
Council of Reunion Column
86 Joaquim Tobias Dai, Executive
100 All aboard Vox populi:
Board Director of EXICTOS
Shipping companies
(Mozambique Branch) Interview
102 The shipping forecast Focus:
87 Plug and play Focus: Sector
104 Metropolitan glide B2B:
88 IT services @information
Connecting Maputo
105 Joo Chiboleca, Managing
89 More messengers Review:
Director of Globo Distribuidora
& MINING 73 Heavy metal Review 91 Jaime Langa, Director of Notcias
106 A tale of suspense Focus: The
57 Resource-full Review: Energy 74 Hamid Rashid Al Zayani, Maputo-Catembe bridge
Managing Director, Midal Cables 92 Jos Guerra, President of the
60 Alcides Paulino Cintura, Country 108 Alexandre Franco, Managing
Column Council Administration of Miramar
Manager, Lateorke Column Director of Transitex Moambique
76 Daniel Murray, Asset President of Interview
61 John W. Peffer, President of
Mozal Interview
Anadarko Interview
77 Zoned out Focus: Special
93 TRANSPORT 109 Jessy Sitoe, Managing Director
of Expresso Carga e Servios (ECS)
63 Simone Volpi, Managing Director
economic zones 93 Forward movement Review Interview
of Orlean Invest Interview
77 Danilo Nala, General Director, 94 Antnio Capucho Paulo, Country 110 Julio Pedro Sitoe, Administrator
64 Offshore, onstream Focus:
GAZEDA Special Economic Zones Manager, Skynet Column of World Despachos Interview
Rovuma LNG project
Office Column
64 Paulo Mendona, E&P Country
78 Raising a glass B2B: Drinks
Manager Mozambique, Galp Energia
79 Quite a production Vox populi:
66 Joo das Neves, General Director
of Autogs Interview
80 A driving force Focus:
67 Susana Serra, Manager of AMB e
Automotive industry
Veritas, Grupo Meridian32
Interview 80 Joo Carlos Barbot,
Administrator, Barbot
66 Joo das Neves, General Director
Moambique Column
of Autogs Interview

68 Stronger currents Focus: The

electricity deficit

70 Nothings easy Review: Mining

72 Digging a little deeper Vox

populi: Mining companies

Managing Editor
Leland Rice
Country Editor
Ana Collazo Acha 111 CONSTRUCTION
Country Managers
Livia Czerovszki, Barbara Santana & REAL ESTATE
Chief Executive Officer 111 Strong foundations Review:
Aye Hazr Valentin
Commercial Director
Laila Bastati
112 Fernando Freitas, Administrator,
Editorial Director
Christopher Copper-Ind Somague Moambique Column
Senior Editor
Mark A. Szawlowski 115 Pedro Ramos, General Director
Associate Editor of Tovisi Interview
Terry Whitlam
Web Editor 116 Anbal Leite, President of
Peter Howson Mota-Engil frica Moambique, and
Sub-Editors Mozambique Country Manager of
Aidan McMahon, Lewis King,
Lily Leach Mota-Engil Engenharia e Construo
Editorial Assistant frica Interview
Asiye Duman
Contributors 117 Rui Carrito, CEO of Soares da 137 Emerson Zhou, Executive Director, 151 Loureno do Rosrio, Rector of
Peter Speetjens, Costa Interview Beira Agricultural Growth Corridor Universidade Politcnica Interview
Luis Roca Fabra Partnership (BAGCP) Interview
Transcribers 120 Enrico Alicandri, Area Manager 151 Rosnia Pereira da Silva,
Attila Pelit, Nicholai Davis, of CMC frica Austral 138 Pedro Moura, Administrator and Executive Director, Fundao
Deanne de Vries, Claire Livesay,
Heather Conover, Anna Rudycheva, Interview Member of the Board of Portucel Universitria para Desenvolvimento
Pronto Publishing Services Moambique Interview da Educao (FUNDE) Column
Art Director
121 Building support Forum: Local
Berin Cansu Zafer construction 139 Mines a pint! Focus: Beer 152 Linked in Vox populi: Private
Jr Art Director universities
Bahar Kara 122 New town rising Focus: Palma
Graphic Designers park 141 HEALTH & 153 Home and away Focus:
Ceren Bettemir, Srgio Caldeira
Cover Illustrator 124 Concrete growth B2B: Cement EDUCATION International schools
Krat nsal companies 154 Infomap
PR Manager 141 Its happening Review: Health
Shweta Mulani 126 Kevin Pitzer, General Director of
HR Executive Construa Interview
143 Nazira Abdula, Minister of
Health of the Government of
Ins Delgado
Operations Manager 127 Opportunities to build on Vox Mozambique Interview 155 King pin Review
Semiha Elkran populi: Engineering
Operations Executive 144 Dial a diagnosis Focus: Mobile 156 Quessanias J. Matsombe,
znur Yldz 128 The real deal Review: Real health technology President, Federaao Moambicana
Operations Assistants estate de Turismo e Hotelaria (FEMOTUR)
Gamze Zorlu, len Cenberolu 145 Healthy profit Vox populi:
Financial Operations Manager 130 Key to success B2B: Market Accessing healthcare
Serpil Yaltaler
development 159 Silva Dunduro, Minister of
Finance Manager 146 Mind the gap Review:
Ana Mari Culture and Tourism of Mozambique
Finance Assistant 132 Ocean views for now Focus: Interview
Janine Escobar Luxury real estate 148 Jorge Ferro, Minister of
Circulation & Marketing Director 162 Hiuane Abacar, General
Education and Human Development
Amy Burtin Director of the Mozambique
Publisher 133 AGRICULTURE Interview
Tourism Authority (INATUR)
Peggy Rosiak 150 Joo Leopoldo da Costa, Rector Interview
133 A fertile plan Review
The Business Year is published by The Busi- of the Instituto Superior de Cincias
163 Potentially big cheese Focus:
ness Year International, Trident Chambers, 134 Stphane Derweduwen, CEO, e Tecnologia de Moambique
P.O. Box 146, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin MICE tourism
Islands. Printed by Apa Uniprint, Hadmky AVIAM Lda Mozambique Column (ISCTEM) Interview
Mahallesi 434 Street No:6, 34555, Arnavutky, 164 Bem-vindo! Forum: Growth
stanbul, Trkiye. The Business Year is a regis-
tered trademark of The Business Year Inter- strategies
national, Copyright The Business Year Inter-
national Inc. 2015. All rights reserved. No part
of this publication may be reproduced, stored
in a retrievable system, or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopied, recorded, or otherwise without GUIDE
prior permission of The Business Year Inter-
national Inc. The Business Year International 165 Opportunities for investors
Inc. has made every effort to ensure that the Review: Doing business
content of this publication is accurate at the
time of printing. The Business Year Interna-
tional Inc. makes no warranty, representation, 170 Joo Machado, Managing
or undertaking, whether expressed or implied, Partner at Deloitte Moambique
nor does it assume any legal liability, direct
or indirect, or responsibility for the accuracy, Interview
completeness, or usefulness of any informa-
tion contained in this publication. 172 Rui Brando, Managing Partner
ISBN 978-1-908180-46-9
of BPartner Interview 173 When in Mozambique...


It has been an exciting year for Mozambique, with a high GDP growth
rate maintained throughout, despite presidential elections and heavy
spending on infrastructural development.

Year in Review


A Mueda

A Lichinga A Pemba


A Nampula
Lago Cahorra Bassa

A Angoche

A Quelimane
ZIMBABWE 784,090 km2

A Chimolo

A P Beira




A P Maputo

A Airport

ON JANUARY 15th, 2015, the inaugura- structed in the region by Ncondezi Energy, and With GDP growth
tion of Mozambiques fourth president, Filipe will be operational by 2018. The country is also
Nyusi, was celebrated at the Praa da Inde- home to one of the largest hydroelectric plants
of over 8% in 2014,
pendncia in Maputo. Attendees included the on the continent, the Cahora Bassa dam, which and a similar figure
leaders of South Africa, Portugal, Namibia, provides the bulk of the nations electricity. expected for 2015
Tanzania, Swaziland, and Lesotho, joining Ny- When complete, the several major infra-
usi and other FRELIMO dignitaries to usher in a structure projects underway will serve as the according to the IMF,
new era of rule by the countrys leading political bedrock of future growth. Key among these is the economy is driven
party. Succeeding Armando Guebuza and his the development of the countrys ports, which by its extractive and
decade of administration, which was defined despite already playing an important role in the
by soaring foreign interest in the southeast Afri- economy are insufficiently developed. Maputo logistics industries
can nations fortunes, Nyusi will strive to realize port is the largest, followed by Beira, with Naca- and related
the potential of its massive gas reserves, for the la Port coming third in terms of annual ship- megaprojects
benefit of its almost 25 million citizens. ping volume. The latter is being redeveloped as
A Portuguese colony until 1975, Mozam- part of a broader logistics project, encompass-
bique emerged into the post-colonial era with ing the Nacala Railway, which terminates in the
the burden of a politically divided populace port and originates in neighboring Malawi. The
and civil war. However, following a peace national railway network is generally undergo-
agreement brokered in the early 1990s, the ing renovation, with a coal export line and new
future began to look brighter, and more than port terminal being developed in the central
two decades into the post-war era investors part of the country, from Moatize to the coast.
understand the true potential of the country. It Elsewhere, the Maputo Development Corridor
has an area of over 800,000sqkm and a coast- is another significant undertaking, comprising
line of more than 2,400km, with the Zambeze the restoration of over 350km of roads, and
and Limpopo deltas and the Namuli mountain work on rail, port, and customs infrastructure
range, among others, defining the landscape of to improve connections from Gauteng and
the interior. Limpopo, known for diamonds, gold, and pro-
GDP growth was over 8% in 2014, and a sim- digious agricultural production, among other
ilar figure is expected for 2015 according to the areas. The overall effect of these upgrades will
IMF. The economy is driven by its extractive unlock not only the vast mineral wealth of the
and logistics industries and related megaproj- country, but will also serve to facilitate its land-
ects. Expectations for the country to emerge as locked neighbors exports.
one of the top coal and LNG exporters in the The Maputo Stock Exchange opened in 1999,
world are encouraging a sustained influx of and since 2011 legislation requiring the coun-
FDI. Major discoveries in Pande, Buzi, and Te- trys megaprojects to be listed by between
mane have brought proven gas reserves to a to- 5-20% at a minimum, the bourse and financial
tal of 100 tcf. Palma, in the north of the country, services are expected to play an increasingly
has been designated as the preferred location important role in the economy over the coming
for the City of Gas, comprising a major LNG years. This is particularly the case with SMEs,
plant and auxiliary industries and facilities. The which are still largely unlisted, despite contrib-
development is anticipated to transform the uting substantially, at approximately 70%, to
region. GDP. Another sector with ample potential for
In 2Q2015, the National Petroleum Institutes growth is tourism. Making a 4.4% contribution
(INP) fifth oil and gas licensing round will take to GDP in 2014, it is expected to expand by over
place, attracting companies interested in the 6% annually over the coming decade, as the
offshore blocks at Rovuma, Zambezi, and An- Ministry of Tourism more clearly defines its
goche. The first LNG exports are expected with- strategy for sectoral development, and a viable
in five years. The government is dedicated to plan for differentiating the industry from those
avoiding the negative effects of such rapid and of neighboring countries with superior infra-
all-encompassing development, promulgating structure is outlined.
a decree law to define the legal requirements of While future economic growth in Mozam-
companies investing in the sector. State coffers bique for now depends on the effective ex-
have received around $1 billion over the past ploitation of its natural resources, government
year from taxes on gas deals alone. Discover- strategy will determine the extent to which
ies of coal deposits of around 23 billion tons this wealth is utilized in a sustainable way and
in Tete province are also encouraging, making used to improve quality of life for Mozambi-
Vale, the Brazilian mining giant, and numerous cans at large. While disasters such as flooding,
other companies get involved in operations in most recently in early 2015, and drought pose
the region. The mines are being developed in an unremitting risk to economic development,
tandem with an improvement of the transpor- particularly in the agricultural sector, prior ad-
tation infrastructure between the province and ministrations have managed to persevere. If
Beira port, to facilitate exports in future years. President Nyusi can recreate this success, Mo-
A major coal power station is also being con- zambique may make its fortune in 2015.

unconquerable SOUL
In spite of a demoralizing domestic conflict following decolonization,
Mozambique remains unbowed, with strong democratic institutions
and a dynamic civil society.


1962 1974 1975 1976 1976

FRELIMO founded, End of right-wing Independence RENAMO is founded Rhodesia attacks
and begins armed Estado Novo regime in won, and the in response to Mozambican territory
struggle against Portugal emboldens exodus of many FRELIMOs shift into in response to
colonial rule two independence white Portuguese the orbit of the USSR, Zimbabwe African
years later movements in Mozambicans and is supported by National Liberation
colonies precipitates economic Rhodesia Army (ZANLA)
collapse activities

1977 1980 1984 1986 1986

Civil war erupts, Support for RENAMO The Nkomati Accord Samora Machel, Joaquim Chissano
pitting the two is carried on by South ends Mozambican leader of the country takes over control of
opposing factions Africa following the support for the since independence, FRELIMO and the
against each other breakdown of the African National dies in a plane crash presidency, and three
and subjecting the Rhodesian state Congress (ANC) and flying back from years later renounces
population to violence South African backing Zambia its Marxist-Leninist
and displacement of RENAMO doctrine

1990 1992 1994 1995 2000

A new, more The Rome General Mozambiques first Mozambique joins Despite economic
inclusive constitution Peace Accords democratic elections neighboring countries development and
is promulgated are held, involving take place, with in the Commonwealth moves to liberalize
following the President Joaquim FRELIMO winning of Nations, despite the market,
commencement of Chissano and with a large majority having never been Mozambique is held
negotiations RENAMO leader subject to British rule back by devastating
Afonso Dhlakama floods

2002 2004 2009 2014 2015

Drought further Chissano resigns Guebuza reelected to Elections take place, President Felipe
hinders the growth of from government second five-year term with FRELIMO once Nyusi is sworn in to
the economy in election, and again receiving the power, becoming the
is succeeded by public mandate fourth Mozambican
FRELIMO politician president in the
Armando Guebuza democratic era


President Filipe Nyusi

The government and
the Assembly of the Republic


Presidential Representative STRUCTURE
Democratic Republic 10 Provinces


7.4% 605 USD 4.2%


24.692 million 51/49 8.3%

New Metical 31.20 MZN

Sources: IMF, World Bank, and Oanda


16 18 24
HE Filipe Nyusi, President of Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Mark Lundell, Country
Mozambique, on the bright Japan, on the importance of the Director of the World Bank for
prospects ahead for the country. growing partnership between the Mozambique, on hitting targets
two countries. and turning crops into industry.


Mozambiques democratic institutions proved robust again in

2014, with the dominant FRELIMO party comfortably preserving
its electoral mandate.


n October 2014, into civil conflict began in
millions of Mozam- 1977, as differences among
bicans exercised politicians in the newly inde-
their right to vote pendent state reached unten-
in national elections. Citizens able levels. In 1975, Portugal
demonstrated their support of entered a new era with the fall
the FRELIMO party and its de- of Antnio de Oliveira Salazar
cades of rule by voting for the and Marcelo Caetanos Estado
partys candidate Filipe Nyu- Novo regime, and withdrew
si. His predecessor, Armando from its colonial wars in Africa.
Guebuza, was restricted from The Mozambique Liberation
running for a third term, in Front (Frente de Libertao
accordance with the constitu- de MoambiqueFRELIMO)
tion. The countrys new leader emerged as the principal pow-
has promised reform of the ag- er in the nation, and instituted
ricultural sector and continued widespread agricultural collec-
efforts to lift the population out tivization in rural areas, alien-
of poverty, and is set to uphold ating some farmers and laying
the social-democratic policies the foundations for increasing
and preserve the identity of dissent among the populace.
a party that has existed since The regimes of neighboring
the foundation of the state. In Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and
spite of a violent campaign of South Africa poured money
hostilities perpetrated by the into fomenting open rebellion,
opposition in 2013, the demo- resulting in the formation of
cratic process was vindicated the opposing Mozambican
by these elections, with Afon- National Resistance (Resistn-
so Dhlakamas rival RENAMO cia Nacional Moambicana
party winning a sizeable mi- RENAMO) group. An increas-
nority of votes following an ingly authoritarian response
August 2014 truce. by the FRELIMO government,
Modern Mozambican pol- Independent since 1975, at the time the only legal par-
itics are shaped by the coun- ty in the state, exacerbated
trys extended civil war, which the country experienced sustained tensions, and the country be-
ended in 1992. The descent periods of instability until the 1990s. came locked into a dynamic

Peace was achieved of internal conflict and international intrigue AND INTO THE LIGHT
at the Rome General for a further 16 years. Peace was achieved at the The solid foundations of Mozambiques de-
Peace Accords, which Rome General Peace Accords, which resulted in mocracy have withstood the animosity leftover
part from the countrys moves toward economic from the civil war. Despite low turnouts at the
resulted in part from liberalization and the decline of South Africas 2004 and 2009 elections, of approximately 34%
the countrys moves apartheid regime. Nevertheless, the aftermath of and 44% respectively, the two major parties
toward economic the war continues to affect elections and influ- have continued to engage in the electoral pro-
liberalization and ence public life. cess. Aside from Afonso Dhlakamas RENAMO,
the decline of South the Democratic Movement of Mozambique
Africas apartheid OUT OF THE DARKNESS (MDM), led by Daviz Simango, stands as the
Since the promulgation of its 1990 constitution, only other significant political party. FRELI-
regime. Mozambique has impressed international ob- MO won the majority of seats with 144 out of
servers as a multi-party presidential represen- the total of 250, followed by RENAMO with 89,
tative democratic republic. The 1994 election while the MDM acquired 17. Through the two-
brought Joaquim Chissano, already president round system, Filipe Nyusi was elected as the
since the celebrated Samora Machel died in new president of the country. However, as with
1986, to power officially in the nations first dem- previous elections, veteran RENAMO leader
ocratic government. A 129-seat FRELIMO ma- Dhlakama declared the groups dissatisfaction
jority controlled the Assembly of the Republic, with the process, citing the number of irregu-
which comprises 250 seats. The lions share of larities as unacceptable and ultimately boycot-
the remaining seats was held by RENAMO, with ting the swearing in ceremony of January 2015.
a much smaller number won by the Democratic However, the opposition had already expressed
Union. This era was defined by the governments similar misgivings about previous general elec-
concerted efforts to have the countrys debt for- tions, and their statements remain uncorrob-
given, and by a comprehensive liberalization orated by international observers, including
program, both developments helping to lay the the European Union and the Southern African
groundwork for the improved international rep- Development Community (SADC), that have
utation that Mozambique enjoys today. generally labeled elections as representative
Members of the unicameral Assembly of the and fair.
Republic (Assemblia da Repblica de Moam-
bique), based in Maputo, are elected to five-year AT ELECTION TIME
terms by means of proportional representation. The Commonwealth is another organization
The legislature is also formed by the executive that has lauded the democratic process in Mo-
branch of the government, led by the president, zambique. As the bodys only member that was
who serves as head of state, government, and not a former British colony, the country joined
commander of the armed forces. In addition, due to the strong economic bonds its shares
the president selects the prime minister and with its neighbors, all of which were already
the Council of Ministers. The country is divided members. The organization praised the relative-
into 10 internal provinces including Maputo, the ly calm and peaceful nature of the proceedings
largest being Cabo Delgado and the most pop- and respect for the rights of voters and political
ulous, Nampula, and these are each subdivided parties. Now entering its 20th year as part of the
into 52 districts and 894 postos. group, Mozambique retains its membership of
other organizations also, allowing it broad scope
RIGHTS ENSHRINED for diplomatic dealings. It is part of the African,
Chissanos leadership of the country ended after Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, the Af-
his second term in 2004, when Armando Gue- rican Union, the Non-Aligned Movement, the
buza was elected to the presidency. His rule, UN, and the World Trade Organization, among
renewed in 2009, was effective in further raising others. Mozambique maintains strong relations
the status of the country at an international level. with China, Russia, and the US, as well as with
During this time, significant foreign investment Scandinavian nations such as Denmark and
was drawn to Mozambique as a result of rigor- Finland, which has offered support for the na-
ous efforts to reduce corruption and enhance tion since its independence in 1975. Naturally,
the business environment. These initiatives diplomatic engagement with Portugal remains
coincided with a broader improvement of ac- significant.
countability and transparency in politics and With the election of President Nyusi, Mozam-
for the population at large, enshrined in a new bique is moving into a new era. With a new term
constitution promulgated at the start of 2005. and a new leader, the country is in a position to
This revised document mandated the creation continue building its democratic structures and
of a Council of State, consisting of the prime further develop processes for ensuring transpar-
minister and representatives of opposing views ency and accountability in both politics and civil
and social groups, which would serve as an ad- society. Any attempts by the new administration
visory body to the presidency. A Constitutional to continue improving relations between the
Council was also formed to safeguard the para- major political rivals in the country will be in line
mount importance of the constitution, while an with the post-civil war policy of successive FRE-
ombudsmans office was established to protect LIMO governments, a policy that has evidently
the rights of citizens. been a success.

The swearing-in
ceremony of
President Filipe
Jacinto Nyusi was
held at the Praa
da Independncia
The new leader of Mozambique
is congratulated by South African
in Maputo in
President Jacob Zuma
January 2015,
following a clear
win in the October
2014 Presidential

Former President Armando

Guebuza poses for a picture with
his successor


What were your priorities when nominating the activities are conducted in a responsible and
new government? transparent manner, contributing to the expan-
I have established a government that will meet sion, transformation, and modernization of the
the requirements of the country in a hands-on Mozambican economy.
and pragmatic manner. It is a government with
a structure that is as lean as possible, and one What strategies are you employing to ensure that
which focuses on solving the concrete prob- international investment in the mineral and oil and
lems faced by our people. It is a cost effective gas industries offers the maximum benefits possi-
government oriented toward the reduction of ble to Mozambicans?
unnecessary expenditure, and our public ser- I shall strive to guarantee that Mozambicans are
TBY talks to His vice and justice officials will be selected on the indeed the owners of these resources. We will
Excellency Filipe basis of merit and professionalism. I have said do this by ensuring the increasing integration of
this many times, but I repeat here that my com- local content and effective participation of Mo-
Jacinto Nyusi, mitment is to serving the Mozambican people, zambicans in investment projects, particularly
President of and respecting and upholding the constitution in the exploitation of natural resources. My gov-
the Republic of and existing laws of Mozambique. We have ernment is acting as a strategic partner in build-
Mozambique, demanded more efficiency and better quality ing a broad-based and robust Mozambican en-
from public institutions, and we want public terpreneurial community. I want our state, and
on building a officials to abide by the principles of impartiali- Mozambicans at large, to be the true owners of
government, the ty, legality, and transparency in order to deliver wealth and potential of our motherland.
recent historic gas better services to our citizens. The measure of
discoveries, and our success in doing this is the satisfaction and Agriculture employs a major share of the Mo-
welfare of the people. We are encouraging lead- zambican population. How will your government
supporting the ers who listen to other people even if they hold support this sector to create a more efficient and
traditional sectors of opposing views. productive industry?
the economy. My Government is guided by the values of We are fostering enhanced public and private
humanity, humility, honesty, integrity, trans- investment in agriculture, fisheries, and live-
parency, and tolerance. We shall, without fear stock. Particular attention is paid to family
or favor, take action against acts of misconduct, smallholders who sustain the majority of the
corruption, favoritism, nepotism, and patron- Mozambican population. We wilI pursue in-
age committed by leaders, public servants, and centive policies for small farmers to enable
officials at all echelons. We will not accept the them to increase agricultural production and
breach of the social contract that has been as- productivity, and to bring them into the main-
sumed with our people. No one is above the stream market. We are focusing on the indus-
law, and all are equal before it. These are the trialization of our agricultural sector, and the
basic principles on which we will commit our- results achieved so far are quite encouraging,
selves so that citizens always respect and trust with remarkable examples in crops such as cot-
the State. ton, sugar cane, cashew nut, tobacco, and soy
beans. Mozambique possesses all necessary
How would you describe the importance of natural conditions for becoming an agricultural pow-
gas dicoveries for the future development of Mo- erhouse in the region, and all that is needed to
zambique? develop a vibrant textile, food, and beverage
Mozambique is a country endowed with ample industry. We are intensifying production and
natural resources, namely arable land, forests, access to food by citizens in order to ensure
and mineral and marine resources. The recent nutritional security. Decent food should not be
discovery of significant reserves of coal, nat- the privilege of a few. It is a basic human right
ural gas, and heavy mineral sands places Mo- that should benefit all Mozambicans. Exam-
zambique on the international stage and has ples of our activities in this area can be seen in
made it an obvious destination for investment. our successful bolstering of the maize, cassava,
In my tenure I want to ensure that exploration, beans, sweet potato, and peanut crops, and we
production, distribution, and industrialization will ensure surplus in rice, vegetables, Irish po-

tatoes, poultry, and red meats. We will have to base so we can invest further in the improve-
utilize our existing human resources, including ment of the quality of education. Since edu-
the graduates coming from our universities, cation is crucial for the development of every
with a view to promoting nutritional education nation, we will spare no effort in the training of
throughout the nations communities. We can- Mozambicans to take up the challenges of na-
not allow chronic malnutrition to prevail along- tional development. No matter how well-inten-
side food abundance as is the case in some re- tioned our international cooperating partners
gions of our country. may be, Mozambicans are the ones that will
have to develop the country. For this reason
What are your strategies to incentivize job creation there is no doubt about the importance of in-
and entrepreneurship in the country? vesting in education, science, technology, and
We are building a country that focuses on the innovation. We will continue expanding the
training and development of human capital, school network to reduce the distance from
the principle national asset. We shall promote home to school, and will make sure that our
new job creation for those of higher level, in- schools are properly equipped with furniture,
termediate, and basic level qualifications. With libraries, and laboratories. We will also improve
the advent of the exploitation of natural re- working facilities and living standards for teach-
sources, new activities and demands have aris- ers. For this new job creation to be sustainable,
en, and we have been following these closely to my government envisages the strengthening of
respond to the new requirements of the econ- technical and vocational training institutions in
omy and society. However, we will remain fo- its Five Year Programme (2015-2019) and An-
cused on traditional sectors such as agriculture, nual Plan for 2015, and is also establishing pub-
fisheries, agri-business, transport, tourism, and lic private partnerships for the promotion of
services, as these have greater potential for the professional internships and creating links be-
generation of employment. Together with my tween major projects and SMEs. Mozambique
government we will work with determination to still faces challenges in fighting diseases such
improve the living standards of the Mozambi- as malaria, HIV, and AIDS, and other ailments
can people, by increasing jobs, productivity and that are major causes of mortality, particularly
competitiveness, and by creating wealth, in or- infant-maternal mortality. We are proceeding
der to achieve inclusive development. For these with the construction of more health facilities
objectives to materialize it is critical that we all that are equipped with adequate technical di-
commit ourselves to consolidating the rule of agnosis and treatment resources. We are also
law, good governance practices, and decentral- investing in the training of medical personnel
ization. We want Mozambique to remain a ref- and other competent and motivated health
erence for the rest of the world in boasting high practitioners to provide care to our people with
growth rates that are beneficial and positive in humanity. We have mainly focused our atten-
the long term. This growth needs to be main- tion on preventive and health awareness mea-
tained and valued. We are aware that the wel- sures so that the communities adopt the prac-
fare of ordinary citizens cannot only be gauged tices and procedures recommended by health
by macro-economic indicators. For this reason, institutions.
despite the results achieved so far, a number
of segments of our people in rural, peri-urban, What legacy would you like to leave in Mozam-
and urban areas are still living in poverty. bique?
This issue is a priority which we need to I was greatly honored and humbled to assume
address, and we believe that the economic office as the fourth President of the Republic HE Filipe Jacinto Nyusi was
growth we are pursuing should have a direct of Mozambique. I will devote all my energy to born on February 9th, 1959,
impact on the improvement of the living stan- defending, promoting, and consolidating the in the District of Mueda,
dards of the people by contributing to the re- national unity, human rights, democracy, and Cabo Delgado Province. He
duction of social inequalities and the genera- welfare of the Mozambican people. I want to is the fourth President of
tion of new jobs. leave a better country, with healthier, better Mozambique, and has been
educated, and better-fed citizens, as well as in office since January 2015.
Health and education are key to maintaining strong improved domestic and external connections Prior to this, from 2008-14,
economic growth throughout the years. What will and more entrepreneurs. I am confident that he served as Minister of
be your governments contributions to this field? together we will create a brighter future for our
We are continuing to build the states financial children and grandchildren.


a resourceful
Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, on the
importance of the growing partnership between
the two countries, especially for energy,
construction, and FDI.

Mozambique is a country brimming with dy- First of all, Japan will contribute to human
namism that is now working to transform it- resources development. In order for the peo-
self to rest at the very heart of Japans business ple of Mozambique to develop resources,
with Africa. Mozambique is home to one of the foster industries utilizing those resources,
largest natural gas fields in the world and one and take environmental countermeasures
of the largest coking coal fields in Africa. I am through their own efforts, Japan will support
firmly convinced that cooperation between human resources development by assist-
Mozambique, blessed with an abundance of ing over 300 people over the next five years,
resources, and Japan, with its highly advanced through the African Business Education Ini-
technological capabilities, will without any tiative for Youth (the ABE Initiative) an-
doubt result in greater wealth for both nations. nounced at the International Conference on
Bountiful resources and the wealth to be African Development (TICAD V) and the
acquired through their use are Mozambiques Development Initiative Based on Natural
very own treasure. The benefits must be shared Gas and Coal.
by the Mozambican people and mobilized It is also important that the development
to engender sustained growth and improve- of resources does not give rise to economic BIO
ments in the daily lives of the people. Japans disparities among local areas, or environmen-
public and the private sectors can be of assis- tal issues. Japan will provide comprehensive
tance in bringing this about. A good example assistance of approximately 70 billion Jap- Abe was elected Prime
of this is Mozal aluminum smelter, which anese yen ($585 million) over the next five Minister of Japan in 2012,
through the participation of the Mitsubishi years, with a view to advancing development marking his second tenure
since the 2005 election.
Corporation has now become the largest in- centered on the Nacala Corridor region. We
Upon graduation from the
dustry in the country. With technical transfers will strengthen our support for infrastructure
Department of Political
to the smelter site, Mozal has generated direct development, including among other areas
Science at the Seikei
employment for more than 1,000 people and roads, ports, and electricity, as well as for edu- University Faculty of Law,
indirect employment, including in peripheral cation, health, and related areas from the per- he initially worked at Kobe
industries, for more than 10,000, and returns spective of human security. Steel, Ltd., although his
profits to the community through social activ- If we combine Mozambiques efforts, in- distinguished political
ities in the local area. This is what occurs when cluding further improvements to the invest- career began in 1982
Japanese corporations invest. ment environment, with the support of Ja- with his appointment as
Mozambique is able to secure technologies pans public and private sectors, we will be Executive Assistant to the
through commercial relations with Japanese certain to build a relationship as partners that Minister for Foreign Affairs.
corporations. It promotes the development of contribute to growth in both countries. Other senior positions held
industries through its own efforts, and a large At TICAD V, I made an appeal to the Japanese have included Director of
number of Mozambicans enjoy the benefits people, saying, Now is the time to invest in Afri- the Social Affairs Division,
of growth. It is for these reasons that the gov- ca. The Japanese economy is now experiencing President of the Liberal
ernment of Japan makes use of ODA and other a strong revival. I would like to say to the people Democratic Party (LDP), and
Chief Cabinet Secretary.
types of public finance and makes contribu- of Mozambique and of Africa, Now is the time
tions in cooperation with private companies. to choose Japan as a business partner.


Rich oil discoveries in the Rovuma Basin have primed Mozambiques
growing economy, leaving the nation as a potential suitor for the many
Asian countries that are increasingly demanding LNG.

AN ESTIMATED 170-200 trillion cubic feet Benefits for the Asian investor include the
of natural gas has been discovered in Mozam- shorter shipping distance from Mozambique
bique, which will fuel national exports of 20 when compared to the Arab peninsula. The
million tons a year. The resources, discovered new resources will give China and India access
by Anadarko in 2010, could make Mozambique to cheaper oil, which will help China in partic-
the third largest exporter of LNG in the world. ular diversify away from the inflated Australian
These are expected to spur the economy on: market.
GDP has just grown at 7.5% YoY, with an aver- Mozambiques two-way trading with China
age 8% increase forecast by the World Bank for stands at $3.62 billion, with $1.96 billion being
between 2015 and 2017. Chinese exports. Trade with India is predicted
Asian nations are the worlds largest import- to reach as much as $3 billion by 2016, and In-
ers of LNG with Japan, South Korea and China dia is already providing $640 million of credit
having the first, second and third largest in- for projects, training, and scholarships.
takes, respectively. Together with India they ac- However, investment is not without risk; in
count for over 125 million tons of LNG imports October 2013 there was low-level insurgency
per annum. from the opposition, although a peace deal was
After gaining independence from Portugal in ultimately signed in September 2014 whereup-
1975, the country survived a 15-year civil war, on RENAMO agreed to desist from boycotting
and since 1992 the FRELIMO Party has guided parliament. In 2014 Rio Tinto sold its Benga
the countrys economic recovery. mine assets for $50 million, bought for $3.76
Although Standard & Poors credit rating was billion three years earlier, citing the logistical
a modest B, the IMF noted that the Bank of challenges of transporting coal from Tete to the
Mozambiques careful management of liquidity coastline around 600km away.
helped to achieve a low inflation print of 4.2% Rail upgrades to both the Beira and Nacala
at the end of 2014, and with temporary inter- ports, due to be complete in 2015, will stream-
vention from the central bank the New Metical line business and give importers access to the
remained stable following an influx of foreign coal in Tete and the metals in Chibuto.
investment. The economy was bolstered by in- Significant investments from other coun-
terest rates dropping to an all-time low of 7.5% tries in Mozambique include $436 million in
at the beginning of 2015, and they are predicted infrastructure by Vietnamese backed Vittel, the
to fall even further to 6.5% by the end of the year. company that set up the countrys first mobile
Japan has strived for non-nuclear sources of telecoms network, a sign that the oil wealth is
energy since the Fukushima disaster, lasting spurring a burgeoning consumer economy.
over 12 months without any nuclear energy Economic policy from the socialist-led gov-
between 2013-14; the latest figures show that ernment, who have held power since the 1994
Japan imports 56.6 million tons of LNG per an- democratic elections, is focused on inclusive
num. Japan has a direct objective of investing growth and encouraging foreign investment
in Africa, with $32bn of aid already pledged to under license.
African nations over the next five years to sup- The currently underdeveloped infrastructure
port growth that will develop future investment means there is considerable opportunity for
opportunities. continued investment. The timing of Mozam-
Spending $2.39bn in October of 2013 alone, biques extraction program is crucial as it looks
South Korea is the worlds second largest buyer set to hit maximum capacity by 2020 to meet
of LNG, importing 36.77 million metric tons in the rising forecast demand of the Asian nations.
2012. Already in 2013 tax receipts from Rovuma were
China has the fastest growing import require- $400 million, or 2.1% GDP.
ments, taking 18 million tons of LNG in 2013,
which is expected to rise to 61 million tons in
2020, according to Reuters.
India imported 15.17 million tons of LNG
in 2012, which is expected to rise to 50 million
tons by 2020, although it has plans for 83 mil-
lion tons of LNG capacity by that date. LNG


FERTILE gateway for trading companies

to penetrate major land-locked
markets in the region such as

Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Besides telecommunications,
agriculture, and education,
which economic sectors hold
TBY talks to HE Pham Binh Minh, Deputy the greatest potential for com-
Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs mercial relations between Mo-
zambique and Vietnam?
of Vietnam on the broad strategic cooperation
In addition to telecommu-
enjoyed by the two countries, and the scope for nications, healthcare, agri-
further investment. culture, and education, both
countries have huge poten-
tial, and we need to increase
How would you describe the In the years to come, the two In 2014, Mozambique and cooperation in trade, invest-
evolution of economic ties be- countries will continue to im- Vietnam renewed the Protocol ment, sea shipping, construc-
tween Vietnam and Mozam- plement the Cooperation of on education. What are its key tion, science, and technology.
bique? Research and Development of points? These are the areas on which
On 26 May 2015, Vietnam and Food and Foodstuff Crops in Education is a traditional area ministries and agencies from
Mozambique celebrate the Mozambique project signed of cooperation between Viet- both sides agreed for the co-
40th anniversary of diplomat- in 2013 and aimed at improv- nam and Mozambique. From operation roadmap at the 3rd
ic relations. We will also share ing capacity in R&D regarding 1980 to 1990, together with Meeting of the Inter-govern-
the joy of commemorating the food and crops, developing medical and agricultural ex- mental Committee in Hanoi
40th anniversary of Mozam- production models for sus- perts, Vietnam sent hundreds last June. Besides bilateral
biques Independence and 40 tainable and high-productivi- of educational professionals to trade, both countries should
years of Vietnams national ty rice and crops in some areas Mozambique, and they were strive to become a gateway for
reunification. Looking back of Mozambique, and training well received. After many years the other to access and pene-
at our journey over the past human resources. living and working in Mozam- trate different markets in the
40 years, we have witnessed bique, many today consider it South African Development
rapid developments in our bi- In the field of telecommunica- to be their second home. Be- Community (SADC) and ASE-
lateral relations in almost all tions, Movitel is a successful sides, the two sides have paid AN. Our bilateral relations are
areas, from trade, investment, Vietnamese joint venture in due attention to tertiary edu- built on solidarity and mutual
and agriculture to culture, ed- Mozambique. What is the signif- cation. During the visit to Viet- support. I am convinced that
ucation, science, and technol- icance of this investment for the nam by the Minister of Educa- the friendship and multifacet-
ogy. The two countries have socioeconomic development of tion of Mozambique Augusto ed cooperation between Viet-
established a sustainable co- Mozambique? Jone Lus, the two countries nam and Mozambique will
operation framework through This joint venture between Vi- signed a new Protocol on co- continue to blossom, bringing
the signing and implementa- ettel and the SPI Mozambique operation in education (June more tangible benefits to and
tion of various agreements. is a bright light in bilateral 2014). Accordingly, since 2014, meeting the expectations of
investment relations. With Vietnam and Mozambique the two peoples.
In its cooperation with Mozam- 4 million subscribers, Movi- have increased scholarships
bique, agriculture plays a signif- tel, the second largest mo- for students of both countries.
icant role. What programs will bile network in Mozambique
you be supporting in this sector? has already covered 85% of How would you describe the BIO
Agricultural cooperation proj- the population, making sig- business climate in Mozam-
ects at a governmental level, nificant contributions to the bique for Vietnamese investors?
Pham Binh Minh was
between provinces and fol- development of IT infrastruc- Over the past 10 years, Mo-
appointed Deputy Prime
lowing the 2+1 model, have ture. It has narrowed the gap zambique has been successful
Minister and Minister of
brought about tangible ben- between rural and urban in reforming its economy. As Foreign Affairs at the 6th
efits and transformed lives areas and promoted the so- a result, it has become one of session of the 13th National
in many Mozambican rural cioeconomic development of the fastest growing economies Assembly in November
areas. In agriculture, Vietnam Mozambique. By upholding in Africa. Ongoing govern- 2013. Among the numerous
is keen to cooperate and share a development philosophy ment commitments such as positions held over the
experience with Mozambique of associating business with improving the legal framework course of his prestigious
in the latters Food Securi- social responsibility, Movitel for investment and taxes and ministerial and diplomatic
ty Strategy. In recent years, has made active contributions applying information technol- career he has held the office
Vietnam has sent hundreds of to Mozambiques education ogies in customs and adminis- of Minister and Deputy Chief
agricultural experts to many by providing free internet for trative procedures have turned of Mission at the Embassy
Mozambican provinces. We 2,500 schools. Movitel is also Mozambique into an attrac- of Vietnam in the US. He
have also hosted Mozambican involved in e-government tive destination for foreign in- has a Masters degree in
agricultural experts, techni- projects to enhance citizen vestors, including those from International Law and
cians, and students in Viet- access to public administra- Vietnam. Meanwhile, Mozam-
nam for visits or study tours. tive services. biques seaport system is a


high HOPES
TBY talks to Tagir Carimo, Mayor of the City
of Pemba, on the Cabo Delgado LNG project,
twinning with Sines, and the potential for
hydroelectric energy.

Pemba will play a strategic role What is your strategy for attract- IN NUMBERS
in the development of the LNG ing such investors to Pemba?
project in Cabo Delgado. How We are finishing our develop- Pemba
will the city change to support ment plan and are trying to
this industry? promote the city, while also
Pemba is developing faster helping investors to acquire
than ever, so we need to im- land. We are working to pro-

prove our infrastructure in vide better incentives because
order to address the result- investors must be given solid
ing pressures. Investment in reasons for investing in an
Pemba is needed for roads, area, and we are looking into million USD being
hospitals, and other infra- reducing taxes, among other invested in the port
structure. We are finishing strategies.
our development plan for
Pemba, and are excited about Last year Pemba was twinned ects do not negatively impact
the changes that will occur with the Portuguese city of the environment?
over the coming decade. We Sines. What can the two cities We are acutely aware of the
know that the oil and gas learn from each other? challenges presented by such
industry will bring about Sines was originally a small vil- rapid growth. Tourism is a key
some unexpected challenges, lage, but expanded rapidly as a part of Pembas development,
which is why we are trying to result of the oil boom. Pemba which is why there are local
be as prepared as possible. will be the same, as while it re- and regional regulations to
Around $200 million is being mains small, we can see how it avoid environmental damage.
invested in the port, and we will grow in the future. We can We are encouraging investors
are still in discussions about learn many things from Sines to build eco-friendly projects
the new airport. to avoid making mistakes that and to minimize adverse effects
they may have been made in on the natural environment.
What will be the impact of the the past, and we are fostering
Port of Pemba once finished close dialogue between the What are some of the larger
for the city and the country at two municipalities. projects you will undertake in
large? Pemba over the next five years?
Ports represent a good op- Besides the oil and gas indus- We want to provide transport
portunity for us, and for all try, what would you say are the infrastructure such as roads,
BIO investors, supporting smaller sectors set to grow the most but also to increase the level
industries, and helping to de- in Pemba over the coming de- of water and electricity supply.
Tagir Carimo studied Civil velop the construction indus- cade? There will be considerable de-
Engineering at Maputo try too. With all of the indirect The tourism sector is an area velopment of these utilities in
Industrial Institute Eduardo effects the construction of to watch. I also believe that a the near future. In addition,
Mondlane and Tourism the port will have, I believe network of SMEs from differ- we are planning to construct a
Management at Catholic the project will transform the ent sectors will be created to new dam. We are finishing the
University of Mozambique. city and the region. We have support the larger firms, and initial design drafts, and hope
He became Mayor of Pemba been working to attract more foresee much growth in in- to have these complete by July.
in 2011. Previously he had investors to build hotels and dustry in the region. The dam is to be constructed
worked as public servant for supermarkets, and we have a on the Megaruma and Lrio
the Ministry of Public Works South African group that will With tourism representing an rivers, and will supply both
in Pemba. start to build a huge mall here important part of the economy, water and hydroelectric power
in April. how will you ensure that proj- to the area.


Image: F Mira

The location of IN 1904, the Niassa Company established a
entire project will consist of four phases, which
will sum a total of $1 billion, and it will con-
struct 5km of quay. There are also future plans
of building more infrastructure as a shipyard,
used to repair the vessels, and an LNG termi-
Pemba, next to small port on the astonishingly beautiful coast nal. The next three phases will start depending
of Cabo Delgado, taking advantage of the op- on the necessities of the operators. The project
Rovuma Basin and portunity of what is one of the largest natural has been sub-leased by ENHILS, a partnership
in relative proximity harbors in the world. As Pemba steadily grew between the National Hydrocarbon Company
to the expanding around its port, it became a top tourist destina- of Mozambique and Orlean Invest, the leading
Asian market, will tion, thanks to its glorious beaches, coral reefs logistics partner for the oil and gas industry in
and proximity to the Quirimbas National Park, Nigeria, Mozambique, and Angola.
play a key role in one of the most prominent natural attractions The construction has been conceded to Por-
the development of in southern Africa. Today, more than 100 years tos de Cabo Delgado, a company set up by the
Mozambiques future after its creation, Pemba is transforming itself Government of Mozambique, through ENH
into one of the most important hubs on the Af- and Mozambique Ports and Railways (CFM).
ventures. rican coast, and the first port to be built in Mo- PCD will give support to the onshore and off-
zambique that is entirely dedicated to interna- shore logistic needs of the gas and oil industry
tional oil and gas trading. in the area.
Mozambiques recent natural gas discover- The initial phase of the project is expected
ies by Anadarko and ENI in the Rovuma Basin to create a large amount of direct jobs. As the
area have completely changed the perspectives Mayor of Pemba, Tagir Carimo, explained in an
of Mozambiques economy. The reserves are interview with TBY, the new infrastructure will
believed to be above 190 trillion cubic feet. It expand the development of the region by cre-
now aspires to be the worlds third largest LNG ating small industry and helping the housing
exporter, according to Anadarko Petroleums industry. The city government has worked to
studies. The Texas-based giant calculates that attract more investors to the city, such as hotels
there are enough resources to support the de- and supermarkets. The South African group At-
velopment of 50 MMTPA in future years, which terbury started to build a huge mall in April. It is
would represent approximately the 20% of the actively working in the infrastructure develop-
current global demand. ment of the region, such as roads and hospitals,
The government is facing this opportunity by and is also planning to build a new airport that
constructing the Pemba Port Logistical Base. will help to enhance the communications. They
The mission of this enormous project is to offer also intend to increase the level of water and hy-
logistic and integrated port services to the com- droelectric supply by building a new dam across
panies operating in Rovuma Basin, Anadarko the Megaruma and Lurio rivers.
and ENI, and its suppliers. The government has acknowledged the great
The first phase of the base, which is to be opportunity they are facing and are keeping up
completed by the second half of 2016 will cost with the many challenges that this opportunity
around $200 million and it will build 300 meters will create. There is no doubt that the develop-
of quay, capable of receiving ships with a maxi- ment of the port will transform Pemba into one
mum draught of 12 meters, and it will have a va- of the core hubs, not only in northern Mozam-
riety of other facilities on a 36-hectare plot. The bique, but in all of sub-Saharan Africa.


As Christine Lagarde pointed is important, but public-pri-

out at the Africa Rising confer-
ence in Maputo in 2014, Mozam-
International vate partnerships are also
based on complex contracts
biques growth needs to become Monetary Fund and can become a source of
more sustainable and inclusive. fiscal risk. Mozambique will
What are the IMFs recommen-
(IMF) have to increase its capacity
dations for achieving this? Megaprojects to deal with PPPs, including
Mozambique has been record- by hiring a new group of qual-
ing impressive growth, reach-
have contributed ified experts in this area and
ing an average of 7.5% to 8% 50% to exports more frequent use of interna-
over the past 20 years. While tional consultants.
this is impressive, to achieve Average
structural transformation, the economic growth What is your ten-year outlook
country will need to sustain for Mozambique?
these levels over a period of of between 7.5% Mozambique is one of the

50 years, as two decades is not and 8% for the few countries in Africa that is
sufficient to achieve solid de- booming. It has tremendous
velopment. Growth will also past 20 years potential thanks to its geo-
have to be more inclusive. First graphic position, resources,

advice of all, eighty percent of jobs in

Mozambique are generated in
the agricultural sector. Hence,
it is difficult to foster inclusive will be inflation, the exchange
and a history of prudent mac-
roeconomic policy manage-
ment over the past decade.
There are also some consid-
TBY talks to growth without improvements rate will appreciate, and those erable challenges. For exam-
Alex Segura- in that sectors productivity. resources will generate unin- ple, up to 43% of the coun-
Secondly, despite the fact that tended negative consequenc- trys population suffers from
Ubiergo, Resident Mozambique has done much es. The second issue is that the chronic malnutrition, and
Representative of to improve the domestic busi- country needs to be careful infrastructure gaps are enor-
the International ness environment, there is still to strengthen the institutions mous, and so it needs to step
excessive red tape to contend that will provide and prepare up efforts to deal with some of
Monetary Fund (IMF),
with, and it remains costly to investment projects. Projects these weaknesses. A focus on
on sustainable growth, set up a business. Efforts to financed with resource reve- growth, financial inclusion,
avoiding the Dutch improve the business environ- nues should help transform infrastructure investment, ef-
disease, and public- ment must include better en- wealth on the ground into oth- fective natural resource man-
forceability of contracts, and er assets such as infrastructure agement, and social develop-
private partnerships. more simplified and transpar- or human capital. The other ment can make a difference.
ent administrative systems. critical idea is to introduce While it is not easy to find
Another pillar of inclusive de- a fiscal rule to help smooth practical ideas to overcome
velopment is financial inclu- out volatility. This means that these challenges, I remain op-
sion. The fact is that 75% of the the country could establish a timistic that Mozambique can
population still lacks access to sovereign wealth fund or sov- succeed.
any form of credit. It is difficult ereign development fund, in
for citizens and entrepreneurs which to save a percentage of
to implement their ideas if revenues to stabilize the bud- BIO
they lack access to financing. get in the event of a major drop
Finally, as there will always be in oil or gas prices in the future,
citizens who are unemployed, as we are observing now. Alex Segura-Ubiergo was
or else underprivileged or born in Barcelona, Spain,
and studied economics
handicapped, social policy How can public-private partner-
and political science at
must protect those that can- ships meet increasing demand
the Universitat Autnoma
not sustain themselves in the for access to electricity in Mo- de Barcelona before
market system. zambique? completing a PhD in political
Electricity is an area in which economy at Columbia
The natural resources boom Mozambique can make a University in the US. He
can be a source of growth, but major contribution with its joined the IMF in 2001, and
also has the potential to jeopar- significant hydropower po- has held several positions
dize the economy. What are your tential, and also through the within the organization since
recommendations for avoiding use of natural gas. Public-pri- then, including Head of
Dutch disease? vate partnerships are crucial Mission to Ecuador, Senior
There are two critical issues. instruments for increasing Economist in Brazil, and
The first is the importance infrastructure investment Deputy Division chief in the
of gradualism. If the country in Mozambique. The energy Fiscal Affairs Department.
starts spending resources too sector is a prime example of He has served in his current
quickly, this will generate dis- where cooperation between position for 18 months.
tortions in the economy. There the public and private sectors


TBY talks to Mark

Lundell, sector investment with ancil- How would you describe the
Country Director lary service support from the role that foreign financed me-
of the World Bank government. Mozambique ga-projects play in Mozam-
for Mozambique, relies on intermediary smaller biques economic growth?
farmers, which is a model we We have seen significant
Madagascar, see working worldwide. The growth in some of the natural
Mauritius, Comoros, best model is one in which resource sectors, such as alu-
and Seychelles on farmers can form associations minium, coal, and minerals,
with training and govern- which has helped to drastical-
hitting benchmark
mental support such that in ly improve the level of produc-
targets and turning negotiations and partnership tion, added value and exports.
crops into an industry. forming with large enterpris- There is direct employment
es they maintain equal status. associated with this, in mining

scoring goals To increase access to markets,

farmers need more tertiary ru-
ral roads and perhaps the es-
tablishment of more rural ag-
and construction in particu-
lar, though I think the employ-
ment impact of mega enter-
prise investment has been less
ricultural credit institutions. than expected. Large-scale in-
How would you describe Mo- Lastly, the government plays vestors recognize this, which
zambiques progress in achiev- a role in extending the degree has been evident in changing
ing the Millennium Develop-
Agricultural to which Mozambican farms, approaches to stimulating
ment Goals (MDG)? growth 4-5% per small and large use irrigation groups of SMEs to be more fo-
Mozambiques progress has in their production. cused on meeting the needs of
been steady, but uneven. In
year for the past the megaprojects.
some areas, such as educa- 10 years Unsatisfied energy demands
tion, gender equality and to and access to electricity re-
some degree health, progress Poverty rate mains a concern in Mozambique
has been substantial. For ex- reduced by 10% for individuals, companies and
ample, enrolment rates in potential investors. What role
primary education have ris- since 2005 can public private partnerships BIO
en steadily over the past 15 play within this sector?
years. Completion rates could The main role of the private Mark Lundell is the World
use improvement, but gender sector will be primarily in gen- Bank Country Director for
parity in education has also in- eration and, to some degree, Mozambique, Madagascar,
creased to almost 50%. There More than three quarters of the transmission. The generation Mauritius, Comoros and
is always room for expansion population are involved in agri- of natural gas will be the prime Seychelles. An American
and improvement, specifically culture, but this sector contrib- focus for the private sector, national, his experience
in enrolment rates, and there utes only about one quarter to especially as the natural gas includes previous positions
are still efforts being made to GDP. How can the government in Palma becomes available. in China, Brazil, and
open more schools in remote transform this sector from Consortiums are also pur- Europe and Central Asia.
areas. We have seen child subsistence farming to a more suing an energy generation Mark Lundell was Sector
mortality MDGs being met in efficient and productive agro-in- installation on the Zambezi Manager for Sustainable
the health sector, and though dustry? River. Rather than extend- Development for China and
Mongolia in the East Asia
maternal mortality rates have Agriculture has actually been ing the grid, many countries
and Pacific region from
been decreasing steadily, growing reasonably well at have been finding off-grid
2012-14. Prior to that post,
from 650 to 100,000 down to 4-5% per year over the past solutions, with solar energy in
he was the Sector Leader
400, Mozambique probably 10 years, but it needs to grow particular. The public sector for Brazil for Sustainable
will not reach the MDG goal of faster. The challenge is to can assist with grants to es- Development (2006-12).
close to 200. In general, prog- bring in more commercially tablish localized solar gener- He worked in the Europe
ress has been slow in the area oriented small farmers. To ation. In many schools for ex- and Central Asia Region
of communicable diseases; some degree, the government ample, programs of this type of the Bank between
malaria still remains a serious needs to provide knowledge- have been developed. Once 1993 and 2006 as a Lead
problem. Between 1995 and able services to the farmers, consumers realize the value Agricultural Economist
2006, there were substantial and locate market opportuni- of power, private companies and Sector Coordinator. He
strides made in the reduction ties. While private enterprise can usually find customers to holds a PhD in Agricultural
of absolute poverty, but over is the best estimator of sus- provide cost effective main- and Resource Economics
the past 10 years progress tainable economic activity as tenance service on an annual from the University of
has slowed. In 2000 the rate opposed to government esti- basis. Public private partner- California Berkeley, and
of poverty was close to 60%, mates of where comparative ships can establish public in- a BSc in Economics from
Georgetown University.
and 15 years later it has been advantages exist, there needs stallations with private sector
reduced to around 50%. to be a matching of private maintenance service.

28 34 38
Loureno Sambo, Director Jose Parayanken, President of International conglomerates see
General of the Investment Mozambique Holdings Limited an opportunity for considerable
Promotion Centre, on creating (MHL), on initiatives to fund growth, given the markets
services for foreign companies. infrastructure. relative immaturity.


Mozambique is edging closer to the realization of its potential in the

coal and gas industries, with immense reserves, both onshore and
offshore, ready for exploitation.

ozambiques eco- UNFORESEEN
nomic growth FACTORS
continues un- In 2012, inflation had de-
abated, reaching clined to 2.1% from a much
8% in 2014 and consequently higher 10.4% in 2011, a pos-
continuing a trend of over 7% itive development attributed
growth since 2010, bringing to lower food prices. Howev-
the figure to over $16 billion. er, the inflation rate for 2014
According to the IMFs World was 4.2%, the figure climb-
Economic Outlook from Oc- ing since 2013, according
tober 2014, projected growth to World Bank data. In both
for 2015 stands at 8.2%. This years the country was affect-
strong growth has been driv- ed by devastating floods in
en by heavy investment in the the south of the country and
coal and gas industries, with along its major rivers. This
the discovery of extensive unfortunate turn of events
unexploited reserves con- was repeated again in 1Q2015,
tinuing to attract capital from an ominous pattern that will
diverse international sources. continue to somewhat hin-
In preparation, massive infra- der the key economic sector
structure projects have been of agriculture. However, in-
undertaken over the past flation has broadly remained
decade to improve the trans- below the governments pre-
portation and logistics capa- dicted rate of between 5-6%,
bilities of the country, and in part because of lower glob-
policies have been enacted Despite flooding prompting a minor al commodity prices in 2014.
to ensure that long-term and acceleration in inflation, a history of The consumer price index for
inclusive economic growth Maputo, Beira, and Nampula
will come as a result of this prudent macroeconomic management was 1.93% for the year, with
resource boom. bodes well for the short term. the metical staying stable

on the domestic exchange market and Bank advanced chemicals to medicines and rice,
of Mozambique policies remaining focused wheat, and meslin. On the sales side, alumi-
on sustaining liquidity. The metical devalued num has dominated the countrys export bas-
against the dollar by over 5% in 2014, but has ket for over a decade, as output from the Mozal
been performing better against the rand in smelter, established in 2000, laid the founda-
South Africa, its primary trading partner. De- tions for other major foreign investment proj-
spite warnings from the Central Bank that the ects. The company contributes substantially
recent floods could accelerate inflation due to GDP, at approximately 7%, and annually
to reduced mobility and trade, the consistent produces over 550,000 tons of aluminum ingot
policies followed by the economic regulators for export via Europe to other markets such
in recent years suggest that macroeconom- as Asia. Midal, a leading international alumi-
ic targets for 2015 will be met. The monetary num cable manufacturer, set up operations
base expanded by over 20% in 2014. close to the MOZAL facility in 2013. This was
ALFREDO a pioneering development in a sector that had
SPENDING TRENDS previously been geared exclusively toward ex-
FILIPE SITOE The economys elevated rate of growth, based ports. Though majority-operated by BHP Bil-
Director, National as it is on its vast proven gas and coal depos- liton, Mitsubishi, IDC, and the government of
its, attracts high levels of foreign direct invest- Mozambique are all shareholders in the com-
Institute for
ment. The various megaprojects being devel- pany. Aluminum represented around 24% of
Standardization oped in these sectors are capital-intensive, total exports in 2014, but is expected to drop
and Quality requiring funding for the purchase of techni- to 21% in 2015 as coal emerges as a more im-
(INNOQ) cal equipment, electronics, and supplies such portant element of the export mix. The coun-
as refined petrol. For this reason, Mozambique try is projected to have joined the top-ten coal
has the highest current account deficit in the exporting nations in the world by 2017, as its
INNOQ has to be world, standing at 46% in 2014, according to untapped coal reserves, estimated at around
sufficiently prepared to the World Bank. However, the fact that the 20 billion tons, are exploited.
overcome existing and bulk of this deficit has been paid for by invest- Vale, the Brazilian mining firm, has invested
imminent challenges by ment from abroad does not suggest the defi- in a new coal terminal valued at over $6 billion,
ensuring that products cit will undermine broader macroeconomic as well as a 900km railway to augment their
growth once resource exports begin in earnest. extractive industry. Over the course of 2015,
and services are of
The deficit will widen as imports of these coal is projected to replace aluminum as the
adequate quality. We also crucial materials continue to support the con- leading export item for Mozambique, rising
want to help Mozambique struction of LNG facilities and the nations from a 17% share of the total in 2014 to an esti-
become a country that coal export infrastructure. However, a current mated 27% share, and will likely maintain this
can compete with others account surplus has been predicted over the position until the countrys LNG capacities are
in Africa and beyond. coming decade as the countrys ambitions realized later in the decade. Coal exports are
become reality. Additional costs that are exac- expected to reach over 40 million tons with-
To do this we need to erbating the deficit include a raised wage bill, in three years, with the sector to be valued at
train people, because and investment in maritime security following well over $700 million. Investment continues
for all organizations, a 2013 bond issue for tuna fishing and private to flow in from diverse sources, including In-
their most important patrol services on the Mozambique Channel. dian and Japanese groups, both public and
resource is manpower. Maritime security in the region is also being private, aiming to secure future supplies for
To this end, we have advanced by economies such as India and their electricity generation networks. In gener-
China, whose investment in the countrys gas al, the sector is showing a lot of promise, with
started negotiations with reserves necessitate guaranteed access to its Mozambique reaching compliance status on
the Eduardo Mondlane ports. Costs related to the general elections the Extractive Industry Transparency Initia-
University to introduce a have also increased public spending, resulting tive (EITI), confirming its reputation for the re-
Masters degree in quality in increased debt. Public spending as a share sponsible exploitation of its natural resources.
engineering from 2015. of GDP stood at over 40% in 2014.
IMPORT-EXPORT Mozambiques government is fortunate to not
Non-crude petroleum products represent have such worries. Since the completion of
around a fifth of imports, coming in at ap- the colonial era Cahora Bassa hydroelectric-
proximately $1.12 billion in 2012, indisput- ity project on the Zambezi river, the country
ably the principal imported commodity. The has had a considerable electricity surplus.
remainder of the countrys diverse import mix Sources of electricity generation will become
comprises much smaller volumes of prod- increasingly diverse over coming years also, as
ucts, ranging from vehicles to refined metal Ncondezi, the prominent power development
and construction materials, fertilizers and company working out of coal-rich Tete prov-

ince completes work on its coal-fired power The various megaprojects being Economic Structure as
plant. The facility will be set up in phases of developed in these sectors are % of GDP
300MW, with the first stage set to be complete capital-intensive, requiring funding for Source: NKC Research
by 2017. Ultimately, capacity will reach as high
as 1,800MW. Vale is also working to construct
the purchase of technical equipment,
a coal power station of a similar capacity, and electronics, and supplies such as
a gas-fired plant is set to come online in Mapu- refined petrol.
to later in the decade also.

Agriculture remains the principal economic
sector, with swathes of arable land across the
country yet to be effectively cultivated. For a
country of such vast area, Mozambique is rela-
tively sparsely populated. Approximately 80% ities in extractive industries typically provide
of the workforce is employed in agriculture, fewer, more specialized positions. Informal
Agriculture 31.5
and the sector contributes almost a quarter employment is estimated to account for over
of GDP. There are 3.8 million farms across 90% of the labor market, which numbers 11.6 Industry 22.4

the country, with the vast majority of these million individuals. Unemployment stands at Services 46.1
being subsistence farms. Difficulties related around 8%, with a higher proportion of the
to the transport and export of goods due to 300,000 young people that enter the labor mar-
insufficient infrastructure have held back the ket each year going without jobs. The growth GDP per Capita (USD)
development of large-scale farming. However, of the economy and any accompanying in- Source: World Bank
prospects for the resolution of this issue lie in creases in employment options have not had
the construction of transportation solutions the desired effect on reducing poverty, how- 700

for the extractive sectors, which could also ever. The countrys per capita income stood
be used to facilitate the export of agricultural at just one-third of the average for the Sub-Sa-
produce. Tobacco is one of the main and most haran region in 2013. Despite these consider- 500

profitable crops. Sugar cane and fishing are able challenges, the fortunes of the populace 400
other key segments. could change when the megaprojects that are
While the majority of the working popula- still being developed finally come online. The 300

tion is employed in agriculture, many more support services and auxiliary industries that 200
jobs could be created as a result of the emerg- will spring up around the expanding coal and
ing gas and energy projects, but traditionally gas sectors will offer a broader distribution of
these segments have not provided much em- opportunities, fostering more sustainable eco- 0

ployment. The export of aluminum and activ- nomic growth than that of the past decade. 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013


of strength
TBY talks to Loureno Sambo, Director General
of the Investment Promotion Centre (CPI), on
creating services for foreign companies, key
projects under development across the nation,
and the ever-improving business environment.

What are the most innovative

services that you have created
IN NUMBERS are planned, which will use
gas produced from offshore
institutions mandated to as-
sist investors are functioning
to support new companies en- Investment fields in the Rovuma Basin be- properly and in concordance
tering Mozambique? Promotion Centre ing developed by US oil major with laws in force in the Re-
First of all we had to establish Anadarko Petroleum Corp public of Mozambique, and in
ourselves in each of the coun- and Italys ENI. These proj- a well-coordinated manner.
trys 11 provinces to widen ects will have a major impact Legal instruments have un-
the scope of our institutional Mozambique sees on the entire economy direct- dergone major reforms. These
assistance to investors, and annual growth of ly or indirectly through their include business licensing,

secondly we had to equip our contribution to GDP, and the fiscal, investment, and labor
institution with appropriate creation of employment, es- laws. And meanwhile, infra-
human and technical re- pecially in Pemba and Palma. structure such as ports and
sources. These were the most Moreover, Mozambique will railways, energy and water
important steps that we have enjoy much higher interna- supply, roads and bridges,
successfully taken. Thirdly, tional visibility as one of the telecommunications, and air-
we had to improve our rela- most important producers ports are being upgraded.
tions with other institutions What would you say are the and exporters of natural gas.
involved in the process of at- most significant large-scale Mozambique's economy is
tracting investment, as well projects set to take place in the already growing at 7.5% an-
as with relevant government country in the near future, and nually. In the medium term,
ministries who have a strong how will they impact the broad- as a result of the LNG plant
say in the process of invest- er economy? and other megaprojects in the
ment approval, such as the One of the largest forthcom- mining sector, the economy is With an academic
Ministries of Agriculture, In- ing investment projects is the expected to see acceleration background in Economics
terior, Labor, Environment, LNG plant set to cost some of 9%, or even 10%. and Agricultural Business
Finance, and Mineral Re- $30 billion. This project is to Management, Loureno
sources. The government be developed in the Rovuma What sectors and regions have Sambo has been the
also recently approved a new basin, in northern Mozam- you identified as having the Director General of CPI
investment promotion strat- bique, with the first exports greatest potential for growth? since 2010. He was
egy to be implemented over due to start in 2018. There are Each of the three main regions previously the Economic
the next three years, which other large-scale projects as- of the countrythe south, Adviser to the Minister of
Planning and Development,
is expected to substantially sociated with gas exploration center, and northare prime
and also taught math-
increase the investment flow in the Rovuma basin, such as investment destinations. The
ematics at Maxaquene
into the country. setting up a container termi- sectors with the greatest po-
Secondary School, as well
nal, a pipe-coating plant, a tential include agriculture and as politics, economics,
What are the most common shipyard, bunkering, an LNG agro-industry, construction mathematics, and statistics
concerns of and challenges receiving terminal, a fertilizer and public works, mineral re- at the Maputo Commercial
faced by international compa- plant, and gas to liquid (GTL), sources and energy, services, School from 1979 to 1984,
nies upon entering the market? and dimethyl ether (DME) transport and communica- and public finance at the
I would identify the rather facilities. In addition, CPI re- tions, and tourism. School of the National
limited development of basic cently approved investment Planning Commission. In
infrastructure in rural areas, projects worth more than $7 How would you describe the 1996, he was the Financial
as well as a low level of scien- billion, mainly in hydro, coal, current business environment Manager of the Maputo
tific literacy and professional and gas power plants. The in- in the country? Development Corridor, a
training, inadequate electrical vestment will also cover the It is healthy, as we remain one World Bank-funded project
power distribution, and sus- development of the northern of the most stable countries in for the restructuring of the
ceptibility of certain produc- ports of Pemba and Palma, the region, both socially and CFM-Mozambique Railway
tive processes to international where a giant logistics base politically. Dialogue in our so-
price fluctuations. and LNG production plants ciety is the order of the day. All


has grown as an organization, this group of companies invest-

putting us in a position to meet ed $8.5 billion in 2012, which
the demand for reforms in Mo- represented approximately 60-
zambique. 70% of GDP. In Nampula the
main mining operations are the
How would you describe the heavy sands Moma, Kenmare,
current level of Mozambique's and more recently the heavy
international trade? sands of Sangage in the Ango-
JOO JOS ROGRIO MANUEL che district, operated by the
MACARINGUE President, Confederao JJM Although international in- Chinese company Haiyu Mo-
President, Mozambique das Associaes terest has increased, the current zambique Mining Company.
Econmicas de account is booming because of
Institute of Export the countrys natural resources. What are your objectives for the
Promotion (IPEX) Moambique (CTA) Nevertheless, we recognize that next few years?
the importance of a sustainable
economy depends on agricul- JJM We want to develop, and

ture because the country is increase the countrys potential
agriculture-based. That is why to become a global player, start-
we think that to be sustainable ing first with the region. We are
in the long term, we have to confident that the enthusiasm

become involved in agro-pro- and commitment arising from
cessing by adding value to our the recent elections, and the
products. We are no longer in- clarity and vision of the incom-
terested in selling raw materi- ing president, will contribute
als, which is why we are in the tangibly to development. Our
Agencies tasked with improving awareness of
process of talking to investors target is SMEs, which if sup-
Mozambiques trade potential internationally are and inviting them to come and ported are likely to improve not
playing a key role in supporting the economy. set up processing plants. We only the welfare of those work-
are still not satisfied with the ing in them, but of the country
volume we are seeing, although as a whole. That underlines the
What have been your compa- we are exporting to Europe and key role of IPEX, which requires
nies main achievements? even to the US. resources that are often scarce.
Yet I think that government in-
JOO JOS MACARINGUE What are some of the major vestment within the institute is
IPEX is a government institu- SME operations in Mozam- widely recognized as a facilita-
tion with the objective of as- bique, and what are the main tor of socioeconomic develop-
sisting SMEs seeking interna- challenges they face? ment.
tional markets. Many of these
SMEs are producing, but have RM The lack of a reliable na- RM In terms of the CTAs role
no idea how or where to sell, tional database of companies as the leader of Public-Private
or into which markets they can makes it difficult for analysts Dialogue (DPP) to improve the
channel their products. We as- and policymakers to get a clear business environment, the pri-
sist them throughout the whole perspective of businesses op- ority is to reform the current
process in order to create the erating in different sectors and DPP model, and the CTA is al-
skills to produce and fulfill the provinces. However, several ready working on a blueprint
needs of the international mar- studies reveal that access to to this end. Another critical
ket. credit, technology, and land consideration is Mozambiques
remain major challenges for need for a policy on local con-
ROGRIO MANUEL The main SMEs. Operating in Tete and tent and an aligned industrial
achievement of our 18 years in Moatize, there are nine coal policy, to ensure that the ben-
business has been the institu- mining companies including efits of natural resource ex-
tionalization of a private-pub- Vale Mozambique, Rito Tin- ploitation are also extended to
lic dialogue and consolidation to Mines of Benga, Mine of Mozambicans, and to set up
of a partnership with the gov- Moatize, JSPL, Mines of Re- bases for industrial develop-
ernment. This has helped to vubu, Mid West 1151, Rio Tin- ment and structural transfor-
pursue reform initiatives. CTA to Coal Zambezi and Nkondeze; mation.


business climate for small businesses by doing

research, providing information, and offering
corporate assistance.
IPEME also found that, when compared to a
few years back, Mozambiques SMEs are bet-
ter prepared today to face future challenges.
This is largely due to their greater maturity,
as well as their improved ability to plan ahead
and promote their work. However, many con-
straints remain, including: the lack of skilled
labor, poor access to financing, trade barriers,
lack of infrastructure, complex bureaucratic
procedures, and corruption.
Many of these complaints are echoed by the CLAIRE MATEUS
World Banks International Finance Corpora-
tion (IFC), which lists nine barriers as the main
obstacles for SMEs operating in Mozambique. General Director,
In addition to the lack of a proper database in Instituto para a

which clients can find potential partners, the Promoo das
IFC denounces the high cost of electricity, the
high tax rates, and the amount of time and ef-
Pequenas e Mdias
fort it takes for SMEs to obtain permits. Empresas (IPEME)

In addition, it is extremely hard for SMEs to
obtain loans. Due to high interest costs, access What does the IPEME do to
to the credit and limited capital market, the Mo- support SMEs?
zambican businessman carries the investment IPEME was created in 2008
The International Growth Center using [his] own funds and loans from friends or by the government with a
(ICG) in 2012 concluded that the relatives, or cease to invest, the IFC conclud- mandate to undertake three
ed. Another problem preventing SME access to core activities. The first was to
domestic construction sector, bank credit, are the demands of guarantees or develop, propose, and imple-
which predominantly consists of collateral. Especially, young and newly-created ment policies that support
SMEs, had been unable to break firms are unable to meet such demands. SMEs in Mozambique. The
into the formal market dominated The IPEME does more than research and second was to provide services
provide information. Since 2008, we have to support SMEs, and the third
by foreign players. Nevertheless, created four business development centers to implement and establish
the overall situation has improved in Maputo, Tete, Manica, and in Cabo Delga- SME platforms, such as our
in recent years. do, said IPEME General Director Claire Ma- business development centers
teus Zimba. IPEME also signed an MoU with and incubators. Since 2008,
Anadarko in 2014. The goal is to ensure that we have created four business
THE AFRICAN Development Bank Group Mozambican SMEs can be linked with and development centers, in Maputo,
(AfDB) on November 14th, 2014, signed a $9 benefit from the activities of Anadarko. Tete, Manica, and Cabo Delgado.
million loan agreement with Moza Banco to Anadarko is the giant American energy firm We are receiving EU and United
promote and support Small and Medium En- that is set to invest billions of dollars to tap into Nations Industrial Development
terprises (SMEs) in Mozambique. The deal is the offshore Rovuma Basin with a projected Organization (UNIDO) support
part of the AFDBs $125-million Africa SME volume of 150 tcf of gas. Anadarko is working for our business incubation pilot
Program. Moza Banco is one of Mozambiques with Pyxera Global to ensure that information program, which will focus on
fastest-growing financial institutions with a related to local companies is easily available the carpentry and woodworking
strong focus on small businesses. to international engineering and construc- sector.
SMEs are the heart and soul of the Mozam- tion contractors. Pyxera also works on offer-
bican economy. They comprise no less than ing technical assistance and capacity building What incentives should be
98.7% of the market, a report by the Institute services to ensure the local firms are capable provided for SMEs to move into
for the Promotion of Small and Medium En- of working according to international quality, the formal market?
terprises (IPEME) concluded, yet they only health, and safety standards. A recent report found that
contribute 28% to GDP. Mozambiques recent While Mozambiques SMEs should first SMEs in Mozambique comprise
economic growth has largely been driven by try to capture a greater share of the domestic 98.7% of the market, but only
megaprojects, which are capital-intensive, market, they at some point should focus on contribute 28% to GDP. The gov-
export-oriented, and mostly in the hands of export as well. Many of SMEs are producing, ernment is currently reviewing
foreign firms. but have no idea how or where to sell, or into the second phase of its business
In the World Banks 2014 Doing Business which markets they can channel their prod- development strategy, which is
Report, Mozambique climbed seven places, ucts, said Joo Jos Macaringue, President focused on taxation. Most SMEs
partly as a result of the countrys SMEs gain- of Mozambique Institute of Export Promotion remain informal in order to avoid
ing market opportunities. A key role is played (IPEX). We assist them throughout the whole taxation, as the system fails to
by IPEME. Founded in 1998, the government process to create the skills needed to operate distinguish between micro or
agency is charged with improving the overall on the international market. small enterprises.


TBY talks to Jose

Parayanken, road to
President of
Holdings Limited
(MHL), on initiatives
panding into agriculture was trucking from South Africa.
to fund infrastructure,
a naturally synergistic diver- We constructed pipelines and
and ensuring that key sification. We acquired 10,000 fuel storage tanks for Petro-
sectors best feed the acres of land in Lugela, Zam- moc in Beira, the fuel terminal
broader economy. bezia, and involved the Rub- and storage tanks for Vale in
ber Board of India to pioneer Moatize, as well as LPG and
rubber cultivation in Mozam- bitumen storage tanks and
What is MHLs role in the im- bique. We have cleared and heated pipeline in Maputo
provement of Mozambiques Working with prepared an area of 1,000 acres and Beira. Overall, we foresee
transport and logistics infra- and put in place an irrigation a bright future for our engi-
structure through the opera-
Anfrena to collect system and developed a nurs- neering and EPC contracting
tions of Anfrena? road tax to fund ery for 100,000 plants annually operations in Mozambiques
MHL, through Anfrena, has with the help of Jain irrigation port and petroleum down-
been collecting road tax from national highway of India. To balance cash flows, stream infrastructure sector.
foreign-registered vehicles maintenance we are also experimenting
entering Mozambique at all with commercial cultivation How is the business climate,
border posts, on behalf of of black pepper, turmeric, and and what of foreign interest?
the National Road Authority ginger, and are developing a The government of Mozam-
(ANE) and Fundos de Estra- nursery based on tissue culture bique, through the Center for
das. The funds are utilized by What are your strategies to in- even though these crops are Promotion of Investments
ANE for the maintenance of crease the penetration of water new to Mozambique, hence has streamlined the compli-
national highways. Anfrena systems throughout the country considered high risk. We are ance formalities for investors
promoted the idea of road with Afrodrill? optimistic that it will open up and government systems,
maintenance being paid for Providing adequate drinking new avenues for Mozambi- which are by and large inves-
by road users, rather than water infrastructure was es- can farmers with high yielding tor friendly. Since the country
out of the national budget, sential for the implementation crops and we can provide the has vast resources in agricul-
and hence the conversion of of the governments post-civil technology and infrastructure. ture, fisheries, mining, tour-
arterial roads into toll roads war rural socio-economic de- ism, and the services sector
with maintenance realized velopment plan. More than Which industries present the yet to be exploited, business
through toll road conces- scarcity of resources, suc- greatest potential for company opportunities exist in re-
sions. Thus, limited govern- cessful implementation of growth and what are your strat- sources development for cor-
ment resources can be better the project in rural areas was egies to achieve this? porate and individual inves-
channeled to new road infra- a challenge since relevant We perceive considerable tors. Investors from Portugal,
structure, rather than main- companies were ill-equipped potential in the engineering Brazil, and Asia are already
tenance. for rural areas. We saw an sector. Mozambique is mov- taking this opportunity.
opportunity to establish our ing fast into resources de-
presence in those areas and velopment, and port, road, What is your 10-year outlook for
integrate into the rural ser- and real-estate infrastructure Mozambique?
vices supply chain. Afrodrill has to keep pace. There are The coming decade will be
was created to cater to such few Mozambique-based EPC critical for the development
requirements with perma- contractors engaged in port of Mozambique, since it is im-
BIO nent self-reliant base camps terminal construction and perative for increased revenue
in key centers. Today Afrodrill petroleum downstream dis- from accelerated domestic
Jose Parayanken was born is an essential element of the tribution infrastructure. We output to reduce dependence
in Kerala, India, and studied National Rural Water Devel- have created knowhow and on external contribution to its
Biochemistry at Delhi opment Program in planning skill levels and our team has expenditure budget. Hence,
University before acquiring and implementation, and already rehabilitated and ex- the national plan for resource
his MBA. His career began accounts for over 50% of the panded the handling capacity development and bringing
at Exim Bank of India where program. of the Matola Fuel Terminal more of the population into
he was in charge of African from 1 million tons annual- formal economic activity, as
operations from 1984 to How would you describe your ly to 8 million tons. We have well as domestic production,
1989. He later founded MHL rubber cultivation project and introduced LPG and bitumen has to be on track with ade-
in 1990, which currently similar MHL ventures in agri- terminals to Maputo and quate investment and human
has a capital base of $100 culture? Beira Ports for the first time, resources to ensure its suc-
million and a staff of 1,500. Since we have a strong rural to import LPG and bitumen cess. Systems and people are
presence through Afrodrill, ex- via sea rather than through in place to ensure success.


ur first priority lies
in infrastructure. We
want to improve our
railway capacity, either through
construction or maintenance of The largest companies in Mozambique have a wealth of information
the existing infrastructure. Our
about the economy at large, maintaining activities across multiple and
intention is to widen the diver-
sity of our cable TV products diverse sectors.
in TVCABO, offering optimum
solutions and moving forward

by paying close attention to comes to tourism, we want ho- verything is available nation in broader terms. Intelec
market trends. We ensure that tels to attain higher standards here for investors, Holdings focus is on creating
we are always able to offer the in the key touristic areas of the from infrastructure to and exploring local opportu-
latest communications technol- country, and to improve our fast-paced education and bet- nities. Agriculture was not our
ogies available. Our main cen- operations in Gorongosa. There ter roads. We also have man- main focus at the outset, but we
ters for real estate operations is enormous potential for Mo- power available to work, so if recognized that the country has
are in Maputo, Nampula, and zambique to produce a diversity a company brings technology fertile land and plentiful water
Beira. We are engaged in both of goods in the textile industry and training they can maximize supply, as well as the required
business and housing, and are for example, as well as in the their use of Mozambican work- non-skilled manpower.
in partnership with the Bank furniture industry, although it ers. We also have fertile lands
of Mozambique and Emose. is so important that the right and water, as well as a strategic
This means that we manage the technology and skills are avail- location on the western shore of
housing owned by both and, of able. For that reason it is neces- the Indian Ocean. Mozambique
course, we also try to introduce sary for people to be adequately has been growing for the past 15
new land to the market. When it trained in this type of work. years at a rate of 7% or 8% per
annum, which clearly demon-
ANTNIO strates a stable economy. Mean-
JORGE COSTA while, our strong democratic in-
stitutions are also an incentive
President, Visabeira to long term investors. Mozam-
Group bique will succeed in develop-
ing a more diversified economy.
The oil and gas segment should
add value to the diversifica-
tion processes of our economy,
and will offer Intelec Holdings
strong opportunities for sus- SALIMO ABDULA
tained growth, in turn creating
President and
a sustainable corporation that
able to contribute to employ- Chairman, Intelec
ment, while adding value to the Holdings


Administrator, JFS Holding

he company was cre- ed by the end of 2016. In the res- provinces, importing Mitsubishi
ated by my great-great idential area in Maputo we start- and Fuso trucks, and Alfa Romeo
grandfather 117 years ed a 10-floor building featuring and Fiat automobiles, as well as
ago, and remains a 100% fami- 11 luxury apartments. In the specialized vehicles for mining
ly-owned enterprise, with a 50% energy sector, we have a partner- and other industries. In addition,
stake each held by my brother ship with Petromoc wherein we our agricultural operations make
and I. We forecast 40% to 50% sell petrol. We have three stations us the largest taxpayer in the
more revenue in 2015 given the and we are building a fourth here Niassa province. Mozambique
numerous large-scale projects in Maputo. And in the commu- is an extremely difficult market
on our books, especially those nications sector we are present that does not promise rapid re-
in real estate. We are currently through the newspaper Noticias, turns on investment. In order to
working on 20,000sqm of offices in which we are shareholders. enjoy these, a business must be
and a shopping center in central We have a presence in the auto- prepared to invest in the country
Maputo, which will be complet- motive business in nine of the 10 for at least five years.


Mozambiques long-term prosperity is contingent on broad-based
development to avoid overdependence on external investment.

WITH VAST NATURAL DEPOSITS, in foreign capital. Given the sustained growth
Mozambique is uniquely placed for a sus- of the local gas industry and expected rise in
tained economic boom, and the LNG sector global demand for this resource over the com-
is strategic in this regard. According to the ing decades, Mozambique faces currency dis-
countrys IMF report, there are potentially re- tortions. This in turn could decrease compe-
serves of over 100 tcf from recent discoveries tiveness across other sectors in the economy.
in Anadarko and Eni, which could make Mo- One of the key measures to counteract this
zambique the third largest exporter globally. phenomenon is the creation of a sovereign
As a result of this, the government is pre- wealth/development fund. This fund would
sented a unique opportunity to raise living act as a balancing tool that diversifies Mozam-
standards, as the country currently ranks 178 biques money through investment in non-re-
of 187 nations of the Human Development source related areas.
Index; however it also comes with potential Another key issue that the country faces
costs. In a phenomenon widely known as through the rapid development of extractive
Dutch Disease, Mozambique faces a potential
decrease in long-term competiveness derived
from the negative economic impact of a rapid According to several growth
increase of foreign capital inflows. According scenarios posed by the IMF, resource
to Alex Segura, Resident Representative of the revenues could potentially make up
IMF in Mozambique, the rapid development
40-50% of total revenues, which in
of natural resources can create undesirable
distortions in the economy, and these need turn sharply increases the countrys
to be managed through stronger fiscal rule exposure to swings in the global
and the introduction of measures that smooth economic cycle.
out volatility. This dynamic poses econom-
ic, social, and financial challenges, which the
government must manage in order to achieve projects is the creation of infrastructure that
sustainable long-term growth. also supports growth across other spheres.
One of the most difficult hurdles that the Besides the vulnerability to global commodi-
government faces is mitigating volatility in the ty markets that comes with relying on the ex-
medium and long term. According to several tractive sector, recently exemplified by the fall
growth scenarios posed by the IMF, resource of oil prices, there is an opportunity cost in-
revenues could potentially make up 40-50% of curred from not developing supportive indus-
total revenues, which in turn sharply increases tries. Key to tackling this issue is the establish-
the countrys exposure to swings in the global ment of a well-designed public policy strategy
economic cycle. This would not only have a sig- that maximizes the allocation of resources in
nificant impact on domestic economic activi- order to achieve broad-based growth. An in-
ty, but also on government revenue. In terms strumental area is investing in supportive in-
of fiscal policy, the governments ability to tax frastructure that aims to improve the national
the non-resource sector would be sharply di- transportation and the energy grid. In the case
minished, including industries such as trans- of Mozambique, successful projects such as
portation, agriculture, and tourism; the shift Cahora Bassa demonstrate the positive eco-
towards LNG development would create a tax nomic benefits derived from direct employ-
policy gap that the government must quickly ment, as well as associated economic activity
fill to attain the right kind of mix that rebal- as an indigenous industry flourishes.
ances revenues. In terms of energy framework, Mozambique has been presented with a
the government should adopt comprehensive path to achieving sustainable long-term eco-
policies on royalties and windfall revenues, as nomic growth, which could lift millions of
well as on strengthening its regulatory legisla- citizens out of poverty and expand its middle
tion. This requires appropriate fiscal policies class. However, in this process the government
that enhance transparency and accountabili- must develop a comprehensive set of policies
ty to best maximize the allocation of revenue that have a long-term outlook to maximize the
derived from expansion of the countrys LNG benefits from developing vast gas reserves,
sector. while avoiding the pitfalls of sudden shifts in
In the short term, volatility could also come investment flows and the temptations of short
in terms of rapid upswings and downswings term economic gains.
Sociedade do Notcias, SA
Direco Comercial



Leading international conglomerates see an
opportunity in Mozambique for considerable
growth, given the markets relative immaturity.


Country Manager, General Director, CHAKRABARTY Branch Manager,
Coca-Cola Sabco British American Executive Director, Siemens
Tobacco (BAT) Tata de Moambique

e are part of Coca-Co- n a global basis we ith our operations ur footprint in Mo-
la, which is a franchise have operations in starting in Zambia and zambique dates back
bottler, and we have 180+ countries. What eventually moving on more than 60 years.
seven franchises across Africa. makes Mozambique unique to to the headquarters in South Since 1951, it has included ma-
In Mozambique we have the British American Tobacco (BAT) Africa, Mozambique was con- jor reference projects such as
franchise for the entire country. is its classification as a high sidered a gateway for growth in Africa's first operational control
In terms of volume, it is on par growth potential market. This is Africa for Tata. We started with center for the railway connec-
with our business in Tanzania, driven by several environmen- the representation of Tata Mo- tion between the capital Mapu-
Kenya, and Uganda, and the re- tal factors within the country. tors Limited (TML) and also sell to and Ressano Garcia. This is
turns enable us to invest in the The first is that Mozambique vehicles manufactured by TML why we believe there is a legacy
market and develop infrastruc- has a population base of over in Mozambique. As a strategy that binds us together and cre-
ture. Per capita consumption 24 million people, and when we it was a sound decision to start ates an environment favorable
across the country is at 25 liters look at ongoing developments off with the vehicles, although to do business in Mozambique,
per capita, but as the country in the country, we see the eco- now we represent other com- while we keep supporting the
becomes richer, higher dispos- nomic circumstances of citizens panies of the Tata group. Given country development has done
able incomes will lead to greater are improving rapidly. As con- the challenges inherent to the so far. In the past, we have part-
consumption of beverages. In sumers disposable income im- Mozambican market, we opted nered work on the prominent
2014, we launched our water, proves, there is an improvement for an incremental growth strat- Cahora Bassa project. And as
Bonaqua, and have plans to not just in total sales volumes, egy where the first step was to in the past we are ready to work
launch into other beverage seg- but also in the brand mix that build brand visibility. What we on new projects and challenges
ments. We will continue to drive consumers decide to purchase, want to do from now on is se- in the energy sector and keep
our range as well as continuing with notable growth envisaged cure a larger presence through writing a page in the countrys
to innovate in terms of flavors for the premium offers. The sec- representation of other group history. The production of gas
and packs. Certainly, with the ond unique area within Mozam- companies and to take the Tata discovered off the coast of Mo-
capacity that we are set to have bique is that there is a signifi- brand forward in Mozambique. zambique will emerge as an
in Maputo, the capacity we in- cant population below the age Having said that, we have now important area for innovation.
troduced in 2013 in Chimoio, of 18, which means well have diversified into other busi- Siemens possesses the know-
and our plans for Nampula, we a significant number of con- nesses in Mozambique such as how, products, solutions, and
are excited about the huge po- sumers coming of age, while the pharmaceuticals, steel trading, services necessary to help its
tential of this market. consumer business is envisaged consumer durables, and chem- customers to extract these re-
to increase as people start hav- icals. We have also developed a sources safely and efficiently.
ing better livelihoods. Last year relationship with Vale through Our gas turbines are the most
we contributed in excess of $35 group company Voltas Engi- efficient in the world.
million to the government as a neering Services, which has
combination of all taxes. contracts to maintain and ser-
vice mining equipment owned
by the company.

43 45 53
Ernesto Gove, Governor of the Rui Barros, Administrator for Aldo Tembe, CEO of
Banco de Moambique, on fin- Barclays Mozambique, on the Moambique Previdente, on
ancial inclusion, and cooperation scope of regional banking, and new financial regulations and
with international banks. what attracts foreign banks. capital market developments.


While massive industrial and energy projects are the hallmark of

Mozambiques economy, the vast majority of its citizens and small
businesses remain beyond the reach of financial services, calling for
alternative remedies from various quarters.

2012 study by Ro- extraordinary opportunity
land Berger Strat- presented by Africas flour-
egy Consultants ishing consumer base. And
earmarked seven with Africa being the worlds
industries set to ensure sus- second-fastest growing region
tainable African growth mo- after East Asia, the continent
mentum. These are energy, is taking the next step in deep-
ICT, transportation, manu- ening its financial markets as
facturing, consumer goods investors increasingly turn
and retail, public services, and their attention towards it. The
plugged into all of the above, opportunity for the financial
financial services. Indeed, sector to contribute adap-
over the past decade, African tive solutions in and across
banks, including those of Mo- African countries is immea-
zambique, have experienced surable. Yet on a localand
historic growth. On average retail bankinglevel the Mo-
balance sheets have risen by zambican financial sector has
42% annually, with net in- fundamental realities to con-
come appreciation of over tend with that are all too com-
54% per annum according to mon on the continent.
financial portal Proshare. The
true potential of the financial CHICKEN & EGG
sector is clear from the fact The World Bank report En-
that roughly 400 million Afri- hancing Financial Capability
cans today are unbanked. and Inclusion in Mozambique
A Demand-Side Assessment
THE APPEAL OF THE (2014) considers the local
SECTOR prospects for a sector where
As Rui Barros, the Adminis- low inclusion is clearly relat-
trator of Barclays Mozam- ed to poor financial capabil-
bique explained to TBY, itydecision-making that
International interest [in As Africa has grown, so too benefits an individualeven
Mozambique] has been driv- among the banked. The re-
en not only by the prospect has the financial sector, the facilitator of port confirms that while Mo-
of resources, but also by the development across all sectors. zambiques financial system

is predominantly defined by the banks, 48% Financial Inclusion Index for Selected
of adults have yet to use their products. Mean- African Nations (0-100 scale)
while, the alternative channels of moneylender Source: KASE
and microfinance institutions have respective-
ly been used by 41% and 37% of adults. More Seychelles
pressing yet, World Bank research indicates South Africa
that bank users, in a learning by doing scenar-
io are more likely to rely on alternative financial Algeria

sources than non-bank users, underlining the Botswana

plight of the financially excluded.
Mozambiques financial sector overall lacks
depth, but is growing nonetheless on extractive Lesotho

momentum and the gradual rise of the middle Mozambique

class. Many financial institutions, banks and
others, have in response sought to provide fi-
nancial intermediation to more isolated rural Sierra Leone
areas. The paradox is though, that while the Comoros
bulk of commerce, and hence banking, takes
place in key urban centers, many banks have
not provided what they consider unprofitable Angola
coverage of remote or rural areas. In light of 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Bank Credit by Sector, 2013 this, the government has accepted that finan-
(Million USD) cial inclusion underpins the stable growth of
Source: TCRA the financial industry. to ensure consumer protection and financial lit-
The system as of 2014 hosted 20 commercial eracy followed in 2013. Meanwhile, the Central
banks, regulated by the Bank of Mozambique Bank has championed a solid legal framework
which doubles as the central bank. The sector to instill banking sector credibility through
has also ridden the broader national growth supervision. Accordingly, it has adopted Inter-
wave where in one of Africas best performanc- national Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
es over the decade up to 2013 average annual and promoted an environment of risk-based
growth of 6-8% was registered. supervision. Back in 2009, legislation pertaining
Mozambiques central bank favors the cre- to intermediation costs targeted greater sector
ation of a Sovereign Wealth Fund to oversee re- transparency, standardizing commissions, and
source-derived revenuesaccumulated reve- fees. Meanwhile, the startup costs for SMEs
nues over time would also reduce the nations also saw some reduction. Incidentally, Central
reliance on international institutions. Yet the Bank Governor, Ernesto Gove, was awarded as
country still lack basic infrastructure and has the 2015 Best Governor of the Central Banks of
one of the worlds poorest populations and Africa, by The Banker Magazine, a publication
an economy ostensibly informal. The banking owned by the Financial Times.
sector is essentially in the hands of three enti-
ties with close ties to the Portuguese banking IM ON THE PHONE
Total sector. These banks hold around 90% of total According to Proshare, Africa today boasts
3980 sector assets, and largely pursue commercial over 600 million mobile phone users, exceed-
Agriculture imperatives through strict lending. Yet in a ing both the US and Europe. And with mobile
147 country where 80% of the population is agrar- internet taking off, more citizens, notably the
ian (agriculture accounts for 33% of GDP), of unbanked, can attain financial inclusion and
539 which a large percentage are smallholdings, the services it avails. In fact, the IMFs 2014
close to 80% remains unbanked, curbing retail report "Mozambique Rising: Building a New
Construction segment growth. And with interest rates on Tomorrow" considers alternative avenues to
bank loans ranging between 17% and 22% per conventional banks, notably mobile banking.
Industry & Tourism annum only 3% of the population has access Mozambiques two mobile banking operators
to credit. mKesh and m-Pesa were licensed in 2010 and
Domestic Trade 2013, respectively. To date they have signed up
600 SETTING THE TONE over 150,000 customers, many in remote areas.
In 2013 the Council of Ministers approved the The report highlights how this delivery chan-
& Communication Mozambique Financial Sector Development nel is raising financial literacy and confidence
Strategy (MFSDS) for 2013-22. Its purpose was in the formal sector, gradually, substitut-
to promote the development of a sustainable, ing traditional alternatives for both savings
diverse, competitive, and moreover inclusive and remittances. In 2014 South African bank
financial sector relevant to citizen and corpo- FNB launched a service enabling customers to
ration alike. And regarding the financial inclu- make instant money transfers to Mozambique
sion, the government stressed financial literacy by mobile phone and online banking. South
and consumer protection to boost awareness African bank FNB offers a new service that al-
and confidence among those as yet unbanked. lows customers to send money instantly to Mo-
Other Credits
A subsequent diagnostic review of the institu- zambique by mobile phone, or through online
1980 tional, legal, and regulatory framework required banking.

The service notably targets the relatives of the In March 2014 the European Investment
estimated close to 500,000 Mozambicans work- Bank (EIB) signed an agreement with Mo-
ing in South Africa, who annually send roughly zambican bank Moza Banco in support of the
around $109 million to relatives. investments of small and medium-sized en-
terprises (SMEs). The EIB initiative allocated
SME LENDING & MICROFINANCE 5 million to be matched by Moza Banco, as
According to the IMF, 75% of micro, small, and part of a wider $40 million program geared at
medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) remain encouraging private sector investment in Mo-
financially excluded and therefore unable to zambique. And in May BCI Bank launched a
reach their growth potential. Critics of tradi- 117 million credit line aimed at SMEs, with a
tional banking argue therefore, that banks particular emphasis on women entrepreneurs
insistence on collateral has curbed Mozam- and agricultural enterprises. Banco Oportuni-
biques entrepreneurial potential. That said, all dade Moambique (BOM), initially a Christian
branches of the financial sector, as well as the initiative created to sustainably reverse chron-
government itself, acknowledges that credit- ic African poverty, has six mobile banks across
worthiness is predicated on the commercial seven of Mozambiques 10 provinces. Of the
knowledge of would be borrowers. Many en- client base, 60%, again, are women engaged in
terprises and individuals remain wary of dis- micro-businesses, whom the bank encourages
closing commercial details to the authorities, to save as well as invest in growth.
while others simply lack the acumen to prepare PIETER VAN
a business plan on the basis of which to obtain OTHER SELECTED PLAYERS DER MERWE
credit. Commercial entities have therefore pro- Leading the field in Mozambique with a 35%
vided micro-credit to plug these macro-gaps in market share is Millennium bim. Mrio da Chief Executive
financial accessibility, assuming the role once Graa Machungo, bank President, in a TBY in- Officer, Banco
played by the World Bank. terview said that the institution would become, Oportunidade de

Reasons for Not Having a Formal Account in Rural and Urban Areas What are the key strategies
Source: World Bank (2014) of Banco Oportunidade de
Moambique for 2015?
35% In 2015, the bank hopes to be-
come self-sustainable and start
utilizing its own revenues. The
bank and its loans have grown
quite well: we have grown our
loan book to $240 million, and
hope to reach $250 million by
20% the end of the year. The deposit
side has grown tremendously as
15% well. Our deposit ledger closed
out last year at $199 million
and is currently at $247 million.
For the first time in the banks
history, deposits have exceeded
loans. In June, we launched our
SME lending product without
0% advertising it, but by directing it
to existing clients. Our long-term
Too Not Enough Too Far Did Not No Trust No Required Other
Expensive Money Away Know How To Doccuments clients are now benefiting from
Urban areas Rural Areas it. We offer it at just one branch
currently, although the product
has grown tremendously10
Bank Account (%) Credit (%) Mortgage (%) new accounts in a matter of
Source: World Bank (2014) Source: World Bank (2014) Source: World Bank (2014) four months. We will roll it out
to three other municipalities:
50% 20% 5% Chimoio, Beira, and Nampula. In
January, we will take the SME
40% 4%
15% product to four more locations.
30% 3% Lastly, we became an agent
10% for Western Union. Most of the
20% 2% transfers have been between
5% South Africa, Zimbabwe, Malawi,
10% 1%
and Mozambique, and we are
0% 0% 0% hoping to expand this service
Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban
All Areas Areas All Areas Areas All Areas Areas throughout 2015.

Mozambicans by Number of the Bank of reference for the FDI and oper-
Financial Institutions Used ational support for the megaprojects, staying
Source: WB Financial Capability Survey, 2013 close to the gas and mineral industries and the
surrounding SMEs. With 160 branches, it is the
only Mozambican bank ranked among the 100
biggest African banks (62nd). Millennium bim OUTSIDE LOOKING IN
is leader in all market dimensions. With approx-
imately 1.3 million customers throughout the Eighty percent of Mozambiques
country, about 50% of total banked population, population is agrarian (33% of
it has the largest commercial network together GDP), while close to 80% remains
with the highest capillarity shown by the 161 unbanked, curbing retail segment
branches located nationwide in all provinces growth. Moreover, as interest rates
and 54 districts, he concluded. In 2014 Glob- on bank loans range between 17%
al Finance magazine awarded it "Best Bank in and 22% per annum, a meager 3% of
Mozambique" for the 5th consecutive year. the population has access to credit.
With close to 600,000 customers in 2012 Ban- Mozambiques financial sector
Used 1 Fin. Institution 24%
co Comercial e de Investimentos (BCI) is the overall lacks depth, and moreover,
Used 2 Fin. Institution 21% while commerce, and hence banking,
second key commercial player in the domestic
Used 3 Fin. Institution 19% sector with around a 30% market share. BCI, is done in urban centers few banks
Used 4 Fin. Institution 36% too, serves the rural unbanked through mobile provide unprofitable rural coverage.
banking. In light of this, the government has
accepted that financial inclusion
underpins the stable growth of the
FOREIGN CURRENCY & NEW EN- financial industry.
TRANT The World Bank report Enhancing
Mozambiques banking sector hosts two ma- Financial Capability and Inclusion
jor international names in Standard Bank and in Mozambique: A Demand-Side
Barclays Bank. The former, present in Mo- Assessment (2014) examines the
zambique for over 120 years, is the third larg- impact of low inclusion on financial
est player by both assets and market share the capabilitydecision-making that
local market. The major player on the African benefits an individualeven among
continent, Standard Bank addresses the retail the banked, and why the unbanked
segment, but is active in project financing for have remained so.
Mozambiques massive infrastructure projects, In 2013 the Council of Ministers
having signed a deal with state mining com- approved the Mozambique Finan-
pany Empresa Moambicana de Exploraao cial Sector Development Strategy
Mineira (EME) in 2013. (MFSDS) for 2013-22. The strategy
Meanwhile, Absa Group, the South African is geared at promulgating awareness
of financial services and regulating
registered subsidiary of Barclays Bank PLC,
a sustainable, diverse, and compet-
owns a 98.1% stake in Barclays Bank Mozam-
itive financial sector. And regarding
biques operations following the 2002 purchase financial inclusion, the government
of Banco Austral. Panafrican Group Ecobank stressed the promotion of financial
and ProCredit Holding concluded negotiations literacy and consumer protection
for the acquisition of a 96% stake in Banco Pro- to boost awareness and confidence
Credit Mozambique, commencing business as among those as yet unbanked.
Ecobank Mozambique as of 20 May 2014.

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it is DECREED ening program, the impact of

these measures appears to be
significant. From a group of
12 banks, 274 bank agencies,
TBY talks to Ernesto Gove, Governor of the 83 micro-credit operators and
territorial coverage of 34 dis-
Banco de Moambique, on macroeconomic
tricts in 2007, there were 18
management, financial inclusion, and banks, 572 bank agencies, 285
cooperation with other international banks. micro-credit operators and 69
districts covered by banking
services in December 2014.
high wealth and employment in areas of mutual interest, and
potential as well as support- capacity building of staff in Financial education is a key
ing diversity in the economy the banking sector. During the factor in the strategy for the de-
by backing micro, small, and visit, our delegation held meet- velopment of Financial Sector
medium enterprises. We want ings with entrepreneurs from 2013-22. How is the Banco de
The Banco de to deepen risk-based super- many business fields in China, Moambique acting to promote
vision and Basel II principles who expressed their interest in dissemination of knowledge and
Moambique and contribute to the creation cooperation between the two protect consumers?
1.1% inflation in of a private credit manage- countries. To respond to an increasing
ment information center. need in Mozambique for con-
2014 What are Banco de Moam- sumer protection population
Net international What is your assessment of the biques strategies for improving and for financial services and
evolution of macroeconomic accessibility to banking services products in general, in Oc-
reserves $2.882 and financial indicators in Mo- in rural areas? tober 2014 we launched the
million in zambique? The Mozambican Govern- Banco de Moambique Fi-
Inflation has been low and ment and the Banco de nancial Education Program
December 2014 under control. Though it in- Moambique have taken a (PEFBM). The program will be
Standing creased to 2.95% in 2013 from number of measures to in- implemented in two phases,
2.18% in 2012, it dropped to crease access to financial ser- 2014-16 and 2017-22. It will
Lending Facility 1.1% in 2014. The Banco de vices and products. We have involve a number of strategic
(FPC) interest Moambique has been imple- updated the Law of Financial actions involving government
menting an aggressive mon- Institutions to work towards entities, media partners, com-
rate of 7.5% etary policy, which maintains increasing the total number mercial banks and financial
positive real reference interest of financial institutions and institutions, in general, as well
rates contributing to a stable to improve the classification as the national and interna-
exchange rate and the con- system, especially for mi- tional partners committed to
stitution of international re- cro-bank and micro-finance this cause.
What role does Banco de serves. Last year the metical operations. Since 2007 we
Moambique play to meet the depreciated against the dollar have initiated various incen-
demands of a resource rich by 5.5%, after 1.5% deprecia- tives to support the opening
economy? tion in 2013. Net international of institutions in districts de- BIO
Macroeconomic manage- reserves are on the rise, in- prived of bank representation,
ment is a challenge in a coun- creasing from $2.605 million in for example a lowering of the
try rich in natural resources. December 2012 to $2.882 mil- minimum capital. The Banco Ernesto Gove first joined
We propose better options lion in December 2014, which de Moambique has become Banco de Moambique in
regarding the use of assets represents four months of im- a member of the Alliance for 1976 and has held various
derived from natural resource ports of goods and non-factor Financial Inclusion. In a study positions in the Foreign
Department, the Currency
exploration and monitoring services. The GDP is not being on costs of financial interme-
Issuing and Treasury
of external debt. We promote subdued and has been growing diation, we found them to be
Department, the Credit
the balanced use of monetary at average rates greater than high compared to countries in Department, and the Center
and foreign exchange market 7% over the past five years. the region. To reverse the sit- of Documentation. In 1991
instruments to ensure ab- uation Banco de Moambique he was appointed Executive
sorption of liquidity deriving From your recent visit to Beijing, adopted a notice in June 2009, Director and Member of
from external resources in- how would you describe the pos- which establishes a common the Board. He graduated in
flows. We want to see an in- sibilities for cooperation with the nomenclature on commis- Economics from Eduardo
crease in the participation of Peoples Bank of China? sions and bank charges and Mondlane University and
key enterprise sectors in the There is great potential to ex- encourages better definition has a Masters degree in
stock exchange, so we foster pand our cooperation with the of policies and makes trans- Finance Economics from
actions aimed at revitalizing Peoples Bank of China. Both parent costs and conditions the University of London. He
the capital market. Addi- banks signed a Memorandum underlying financial products was appointed Governor of
tionally, through subsidized of Understanding to promote and services, as well as a defi- the Banco de Moambique
loans, the Banco de Moam- mutual efforts in various do- nition of a set of minimum free by Presidential Decree on
bique facilitates increased mains, including banking and services. Since the beginning July 25, 2006.
productivity in sectors with financial supervision, research of the financial sector deep-


What are the key strategies of BCI has recently signed an placed to address the compe-
BCI in Mozambique for the next agreement with CGD Group and tition. The financial market is
few years? Medical Doctors Professional highly concentrated in Mo-
One of our main goals for the Association. What is your as- zambique, and such entrants
next couple of years is to be- sessment of these partnerships? are a natural part of its devel-
come one of the preferred We have launched an agree- opment. We are aiming for
banks in Mozambique. We ment with CGD Group to growth of 7-8% in 2015 and
are present in all market seg- develop a network between there is sufficient business to
ments: corporate, private, and Mozambique, Angola, and be had by all players. We are
retail banking. We also aim to South Africa. This will become also the only bank present in
become a leading bank in the increasingly important in the the south and north, in what
broader development of Mo- near future. The main purpose may be termed the extremes
zambique, and not only as a behind it is to develop relation- of the country. We opened 11
commercial institution, but ships between those countries branches in December and
also as a bank with a key role and for us to be present with in 2014 we opened 34 new

in the
in the bankarization process matching objectives as a group branches.
of rural areas, a bank that truly that can support all needs.
understands the needs of its With Ordem dos Mdicos de What is main factor behind your

Mozambican clients. Anoth- Moambique (OrMM) we have success?
er key strategic objective is to developed special conditions Hard work is the key factor,
grow and gain a competitive for medical doctors. We are as we are utterly committed
position within the market. already doing this with other to our objectives and fulfilling
Our last strategic plan was sectors. our clients needs. We are also
TBY talks to Paulo designed to run from 2007 to innovative and dynamic, and
Sousa, CEO of Banco 2015, and has just been re- How is BCI capitalizing on the will not rest on our laurels, but
Comercial e de newed. In 2014 we grew by construction and real estate continue to cater to the bank-
around 33%, and reached boom? ing needs of this enormous
Investimentos (BCI),
more than 1 million clients. We are mainly supplying the country. The people, compa-
on strategy, expanding need for offices for new com- nies, and institutions of Mo-
to rural areas, and How would you assess your cur- panies coming in and the zambique can count on BCI for
forging partnerships. rent penetration of rural areas? needs of a very small part of the coming years in this devel-
BCI has been closely in- society. One of the main areas opment process.
volved in the bankarization that will develop in the near
process, for which the year future is the real estate busi-
of 2014 was quite significant. ness. We have created a desk
Since the middle of the year, dedicated to real estate and BCI
we entered many unbanked infrastructure, a highly specific
districts around the country. business. Customers rose
There are still 60 such dis- 33% in 2014
tricts across the country. In How will the entry of new play-
general we tend to enter with ers in the financial market affect Expected
BIO a regular branch. A second your operations? growth 26% in
initiative was the launching There are new banks and in-
of mobile units, and now we surance companies entering 2015
Paulo Sousa, currently the have two of these operating the market, which is a normal
CEO of BCI, was formerly in the provinces of Nampula development, and we are well
Central Director of the and Tete. We have also ex-
Financing and Real Estate panded through the use of re-
Business Division of Caixa
mote ATMs that can provide
Geral de Depsitos Group
access to banking and liquid-
(CGD). He also taught
and lectured for many ity in those areas. We are also
years at several schools, developing mobile agents
higher education institutes, with the support of the cen-
and universities in the tral bank that will deliver ser-
mathematics, financial vices in other areas not being
marketing, management, covered. We are therefore de-
and real estate fields. signing alternative means of
He holds a degree in creating solutions for clients
management from Lisbon in locations where we cannot,
Technical University and at least for now, open a tradi-
postgraduate qualifications tional branch. We combine
in export strategies and the use of mobile services
international marketing that allow transactions to be
from the same institution. done by phone, with an agent


growing pond
What strategic priorities have TBY talks to Rui Barros, Administrator for
you set for Barclays Mozam- Barclays Mozambique, on the scope of
bique for the next five years?
regional banking, capitalizing on economic
Barclays Mozambique is posi-
tioning itself to take advantage development, and what attracts foreign banks to
of the countrys exponential the country.
growth potential, by gearing
the bank up to support the
opportunities presented to stakes in banks in Botswa- Group gives us a strong com- is also making life easier for
Mozambique over the next na, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius, petitive advantage. We offer investors. Those coming from
five years. Barclays recently Mozambique, Seychelles, our clients deep local knowl- abroad appreciate the fact
embarked on a recapitaliza- South Africa, Tanzania (Bar- edge and presence and the ex- that well-known brands like
tion process with an injec- clays Bank Tanzania and Na- pertise and support of a global Barclays are present in Mo-
tion of an equivalent of $125 tional Bank of Commerce), bank. As such, we have the zambique. The political and
million in September 2014 Uganda, and Zambia. It also ability to play a key role in em- regulatory environment has
with the express purpose of has representative offices in powering Africa by reducing been stable for several years
repositioning itself for growth, Namibia and Nigeria as well the costs of doing business, by now and despite some uncer-
to take a lead role in Corpo- as bancassurance operations providing and enhancing ac- tainty that always surrounds
rate Banking, Debt Capital in Botswana, Mozambique, cess to the continent, and by the electoral periods, we be-
Markets (DCM) and advisory South Africa, and Zambia. being the bridge between lo- lieve that Mozambique offers
mandates in key growth sec- The creation of Barclays Africa cal and global markets. Within a unique opportunity for in-
tors, while growing its Retail the continent, Mozambique vestment.
franchise in Prestige and Pre- is one of the key markets for
mier Segments. Our goal is to Barclays. It is amongst the
become Mozambiques go-to BIO countries in which the Group IN NUMBERS
bank. We aim to be a trusted has invested the most in re- Barclays
partner in the economic de- cent years and equally where
Rui Barros currently serves Mozambique
velopment of the country and as CEO and Executive Board it expects stronger growth. We
its people. On this journey, we Member of Barclays Bank believe that in the mid-term
intend to become the employ- Moambique; previously Barclays Mozambique can be

er of choice in the banking Rui held executive positions among the largest businesses
sector and build a sustainable as Risk Head at Standard of Barclays Africa.
and profitable operation. Bank in Mozambique and
Atlantico Europa, the How would you describe the
What is the importance of the Lisbon-based operation of business environment in the
the Angolan banking group. million customers in
Mozambican market for Bar- country for foreign investors?
Rui served as Director 12 countries
clays overall strategy in Africa Mozambique is quickly im-
and worldwide? of Structured Finance proving in terms of its busi-
Africa is one of the four pillars for Lehman Brothers ness environment and foreign
and as credit analyst at
of Barclays strategy, as out- investors have very clear regu-
Fitch Ratings. He worked
lined by our Chief Executive lations in place and a relatively Recapitalization of
in capital markets and
Antony Jenkins in May 2014. straightforward process to be-

lectured in financial markets
Barclays Africa Group Limited at several Portuguese come established in the coun-
(BAGL) is the legal entity list- universities. Rui graduated try. Mozambiques proximity
ed in the Johannesburg Stock in Economics at UTAD, to South Africa is an import-
Exchange that consolidates ant feature when it comes to million USD in
in Portugal, and holds a
the business of Barclays in the sourcing inputs and hopefully September 2014
Masters of Science degree
continent. At 30 June 2014, we in Finance from the Catholic in the future also as a market
had a market capitalization University of Portugal. He for export. The major ports of
of $136.9 billion. We operate also studied and engaged Mozambique are another im-
in 12 countries and have 12 in academic research at portant factor, with Maputo,
Arizona State University, Over
million customers, and total Beira, Nacala, and Pemba be-

assets of $977.8 billion, 10,749 and recently completed the ing strategically located. The
automated teller machines, Advanced Management development of services to
1,287 branches and more than Programme at INSEAD in support your business (bank-
Singapore. permanent employees
42,000 permanent employees. ing, legal firms, consulting,
Barclays Africa has majority accounting and auditing, etc.)


ANTNIO COUTINHO As a their main profile and expec-

MRIO DA GRAA ANTNIO bank, we have been closely tation. Concerning the corpo-
MACHUNGO COUTINHO involved in the infrastructure rate segment, the high level
sector. Its absolutely funda- of customer sophistication is
Chairman of Managing Director of mental for the success of any addressed with our capaci-
Millennium bim Standard Bank operation in Mozambique that ty to tailor our products and
the infrastructure actually func- services. We have a dedicated
tions. Proper infrastructure is Relationship Manager who is

required to meet the needs of responsible for the customi-
the investment being done. For zation of the banks offers to
example, we have been involved specific customers needs.

in financing the railway line that
transports coal, the ports, and AC The key is to target the real
Nacala Airport, as well as the sectors, and the companies of
road from Maputo and South which span everyone involved
Africa. Infrastructure for us is, in the sector. By that I mean that
Capitalizing on the How do you plan to take advan- and will remain, absolutely key. if you are going to focus on coal,
countrys growth tage of current growth levels When you talk about resources, you need to focus on the main
moving forward? you are not just talking about players in coal, but not just the
requires foresight, assisting businesses in Mozam- big corporate interests in the
and close attention to MRIO DA GRAA MACHUN- bique, but also need to consider middle, as there are many oth-
customer demands. GO Over the forthcoming the stakeholders around them er stakeholders involved in the
years, and as part of our ongo- and ensure that the project goes chain, such as SMEs, and huge
ing commitment to the social ahead as smoothly as possible. numbers of people working for
and economic development of those corporates. As a bank,
Mozambique, Millennium bim How does your bank cater to you look for a value proposition
plans to continue funding both market conditions, and how does that really takes the interests
individual and SME/corporate this affect your customer base? of all suppliers and workers at
loans and advances, while also the various corporations into
maintaining its leadership in MDGM Millennium bim is account, as well as that of gov-
customer deposits. Once more, leader in all market dimen- ernment stakeholders. Standard
the banks approach to innova- sions. With approximately 1.3 Bank generates the second high-
tion in new products, services, million customers throughout est profits in the Mozambique
and functionalities will be a key the country, about 50% of the banking system. As a business,
driver for our business, aiming total banked population, Mil- we look at what we can contrib-
for further penetration of ser- lennium bim has the largest ute to the country. We want to
vices and customer enrollment commercial network togeth- be an African player, and for us,
to different banking business er with the highest capillarity the real value of this footprint is
lines. Furthermore, Millennium shown by the 161 branches how we can link customers to
bim will remain focused on its located all around the coun- other countries around the re-
branch expansion efforts, in- try on all provinces and in 54 gion. Linking is what Standard
cluding rural areas, therefore districts. We are a universal Bank is particularly good at. As
contributing to a greater and bank; therefore we cater to the a business, we have seen dra-
better accessibility of financial mass market, the affluent, and matic growth over the past few
services in Mozambique, as a corporate customers. In each years, which is a mirror of what
way to promote the financial of these segments, we address has happened in the economy.
inclusion of the population, as our customers needs with a We are a key contributor to the
we have done, historically, since specially designed value prop- Standard Bank Group, and a sol-
the banks inception. osition, in accordance with id investment.


Local banks are not only riding the success of booming sectors of the economy
such as real estate, construction, and SMEs, but also their services are ensuring
that these trends play out in the long-term.


President of the Chairman and CEO of CHAMBISSE
Executive Board and Banco nico Managing Director of
CEO of Moza Banco BancABC Moambique

e have two products specifically he construction and real estate ozambique is not only seeing in-
directed at the construction and sector is among the many sectors vestment in residential property,
real estate sector. One is aimed at we support. We have a full package but also commercial and infra-
construction activities where risk is charac- designed with property developers, whom structure as a whole to include roads, bridg-
teristically high. When firms decide to build we support right from the construction es, schools, and hospitals. This is positive,
in Mozambique using the banks money, phase up until sale to the end-buyer. The and banks have a role to play in terms of
the cost of the apartments or the building country is vast, and you cannot compare financing the construction itself, or else in
itself rises, making it difficult to compete the real estate market in Maputo with that the purchase of residential properties. Ban-
in the market. They are more cost efficient in the north of the country or the midlands. cABC is quite active in this, and in dealing
when they utilizing their own money, so I would say there are three basic markets with numerous construction companies in
we try to assist them in the short term by in terms of real estate in Mozambique. You mortgage financing. We recently launched
supporting their financial base and, at the have Maputo, which is the main city and a mortgage product for retail customers,
same time, making them more efficient. also a mature market. Then you have what I which was innovative in that it could po-
The other product we offer relates to mort- call the second segment, comprising emerg- tentially provide more people access to
gages. Our operations are also linked to ing cities including Beira, Nacala, Nampula, housing. Competition among the banks
the national growth of SMEs. We signed Tete, and Pemba. Those five cities are today is forcing us to innovate new products to
an agreement with the African Guarantee under pressure to grow, which presents a find fresh avenues for income and custom-
Fund, the African Development Bank, US- huge opportunity for investors. Then there er service. We definitely need new players,
AID and IFC, and are sharing our clients is the third segment, namely the remaining and a diversification of the financial sector,
risk with these multilateral entities. In do- cities, which is not yet a particularly excit- with insurance and pension funds being a
ing so, we reduce our lending rates offered ing prospect. As a result, diverse packages good example.
to clients, the ultimate beneficiaries of need to be designed to support activity in
these credit lines. these segments. At the retail banking level,
we forecast GDP growth of around 8% over
the coming years, which promise much op-
portunity for the financial system. Less than
18% of the population is banked, so we have
to find ways to bring that population into the
system, and to service them. We also need to
devise means of assisting domestic SMEs to
grow, and to make sure that the populated
rural areas are covered.

Mozambique, like other African nations blessed with the minerals

required for growth, is seeking ways to add depth to its financial markets.

Review C A P I TA L M A R K E T S


BVM rang its first bell in October of 1999, op-
erating under the auspices of the Ministry of

Finance. It was assisted in its launch by the
Lisbon Stock Exchange and World Bank. The
bourse is regulated by the Capital Markets Au-

thority, an entity created by the Central Bank
of Mozambique. The more notable signposts
since thenhot on each others heelswere
the 1999 listing of government bonds followed
a year later by their corporate counterparts.
The first equity listing came in 2001 following
Close to 90% of Mozambiques citizens may be the IPO of CDM Brewing Company. The 2006
unbanked, but the southern African nation is creation of the bourses Central Depository of
quietly confident in the future of its financial Securities was followed in 2009 by new secu-
markets. Indeed, according to Maputo Stock rities market regulation and the launch of the
Exchange, or Bolsa de Valores de Mozambique SME market.
(BVM) data, financial services rank among Entities wishing to trade on the BVM re-
those sectors of consequence to the broad- quire a market capitalization (MCap) in ex-
er economy of Africa, for which double-digit cess of roughly $900,000. And meanwhile,
growth is forecast for the 2013-15 period (13%). foreign investment activity is incentivized
Mining headed that particular list on 26% an- through the availability of repatriation of up
ticipated growth. The extractive sector has to $500,000.
underpinned economic advancement in the
post-civil war era since the 1992 peace deal was IN THE NUMBERS
penned, contributing 33% of growth. In short, There are 32 marketable securities listed on
the economy has augmented to the extent that the BVM, 20 of which are bonds (11 corporate
within just five years extractive and energy re- and nine treasury), while of the remaining se-
lated revenues are predicted to exceed donor curities, eight are commercial papers and three
assistance. Naturally enough, then, the gov- are stocks. In 2012 the BVM had another telling
ernment is keen to shore up the financial sec- moment when MCap broke the psychologi-
tor both as a vehicle for burgeoning commerce cal 1 billion mark; the year had seen the list-
and to attract domestic and foreign invest- ing of construction firm CETA - Construo e
ment. It also sought to foster a culture of saving Servios. The BVM reportedly anticipates see
and investment by presenting citizen and cor- a further five new listings by 2018 in the form
poration alike with a wider range of financial of gas exploration companies raising project
instruments. funding.

For 2013 total value registered at BVM Prudoct Market Share The government is keen to shore
$8,424,064.1, with total volume traded of (As of Mid-June, 2014) up the financial sector both as a
$766,275. Official data indicates that MCap Source: BVM
vehicle for burgeoning commerce
by June 2014 had scaled to around $1.106 bil-
lion in an upward trajectory virtually unbro- and to attract domestic and foreign
ken since inception. BVM also reveals that in investment. It also sought to foster
2013, sub-Sahara Africa accounted for 6% of a culture of saving and investment
overall emerging market MCap, the smallest by presenting citizen and corporation
contributor, and foil to the 50% claimed by alike with a wider range of financial
Asia. In turn, the EMs accounted for 215 of
global MCap. Mozambiques MCap as a per-
centage of GDP in 2013 stood at just 8%; this
may be contrasted with the US figure of 327%
and global average of 207%. Yet in light of the
major industrial schemes being realized and
the governments fiscal policyin 2002 infla-
Corporate Bonds 39%
tion troughed to a historic low of 2.2%Mo-
Government Bonds 12%
zambiques low score speaks of considerable
potential for the capital markets as broader in- Commercial Paper 4%
ternational interest in the stable nation man- Equity 45% against a seven-year, $500 million loan.
ifests. BVM investor breakdown data for that Oversubscribed, it subsequently rose to
year reveals a 33-67% foreign/domestic split. an $850 million offering an average inter-
In 2011 the PPP Law provided the BVM with Market Capitalization 2010 est rate of 8.5%. For 2013 total value trad-
a shot in the arm by stipulating that Mozam- June 10, 2014 (USD Bn) ed stood at $65,164,155.34, down YoY from
biques megaprojects be listed on the bourse Source: BVM $74,450,571.55. Value traded on government
to a minimum of between 5% and 20%. The bonds was at $58,702,266.07 for the year, while
law also stated that their shares would be re- 1.2 business transacted on corporate bonds print-
served for local investors, once again, to stim- 1 ed at $6,461,889.28.
ulate a spirit of investment and financial par- 0.8
ticipation. Mozambique had anticipated the THE ASSOCIATES
listing of Brazilian mining giant Vale Moam- The BVM is among the 17 members nations of
bique by the end of 2014. Yet dampened de- the African Securities Exchanges Association
mand from Asia has dulled any excitement 0.2 (ASEA). Among the Associations goals is the
that might have arisen. This being said, Vale 0 lobbying on behalf of member bourses in the
revealed plans in mid-August 2014 to double 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 international financial markets. At the 17th
minerals exports to China over the next five ASEA Annual Conference early in 2014 ASEA
years, which will pique interest as intentions President Sunil Benimadhu called for African
convert to sales. 2013 Emerging Markets Exchanges to become an, integral part of Afri-
Share of MCap (%) cas transformation in terms of the four Ss;
SMEs Source: BVM Synergies, Support, Scope, and Substance.
Mozambiques SMEs contribute around 70%
of GDP and therefore have huge potential for BIG BLIP ON THE RADAR SCREEN
future local listing once the commercial world According to an article of December 30, 2014
warms to IPOs. Most businesses today are appearing on African Capital Markets News,
hungry for capital in order to expand, but with for several key reasons Africa was identified as
bank loans not always an optionhefty inter- the second most-attractive investment behind
est rates on bank loans range between 17% the US. According to the World Bank the seven
and 22% per annum. SMEs did receive positive countries of Mozambique, Ethiopia, Tanzania,
attention in 2010 when the bourse launched Rwanda, Chad, South Sudan, and Sierra Leone
its dedicated SME market. To date there have have forecast growth rates of above 7% per
been no takers, but these are early days for annum for the 2014-16 period. These coun-
Mozambique in terms of financial inclusion, tries, of course, have vast natural resources,
much less alternative sourcing of capital. and moreover, many economies not only rank
Sub-Saharan Africa 6%
among the fastest growing in the world, but
BOND, DEBUT BOND Middle East & North Africa 8%
also have better debt to GDP ratios than most
In September of 2013, Mozambique stepped East Europe 12% developed countries. In light of these truths,
into the international bond markets when Latin America 23% the BVM will see interesting years ahead, a ba-
EMATUM fisheries agency issued notes Asia 51% rometer of wider socioeconomic advances.


a capital IDEA
The Mozambique The Mozambique Stock Exchange (BVM) Given the importance placed on
Stock Exchange has has performed well over the years, with the Financial Literacy by the BVM, a
biggest evolution registered in the five-year financial education program has been
expanded rapidly period of 2009 to 2014, where the number implemented at the national level,
since its inception, of listed securities rose by 138% from 18 to
reflecting the 43 securities; the volume of transactions
rose by 1,910.9% to reach MZN 4,607.0 mil-
expansion of the
lion ($145.1 million) on December 31, 2014,
middle classes, and and the number of securities traded climbed
increasing capital for 1,904.8%, having registered the trading of
business. 47,258,623 securities by December 31, 2014.
The market capitalization of the BVM has
experienced significant growth over the past
five years, rising from $321.3 million in 2009 In Mozambique, the BVM has become a
to $1,329.2 million in 2014, on a tremendous key source of funding for the economy, worth
increase of 377.6%, and has come to repre- a total of about $1,250 million, and has seen
sent 6% of GDP. the listing of a total of 84 securities since the
start of its activities in 1999. Furthermore, it
should also be noted that the Mozambican
State has been actively involved in the capi-
tal markets and stock exchange, through the
issuance of Public Debt29 Government
Bond issues, of which 26 were listedin the
amount of $740.7 million, and the alienation
of state shares in the amount of $23.7 million,
representing an overall amount of $764.4
Companies have used the BVM as a financ-
ing vehicle through the issuance of bonds
(30 issues in the amount of 7,415 million MT
corresponding to $231,7 million) and the is-
suance of commercial paper (21 issues in the
amount of MZN 6,379 million corresponding
to $199.3 million). Moreover, companies have
also used the BVM for the issuance or sale of
shares in the total amount of $48.7 million.
Given the importance placed on Financial
Literacy by the BVM, a financial education
program has been implemented at the na-
tional level, to promote the capital markets
and maximize the visibility of the BVM, in
order to invite more companies make use of
it through listing. The program also offers the
general public an alternative savings mecha-
nism and investment options.
Finally, it is important to highlight the
establishment of the Central Securities De-
pository (CSD) on November 5, 2014, which
among other objectives, will allow the cen-
tralized registration of all securities issued
and traded in Mozambique, increasing the
confidence of all stakeholders in the Mozam-
bican capital markets.

Insurance remains largely beyond the means or radar screen of

Mozambicans, yet the middle class is on the rise, planning for what
tomorrow may bring.



Post civil war economic restructuring and sub-
Post-civil war

sequent market liberalization, ending the state restructuring and the
monopoly, saw the re-emergence of private
subsequent market
sector insurance companies, subject to Min-
istry of Finance regulation. In 1999, the gov- liberalization ending
the state monopoly

ernment legislated the establishment of the
insurance regulatory body Inspeco Geral de enabled the re-
Seguros (IGS), subsequently ceded greater au- emergence of private
tonomy and renamed Instituto de Superviso sector insurance
de Seguros de Moambique (ISSM). Todays
Mozambican insurance sector is overwhelm-
companies, subject
AFRICA BOUND ingly dominated by corporate and industrial to Ministry of Finance
The World Bank estimates that as wages rise, policies related to energy-related infrastruc- regulation.
up to 80 million jobs may leave China and re- ture. Henri Mittermayer, Managing Director
locate to Africa. This would impact the local of Hollard Moambique told TBY that among
economy, and also the financial services, not the insurance companies in Mozambique,
least insurance as the industrial matrix expands. the three largest entities represent 80% of the
Meanwhile, a survey by the International Labor insurance market.
Organization (ILO) reveals a disparity between Premium generation has expanded by rough-
insurance coverage North Africa and sub-Sa- ly 18% per annum in recent years according to
haran Africa. In countries in the former territo- KPMG research. The merits of insurance as se-
ries such as Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco curity, much less investment, are irrelevant to
around 80% of the labor force has pension cov- most Mozambicans. Total premiums account
erage, in stark contrast to the latter, where in for less than 1% of GDP. The need for a vibrant
most nations between 3% and 10% is insured. private sector and middle class versed in the
Having pointed out that only an estimated 7% merits of saving and investment is some way
of the continents citizens have a pension plan, from being realized.
attention turned to positive demographics, set Mozambiques insurance intermediary sec-
to shape the destiny of the insurance business. tor hosts around 40 brokers and insurance
Birth rates today are on the decline, reflecting agencies. The law stipulates two types of man-
greater prosperity, and the study predicts that by datory coverage, the first being third-party mo-
2050, the 55+ demographic will have doubled, tor liability for local and foreign registration.
opening up a whole range of opportunities Secondly, business entities are obliged to car-
for the financial and healthcare sectors, but sig- ry workers compensation insurance to cover
naling the end of the demographic dividend. work-related accidents.
Meanwhile, PROSHARE cites a recent study
by Bain&Company Consultants forecasting a MICRO-INSURANCE
doubling of consumer spending in Africa 2020 Micro-insurance, like other micro components
to $2 trillion as more Africans enter the ranks of of the financial industry, is intended to cover
the middle class and make provisions for their those otherwise prone to financial exclusion
future. Africas middle class doubled between and promote sustainable welfare. The benefits
1981 and 2010 and continues its ascent. of financial security in a developing economy

are substantial, too, in providing a safety net WHY AFRICAN that virtually 100% of agricultural production is
again catastrophic loss, and in fostering cal- susceptible to drought. Official data estimates
culated risk taking conducive to entrepreneur-
CONSUMERS LACK that each decade losses of roughly 20% can be
ship. A paradox lies in the fact that citizen aside, INSURANCE expected. Yet despite the sectors contribution
the micro insurance vendor, too, must be con- Source: Fino to the economy (approximately 30% of GDP),
vinced of the viability of the transaction. Early and aforementioned risk profile, an estimated
entrants face higher operational costs, and in a 75% of rural adults are oblivious to insurance,
competitive environment, premiums drop. COST compared to the urban figure of 50%. Catastro-
phe risk insurance penetration remains a tiny
ENERGY CONCESSIONS part of the property insurance market, itself
The local insurance sector as yet has limited comprising roughly 10% of non-life coverage.
technical and financial underwriting capacity Disaster micro-insurance is not yet an option
and relies heavily on reinsurance capacity. Yet to the vulnerable either.
SwissRe indicates that in 2011 the continents
reinsurance market accounted for a minus- NOT GETTING THROUGH
Typical insurance
cule 0.8% of the global total in direct premiums The World Banks Making Finance Work for Af-
(valued at a total of $6.4 billion). By compari- premiums represent 6-8% rica report indicates low insurance penetration
son, Latin Americas print was 2.8% and that of of the average income across Africa, besides South Africa, of rough-
emerging markets 10.7% respectively $21.9 bil- ly 1%, and just seven having a rate of over 2%.
lion and $83.7 billion). Given this dependence The industry predominantly prints non-life
on reinsurance, Henri Mittermayer observes TRUST business, with life insurance, given disposable
that, you will note that there is a very low level income and longevity severely underdevel-
of risk retention of less than 5% of values at risk oped. Small wonder, then, that South Africa ac-
on corporate risks and megaprojects. counts for 93% of overall life business and over
In the industrial arena, the exploitation of 50% of non-life business in sub-Saharan Africa.
Mozambiques vast natural gas resources has Potential is identified in health insurance, mi-
seen certain recent concessions to foreign gi- cro-insurance, agricultural insurance, and oth-
ants. Mozambican law generally requires insur- Lack of confidence er products geared toward relieving systemic
ance to be taken out with local insurers, and yet poverty, or that allow SMEs to grow.
the limited scope of the local insurance market
in insurers, product
and vast scale of Offshore Areas 1 and 4, has complexity, and concern BY ASSOCIATION
seen additional flexibility is granted to related over payouts Rui Oliveira is the President of the Insurance
Concessionaires and SPVs. These are free to Associationsector player membership op-
take out insurance with foreign insurers where it tionalestablished in 2003. Today, 10 out of
proves impossible to insure with local insurance ACCESS the 16 companies in the sector are members.
companies at a cost that is not more than 10% of In a TBY interview he highlighted certain short-
the cost of insuring with foreign insurers. comings of the local scene among which were
the fact that, the government does not create
IN THE EVENT THAT funds for compulsory insurance for areas such
At roughly 0.69% of GDP, the Mozambican non- Not enough insurance as workers compensation or motor insur-
life insurance market falls short of the 1.11% agents for nationwide ancewhich is taken out from private sector
African average, and well below South Africas companies, and we are not an endless supply of
coverage, or to address
2.9%. One pressing reality is the need for ca- capital able to guarantee limitless liability. In
tastrophe insurance against the endemic risk poorer citizens this light, the Association, sees its chief role as,
of flood, droughts, earthquake, and pestilence. aligning the expectations of the law with the
The World Bank Disaster Risk Financing and In- needs of the private sector. He goes on to com-
surance (DRFI) Program encourages the uptake KNOWLEDGE ment that, People forget that insurance is a key
of disaster insurance in vulnerable nations. A element of a growing economy, especially if as-
2012 report on Mozambique, which ranks high sets, investments, and capital, too, are growing,
among those most exposed to natural disas- and with them, the inherent risk of loss.
ter. Data confirms that Mozambique has faced For Mozambique, then, industrial and infra-
an average of 1.2 major events per year over structure-related projects will continue gener-
the 1957 to 2008 period [where] drought has ating premiumsgovernment concessions to
impacted the largest number of people, with foreign companies asidewhile a wider uptake
Generally low level of
over 17 million affected since 1956. Moreover, among citizens will require economic develop-
roughly 50% of the population is vulnerable to financial literacy, and ment of a broader nature than energy conces-
the extremes of drought or flood. It is estimated terms and condtitions sions alone can provide.


TBY talks to Aldo Tembe, CEO of Moambique As a young company, how
would you describe the en-
Previdente, on new financial regulations, capital
vironment for startups in the
market developments, and starting out in country?
countrys financial sector. The situation has been im-
proving year by year, but
there are still challenges to
What was the motivation be- How would you assess your first efits coupled with the pension overcome regarding legisla-
hind creating Mozambique year of operations? funds, including medical, life tion, as fiscal and financial
Previdente? We started strongly and in insurance and funeral benefits. regulation is demanding. Yet
Mozambique Previdente was our first year we started man- The law also allows us to put in once the government appre-
created in 2012, and started aging three funds and have home loans for the members ciates the new business op-
operations in 2013. The ba- three more in the pipeline. We of pension funds. We expect in portunities arising and new
sic idea was to provide bet- started managing assets on 2015 to provide a more com- businesses being created,
ter pensions to the public in a base of almost $1.5 million prehensive range of products. it may amend legislation to
general. We have our national and ended the year on asset ease up the playing field. I
social security schemes that growth of almost $1 million to What will be the impact of Previ- expect the new government
provide just the basics. The $2.5 million. In 2014 we want- dente on the local capital markets? to encourage foreign invest-
idea was to create a private ed to grow not only in asset We expect to rank among the ment, but also to put local
pension fund for those able terms, but in terms of client top ten players in the market. content in place and have lo-
to save and start investing base, which we expanded by The law that allows the cre- cals working hand in hand to
in their own private pension 50%. We are also now branch- ation of pension funds also develop these new resources.
fund schemes. We started the ing out in terms of companies, provides for investment max- We need to have well-estab-
company with a shared cap- and today have private and imum limitations, where for lished platforms for transfer
ital of $800,000 in cash, and semi-private companies. We example, we can invest in gov- of knowledge from foreign
our total investment rose to expect to grow by at least 20% ernment bonds up to 100%. companies to locals.
around $1.5 million. in 2015 in terms of client base. This shows the direction that
And in terms of assets, we the government wants to take
want to start investing more in us in. We are now investing IN NUMBERS
properties and infrastructure more in the money markets,
in the country. but we expect to start invest-
BIO ing in property very soon, Previdente
What is the profile of Previden- once our asset value grows.
tes main clients? And unlike other players, we
Aldo Tembe studied law
Due to our shareholder struc- bear limited risk and have
at Universidade Eduardo Total investment of
ture we work more with state- greater cash flow, and can

Mondlane and Pension
Funds Management owned enterprises. But one look at a broad range of proj-
at University of South of the recent clients that we ects. The region hosts the Re-
Africa (UNISA). Prior to signed is a private sector enti- tirement Funds Africa, which
Moambique Previdente, he ty. Our strategy is to first tackle is an entity that tries to regu-
worked for four years for the state-owned enterpris- late and instill best practices million USD
British American Tobacco in es and then reach out to the across the region. At one of
corporate, regulatory affairs, general public. Emose is not the conference we attended,
and legal departments. only a shareholder but also it was discussed that we as
He has also been legal our main partner. We provide Pension Funds need to look a
consultant and corporate all clients with a full range bit more into new companies Growing at rates of
advisor for Nadhari, Lda., of pension fund schemes, in (entrepreneurs, SMEs, etc.) 20 to

Mila Investments, and terms of defined benefit, de- and invest in them. This will
Managing Director for NBC fined contribution funds, and boost the job creation and fur-
hybrid funds. We want to pro- ther promote the country de-
vide a complete range of ben- velopment with new jobs.


What is the background of the

Insurance Association in Mo-
zambique? the
The Insurance Association
was established in 2003. At
the time, there were only five
companies associated in the
market, and few issues to dis-
cuss. Yet over the past three TBY talks to Rui Oliveira, President of the
or four years, we have grown Insurance Association, on synchronizing
to 16 companies, around 10
regulation with market realities, promoting
of which are now members
of the Association. We try to indigenous insurance companies, and raising
present a unified voice for penetration rates.
the industry, and yet to date
membership is not compul-
sory although we are working cisely where the Insurance As- How do you expect insurance
to see that becomes the case sociation comes into its own 10 members of penetration to evolve in the com-
in 2015. in terms of aligning the ex- ing years?
pectations of the law with the
the 16 insurance Market penetration is at
What are Associations principle needs of the private sector. It companies around 2%. We know that we
industry concerns? is also a problem of fiscaliza- may not yet be strong enough
First of all, we would ideally tion, as there is no reliable operating at to retain the big risks of the
like to see a representative of data on, say, the percentage of the moment in big projects taking place in the
each company in the market. vehicles insured, despite this country, but we have to start.
Secondly, the government is branch being mandatory. Mozambique With time, we can increase
making important revisions to our potential. Meanwhile, al-
the national insurance legisla- What are the Associations con- though Mozambiques GDP
tion. The Associations main cerns regarding the major ener- is expected to grow by around
area of concern is the final gy projects in the north? to the findings of which the 6-8%, the bulk of that derives
shape of this legislation. From A document has been drafted government is negotiating from the major projects be-
an international point of view, by the supervisory institution with major investors. Gen- ing rolled out. Naturally, if we
ours has only been a free mar- in its capacity as consultant erally speaking, the major are not involved, our average
ket for the past 20 years, with to the government, according oil and gas investors want to growth will be negatively im-
legislation left dormant. Insur- retain the right to insurance pacted.
ance legislation has seen two coverage that circumvents
incarnations since 2000, and the Mozambican system. The What steps are necessary to
areas such as worker compen- BIO government has approached raise national awareness of in-
sation and the market have the Ministry of Finance as well surance?
regrettably taken separate as the Insurance Association. It is quite difficult to make
paths. The Insurance Asso- Rui Oliverira graduated with In our opinion, it is not only people understand the neces-
a degree in Civil Engineering
ciation has played a vital role a question of the impact on sity of insurance, and despite
from the Instituto Superior
in advising the government in our industry, but also about many years of work on this,
Tcnico. He worked in
aligning the legislation with protecting our national inter- our society lacks a culture of
Lisbon for Teixeira Duarte
the reality of the market. One from 1987 to 1996, later eststhis is a matter of assets insurance. People forget that
of the issues in Mozambique joining Ocidental Seguros set to be built in this country, insurance is a key element of a
is that the government does where he worked for four but insured elsewhere. It is growing economy, especially if
not create funds for compul- years. In 2000 he was a contentious issue, and the assets, investments, and capi-
sory insurance for areas such appointed Operations government needs to arrive at talare growing, and with them,
as workers compensation or and Claims Manager a legal solution. New gas regu- the inherent risk of loss. Inter-
motor insurance. Legislation at Imprio Comrcio lations feature a two-point ar- nationally, insurance compa-
does stipulate certain types of e Indstria. Currently ticle on insurance where point nies work with reinsurers of
mandatory insurance cover- he is Board Director at A almost aligns with our out- sufficient financial weight to
age, which is taken out from Seguradora Internacional look, while point B is a com- be able to mitigate risk. Pem-
private sector companies, and de Moambique and plete contradiction of that ba, for example, is a vital area
we are not an endless supply President of the Insurance position. By accommodating for Mozambique, where proj-
of capital able to guarantee Association. both views neither becomes ects seek out the coverage of
limitless liability. This is pre- clearly stated. strong companies.


With only 2% penetration, the insurance

industry has no shortage of room for growth,
and economic developments indicate that this
is a safe bet.


REMANE Managing Director of President of MITTERMAYER
Executive Director Global Alliance Moambique Managing Director of
of Seguradora Companhia de Seguros Hollard Moambique
Internacional de
Moambique (IMPAR)

he main insurance ve been in insur- he government has ometimes in these en-
companies in the mar- ance for 20 years, a regulatory and su- vironments it is up to
ket are in process of and about 12 or 13 of pervisory role. It has a the government to ne-
evaluating the new legal frame- those years were in South Af- new and dynamic approach and gotiate and attract big investors
work recently approved known rica. What makes insurance in is bringing in a vision as to how and the results will depend on
as Special Regime of insurance Mozambique so complicated is companies must develop this the concessions they give. The
and reinsurance for the Rovuma that although it is a country that industry. It is more aware of the jury is still out in terms of what
Basin, which appears to us at is growing quickly, we are still insurance industry now. In the is going to happen in the north
first glance, that isnt very clear struggling to keep up with what past, the government was much with regards to the emerging
and somehow contradictory. We has happened in the past in more concerned about the oil and gas industry. We as the
as a whole consider important other countries. Looking at the banking sector than the insur- insurance industry received an
that the competent authorities occupational diseases act and ance sector. However, while the urgent letter from the Ministry
must clarify of what in fact wants injuries at work, over here it is government authority is more of Finance through the insur-
to be achieved with this specific still underwritten by insurers in active than before, there is still a ance association requesting
legislation recently approved the form of workers compensa- long way to go. Along with the in- our comments on the possible
and seem to us that a strong tion insurance. It is definitely a surance companies, brokers and concession that the govern-
message should be passed to the different approach to insurance other players in the sector, the ment was considering for the
international investors about than what we have in South Af- government should ensure that exploration area of oil and gas
the importance for the country rica. Mozambique is an excep- it promotes the industry. Most in the Rovuma basin. There was
to have local insurers effectively tionally large country to live and people know very little about a proposal for these operators
involved in all insurances of the work in, and to get something insurance products, besides to be exempted from having to
big projects particularly in the from the North to the South with motor insurance and workers comply with local insurance leg-
Rovuma Basin. the road networks not as good as compensation. We have numer- islation like all other companies
they should be takes a massive ous large-scale projects where that are locally based. Naturally,
amount of time. We do not have huge international companies the insurance association was
set offices, and that is definitely are coming to Mozambique un- concerned about this trend and
something different. We do not der specific agreements with the what it could trigger in other
have a network of repairers, tow government, and insurance is a economic sectors. Furthermore,
vehicles, and spare parts distrib- part of that. We have the capaci- such a policy would be in con-
utors. I think the absence of a ty and a good insurance offering tradiction to the official policy
settled service provider network in the country. It is essential that of the government of support-
is the key issue. You need to be our insurance regulator and the ing local retention, in alignment
able to source our things and get association lobby such that the with policies of other countries
them to the client whenever they majority of the business stays in with major extractive industries.
are needed. Mozambique.

61 63 64
John W. Peffer, President of Simone Volpi, Managing Director The discovery of vast amounts of
Anadarko, on gas finds that are of Orlean Invest, on development fuel reserves in Mozambique is a
set to impact the economy, and plans for Mozambique and potential game changer for the
socioeconomic consequences. working with ENH. countrys current itinerary.

Energy & Mining


Already holding the third-largest LNG reserves in Africa, the country is set
to become one of the worlds top producers in the coming years.

ozambiques rap- reduction of environmental
idly developing impact of nonrenewable re-
natural gas re- sources has been recommend
serves, driven by by international organizations.
growing FDI into the energy The OECD in particular has
and natural resource sectors, recommended introducing
has in large part contributed to policies to strengthen invest-
its post-war progress; parallel ment framework and better
to the governments identi- facilitation of land access for
fication of the energy sector investors, in addition to imple-
as a main area for investment menting a coherent strategy
in its national plan to com- for energy sub-sector develop-
bat poverty. Characteristic ment and increase competi-
of resource-rich, import-de- tion in the power sector.
pendent, growing economies, Instituto de Estudos Sociais
the country faces complex E Economicos (IESE) informs
challenges across socio-eco- that by 2030, the urban pop-
nomic indicators, and the key ulation is expected to dou-
to effectively maximize their ble, GDP per capita to triple,
wealth lies in their ability to in- GDP to be multiplied by four,
vest natural resource revenues though 18 million people could
in physical and human capital. still be reliant on biomass for
Despite Mozambiques abun- their energy needs with poten-
dant energy resources, only tially five times more cars as
just over a quarter of the popu- today in the streets, all despite
lation is connected to the grid, Mozambiques potential to be
while also exporting electricity among the top-five exporters
to South Africa. To combat this of Coal and LNG globally. The
disparity, development of do- skewed relationship between
mestic infrastructure within The energy sector has been named growth and investment trends
and across regions, increasing a top priority for investment by the has largely resulted from the
affordability of energy access government, to bring electricity to country historically having
across the country, promotion depended on megaprojects
and participation of the private the wider population and develop the in the extractive industries
sector in the energy sector, and economy as a whole. for foreign exchange and rev-

enue, though the share of FDI into non-mega Electricity Net Generation
projects has gradually risen to 45% over the past (Billion KWh)
five years. In addition, the new petroleum law Source: US Energy Information Administration
states that oil and gas companies must be listed
on the Mozambique Stock Exchange, in a move 18

to further ensure that Mozambican citizens can

benefit from megaprojects. New legislation also
includes a special regime option for LNG proj- 14
ects in the Rovuma Basin, to respond to the
specific features of the Rovuma Project and to 12

create the necessary conditions for its final ap- 10

proval, development, and operation throughout
the concession period in conditions of economic 8

viability and profitability, informs Paulo Men- 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

dona, E&P Country Manager Mozambique

Galp Energia. Electricity Net Consumption
(Billion KWh)
WELL RESERVED Source: US Energy Information Administration
The countrys large sedimentary basins of natu-
ral gas hold immense potential for the economy, 12

with three onshore gas reserve discoveries in

Pande, Temane, and Buzi. As of January 2014, 10

Mozambiques total proven natural gas re-

serves rose to 100 tcf, placing the country as the
third-largest proved natural gas reserve holder 6
in Africa after Nigeria and Algeria, compared
to modest natural gas production of 154 bcf in 4

2012. The majority of natural gas produced in 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Mozambique was exported (127 bcf) to South TRESHAM

Africa via the 860-km Sasol Petroleum Interna- that there is potential to drill more new wells in
tional Gas Pipeline, and the remainder was do- 2015 within their defined discovery areas, while MATTHEWS
mestically consumed (27 bcf), according to the the government recently approved Anadarkos Country
Oil and Gas Journal. Another main target for fu- environmental impact assessment for the on- Manager, Brunel
ture LNG exports are in the Pacific Basin, where shore and offshore portions of Area 1s devel-
US Anadarko Petroleum has made 8 million opment. Mozambiques ability to compete with
Mozambique Lda
tons per annum (mtpa) in off-take agreements, Qatar, Australia, and North American is a result The gas discoveries
which is expected to propel Mozambique to vie of the confluence of several factors, informs
with global leaders Qatar, Australia, and North Peffer; high deliverability of the wells means in the Rovuma Basin
America in the medium to long term, to meet ris- fewer wells are required to produce a signifi- are promising and
ing global demand from the Chinese and Indian cant volume of natural gas, while gas fields are most engineering and
energy markets. as close as 20-40km to shore, eliminating the construction companies
The countrys fifth oil and gas bid round, ini- need for long pipelines; high quality gas allows form a regular client base
tially scheduled to accept bids until January 20th the countrys operators to use simpler pipe-
for us in other parts of
2015, was extended by over three months until lines and production facilities, needing less
April 30th because of high levels of investor in- pre-preparation, which all reduces costs; this the world. Clearly there
terest and requests from operators for more combined with the sheer scale of the project are certain challenges
time. The licensing round unveiled 15 new on- ensures the countrys competitive edge. in working locally,
shore blocks for oil and gas explorations and Because of the discoveries in Areas 1 and 4, one being to ensure
production, which include three new areas of LNG development of at least 50 mtpa is being compliance with local
the northern Rovuma Basim where multi-billion considered. Eni and Anadarko aim to jointly
development projects are already underway by plan and construct shared onshore LNG lique-
rules and regulations.
Anadarko and Italian Eni. According to Reuters, faction facilities in the Cabo Delgado Province That is why we entered
initial investments in the countrys natural gas of Northern Mozambique, and the engineering into a partnership to
sector are expected to exceed $30 billion; to in- design for the offshore projects and liquefaction secure the advantage of
crease production capacity to 20 mtpa of LNG, facilities is nearing completion. local expertise. Brunel
with firsts exports planned to start in 2018. In addition to its gas reserves, major depos- Mozambique Lda is a
Anadarko is leading the Rovuma Basin ex- its of coal were recently discovered in the Tete
ploration in Area 1, where significant natural province, with an estimated size of about 23 bil- Joint Venture between
gas discoveries have been made, amounting lion tons, which have attracted substantial for- Brunel Energy and a local
to approximately 50-70tcf of recoverable gas eign direct investment. Minas Moatize is also company called PacMoz.
reserves; Enis discoveries at the Rovuma Block working with the government and stakehold- Through PacMozs local
are estimated to amount to more than 80tcf of ers to improve railway logistic efficiency to in- expertise and Brunels
recoverable gas resources in Area 4. In 2014, crease competitiveness and improve economic
global experience in
Anadarko had one active rig in Area 1, drill- results of the countrys coal industry. After the
ing the already discovered natural gas fields, expansion of the project is complete, use of coal this market, we feel
while continuing exploration in their acreage. in the domestic energy market is expected to in- like we can make a real
Anadarkos President John W. Peffer told TBY crease. contribution to this sector.
Pemba Oil & Gas Service Center
Cabo Delgado, Mozambique
A public and private sector cooperation
Palma Rovuma creating a logistics solution
Basin Blocks
for the Mozambican Oil & Gas Industry
Supply Base

Construction and Fabrication Yard

Container and General Cargo Terminal - Export
Residential and Commercial Facilities
LNG receiving terminal

Contact us for further information -

ENH Integrated Logistics Service, S.A.

Avenida Marginal, n 4088
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Republica de Mozambique

Tel: +258 21 42 94 56 / 67 - Fax: +258 21 32 48 08


ANDR VELEDA SOLAR AND HYDROELECTRICITY other hydro dam, the Mphanda Nkuwa, is being
In order to meet the growing energy demand, planned to increase power availability in the
Country Manager,
Mozambique is also keen to develop their re- country, to have annual generation of 8,600MW.
Mecwide Moambique newable energy resources. Solar energy in- Ncondezi Energy plans to bring online Mozam-
vestors are looking to fill a gap in the countrys bique's first coal-fired power station (300MW)
Pemba will be the logistic rising energy demands, with solar energy usage next to its coal mine in the Tete Province, aiming
platform for the LNG already taking off in rural parts of the country to commission the the power plant in 2H2017
due to projects by companies like Self Energy and initiate commercial operations in 1H2018.
project and we want to be Mozambique. According to Mozambiques Min- The plan is to eventually expand the station to
there in 2015, and in Palma ister of Energy Salvador Namburete, household 1,800MW. Ncondezi Energy will use existing
probably in 2016. The solar systems have already provided electricity transmission capacity to send power to northern
strategy is to start working to 3.7 million Mozambicans, helping to lift the Mozambique.
in Maputo for both projects countrys electrification rate from 7% in 2004 to
and develop the brand. At 40% in 2014. In order the reach the remaining ELECTRIFICATION
60% of the population, Namburete has said that The countrys domestic electricity challenges
the same time we expect investments of a further $2.4 billion is required. are marked by a growing gap between do-
the project in Palma to The country is also expanding implementa- mestic demand and existing supply, exacer-
be ready. When the LNG tion of its great hydroelectricity potential, turn- bated by the rapid growth in the upstream
project starts, the company ing to the international community for long- and extractive sectors. Coinciding with the
will already be working in term investments to construct hydroelectric establishment of Mozal and Mozall II alu-
power plants. The countrys energy sector re- minium smelters, energy consumption has
Mozambique. We want to ceived the largest amount of investment in 2014 skyrocketed since the late 1990Mozal alone
be part of the local content, in projects through the Mozambique Investment consumes 900MW of electricity, equivalent to
and we have a solid Promotion Centre, attracting over $3.23 billion an over 70% of HCBs total power output, ac-
portfolio and expertise for just five projects, two of which were hydro- cording to OECD. Transmission structure is
in oil and gas since we electric plants. The Lupata hydroelectric dam also in need of development, as 80 to 90% of
started six years ago. on the Zambezi River accounted for the largest power from HCB reaches southern Mozam-
single investment at $1.07 billion from Mauritas, bique by way of South African transmission
who also invested in the Zambezi River Boroma lines. However, according to Standard Bank,
hydroelectric plant at $572.5 million. LNG will add $39 billion to the Mozambican
The Cahora Bassa dam hydroelectric plant economy over the next 20 years, boosting
(HCB) is among the largest hydropower instal- GDP per capita from approximately $650 in
lations in Africa, with a capacity to generate 2013, to $4,500 by 2035, and further develop-
2,015MW of electricity. After the first phase of re- ment of electrification is sure to follow. The
covery of the Songo substation was completed, government has already invested over $530
energy production of HCB increased by 6.35% million in rural electrification over the past
in 2014 to 15,892GWh. Construction of the dam five years, and electrification rates are grow-
began in 1969 when the contract was awarded ing10.2 million Mozambicans now have ac-
to Zamco consortium, and Hidroelctrica de cess to electricity compares to 1.3 million in
Cahora Bassa, SARL was founded in 1975. The 2004, ranking the country as having the third
state took over the project in 2007 holding 85% highest electrification rate in the Southern Af-
of its shares, and as of 2014 now owns 100%. An- rican Development Community region.


Country Manager, Lateorke
How would you assess Mozambiques higher eries were made in countries where Portuguese
education programs in oil and gas? was the official language. We need to streamline the
There is a spirit of innovation at the universities, qualification of new managers and technicians for
resulting from the establishment of partnerships the oil industry in this country. Brazil is a case study
with international educational institutions and in terms of the oil industry for Mozambique. Petro-
the oil companies. The main challenge will lie in bras was established in 1953. Initially, chemical,
sufficiently training engineers and technicians for mechanical, and civil engineers became specialized
the various areas of the oil industry, and having a in the oil sector. This knowledge was eventually
teaching staff with the autonomy and know-how to transferred in a structured manner to universities.
ensure education and the development of research And since 2003, Brazil has offered a degree in Petro-
and technological development projects. leum and Natural Gas Engineering, duly licensed by
the Ministry of Education. This approach has also
How would you characterize the development of had a major impact on the development of industrial
the oil and gas industry in Mozambique? enterprises, incorporating local content manufac-
Over the past decade, about 50% of new oil discov- tured in Brazil for the oil and gas industry.
Energy & Mining THEBUSINESSYEAR 61


began offshore
exploration in
2007 A GAS
TBY talks to John W. Peffer, President of
Anadarko, on managing gas finds that are set to
Plant employs notably impact Mozambiques economy, with
150 people positive socioeconomic consequences.
What is the status of the drilling and exploration to the end of 2014. Once approved, we will re-
activities in Area 1? ceive the environmental license for the project.
We continued to have one rig active during The engineering design for both the offshore
2014, both exploring our acreage in the Off- project and the onshore liquefaction facilities
shore Area 1 and delineating the incredible is nearing completion and we expect to be in
natural gas fields already discovered. Our ex- a position to award those projects in the near
ploration contract with the government of future. Marketing is making good progress as
Mozambique began on February 1st, 2007, we have more than 8 million tons per annum of
and when it expires on January 31st, 2015, we non-binding LNG off-take agreements in place
will have met all of the objectives we set out with customers in premium markets in the Pa-
to achieve. Since the first drillship arrived in cific Basin, and we are working on financing
November 2009, we have been drilling con- packages to that end.
tinuously and have discovered an estimated
5070tcf of recoverable natural gas in the Off- How would you describe the Palma Park invest-
shore Area 1, which is extraordinary for deep- ment?
water exploration anywhere in the world. We We secured the land and have done some site
continue to advance these world-class discov- improvements. Its mainly been a matter of ge-
eries we have made here and are transitioning otechnical work to design the plant, including
toward the development phase of this exciting the offshore and near-shore approach of the
LNG project. As we move ahead in 2015, we pipeline routing and the marine facilities that
BIO may drill some additional wells, although we we need to construct there, as well as a liquefac-
wont need another contract for thatwe have tion facility. We have a fairly large camp today
defined discovery areas inside Offshore Area 1, operated by about 150 people. We have approv-
John W. Peffer holds
Bachelors and Masters and have the right to continue appraising and al to start building an airstrip and have focused
degrees in Petroleum developing those areas beyond the exploration on the resettlement activities and working with
Engineering from the period once we have an approved development local communities and the government con-
University of Texas and has plan. Just prior to the end of 2014, a Decree Law cerning the location of the resettlement sites
27 years of oil and natural took an important step toward establishing a and issues such as housing design. Our stake-
gas industry experience, project-wide legal and contractual framework holder engagement efforts in the region have
all with Anadarko and that is expected to deliver a level of stability progressed well as our team meets regularly
its affiliates. Prior to his enabling continued equity investments by the with local villages and leaders to ensure we are
current position as General partnership and potential access to significant, openly communicating with the communities,
Manager of Anadarko in limited recourse to project finance capital. We listening to concerns and working to address
Mozambique, he spent three also have an approved environmental impact any issues. We have also established training
years working as Middle assessment for the onshore and offshore por- programs to ensure local communities share in
East Business Development tions of the development, having completed the work opportunities and have the skills nec-
Manager in London.
the resettlement action plan for the Afungi site, essary to play a role in the development of this
which was submitted to the government prior project.

IN NUMBERS What will the production capacity be in the early We consider the project cost-competitive and a
years? premium asset, which we will send to premium
Currently, the initial phase is for 10 million tons markets, maintaining our cost-competitive-
per annum of LNG production from two trains. ness. This differentiates us from our compet-
That requires roughly 14tcf of gas to open the itors. And, then there is the sheer scale of the

20-year production life of the project. We can project to consider.
replicate that 3-4 times in size at least given the
tremendous scale of resources discovered in What role can Anadarko play in the socioeconomic
Offshore Area 1. development of Mozambique?
Standard Banks socioeconomic study of our
Tcf of recoverable LNG
What export markets are you targeting? project reveals that it will bring tremendous
We are continuing to secure non-binding benefits to the country in terms of GDP, job
agreements in premium markets in the Far growth, foreign investment and education,
Eastthere is huge demand and growth po- among others. The study found that we directly

tential. The substantial projected long-term employ around 15,000 people, as construction
growth in global demand will probably be fo- requires a large workforce. In contrast, the op-
cused on China and India in the near future. eration of any oil and natural gas facility is not
As mentioned previously, we have non-bind- manpower-driven. It takes a high skill-level,
direct jobs ing HOAs for more than 8 million tons. They but not many people. The EPC contractors will
will be buying energy security for their nations bring in 10,000 or so people, but the real ben-
for decades to come; the resources here are efits come in indirect and induced labor. The
such that they can continue signing repeat government has plans for power generation
contracts involving Mozambican LNG. The big and other industrial projects that are directly

billion USD to
players today are Qatar, Australia, and North
Americamainly the USand meanwhile, this
project alone is expected to elevate Mozam-
bique to the status of a major global player of
tied to job growth and so on. The government
is committed to maximizing project revenue
for the benefit of the Mozambican state. We
can help by developing this project and sell-
Mozambican notable potential. ing to premium marketsmainly in the Far
Economy Eastpaying our taxes to the Government and
How can Mozambique compete efficiently with training Mozambicans to a high skill-level to
those markets? work on these projects and in the industry as
One of the first important steps was the new a whole. Our facility in Pemba has resulted in
Decree Lawsecondly come the related costs. an incredible amount of new economic activ-
We think that we have a cost-competitive proj- ity. The port set to be built there will bring in
ect here, that competes well with any LNG proj- additional investment, and we will manage our
ect in the world. The Decree Law is expected to drilling activities from there.
help with this. Looking at offshore, Anadarko is
one of the top two or three most experienced When will the first cargo be ready for export?
deepwater developers in the world. The qual- We are well advanced in marketing and have
ity and production capacity, or deliverability, started on the financing, having encountered
of the wells is such that a minimal number of significant interest. Our project team is ready
wells will produce a significant volume of nat- to move forward. The pace of development
ural gas for the LNG facilities. The natural gas will largely be dependent upon continued
fields are close to shore, at around a 20-40 ki- alignment with the Government of Mozam-
lometers distance, whereby long pipelines are bique, and the speed at which the Govern-
not necessary. The natural gas is high-quality, ment provides remaining permits and approv-
or sweet, meaning that is contains no H2S, and als. We are confident that the progress made
just minor traces of CO2, whereby the metallur- to date will provide momentum to continue
gy is not exotic. This means that the design of moving this important project forward. The
the pipelines of the onshore facilities is simpler. view in the marketplace is that it would gen-
Less pre-preparation of gas is required before it uinely increase the international credibility of
goes to the liquefaction plant, reducing costs. Mozambique.
Energy & Mining THEBUSINESSYEAR 63


What are your main investment company. ENH will hold the
and development plans for your 51% of the shares while Or-
operations in Mozambique? lean Invest keeps 49%. The
Orlean Invest
In Nigeria we are the leader in construction of the base starts is a part of a Joint
providing logistics services to in 2015, and will be a state-
the oil and gas industry. We of-the-art development. We
Venture with ENH,
manage three ports in Nigeria will establish a port and shore Mozambiques
on behalf of the government, base, where oil and gas com-
namely Onne, Warri, and Cal- panies would be able to re- natural gas
abar ports. In Mozambique, ceive cargo. It will be enable company
we will be doing the same by companies to receive material
operating a logistics base in such as cement, water, pipes,
Pemba in the Cabo Delgado drilling equipment and drill-
province for the oil and gas ing chemicals, be they liquid
industry. We will be support- or mud form. The oil indus-

ing the developments which try requires a high level of
are taking place in Palma to professionalism to support
prepare for the development exploration and production,
of an LNG plant and for the as well as technical services.

TO natural gas to be loaded on

vessels for export. In Palma,
a 12-train plant will be con-
We are currently undergoing
the environmental impact
assessment before project

structed as part of a multi-bil- execution. We have clients
lion dollar project. Because who have shown keen inter-
of the previous huge discov- est in establishing a base as
eries by Anadarko and ENI, soon as the Port is ready for
the world is now looking at operations.
TBY talks to Simone Mozambiques round of bids.
Volpi, Managing The prospects are promising, What makes Orlean Invest
Director of Orlean thereby atracting foreign in- the best company to manage
vestors. Consequently, we will Pemba?
Invest, on development offer residential facilities in Although we are a small com-
plans for Mozambique Palma as well as logistics ser- pany in terms of associates,
and working with ENH vices. The concept in Pemba, we have grown financially. BIO
250km south of Palma, will Organisations with sufficient
to recreate the success
be similar to the one we have experience and expertise to
the company achieved developed in Onne in Nigeria. develop multiple large-scale Simone Volpi studied
in Nigeria. It may take a couple of years projects simultaneously, at American College
before we reach the same such as Orlean Invest, are (Franklin College) in Lugano
size, but we have already re- rare. We are known for port Switzerland and graduated
ceived a concession of 12km management, and Pemba with a BA in International
Management in 1996.
by 60km, which is the entire will be no exception. We have
He obtained his Masters
bay of Pemba. Additionally we operated in Rwanda, been in-
degree in Integrated
have acquired an island in the vited to open bases in Brazil
Logistics in Genova at the
Quirimbas for the people that and Croatia, and have further Universita degli Studi di
we will be based in Mozam- development plans in Angola. Genova, graduating in 2002.
bique, to make life easier. It After joining the Orlean
is important that the govern- What will be the impact of this Invest Group, he was sent
ment of Mozambique enacts base in the north of Mozam- to Angola where he started
policies, especially on envi- bique? his career as a Commercial
ronmental laws. The socioeconomic impact Coordinator. After one year
is immeasurable. The north he was sent back to Nigeria
When will you begin construc- of the country will develop, where he has remained
tion of your base in Pemba? thanks to the oil and gas in- ever since. He is presently
In Mozambique we are op- dustry, and we will support Managing Director for Intels
erating in a joint venture, their operations with the Nigeria Limited since 2010,
through a public-private same high standards that we and is a naturalized citizen
of Nigeria.
partnership (PPP) with ENH, have demonstrated in Nigeria
Mozambiques national gas since 1998.


E&P Country
Mozambique, Galp
How does Galp stand out in
Mozambique in the field of
Galp Energia has significant
deep-water exploration experi-
ence gained from ventures else-
Image: Anadarko where in the world, particularly
Brazil. In Mozambique, explora-
tion is also offshore in deep water,
whereby we leverage expertise
gained from world class projects

elsewhere. Galp Energia has
been operating in Mozambique
since 1957, which confirms our
commitment to the nation.

The discovery of vast amounts of fuel reserves in Mozambique is a potential
How do you plan to develop
the onshore and offshore
infrastructure in the next few
Currently the Area 4 JV is
game changer for the countrys current itinerary. There is no doubt that
looking at building two onshore
the government of Filipe Nyusi has a unique opportunity to transform 5MTPA trains and we are
Mozambique into one of the most significant African economies. also evaluating the viability of
building a floating LNG facility
in order to anticipate produc-
ALTHOUGH THE GOVERNMENT has it is still insufficient when it comes to the Liq- tion and revenues both for the
actively participated in the progress of the uefied Natural Gas legal structure. The newly Government of Mozambique and
energy sector, Mozambique is now facing the discovered LNG reserves in Mozambiques Area 4 partners, making use of
challenge of providing a legal and institutional offshore are one of the worlds largest natu- the large resource base discov-
framework. It must balance the protection of ral discoveries in the past decade (Anadarkos ered in Area 4. We are currently
the project investors and operators which will studies suggest that there are enough reserves working within the JV and with
conduct these extremely high magnitude cam- to support the development of 50 million tons the Mozambique government,
paigns with maximizing the benefits for the lo- per annum, which would make Mozambique both regarding onshore and
cal population. the worlds third largest LNG exporter) and it is offshore developments, to obtain
Negotiations between the most important ought to become one of the drivers of Mozam- all required approvals and devel-
operators in the energy sector such as Anadar- biques economy in the near future. The scale op the projects successfully for
ko or Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi (ENI) and of the operation might turn Mozambique in all involved stakeholders. The
the government resulted in the passing of the one of the frontline energy exporters not only recent changes to legal and fis-
Enabling Law No 25/2014 of September 23rd in Africa but in the world, but the legal and in- cal frameworks are among the
2014, which replaced the obsolete Petroleum stitutional framework was insufficient. industrys vital developments
Law of 2001. The new law is a large leap towards The recently passed law No 25/2014 autho- of the past few years regarding
the modernization of the legal framework, but rizes the Council of Ministers to legislate a spe- specific legislation.
Energy & Mining THEBUSINESSYEAR 65

cial regime for the LNG project, Decree law that

is expected to be approved by Mozambiques
Parliament by the end of 2015. Although the
new Petroleum Law still doesnt offer the nec-
essary security of other international modern
legislations, as it leaves a certain level of uncer-
tainty and in some cases, contradictory legis-
lation, the Decree Law for the Rovuma Basin
LNG Project is practical and constructive, as
it allows the participants to negotiate special
conditions and requisites for the new project.
The Decree aims to ease the entire process
of exploration and production of LNG, as well
as offering Anadarko and ENI legal and fiscal
stability. The Decree guarantees the compa-
nies that the tax will not raise in periods of 10
years after the first shipment (which will likely Image: Anadarko
be made in 2018, at the earliest), and at the end
of every interval, it will be renegotiated. The
legislation also sets a limit of 4% increase in
production tax for the years 10-20 and 6% for The Decree Law also protects the local pro- The Decree
the years, in case that no agreement is reached, curement of goods and services while giving guarantees the
protecting the profitability and sustainability some important exceptions, such as if the Mo- companies that the
of the project. Regarding the financing struc- zambican company does not meet the quality
tax will not raise
ture, it must be approved by the government requirements necessary for the operations, the
of Mozambique, but it eliminates the restrains goods and services cost more than 10% of the in periods of 10
in the debt-equity ratio imposed by the Petro- imported ones, contracts for the provision of years after the first
leum Tax Law. Anadarko and ENI may as well special technology worth more than $25 mil- shipment (which will
obtain insurance with foreign companies, as lion or if the goods and services are required likely be made in 2018,
long as the costs of the local ones are 10% more to be procured offshore due to financing with at the earliest), and
expensive than them. It also permits the com- Export Credit Agencies.
panies to maintain foreign currency accounts As a result, the uncertainty created in the
at the end of every
in Mozambique or in offshore accounts. In Petroleum Law has therefore been eased, giv- interval, it will be
the case of offshore accounts, money must ing the LNG market a stability and clarityes- renegotiated.
be transferred to Mozambican accounts just sential for PPPs. It will provide Mozambique a
when paying local taxes, goods and services, solid tool, which will be undoubtedly crucial in
and local workers, turning 50% of the amounts order to face the upcoming challenges of the
into Meticals. energy sector.

Maputo - Moambique

Expandindo a rede de Gs
Natural Vecular Moambicano
Expanding the Mozambican
Natural Gas Vehicle Network

Cel: +258 84 6140001 |


general public, while helping transport fleets to mitigate cur- for the next five years. Mozam-
to reduce pollution. rently high pollution levels. In bique has a fleet of about half
the case of Mozambique there a million vehicles, of which
What does the conversion of pri- is one extra reason for using around 67% run in the greater
vate commercial vehicle engines natural gas, namely that as it is Maputo area. It is, therefore,
to natural gas utilization entail? available and produced local- expectable that the focus of fill-
The conversion of petrol ve- ly, by using CNG we are using ing station network expansion
hicles to CNG is simple and is our own fuel and substituting will meet demand in this area
basically done by inserting a imported fuels with our own and only then start gradually
T connection in the inlet pipe gas, which improves our econ- expanding throughout the rest
of the engine. This connection omy by reducing the importa- of the country.
allows the supply of natural tion costs and ensuring greater
gas or petrol controlled by a control on fuel prices. What types of partnerships are
butterfly valve operated by a you looking for to further devel-
switch activated at the drivers How many natural gas vehicles op this project?

discretion. By doing this the are currently in operation in Mo- Autogs has achieved profit-
vehicle can run either on petrol zambique and how do you ex- ability with this project and is
or CNG, therefore allowing the pect the number to evolve over now looking to replicate the

her up
vehicle to use CNG, while with- the next five years? experience by expanding its
in the range of CNG filling sta- The number of vehicles run- filling station network to in-
tions, but continuing to run on ning on CNG in the cities of crease the business volume.
petrol in other circumstances. Maputo and Matola today is This requires substantial in-
growing rapidly, and it is fore- vestment and Autogs is seek-
TBY talks to Joo das What are the benefits of such a cast that in 2020 approximate- ing serious partners to share
Neves, General Director conversion? ly 30,000 vehicles will be using the opportunity. Affordable
of Autogs, on savings The immediate advantage of natural gas in Mozambique. capital for investment is the
converting vehicles to CNG main priority, but options for
on consumer fuel is paying only approximately How many filling stations does equipment leasing, or an op-
bills, the advantages of 40% on fuel bills compared Autogs have? What are your tional share for strategic CNG
natural gas, and setting with petrol and enjoying be- strategies to expand the station equipment producers may
up filling stations. tween 50% to 60% savings. The network nationwide? also prove interesting.
advantages do not end there. Currently, Autogs has opened
Natural gas burns completely five CNG filling stations with What are your goals for 2020?
Autogs was created in 2008, and therefore does not pro- a further 12 stations projected Autogs aims to continue in-
but what was the motivation be- duce carbons that petrol or die- troducing financially feasible
hind it and how has the compa- sel engines do. This means that natural gas filling stations that
ny developed in the intervening the maintenance periodicity Autogs will supply over 300 million
years? on natural gas vehicles can be equivalent liters of natural gas
Autogs was created by a group extended reducing the number will have 12 in 2020.
of Mozambican entrepreneurs of maintenance services over additional CNG
following a study confirming time and extending the life of
that the use of natural gas for the engine. Moreover, natural filling stations
vehicles in Mozambique was gas pollutes far less than other over the next five
a viable concern. It is a PPP fuels. The savings on pollution BIO
that from the public sector are so high that certain cities years
features the Institute for the today are only allowing natu-
Management of State Hold- ral gas vehicles in their public Mozambique-born and
ings (IGEPE) and state-owned bred, Joo das Neves is a
petroleum product distributor Mechanical Engineer, and
has worked for more than 25
PETROMOC, and from the pri-
years in the private sector, in
vate sector a consortium called
the tourism and automobile
INDICO ENERGIA SA. The industries. He managed a
initial days of Autogs opera- leading car distributorship in
tions were challenging as peo- Mozambique for brands such
ple, unaware of the potential as Ford, Mitsubishi, and Man
use of natural gas in vehicles, Truck and Buses for over
were reluctant to change. Only 12 years. Over the past six
after several years of proven years he has been devoted to
experience with private sector implement from scratch the
public transportation with the use of natural gas in vehicles
so-called Xapas vehicles, the in Mozambique. Due to his
public began to have faith in passion and dedication in this
the project. The project has a field today he is popularly
tremendous impact on the na- known in Mozambique as
tional economy by rendering John of the Gas.
transportation cheaper for the
Energy & Mining THEBUSINESSYEAR 67


TBY talks to Susana problem; informal garbage

Serra, Manager of collectors who earn their liv-
ing at the dumpsites are also
AMB e Veritas, Grupo a factor to consider. All waste Veritas, Grupo
Meridian32, on the management systems must
companys social take into consideration that
responsibility model, when dumpsites are closed, in 2015 aims to
these entrepreneurs lose a
non-hazardous waste source of income. One waste
establish Made
solutions, and key management solution could in Mozambique
projects for the firm. be the creation of Industrial
Ecological Parks, with the aim and ISO

waste not,
of developing the integrated certification
management of non-hazard-
ous waste. In this approach for all business

products or raw materials that
can be sold or reused are pro-
duced, minimizing their refer-
ral to landfills or dumpsites.

How would you characterize the solutions. In mining, we sup- What are AMB e Veritass key channeled toward developing
services of your business lines port operations throughout projects in Mozambique? the training component of
in social and environmental pro- the lifecycle of a mine, with The most challenging project the practice in areas related to
tection? expert environmental and we have participated in to date safety, health, environment,
AMB e Veritas started as a sustainability advice and legal is the preparation and imple- and quality (SHEQ). We re-
service provider in the qual- compliance work, from start- mentation of a resettlement cently concluded an agree-
ity arena in 2007, but rapidly up of exploration through to plan for 1,700 families on a ment to be the NOSA agent in
evolved to provide services in rehabilitation plans for mine road project between Cuamba Mozambique and will during
environmental advisory, sus- closures. In this particular sec- and Massangulo, under the 2015 be delivering on the vi-
tainability, climate change, tor, we provide environmental supervision of the African De- sion of becoming the trainer
and management of social monitoring reporting back on velopment Bank, where the of choice in Mozambique.
projects. The team is com- the environmental impact of management of public opin- In a country with the level of
prised of consultants with a the mine. Energy is also an im- ion was successfully achieved. growth that Mozambique is
high degree of specialization portant sector for us. We have Another interesting project experiencing, it is important
in several environmental and the ability to perform studies was the environmental impact that industry be prepared to
social areas. To complement and deliver recommenda- assessment of the FACIM real face the challenges that SHEQ
these services, AMB e Veritas tions that help reduce energy estate project in the heart of provides by training its em-
regularly collaborates with consumption and deliver en- Maputo that will become an ployees in accident preven-
the main universities in the vironmentally friendly energy icon of the city. The tall build- tion, and pollution avoidance,
country and with renowned projects, helping create a sus- ings will require coordination and work to worldwide recog-
experts. AMB e Veritas adheres tainable future with a small- not only with MICOA (Envi- nized quality standards.
to its sustainability and social er environmental footprint. ronmental Ministry), but also
responsibility policy through Lastly, transportation is the with the Civil Aviation Insti-
the transfer of knowledge to most challenging sector of all. tute due to potential interfer-
young Mozambican universi- It involves all of our techni- ence with flight paths. Last but
ty alumni, by offering intern- cal skillsfrom noise and air not least, the environmental
ships at the company. Our ser- quality experts, social experts, impact assessment of a 9,300 BIO
vice strategy rests on effective resettlement teams, to biolog- ha rice plantation and rice
and personalized delivery in ical experts. processing plantundertak- Susana Serra has
a constantly changing society en with supervision from the a background in
and market. How would you describe the International Finance Cor- environmental engineering,
current use of non-hazardous poration (IFC)was also a management, and training.
Which sectors can benefit the waste in Mozambique, and what project where public opinion She worked as a consultant
most from your expertise in sus- solutions can you offer for waste surrounding water issues had at Jindal Africa and was
tainability and environmental management? to be managed through a de- project manager of the
issues? For many years, waste man- tailed water supply study indi- environmental impact
The industrial sector is the one agement was not a priority for cating how, where, and when assessment of OLAM
we work the closest with; there national leaders. Yet today, water would be utilized. Mozambique. Additionally
we help our clients expand with a developing economy, she is a qualified quality
their industrial assets, improve the major cities are concerned What are your main investment auditor for TUV Reinhard
competencies, and translate by the challenges presented in and development projects for and a certified trainer for
the latest process technol- effectively disposing of waste. the near future?
ogies into workable design And landfills are not the only Our main investments are


Image: Cahora Bassa Mozambique

With the majority of the population living off
the grid, the government is looking to foreign
investment, new regulations, and low-cost tariff
strategies to develop energy sustainability.

MOZAMBIQUE, AFRICAS second largest investment mar-

ket, is rich with untapped coal, natural gas, hydropower, and
bio-fuels. The growing international attention has been tem-
pered by strategic and regulatory inefficiencies in the electrical
power infrastructure. In February 2015, The United States Agen-
cy for International Development (USAID) attributed Mozam-
biques acute energy shortage to administration, transmission,
and distribution losses, which totaled 32% of gross power gen-
According to current World Bank estimates, 15% of Mozam-
biques population has access to the electricity grid. Cahora Bas-
sa Hydroelectric facility accounts for 90% of the countrys 2.392
GW capacity. According to Post-Stabilization Economics in
Sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons from Mozambique, the key to the
sustainable development is to distribute the energy with foreign
investments, new regulations, and low-cost tariff strategies of the
Electricidade de Mozambique (EDM).
Januarys torrential rainfall and flooding ravaged the country
Image: Cahora Bassa Mozambique leading to 170 deaths, 80,000 homeless, damaging roads and
bridges, and leaving the north without power. Mozambiques
Energy & Mining THEBUSINESSYEAR 69

Business Monitor Internationals According to Maccauhub, Tokyo Electric

Mozambique Power Report estimates Power Services Co. (TEPSCO) and Oriental
Consultants Japan Co. (Oriconsul) have pro-
power generation to increase 6.5%
in 1Q2015 to 25.3TWh, growing to
vided a loan of 17.26 million yen with a 10-year JOS MENDES
grace period and a maturity of 40 years to Elec-
35.8TWh in 2023. International tricidade de Mozambique. The loan will fund a COELHO
donors are expected to elevate natural gas power plant with 100MW capacity Director, EIP
energy consumption levels to in Maputo, the capital of Mozambique, by 2018. Moambique
31.2TWh by 2023. The Chairman of EDM, Gildo Sibumbe, expects
the thermal power plant to strengthen the
supply of electricity so that more people have We set up in Mozambique
access to it. in 2010 attracted by the
economic activities were stopped during four Ncondezi Energy, a London-traded compa- large electrical projects
weeks of blackouts, which paralyzed the energy ny, is moving forward with the development scheduled to be realized.
corridor of South African Development Com- of a Thermal Power plant for the Electricidade
The largest is STE
munity (SADC), the South African Power Pool de Mozambique in the Tete Province. Con-
(SARP) and Zizabona Transmission project. struction expenses are expected to reach $500 (CESUL), which comprises
Based on the recent natural disaster, the to $600 million. According to the Ncondezi two new lines that will
governments debt levels will continue rising, press release, This large scale project will be run from Cahora Bassa to
states Moodys Investor Services. General gov- Endi destrum
developed inctuststarting
in phases, aspedwith mint odignimusdae
a 300MW Maputo, corenis arum
one for domestic
ernment debt has risen by more faccusam
than a third fuga.
integrated mine and power plant (300MW consumption
Optate est etus. Derci dunt ut vel minulle cuptaeprecab and the other
and will now likely exceed our forecast of 58.3% Project), expanding ultimately to an 1800MW
ium vellupi for export. However, the
of GDP this year as a result of the higher budget diamusantio
power plant. dolorio.
ongoing delay presents

deficit and lower GDP growth figure. At this lev- New Delhi-based International Coal Ven-
el, Mozambiques general government indebt- tures Pvt Ltd plans to construct another pow- a problem for both
edness is high relative to many regional and er plant in the Tete Province. ICVL recently Mozambique and our own
rating peers. purchased the coal mining assets of Rio Tinto business, as economic
Aggreko, a UK-based temporary power Group for $50 million in 2014. According to Ajay development is greatly
generation company, has been working with Mathur, chief executive officer of ICVL, they
EDM in order to offset losses from the natural will use some of the thermal coal and waste
indexed to energy, without
disaster. Aggreko upgraded the power utili- product to generate power locally. The Rio which many projects have
ties capacity to 11MV with an additional 7MV Tinto Group had purchased the coal assets for yet to commence. We have
expected in the coming weeks. By delivering $4 billion back in 2011. experience in hydroelectric
this fast-track power solution, we are helping to Business Monitor Internationals Mozam- projects, electrical
provide a more consistent and reliable power bique Power Report estimates power genera-
substations, as well as
supply to the people of Nacala while helping to tion to increase 6.5% in 1Q2015 to 25.3TWh,
support the economic growth in the northern growing to 35.8TWh in 2023. International do- wastewater management,
region. stated James Shepherd, Managing Di- nors are expected to elevate energy consump- but have yet to participate
rector of Aggreko Southern and East Africa. tion levels to 31.2TWh by 2023. in tenders.

since 1998 An Investor in Technology

Since 1998, Escopil Internacional has contributed to the

development of Mozambiques economy, through the provision of high
standard engineering services, investment in training and technology
for various private ndustries and information technology solutions
for government.
With a track record of over 16 years, we are proud of being one
of the best 100% Mozambican-owned companies, with a history of
success. Our commitment to the development of Mozambiques
economy with zero harm to people and the environment has
allowed us to became a preferred partner in cement, ports, sugar
mills, petrochemical, aluminum, mining and various industries.

Av. Ahmed Sekou Tour, n. 406 R/C, Maputo

T +258 21 492725/492967 | F +258 21 492974 |

Mining related investments in Mozambique are attracting some of the

largest megaprojects in Africa. These projects have the potential to
recreate the countrys infrastructure and boost exports.


News broke in early 2015 that an Indian pub- BIG CHANGES
lic-owned consortium, International Coal Ven- The 2014 Deloite African Construction Trends Getting coal to the
tures Limited (ICVL) had invested $2 billion in publication reported that investment in market is a major
Mozambiques mining sector. Months earlier, megaprojects in Africa was up by 46% in 2014. challenge for mining
Mitsui had agreed to invest almost $1 billion This trend was especially apparent in Mozam- firms. This dilemma
in Vales coal projects in Mozambiquea sign bique, which attracted $14 billion for three is catalyzing new
of Japans growing interest in the countrys megaprojects, as well as millions more for
natural resources. The news confirmed a pri- smaller undertakings. All three of these projects
railway, road, and
or KPMG assessment that demand from India will have direct implications for the countrys shipping infrastructure
and China would put the countrys extraction mining sector. that stands to benefit
levels among the top ten global producers of According to Deloite, Mozambique has at the whole country.
coal, at an estimated output of 41.8 million tons least 18 large infrastructure development proj-
by 2017. By this metric, the sector is expected ects valued at over $24 billion under way. The
to reach an annual value of $735 million with- nature of these projects rejects a shift towards
in two years. The country has concurrently new economic areas. Only 5.5% of the funding
systematized its regulations, and in doing so is allocated to the countrys current economic
earned the reputation as one of the top two backbone, agriculture. Meanwhile, 50% is des-
mining investment friendly countries in Afri- tined for energy and power and 45% for trans-
caa designation it shares with South Africa. port related projects. Both of these areas are
And while this news has industry shareholders critical to the success of mining ventures.
champing at the bit, macro economic factors, One such investment in the Nacala Integrat-
infrastructure deficits, and social impediments ed Logistics Corridor will transform the way
must not be overlooked. This reality is perfectly that coal, and other raw materials are trans-
clear to industry bosses, who are taking the lead ported to international markets. Tracks now
in developing the countrys decrepit transpor- run from Moatize, where Vale operates coal
tation infrastructure. mines, to the coal terminal at Nacala-a-Velha,
Of more immediate concern, major mining built on the opposite side of Nacala Bay from
companies are feeling the pinch as commodity the old port of Nacala, which will export around
prices slump in the wake of slowing growth in 18 millions tons of coal annually.
major markets. As Chinese firms curb their en- The project is 80% owned by Vale, with the
thusiasm, mines must anticipate and respond remaining 20% owned by Mozambique's pub-
to market conditions. In global terms, mining licly owned port and rail company, CFM. The
is the canary in the coal shaft. Ultimately, min- railway runs for over 900km, with the expec-
ing brings in some of the worlds biggest firms, tation of moving 20 coal trains a day. This will
and underpins the global economy. Coal from require a fleet of 100 locomotives and 2,700
Mozambique fuels power generation thou- wagons, to service the 12 ships a month that are
sands of miles away, and plays a critical link in expected to call at the coal terminal.
other countries production and development One of these projects, the $3 billion Mphan-
strategies. da Nkuwa Hydropower Plant Project is one of
Energy & Mining THEBUSINESSYEAR 71

multiple planned and ongoing corrections to coal production in the country. However last
the countrys power deficit. Mozambiques year, Rio Tinto took an asset impairment charge
current electricity-generating capacity peaks at of $3 billion on the venture, citing challenges in
2,200MW, supplied for the most part by the HCB building the infrastructure required to bring
dam65% of which is exported to South Africa. the project on stream. In late 2014, Rio Tinto fi-
Locally, only 18% of Mozambicans have access nally unloaded the disastrous investment onto
to electricity. Further exacerbating this paucity, to Indias International Coal Venture Private
the countrys power requirements, currently Ltd (ICVL) for a paltry $50 million. At the time
at 1,600MW, are rising by 15% annually. Pow- of sale, Rio Tintos executives insisted that the
er-intensive mining operations are therefore incident was isolated, and that the firm's oth-
especially susceptible to power outages, and er multi-billion dollar investments were going
the high costs generated by supply-demand ahead at full steam.
imbalances in the market. By some estimates,
demand for electricity from mining companies COAL TALKS
is rising by 20% per year, warranting immedi- Coal is the fastest growing segment of the
ate, and costly investment. economy according to Frost & Sullivan. This
To power their projects, coal miners such news is substantiated by a recent discovery of
as Vale plan to build plants to generate elec- significant reserves of coking coal in the Tete
tricity using waste coal. This generation might province and the Zambezi area.
even contribute to the national grid in the fu- Vale has been producing coal from the
ture. In addition, significant gas discoveries are Moatize mine since July 2011. The company
expected to spur development of more power has invested in developing two railroad proj-
projects over the coming decade, most of which ectsthe Sena railroad project and the Nacala
would occur near the offshore Rovuma basin in corridor project. Upon completion, both proj-
the north of the country. In addition, 2014 saw ects will contribute a combined 1,547km of
nearly 300MW of gas-fired power plants come high capacity rail connectivity, and 24 million
online, which helped to address the countrys tons of coal transport ability to the national
supply gap. infrastructure. Vale is also expanding produc-
tion at the Moatize mine, which is expected to
TOUGH TIMES double capacity to 22 million tons per annum.
Downward pressure on commodity prices These projects represent a significant invest-
has mining companies on the back foot, but ment for Mozambique, with a major part of fu-
firms are not ceding groundand still writing ture coal production expected to come from the
checksand their counterpunch should send Moatize project.
the economy lurching in the right direction. With Vale leading the charge, the country is
Vales Moatize produced a record 4.91 million set to produce a record 29.5 million tons of coal,
tons of coal in 2014, 3.124 million tons of met according to BMI. The same report anticipates
coal and 1.784 million tons of thermal coal. In year-on-year increases that will boost output to
4Q2014, Moatize saw a quarterly record of 1.433 41.8 million tons by 2017.
million tons, 10.6% higher than 3Q2014. Once
the railway upgrade is completed, increased
flow to and from the mines will allow for suc-
cessive record breaking years.
Vale finds itself facing the same dilemma as
its counterparts in the liquid energy sectora
glut in production and diminished demand.
Vales 2014 numbers showed that the group
has taken a hit as coal prices tumbled on the
international market, forcing it to reduce ongo-
ing investments in Mozambique. Vale Moam-
biques losses rose to a stunning $507 million,
in the wake of a $397 million loss the previous
year. They were not alone. In 2011, Rio Tinto
purchased Australian firm Riversdale Minings
Mozambique coal coking venture for $3.7 bil-
lion as part of a massive deal that signaled im-
mense confidence in the financial viability of


Mining has been bearing the brunt of depressed prices and markets, but
prudent strategies are enabling it to see a light at the end of the tunnel.

foresee the sector developing steadily. And despite
the low price environment and logistics shortfalls
Managing Director, the fact remains that the quality of the coal in
Baobab Resources Moatize is good. What is more, it is easy to extract, being at
a shallow depth, unlike some deposits in, say, Queensland. GARETH CLIFTON
e are looking to lever- Another point to consider is our proximity to the Asian mar-
age our unique access ket. In an international context, our geographical location
to captive iron ore renders us are closer to India, and it is that proximity that Manager, Kenmare
(our global resource invento- makes the Mozambican coal important. So I think business Resources Plc
ry stands at three-quarters of a will develop, even if not to the extent we anticipate, and

billion tons) and the locally-pro- there will definitely be major growth over the next five years. e completed the ex-
duced thermal coal to establish Vale has already started doubling its capacity, and we are set pansion works at the
a vertically integrated, mine- to do so, too, as is Jindal; so while prices are indeed low, this Moma mine in 2013
mouth smelting operation pro- means it is time to either optimize the scale of operations, and have all but ramped up to
ducing iron and steel products. or else pull out. full, expanded capacity, having
By-products of vanadium and invested approximately $400
possibly titanium will also be million. With this expansion we
produced. Against a backdrop RICARDO have seen a significant QoQ rise
of slowing global economies FERRO JOSE in production since mid-2013.
and the flattening of Chinese Overall expansion increased our
development, Mozambique
BHR Country capacity from 800,000 tons per
and the SADC region contin- Manager and year of ilmenite to 1.2 million
ue to enjoy strong growth rates Director MML, tons. We export to around 35
of more than 7%. The demand Minas Moatize countries, but the main ones are
for construction steel in Mo- the US for ilmenite, Europe for
zambique is growing very fast,
LdaA Beacon zircon, and China for ilmenite
driven by the commissioning of Hill Resources and zircon. We will be renewing
large-scale infrastructure, min- Company our mine concession in 2029,
ing, LNG, and power projects. and have 100+ years of mine
However, the country is entirely life. We would expect prices to
dependent on imports. recover quite strongly in 2015.
We have a large deposit with
considerable opportunities for
CHANDRA SHEKHAR SINGH further production.
Country Head, Jindal Africa

he initial production plan is for 3 mil- have negotiated lower costs with our contrac-
lion tons per annum, yet in the inter- tors, although not sufficiently. And meanwhile,
national coal market over the past one logistics currently poses the greatest challenge,
and a half years prices have declined by 50%. as our costs reflect the high volume of handling
Unless the market improves we cannot increase and re-handling, whereby around 45% of our
production. Having now decelerated we await cost structure is accounted for by logistics. We
improved market conditions. Among measures are discussing steps with the government to
to adapt to prevailing conditions we recently ter- address these excess charges. It has adopted a
minated outsourced mining contracts. There are highly sympathetic view, and a committee is
three aspects that we are still considering; one is in the process of studying the issue with a cost
the mining itself, another is processing, and the structure and comparing it to other countries
third is logistics. We have removed contractors such as South Africa. This will hopefully lead to
from the mining component, in processing we lower logistics costs.

76 77 79
Daniel Murray, Asset President of Industrial and trade facilities Boosting reliance on local
Mozal, on merging business lines, geared at promoting sectors, will production for raw input
Mozals contribution to GDP, and play a larger role in diversifying promises to reduce prices, while
influence on other sectors. Mozambiques economy. propelling the wider economy.


Last years industrial sector was marked by increasing potential in

FMCGs, as disposable incomes rise with the growing economy.

ising incomes, a faced by the industrial sectors.
broadening con- One of the main advantages
sumer base, and in Mozambique is having a
a steady stream of government that is willing to
new investments and projects work with investors and busi-
coming online are creating nesses to actually create op-
boundless opportunities for portunities. An advantage for
the countrys industrial sec- larger investors like Mozal, is
tor. The latest statistics from the ports along the coastline,
the World Bank showing that which ensure efficient logis-
industry accounts for 20.8% tics and access to our raw ma-
of the countrys GDP and em- terials, Mozals Asset Presi-
ploys 40% of the population. dent Daniel Murray told TBY.
Making a name for itself in
several diverse and growing HELTER SMELTER
markets as well as in Special While Mozambiques natural
Economic Zones, Mozam- gas resources put the econo-
bique is developing an ideal my on the map as a top global
business environment and performer, the countrys met-
distinguishing itself on the in- als and minerals industries
ternational scene. Consolida- play a significant role in inter-
tion of factories in industrial national markets, particular-
centers is essential for man- ly with aluminum, iron, and
ufacturers in the country due Image: Ferpinta Moambique steel. BHP Billitons Mozal
the lacking infrastructure, lim- smelter, the largest company
ited power supply, and high in Mozambique, was estab-
transportation costs across its lished in 2001 and contrib-
expansive geography. Com- BHP Billitons Mozal Smelter is utes 7% to the countrys GDP,
panies like Barbot cope with producing 570,000 tons per
the challenge by transporting the backbone for the industrial sector, annum of primary aluminum
the precise quantities of their providing raw materials to a variety of ingot. However BHP Billiton
products ordered by their cli- markets, while burgeoning infrastructural announced last year their
ents in trucks to cut cot costs. plans to demerge their alu-
However many domestic ben- developing ensures increasing demand minum business, along with
efits outweigh the challenges for its aluminum. manganese, nickel, and silver,

to create the company South32 to operate these curbs the motivation invest in developing qual- Spirits producers like
assets, according to Murray. ity local alternatives. Diageo are currently
The need for domestic development and working with the
growing potential in several sectorssuch LETS HAVE A DRINK
as LNG, construction, petrochemicals, and FMCGs represent a major portion of the coun-
government to further
agro-industrialpromise strong and steady trys manufacturing industry, particularly with regulate import
growth rates for metals through the long term. beverages and tobacco. Room for growth is taxes on spirits, and
Mozal has confirmed the countrys strategic endless at the moment, says Simon Everest, the government has
status for industry, and the readily available Country Manager of Coca-Cola Sabco, which created new legislation
raw minerals have allowed companies like Mi- has influenced Coca-Cola to up investments in
regarding the
dal Cables to flourish, though Mozals primary existing capacity in the Maputo and Chimoio
market is designed for export to Europe. Midal facilities, in anticipation of increasing dispos- production, marketing,
was the first local market for the downstream in- able income in the country. Currently under and consumption of
dustry, currently running a production capacity development, the 21-ha Maputo plant will ul- alcoholic beverages.
of 50,000 aluminum wire rods and 22,000 tons timately have seven lines in place, expected
of overhead conductors out of their $70 million to provide sufficient capacity until 2022, after
factory that was completed December 2014. which additional lines will be added; its first
Mozal has also been a major boon for the trans- line will go into production in 3Q2015, the sec-
portation sector through road-access projects ond at the end of 2015, and the third is set to
and port development, importing more than be commissioned in 1Q2016. Due to electricity
one million tons of alumina per annum through grid challenges, the plant will most likely have
the port. Major infrastructural projects planned to initiate operation running on generators. An-
such as bridges and gas projects in Nacala and other recent innovation for the bottling indus-
Pemba are set to drastically increase demand of try are PET polymer bottleslightweight, easy
steel and rebar, and Ferpinta Moambique has to transport, unbreakable bottles preferred
already grown 15% in 2015 according to their for packaging many foods and beverages. Co-
General Manager Romeu Rodrigues. ca-Cola has recently invested $130 million
The construction boom has also been benefi- in their Maputo PET line factory, $20 million
cial for paint manufacturers Barbot, whose fac- in Chimoio, and $15-20 million in Nampula,
tory was constructed in 2014 with a production which require fewer people to operate and pro-
capacity of 1.5 million liters following an invest- duce four times the quantity.
ment $1.2 million, and is operated by 15 work- The countrys most prominent beer brand
ers. According to Joo Carlos Barbot, Adminis- 2M was established 50 years ago, and Mozam-
trator of Barbot Moambique, a main challenge biques oldest brand Laurentina is over 80 years
for the paint industry is the countrys proximity oldboth are exported to South Africa and
with competitors in South Africa. The local tax Portugal along with Manica beer, the countrys
regime should be amended to raise import du- third major label. Employing close to 1,400
ties on paint, Barbot told TBY. In Angola, for workers, Cervejas de Moambique (CDM) pro-
example, imported paint incurs duties of 60% duces 2 million hectoliters of beer with three
of the product cost, whereas the figure in Mo- breweries in Maputo, Beira, and Nampula, op-
zambique is just 20%. This is unfortunate as it erating at about 75% capacity, with plans for


Managing Director, Midal Cables
What are the benefits of operating out of Mozam-
What was the main reason behind the construc- bique?
tion of a plant in Mozambique? Our facility will cater to the demands of the Sub-Sa-
Our location in Mozambique is highly strategic haran market as well as Europe, but will also supply
because of its proximity to raw materials, which the local markets. One positive aspect of Mozam-
are sourced from the adjacent BHP Billiton bique for us is that it is a large country with power
Smelter, MOZAL. Additionally, when I first generation in the north and consumption concen-
visited the country I was impressed by how trated in the south, which spells huge potential for
readily trainable the local workforce was. We the cable business. We also arrived to the country
signed a construction contract in 2013, and the before it became overdeveloped. In Europe we
building work was completed in 2014 on a total renew existing systems, but here we are building
investment of $70 million. The factory occupies a new ones. Furthermore, the current consumption
third of our land, which allows us the potential to of electricity in Mozambique is relatively low, but
grow. The current production capacity is 50,000 sure to increase with future prosperity. Mozambique
tons of aluminum wire rod and 22,000 tons of has signed several free trade agreements, making
overhead conductors. Midals Mozambique facil- it an ideal intermediary country for trade. I would
ity has been conceived and implemented using estimate that between 15% and 20% of our total
the best practices of the group. production will derive from Mozambique.

major extension in each of their breweries; they Main Exports: % Share of Total
are also the countrys largest tax contributors Source: KPMG
according to their Managing Director Pedro
Cruz, amounting to nearly $200 million in 2014. 25

In addition to beer, CDM produces alcoholic 20

fruit beverages and Chibuku, a traditional Afri-
can beer with a lower alcoholic content, made 15

from sorghum and maize, as well as Impala 10

the first beer in the world to be produced from
the high-carbohydrate cassava root. Impala is
derived from small-scale farms and locally pro- 0

cessed materials, enabling the employment of 2013E 2014F 2015F

locals as opposed to subsistence farming, with Aluminum Coal Electricity Tobacco

two mobile cassava-processing units moving
from field to field, and packaging cassava for
transportation to breweries. CDMs has also re- Industry, Value Added (% of GDP)
cently launched the lemon and orange-flavored Source: World Bank
beer Flying Fish, imported from its main share-
holder South African SAB Miller, with plans to 30

produce locally if successful. 25

In terms of the spirits industry in the country,
according to Miguel A. Soto, Regional Manager
of Southern African Emerging Markets (SAEM) 15

at Diageo, growth of mainstream spirits is lim- 10

ited by the large number of competitors in the 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

market selling in extremely small formats at

exceptionally depressed prices. We believe that pacity of the plant aims to assemble 4,500 cars
is unsustainable in terms of quality, in terms of annually, from 1,200 units in 2015 and 2,500 in
consumer choice, as well as legislation. Spir- 2016.
its producers like Diageo are currently working Accounting for 7% of industrial production,
with the government to further regulate import production in the tobacco industry has in-
taxes on spirits, and the government has cre- creased rapidly over the past ten years, covering
ated new legislation regarding the production, 73,630 ha out of 321,314 ha of total cultivated
marketing, and consumption of alcoholic bev- area of cash crops, according to the Food and
erages. Diageos new innovative facility The Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Cube, initiated production in 2014 launching Tobacco accounts for nearly 34% of total agri-
two brands of spiritsGilbys Gin in 75cl and cultural exports and almost 4% of total exports
25cl format, and Masters Choice in 20cl, in ad- of good and services, recent official statistics RODRIGUES
dition in to producing Smirnoff Spin. The plant show. The sub-sector has operated in a con- General Manager,
is 100% locally operated, with total investment cessionary system since 2002, with the gov-
nearing $20 million. ernment granting tobacco companies closed Ferpinta
concessions as exclusive buyers in specific Moambique
LIFE IN THE FAST LANE geographical areas, and the majority of Mo-
Following a 2010 agreement and an estimated zambican tobacco companies are subsidiaries We are the current market
$200 million investment from Shanghai-based of multinational tobacco corporations who op- leaders domestically.
Tonjian Investment Co., Mozambique start- erate in economies of scale by concentrating Approximately 50% of our
ed to manufacture its first automobiles last cigarette manufacturing in a determined geo- production is geared at
year. The initial agreement outlined the facility graphical location. Part of the success of Mo-
would produce 10,000 vehicles a year though zambiques tobacco sector can be attributed to
exports to markets such
Tongjian plans to building 30,000 in the initial the collapse of Zimbabwes tobacco industry in as Zimbabwe, Zambia,
year of production, to expand to 100,000 units the early 2000s due to political instability, relo- Malawi, and from 2015 to
in 2016 and 500,000 by 2020. The Matchedje cating investments to Mozambique. Tobacco Tanzania and Madagascar.
brands factory is located in the Machava area cultivation is predominately carried out in the The target for 2015 is to
of Matola, and put its first car on the market in three provinces of Tete, Niassa, and Zambzia, grow by about 30% to 40%
September 2014a four-wheel-drive pick-up which together account for 90% of tobacco pro-
that will be marketed for $23,700, according duction in the country. A major player in the
in total. We produce locally
to Bloomberg. South Korean manufacturer tobacco industry is British American Tobacco at our Ferpinta plant, while
Hyndai also opened a car assembly plant in (BAT), at a 70% capacity of 3.5 billion cigarettes, the other group company,
Matola last year, following an agreement be- which plans to improve machinery and facility Ferromoambique, handles
tween South Korea and Mozambique called efficiency in the short-term. According to BATs the trading part of the
Somyoung Motors. A $5.45 million private in- General Director Crispin Achola, the countrys
equation. In five years
vestment between Mozambican Somotor and tobacco industry is a high growth potential
South Korean YoungSom went towards the market due to the improving economic circum- time, I want ours to be the
construction of the factory and purchase of the stances of the population leading to an increase largest company producing
vehicle assembly equipment. The installed ca- in sales volumes and brand mix. tubes in East Africa.


TBY talks to Daniel Murray, Asset President of Mozal, on

merging different business lines, Mozals contribution to GDP,
and the influence of the company on other sectors.

ductivity and operational ef-
ficiency to get more out of the
available infrastructure. We
have made good progress and
have implemented a system
we call Maximum Technical
Capability. The other challenge
is with commodity prices. This
has been a challenge over the
recent period, although Mo-
zal has been effective with
regards to cost cutting, as we
sizeable tonnage of aluminum have been able to focus exten-
BHP Billiton has decided to fo-
cus on five business lines, and
IN NUMBERS that company will be receiv- sively on efficiency. We also
is withdrawing from aluminum. BHP Billiton ing from us will be a major pay considerable attention to
How will this impact the com- catalyst for the downstream skills. All of the potential de-
pany? industry. velopment in the country and
In August 2014 BHP Billiton the exploitation of its resources
announced its plans to de- Produces How would you categorize the will result in a great need for a
merge its aluminum, man-
ganese, and nickel and silver 750,000 significance of Mozal in other
skilled workforce, which will
present a challenge for the en-
businesses along with some tons of aluminum Mozal has played a signif- tire industry.
of its coal assets. Subject to ingot per year icant role in infrastructure
board and shareholder ap- development, with road-ac-
proval, there would be a new cess projects and a new port
company operating these facility. For example, Mozal BIO
assets under the name of produces just below 570,000 imports more than one mil-
South32, and Mozal will be- tons per annum of primary lion tons of alumina per an- Daniel Murray has been
come quite a significant part aluminum ingot, with pro- num through the port, which Asset President at Mozal
of it. South32 will operate in duction entirely destined for is then brought to the site by Aluminium since 2012.
five countries and be staffed export, mainly to Europe, the trucks. We also transport the Prior to this, he was the
by approximately 24,000 peo- primary market for Mozal's entirety of our final product General Manager at the
ple. The business will then metal output. through the port, which is a Bayside smelter. He
transition from a commodi- considerable contribution to joined BHP Billiton in
ty-based structure into a re- What are your plans to support the transport industry. 1994 and was involved
gional-based entity, and Mo- the domestic use of aluminum? In addition to that, we con- in the commissioning of
zal will report to the African There has been a spiking de- tinue to perform road mainte- the Hillside smelter in
regional office located in Jo- velopment in Mozambiques nance even though it was not Richards Bay. He was a
hannesburg. The new compa- downstream industry. There a part of our initial undertak- member of the inaugural
Mozal management team
ny will have a dedicated board was no other local market ing. We also direct around $2
from 1998 to 2004 during
and management team with established until the devel- million per annum toward
the start-up phase of the
a significant representation opment of Midal. We began our community work, some of
business where he held
at the Johannesburg office, delivering to Midal in Octo- which has gone into the con- numerous positions in
which will be greatly benefi- ber 2014 and once they ramp struction of schools. To date production, logistics, supply
cial for Mozal. up their operations, we will we have built nine primary and external affairs. Prior
be delivering 50,000 tons of schools, a secondary school, a to joining BHP Billiton,
How would you describe the metal per annum. Business- technical school, and a main- he worked in the process
evolution of Mozals contribu- es can now be established tainer-training center. engineering of crude oil
tion to GDP? downstream of Midal, creat- refining at the NATREF
Since the company was estab- ing an increased diversity of What challenges do you foresee refinery, partly owned by
lished in 2001, Mozal has con- products in the downstream over the next ten years for Mo- SASOL. He holds an MBA
tinued to play a prominent industry, while a unique ser- zal? from Edinburgh Business
role, contributing around 7% vice industry will also develop One major challenge will be School and a degree in
to GDP. We recently won an around Midal. I expect our electricity supply. We have Chemical Engineering
award from President Guebu- relationship with Midal to be managed to cope with this so from the University of
za in recognition of this con- long term and sustainable far by working closely with ES-
tribution. Currently, Mozal for many years to come. The KOM and focusing on our pro-


Industrial and trade facilities geared at promoting sectors, international
trade, and competition will play a larger role in diversifying
Mozambiques economic landscape.

UNDER DECREE NO. 75 of 24th December realized in the country, such as the Mozal alu-
2007 Mozambique, aware of increasing nation- minium smelter, the first major FDI project in
al and foreign private investment interestes- Mozambiques history, contributing around 7%
tablished an office to manage special economic to GDP since 2001, as well as the recently-estab-
zones called GAZEDA. Since then, this entity lished Midal Cables, which is situated within
has designated several areas in the country as the boundaries of this industrial park. In terms
Industrial Free Zones (IFZs) and Special Eco- of logistics, the IFZ is on the backbone of the DANILO NALA
nomic Zones (SEZs), granting them assorted Maputo Corridor, a transportation infrastruc- General Director,
incentives for investment. ture comprising road, rail, border posts, port,
GAZEDA Special
As Danilo Nal, General Director of GAZEDA, and terminal facilities. As Barbara Mommen,
explained to TBY there are three main differ- CEO of the Maputo Corridor Logistics Initiative Economic Zones
ences between IFZs and SEZs: size, type of ac- (MCLI), explained to TBY, MCLI has invested Office
tivity and product destination. SEZs are bigger $350 million on the building and maintenance
than IFZs and can handle a diversity of activ- of the road, and over the next sixteen years it What is your assessment of the
ities, while IFZs are smaller and fenced. The will invest a further $400 million on the road current level of foreign interest
output of SEZs can be 100% sold locally, but the and rail infrastructure. in the country?
regulation states that at least 70% of production The Nacala SEZ, established in 2007, is situat- Interest is growing annually.
realized in IFZs must be exported. ed in the north of Mozambique in the Nampula Investors arrive with an idea
In terms of fiscal incentives IFZs have seven province. It is about 200km from the provincial of their requirements, and we
more years of Corporate Income Tax (IRPC) capital Nampula and has easy access to Tan- help them set up. Portugal, the
exemption until the 10th fiscal year, while SEZs zania from the north and Zambia and Malawi UK, and China were key for us
only have until the third. After that, IFZs offer a through the Nacala Development Corridor, a last year. A major difference
50% reduction on the IRPC rate from the 11th road and rail infrastructure that is being reha- occurs in our rankings when we
to the 15th fiscal year, while SEZs offer the same bilitated and that, according to Fernando Fre- undertake megaprojects. The
reduction from the fourth to the 10th. Once itas, Administrator of Somague Moambique average volume of investment
those periods are completed, a 25% reduction and one of the contractors of Vale for the de- per project is about $40 to $50
is established for the whole life cycle of a project velopment of this project, should be complet- million.
at an IFZ, while this only applies from year 11 to ed, by the end of 2015. Two areas, 10 and
15 in SEZs. 20 minutes away from the port and the recently Which are the main sectors
GAZEDA currently manages several areas in- inaugurated International Airport of Nacala, re- investing in the SEZs and IFZs
cluding the Nacala, Mocuba and Manga-Mun- spectively, have been designed for the deploy- in Mozambique?
gassa SZEs, the Beluluane and Mocuba IFZs ment of IFZs. According to the IMF, $1.2 billion We do not rely on oil and gas,
and the Tourism SEZ in Nampula. has already been committed to these areas with which is not our focus, and our
The Beluluane IFZ occupies 700 ha and is 53 approved investments, several in the field of zones are geared more toward
strategically situated 16km from Maputo city. agro-processing. agriculture. We diversify and use
Some of the most remarkable projects ever Besides Maputo in the south and Nacala in our potential for processing. The
the north, GAZEDA is locating the SEZs stra- goods we normally deal with
tegically throughout the country. The Mocuba range from cashews to seasonal
SEZ is located in the Zambzia province and seeds. We are not involved in
includes an Industrial Free Zone, while Man- cassava as yet. Our zones are
ga-Mungassa is in Beira, only 6 and 12 km away designed for processing, rather
from the airport and port of Beira, respectively. than production (in the agricul-
The only sector-dedicated zone today is the ture sector).
Tourism Special Economic Zone in Nampula
created in August 2013. The area has 1,750 ha What is your 10-year outlook
divided among the continental part as well as for the SEZs and IFZs?
the Crusse and Jamali Islands. According to We are not considering the
Danilo Nal, this zone will attract around $5 bil- creation of new zones apart
lion over the next ten years. In an interview, he from those already mentioned,
also told TBY that GAZEDA was looking at other which need top be strategically
sectorial zones in the fields of agriculture, fish positioned. With the investments
processing, and logistics. we are making in these zones,
These new special economic zones will play and the speed at which they
a vital role in sustaining the inflow of FDI into are developing, the next decade
the country, while supporting development promises to generate a huge
throughout Mozambiques provinces. contribution to the economy.


Managing Director, Regional Manager Local and multinational producers of alcoholic
Cervejas de Southern African and non-alcoholic drinks look forward to
Moambique (CDM) Emerging Markets growth in consumer spending and better
(SAEM), Diageo regulation in the short term.

How is your commercial infra- MIGUEL A. SOTO Until July How have the sales of your What demand is there for your
structure set up within Mozam- 2012, Diageo had no direct pres- products developed over recent products in Mozambique?
bique, and what kind of products ence in the country. We have a years?
do you produce? long relationship with our dis- MAS The growth of mainstream
tributor, CICOTI, which has a PC The biggest beer brand in spirits is limited by the large
PEDRO CRUZ We have three large portfolio and was provid- the country is 2M, which is 50 number of competitors selling
breweries located in the main ing us access and understand- years old this year. We consider in extremely small formats and
three cities of the country, ing of the market. I deployed in 2M representative of Mozambi- exceptionally depressed prices.
namely Maputo, Beira, and July 2012 and by January 2013, can culture, being colorful, vi- We believe that is unsustainable
Nampula, and a network of we knew this was the right place brant, and social. We also have in terms of quality, in terms of
sales depots in each provin- to be. We established a com- Laurentina, with its different consumer choice as well as leg-
cial capital. We have close to pany in Mozambique and by varieties, which turned 80 years islation. We believe the market
1,400 employees, we produce August 2013 we had purchased old in 2013, making it the brand will formalize and diminish in
approximately 2 million hecto- Lusomoc Ltda, which was not with the longest tradition in the size; however, it will increase in
liters of beer, and have a high- performing at the time, chang- country. Manica is also a major terms of quality and affordable
er capacity installed than our ing the name to Diageo Supply brand, with a strong presence quality choices. Our greatest
current production output. We Marracuene Limited (DSML). throughout the country. In re- challenge on imported spirits
are producing at approximately We immediately got all hands lation to the evolution of our is the large amounts of product
three quarters of our capacity. on deck to see how we could sales, we have been successful that flows in from different plac-
The last plant we built was in produce spirits in an affordable over the many years that we es, sometimes through the bor-
Nampula, and while we have no format to explore more op- have been present in Mozam- ders, and not paying the right
plans to build new breweries, we portunities in the mainstream bique. CDM celebrates its 20th taxes. We are working with the
do intend to expand our existing spirits market, without compro- anniversary in 2015, and we authorities on this because we
facilities. We intend to complete mising our values as a responsi- have been growing consistently believe that Mozambique is los-
major extensions at all three of ble producer of quality drinks. year after year and have made a ing revenue and we, as a com-
our breweries within the next We started production in July positive impact on society, pro- pany, are missing the potential
three years, although this de- 2014 through an innovative fa- viding employment, expanding to invest and grow further and
pends largely on how the mar- cility called The Cube, and capacity, and investing in facili- faster in Mozambique.
ket develops in each region. We launched two brands with three ties, equipment, and in produc-
produce approximately twenty different formats. This is a plant ing better products. We export
brands including beer, alcohol- shipped in containers, which is the 2M, Laurentina, and Manica
ic fruit beverages, wines, spirits tested and then shipped to the brands to South Africa and Por-
and Chibuku, a traditional Afri- destination and assembled. We tugal.
can beer with a lower alcoholic offer Gilbeys Gin, in 75cl and
content, made from sorghum 25cl format, as well as a pre-
and maize, and known as an mium branded spirit, Masters
opaque beer in some areas. Choice in 20cl format. We then
started producing Smirnoff Spin
in late November 2014.


As the government expands infrastructure in
light of a changing reality, boosting reliance
on local production for raw input promises
to reduce prices for local consumers, while
propelling the wider economy.
Country Manager, Country Manager,
avas first investment was in the Sabino soap fac-
tory, and growth in 2004 brought with it the op-
Parmalat Nestl
portunity to build a second plant to manufacture
oils, a complementary product. We then pursued greater

ith current and future synergies by packaging our products ourselves, and today ur strategy is to ensure
investments to come, produce the plastic bottles in which our own products are that our products have
as well as job creation, sold. Mava Plast, created in 2006, produces plastic packag- the right nutrients to
training the local workforce, ing. Both oil and plastic factories are located in Matola. In to- meet Mozambican necessities
support for social activities, and tal we have five factories in the Maputo province, one under widely among the population.
adding value to raw materials construction, and another in construction in Sofala. Accordingly, we have intro-
we import to produce our own And meanwhile, we have plantations in the province of duced a range of products that
output, we are already contrib- Inhambane. We work to empower farmers through sunflow- respond to the economic reali-
uting to national development. er and soya production contracts, to supply the provinces ty of Mozambican families. We
We also believe that in the future of Manica and Sofala. Our goal is to reduce our raw mate- play an active role in helping
we could locally source some of rial imports. If the agricultural industry is able to use locally the country, and being a leading
the raw materials we currently sourced raw materials, we will be able to decrease the final nutrition, health and wellness
import and produce more prod- consumer price. The future lies in agriculture. company is precisely where
ucts locally. And meanwhile, we we can add value. We want to
forecast double-digit annual be part of the socioeconomic
growth supported by innova- DANIEL development process and part
tion and investments. Looking ALEXANDRE of the solution is providing the
ahead, the manner in which the right products to promote na-
government chooses to allocate MONDLANE tional health. Our intention is
revenues generated from the Executive to support a better quality of
exploitation of Mozambiques Director, Mava life based on our products. We
natural resources will determine play an informative role on good
the national business environ-
Group nutrition, for example through
ment and broader national de- our Healthy Kids Program. We
velopment. work with the Ministry of Edu-
cation and teachers to provide
modules, tools, and materials
to teach good nutrition to foster
ADOLFO CORREIA healthy living.
CEO, Tropigalia

ropigalia is a nationwide distribution zen products. It is also a registered Tropigalia
company, mainly for food and bever- trademark in Mozambique.
age products. We started 10 years ago Meanwhile, in pursuit of investment resourc-
with a vision of bringing market leader brands es for expansion, our company is going public
from Portugal to the Mozambican consumers. in 2015. We must also invest in local production
Over the years we have also expanded for into for the domestic and Southern African Devel-
certain leading world brands. Meanwhile, our opment Community (SADC) market, which
strategic priorities for the next five years include provides potential access to around 250 million
sustaining our market leadership in formal dis- consumers of products made in Mozambique
tribution. Added to this, we intend to expand for which no duties are paid. Today we are in
and export our Gourmet brand, currently our the process of opening an industrial cluster
2nd biggest turnover generator with 272 select with five agro-businesses to replicate earlier
SKUs, from groceries, to refrigerated and fro- successes.


A DRIVING ing a skilled local workforce capable of taking the

local auto industry forward. The company web-
site also states plans to build a 590 ha industrial

park that will include machinery, chemicals, and
equipment for the electronic automobile pro-
duction chain. In this way the brand hopes to
support the national industry and broader econ-
omy at the same time.
The village of Matchedje once South Korean auto manufacturer Hyundai
hosted the 2nd Congress of the also brought its auto assembly plant in Matola
Mozambique Liberation Front online in 2014 in a partnership between South
Korea and Mozambique dubbed Somyoung
(FRELIMO), the countrys incumbent Motors. The $5.45 million private investment
government. Today it is the namesake targets the annual assembly of 4,500 cars, rising JOO CARLOS
of Mozambiques first locally from 1,200 units in 2015 and 2,500 in 2016.
manufactured car. Administrator,
With operations spanning Swaziland, Kenya, Barbot
Namibia, and the Republic of the Congo, tire Moambique
According to the World Bank, industry em- giant Goodyear in 2013 identified Mozambique
ploys 40% of the population, contributing as the key country in its Africa growth strategy. What is the significance of
20.8% of Mozambiques GDP. Recently, close The firms African footprint is the most compre- the Mozambican market for
Sino-Mozambican relations put the country hensive among tire makers on the continent, Barbot?
behind the wheel of a new industrial vehicle and it has been present in Mozambique for Barbot has pursued its inter-
auto production. over 25 years. Goodyears distribution channel national operations in many
Former President Armando Guebuza, at the and services partner Trentyre commenced op- countries, commencing in 2005
inauguration ceremony of a Korean automo- erations in 2000 and the Beira branch opened in Angola. We then moved into
tive players new plant revealed that 542,000 in 2005 accounts for 50% of overall turnover. Spain where we purchased a
cars were registered in Mozambique, and that Goodyear has a reported market share of 15% large paint plant. In Africa we
of the 45 existing brands, 95% were of Asian ori- to 18% in Mozambique, and operates from two are present in three countries:
gin. In 2010 Shanghai-based China Tong signed branches in Maputo and Beira. A third is located Mozambique, Angola, and Cabo
an agreement for an estimated $200 million in the duty-free zone close to Matola and serves Verde. In Europe we were active
auto-plant investment in Mozambique under Mozal, Mozambiques giant aluminium smelt- in Portugal and Spain, and today
the name of Matchedje Motors. The resulting er, along with related service providers. In 2014 are also present in France, Bel-
Matchedje brand plant rolled out its first vehi- Somyoung Motors was assembling the Hyundai gium, and Switzerland. The pro-
cle in September 2014a 2.8-liter four-wheel- i10 model, sold at a unit price of $12,000, and the duction and volume of Barbot is
drive pick-up with a price tag of $23,700. While Accent 1.6 model with setting Mozambican driv- 40% export oriented. We produce
the terms of the initial agreement foresaw the ers $23,000. everything beyond our home
plant producing 10,000 vehicles per annum, the country of Portugal. The African
Chinese firm plans for the 30,000 units of the GAINING TRACTION market represents around 30%
initial year to rise to 100,000 units in 2016, and With roughly 80% of the Mozambican workforce of total sales, with Mozambique
to 500,000 by 2020. Mixed vehicle production working the soil in one way or another, and ag- claiming roughly 8%. Nowadays,
capacityto also include buses and electric mo- riculture contributing around 20% of GDP, the Angola is the largest seller in
torcyclesis projected to have reached around ultimate potential for high-end equipment sales Africa, and lastly we have our op-
1 million within a decade. Based in Matola near is promising. Belarus has been exploring the erations in Cabo Verde. In total,
Maputo, Matchedje employs around 80 people, possibility of promoting its tractor industry in our business volume amounts to
but in its second phase this could reportedly rise Mozambique in a deal involving the assembly $60 million.
to 500. And as the market pioneer, Matchedje of parts manufactured in Minsk. Accordingly, a
has tasked itself with establishing a pan-African general cooperation agreement has been signed. How would you describe your
sales network and develop Mozambiques auto- Several tractors were duly sent to showcase the distribution structure in such a
motive sector. Ambitious plans include develop- range in a permanent in-situ display. large country?
Today it is expensive to send a
product to the northern prov-
inces, and so we transport our

200 500 5.45 4,500

products to Nacala and Pemba in
trucks in precisely the quantities
ordered by clients to cut costs.
committing a minimum of thirty
INVESTMENT BY PHASE 2 INVESTMENT ANNUALLY tons of paint, which is why we
opt for trucking products by road.

Our clients are large construction
companies, but we also have
individuals purchasing small
VEHICLES ANNUALLY BY 2020 quantities.

85 86 92
Rogrio Paulo Samo Gudo, President Joaquim Tobias Dai, Executive Jos Guerra, President of the
of Escopil, on the Single Electronic Board Director of EXICTOS, on Council Administration of
Window, megaprojects, and the recruitment, developing specific Miramar, on TV, social media,
short-term economic outlook. technologies, and market share. and the quality of journalists.

Telecoms, IT & Media


Mozambique still faces substantial challenges in developing an adequate

ICT infrastructure to connect all of its population, but a number of
concerted moves are underway to expand the network and increase the
number of users.


ozambiques the age of 16 who own a mo-
economy has bile phone was listed at 26%,
grown consis- which puts it in 12th place
tently in recent in Africa. Social and per-
years and this is beginning to sonal media was not highly
reflect in its ICT sector. The developed either; the total
country was largely unaffect- number of Facebook users
ed by the global economic only amounted to 316,000
crisis of 2008-09 and GDP (or about 1.5% of the pop-
growth was 7.1% in 2010; it ulation) and only 64.36% of
has remained at that level internet users have an email
through to 2013. Growth was address. Recognizing the
projected to have increased need to harness the internet
to 8.3% for 2014. In 2013, to encourage growth, the
fixed teledensity came in at Mozambican government
0.4%, whereas overall mobile recently became the third
penetration was assessed at country to join Alliance for
33.1% of the population. The an Affordable Internet, sign-
number of Mozambicans ing a formal MoU with the
using the internet was only Alliance in April 2014, which
around 5% (approximately 1 seeks to expand access for
million people), according to all in developing markets to
the International Telecom- help boost growth and ICT
munication Union. This was connectedness.
largely due to cost issues; While a great deal of work
while the country ranks as is underway, the country still
the worlds 15th poorest, faces numerous challenges
the price of a fixed broad- The government is currently rolling in developing an adequate
band connection comes in ICT infrastructure to connect
as the worlds fourth most out a series of projects to encourage all of its population, which is
expensive, and a basic mo- broadband internet usage, such as widely spread out geographi-
bile broadband subscription free internet access on Saturdays via cally. While Maputo remains
costs over 65% of the aver- well served, there is a signif-
age monthly income. The a number of Digital Resource Centers icant divide between urban
number of individuals over (CPRDs) located around the country. and rural users in all forms

Both public and private players cable infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa.

recognize that the weak existing The country now has a strong and modern
fixed-line infrastructure has largely ICT infrastructure, in addition to the latest
DWDM (dense wavelength division multi-
held back the market for ICT services
plexing) technology and 20Gbps bandwidth.
and the high cost of international However, the price of broadband internet
bandwidth has long hampered continues to be prohibitive for average con-
internet use in the country. sumers. Fixed-line ADSL broadband is only
used by a small number of customers, usually
large businesses. Prepaid mobile internet, for
1GB and 5GB bundles of data, is cheaper than
both prepaid and postpaid ADSL packages
of the same size. ResearchICTAfrica.nets
(RIA) 2013 data for Mozambique, generated
through the 2012 RIA Mozambique House-
hold and Individual ICT Access and Use Sur- About

vey, indicates that in Mozambique, 68.7%
of users rely on mobile phone handsets to
access the internet, 56.8% rely on 3G dongle
style modems, 10.6% on wireless broadband,
of telecommunications technology use; cur- and only 3.9% use ADSL connections. The
rently, about 65% of mobile subscribers live number of households with a working tele- of mobile subscribers
in Maputo. Though a large share of Mozam- phone line is also extremely small. The same live in Maputo.
biques population lives in Maputo, millions 2012 RIA ICT Survey found that only 0.39% of
live in rural areas that are harder to reach via households have a working fixed line, while
the current undersea broadband connection 42.5% of individuals own a mobile phone.
points that link up the country. Moreover, the Vodacom Mozambique also announced
almost 2 decades long civil war has damaged that it invested $150 million in 2013-14 to In 2013, fixed
and stunted growth on much of the nations upgrade its networks and introduce new ser- teledensity came in at
existing communications infrastructure. vices. The countrys number two operator
Yet Mozambiques telecommunications had 4.5 million subscribers and a 32% share
0.4%, whereas overall
market was changing rapidly in 2014. While of Mozambiques mobile market at the end of mobile penetration
the fixed segment remains, in real terms, September 2014, according to the ICT report- was assessed at

a monopoly of the Telecomunicaes de ing site TeleGeography. Vodacom is set to
Moambique (TDM), the mobile sector has roll out even more expansions. Jerry Mobbs,
become more vibrant since the Movitel com- President of Vodacom Moambique, told
pany entered the market in 2012. Two years TBY: We have been gaining market share
into Movitels arrival, the company (a joint over the last year, primarily driven on the
venture between the Vietnamese company back of significant growth in our network. In of the population.
Viettel and Mozambiques own native SPI) 2013, we expanded our network by 70% with
has built 2,800 2G/3G base stations and add- our largest ever investment. In 2014, we have
ed 25,000 km of fiber optic cables covering so far increased our network by 50%. I think
100% of districts and extending service to that will give us the second-largest network in
nearly 80% of the Mozambican population. the whole country.
In rural areas, by the end of 2013, the compa-
ny had increased its coverage area from 60% ENCOURAGING CONNECTEDNESS
to 85% and doubled the number of covered In 2013 the government drafted a revision of
people from 35% to 75%. Moreover, Movitel its guiding 2004 Telecommunications Act,
and other major providers are changing the aimed at developing greater competition
ICT landscape. Thanks to its strong network and facilitating access to networks and infra-
infrastructure, Movitel now accounts for 70% structure in a bid to reduce investment costs.
of the countrys fiber-optic cable infrastruc- The governments overall Policy Implemen-
ture and 50% of the mobile phone network tation Strategy aims to improve governance
infrastructure, bringing Mozambique into and public administration through electron-
the top three nations in terms of fiber-optic ic government initiatives, develop Mozam-
Telecoms, IT & Media THEBUSINESSYEAR 83

bique as a competitive partner in the global the next five years, the objective is to imple-
information society, and eventually make the ment the project of the 2nd Terrestrial Fiber
country a producer, not a mere consumer, of Optic Route aimed at securing the transmis-
ICT. However, both public and private play- sion, increased capacity, and improved qual-
ers recognize that the weak existing fixed- ity of services on the network backbone. So
line infrastructure has largely held back the significant work is being planned on all sides.
market for ICT services and the high cost of Moreover the government is currently con-
international bandwidth has long hampered sidering a number of other more innovative
internet use in the country. The extensive use projects to encourage broadband internet
of two international submarine fiber optic usage. One idea will see citizens offered free
cables (SEACOM and EASSy) has reduced the internet access on Saturdays via a number
cost of bandwidth and led to reductions in re- of Digital Resource Centres (CPRDs) around
tail prices, yet the cost of internet access has the country. The government has also an-
not decreased as much as predicted. In 2014 nounced it is in the process of setting up
Alcatel-Lucent was contracted to upgrade the an ICT Universal Access Fund, and officials
EASSy submarine cable system, with the de- are also promoting the idea of shared infra-
ployment of the latest 100 gigabit-per-second structure among the countrys operators to
(Gbit/s) technology. Alcatel-Lucents 100G help lower the cost of expanding coverage to
technology will enable the system to ulti- many rural areas. So while there is great deal
mately carry capacity in excess of 10Tbit/s, of work to be done in bringing Mozambiques
further complementing its ability to carry ICT sector up to world-class standards, vi-
high volumes of data capacity on the EASSy brant growth and expansion is underway,
system. Other operators are also planning and many optimistic investors see the sit-
national level improvements. Zainadin D. A. uation as an excellent opportunity. With so
Dalsuco, the CEO of Telecomunicaes de much serious and significant work under-
Moambique (TDM), described TDMs own way, it seems very likely that the country can
program in this way: In terms of infrastruc- expect to have made great leaps ahead in the
ture investment and development plans for very near future.


Since 1998, Escopil Internacional has contributed to the
development of Mozambiques economy, through the provision
of high standard engineering services, investment in training
and technology for various private industries and information
technology solutions for government.

ESCOPIL With a track record of over 16 years, we are proud of being one
of the best 100% Mozambican-owned companies, with a history
of success. Escopil became a strategic partner to e-government
through the implementation of various information technology turn
key solutions, with flag projects such as the tax & nance system,
the electoral system, and the drivers license & motor vehicle system.

Av. Ahmed Sekou Tour, n. T +258 21 492725/492967

406 R/C, Maputo F +258 21 492974


COMMUNICATION The national telephone and communications

BREAKOUT infrastructure has expanded exponentially as a

consequence of the growing economy.


CEO, mcel Chairperson, Movitel Moambique CEO, Telecomunicaes
de Moambique (TDM)

ur priority is to sus- ur main focus remains odacom Moambique here has been signifi-
tain our investment, serving the coun- is an integral part of cant economic growth
not just in terms of try and expanding Vodacom Group in due to the recent dis-
coverage, but also on quality. communications to everyone southern Africa. Sharing bor- covery of important resources,
This includes services on voice, in Mozambique, to all social ders with South Africa and and a subsequent rise in de-
data, and image, because today groups and to the remotest ar- Tanzania, which is connected mand for telecommunications
we also have image services eas. We understand that by giv- to the Congo, allows us to serve services is evident. TDM is the
like mobile television. Our in- ing people access to telecom- as a link between the whole in- main provider of infrastructure
vestment plan will exceed $200 munications, we are opening ternational group in southern in Mozambique for landlines,
million. Our market share is at their horizons and possibilities Africa in physical terms, mak- mobile telephone services, and
around 28% to 30%. Maintain- for growth, thus contributing to ing us an important part of the the internet. As such, TDM is
ing this position requires the the development of the coun- picture. We have been gaining an important player in terms of
provision of excellent services try. We started our implemen- market share over the last year, overall economic development,
to our clients, and also enlarg- tation in rural areas by serving primarily driven on the back of and is currently the sole player
ing coverage area not just with the un-served or underserved. significant growth in our net- in terms of fixed-telecommu-
voice services, but also data and About 30% of our clients had work. In 2013, we expanded our nications services. Until 2010,
image. Nowadays, smartphones access to communications ser- network by 70% with our larg- TDMs network was by far the
have become ubiquitous and vices for the first time with Mo- est-ever investment. In 2014, largest telecoms infrastructure
people demand image commu- vitel. We have not yet fulfilled we have so far increased our in Mozambique; in 2008, all
nication. First there was an in- our objective of total coverage, network by 50%. I think that provincial capitals were linked
crease in data services. For the but we are almost there. For the will make us the second-largest through a national backbone
voice services we introduced present year the company tends network in the whole country. transmission network using
new packages, and subsequent- to focus on the medium and We certainly cover all the ma- fiber-optic cables. This infra-
ly we introduced TV services on high-income segment as well jor populated areas, and we structure allowed TDM to satis-
the phone. We also pioneered as corporate sector. It is time are merging into the rural areas fy existing demand. In addition,
mobile banking in Mozambique to address other segments of where people live. TDM also provides an ADSL
through the Mkesh service. the market, for which creative network for internet services on
services and solutions must copper cable and a CDMA net-
be developed. The ICT sector work for both voice and internet
provides many opportunities services in areas not covered by
to better serve medium- and copper cables.
high-income clients, and it is
an important component in
corporate development. Access
to good quality communication
services is crucial.
Telecoms, IT & Media THEBUSINESSYEAR 85


on the
TBY talks to Rogrio Paulo Samo Gudo, President of Escopil, on the Single
Electronic Window, opportunities stemming from megaprojects, and the
short-term economic outlook.

Escopil was established in Mozambique has many chal- What are your plans to capital- IN NUMBERS
1998. How would you describe lenges that we overcome to ize on the opportunities that are
the development of the compa- deploy the project, such as materializing from the huge in-
ny during these years? the quality of infrastructure, ternational investments taking
It has been a dream gradu- the human resources, and the place in the country?
ally coming true. We started change management process We have good experience
the business by offering con-
sulting services and the ITC
came later in 1999. Now we
offer turnkey solutions. Some
from paper to electronic sys-
tem, to name but a few. One
of our strategies to ensure
that the project is successful
from working on Mozal, Vale
and other big projects, so we
want to capitalize this expe-
rience, by engaging in new
staff at Escopil and

of our flagship projects have was to invite the government partnerships with other or-
been the driving license and to be part of the concession. ganizations to prepare our-
motor vehicle system, the vot- In that sense, we partner selves to be ready for new in-
ers registration digital system, with the government instead dustries, especially in the oil staff at MCNet
electronic solutions for the of merely providing them a and gas sector. Our strategy,
tax authorities, and the Single service. We where pro-active in order to offer to our clients
Electronic Window. in terms of business model; the best service on time and
we not only offer a product, on budget is to partner with
Can you elaborate on your flag- but bring them to under- international companies with
ship project, the Single Elec- stand its daily challenges in good records to acquire new
tronic Window, with MCNet, terms of both systems and knowledge and leverage on
and its impact on the national management of the business their experience.
economy? itself. The main impact of the
The concept was created in Electronic Single Window is What are Escopil's goals for the
2009 when the government increased efficiency in the coming five years in Mozam-
was looking for companies collection of taxes, and that bique?
that could provide services means that the government We are working to exceed our
to help them collect external will be able to meet its bud- clients, partners and share-
taxes. We were awarded the get targets. Obviously the rest holders expectation, be rele-
project and created a new will be the consequence: if vant in the market, and be a
company, Mozambique Com- the government meets its tar- trusted partner who under-
munity Network, SA-MCNet gets they will be able to build stands the benefits of a win-
in 2010 for the design, imple- much-needed roads, schools, win relationship. Thinking
mentation, finance and oper- and hospitals, and provide in this way allows us to un-
ation of the Single Electronic other public services. These derstand our limitations and
Windows. The product that also assist the private sector, seek the best help. We are
we designed is a state of the the private sector will benefit investing in knowledge and Rogrio Samo Gudo was
art solution that helps the gov- through the ease of accessing training for our staff and our born in Mozambique, and
ernment to collect taxes from these services. Around 80% partners, importing technolo- graduated in Electronic
imports and exports in Mo- of all goods in Mozambique gy and equipment, improving Engineering from
zambique. It is for us an honor are imported, so without ef- our business processes and Universidade Eduardo
and a challenge to be part of ficiency, prices will rise. De- procedures, motivating our- Mondlane. He was part
the team that assists the gov- lays in the importation pro- selves and our partners, and of the foundation of both
ernment execute one of its cess, increases the logistics constantly identifying areas of Escopil in 1998 and MCNet
main challenges, the budget. and operational costs, which improvement to increase our in 2009. He is CEO of both
Since then we have man- mean that the final product prearedness as we look to the companies.
aged all related processes. will also be more costly. future.


within your system that al- than to develop new products What is EXICTOS's market
lows the banks to create new and engage in other specific share in Mozambique?
products as the need arises. jobs we are not used to do- It currently stands at 50%.
Exictos means excellence ing. We will sell what we have We rank among the top 25 IT
in consultancy, technology, with our partnersproducts companies in Portugal and
outsourcing, and software. In in insurance, ERPs (enterprise work predominantly with
the beginning we were seen relationship products), and banks. We remain the top tax-
as a software house. Now we the CRMs. We want to devel- payer on Madeira Island. The
are even providing manage- op consultancy management growth we have experienced
ment consultancy for certain training, and we will open a as a group is quite rewarding
TBY talks to clients. Our new application training room at our facility for us, and our potential as a
Joaquim Tobias system is called Banka 3G, shortly. At the moment we group is excellent. Our vol-
which is the core software for have a partnership with one of ume is growing very quickly.
Dai, Executive Board the banks, but we also have Fi- the hotels in town. We hold 95% of the market in
Director of EXICTOS nanca, Portal Banka Plus and terms of the banks in Ango-
(Mozambique Branch), others. la, for example. We expect to
on recruitment, keep growing in client terms.
How have your available re- We are working with eight
developing specific sources evolved in the past BIO banks at the moment in Mo-
technologies, and years? zambique and are starting on
increasing market At the moment, as an inter-
Joaquim Tobias started his
our ninth. We are growing at
national group, we have 450 an impressive rate in terms
share in the sector. employees and 21 people career whilst at university of banks. 2015 will be a par-
working in the company in and served eight years ticularly good year for us; not
at the Association of
Mozambique. We recruited only in terms of the upgrades,
Mozambican Students
seven more engineers in late but also for the banks we are
in Portugal from 1999 to
2014-early 2015. We will need 2007, developing economic currently dealing with, and
How has EXICTOS developed more technicians and engi- conferences for those the new entities that are call-
into its current form, and what neers with more experience. interested in developing ing us.
are your priorities? Our major leap in 2015 will be business in Mozambique. In
EXICTOS began operating in for a team dedicated to utili- the process, he developed
Mozambique with an local of- ties. We have an established skills in promoting economic
fice in 2007. By that time we relationship with the utility activity in Mozambique,
had around six banks work- companies in Mozambique. based on the needs of IN NUMBERS
ing with our application and We will develop the Exictos the country. He has a
software including Millen- Academy next year in order to Business Management EXICTOS
nium Bank, BCI, and certain train them to show our team Degree from ISEG Business
other smaller players. Then to sell our products well, and School of Lisbon. He has
we closed several deals with to demonstrate to potential also served as External
Economic Advisor for Ranks among the top
other banks and helped them buyers how we can maximize

the Minister of Science
undergo the experience of the growth of their businesses.
and Technology and at
a takeover to become what We do not want to be just your
Mozambique ICT Institute
they are today. We helped service provider, but also your (MICTI) from 2007 to
them grow and they did the partner in business. 2010. He is Chairman of the
same for us in actual fact. We IT companies in
Mozambican Economists
realized through experience How would you assess the po- Portugal
Association (AMECON),
that we are not a service pro- tential for further growth of Chairman of EXAME
vider, but rather a partner for your company over the next five Magazine, and Visiting
the banks. Being competitive years? Lecturer on Masters in
requires solid products and The market is growing at such Strategy of Innovation
distribution channels, such a rate that it is difficult to get and Internationalization

as debit cards, credit cards, hold of everything. Compa- at ISG Business School
internet banking, SMS bank- nies must define a strategy. in Lisbon, Portugal. He is
ing, mobile banking, and For us, we have knowledge as also a founding member of
other systems. If you want to well as the specific technolo- the Mozambique-Portugal of the banking market
diversify and compete for cli- gies. It is better for us to devel- Chamber of Commerce. in Mozambique
ents you must have mobility op these specific technologies
Telecoms, IT & Media THEBUSINESSYEAR 87



continues to exact its Mobile banking in Mozambique is still in its The discovery of 7 trillion cubic metres of
early stages of adoption, compared to other natural gas over the past decade has rapidly
wholesale significance East African nations. Telco mcel introduced increased the prospects for energy support
in propelling business the technology in 2010 allowing cash to be industries, including logistics. The findings
into the future. paid over the network and redeemed at local put the country close to Venezuela and the
shops, while Vodacom brought in M-Pesa in UAE in term of global gas deposits. At Palma,
2013. Mozambique had the lowest mobile in the north, a new city for 250,000 people is
banking penetration out of 11 African coun- planned. Building such a mega-project will
tries that use the technology surveyed in 2012 fuel demand for logistical services in Mozam-
by NGO Research ICT Africa, with only 0.2% bique.
making mobile payments. In Kenya, on the Mozambique provides sea access for
other hand, more than half the population do Southern Africa. And rapid economic growth
so. across the region means trucking firms are
Less than a fifth of Mozambique's citizens becoming a target for foreign investors. Last
have bank accounts. Manuel Marecos Duarte, year private equity firm Carlyle Group, which
chief executive of Millennium Bim bank, says has $40bn invested in Africa, took over J&J, a
that its own mobile banking service processes Beira based transport firm. The company's
half a million transactions a month. Nobody offering to clients is providing reliable and
has the money to open a branch to serve in efficient international transportation and
every single village in Mozambique, Duarte state-of-the-art warehouse facilities for
told The Banker magazine. It will be through the handling of bulk and container cargo.
new technology that we reach these people. The selling point for such companies is the
ability to track goods internationally using
PLANTING CHIPS GPS technology and storage software.
Mozambique is predominantly an agricul-
tural nation, with farms employing 80% of ICT OUTSOURCING
the labor force. Communications technolo- Mozambique has implemented a number
gy helps farmers in developing countries to of reforms over the past year that make the
access market information. USAID helped country more palatable to international in-
52,628 agricultural workers in 2013 use new vestment, including changing insolvency and
technologies to improve productivity and re- property rules, the World Bank noted in its
source management. Mobile phones are cru- 2015 Ease of Doing Business Report.
cial in helping farmers access price data, with Companies like SGS Mozambique and Tse-
research showing that they tend to get better bo Outsourcing Group are expanding out-
prices when able to do so remotely. The Mo- sourcing operations. The bulk of outsourcing
zambique Ministry of Agriculture uses radio, relates to the provision of services for 'mega
broadcasts and online publishing to spread projects' in the coal mining and gas industry.
crop price data to rural communities. Services outsourcing for consumer orient-
Chinese investment is also boosting ag- ed companies that has pricked up in Brazil
ricultural productivity. A project funded by and Portugal remains in its infancy in Mo-
the Chinese Development Bank has brought zambique. Indian-style call centres and busi-
advanced farming methods to Mozambique, ness process outsourcing have yet to become
through the establishment of a facility teach- a significant part of the Mozambican econo-
ing agricultural technology in Xai-Xai district. my. Education is a challenge, with the World
"Farming is not easy," said Alexandrina Bank estimating that only 25% of children
Nhiacongue, when interviewed by Xinhua in the country are educated beyond primary
news agency in May 2014. "Cooperation be- level, compared to 70% in India. Call centers
tween the government and Chinese enter- do exist in Mozambique, with companies like
prise works well since we learn advanced Howard Johnson, SGS, and Accenture having
Chinese technology in agriculture from the local operations, but future growth will re-
technicians." quire further social development.

Certain government institutions

relegate security to their lowest
priorities, and we experienced a
boom in contracts and tenders in
the last quarter of the year when
the government realized that it had
remaining funds to allocate.

General Manager, Exys
Access to information is of
fundamental importance
in Mozambique, as there
seems to be a prevalent BETWEEN 34% AND 36% OF OUR SALES IN 2014
awareness of how key
sectors are progressing. DINIS TEIXEIRA
Director, PHC Mozambique
Country Managing Partner,
Maksen (Mozambique)
Our systems allow
us to evaluate Policies here are well
FOR CORPORATES, people and drafted and there are
RELIABILITY IS identify competent incentives that make
MISSION CRITICAL, employees while us want to explore new
AND OUR NETWORK HAS providing more areas of growth.
TO BE ROCK SOLID. training to those in
need of it. NNDIO D. DURO
General Director,
HERMANN WOITHE Howard Johnson Call
Chief Executive Officer, CARLOS MANJATE Center
Internet Solutions (IS) CEO Manager, Iogene
Telecoms, IT & Media THEBUSINESSYEAR 89


A pan-African initiative has taken root to encourage the development
of an indigenous media industry that presents constituent nations as
they are, and in their own voice. Its far-reaching objectives champion
journalistic integrity and freely expressed opinion.

A healthy media industrypluralistic, the voice tomers. In November 2010 Movitel received the
of civil society, sustainable, and disseminated third mobile license for $28 million. In contrast
over an effective communications matrixis to its operator peers, targeting urban centers,
a cornerstone of a vibrant country capable of it addressed the rural populations in pursuit of
advancement. Today, the numbers dont make scalejust 31% of Mozambiques population
for glamorous reading. Mozambiques compar- is urbanized according to UN data). Movitel is
atively low internet penetration is at 4.8%, while said to have set its prices at around 10% below
5.4% of the population use the internet (ITU, the market average and at the end of 2012 it al-
2013). The former figure is far shy of the 16% ready had 1.4 million subscribers.
African average. Mozambique ranked 188th in
the world as of 2012 according to industry data. ON THE AIR
For that year fixed broadband reached 0.1% With electricity access in Mozambique at just
of the population, while 1.8% went online via 18%, radio remains a vital source of informa-
wireless broadband. The arrival of the SEACOM tion for most citizens. Numerous private radio MRIO FERRO
submarine cable in 2009 followed by the EASSy stations spin discs and data alike, importantly President,
submarine cable a year later afforded Mozam- in rural areas, and are able to address specific
bique access to cheaper international connec- small audiences. Many of the 70-or-so commu-
Ferro & Ferro
tivity ending dependence on VSAT or neigh- nity stations in operation in 2012 were funded Comunicao
boring South Africa for internet transit services, by UNESCO. Yet state-run Rdio Moambique
reducing the retail price of broadband internet pulls in the largest audience broadcasting with We focus exclusively on
connection. programming in around 20 languages. corporate communication,
and explore the new
Mozambique was the pioneer African country Newspapers and print media pull in far fewer
to provide broadband wireless services through citizens than both radio and television. Clear available by digital
WiMax. Yet the shortage of landlines severely reasons make this a no-brainer. Firstly, the technologies in
curbs fixed-line broadband penetration, which print media is published in Portuguese, which formulating our strategy.
keeps prices, and access, beyond the means of only around 11% of the populace speaks. Add We also leverage our
most outside those urban areas deemed strate- to that the prohibitive cost of papers relative extensive database of
gic to investment. In 2013 the fixed telephone to overall income, limited distribution, and a
opinion formers and
marketfully liberalized at end-2007had a 44% illiteracy, and readership is set to remain
penetration of just 0.3%. Mobile-cellular sub- in the shadows for a spell. Noting a further pit- decision makers, and
scriptions stood at 56% at end-2014. Industry fall for the industry was Jos Guerra, President comprehensively scan
data shows a mobile segment CAGR of 40% for of the Council Administration of media group news appearing across
2003-2013, rising from 435,757 to 12.4 million Miramar who, in a TBY interview, observed that all media, including the
subscribers. while the group has been accepting interns, social networks. We
Mozambiques internet provider market has these young journalists usually have a strong
several players. National fixed-line operator theoretical background [but] are not always
have prior experience of
Telecommunication de Mozambique (TDM) knowledgeable on the realities of the market. event management and
provides home and business ADSL internet ac- advertising also. The
cess. In early 2014 its packages ranged from 512 INDEPENDENCE ACROSS THE BOARD latest digital technologies
kbit/s with a 6 GByte cap for (~$21) to 4 Mbit/s Prior to independence, the media in Mozam- have of course changed
with a 43 GByte cap for (~$118). Another mo- bique was a facsimile of colonial power Portu- the game in terms of
bile telco in the Mozambican market is mcel, gal, hence the tool of a then autocratic regime.
founded in 1997. By the end of 2011, before the With independence, then, came a fresh mo- information delivery.
third operator launched its operations, mcel mentumultimately enshrined in the 2004 Journalism as ever
sat on a market share of 56%. By end-2013 this constitutionfor a pluralist media that recog- remains as much a
had slipped to 47%. Vodacom Mozambique is a nized partisan opinion and sought to reach all vocation as a profession,
component of South African Vodacom Interna- citizens nationwide. Moreover, the technology where ethical practice
tional, in turn controlled by British Vodafone. of dissemination has fostered an entrepreneur-
should still carry weight,
Vodacom was awarded a mobile telecommuni- ial spirit that stands to contribute substantially
cations license in August 2002 and commenced to national development and hence status on but where in reality the
3G operations in December 2003. At the end of the continent and beyond. Fundamental to all commercial imperative
June 2014 the telco had roughly 4.6 million cus- of this, however, is the need for a profession- often wins over.

alism, contingent upon training, and access Before independence, Union (ATU) is the foremost African entity pro-
to current and accurate data, and the tools the media in moting the development of ICT infrastructure
through which to disseminate it. Then there is Mozambique was a and services; it has sought to accelerate the
the audience itself, where citizen engagement creation of info-communications conducive to
facsimile of colonial
is key to remedying current media shortfalls. a knowledge-based society, and full inter-coun-
power Portugal, hence try connectivity. Its research has partnered the
DRAMATIS PERSONAE the tool of a then BBC World Service Trust and the UN Econom-
A major pan-African initiative launched ear- autocratic regime. ic Commission for Africa (UNECA). Finally, the
ly in 2015 has the potential to galvanize media With independence, African Advanced Level Telecommunications
agents across the continent to strengthen media then, came a fresh Institute (AFRALTI) is an intergovernmental
capacity in such core areas as journalistic scope entity that offering advanced training to mid-
and depth of coverage and facilitate the social
momentum dle- and upper management in technical and
applications of ICT through a continent-wide ultimately enshrined managerial positions in the telecommunica-
platform of shared content. Its message is that in the 2004 tions sector in Eastern and Southern Africa.
where the media is concerned, content is very constitutionfor a
much still king. In February 2015, the Ken- pluralist media that KEEPING IT REAL
ya-based African Media Initiative (AMI), the recognized partisan The 6th annual African Media Leaders Forum
African Telecommunications Union (ATU) (AMLF) of 2013 adopted the theme of Media
and African Advanced Level Telecommunica-
opinion and sought and African Renaissance. Its many interesting
tions Institute (AFRALTI) linked arms to boost to reach all citizens conclusions included this telling nugget; The
capacity within the African media and the ICT nationwide. biggest media investment in Africa is coming
sector, and achieve a critical mass of qualified from China, and yet much of the coverage of
reporters specialized in comprehensively cov- China in Africa is based on crude stereotypes of
ering the media industry. AMI brings together the Chinese. Also discussed was the advantage
media owners in pursuit of solutions to the en- of establishing media industry ombudsmen to
trenched problems facing the media industry ensure accountability, establish trust in media
including poor financing, the need for sustain- organizations and foster journalistic integrity,
able business models, and effective tapping of by protecting media practitioners from legal
the advertising market. The training schemes challenges to free and accurate reporting. The
it endorses also promote journalistic efficacy. news ombudsmen are a link between news or-
Meanwhile, the African Telecommunications ganizations and their readers or viewers.

EXICTOS in Africa since 1990

Angola Cape Verde Malta Mozambique Namibia

Portugal So Tom and Prncipe East Timor
Telecoms, IT & Media THEBUSINESSYEAR 91


read ALL over

TBY talks to Jaime Langa, Director of Notcias,
on growth priorities, young journalists in
Mozambique, and what makes the newspaper
stand out.

What priorities have you set for Notcias in Mozam- I can now see how many people
bique for the next two years?
Notcias is now 89 years old, and was there-
read my article when I publish it, and Notcias
how many people liked it or didnt.
fore established prior to independence. One of
New technologies give us access to
my main focuses is for Notcias to be the main
opinion maker in our society in educating peo- that type of information and allow building a TV
ple, and consolidate our presence nationwide. us to make strategic management studio
We also plan to execute a social responsibility decisions according to feedback from employs 400
project with the government to promote news- readers.
paper reading in schools. people
How would you describe the growth of the news- How would you describe the new generation of
paper over recent years? journalists coming up from the universities in Mo-
The newspaper is growing, and were it possible, zambique?
I would send it to every household daily, free of At Notcias, we have people with 35 to 40 years
charge. Not all Mozambicans have the money of journalistic experience, who did not origi-
to buy a newspaper, but our website does pro- nally study journalism. On the other hand, we
vide the PDF version at no cost. Today, the use have the newcomers from the university, which
of of technology and communication is devel- together makes for the best of both worlds. To-
oping very rapidly not least with the platforms day Notcias employs 400 people, almost 150 of
of Facebook, and Instagram, and Notcias is whom are journalists. It is my role to be open to
already involved in that. Notcias is already newcomers with fresh ideas.
present on Facebook. There is a platform for
newspapers, phones and iPad. I now see how What differentiates Notcias from other newspa- BIO
many people read my article when I publish it, pers in the country?
and how many people liked it or didnt. New Firstly, we are committed to delivering the truth
Jaime Langa studied
technologies give us access to that type of in- on which our readers can formulate their own Business Management
formation and allow us to make strategic man- ideas on what is happening in Mozambique. at Instituto Superior de
agement decisions according to feedback from The 56 pages of our newspaper represent the Cincias e Tecnologia de
readers. countrys information source. Secondly, we Moambique (ISCTEM),
provide daily information for provinces. Not all and holds a Masters
How has interaction with the readership changed newspapers can do this, and those who wish to degree in Business Law
journalism in Mozambique? be informed about the country in general turn from Universidade Nova de
It has changed considerably because journal- to our paper. Lisboa. He is a well-known
ism is not a solo experience, but dependent businessman and has been
upon the needs and wants of readers. Funda- What is your vision for the company for the next Director of Notcias for close
mental to it all is the timely and accurate de- ten years? to two years. From 2009 to
livery of sourced facts. Meanwhile, we are cur- Notcias is not an island, but a sector. Our ob- 2013 he was also Counselor
rently building a studio dedicated to interviews jective in five, not 10 years, is to launch a TV of Business activities for the
Municipality of Matola.
that will appear on our website to bring our channel that would ultimately become like the
readers inside the newspaper. CNN or BBC of Mozambique.


WHATS THE es of neighboring countries

that the digital migration
can be a difficult and lengthy
are working to provide infor-
mation of integrity backed
by research and investiga-

process, although we are tion. There are still many
ready to face the challenge. improvements to be made in
We want to guarantee that the quality of Mozambican
our channels differentiation journalism, but we are on the
prevails in all aspects linked right path.
to the migration. We are also
TBY talks to Jos working hard to provide com- Do you feel confident in the
Guerra, President prehensive news coverage to new generation of journalists
of the Council the capitals and main prov- graduating from Mozambican
inces, and eventually the en- universities?
Administration tire country. Currently, apart Miramar has been accept-
of Miramar, on from Maputo, news coverage ing interns, and these young
expanding TV services, is only available in some of journalists usually have a
the provinces in the north strong theoretical back-
social media, and
and the center of the country. ground, although they are
the quality of the not always knowledgeable
new generation How have new social and inter- about the realities of the
of Mozambican What is Miramars history in active technologies shaped the market. There have certainly
Mozambique? way Miramar works? been educational develop-
journalists. Inaugurated in 1999, TV Mi- Social media has consider- ments in the field, but there
ramar has been operating on ably changed the way that is still much progress to be
the market for 16 years as part people consume TV and ra- made, specifically in teach-
of a communications network dio content. As smartphone ing practical skills to young
that includes Radio Miramar. usage has grown, people are professionals. We have not
Nowadays, TV Miramar is now watching TV and simul- been meeting interns who
a popular communication taneously commenting on are absolutely ready to work
channel known mainly for its social media about what they in the field upon complet-
innovative and differentiated see. Miramar has opted to ing their studies, but good
character. It is an open signal join its viewers on social me- efforts are being made with
channel available in all pro- dia, and today we are proud relatively good results if one
vincial capitals across Mo- to be the TV station with the considers that journalism is
zambique, as well as in Ango- highest number of Facebook a fairly recent discipline in
BIO la through TV Cabo. Miramar followers in Mozambique. Mozambique.
can be viewed through main We recently launched Web
pay television and in South- TV, enabling our viewers to Currently, what are the main
Jos Guerra is Chairman ern Africa via satellite. It is a watch Miramar TV and have challenges journalism faces in
of the Board of Miramar generalist channel offering a access to the latest news in Mozambique, and where do you
and founder of the Igreja wide range of programs, and Mozambique, wherever they see the industry in 10 years?
Universal do Reino de Deus has been successful at ag- happen to be in the world. Every line of work faces its
in Mozambique. Guerra gregating and satisfying the With the link to social media, obstacles, the most relevant
was born in Marrucuene,
needs of a diverse audience. viewers can also comment for journalists being access
Mozambique, in the Maputo
on our content and share to information. An issue
Province. He earned his
Master's and PhD degrees in What are some of the invest- the channel with their friends of major importance is the
Theological Sciences from ment and development projects and followers. centralization of the media.
the Christian University of in progress at TV Miramar? There are improvements to
Florida, a Masters degree At the moment, our focus How has the profession of jour- be made in the expansion
in Business Administration has been the process of mi- nalism been developing in Mo- of coverage in the rural dis-
in South Africa, and a grating from an analog to a zambique? tricts. The vast majority of
second Masters degree in digital signal. This requires a Over the past couple of years, the media tends to concen-
Mechanical Engineering large investment guarantee- we have seen growth in media trate in urban areas covering
in the Czech Republic. He ing not only the technical as- diversity. Big developments central themes, and conse-
has been a professor at pects of the system, but also have been realized at the TV quently the outer districts
the Universidade Eduardo the induction of our techni- networks, as I mentioned, but are left with little to no news
Mondlane for 24 years and cians. Digitalization will ul- also elsewhere. In journal- coverage. Despite significant
a business manager for over timately change the way the ism we are concerned with improvements over the past
20 years. world watches TV. We have the quality of the product couple of years, there is still a
learned from the experienc- presented to the viewer, and long way to go.

97 100 105
Emanuel Chaves, Chairman Mozambiques access to the Joo Chiboleca, Managing
and CEO of Aeroportos de Indian Ocean makes it an Director of Globo Distribuidora,
Moambique, on Nacala important regional shipping Lda, on the strategy of pursuing
becoming an aviation hub. center. sustained growth.


Mozambique is emerging as a central transport node for the region, as

developments in road, rail, air, and port infrastructure are helping to
move the countrys significant mineral resources throughout the region.

ozambique is cur- lion tons of coal reserves. The
rently on the rise major coal deposits are locat-
as a transport hub ed at the Moatize-Minjova,
for the region; Senangoe, and Mucanha-Vuzi
boasting three major ports sites in the Tete province.
at Maputo, Beira, and Naca- Needless to say, the develop-
la, five international airports ment of the natural resources
including Maputo, Beira, and infrastructure go hand
and Nampula, and two main in hand in fostering econom-
railway lines at Maputo and ic growth. However, over-
Sena, it is becoming a cen- all transport speedsspeed
tral node through which the means efficiencyneed to
regions impressive natural improve in order to accom-
resource wealth must pass to modate this growth; official es-
markets near and far. The na- timates indicate that the effec-
tional railways alone handle tive speed of road transport in
over 12 million tons of cargo Southern Africa is between 6
each year. Mozambiques and 12 km per hour. Rail trans-
location makes it a natural port times are even lower with
gateway to South Africa, Zim- an effective speed of 4 km per
babwe, Botswana, and Mala- hour on some routes. Accord-
wi, and this is increasing de- ing to the World Economic Fo-
mand for development in its rum, in 2014 Mozambique was
infrastructure. Mozambique ranked at 126 out of 160 coun-
moves people too; her inter- tries surveyed for the quality of
national airports can accom- Image: Maersk Line its overall infrastructure, 142
modate 900,000 passengers in terms of its road infrastruc-
per annum. ture; 88 in terms of railroad
Mozambique possesses vast infrastructure; 107 in its port
natural resources, including Massive harbor infrastructure projects infrastructure; and 110 in its
large deposits of coal, alumi- in Mozambique, including the construction air transport infrastructure.
num, titanium, and natural of a new terminal at Beira, will give the But moves are well underway
gas and is estimated to have to tackle these issues and de-
the fourth largest gas reserves nation a capacity of between 18 to 26 velop the country as a regional
globally and nearly three bil- million tons of cargo per year. transport hub.

The Maputo Development Corridor is governance of the Maputo Corridor Logistics

an ambitious undertaking which has Initiative, a non-profit organization consisting
had important effects, not least of all of infrastructure investors, service providers
in signaling the social and economic and stakeholders from Mozambique, South
stability of Mozambique following Africa, and Swaziland, who are focused on the
promotion and development of the Maputo
its nearly two decades of civil war, Development Corridor (MDC) as the region's
and the appeal of carrying out major primary logistics transportation route. Bar- ANTNIO
investments in the country. bara Mommen, CEO of MCLI, tells TBY that,
Roughly $350 million has been spent on the
building and maintenance of the road, and PAULO
for the remainder of the concession there are Country Manager,
still upgrades, improvements, and mainte-
nance being done, because it is a build-oper-
THE FRIENDLY SKIES ate-transfer (BOT) agreement. It is anticipated
In 2014 the European Investment Bank (EIB) that over the next sixteen years we will see a What is the significance of the
provided a $26 million loan to support Mo- further $400 million investment in infrastruc- market in Mozambique for the
zambiques main airport in the capital Mapu- ture. overall strategy of Skynet in
to, which will help it meet international civil Africa?
aviation safety standards. Specific improve- RIDE THE RAILS Africa is an emerging market for
ments will include a resurfacing of the air- Major investments in rail link improvements the whole world with immense
ports runway and taxi areas, new landing are underway as well. A 2018 target has been potential in natural resources,
lights, expanded water supply in case of emer- set by a mixed foreign and Mozambican con- agriculture, and infrastructure
gency, and improved aircraft fuel supply infra- sortium to commission a $4.5 billion coal development. Mozambique has
structure. This rehabilitation program follows export railway and port terminal project in sustained economic growth and
completion of new international and domestic central Mozambique. The government has political stability since the end of
terminals at Maputo airport in the last three chosen the Bangkok-based contractor Ital- its civil war. There is an ongoing
years. Investments in safety improvements at ian-Thai Development (ITD) to construct the effort to elevate the standard of
the airport are essential to ensure continued 537km railway from major coal deposits in living, to function within a fair and
flights by international carriers and compli- Moatize in the Tete province to port of Macuse just society, and to raise health
ance with International Civil Aviation Orga- on the coast. Authorities also plan to increase and education levels, which in
nization standards. The upgrade has not only transport to between 40 million and 50 million turn lead to a vote of confidence
created jobs during the construction process, tons by 2020. Rail operator Portos e Caminhos and continued foreign investment
but is also also an investment in generating de Ferro de Moambique also plans to invest across all economic sectors. Sky-
long-term economic benefits across Mozam- $1 million in infrastructure and rolling stock to net has embraced this stability by
bique through improved tourism and global replace current road links to the port with new also investing in Mozambique as
business links. rail infrastructure. part of a long-term strategy.

ROAD WORKS AHEAD PORTS OF CALL What trends are you seeing in
Mozambiques roads are improving annually, Mozambiques port projects are inextricably the Mozambican transport and
with many ambitious developments under- interlinked with all of the major road and rail logistics industry?
way. The Maputo Development Corridor is a projects throughout the country. The ports We find that with investment
flagship project and this massive undertak- of Maputo, Beira, and Nacala are widely ac- there is considerable develop-
ing has had important effects, not least of all knowledged as central to the development of ment, and the foreign companies
in signaling the social and economic stability the region. Investments are also being made investing expect a service similar
of Mozambique following its nearly two de- to develop the northern ports of Pemba and to what they receive elsewhere
cade long civil war and the appeal of carrying Palma, where a major logistics base and liq- in the world. This creates a
out major investments in the country. The uid natural gas (LNG) production plants are need to upgrade services and
project concerns the improvement of nearly planned that will use gas produced from off- infrastructure accordingly, by
360km of single carriageway highway on the shore fields. More than $30 billion will be in- meeting multiple requirements,
Great East Road connecting the region. It is vested initially in Mozambique's natural gas including visibility, tracking,
also linked to the Nacala Corridor, a regional sector to build capacity to produce 20 million and tracing. We believe that the
transport corridor linking Malawi and Zam- tons per year of LNG, with the first exports due coming trends will be focused
bia to the deep-water port of Nacala. The coal to start in 2018, according to the national oil on international courier parcel
terminal at Nacala is vital for the region; its company. The new port in the city of Pemba imports to satisfy the various
1.5km long jetty approach leading to offshore will have a 300 meter dock capable of receiving production, extraction, and
berthing facilities, makes use of natural water ships with a maximum draught of 12 meters logistics industries, as well as an
depth and will be capable of exporting up to and a variety of other facilities on a 36-hect- inter-provincial domestic courier
100 million tons of coal a year when fully com- are plot. This has logistics players very excited parcel service for the emerging
pleted. The overall project is mainly under the indeed. Alexandre Franco, Managing Director B2B and B2C markets.

The new port in the city of Pemba

will have a 300 meter dock
capable of receiving ships with a
maximum draught of 12 meters

Image: Maersk Line


Quality of Mozambique Port Infrastructure port's coal shipping capacity is designed for 18
Source: Word Development Indicators, World Bank million tons annually; moreover general com-
modities shipping capacity is set to expand to
4 4 million tons annually. The total construction
cost is expected to be approximately $4.4 bil-
3 lion, and part of the cost will be met with proj-
ect finance from public financial institutions
2 overseas and Japanese banks. Japanese owned
Mitsui will own a 15% equity interest in the
1 project and Mitsui's initial investment amount
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 for investment and loans is $450 million for the
mine and $313 million for the infrastructure.
Other major port projects are underway.
Coal producers are looking at building a 20
of Transitex Moambique, tells TBY that,Our
plan for 2015 is opening an office in Pemba
million ton coal terminal at Chinde, north of
Beira. The New Coal Terminal Beira (NCTB) is
because we already have some business and a joint venture between Essar Ports, who hold ROSTANG
our own people there. Wed like to capitalize a 70% share of the port and the rail authority of General Director,
on the opportunities of the oil and gas indus- Mozambique (Caminhos de Ferro de Moam-
try, maybe as a support company to make cus- bique). Essar Ports has plans to develop a ma-
Blue R
toms and things easier. We offer a full service jor 10 million ton per annum capacity coal ter-
We invest considerably
from door-to-door. In Mozambique, we oper- minal at the Beira port. The initial capacity of
ate in all the ports and airportsNacala, Nam- 10 million tons per annum (MPTA) can also be in quality machinery
pula, Beira, Pemba, Quelimane and Maputo. increased by a further 10 MTPA in case of more at our branches. At the
The major Nacala Railway Corridor & Port cargo and transport links come online. moment, demand for
Infrastructure project is another of the central The port of Maputo is also being upgraded; these services exceeds
improvements underway in the region. Nacala plans to increase throughput at Maputo port supply. Initially, we only
Port, at a depth of 14 meters, is the deepest nat- will result in $3 billion in investment by 2020,
ural port in Southern Africa and the third deep- according to the Maputo Port Development
diagnosed problems
est on the eastern coast of Africa. The port is Corporation (MPDC). The MPDC is a partner- with air conditioning and
Mozambiques third busiest, after Maputo and ship between the Mozambican Railway Com- other units exclusively
Beira, which are the busiest and second busiest, pany and the global player DP World. It holds related to cars, but today
respectively. Nacala Port is also the terminus of the concession for the port until 2033, with an we are undertaking the
the Nacala Railway, which extends 931 kilome- option of an additional ten years. The total area
full range of services
ters west into landlocked Malawi, connecting for the Maputo port is approximately 129 hect-
to Malawis Central East African Railway. The ares with 3,000 meters of continuous wharves pertaining to vehicles. We
Nacala project is currently undergoing an up- ranging in depth from 8-12 meters; there are also fabricate components
grade of the 682km existing rail line and the also terminals for citrus, sugar, and other types upon client request, and
construction of the new 230km rail line and of containers. As Mozambique moves past its have a dedicated engineer
construction of a new coal terminal in the Port recent history of civil war and into a more pros- supporting this process.
of Nacala, which will lead to the development perous and secure future, its impressive invest-
Our employees are trained
of other terminals. By managing the existing ments in infrastructure projects are helping to
infrastructure effectively, the projects railway assure that all of its natural and mineral wealth daily and we always
transport annual capacity is planned to in- are available to the world, and that the world encourage continued
crease gradually up to 22 million tons, and the can feel confident investing in Mozambique. study.


Forward and support services



Millenium Park Building, Vladimir Lenine Avenue, WWW.TRANSITEX.COM

179 14th floor P. O. Box 2284, Maputo, Mozambique


hub TO BE
TBY talks to Emanuel Chaves, Chairman and CEO of Aeroportos de
Moambique, on the opportunity for Nacala to become a new aviation hub
on the east coast of Africa.

How would you describe the new Nacala Inter- From which countries will people be able to fly
national Airport infrastructure? directly to Nacala?
The project cost was around $250 million. Initially, we have Linhas Areas de Moam-
It had to be expanded as there were many bique securing domestic flights. We have also
adjustments made throughout the project, already secured South African Airlines flights
although the initial estimate was around to Nacala. We are quite certain, too, that Ethi-
$130-150 million. There were some substan- opian Airlines and Kenyan Airways will oper-
tial changes to the project; for example, while ate flights. Kenyan Airlines is already flying to
the initial scheme envisaged a rehabilitation Nampula and will shift its flights to Nacala,
of the existing railway, we had to build an en- and Ethiopian Airlines is already willing to fly
tirely new scheme, which required massive to the north of Mozambique and will be open
investment. Also, we had to expand the facili- to flying to Nacala. There needs only to be an
ties to make it a future hub. The inauguration update of the bilateral agreement in order
took place on the December 13, 2014. for them to fly there. Qatar airlines, TAP, and
JAAL will also consider flying to Nacala giv-
What is your strategy regarding air transport en that bringing people to Maputo and then
agreements and MoUs to bring traffic into the traveling two and a half hours to the north is
airport? impractical. We also have almost confirmed
We are in talks to partner with certain huge intentions from Lufthansa, Air France, and
brands. In handling, we will have one of the Emirates to fly to Mozambique. Linhas Areas
largest operations in the world and are con- de Moambique is entering into a partnership
sidering three handling companies. In Ma- with Air Austral from Reunion because many
puto, we have the Mozambique Handling people from Reunion are also keen to invest
Services company (MHS) and are tendering in Nacala. The director of ENI Mozambique
to sell a 51% stake in it, as we want to bring has shown clear interest in linking Nacala
BIO in a strategic partner in order to ensure that to Milan and Oporto. Also, from Anadarko
we deliver international-standard service. we have heard that there is a need for flights
Another strategic partnership will be made from Houston to Mozambique. From 2015,
Emanuel Chaves is
Chairman and CEO with a catering company. Today, the catering there will be a large market linking Asia to
of the Aeroportos de company is owned by the airport and Linhas Mozambique. Nacala Airport can handle air-
Moambique. He obtained Areas de Moambique, but we have compa- craft such as Boeing 747s and 847s, and also
his Bachelors and Masters nies interested in a joint venture. We are also Airbus 380s.
degrees in Economics considering bringing in an airport operator to
and Management from partner us in managing the airport as soon as What are the main competitive advantages of
the Catholic University of there is a clear strategy and capacity to attract Nacala becoming the main hub on the east coast
Mozambique. He moved to more airlines. We want a dedicated airport of Africa?
Maputo in 2006 and became operator with a huge capacity to mobilize air- Nacala has many natural advantages com-
head of ADM in 2013. He lines to Nacala. Currently, we have secured pared with other hubs. Dar es Salaam is very
has recently completed almost 90% of personnel already trained to close to Nairobi. And from Nairobi to Nacala
an aerospace MBA from operate Nacala International Airport. Our is two hours' flight, while Nacala to Johan-
Toulouse Business School, company is 100% Mozambican with all Mo- nesburg takes two and a half hours. Second-
France. zambican employees highly trained to inter- ly, Nacala is located close to a future signif-
national standards. icant port on the east coast, which is a good

We want a dedicated airport operator How would you assess the expansion of the Pem- IN NUMBERS
with a huge capacity to mobilize ba airport, which was inaugurated in March?
We made a small investment of about $5 Aeroportos de
airlines to Nacala. Currently, we Moambique
million on the runway and terminal to cope
have secured almost 90% of with the demand of the next four years, while
personnel already trained to operate concluding the plans and construction of the
Nacala International Airport. Our new Pemba Airport. We are at the design and
company is 100% Mozambican with
feasibility study phase, and expect to submit
all Mozambican employees highly proposals for study in 2015.
trained to international standards.
What is your strategy for improving competitive- million invested in
ness among airlines and increasing the number Nacala International
of connections and companies operating in Mo- Airport inaugurated
zambique? on December 13
Mozambique is growing rapidly, and over
the past 10 years international arrivals have
combination for a successful hub. Nacala is grown from 400,000 to around 2.3 million.
closer than Nairobi to Singapore, Australia, The airports along the coast are all focused on
and other countries, as Nairobi is inland and tourism. We are making airports viable. The International arrivals
Nacala is on the coast. Mozambique stands to government is working with Linhas Areas of around

surpass the GDP of both Tanzania and Kenya de Moambique on expansion capable of of-
over the next 15 years, which will be reflected fering connectivity. Additionally, the strategy
in air travel statistics. Nacala is closer to the for Nacala is to get people to come to Mo-
sea than Johannesburg and Nairobi, mean- zambique and from here fly elsewhere. One
ing more savings on fuel at departure and strategy is to offer rebates for airport fees and million
more luggage being carried on departures air navigation fees for shorter, or regional,
from Johannesburg and Nairobi. This region flights. We are offering flights from Nacala to
represents 120 million people and is growing Pemba and Nacala to Nampula, for example,
at an average rate of 5%, while Tanzania and at a 50% rebate. That is one of the strategies
Kenya are at 7%. So as Africa reaches 2.3 bil- to position the airport. But it could as easily
lion people by 2050, the area will have almost be done somewhere else. For example, we are
doubled. In the short run we still need to grow launching a tender for the concession of the
capacity and connectivity in Nacala, and if we three airports: Inhambane, Ponta do Ouro,
do so capacity will surpass that of Nairobi. and Bilene.



A modest military installation has South African Airlines flights are already operat-
been transformed into what will ing Nacala flights and according to Mr. Chaves,
become a regional transport hub, LAM is already in talks with Air Austral from
Reunion to offer this service to the many entre-
taking Mozambiques economy to a preneurs from the close island that are keen to
higher altitude. invest in Nacala. In fact, a new satellite Chamber
of Commerce for Reunion will be in operation in
Maputo sometime in June 2015 as Thophane
ACCORDING to a 2011 study by Calderon, Narayanin, of the Chamber of Commerce and
Moral-Benito, and Serven for the WB (Is Infra- Industry of Reunion confirmed to TBY. Mr. THOPHANE
structure Capital Productive? A Dynamic Het-
erogeneous Approach,), for each 10% increase
Chaves mentioned that Ethiopian Airlines and
Kenyan Airways would also have flights to Naca-
in infrastructure development countries earn la and that Qatar Airlines, TAP, JAAL, Lufthansa, Treasurer of
an extra 1% in terms of their long-term growth. Air France and Emirates had shown their inter- the Chamber
Aware of this, between 2001 to 2006 Mozam- est on the airport. Without any doubt this is the of Commerce
bique invested an average of nearly 9% of GDP time for interested potential partners to step in
on infrastructure according to World Bank paper as the authorities are considering a partnership
and Industry of
Financing Public Infrastructure in Sub-Saharan with an airport operator. We want a dedicated Reunion and Social
Africa: Patterns and Emerging Issues. airport operator with a huge capacity to mobilize Council of Reunion
One of the major infrastructure investments airlines to Nacala Mr. Chaves said.
since 2011 that will position Mozambique in the Besides supporting industrial development, Historically, how would you
international arena is the recently inaugurated the Nacala International airport will also be- describe the commercial and
Nacala International Airport. The former Nacala come a key entrance for tourists in the coun- economic relationship between
Air base, a small military airstrip, has been com- try and will support the tourism sector in the Reunion and Mozambique?
pletely upgraded and transformed into a major Northern provinces. As Natalie Tenzer-Silva Reunion is a French Island,
international air hub for southeastern Africa. from Dana Tours said to TBY: The airport will located near Mozambique. We are
The airport is located in the Nampula province definitely have an effect on the kinds of packages located just three hours away by
in the north of the country. It was designed by and combinations offered, such as Nacala and nonstop flight, which of its own is
Brazilian firm Fernandes Arquitetos Associados Ilha de Mozambique. The excellent road from important. However, the cultural
and built by the construction firm Odebrecht. Nacala to Ilha de Mozambique makes for a jour- perspective is critical to a better
Works began in 2011 on an area of approximate- ney time of just two hours. understanding. It is important to
ly 30,000 sqm. Nevertheless, the airport will only fulfill its know that there are both Indians
As Emanuel Chaves, Chairman and CEO of objective if the government is able to attract a and Africans on the African coast.
Aeroportos de Moambique explained to TBY number of international airlines and create new Currently, we are giving the great-
that even though the initial estimated cost for the connections. Many touristic operators are still est importance to Mozambique,
airport was $130-150 million, the final cost was concerned about flight prices and routes that primarily do to its size, but also
around $250 million due to several subsequent limit their package options and raise price lev- because its current development
adjustments made throughout the project. For els. The Minister of Culture and Tourism, Silva has considerable potential. We
example, the initial scheme envisaged a reha- Dunduro, has said that Mozambique; feels have decided to locate a satellite
bilitation of the existing railway, but ultimately the urge to incentivize the growth of the air con- Chamber of Commerce for
the decision was made to build an entirely new nections, which is still a great barrier to the de- Reunion in Maputo. We aim to
system, which involved a massive investment. velopment of tourism in the African continent. bring company managers from
These works extended the existing runway from In conversation with TBY he stated that the im- Reunion and subsequently set
2,500 meters to 3,100 meters long and 45 meters provement of the air connections was necessary up meetings with counterparts
wide. The final construction has a passenger ter- based in four factors which are, political stabil- from Mozambique. We intend by
minal with 16 check-in counters and four board- ity, air safety; airport infrastructure; and gov- June 2015, at the latest, for the
ing gates with a capacity for 500,000 people per ernmental reforms (such as the opening of the satellite office to be installed.
annum. The innovative installations can handle national airspace, the politics of fees and taxes
1,240 passengers in peak hours and up to 5 tons imposed to the civil aviation). How would you characterize the
of air cargo. According to Mr. Chaves, they also Over the past few years, Mozambique has de- interest of Reunion investors in
expanded the existing facilities to make it a fu- veloped its infrastructure to provide transport Mozambique after this mission?
ture hub. This included a control tower, a traffic communications with the neighboring coun- Right now we have a private dele-
circuit, the freight terminal, a fire station, as well tries. This has supported the creation of hori- gation, consisting of the company
as ramp equipment, roads and parking for taxis zontal development corridors from South Africa, managers, who are going to come
and rental cars. Space is available now for cus- Zimbabwe or Malawi all the way to the Mozam- to Mozambique in order to do
tom brokers, and advertising, as well as passen- bican ports. Nevertheless, north-south connec- some prospecting, each one in
ger and handling services. tions have been limited. Authorized investment its own domain. They come here
The first commercial flight arriving at Nacala projects by the Investment Promotion Centre looking for potential partners
International Airport was operated by the na- (CPI) from 2005 to 2009 in the Nacala Corridor in multiple and varied sectors
tional company Linhas Areas de Moambique accounted for $7 billion and have continued to including construction, food, aero-
(LAM) on the 8th December 2014. LAM and rise over recent years. space, and land transportation.


ince it started its
first service in Afri- Mozambiques access to the Indian Ocean
ca in 2001, the CMA
CGM Group has increased its
makes it an important regional shipping center,
presence and become a ma- but the capacity of its ports must be developed
jor player on the continent. It to take full advantage of its location.
has continuously reinforced its
presence and its services, and

is now pursuing its maritime includes a diversity of products esides Maputo, Beira, ment service. We have a joint
and inland development in Af- such as timber, tobacco, cotton, Quelimane, Moma, venture with Barloworld in a
rica. The Group is present in 43 grains, and nuts. Our group of- Angoche, Nacala, and highly sophisticated transport
Sub-Saharan countries, with its fers its customers weekly calls Pemba, LBH is also present in management system for bulk
72-branch network and 1,300 to Mozambique. Our three dif- Mocmboa da Praia port, which commodities. Tonnage-wise,
employees. As the second ship- ferent shipping services to and is a small, but strategically po- we probably handled 2 million
ping company operating in Mo- from the country allow us to sitioned facility at the heart of tons in Beira last year, 8 million
zambique, the CMA CGM Group accommodate customer needs the gas field. We hope to ser- tons in Maputo, and 13 million
operates at all five main ports by offering personalized ser- vice the larger players from tons nationally.
Maputo, Beira, Quelimane, vice with tailor-made solutions. it. We have also launched a
Nacala, and Pembawhere it On top of that, our innovative service called LBH Xpress. We
is also physically represented inland solutions provide safe operate a weekly service from
by its own agencies. Currently, cargo transportation from the Johannesburg and Durban all
refrigerated cargo and exports port to ramp, or door-to-door the way through Maputo in the
of certain dry commodities are delivery to any of the hinterland north. There is no doubt that
our strategic focus areas. This countries in the region. the north is the destination of
future development. The clos-
LAURENT DEMAIN est sophisticated engineering
systems are in South Africa,
General Manager, we have warehouses in Johan-
CMA CGM nesburg, Durban, Maputo,
Mozambique and Nacala to service the LBH
Xpress trucks and the custom-
ers. As shipping agents, we
now handle almost any type
of cargo, from small boxes to
cape-sized vessels, nationwide.
Our services have extended
considerably and we can do Managing Director,
a complete logistics manage- LBH Group


Managing Director, Maersk Line

e arrived in 1998 and it is much easier to connect The biggest challenge for us in
first opened the of- to other countries and opti- terms of expanding that is Bei-
fice in Beira. A cou- mize the cargo we ship. There- ra because it has yet to develop
ple of years later we moved to fore, the relocation was done into an international port, so
Maputo but then in 2013 we with business optimization in terms of us optimizing and
returned. Beira is the busi- in mind. We are operating at enhancing our business even
ness center in terms of trade the four ports of Nacala, Que- further, Beira is the bottleneck.
and is also a gateway to Zim- limane, Beira, and Maputo. We want to continue the jour-
babwe, Zambia, and Malawi. Quelimane is a small port for ney begun in 2014 with an op-
More than 50% of our overall us, with a bi-weekly call. Naca- timization of the value of the
business moves through Beira. la has a weekly call and Bei- business that we have and the
From a business point of view ra and Maputo twice a week. activities that we do.





million tons (completed 2013) 2018 million tons

million million tons 2018
million tons




million tons by 2020 120ha DRAFT million tons per year


million tons per year

Source: TBY Research


million tons per year


The deepwater port of Maputo comprises two
key componentsMaputo Cargo Terminals
and Matola Bulk Terminals. The Maputo Port
Development Company (MPDC) received

a comprehensive 15-year operational and
development planning concession in 2003.
MPDC, a public-private consortium, in 2010
extended its Port Concession to 2033 with the

option of a further 10 years thereafter. This
timeframe enables adequate development in
step with the governments broader Port Mas-

ter Plan. MPDC investments to date amount to
$300 million. Volumes handled by the port are
earmarked at 50 million tons by 2020 on addi-
tional investment of $838 million.
The Matola Coal Terminal is a dry bulk facil-
Sustainable growth in Mozambique ity operated by South African freight and logis-
and indeed across the continent of tics company Grindrod. Its most recent expan-
Africais predicated upon resource sion (Phase 3.5) concluded in October 2013
increased annual export capacity from 6 to 7.5
exportation, the revenues from which million tons. Phase 4, to boost capacity above
could swiftly percolate throughout the 20 million tons, is at the advanced feasibility
economy in the form of employment stage. Phase 4 involves excavation and land
and higher standards of living. reclamation, plus two new berths, a stockyard
and related railway infrastructure. The ter-
minal footprint will ultimately be around 120
ha, and Grindrod also holds a 48,000sqm site
at Maputo Main Port for the handling of sized
coal for third parties.


Since December 2013, Mozambican state- According to Maersk Line Managing Director
owned company Sociedade Portos de Cabo Michael Neerstrand Helweg in conversation
Delgado has held a 30-year concession to devel- with TBY, The key for Mozambique is invest-
op the ports of Pemba and Palma (the latter a ment in Beira, because if you increase its ca-
greenfield project indexed to LNG exploration pacity you increase trade with the hinterlands.
in the north). It is a 50-50% partnership between This would enable a reduction in cost because
state port and rail manager Portos e Caminhos by attracting larger vessels it could compete ANDR DA SILVA
de Ferro de Moambique (CFM) and oil and gas with Dar es Salaam and Durban.
enterprise Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbone-
CEO, Portos de Cabo
tos (ENH). The first phase of the Pemba Service NACALA Delgado
Center is set for completion in 2018 and in- Vale commenced production at Mozam-
cludes an 800m jetty with a 12m draft. State fig- biques giant Moatize mine in August 2011, We provide marine
ures indicate initial investment of over $30 bil- and today exports coal on Sena railway from
lion in the natural gas sector, ramping up LNG the Port of Beira, located around 600km south
infrastructure for the oil
capacity to 20 million tons/year, with exports of the mine. Annual production in 2013 of 3.8 and gas industry in Palma
forecast for 2018. Put into context, the Rovuma million tons, is set to reach 22 million tons in and Pemba. The latter will
Basin has reserves capable of supplying LNG to 2016. Meanwhile, the Nacala port complexa account for the majority of
Germany, Britain, France and Italy for 18 years, coal and general cargo terminalhas been our investment, where we
according to Reuters. Duly, related investments developed to accommodate future capacity,
envisage establishing an
are materializing at the northern ports of Pem- enabled by the 912km Nacala linerunning
ba and Palma, to accommodate vast logistics through Malawi and Mozambiquewhich is oil and gas service center.
base and LNG production plants to process and given over also to general commodities and I foresee Portos de Cabo
transport gas produced from offshore fields in public transportation. Nacalas transportation Delgado becoming one
the Rovuma Basin being developed by US oil capacity of 22 million tons per year is accom- of the largest national
major Anadarko Petroleum Corp and Italys Eni. modated by a local coal loading capacity of 18 companies in Northern
A second port in Pemba adjacent to the exist- million tons per year, while the general cargo
Mozambique. Within 10
ing facility managed by CFM is to have a spe- terminal has a 4 million ton per year loading
cial regime to invite private investment. The capacity. years, 90% of the master
two will be points of entry for all equipment of plan that was developed
gas companies operating in the Rovuma basin, QUELIMANE for the area will have
and export nodes for final products, particu- Located to the north of Beira and South of been completed. The
larly LNG. According to Andr da Silva, CEO Nacala, the Port of Quelimane is a prospective Cabo Delgado province
of Portos de Cabo Delgado, The Cabo Delga- export node for Mozambican coal, located on
do province has considerable reserves of gas, the coast of Zambezia province. As of January
has considerable reserves
with many others yet to be discovered, such as 2015, two potential construction sitesMa- of gas as well as other
graphite, of which we have one of the worlds cuse or Supinhowere subject to environ- resources such as
largest reserves. mental and social impact assessments. graphite.

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CEO, Maputo Corridor
Ph.D., CEO, Maputo metropolitan
Logistics Initiative Public Transport
(MCLI) Company

What are your organizations terminal is a great success story How does the development of The impact of
strategic priorities in the short with increased volumes ensur- transport infrastructure in Ma- the development
term? ing maximum use of the re- puto affect business?
cently expanded terminal area.
of transport
BARBARA MOMMEN Roughly BM I would really contend that infrastructure in
$350 million has been spent on IOLANDA WANE The strategic infrastructure development the capital will be
the building and maintenance priorities for the next two years enables access right across the profound, facilitating
of roads, and for the remain- are defined in the 2012-2016 spectrum; from multi-national
der of the concession there are Strategic Plan, which is still companies through to SMEs. If communication
still upgrades, improvements, under implementation, and you create the environment for among businesses and
and maintenance being done, clearly outlines the strategic moving goods, you are enabling individuals.
because it is a build-oper- guidelines for the company. economic development. It is not
ate-transfer (BOT) agreement. Special attention will be given only the major companies that
It is anticipated that over the to continuing efforts at im- benefit. Much of the investment
next 16 years, we will see a fur- proving public transport ser- in infrastructure has been made
ther $400 million investment vices for the citizens of Maputo by companies who obviously
in infrastructure. The rail line and its environs, increasing our see the possibility of a return on
upgrade, or rehabilitation, operational efficiency and effi- their investment, so the chal-
was finished in 2008, and that cacy and proceeding with the lenge for us is to ensure that the
investment was roughly $100 operation automation policy of charges levied for the use of in-
million, which included up- traffic and charging policy. We frastructure do not compromise
grades to the rails and bridges aim to improve the corporate the economic viability of the
and additional rolling stock model for the repositioning of corridor.
and locomotives. Over the the company in the transporta-
next four years CFM is going tion market in Maputo Munici- What are your strategies for im-
to spend roughly $204 million pality, and to proceed with on- proving accessibility to public
on the line in doubling and going restructuring in various transport services?
electrification of the line and operational and managerial
improvements to signaling, areas in order to permanent- IW We work as part of the Mu-
amongst others. Additional ly align the company mission nicipality project for installing
capacity on this line will assist to the demands of the market. bus lines, which differ from
the corridor in creating a more We also plan to redefine our normal vehicles lines, and are
balanced ratio of road-to-rail social responsibility policy for known as BRT (Bus Rapid Tran-
cargo. In terms of port Maputo, internal and external public, sit). We believe that this system
an integrated master plan was and reinforce the sensitization will improve the medium com-
developed in 2008 that looks at actions against fraud in all de- mercial speed, and that subse-
increasing the capacity of the partments of the company. We quently, we will see greater user
port, improving current facili- need to ensure strictness and satisfaction, since, greater speed
ties, and accommodating new respect for public goods, and and lower variability (resulting
vessels by dredging to minus must be careful in expenditure from line separation), will lead
14 meters. Meanwhile, the car control. to a better circulation of buses.


a local force
IN NUMBERS TBY talks to Joo Chiboleca, Managing
Globo Director of Globo Distribuidora, Lda, on the
Distribuidora strategy of pursuing sustained growth and
client diversification.
Additionally, we provide all Ministry of Science and Tech-

100% logistics and transportation

services for one of our main
nology (MCT). This concerns
the improvement of rice and
maize production in Mapu-
company which is constructing a high to Province, Mania Province,
voltage power line from Res- Sofala Province, Tete Province
sano Garcia to Morrumbe- and Nampula Province. In has implemented to expedite
ne. We are still looking for general we consider the ag- company registration. The
new opportunities, but our riculture, mining, power and Ministry of Trade has been in
Expecting to double core business is international energy sectors to see the most regular contact with the pri-
sales and business freight forwarding, global lo- prominent growth, naturally, vate sector through the Con-
turnover in gistics and transportation of aside from the oil and gas. federation of Business Associ-
any of non-prohibited cargo ations of Mozambique (CTA).

2015 into and out of Mozambique,

as well as in-transit cargo to
and from Malawi, Zambia &
Which are Mozambiques key
trading partners?
South Africa is the biggest in
What are your goals for the
coming five years?
Zimbabwe via Beira and Cu- the region, while overseas Chi- If business goes according to
How has the company devel- chamano Border. na is one of the most promi- plan, we intend to rank at least
oped since it opened for busi- nent investors, in addition to among Mozambiques top ten
ness back in 2008? How many TEUs are you moving India and Vietnam. In Europe, logistics companies. We plan
We are a 100% Mozambican a year? we trade with Portugal among to purchase around 10 trucks
company with two sharehold- In 2011, the number was at other countries. Two or three in 2015, which would ulti-
ers, namely myself and my 1,220 TEUs but in 2012 de- French companies are active mately reduce our costs and
brother. Since 2008 we have clined to around 800 TEUs. in the hydroelectric sector boost profitability.
experienced gradual growth, In 2013, we faced substantial and we rank among their ser-
which has proven to be a wise losses due to instability in the vice providers. Meanwhile, we
approach. We have provided central provinces of Mozam- also work with Norway and
international freight forward- bique, as a result of which Denmark.
ing, logistics and transport
services to a diversity of cli-
we lost significant business,
although in 2014, we saw re- What is the potential for Mo-
ents, including certain state covery. I believe that we will zambique to become an interna-
enterprises such as FUNAE, reach 1.500 containers by the tional hub in Southeast Africa? Born in Mozambique, Joo
MCT and EDM-Electricidade end of the year, while in 2015 The recent discoveries of nat- Chiboleca has experience
de Mocambique. the figure will likely double ural resources like the min- in international freight
to 2,000 TEUs, mostly due to erals in Tete, as well as the forwarding, logistics and
What are your key strategies trans-clearance. For example, discoveries of gas and oil, as transport dating back
over the next two years? while overseas recently we se- well as marble, heavy sands, to 1985, and received
Our underlying objective is cured a new contract for the Graphite and other minerals professional training
in London, UK in 1990.
sustained growth. We have transit clearance and trans- make Mozambique highly at-
Before establishing a joint
also been a logistics service portation of goods in transit tractive, and one of the fast-
venture with his brother
provider for Movitel, having via Maputo, alone amount- est-growing countries in the
in 2008 he had worked
undertaken about 90% of its ing to about 900 containers, region. As long as there is po- for Mozambiques first
logistics services. We have and we have a further 500 to litical stability, we expect the International Freight
recently purchased a fleet of Mozambique to be handled economy to experience rapid Forwarding State Owned
large trucks and are set to ex- shortly. This single project growth. Enterprise of independent
pand it with four or five ad- for the high voltage conces- Mozambique, Mocargo
ditional vehicles. We also un- sion line alone is estimated How would you describe Mo- (privately owned since
dertake all customs clearance at 700-800 TEUs, and for the zambiques business climate 1995), ultimately becoming
and transportation of materi- same project we have handled in terms of establishing a new a National Import & Export
als for those mentioned and about 150 TEUs already. company? (Mofrete) Business Unit
other main clients, which is a Todays environment is better Manager, and subsequently
major challenge. Meanwhile, What sectors do you work more than when we established our Business Development
we have successfully finalized extensively with? company years ago. Related Manager until mid-2008
negotiations for the trans- At the moment, we are aim- procedures have been sim- before resigning from that
portation of equipment to a ing at local projects with the plified in the wake of exten-
gas plant in Ressano Garcia. Mozambican governments sive reforms the government


Image: Andrew Moir

An iconic structure, ACCORDING to World Bank data, Mozam- have four tollbooths to contribute towards re-
the Maputo-Catembe biques road density per land area is low at payment for the state of the art infrastructure.
46m/sqm. Whats more, of Mozambiques to- The project includes a northern viaduct of
Bridge is another tal road network, only 6,000km are paved. The 1,097m, a south viaduct of 1,234m, and the
shining component remaining 31,000km thus spell an opportunity bridge itself of 680m in length, standing 60m
of Mozambiques for the many local and international engineer- over the water. The project entails a total of
comprehensive ing and construction companies that are com- around 3km of road with a two by two lane of
peting for tenders in the country. 20.88m in width. The two bridge towers, each
infrastructure One of the latest companies wining a high- of 137m in height, have been designed so as
overhaul. ly interesting project is the China Roads and not to interfere with maritime navigation in
Bridges Corporation (CRBC) awarded the con- the bay. The works should be completed by
struction of an engineering structure that will the end of 2017 and will allow the expansion
become the largest suspension bridge on the of the already congested Maputo city toward
African continent, and among the top 50 in the south. In fact, Catembe could see tenfold
the world. This bridge will link Mozambiques growth in population over the next 10 years
capital with Catembe, on the other side of with the strategically demarcated urban proj-
Maputos bay. The first stone of the Mapu- ects expected to see development. This in-
to-Catembe Bridge was laid at the end of 2012, cludes 3,200ha of residential area, a logistic
but it was only in 2014 that construction prop- platform of more than 1,000ha, green area of
er began. The total cost of the project is $725 over 1,500ha and 500 hectares for touristic use
million, $681.6 of which was funded by a loan near the Indian Ocean.
guaranteed by the China Export Import Bank As important as the bridge itself, is the road
(ExIm). The government of Mozambique will network that will be developed within this
have 20 years to repay the loan at an interest project, also by CRBC. New roads of more than
rate of 4%, which is why the future bridge will 200km in length will link Bela Vista with Boane

and Catembe with Ponta d'Ouro, one of the As important as the

favorite weekend destinations of Maputo res- bridge itself, is the
idents. This route, which takes about 4 hours
road network that will
today, could be halved once all infrastructure
is in place. This new road network will also fa- be developed within
cilitate the route Maputo-Durban, improving this project, also by
communications between Mozambique and CRBC. New roads of
South Africa. more than 200km in
According to an IMF publication Mozam- length will link Bela
bique Rising, Mozambiques ability to ac-
Vista with Boane
celerate growth through infrastructure in-
vestments to a large extent will depend on and Catembe with
the quality of that infrastructure. In Mozam- Ponta d'Ouro, one of
biques case this is especially important as the favorite weekend
LUS JUNAIDE I. LALGY most of the infrastructure being built in the destinations of Maputo
country is regularly destroyed by flooding. To residents.
Managing Partner, Lalgy
avoid these problems and guarantee quali-
Transportes ty, the Catembe bridge is being supervised
Lalgy Transport is a family-owned by German engineering company GAUFF,
contracted to act as consultant for the quali-
Mozambican company that is part ty control of the construction of the bridge as
of the Lalgy Group, engaged in the well as the link roads. In a conversation with
transport, construction, and trading TBY, Toms Frade, Vice Branch Director of
sectors. Lalgy Transport started GAUFF in Mozambique showed his satisfac-
its activities in 1992 just after the tion at participating in one of the most signifi-
civil war, at a time when the entire cant infrastructure projects in the country. To
perform their operations they have an experi-
road network had been destroyed, enced team in Mozambique that hails from all
which meant huge demand for over the world, and that will ensure the bridge
transportation to deliver aid to the is built according to the strictest standards.
public. Our first client was the UN Detractors may argue that the government
Welfare Program, which was realizing could allocate related revenue elsewhere as
the crossing is covered by regular ferry service.
considerable food aid delivery. Today
Nonetheless, the Maputo-Catembre Bridge
we operate 700 trucks and 75% of will stand as a functioning symbol of Mozam-
our revenue derives from mining biques drive to develop communications,
cargo contracts. connectivity and commerce.


Agncia de Despachos Aduaneiros

Rua Gago Coutinho, Terminal de Carga,

No. 55, Aeroporto Internacional de Maputo
T +25821467910 | F +25821467909


TBY talks to Alexandre Franco, Managing
Director of Transitex Moambique, on setting
up in the country, cargo volumes, and plans for
the coming decade.
When did Transitex arrive in In land transportation from What is your 10-year outlook
Mozambique and how has it South Africa, for example, for the future of the company?
evolved since then? we also grew 12%, and ex- Transitex has grown, not just
We were established in Mo- pect further growth. We are in Mozambique. We are try-
zambique in 2009, starting in negotiating some new proj- ing to expand Transitex to
Maputo, and over those five ects and anticipate sustained some countries here in Afri-
years, have already expanded growth next year. We will be ca and in South America. We
to new branches in Beira and pursuing additional business are supposed to increase our
Nacala. Today we have three from Zimbabwe, Malawi, and business in Mozambique,
branches in Mozambique, and South Africa, using Mozam- and also globally, by at least
also have a presence on the bican ports (mainly Maputo 15% this year. It is hard work,
main borders of the country. and Beira) to ship those car- but achievable. Currently,
gos to other countries. Also, our overall African operations
What is the significance of the we will be thinking about new represent 25% of total global
Mozambican market for your warehousing in Nacala and operations and we are aim-
company? elsewhere. Importing cargo ing to lift this to 30% in 2015.
It is highly important as Mo- will be crucial for 2015. We We opened in Angola and we
zambique enjoys commercial are trying to enter the fertil- have a new branch manager
relationships with Portugal, izer sector in Malawi. There there. We hope that we will
Spain, and Italy, where we is a huge amount of cargo grow very fast in Angola. We
have our offices. This enables coming through Mozam- already have a number of
us to offer our clients door- bique and going to all those business and partnerships
to-door services. other countries that do not established there.
have direct connection to the
What are your expansion and ocean. We have been doing
development plans? normal cargos, containers
Our plan for 2015 is to open and projects, but next year,
an office in Pemba because our main plan is to capitalize
we already have some busi- on geostrategic location to
ness and our own people promote using Mozambican
present there. We would like ports to put cargo into other
to capitalize on the opportu- countries. Mozambique will IN NUMBERS
nities of the oil and gas indus- be used to improve the hin- Transitex
try, perhaps as an auxiliary terland. Most of the cargo Moambique
company to render customs that goes to Zimbabwe and
and related issues easier. We Malawi use Beira Port, so we
offer a full service from door- need to capitalize on clients
BIO to-door. In Mozambique, we in Zimbabwe and Malawi and Expecting a

operate at all the ports and promote this port. There is
Alexandre Franco was born airportsNacala, Nampula, much happening there.
in Portugal. He studied Beira, Pemba, Quelimane,
marketing and publicity and Maputo. What are the main countries
growth this year
at Instituto de Artes conducting international trade
Visuais, Design e Marketing How would you describe the with Mozambique?
(IADE) in Lisbon. He joined growth of the company over the Those are South Africa, Por-
Transitex in 2002 and was past year? tugal, Spain, Italy, and China.
in charge of the Valencia We are moving 2,500 TEUs We have noticed consider-
Branch in 2012. He arrived Opening an office in
a year, although the volume able growth in the cargo from
in Mozambique almost Pemba in
has been growing over the Italy and China and last year,

two years ago where he is past years. In terms of air- we opened two offices in Italy
Managing Director.
freight, we grew 25% YoY and this year we will open a
and in sea freight, we 10%. Shanghai office.


TBY talks to Jessy What short-term priorities have when compared to our com-
Sitoe, Managing you set for ECS? petitors, is our total commit- Will extend
Over the next two years, giv- ment to the cargo entrusted
Director of Expresso en the demands of the mar- to us. We focus on pick up coverage to all
Carga e Servios (ECS), ket and our client base, the and door-to-door delivery provincial capitals
on plans for the short objective is to extend our within cities and districts, in-
operational footprint to all cluding at weekends and on
term, competitive
provincial capitals, including bank holidays.
advantage, and their respective districts to en-
government reforms able the delivery of the goods What are the likely coming
of the sector. without the client needing to trends within Mozambiques Supports the
visit our head offices. Expres- transport and logistics industry?
so Carga e Servios has always Operational efficiency tops
embraced market challenges, the sectors agenda, with the of cargo and
and in this spirit and accord- two ends of the scaledemand
ing to our motto for you, we and supplyand dedication delivery services
reach further, our services to yielding the excellent re-
cater to foreign companies sults at the best prices, which
operating in Mozambique, will revitalize the sector.
and have a nationwide reach.
How would you characterize
What is your assessment of the the importance of an efficient approval of the new code on
potential for further growth of transport network for the suc- fiscal benefits. The changes
the national transport and logis- cessful development of the Mo- also include the introduc-
tics sector? zambican economy? tion by the government of
Our evaluation of the trans- An efficient transport net- the simplified tax regime for
port and logistics sector is work for the development of small contributors and the
broadly is positive, as national the Mozambican economy is simplified licensed regime,
development supports sec- of great importance for the which enables the immediate
tor growth. Given the sectors economic development of issuing of licenses to operate
development in Mozambique Mozambique mainly due to a business.
and our objective of expan- the positive spillovers that the
sion, for the next two years we sector creates. The infrastruc- What is your outlook for the
will pursue partnerships with ture created by the invest- company over the coming de-
suitable foreign companies ment on the transport sector
BIO active in the sector. fosters high economic activ-
One of Expresso Carga e
ity. Mozambican businesses Servioss core goals is to be-
Jessy Lurena da Silva Sitoe What are the comparative ad- are increasingly confident in come internationally recog-
graduated in Business vantages of ECS over other in- the improvement of the com- nized over a 10-year horizon
Management from ternational companies such as mercial environment. Their as the company of choice for
Universidade Politcnica DHL, FedEx, or UPS? general optimism is driven any kind of cargo. We are keen
(ISPO) in 2009. In 2011 ECS was created with the by the changes introduced also to establish lasting part-
she joined ECS as Credit objective of galvanizing the by the government aimed at nerships with companies op-
Supervisor and was sector and further supporting improving it further by scrap- erating in our sector around
promoted to Administrator the development of transport ping the rules regarding the the globe to provide the most
in 2013. and cargo delivery in Mozam- minimum capital demand reliable cargo service for our
bique. The advantages of ECS and bank deposits, and the long-term clientele.


TBY talks to Julio Pedro Sitoe, Administrator
of World Despachos, on geographic coverage,
innovation, and challenges in the market.

How has World Despachos developed its busi- import and export. The technical capabilities
ness since its establishment in 2012?
The World Agncia de Despachos Aduanei-
of our staff ensure we have become a reference
name in the sector.
ros e Servio LDA is a Mozambican company, Despachos
founded in 2012 by a Mozambican national,
and has a large domestic footprint as well as
How do you incorporate innovation into your ser-
Created in 2012
international experience. Strength, trust and Our extensive experience in the processes of Uses the
service quality are the main pillars of the com- importing and exporting goods provides the
pany, and our primary objective is to create company with the knowledge and expertise
MCNET system
value for customers and other involved stake- to execute a swift clearance process. It is the
holders. In order to achieve this, the compa- companys aim to have the clearance process
ny relies on the motivation and capacity of its concluded prior to the arrival of the goods
technical staff, supported by a continuous and to its point of entry, be it by land, sea, or air.
quality induction of its people and focused on World Agncias client portfolio is testament
the establishment of a relationship of trust, to our ability to realize its objectives and over-
responding innovatively to the most complex come any challenges that may arise, assuring
challenges. service excellence for the client, from the de-
velopment of new solutions to the usage of the
In which regions do you operate today? new MCNET system. Innovation is a tool that
The World Agncia with its staff of 14 is located lends a competitive market, which underpins
at Maputos international cargo terminal, and steady growth. The company systematically
we support our customers in activities such as works to improve its services, offering a broad
customs clearance, and procedures related to range of integrated solutions and a continuous
commitment to competitiveness, quality and
innovation. And as we continue to expand and
reinforce our presence, we become more ac-
cessible to clients, while actively contributing
to the development of Mozambique. The com-
pany relies on a qualified and multidisciplinary BIO
technical team and has installed sufficient ca-
pacity to address any query related to the cus- Julio Pedro Sitoe, graduated
toms clearance process. From our offices at the from the Teacher Training
cargo terminal we mobilize our own transports Institute and went on to
and goods delivery service upon the customs teach from 1982 to 1987.
clearance, wherever the client requires this He joined DHL International
service. Express in 1989 where
he remained for 24 years,
What are the most common issues faced by com- and later graduated as a
panies when entering the Mozambican market? Customs Broker. In 2011 he
The lack of skilled workers remains a challenge, founded the World Customs
and the effort to develop the talent and techni- Clearance Agency and
cal skills can be frustrating if the competition Services, of which he is now
poaches your staff. You need to preserve and Administrator.
also to be flexible and try new approaches.

115 117 122

Pedro Ramos, General Director Rui Carrito, CEO of Soares da The 25,000-ha area of Palma is
of Tovisi, on the Gorongosa Dam, Costa, on developments across one of the first projects planned
dealing with competition, and the country, and distinguishing to develop the gas-rich region of
plans for the company's future. operations from competitors. Northern Mozambique.

Construction & Real Estate


Fuelled by an average annual growth rate of over 7% in recent years,

Mozambiques construction sector is flourishing.

he construction
sector grew by reserves, seems to have a glori-
nearly 10% and ous future in the long term. To
contributed some accelerate growth and further
3.5% to GDP in 2014, accord- attract foreign investments,
ing to BMI Research in its 2015 the government has ear-
Mozambique Infrastructure marked improving the coun-
Report. There is an estimated trys ailing infrastructure as a
$30 billion worth of infrastruc- key priority.
ture projects in the pipeline. Small wonder, as the World
Still, BMI expected sector Economic Forum in 2014
growth to slow down to some ranked Mozambique 126th in
6% in 2015 and an annual av- the world in terms of the qual-
erage of 4.3% over the next de- ity of its infrastructure. The
cade. BMI has warned that the country, for example, has only
governments growing budget three major ports, and two
deficit could limit future fi- main railways, while up to 80%
nancing. of its roads remain unpaved.
The budget deficit de- In contrast with the state-led
creased from 4.1% of GDP in economy of yesteryear, Mo-
2012 to 2.9% in 2013. But in zambique since 1992 has in-
2014 the budget deficit is es- creasingly embraced private
timated to reach double dig- initiatives and public private
its () and push public debt partnerships as a means to
from 41% of GDP in 2013 to move forward and build any-
47% of GDP, driven by high- Source: Andrew Moore thing from dams and electrici-
er spending on infrastructure ty plants to factories and ports.
and security, the Rabobank
Mozambique Country Report MEGAPROJECTS
concluded in November 2014. The government is keen to improve the Investment, especially in
While Mozambique may countrys ailing infrastructure, while a megaprojects, boosted growth,
face some financing restraints series of new megaprojects that has been accounting for an estimated
in the short term, the coun- 2-4 percentage point increase
try, blessed with some of the launched has made the capital Maputo in growth in each year of ac-
worlds largest gas and coal look like a giant construction site. tive construction, the IMF

Improving the countrys The United Nations Conference on Trade

infrastructure, however, is not all and Development (UNCTAD) in 2011 published
about transport. On August 22, 2014, an investment policy review on Mozambique,
in which it praised the role megaprojects had
the government signed two contracts played in kick-starting the countrys economy
worth some $1.6 billion to construct following years of war. However, it also warned
dams on the Zambezi River to of a lopsided economy.
generate over 800MW of electricity. The regulatory bias in favor of mega-projects
(unintentionally) crowds out smaller invest-
ments, according to James X Zhan, Director
of the UNCTAD Investment and Enterprise Di-
concluded in its 2014 Mozambiques Growth vision. Small to mid-sized investments could
Experience report. In 1993, Mozambique in- contribute more meaningfully to achieve social
troduced a law offering attractive tax incen- objectives such as creating employment and
tives and other benefits to such large-scale distributing economic activity more widely.
investments. UNCTAD recommended Mozambique to lev-
The tone was set in the late 1990s by South el its regulatory playing field" to also encourage
Africas Trans-Africa Projects rehabilitation smaller investments that could be beneficial to a
of the Cahora Bassa hydropower station, BHP much larger part of the population.
Billitons construction of the Mozal aluminum
smelter, and Sasols development of the Te- TOWERING MAPUTO
mane gas field. These projects showed foreign Symbolic for Mozambiques towering ambitions FERNANDO
investors that Mozambique, after years of war,
was a safe destination. The coming wave of
is the construction of the bridge across Maputo
Bay blessed with the largest single suspended
megaprojects is mainly related to infrastructure, span on the African continent. The $725 mil- Administrator,
mining, and energy. lion project, which includes the construction Somague
One issue facing the country is how to cost-ef- of the Maputo Ring Road (ECM), was largely Moambique
fectively transport and market its many natural funded by loans from the China Export-Import
resources. For example, a study is underway Bank. A Chinese firm has nearly completed the Can you elaborate on your
regarding the construction of a $6 billion gas 74km road network, while construction of the projects with Vale?
pipeline to South Africa. To boost the countrys 3km-long landmark bridge is set to start in 2015. Our current project is a 600km
coal export capacity to some 80 million tons Another major project in the capital is the $500 railroad track between Malawi
annually, the government in 2013 signed a $4.5 million expansion of Maputo port. and Nacala, where we have
billion contract with Italian-Thai Development Mozambiques rapid growth and spur in in- been awarded two large con-
(ITD) to construct a 537km railway line from the vestments have attracted scores of migrant tracts for two sections of the
Moatize mines to a new coal terminal in the port workers, both from rural areas and abroad. Most line. The first runs from Malawi
of Marcuse. head to Maputo and its surroundings. Current- to Nampula, and is a complex
The project is facing some financing issues ly, Maputo and neighboring Matola are home to section, while a second runs
due to a decline in the global price of coal. Nev- some 2.5 million inhabitants, which is expected from Nampula close to Nacala.
ertheless, the Brazilian mining company Vale to increase to over four million by 2025. As a re- The contract is worth $220
is pushing ahead with its $4.5 billion project to sult, the capitals skyline is being transformed million, and we have completed
construct a 900km railway from the Moatize into a silhouette of high-rise residential and about 25% of the line extension.
mines to Nacale port. In December 2014, the commercial towers. We expect to complete the
Japanese firm Mitsui agreed to invest nearly $1 The high-end property market in particular project by the end of 2015.
billion in Vale, of which $313 million were ear- has witnessed rapid growth. Maputos Polana
marked for a stake in the Nacala rail and port Canio district, for example, is now home to a What is your short-term
project. thriving expatriate community. Rental pric- outlook for the company in
One of the biggest projects on the horizon es have doubled in recent years. The rent of a Mozambique?
is the Palma City of Gas. Situated on the 3-bedroom apartment amounts to an average of Our target is to grow, which
north-eastern coast, this tiny fishermens town $3,000 a month or more, while purchasing the should be a natural progression
is to become the beating heart of the gas indus- same property may cost $500,000. as we are just starting out. That
try that will tap into the offshore Rovuma Basin. To meet the growing demand for luxury being said, it is rather difficult
The projects price tag amounts to $50 billion, as housing, dozens of projects are under construc- to speculate as global events,
drilling wells and building two LNG plants alone tion. A typical example is the $45 million Ma- such as oil price fluctuations
could cost up to $16 billion. The future city will puto City Tower. Construction of the 27-story determine local outcomes. In
be home to some 250,000 people. building offering 135 luxury apartments, as well Mozambique business needs
Improving the countrys infrastructure, how- as office and retail space, started in April 2014. A to be realized within a certain
ever, is not all about transport. On August 22, partnership between the governments Housing timeframe to be profitable.
2014, the government signed two contracts Promotion Fund (FFH) and Dubais Signature Meanwhile, the regulatory
worth some $1.6 billion to construct dams on Group, the tower is set to be completed within framework needs to take a
the Zambezi River to generate over 800MW of 30 months. Signature Group in 2014 also start- definitive shape to effectively
electricity. And a consortium of Korean firms ed construction of some 1,200 homes in Chiuba accommodate new natural
is to complete the construction of the 600-bed Village in Pemba. resource discoveries. All of
Quelimane Central Hospital in 2015, as the gov- It should be noted, however, that most these fundamentally important
ernment is well aware that infrastructure has a housing construction in Mozambique is of an factors render prognostication
social component too. informal nature. Some 75% of the urban popu- difficult.
Construction & Real Estate THEBUSINESSYEAR 113

Um Mundo de Inspirao

Viver Moambique
construindo o futuro

Presente em Moambique h mais de 22 anos, o Grupo Mota-Engil tem vindo a implementar um percurso de expanso a par
e passo com o crescimento do prprio pas.
Responsvel pela execuo de vrias obras pblicas de referncia nacional como a Ponte sobre o Rio Zambeze, Obras
Sociais realizadas para a Fundao da ENI em Palma e Pemba ou a concesso das estradas do Zambeze o know-how
e capacidade tcnica demonstrados num vasto porteflio tornam a Mota-Engil numa empresa de referncia em reas
de negcio to diversificadas como Engenharia, Construo, Ambiente e Servios e Concesses de Transportes. Desta forma,
a Mota-Engil contribui ativamente para a evoluo da economia e bem-estar das populaes locais.




Ponte Kassuende

lation lives in so called bairros, which are ex- Another characteristic of the market is that,
tremely basic concrete shelters. In rural areas despite the relatively low cost of labor, the total
many people still live in straw huts. In order to cost of construction is relatively high. According
create a more mature market, it does not help to the ICG, construction costs in Maputo in 2012
that the credit market as a whole, including were on average over 30% higher than in South
mortgage and construction loans, remains un- Africa. Material costs account for over 50% of
derdeveloped. the total costs, as most valuable materials need
to be imported. For high-end construction
MARKET STRUCTURE nearly 90% must be imported. Only basic mate-
The informal nature of most housing demand rials, including cement and wood, are produced
is mirrored in the markets supply side, which locally.
consists of both formal and informal operators. Regarding cement, Mozambique is home to
The latter dominate the housing market, while a number of manufacturers with a combined
the formal market for mega projects and build- output of some 1.2 million tons in 2012. As TAUFIQUE
ing materials is largely in the hands of a few large consumption in 2012 amounted to some 1.6
foreign companies from Portugal, South Africa, million tons, the country still relied on imports.
China, and Italy. One of the few major domestic Cement consumption is projected to increase Country Manager,
players is the formerly state-owned firm CETA. by a compound annual growth rate of 10.7% Afrigrown
In 2012, the International Growth Center between 2012 and 2017, the research firm CW
(ICG) published a white paper on the construc- Group concluded in 2013. We offer companies
tion sector concluding that the domestic indus- The government has responded by the con- procurement services.
try had hardly been able to break into the formal struction of new production units, while it is We have relations with
market. It even stated that the current construc- pondering the introduction of an import quota certain South African
tion boom may represent a lost opportunity system to protect local operators. Illustrative companies and industries
for the countrys construction sector. for the promising market prospects in years to
that produce some of
The supply response by domestic construc- come is Germanys HeidelbergCement AG, Af-
tion firms and the overall building materials ricas 4th and the worlds 3rd largest producer, the tools our clients
industry remains weak, the ICG wrote. The which on March 5th, 2015, announced that it is require in Mozambique,
demand for construction services is generally considering an investment in Mozambique and which enables us to
undertaken by foreign construction firms in South Africa to meet growing demand in the offer competitive prices.
view of their size and experience in internation- whole of southern Africa. We not only undertake
al markets, while construction materials and With an eye on the overwhelming presence
other related inputs are generally imported. As of mineral and energy resources, as well as the
the procurement, but
a result, relatively few Mozambican firms have infrastructure needed to properly exploit them, also the logistics as
entered the market, and those that have typical- the Mozambique building boom is likely to con- an intermediary. Our
ly end up performing low value-added works. tinue for some years to come. This includes an clients include Vale,
Causes include: weak credibility due to the increased demand for high-end residential and Kenmare, and Stefanutti
lack of experience and track record, multiple commercial property. On an institutional level,
Stocks, and we are
and lengthy bureaucratic procedures concern- lengthy procedures and red tape remain subject
ing state ownership of land and construction to improvement, while for the domestic sector in negotiations with
permits, limited access to credit, limited use to profit from the building boom, better educa- Anadarko and Minas
of modern technology, and a lack of qualified tion and vocational training is required to im- Moatize, and also in talks
manpower. prove the quality of manpower. with Soares da Costa.
Construction & Real Estate THEBUSINESSYEAR 115


all in one
TBY talks to Pedro Ramos, General Director of
Tovisi, on the Gorongosa Dam project, dealing
with competition, and plans for the future of
the company.

Can you provide an overview of to conclude all the works in How do you differentiate your- IN NUMBERS
the operations of Tovisi in Mo- September of 2015. We are selves from your competitors?
zambique? the main contractors, but for We aim at differentiation by
Tovisi is a construction com- the mechanical and electri- bringing better quality engi-
pany that has been operating cal components, we will sub- neering to our schemes. In
in Mozambique since 2010. contract to other companies,. terms of our public works, our

Work began proper in 2011 The project will employ over projects save the government
with a medium-sized energy 200 workers onsite, but on a money for investment in new
project for EDM through Por- broader scale, around 10,000 schemes. The prime example
tuguese company EFACEC. locals stand to benefit from it. of this may be seen in our work
million USD contract
Since then, we have experi- Meanwhile, local agriculture on the dam in Gorongosa. We
for the Ministry of
enced rapid growth and today also stands to benefit from initially had a design solely for
Natural Resources
have become one of the larg- new water infrastructure that the concrete wall and water
est construction operations in will meet the requirements of supply, but later transformed
Mozambique. The sharehold- the industry. it to increase the volume of
ers are 100% Portuguese, but retained water by fivefold,
ours is a Mozambican com- How would you describe your within the same budget. That
pany nonetheless and head- largest project, namely the is precisely what we mean by
quartered locally. And while headquarters of the Ministry of creating value engineering.
all construction and opera- Natural Resources? Meanwhile, we have another
tions are in Mozambique, we We won the project in a pub- major project in Beira, which
are expanding to other African lic tender early last year. It is a is a youth resources center
countries such as Zambia and comprehensive contract that with an investment of around
Zimbabwe. includes the procurement of $4.5 million. We have already
the plot, as well as the design begun work on the three-year
What are your main achieve- and construction. The design project. Being a public sector
ments in the Gorongosa dam stage, realized by our partner, funded scheme, it is divided
project? the architect Ricardo Maia into three years. We have al-
The Nhandale River Dam is a Moura, is now complete and I ready met the targets for 2014,
medium-sized dam located am confident that our scheme and in March we will start our
in central Mozambique, in will come to be an architectur- pursuit of the targets for 2015
Gorongosa. It was originally al icon in Maputo. The project and 2016.
studied for water supply, but features a 15-story building
once we won the project, we with a 360-degree tower of What are your five-year targets
transformed it and are now glass that changes color. The for the Mozambican market?
preparing the dam for future concept involves a symbolic In terms of construction and
energy production connect- crystal with interior lighting, real estate, we intend to see Pedro Ramos was born
ed to the national network as the color of which changes a certain measure of growth in Porto, Portugal. He
well. Additionally, the dam to represent the various min- and will certainly maintain studied Civil Engineering
will bridge both sides of the erals found in Mozambique, our construction project vol- at Universidade do Minho
river. This means that with- with yellow for lithium, red for ume. That being said, we are in Guimares. He has been
in the same cost at which ruby, and so on. The scheme also investing in other key sec- General Director of Tovisi
we won the tender, we will will also feature a five-story tors, such as agriculture and since 2010. Prior to that, he
be providing water, power, car park. It depends on sever- energy, having already estab- had worked for construction
and transport infrastructure. al things, but we expect to be lished Tovisi Energy. We even companies in Portugal, and
Construction of this contract able to open the building by have a new education-related has 15 years of experience
of around $10 million has the end of 2016. The contract project that we intend to start in the industry.
now commenced. We expect was for $40 million. this year.


cast, concrete, dams, railways,
roads, bridges, and civil con-
struction. which are all well

documented and available for
consultation. Currently, we are
investing in the development
and training of our national
co-workers with projects such
TBY talks to Anbal Leite, President of Mota-Engil as Crescemos Juntos (Grow-
ing Together) and StartME
frica Moambique, and Mozambique Country Mozambique. The Cresc-
Manager of Mota-Engil Engenharia e Construo emos Juntos project is a tu-
frica, on the companys projects across the torial project where our most
country and nurturing competitive advantages. experienced foreign co-work-
ers take responsibility for de-
veloping core competencies
of our local co-workers, build
volved in the rehabilitation of leadership skills, and increases
What is the significance of
Mozambique for Mota-Engils
IN NUMBERS the Cuamba-Lichinga railway the level of cultural awareness
overall strategy in Africa? Mota-Engil frica and on the second phase of within our group. The StartME
Mota-Engil frica is cur- Moambique construction of the road be- project is a program for young
rently operating in the 11 tween Milange and Mocuba. graduates, where 20 Mozam-
countries of Angola, Mo- We are also involved in several bicans are currently enrolled
zambique, South Africa, other infrastructure projects in induction. Mota-Engil fri-
Cape Verde, So Tom and Installed capacity of that aim to support the future ca Moambique currently has

Prncipe, Zimbabwe, Zam- oil and gas activities in Cabo over 2,000 co-workers and
bia, Ghana, Uganda, and Delgado. an installed capacity of 500
Malawi, having also recent- heavy-duty machines, allow-
ly been awarded its largest heavy-duty machines What are the main real estate ing us a quick response and
contract to date; a project projects of Mota-Engil in the the fulfillment of deadlines in
in Cameroon worth $3.5 country? accordance with national ne-
billion regarding the con- Apart from projects that we cessities.
struction of 580km of rail- already have in development,
way and a deep-water port. What are the main infrastructure we will soon start two joint
This project reiterates Mo- projects of Mota-Engil in Mo- ventures of around $50 mil-
ta-Engils capacity in the zambique beyond Maputo? lion. We are executing a flag-
development of integrated In general, our infrastructure ship project at the center of
solutions and is currently projects are located beyond Maputothe Platinum Build-
on the stage of finalizing its Maputo. We are working on a ing for real estate developer Having worked at Mota-
financing process. We have range of projects from roads Promovalor, a prestigious Engil for 32 years, Anbal
been present in Mozam- and railways, to bridges and project that will be finished Leite has been the
bique for over 20 years and ports, which involve challeng- within a particularly short Mozambique country
the country is an important ing logistics. For example, we timeline of 20 months. manager of Mota-Engil
component of Mota-Engil have just finished the Bridge frica since 2012 and
fricas growth strategy. Base Kassuende over the What is your strategy to set President of Mota-Engil
Currently Mota-Engil fri- Zambezi River (Tete), which yourself apart from your com- frica Moambique,
ca has a footprint in pretty will enable the circulation of petitors? Ltda. since 2014. Prior to
much all provinces of Mo- people and goods between We do not believe in economic holding these positions, he
was Managing Director/
zambique. Furthermore, Mozambique and its neigh- success if it is not coupled with
Administrator of Mota-Engil
we have also participated boring countries. We are also technical success. Our size,
Beto e Pre-fabricados,
in the construction of the concluding the rehabilitation best practices, and technology Maprel and Qualibeto,
Nacala Corridor in Malawi, of a 228km long road, which represent our huge potential. Concrete Manager in
which is an excellent exam- will link Chimoio to the Es- One of our steps towards dif- Mota-Engil Engenharia e
ple of our technical capaci- pungabera border. This road ferentiation was the recently Construo, Member of
ty with regard to projects of will foster the development of obtained ISO 9001:2008 qual- the Administration Board
such dimension. This year, the Manica Province and will ity certification. In particular, of Mota-Engil Indstria e
Mota-Engil frica Mozam- have a major impact on the due to the fact that we are the Inovao, and member of
bique, has obtained certi- national economy in general. first civil engineering company the administration board of
fication for the design and Alongside this, we are also in- in Mozambique to attain this Mota-Engil Africa. He holds
construction of engineering, volved in railway projects such qualification. Our unparalleled a degree in Civil Engineering
infrastructure and build- as the Sena line, for which experience in the construction and has had several training
ing projects, in accordance our contribution was of vital of ports and railways is one of classes in Advanced
with ISO 9001:2008Quality importance in the logistical the factors that differentiates Management in EGP and
Control Systems, from the challenge of coal transporta- us from our competitors, as AESE.
Bureau Veritas Certification. tion. Furthermore, we are in- well as our expertise in pre-
Construction & Real Estate THEBUSINESSYEAR 117


TBY talks to Rui Carrito, CEO of Soares da

Costa, on the restructuring of the company,
developments across the country, and
distinguishing operations from competitors.
What is the result of the compa-

nys recent restructuring?
In 2013, we were a group of
companies operating under
the Soares da Costa name,

active in the areas of construc-
tion, concessions, real estate,
and energy. In February 2014,
we split the business such that
today construction is under
Soares da Costa, while the What is the status of your de- What is your strategy for distin- recognized as one of the best
other businesses are under velopments in Tete? guishing Soares da Costa from companies in the market for
SDC. The main difference is We are close to completing your competitors? house or office interiors, as
that we have a new share- two projects, one being a We have two different types of well as construction. When
holder, namely Antonio Mos- bridge over the Zambezi Riv- business in Mozambique: civil construction is nearing com-
quito, who is engaged on the er. The bridge itself is already construction, involving hotels, pletion we put in one or two
construction front. We run complete, and we are now schools, hospitals, and hous- expatriate foremen only to
construction operations in working to develop access ing; and infrastructure, involv- maintain a high quality level
Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mo- routes. By the end of October, ing dams, roads, and airports. in detailing. We have all the
zambique, Oman, Romania, we expect to have opened the We are the only company that right technologies, experi-
and So Tom and Prncipe. new Armando Emlio Guebu- can run such a wide range of ence, and people from Portu-
Currently, we are focused on za Bridge to traffic. Another projects, ranging from just gal available for African proj-
construction in Africa. project we recently under- $500,000 to $150 million in ects.
took involved hooking a VIP value. And that is because we
What is the significance of Mo- Hotel, a Portuguese chain, have different teams for small
zambique for Soares da Costa? in Tete up to the grid. The and large projects. In our first
In Africa, Angola is the main company is one of our most project in Songo, a village
market, and Mozambique is important clients. We have near the Cahora Bassa dam, IN NUMBERS
in second place. This year we worked with them in Maputo, we built 50 houses for Hidro- Soares da Costa
expect a turnover of around and we have another ongoing elctrica Cahora Bassa, anoth-
$100 million, historically the project in Beira. er one of our big clients. This
strongest performance in Mo- was our fourth or fifth project
zambique since the company with it and worth $15 million. Contracts in Nacala for

arrived in 1981. We are now The houses were for its techni-
approximating the kind of cians. By the end of this year,
turnover we see in Angola. we expect to receive one or
two more projects in Tete. To
Could you elaborate on your set ourselves apart from our million USD and
project in the Nacala Corridor? BIO competitors, we try to be the 13 million USD
We have enlarged our contract best among the best. We are
with Vale from $30 million to a Portuguese company with
$60 million. At the beginning Rui Carrito joined Soares Mozambican values. We cur-
da Costa in May 2010.
of 2014, we were also awarded rently have 1,000 employees
Previously he had worked
another construction contract in Mozambique and last year 2014 expected
for Somague S.A as
in Nacala a Vella worth $13 General Manager (Dams,
had 700 employees. Around turnover of

million. Vale is our main cli- Tunnels and Light Rail Train 8-10% of our employees are
ent in Mozambique, and we systems), and at Minas expatriates and the rest are
are highly committed to the de Jalles SA as General Mozambicans. We have board
Nacala project. We expect the Manager. He graduated in members, engineers, and
million USD
trains to be up and running mining engineering and foremen from Mozambique
through the Nacala Corridor obtained an MSc degree and run many trainings for
by the end of this year. Our in civil engineering at the Mozambicans. While our la-
first contract with Vale was to University of Coimbra, bor force is as good as that of
construct new bridges and re- Portugal. He also completed other Portuguese and South
furbish old ones. Thus far, we
have completed about 50% to
postgraduate study in
management at the Catholic
University in Lisbon,
African companies, our price
is cheaper. Secondly, we de- 1,000
60% of the project. By the end liver a good quality service in employees in
of this year, we expect to have Portugal. any work related to concrete Mozambique
completed about 85%. or civil construction. We are
CMC, since 1901



Av. Vladimir Lenine Nr. 174, 9, Edicio Millenium Park, Maputo | T +258 21 343 900 | |
As you may be aware, CMC was founded Having played a key role in Mozambiques
in Italy in 1901 and for many years focused post-conflict recovery through its
mainly on Italy, only establishing overseas execution and rehabilitation of national
operations in 1975. CMC in fact started infrastructure, CMC Africa Austral has
working in Southern Africa as early as the come to represent one of the countrys
late 1980s with the Piquenos Lebombo most enduring civil engineering
dam in Mozambique. enterprises.


TBY talks to Enrico Alicandri, Area Manager

of CMC frica Austral, on the companys
broader strategy in the region, major projects
in Mozambique, and its construction materials

How would you assess the
growth of CMC frica Austral
in Mozambique since your es-

that scene
We started out in the late
1970s but have been here
permanently since 1982.
Since then, we have changed
considerably, as indeed has
Mozambique. We are adapt- What are the main projects of What is the significance of the best exemplifies the modest
ing our company to the new CMC frica Austral in Mozam- commercialization of construc- social contribution we have
Mozambique. bique right now? tion materials that CMC frica made in Mozambique.
We have projects with an Austral in Mozambique?
CMC frica Austral is also average value of $60 million Around 30% of our business What are your key priorities in
present in South Africa, Ma- and we expect to grow con- is construction material, Mozambique for the next five
lawi, and Angola. What is the sistently by 50% over the meaning aggregates, ready- years?
significance of Mozambique for next two or three years. Over to-mix concrete and railway We want to register growth
the overall company strategy? the next three years, a lot of sleepers. Again, Palma and of 50% over the next three
As the global crisis particular- LNG-related processes are Pemba would be the main ar- years and to include private
ly impacted Europe, especial- set to open up. Presently, the eas of interest for CMCAA to- projects in our portfolio. Un-
ly Italy, the companys focus composition of our turnover gether with other areas such derpinning this will be our
has shifted to overseas proj- is roughly as follows: 50% as Nacala, Tete, Maputo, and focus on safety, and we are
ects. Mozambique remains a infrastructure, 30% quarries Quelimane. introducing safety systems to
key area for two reasons. One and batching plants, and 20% Mozambique that we have al-
is historical, as CMC has been civil works, or buildings and In terms of industrial construc- ready deployed in other coun-
operating here for more than real estate. For obvious rea- tion which companies are you tries, such as South Africa. We
30 years. The second reason sons, most of the potential working with besides Coca-Cola? are determined to raise safety
we remain in Mozambique growth the company is going Historically, we have most- standards in Mozambique to
is that liquid natural gas to experience will be in infra- ly worked with public sector international standards.
(LNG) is coming online and structure. Amongst our main clients in Mozambique as
the country is experiencing projects, we can mention the most of our work was related
economic development. We two roads, Montepuez-Ru- to infrastructure. Yet today, IN NUMBERS
are operating in South Africa aa and Lichinga-Litunde. with the LNG plants, Palma,
CMC frica
and have projects in Zambia, Still, in the public sector, we the Pemba port, Vale, and Co-
Malawi, Lesotho, and Ango- will be working in Massingir ca-Cola much of our future Austral
la. We are about to start in for the rehabilitation of the work will most likely be done
Kenya as well and exploring dams bottom outlet, and in for private clients.
the market in Swaziland. Yet Pemba we are building a sta-

Mozambique is the key area dium. It will not perhaps be What role does CMC frica
for CMC and remains highly comparable to the Bernabeu Austral play in socioeconomic
important. or the San Siro ones, but it development?
will be a good sports center, We have witnessed Mozam-
and a good way to establish bique grow and develop over years of experience in
our presence in Pemba. It the past 30 years. We also ex- the country
BIO is our intention to open an perienced the war here, and
office in Pemba, to allow we have worked on infra-
us to closely follow the ten- structure projects to help the
Enrico Alicandri is ders that will be coming out country rebuild and grow.

Italian and studied Civil for the different projects in Over the past 20 years, we
Engineering at Politecnico Pemba and Palma. In Matola have employed on average
di Milano. He has been Area we are building the new Co- between 2,500 and 4,000 Mo-
Manager of CMC frica ca-Cola factory and in Nami- zambicans. Today the figure growth forecast over
Austral since April 2014. the next three years
alo the production of the is at almost 3,000 and is set
sleepers for Vale is ongoing. to rise. I would say that this
Construction & Real Estate THEBUSINESSYEAR 121


A number of accomplished firms offer
construction support in both the public
and private sectors.


Administrator, Executive Manager, Lis ABOOBAKAR
MMDConstrues Moambique Director, Fertha

MD is a family company estab- is is a small 100% Mozambican ertha Construes is a Mozambi-
lished in 2005. Our first project company, and one of our largest can-owned company that we pur-
simultaneously involved a dem- clients since 2010 has been Cidad- chased in 2010. The company was
olition at the British High Commission and ela da Matola. We developed the environ- founded in 2005. Since then we have been
construction of a six-floor building on Av. mental project of that area, and today we working to bring the company to the next
Karl Marx. Since then we have continued are beginning to build the first phase of the level. We have secured some tenders and we
to grow and we have reached the fortunate infrastructure project, while supervising the are growing slowly on the same path of the
stage where, after only six months, we have construction. This project includes a mall, national economy. We are a small company
projects and clients in excess of our capacity. residential buildings, a hotel and conference that indirectly employs 110 people. We are
With the need to expand came the decision center, and a building for the provincial gov- looking to take advantage of all opportuni-
to purchase another Mozambican com- ernment, as well as office buildings, a cul- ties emerging in the country, while gaining
pany that had already been operating for tural center, and museum. In construction, scale to a extent to seek potential partners
a number of years called JR Construoes, a we also undertake work for Henan Gou Ji, a of greater financial and technical clout. We
move that provided the additional capacity Chinese company engaged on a landmark tend to join up with bigger companies so
required to undertake our projects. In 2008, project called 5,000 houses. The project is that we can actually cover the country in
we faced the same problem on a larger scale a joint venture with the Mozambican gov- different fields, including building roads,
and purchased another company called ernment's Housing Promotion Fund (FFH), bridges, water sanitation, dams, electrical
PRUMO. The new scale this provided al- which is the agency overseeing affordable power plants, and so forth. We have been
lowed us to bid for jobs that were previously public housing. We are interested in work- working mostly in the rehabilitation of ex-
only awarded to foreign firms, with whom ing for the government in all areas related isting infrastructure, of buildings, roads, and
we are able to compete today. We now have to construction of buildings, infrastructure, some other private projects. Today we are
550 employees and are a major player in the and civil engineering projects, among oth- predominantly focused on rehabilitating
market, competing with other large-scale ers. Our first goal from Lis Construction is infrastructure such as the central hospital,
companies. Yet we are not involved in infra- to be able to support the LNG-related con- or local municipality roads, mostly for in-
structure projects, such as roads and bridg- struction projects taking place in the north stitutions. Most of the work we undertake is
es, but focus solely on buildings. Clearly the of the country. We are trying to become a public sector related, in the education sec-
oil and gas project locations are significant sub-construction company of the large play- tor, the health sector, and on a municipal
prospects. We are looking forward to going ers operating there. We want to support all level. At this time the building sector for us
to Pemba and Palma, to which I would add, the industries in the north of the country, in represents about 70% of our work.
Nacala, Tete, and obviously Maputo. the first phase of construction of their bases,
and so on.


Located in the Afungi peninsula, the 25,000-ha area of Palma is one of the
first major projects planned to develop the gas-rich region of Northern


21 warehouses
24-hour security
600 sqm galvanized
FORTY-FIVE KILOMETERS to the south steel/masonry
of Tanzania in the province of Cabo Delgado warehouse space
is Palma, a town washed by the pristine wa-
ters of the Indian Ocean, and soon to become
The City of Gas. The countrys massive gas
reserves in the Rovuma Basin, currently being
developed by Eni and Anadarko, have stimu-
lated growth in several sectorsparticularly
real estate and construction. Over the course
of 2014, the Mozambican government already
received about $1 billion in taxes from gas relat-
ed deals, according the Financial Times, along
with rapidly increasing demand for office space
and housing in Maputo in the southern-most
tip of the country. About 2.65km north of the
capital, Palma is currently undergoing its own
a real estate boom, constructing the gas infra-
structure and a brand new, full-fledged city, in
anticipation of the LNG that is expected to be
in production by 2019, from the nearby plant in the next 15 years. Consulting and design for
Afunga Park. Palmas urban development general plan for
The government has allotted a total area of the 18,000ha was awarded by the government
25,000ha for the project, 7,000ha of which have to Traus Arquitectos, which through a set of
been allocated to ENI and Anadarko for the de- national and international partnerships con-
velopment of Palma Parks gas production fa- ducted a careful study of the social, economic, NUNO IBRA
cilities and related industries that will involve religious, anthropological, cultural, colonial, REMANE
up to 150 companies in total. The acreage will and historical aspects of the area for the alloca-
include two natural gas liquefaction units, with tion of space, as well as the development of the Partner and Managing
its first production activities scheduled for 2020. area. The urban development plan was recently Director, Traus
Its power plant will have a capacity of 75mW, completed by 30 Mozambicans among a team
and the gas to liquids (GTL) plant will be able of 300 Mozambicans.
We are currently based
to produce up to 96,000 bpd. According to John African Century Real Estate (ACRE) is devel-
W. Peffer, President of Anadarko, construction oping the commercial, residential, and other in Maputo, but we also
development to date has consisted mainly of accommodation options and industrial prop- work in Cabo Delgado
geotechnical work to design the plant, includ- erty in northern Mozambique, including Palma Province in the oil and
ing the offshore and near-shore approach of Industrial Park, a 4ha site at the epicenter of gas sector. In Maputo we
the pipeline routing to the future marine facili- Palmas oil and gas activities. Palma Industrial are active in property and
ties, and the liquefaction facility. Anadarko has Park will include a 600sqm galvanized steel/
also recently received approval to start building masonry warehouse with a 300sqm lay down
real estate development
an airstrip and has begun working with local area, security fencing surrounding the perim- relating to growth and
communities and the government to initiate eter of the park, 24-hour security guards, and high-technology buildings.
resettlement activities and housing design. Port security lighting with generator backup in case We currently represent
and logistics operations are being conducted of emergencies. the government in terms
by Portos de Cabo Delgado, which is currently The apartment hotel Palma Residences has of the design and delivery
constructing marine infrastructure such as the already been completed, comprising condo-
LNG export jet and a marine offloading facility, minium houses, available for both long-term
of the city of Palma, which
according to CEO Andr da Silva. and daily use. Services include Wi-Fi, satellite we call the City of Gas.
The remaining 18,000ha are allocated for the television, laundry service, a restaurant and The government delivered
design of the city and gas industry infrastruc- bar, a swimming pool, and other hotel ameni- a 7,000-hectare plot to
ture, as well as infrastructure for other related ties. ACRE is now in the second phase of the build a new LNG plant,
industries such as GTL, fertilizers, urea, and project, which will add an additional 50 rooms.
which within 15 years
ammonia. A multi-purpose area is being devel- Daily rates at Palma Residences start at $132 for
oped to generate accommodation, leisure, and single en-suite, $206 for a single or double oc- will have brought 20,000
services for the 20,000 workers among a total of cupancy apartment, and $293 for a villa for up workers and a total
250,000 people expected to reside in Palma over to four people. 250,000 people.
Construction & Real Estate THEBUSINESSYEAR 123


for city and industry ALL IN AN IDYLLIC BEACH SETTING.


75 MW


PALMA RESIDENCES - daily rates starting at $132

Swimming pool 24-hour security WiFi
Restaurant & bar Minibus pick up Gardens BBQ
Daily cleaning Car rental Common outside
Laundry service DSTV lounge



Source: African Century Real Estate




CEO, Cimentos de
Moambique General Manager, GS

How would you describe the As a long-established company, What is the installed produc- TBY talks to two
current nature of the Mozambi- how would you describe the lo- tion capacity of Cimentos de leading figures from
can market? cal business environment? Moambique, and to which mar-
kets is your output destined?
the cement industry
JORGE REIS One of the chal- JR Doing business here is not as about the conditions
lenges of cement commercial- easy as in other markets because JR We have a capacity of 2.9 mil- of doing business and
ization in Mozambique is that of the prevailing constraints to lion tons in total, but in 2013 we
current production
the client only focuses on price, be found in the country, notably only produced 1.1 million tons.
whereby it is difficult to explain logistics and a reliable electricity In 2014, by September we had activities.
the need to focus on quality. We supply. Moreover, there is also a already sold 1.1 million tons,
are working with our clients and measure of unfair competition whereby we expect to have sur-
holding workshops precisely to detrimental to Mozambique, passed the 2013 figure. Mean-
inculcate a sense of the impor- which can seriously damage lo- while, the unused available
tance of testing the quality of cal industries. And meanwhile, capacity is accounted for by cer-
cement before it is purchased. the informal economy, too, re- tain bottlenecks that we are cur-
Here we produce two types of mains problematic. rently addressing, and which we
cement: 32.5 and 42.5, and we expect to overcome in the near
need to teach companies pre- What is the current status of future. Mozambiques Mutirao,
cisely what they should buy. If your cement plant? or "collective effort" project is
you need a 32, why buy a 42 that focused on the two main pil-
is more expensive? Or indeed, PKB We will commence the lars of industry and the people.
vice versa, as where strong ce- construction of our 1,500 ton- Accordingly, our production is
ment needing grade 42 should per-day cement production unit currently geared solely toward
be specified. in June 2015, and the plant will satisfying the local market, al-
be implemented in two phases. though given the right margins,
PIYUSH KUMAR BHARADWAJ The first phase involves the we could also export.
It is impossible not to note the construction of our grinding
rapid growth of infrastructure unit and will take from 12 to What could the government do
in the country, and I anticipate 16 months. The second phase, to ensure that projects become
many more construction proj- which involves the clinker pro- a reality?
ects being realized by both the duction unit, will be implement-
government and the private sec- ed two years later. Thereafter, we PKB The government should
tor. Many new roads, bridges, will manufacture cement main- have a time-bound program for
and industries will be construct- ly for the local market, which we each clearance. This should en-
ed in the near future and the real can readily cater to, although compass the allotment of land,
estate business is set to boom we might also consider exports clearance, access to mines, and
fueled by economic growth. In to South Africa, Swaziland, and a connection to power and oth-
this light, we anticipate no seri- nearby areas. Once we establish er utilities. The allotment of land
ous challenges to selling cement ourselves in the market, we will should be decided on within
locally. enter the next phase of clinker three months, without compro-
production on an investment of mise, and there should certainly
around $50 million. not be any re-examination or re-
view of the terms of business.


correctly CONSTRUED
TBY talks to Kevin Pitzer, General Director of Construa, on the stock
market, recycling materials, and maintaining a solid brand.

What is Construas geographi- What are your strategies to set and logistics capacity, and
cal spread in Mozambique?
IN NUMBERS yourself apart from your com- distances are a problem too.
Our annual group revenue Construa petitors? Construction materials are
is roughly $100 million. We We focus on cost and quality. generally of a heavy, bulky
are currently considered to We have built ourselves over nature. It seems everyone in
be the largest single builders the years to the extent where Mozambique sells on parity,
merchant in the country, and Opening we benefit from economies of and that pushes up the costs

have 20 outlets nationwide scale. What we do is offer the tremendously, in terms of lo-
including the provinces of best quality for the best price. gistics, customs clearing, and
Maputo, Gaza, Sofala, Tete, We represent and co-repre- so forth. All of these add huge
Manica, Inhambane, and sent certain leading global costs because of the time it
Zambezia. Over the next year new outlets in brands, and Mozambicans are takes to clear goods.
and a half we will open a fur- the north particularly brand-conscious.
ther five in the north of the We import globally from an How would you describe the
country where we still do not array of countries, and we also business environment of Mo-
have a major presence. support local manufacture zambique to potential interna-
where we can. For example, tional investors?

What key strategies have you we are the largest retail distrib- Anyone who does invest here
set for Construa for the next utor for Mozambiques prima- should give a lot of slack to
five years? ry cement manufacturer. people on the ground and be-
We ultimately want to be million USD in annual lieve in them. I have seen busi-
listed on the stock exchange, revenues How would you describe Con- nesses fail here because they
which to date has seen only struas commitment to quality? have tried to run them from a
limited development. The We make sure to provide foreign boardroom.
stock exchange has been high-quality products and
around for some years but services. All of our factories What is your vision for the future
remains rather illiquid. Yet have laboratories where our of Construa in Mozambique?
I believe that as more inves- materials are tested. I actu- Construa has always been a
tors pursuing projects enter manufacture roofing struc- ally employ the local engi- good brand in Mozambique,
the nation, participation will tures for housing or office neering authority to audit and if you ask people here,
increase among local enti- complexes. That is to say, we my chemists to assure the they know Construa. But we
ties. From what I have under- design solutions and man- best quality. My chemists need to grow further. So, by the
stood, it is the governments ufacture them for construc- and laboratory technicians time we manage to list, if it ever
intention for companies to tion contractors. give me the results of their happens, I do believe there are
release stock for trading on work, whereupon once a a lot of local people who would
the stock exchange to gener- What is Construas commit- week the engineering labora- be eager to buy stock in our
ate capital that would enable ment to the recycling of con- tory of Mozambique will take business. People have seen our
local companies to partici- struction materials? samples for testing. Our local operation grow nationwide,
pate in future ventures. We recycle scrap metals and engineering authoritys labo- having begun from a modest
manufacture these into rebar ratory is EU compliant. office. They have also seen the
How is Construa taking advan- used in concrete foundations factories expand and devel-
tage of the construction boom and columns. We have five What are the specific challeng- oped trust in our business. We
in the country? factories, where we manu- es for the construction sector are a Mozambican company.
We sell building materials, facture steel, roof tiles, ce- in Mozambique? Both my partner and I are cit-
but also offer technical ser- ment tile adhesive, and our We need to improve our izens making it 100% national
vices where we design and own paint. infrastructure, transport, company.
Construction & Real Estate THEBUSINESSYEAR 127


to build on
The proliferation of megaprojects in
the energy and transportation sectors
is providing ample opportunities for
construction and consultancy firms.

he combination of Kentz and SNC-Lavalin is part
MRIO JORGE of building a global Tier-1 engineering and con-
MACARINGUE struction (E&C) company. This created a group
with approximately 45,000 employees, annual revenues of
Managing Director, about approximately $10 billion, and a backlog of roughly
Royal HaskoningDHV $13 billion as per 2013 figures. Our new capability to take
the full EPCM scope on projects will provide further value to
Vice Branch Director,
wo years ago we were our clients, while our focus on providing our specialist and
a 90% public service responsive services will mean our execution for clients, who GAUFF Mozambique
provider, and only have supported us for many years, will only be strength-

10% private. We worked for ened. In respect of prospects on the African continent, we ur main objectives
banks, for example, to provide see opportunities that will see us providing technical ser- include becoming a
new branches and related eval- vices and delivering more complex, turnkey projects in re- reliable partner for
uations. Now our business is mote locations. We are now able to meet our clients needs the Mozambique government
60% public and 40% private, and by offering SNC-Lavalins strong Front-end Engineering for the countrys infrastructure
we want the ratio to level out at and Design (FEED) capabilities, full EPC projects, as well development, which is our core
50:50 ultimately, with projects as Kentzs leading construction expertise in Structural, Me- business. We believe that we can
involving both large corpora- chanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, and Piping (SMEIP). play a major role in assisting in
tions and smaller enterprises. that growth, which we can do
We have ranked among the top COLIN through our ability to attract
three in Mozambique in terms
of consultancy services over the
CROWLEY private investment for the con-
struction of infrastructure at
past five years. I think in less Regional competitive conditions, deliver-
than five years we will be num- Development ing EPPM and turnkey projects;
ber one, and we look to double Director Africa, all of this of course with our long
our business within five to seven term experience and knowhow
years. Today we design tailored
Country Director of working in Africa. We are
solutions for our clients, and Mozambique proud to be part of the Maputo
over the next few years we will Kentz, a member Catembe bridge project. This
launch the second phase of our will be the largest suspension
of the SNC-
project to build supply water bridge in Africa and among the
systems in rural areas. Lavalin Group top 50 in the world. GAUFF has
been contracted to act as con-
sultant for the quality control of
CHRISTOPHER W. DELL the construction of the bridge
Country Manager Moambique, Bechtel and link roads.

echtel is the largest engineering and needs, which is widely acknowledged. The new-
construction company in the US, ly discovered wealth in the form of coal and gas
employing about 53,000 people. We reserves, as well as important mineral discover-
have annual revenues of approximately $40 ies in recent years, have created a possibility for
billion. We currently operate in Angola, Rwan- Mozambique to begin tackling some of its diffi-
da, Mozambique, and Gabon, but also have a culties. There is some interesting work going on
presence in Egypt. What attracted us to Mozam- with respect to Coal-To-Liquids (CTL), and we
bique initially was the LNG project, which was are poised to sign a contract to support one of
our flagship scheme through the middle of last those contracts with early engineering work. We
year. Today, three of our four business groups have been approached about a fertilizer plant
are looking at all sectors in Mozambique. Mo- project, too. Infrastructure is our short-term fo-
zambique has vast potential, and equally vast cus, as it is for the government.

Uneven supply-demand dynamics, a boom in Mozambiques extractive

sector and the proverbial rising middle class combine to fuel the real
estate sector.

Review R E A L E S TAT E


According to the Africa Housing Yearbook 2014, located averaged at $950 and $636 per sqm. To this day, the vast
in Africa robust annual growth of the construc- Average monthly disposable salary (after tax) in majority of households
tion industry, at 10%, is propelled by vast in- Maputo is at $982, and for the nation overall at
frastructure investments. Yet the housing con- $803. Yet with average mortgage rates for Ma- are responsible
struction market is still the domain of SMEs. puto and Mozambique respectively at 20.67% for constructing
All land in Mozambique is state-owned, with and 20.50%, few can take out a home loan. their own homes,
utilization rights obtained through a long-term At the top end of the market, prices for 5-bed- which are often
title, the DUAT. Therefore, while construction room houses in the affluent suburbs of Som- built incrementally,
and assets can be mortgaged, land cannot. Cur- merschield 1 and 2 command rent of around
and added to or
rent Global Housing Indicators suggest that $6,000 per month, and even greatly above
20% of all properties are registered. $10,000 per month. Meanwhile, another driver improved as and
To this day, the vast majority of house- of housing demand is the tendency for some when resources avail
holds are responsible for constructing their owners to double up the house as an office to themselves.
own homes, which are often built incremen- reduce the cost of living and circumvent the
tally, and added to or improved as and when lack of office space.
resources avail themselves. And due to the Most of Mozambiques 18 commercial banks
greater formalization of urban land housing offer a mortgage product, but the mortgage
finance is essentially an urban issue, although loan to GDP ratio is at just 0.6%. UN-Habitat
as Mozambiques extractive revenues benefit a data on the extent of housing lending suggests
broader swathe of the population, the rural ar- that banks mortgage portfolios represent 8.3%
eas, too, will demand better housing. It follows of total loans to individuals. Some banks today
that loans for home construction greatly exceed offer rent-to-buy plans offering an option to
mortgages, and the Africa Housing Yearbook buy at the end of a lease. Banco nico, is cit-
2014 published by the Centre for Affordable ed as an example, having signed a deal with the
Housing Finance, reveals that 7.3% of the top Fund for Housing Promotion (FFH) to lease
60% of earners, and 2.4% of the bottom 40% apartments in Maputos Olympic Village where
had such a loan. the monthly lease registered at around $317
for 25 years. The FFH has penned agreements
IN RESIDENCE with five banks to provide loans to individuals
Rental prices in Maputo as of February 2015 for the purchase of housing units in the Intaka
based on Numbeo research of 240 sam- project in Matola, where 25-years loans ranged
ples came in at MZN44,200.00 ($1.00 = from $60,000 to $80,000 at 19% interest. Other
MZN33.8616), or $1,303 for a central one-bed- projects of shorter terms offered higher rates of
room apartment and $649 outside the center. around 22.5%.
Three bedroom apartments in central and out- To put mortgages into perspective, however,
lying Maputo averaged at $2,883 and $1,550, re- while Mozambiques minimum wage was re-
spectively. The price to buy a centrally located vised to $95.3 in April 2014, most citizens earn
apartment in Maputo averaged at $1,180 per less than $60 per month. Those banks offering
sqm. Meanwhile for Mozambique overall the mortgages stipulate a minimum loan of $9,497,
sample returned average rental prices for a city at 19% interest, and repayable over 25 years. This
center and non-central one-bedroom apart- is only financially realistic to a household with
ment of $901.4 and $626.8, respectively, and for a monthly income of about $1,425. UN-Habitat
a city center and non-central 3-bedroom apart- points to a typical upper middle class income
ment of $1,842 and $1,240, respectively. And to of $1,472, at which level, the maximum mort-
buy an apartment centrally and non-centrally gage that could be achievedassuming an 80%
Construction & Real Estate THEBUSINESSYEAR 129

loan-to-value ratio over 20 years at 19% inter- OFFICE PARTY

estis about $34,821.The family would need to The office segment of Mozambiques real es-
save a further third of the purchase price to cov- tate market has indeed been in party mode. In
er the deposit requirements, registration costs Maputo the average rental price ranges from
and taxes, and valuation and origination fees. $2,000 to $3,200 per sqm according to consul-
according to the Africa Housing Yearbook 2014. tancy firm Prime Yield Moambique research,
Zubeyir Deirmenci, General Director and and is set to stabilize over the next five years as
Member of the Board of Deco Group informed new stock is added; industry experts certainly
TBY of the groups prestigious 23-floor building do not expect the sound of a bursting bubble.
of 42 apartments. Testament to the demand for The Mozambique Real Estate 2013 study iden-
quality construction in Maputo, the scheme tified Bairro Central B and Polana Cimento B, as
sold out prior to completion. Meanwhile, its the cheapest areas with average rent of $2,000
Assos seafront condominium project with 160 per sqm, and Sommerschield the most pricey at
apartments on a 45,000sqm area. This project an average of $3,200 per sqm. Total office space
won the African Property awards for the best in Maputo is put at roughly 337,000sqm.
apartments in Mozambique. And at the other
end of the spectrum, Zefanias Muhate, Execu- FROM STORE TO STORAGE
tive Manager of 100% Mozambican company The retail market has been slow to take off be-
Lis Moambique, has undertaken: work for cause of the large size of the informal sector.
Henan Gou Ji, a Chinese company engaged in However, there has been a flurry of recent ac-
a landmark project called 5,000 houses. The tivity, which has seen South African retailers, in
project is a joint venture with the Mozambican particular, entering Mozambique. Most retail
government's Housing Promotion Fund (FFH), developments are out-of-town on the main ar-
which is the agency overseeing. terial routes. Shopping centers taking the form CARDOSO
of mixed-use developments include the Polana Executive Partner,
AFFORDABLE PUBLIC HOUSING Shopping Centre and the Maputo Shopping
Recent FFH estimates suggest a housing defi- Centre, and more recently the more upmarket
Collins Sistemas de
cit of 2 million units, with over 13.5 million Mars Shopping Centre. Retail rents average at gua
people, or 60% of the population living in in- around $30-$40 per sqm per month, and the fu-
adequate housing. Mozambiques first hous- ture looks bright as the middle class finds itself As a civil engineer working
ing policy and strategy was approved back in with more disposable income and retailers seek in the field of water
2011 and conforms with the national Agenda more prime venues to broaden their offering. consultancy for almost 10
2025. It champions the construction of ad- Afribiz notes that the congestion charge on years, I was exposed to
equate and affordable housing for all strata commercial vehicles in the Maputo and rising
the main problem areas
of the population, recommending improved land prices have seen much industrial reloca-
land management, and accessible financing tion to the urban periphery. Moreover, former and had the privilege of
resources. Few private projects address afford- industrial areas in central Maputo in proximi- participating in several
able housing, but Casa Jovem in Costa de Sol ty to port and airport are more frequently be- water supply projects
Maputo is nonetheless one of several exam- ing transformed into upmarket office or retail around the country,
ples. The 36-hectare housing project under de- warehouse uses. Prime warehouse rents are on mainly for rural areas. We
velopment on the outskirts of Maputo features the rise and at around $10 per sqm per month.
1,680 apartments and 300 houses. Apartments Mozambiques extractive boom has seen the
come up with innovative
range in price between $47,000 and $130,000, steady arrival of companies and the expatriates ideas for areas with a
it is out of the reach of most Mozambicans. staffing them, who traditionally demand higher lack of natural water
The governments 201014 program envisaged quality property. And as supply has fallen short sourceswe call it an
constructing 100,000 houses, and ran parallel of demand, a busy period of growth in proper- excavated reservoirfor
to the Plan for the Young, Civil Servants, and ty stock is on the cards. Therefore, the property storing rainwater then
Old Combatants, where 20% of planned hous- market remains an investment option of some
ing was to be realized by the state, 30% by the appeal; a proposition, according to propertyma-
treating and supplying it.
private sector, and 50% by residents them- puto, that is not confined to the capital city, now Normally, for conventional
selves through self-construction. Just 5% of home to 2.5 million people. Triunfo, a north- water supply systems,
homes were to be entirely subsidized. Among a ern coastline suburb of Maputo, has become you spend almost 40%
list of partnership projects to boost the quality a source of prime real estate, due in large part of the investment on
housing stock the FFH has signed agreements to the construction of a ring road. Moreover,
water treatment. With our
for a social housing scheme in the provinces around 500 million has been spent on rural
of Cabo Delegado, Nampula, Tete and Maputo electrification, which will enhance both the life approach, we can afford
involving the construction of 50,000 housing of the rural population, and inevitably see prop- a reduction on the cost of
units at a cost of $5.5 billion. erty spread beyond todays popular cities. 5% to 10%.


key to
ZUBEYR JOS CARLOS Luxury residential assets, retail centers,
DEIRMENC PINHEIRO and property management for commercial
General Director and CEO, Pylos enterprises are some of the high-potential
Member of the Board, Mozambique segments in the market.
Deco Group
How has your companys busi- months. The first block should of another $50 million to $60
ness developed over recent be opened by June 2015 at the million from tenants. We are
years? latest, and the project has won not a construction company,
the African Property awards for but a real estate developer, and
ZUBEYR DEIRMENC DECO best apartments in Mozam- will therefore develop, rent, and
established itself here in 2009, bique. manage the malls.
although we actually first came
in 2007 to conduct market re- JOS CARLOS PINHEIRO We How would you describe the
search, before establishing a started in September 2014 in quality of human capital in con-
pavement and block company. Tete with our first strip mall, at struction in Mozambique?
It was intially called Akdeniz, a 7,700sqm. These are not exactly
Turkish name. The DECO group shopping malls, but more open ZD The skill level remains in-
is not only engaged in construc- strip malls. They are not ven- sufficient. We need to keep our
tion, but also operates DECO ues for Louis Vuitton or Chanel, quality especially high for an
Stone, which sells construction but essentially retail services for award-winning project. Now
materials such as concrete, the mass market. The concept we have a team that we trained
pavement materials, and blocks, behind this project is to take during the construction of the
while DECO construction is en- formal retail to various areas of DECO residence, but we need
gaged in building. DECO Stone the country that lacked it be- more trained workers, which we
is a factory located in Tchumene fore. We are sure of making a will bring from Turkey. Some-
with a workforce of 130 that pro- positive economic and social times they can just come for two
duces and sells concrete. We be- impact as consumer prices will or three months to give train-
gan by renting a plant, but once tend to decline, and we offer ing and go back. It is difficult to
this proved insufficient, we had people different purchasing bring people here for work. The
to build our own. All our current opportunities that they do not government sets the limit of for-
production is geared at meeting have access to today, while in- eign workers and they should be
local demand. Our largest con- troducing a diversity of brands. more flexible.
struction competitors buy their Currently, people beyond Ma-
concrete from us, which is a puto do not have proper retail How would you describe the
clear indicator of our production options, and this lack of compe- local business environment for
quality. The DECO residence is a tition favors the retailers. After establishing a new company?
symbol of DECO construction, the Tete development we will
and is a 23-floor building with probably build our next malls JCP Ours is not the easiest mar-
three underground parking lots, in Nampula, Pemba, Massinga, ket to enter, but you must under-
offices, and 42 apartments. We or Maxixe, and perhaps Naca- stand that were this a developed
applied the best quality possible, la. We will have a minimum of country there would not be the
considering Mozambican stan- two additional projects under same opportunities to grasp as
dards. The project is now com- construction before the end of exist here. Having said this, it is
plete and was sold out prior to 2Q2015. By April-May, we will important for an investor coming
completion. Assos condomini- have three under construction to Mozambique to understand
um is a 45,000sqm construction in Tete, Nampula, and Pemba. that this is a country with its own
with 160 apartments, 12 shops We estimate our investment for laws, and that if you are fully
and two floors of parking, and the 15 malls will be in excess of aware of them, it is not a difficult
will be completed within 20 $150 million, with a minimum environment to do business in.


Following an influx of foreign investors, a construction boom and positive

growth perspectives in the country, several companies are developing
luxury real estate projects in Maputo.

SINCE THE END OF A DEVASTATING cent to Portuguese and American schools and
civil war in 1992, Mozambique has been in a several private hospitals. We will be providing
period of gradual but intensive growth and re- residents the best apartments available in the
construction. In 3Q2013, Mozambiques con- city, says TOVISI general director Pedro Ramos.
struction sector represented 7.8% of GDP, close More luxury projects on the coast are estimated
to a 3% increase on the previous year. The boom for completion by 2016.
in construction has been largely attributed to DECO Group is a design and construction
infrastructure projects in energy, mining, and company responsible for the luxury complex
transport sectors. In Maputo there has been a DECO Residence, and is currently working
significant increase in luxury real estate devel- quickly on the completion of Assos Condo-
opment, due to rising prices and a growing mid- miniums. DECO Residence is a 23-story build-
dle class contributing to an increase in demand. ing holding 42 apartments, which had all been
Increasingly, Portuguese migrants have mak- sold prior to the projects completion. DECO
ing the move to Maputo, to avoid a eurozone Residence is; a symbol of DECO construction,
economy in financial crisis. In 2012, registra- says General Director and Member of the Board
tions at the Portuguese consulate increased by Zubeyir Deirmenci. Assos Condominiums is
25%. Registrations are expected to keep rising
as Portuguese-style architecture and a common
language entice expats, in addition to Mozam- A luxury real estate project under construction
biques noteworthy economic performance. by the TOVISI company is Miloro, a 60-unit
In May 2015 Maputo will host the third edition condominium in the up and coming area of
of MOZAMBUILD, Mozambiques International Sommerschield.
Building Materials and Construction Technol-
ogies Fair, in partnership with the Mozambi-
can Federation of Contractors. The conference a 45,000 sqm project that will offer 160 apart-
brings together suppliers in Mozambiques ments, 12 retail shops, and two floors of parking.
building industry, from concrete producers to Assos will also provide to its residents such ame-
aluminum and steel manufacturers, and works nities as a rooftop pool, Turkish bath and spa, as
to offer a better understanding of the dynamics well as a multifunctional court and childrens
of the market in partnership with groups such as park. Deirmenci says: 90% of the apartments
Portuguese industrial conglomerate Mota-Engil. will have sea views. [] The quality even exceeds
Mota-Engil Africa will soon embark on two that of the DECO Residence which is 5-star res-
$50 million joint ventures, and has already idence. The project is slated for completion in
completed the 20-story Tilweni Condomini- June 2015.
um. In partnership with real estate developer In Sommerschield, a central area with a thriv-
Promovalor, they are also involved in the con- ing expat community, two to three bedroom
struction of the Platinum Building on Av. Julius apartments currently rent for around $2,000 to
Nyerere in central Maputo. The Platinum tow- $3,000. Office space in the city center is priced at
er will provide luxury apartments, offices, and roughly $40 per sqm. Although it seems that ris-
shops. It is a prestigious project which will be ing rents may be making it difficult for some Mo-
finished on a very short timeline of 20 months, zambicans to remain in central neighborhoods,
according to Anbal Leite, Administrator of Mo- new developments are aimed at high-end buy-
ta-Engil Africa. For over 20 years Mota-Engil ers coming in droves mainly from a prospering
has contributed to infrastructure and civil engi- energy industry. Demand is high. Several thou-
neering in Mozambique including construction sand Mozambicans and expatriates are seeking
of the Armando Emlio Guebuza Bridge and the secure and quality urban housing with reliable
African Games Village. utilities. The International Monetary Fund fore-
A luxury real estate project under construc- casts robust growth for Mozambiques econo-
tion by the TOVISI company is Miloro, a 60-unit my. Prices on luxury real estate are likely to con-
condominium in the up and coming area of tinue rising, though time will tell as the market
Sommerschield. The community will be adja- nears possible saturation.

137 138 139

Emerson Zhou, Executive Pedro Moura, Administrator and Interesting innovations are
Director, Beira Agricultural Member of the Board of Portucel occurring that make fuller use
Growth Corridor Partnership, on Moambique, on job creation and of local cash crops, and the beer
strategies to boost production. African markets. industry is no exception.


Mozambique has only cultivated 10% of its total arable land, whereby
many now see the potential of finding a solution to food security issues in
southern Africa. The countrys geographical location makes it ideal as an
agricultural hub for the region and beyond.

he agriculture explains why there are 3.8
sector in Mozam- million farms in the country,
bique is hugely with 3.2 million subsistence
important, both in farms averaging at 1.2ha in
its current capacity and the size producing 97% of agri-
potential it holds. Around cultural output. This large
80% of the workforce is em- number of small farms can
ployed in the agriculture be attributed, in part, to a
sector, making it vital to current lack of large-scale
many peoples lives in more transport infrastructure,
ways than one. While being whereby a farm must be
a prominent employer, the close to the market simply to
sector also plays a consid- access it. Only 20% of small-
erable role in GDP, as, ac- holders sell their goods in
cording to the statistics, it the market, and only 34% of
contributes 23.5% in 3Q2014, those receive price informa-
making it one of the largest tion about the crops they are
industries in the country ac- selling. Still, there are 36 mil-
cording to the National In- lion ha of arable land in Mo-
stitute of Statistics. Between zambique, of which only 10%
2Q2014 and 3Q2014, agri- is currently being used for
culture and fisheries showed commercial purposes, and
impressive growth of 7% and of which only 3% is irrigated.
6.3%, respectively. As the In order to further unlock the
government and the private Image: ILRI potential of the sector, the
sector begin to take full ad- government launched the
vantage of what the sector National Irrigation Strategy
has to offer, growth is almost Despite a number of infrastructural in 2011, which will run until
certain to continue. Howev- 2019. The project has a bud-
er, one of the main problems and financial issues, foreign investors are get of $645 million and aims
that the sector is experienc- jumping on board and setting up farms to double the usage of irriga-
ing is access to the market. and factories as transport infrastructure tion in the provinces of So-
This is somewhat hamper- fala, Manica, and Zambzia
ing the creation of larger from the mining sector helps move goods from 66,000ha to 113,000ha
farm holdings and perhaps to market. by 2019.

Source: FAO and SASK (Trade Union Solidarity Centre of Finland), SINTIQUIAF 2013

While forestry currently represents only 5.6% of the agricultural sectors

contribution to GDP, investments in the paper industry are expected to
grow due to the potential of the countrys forests and natural habitats.



4 22%
40.6 million ha



billion USD to
Mozambiques billion USD
annual exports until 2025
OF ARABLE LAND 183,000 173,000 How would you describe the
UTILIZED DUATs* DUATs* general interest in Mozam-
bique in developing renewable

90% TO BUILD A Creating Finished by energies?

Mozambique exports energy
1.5 7,000 2023 through Cahora Bassa to South
OF UTILIZED million ton jobs in forestry
Africa and other neighboring
ARABLE LAND capacity mill Biomass will generate an extra countries. Energy policy is very
to produce
MANAGED BY 70 MW open. Rural areas will be electri-
pulp for
FAMILIES paper equivalent to 10% of total fied the fastest with solar solu-
energy consumption tions and wind farms, which our
* Rights to use of land company specializes in. Up until
now, we were short listed for the
first wind farm in Mozambique.
There were three companies
PULP FACT on the short list. We work with
a big engineering company in
Mozambiques forestry sector stands to increase its current contribution to agricultural GDP a consortium to respond to the
from 9.1%National Statistics Institute data based on the agricultural census (2009) reveals demands of the Ministery of
that 78% of agricultural GDP derives from crop production. FAO data shows that forests cover Energy. Unfortunately, we with-
40.6 million ha, or 51% of the country. Yet earlier attempts to privatize state-owned forestry had drew our proposal because of
proven fruitless. The second phase of forestry development was initiated in 2000, especially in the sporadic problems between
the Niassa Province, but also in Zambzia and Nampula, and the 2009 government Reforesta- Frelimo and Renamo in the north
tion Strategy encompassed the forestry industry. One million trees may be planted over the
of Inhambane last February
next 20 years, creating 250,000 jobs, based on a ratio of one job per 4 ha planted. Mozambiques
2014. It was an investment
forestry-related goals for 2030 are to reach a critical mass of at least 1 million ha of forest
valued at between $80 million
plantations, create at least 250,000 permanent jobs, and secure private investment enabling
minimum annual income of $1.5 billion over the next 20 years. According to FAOSTAT, in 2014 to $100 million that is now on
Mozambique was joint 80th in the world in household and sanitary paper production, exporting hold. We are currently working
just five tons in 2010, and importing 737 tons in 2013. SINTIQUIAF data for 2013 identifies 18 on a 50MW solar plant in Nacala
local paper industry companies employing around 700 people (13% women). to help with the development of
this area.

WE GOT PLANS agriculture sector, with the Agricultural Pol- With the new flow of
With the discovery of large fields of natural gas, icy and Implementation Strategy (PAEI), the investment coming
the expectations of growth are high for Mozam- Strategic Plan for the Development of the Ag- into the mining and
biques economy. The government is hoping to ricultural Sector 2011-15 (PEDSA), the Fishery
oil and gas sector,
avoid Dutch Disease and develop, in tandem, a Policy and Implementation Strategy (PPEI),
number of sectors, with the agriculture sector the Fishery Master Plan 2010-2019 (PDP), the agriculture is looking
being one. Therefore, in 2014 the Ministry of Development Plan for Small Scale Aquacul- to piggyback its way
Agriculture launched the National Agriculture ture 2009-2013 (PDAPQ), the Rural Develop- forward to create a
Investment Plan 2014-2018 to identify key areas ment Strategy (EDR), the Food and Nutrition- more solid foundation
in the sector to develop and invest in. With the al Security Strategy II (ESAN II, 2008-15), the regarding food
country being one of the poorest in the world, Multi-sectoral Action Plan for the Reduction of
in per capita terms the new strategy hopes to Chronic Malnutrition in Mozambique (PAM-
security concerns in
solidify the countrys food security and help RDC) 2011-20, the National Programme for the country as well as
make itself sufficient in staple crops, while also the Strengthening of Commodities 2011-16, the region.
developing and encouraging the production of and the Green Revolution Strategy (ERV) some
cash crops, such as tobacco, for added value. of the most significant.
According to the WHO, chronic malnutrition The underlying theme behind each of these
still poses a serious risk to the development of strategies is to improve food security and re-
human capital, with 50% of under-fives suffer- duce poverty levels across the country, which
ing from malnutrition, not allowing them to in turn will allow the countrys human capital
achieve full physical, mental, or cognitive de- to fully develop. Many of these strategies also
velopment. There are regional disparities in the hope to improve the technologies that small-
country, with the north suffering the most with holdings use, such as better seeds, chemical
rates decreasing the further south you go. fertilizers, pesticides, and motorized or animal
National statistics show that Mozambique traction. Currently, the use of all these elements
currently has a food insecurity rate of 35%; is below regional averages with only 5% of
something the government looks to address. smallholders using chemical fertilizers or pesti-
Under the umbrella of the National Agriculture cides and less than 10% using improved maize
Investment Plan 2014-2018, the government seed or animal traction. Despite the challenges
has launched a number of strategies to tack- that the country faces, Mozambique holds con-
le a whole host of issues currently
PubTheBusinessYear210x132F.pdf 2
siderable potential, with more than 36 million



hectares of arable land, which is 2.8 times more Potato Production (Thousand Tons)
than Ghana and 1.9 times more than Tanzania. Source: FAO
By using improved technologies and farming
methods, it is estimated that farmers could on 200

average more than triple their farming output.

The potential for Mozambique to change the 180

balance of food security in southern Africa is

huge. The country is already the second largest
formal exporter of food, and it is well within the 140
countrys grasp to move toward a food surplus
if agricultural and regulatory practices are im- 120

proved. Mozambiques location on the Indian

Ocean as well as its land borders with Tanzania,
South Africa, Zambia, Malawi, and Zimbabwe, 80
mean that its export potential is huge. This is
something that international companies are 60

beginning to notice, with Olam setting up the 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

first cashew-processing factory in Africa in the

city of Nampula. Chiquita, a US-based banana
company, recently partnered with local com- Vegetable Production (Thousand Tons)
pany Matanuska in a $50 million joint venture Source: FAO
to export bananas, another example of how in-
ternational investors are gaining confidence in 600

what Mozambique could potentially yield.

One of the main developments that holds much
JOHN (PORKY) potential is the Beira Agricultural Growth Corri- 400

CHRISTIE- dor (BAGC) Initiative. The BAGC covers 227,000

sqkm, of which 10 million ha is arable land;
SMITH however, only 1.5 million hectares are current-

General Manager, ly cultivated. The Corridor provides a gateway

Greenbelt and solid link to South Eastern Africa and a link
to potential export partners Zambia, Malawi,
We create a tailor-made and Zimbabwe. The significant volume of min- 100

fertilizer to suit particular ing investments also greatly improve access to 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

soil types and the crops energy, water, and transport infrastructure
something that is often lacking in other areas
destined to grow there.
of the country. The Sena Railway Line and the
Traditionally, farmers have Beira Port will greatly improve the agriculture
used a fertilizer blend sectors access to both domestic and foreign
with no micronutrients markets. An Investment Blueprint set out key
in it, yet there is a major areas in which it hoped investors would par- will create 1,800 jobs and produce 10,000 tons
worldwide drive today, ticipate. One of the main tasks it had set was to of beans. The project overall is expected to cost
deliver 16,000 ha of irrigated farmland. One of somewhere in the region of $350 million. An-
especially in Africa, to use the largest investments would be in the Mun- other sugar estate planned for the region, but
micronutrients in fertilizers. da Munda Rice Irrigation Scheme. Costing an on a smaller scale, is the Sugarcane Outgrower
Many raw materials come estimated $27 million, the scheme would pro- Scheme planned for the Upper Zambeze. On
through the Port of Beira, vide 3,000 ha of irrigated land for smallholder 3,000 ha of land, it will house 200 families and
which is why we built a rice production, as well as storage, milling, and provide 2,000 full time jobs. The total amount
factory here so we could a marketing company. The construction of the of land will be split into 600-700 ha farms for
system would create direct 1,500 jobs and a fur- food production. The estate will produce 110
transport to Zambia, as ther 3,000 indirect jobs. Under the plan, a fur- million tons of fuel-grade ethanol, 15,000 tons
well as Mozambique, ther $2.7 million investment would be required of vegetables, 200 tons of meat, and 2-3MW
Zimbabwe, and Malawi. for further extensions and a comprehensive of electricity. The scheme is expected to cost
The investment was large marketing program. The largest planned in- around $20 million.
at around $15 million for vestment is for the Envalor Sugar Estate. Lo- The government and the private sector un-
cated 70km south of Enchope, the large sugar derstand the great potential germinating within
the entire project. We then
estate will offer 25,000 ha for sugarcane, sweet the agricultural sector. And with the new flow of
started exploring markets sorghum, and dry beans. These will then be investment entering the mining and oil and gas
in Zimbabwe, Malawi, and processed into 150 million liters of fuel-grade sector, it is hoping to create a more solid basis
eastern Zambia. ethanol and 32mW of electricity. The estate for addressing food security concerns.


HALL Growth Corridor (BAGC),

considers that long-term de-
velopment of agriculture in

the region would be a valuable
solution. The BAGC is forging
links between mining and
agriculture by structuring de-
mand and developing supply
chains involving local produc-
TBY talks to Emerson Zhou, Executive Director, ers. The mining companies
need for food gives local farm-
Beira Agricultural Growth Corridor Partnership
ers a nearby market, espe-
(BAGCP), on strategies employed to boost cially during the construction
production and exports. phase. The role of the BAGC
is to create incentives for local
sourcing, and to develop core
How has the production of agri-
cultural products and livestock
IN NUMBERS What needs to be done to pro-
mote exports from the Beira
investment in local agricultur-
al development.
evolved in the Beira Corridor BAGCP Corridor?
since the establishment of the First of all, agriculture within What are your expectations for
Beira Agricultural Growth Corri- the corridor needs to improve the Beira Development Corridor
dor (BAGC) in 2010? its competitiveness. We need Summit?

Agricultural production tends to reduce the costs of produc- The event will raise issues and
to go through cycles, depend- tion for commodities such as take stock of where we are now,
ing on the nature of the sea- fertilizer and livestock feed. developments in the world of
sons. But having said that, increase in terms of The country is heavily depen- agriculture, and information
we have noticed a general yield since 2010 dent on imports and these on new programs that might
increase in the level of pro- come in two forms: finished prove helpful. It also builds
ductivity in terms of yields products and raw materials. consensus on priorities for in-
per hectare, especially at the And because we are import- vestment areas. Investors can
level of smallholder farming. ing, we are also importing leave with better knowledge of
This is due to a slight increase costs, which impacts our the corridor, and information
in the use of improved seeds competitiveness. We have about where they can invest
and chemicals, which rough- What products offer the great- been discussing ways to re- tomorrow.
ly translates into a 15% rise in est potential for the next few duce costs with the fertilizer
yields over this period. years in the Beira Corridor? industry by lowering taxes and
The Beira Corridor is lucky improving on logistics. Part of
How is BAGCP collaborating in that it can support almost this is the need to improve
with financial entities to improve anything that one may want to roads and other elements
small-scale farmers access to produce. However, what has of transport infrastructure. BIO
credit? been coming through is fruit, Meanwhile, the financing of
Banks are able, to some ex- such as lychees and avocados, local businesses is a pressing
tent, to meet demand for which offer big opportunities. matter in need of urgent at- Emerson Zhou is the
seasonal and short-term in- Right now, there are some large tention, as inadequate financ- Executive Director of the
vestment finance, but when companies that want to under- ing is a major constraint on Beira Agricultural Growth
it comes to long-term finance, take a major venture in lychee the ability of local businesses Corridor (BAGC), a PPP that
aims to promote investment
they have yet to figure out a production. The livestock val- to grow through investment.
in the agriculture sector
way to provide financing win- ue chain is also producing op-
in central Mozambique by
dows that can be helpful to portunities, such as feed and How would you characterize facilitating entry by socially
farmers and other agribusi- processing facilities, and we the relationship between agri- responsible investors willing
ness investors. We continue have been talking to certain culture and mining in the Beira to develop business models
talking with them and other potential investors. Beef cattle, Corridor? supporting smallholder
entities about the need for dairy, and poultry are clear fo- The opportunities that the farmers. Emerson is an
longer-term capital that will cus areas, while horticulture is mining sector can provide, Agricultural Economist with
enable investments in long- also important. Traditionally, especially to support food over 25 years of experience
term productive assets such as rice is a significant crop in the production, are great. At pres- in managing and providing
irrigation, fruits, and animal Lower Zambezi and Sofala; the ent, neighboring countries technical assistance to
breeding stock. And addition- country continues to import produce the food consumed inclusive agribusiness
ally, addressing the issue of almost all of its rice need, and, by the employees of mining support initiatives in Africa.
irrigation and irrigation infra- therefore, rice investments re- companies. While the mining He holds an MSc degree
structure is paramount for the main relevant. The challenge companies see this as a pro- from the University of
rapid growth of agriculture in now is to produce it at compet- curement problem, our insti- London (UK).
the corridor. itively low cost. tution, the Beira Agricultural


TBY talks to Pedro Moura, Administrator and Member of the Board

of Portucel Moambique, on pulp production, job creation, and the
importance of African markets for the company.

What is the status of the euca- IN NUMBERS prosperous market in the fu-
lyptus program and the factory ture, and we will be well posi-
plan to produce pulp in Mozam-
the Board tioned to supply the market as
bique? of Portucel it grows. After all, our invest-
The project started immedi- Moambique ment here is a strategic one,
ately after approval, and one of and one we expect to signifi-
the most challenging aspects cantly further our internation-
was finding the right material al scope and operations. But
to grow here in Mozambique, Operational by 2023, in the short term, we are con-
in addition to obtaining the with a capacity of centrating on the Asian mar-

license for such a large-scale kets, which are huge for us.
project. It took some years to
find the genetic material most Portucel has won various
suited to our geography and awards, including Best Euro-
climate, and which is most million tons pean Company for 2013. What
resistant to the diseases found underpins your companys suc-
here. Of course, all of this ne- cess?
cessitates a lengthy process We have excellent and highly
of environmental and social skilled human resources, and
impact assessment, and today extremely high-quality assets.
we are awaiting a license from our groups pulp production We have a good species in Eu-
the government in order to capacity in Portugal, current- calyptus Globulus, which has
proceed further. Having un- ly at about 1.4 million tons. enabled us to make products
dertaken a number of trials we The total estimated cost of the of high quality, which in turn is
farm about 3,000 ha of plan- project by 2025 is around $2.3 why our Navigator brand is the
tation in different parts of the billion, although this is likely most sold product in its seg-
DUATa Mozambican land to rise. The pulp we produce ment worldwide. Therefore,
use agreementthat we man- is planned for export, mainly it is a combination of human
age. Our next step will be to in- for the Asian markets, espe- resources, quality assets, and
crease the scale of our planta- cially China and India, but exceptional raw materials, as
tions, once officially licensed. also for the US and European well as excellent management.
The next step is to build a mill markets. All in all, we expect
to produce pulp for paper, and to contribute $1 billion to Mo- How do you assess the potential
also to produce energy. The zambiques overall annual ex- of Mozambique in terms of draw-
project will become self-suffi- ports, and to see the creation ing foreign investors to the coun-
cient in terms of energy sup- of around 7,000 jobs in forest- try, and investing in major, long-
ply, and with the biomass we ry and a further 500 at the fac- term projects such as this one?
use to produce the pulp; we tory itself. We are looking for There are certainly risks that
BIO will generate sufficient surplus partners with which to share need to be assessed and eval-
energy to feed into the grid. the risk and also strengthen uated, as with any investment.
Pedro Moura was born We expect a surplus of around the sustainability of the proj- But the opportunity is there;
in Braga, Portugal. He 70MW, which amounts to ect. We signed an agreement otherwise, we would not have
graduated in Forestry around 10% of the total elec- with the International Finance undertaken such a huge in-
Engineering. He also holds trical energy consumption Corporation (IFC) on Decem- vestment. That being said,
an MBA from Universidade in Mozambique. Therefore, ber 2015 in Washington, D.C., you have to take the risks into
Catlica de Lisboa. He it will make a huge contribu- and that institution will shortly close consideration and weigh
joined Portucel in 1997 in tion to the energy needs of the purchase the first lot of shares. the two against each other.
Portugal and began working country, while also helping We find that the balance tips
on the Mozambican project stabilize the grid and improve How significant is Africa for the on the side of optimism and
in 2007. Previously he had the quality of electricity supply group in terms of sales? opportunity in Mozambique.
held several positions at a nationwide. The mill is expect- When you look at demo- But you have to work hard, do
number of companies within ed to be operational by 2023, graphic and economic figures your homework, and not ex-
the same industry. with a capacity of 1.5 million and forecasts, Africa is sure pect an entirely smooth pro-
tons. It will practically double to become a bigger and more cess, or overnight returns.
The country boasts
36 million hectares of
arable land

Image: Ian


sava production, processing, and marketing in-

volve around 12 million people, almost 88% of
the rural population on approximately 2.4 mil-
lion farms. The provinces of Nampula, Cabo
Delgado, Inhambane, and Zambzia are those
where cassava production is more popular. A
report by the International Fertilizer Devel-
opment Center (IFDC) states that in Nampula
province there are 600kg of cassava roots avail-
able per year per person, equivalent to 1.7kg
per person, per day. This is definitely more than
what it is required for domestic consumption,
which means that there is a surplus that farm-
ers can use to earn some money; though that
may not be as easy as it seems. Experts have
always advocated efficiency to increase pro-
duction, but a farmer will never do that if un-
able to reach markets with his surplus. Access

to markets is a problem that must be solved
before concentrating on being efficient. This is
particularly true for highly perishable cassava,
a root with 70% water content that deteriorates
almost immediately once harvested.
As Mozambique Despite its coal resources and immense gas To avoid this degeneration problem, and give
rethinks its agricultural discoveries, Mozambique remains a largely access to markets, DADTCO came up with an
rural country. Land, used appropriately, is a innovative solution: a mobile processing unit
landscape, interesting non-exhaustible resource and will remain long (AMPU) that fits a 40-foot container and travels
innovations are after the coal or gas boom is over. According to cassava-growing regions to process the root
occurring that make to the World Bank, growth in agriculture is in situ. The AMPU machine turns the roots into
fuller use of local cash up to 3.2 times better at reducing poverty in a cassava cake that can be kept for up to a year.
low-income and resource-rich countries than In one hour, the AMPU converts 3.8 metric
crops. an equivalent amount of GDP expansion out- tons of cassava roots into 2 metric tons of cake.
side of agriculture. DADTCO has now 4,200 registered growers in
As Smart and Hanlon state in their book Nampula, who sell an average of 3 tons of cas-
Chickens and Beer, a recipe collection for ag- sava each.
ricultural growth in Mozambique, economists
have always assumed that bigger, mechanized BIG CHEER FOR THE BEER
farms, able to use economies of scale, are more Innovative cassava ideas dont stop here as SAB
efficient and productive than small farms. To Millers local subsidiary, Cervejas de Moam-
everyones surprise most large-scale farms bique (CDM), decided to partner with DADT-
throughout Africa have failed. This is due to the CO in 2011 to produce the first commercial
fact that smaller farmers know the land better, low-cost cassava beer in the world under the
work harder and with more care. Impala brand. The cassava cakes are transport-
In Mozambique, real agricultural develop- ed to CDMs breweries where they replace up to
ment has often been driven by large companies 70% of the expensively imported malted barley.
working with small farmers, as is the case with CDM is now making high-quality beer at high-
cotton or tobacco. Crispin Achola, General Di- ly affordable prices using local resources and
rector of British American Tobacco, told TBY materials, and contributing to the agricultural
that around 12,000 people derive a livelihood and economic development of the country. The
from their products. Even though this model is Managing Director of CDM told TBY that, to
far from perfect and may bring along the typical date it has purchased cassava roots from over
problems of a monopsony market, it is a first 5,000 farmers, and has indirectly impacted over
step toward promoting the agricultural pro- 50,000 people.
duction and is now being used for what some As legendary American musician Frank Zap-
people already call the cassava revolution. A pa said, You can't be a real country unless you
unique supplementary industry is emerging, have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have
too, effectively amounting a solution in a glass. some kind of a football team, or some nucle-
According to the Dutch Agricultural Develop- ar weapons, but at the very least you need a
ment & Trading Company (DADTCO) cassava beer. Mozambique already had the airline and
is, together with maize, the product that con- several beers, but now it is producing the first
tributes more than any other crop to the diet of cassava beer in the worldsurely a fact worth
Mozambicans. Their estimates show that cas- drinking to.

143 144 148

Nazira Abdula, Minister Mobile technology is gradually Jorge Ferro, Minister of
of Health, on the future of narrowing the health gap in Education and Human
healthcare and the effectiveness remote areas, easing suffering Development, on social
of PPPs in developing it. and reducing risk of epidemics. advancement via education.

Health & Education


After years of steady growth, healthcare spending has kept pace with the
economy, and both access and quality are now improving.

ealthcare budgets to safe drinking water, with
are feeling the rural areas especially under-
pinch as aid agen- served. The sanitation situ-
cies struggle to ation is even direr with 17%
meet global demand, while having access in 2008. Those
courting donors in developed health care facilities that exist
economies where growth is are concentrated in urban ar-
sputtering. By 2013, donor eas, with only 20.9% of rural
funding constituted 33% of inhabitants having access to
the national budget, down medical care.
from 60% in 1990. However, From an epidemiological
foreign assistance remains a viewpoint, infectious and
critical source of funding for communicable diseases re-
social services in the country, main widespread, in spite of
and international aid facili- concerted national and in-
tates critical healthcare ser- ternational efforts. Malaria,
vices, especially for the 54% tuberculosis, and AIDS are
living at, or below the pov- endemic. Malaria alone is
erty line. Underfunded, and responsible for 30% of child-
struggling, Mozambiques hood mortality, 40% of all
healthcare system has made outpatient attendance, and
remarkable progress, but roughly 30% of all hospi-
coverage remains low at 60%, tal deaths. Vulnerability to
and increased investment in droughts and floods leaves the
healthcare in every aspect of population vulnerable to wa-
service at every level is critical. ter and vector-borne disease
Beyond conventional such as malaria, cholera, dys-
healthcare improvements, entery, and another diarrheal
a paucity of basic services is diseases.
undercutting the health and The government and international In pursuit of this goal, a
prosperity of Mozambicans. organizations are experimenting with new Health Sector Strategic
A 2010 UNICEF report found mobile clinics, and working to improve Plan (PESS) 2014-2019 was
that in spite of a decade of approved based on seven
strong economic growth, only supply chains to improve services in strategic objectives and based
47% of residents had access rural areas. on the principles of primary

Between 1997 and healthcare, equity and better quality of services. As vast as the countrys health-related chal-
The seven objectives are as follows: to increase lenges are, some recent developments in the
2011, infant mortality
access and utilization of health services; im- sector warrant optimism. Access to medical
rates fell by more prove the quality of service provisioning; reduce services is on the rise. Between 1997 and 2011,
than 50% from 147 the geographic inequities between different infant moratlity rates fell by more than 50%
to 71 deaths per population groups in accessing and utilizing from 147 to 71 deaths per 1,000 live births, while
1,000 live births, health services; improve efficiency of service the under-five mortality rate also halved 219 to
while the under-five provision and resource utilization; strengthen 109. Maternal mortality is decreasing ahead of
partnerships for health; increase transparency the sub-Saharan average. In Mozambique, rates
mortality rate also and accountability on management of public fell from 692 to 408 maternal deaths per 100,000
halved 219 to 109. goods; and strengthen the health system. live births between 1997 and 2011. In the coun-
Maternal mortality Implementing PESS between 2014 and 2015 tryside, access to healthcare is also on the up.
is decreasing ahead is projected to cost $1.86 billion (in constant The difference in the under-five mortality rates
of the sub-Saharan 2013 dollars). The annual cost of the program between major cities and villages fell from 58%
average. will also rise incrementally with 2015 expected in 1997 to 11% in 2011. At the same time, the
to cost $1.3 billion, and 2019s projection set at average population per health center fell from
$1.37 billion. The majority of the funding will 57,000 in 1997 to 23,000 in 2011.
come from the Direco Nacional de Sade Improvements in health financing are un-
Pblica (DNSP) and the Direco Nacional de derpinning these encouraging developments
Assistncia Mdica (DNAM) who will contrib- according to the Overseas Development Insti-
ute more than half the cost. tute (ODI). The institutes 2014 analysis of the
The breakdown of spending through 2019 in- countrys healthcare system underscores how
dicates a push towards preventative medicine. important sufficient funding and education
The seemingly slim 2% of the pie allocated to are, and the correlation between poverty and
mobile clinics and outreach actually shakes mortality rates. The first major post-war push
out to a sizable $37.2 billion. After a successful was under the auspices of Health Sector Poli-
pilot program in 2012 sponsored by Mozam- cy 1995-1999 and the Health Sector Recovery
biques Ministry of Health, in conjunction with Program. These policies emphasized: primary
its partners from the Presidents Emergency health care, with particular attention paid to
Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) mobile clinics maternal and child health; immunization and
are moving to the forefront of the antiretroviral communicable disease control; the rehabili-
therapy (ART) effort. If Mozambique is to get its tation of infrastructure and the quality of care;
HIV epidemic under control, the country must providing better incentives to medical staff;
first massively expand ART coverage in order to and strengthening logistical and administrative
prevent further infections and treat new cases management. Subsequent programs have been
before further transmission can take place. In implemented, and always with extensive fund-
other words, widely availableand utilized ing from external sources such as the World
testing in conjunction with treatment that Bank and USAID. What will ultimately play the
lowers the T-cell count and minimizes the risk greatest role in the improvement of health ser-
of transmission to new partners. A 2014 WHO vices in the country will be internal growth.
report found that, the mobile clinic strategy While total health expenditure as a percent-
enabled the rapid start-up of HIV care and treat- age of GDP has hovered between 4% and 7%
Total Facility-level Costs ment at fixed-site clinics while the clinics were over the past two decades, in light of the sub-
by Level of Healthcare, being renovated for HIV services and their staff stantial levels of economic growth in the last
20142019 were being trained, and that the use of mobile decade, the resources allocated to healthcare
Source: Health Policy Project clinic staff as mentors to the local clinic staff en- have increased in absolute terms. Total health
abled the transfer of skills and the rapid exit of expenditure in constant 2005 US dollars has
the mobile clinic personnel, allowing the mobile risen four-fold between 1995 and 2011from
clinic to quickly move to new sites. $159 million to $661 millionwith healthcare
The bulk of the budget funds health centers, expenditure per capita by PPP rising from $17
at 57%. The country has approximately 17.5 in 1995 to almost $66 in 2011 according to the
million citizens living in rural areas, based on an WHO Global Health Expenditure Database.
estimated 69% share of the countrys total pop- External funding has trended upwards from
ulation (World Bank, 2012). Mozambique has 2002 onwards, reaching 70% of total healthcare
built a network of rural health centers across spending by 2011. At the same time, the gen-
the country to support this demographic. A sig- eral government health expenditure has also
nificant majority of these facilities are off-grid, more than doubled, rising from $102 million
which makes supplying them with fuel and in 1995 to $274 million in 2011. The combined
medical supplies a costly and logistically com- economic growth, incumbent improvements
Tertiary Hospitals 33% plicated affair. The facilities are typically modest in health infrastructure, and increasing levels
Mobile Clinics and Outreach 2% structures of limited capacity. Health workers of education and options for rural populations
Health Centers 57% stationed at these facilities are often overbur- are making a dent in the formidable challenges
District, Rural, and General dened and under immense pressure to meet the posed by diseases and other developmental im-
Hospitals 8% needs of the local population. pediments linked to poverty.
Health & Education THEBUSINESSYEAR 143


How would you characterize that we lack the resources to contributing to broaden the
the importance of public-pri- undertake this responsibility citizens access to vital health
vate partnerships in Mozam- alone, whereby cooperation services. These healthcare
biques health industry? among the private sector, civ- workers have a diversity of
A PPP is an instrument of vi- il society, and relevant coop- experience ranging from the
tal importance to strength- eration partners, makes the private sector to NGOs. An-
en intervention of the sector vital difference. In formulat- other key component to un-
for the health benefit of the ing public policies the Min- derline is the improvement
entire Mozambican popula- istry is working to rational- in the working conditions of
tion. The action of the State ize its resources, and deploy healthcare professionals, and
in the promotion of health- them transparently and ef- the provision of other benefits
care in communities is based fectively. And in so doing we to these essential workers. The
upon the assumption that a aim to supply those services government is currently work-
healthier population is a de- of most pressing need for the ing to implement the Medical
termining factor in national general public. Statutes that guarantee work-

development, as well as being ing conditions that motivate
more productive and aware What emphasis do you place on all of our staff within the Na-
of its civic responsibilities. R&D? tional Healthcare System.

Building on the last point, Naturally enough, the Min-
it is crucial that the public istrys activities, and my
sector, as well as the private mandate specifically, rest on
sector and the civil society, the pillars of science, tech-

can contribute, each one of nology, and innovation. We
them in its own way, to the believe that fundamental
vitality of the national health, decisions on the future of
contributing in this way to Mozambiques healthcare
the common objective to cannot be made without the
TBY talks to Nazira
develop human capital and contribution of universities
Abdula, Minister add to the peoples empow- and research centers. We BIO
of Health of the erment. My view is that the will continue to bolster the
Government of PPP model has worked suc- connection between science
A pediatrician by
cessfully in the health sector, and technology, and the con-
Mozambique, on the and we realize that there is crete reality of the day-to-day
profession, Nazira Abdula
graduated from Maputo
future of healthcare still much potential to be ex- life in the healthcare arena. Central Hospital with
and the effectiveness of plored to bolster the existing Universities and centers of complementary stages in
PPPs in developing it. partnership for a greater level knowledge are key to secur- the Hospital So Joo do
of complementarity, cooper- ing cost-effective solutions. Porto in Portugal. Abula
ation, and synergy. This can We intend to strengthen the earned a Masters degree
only benefit all stakeholders, partnerships with institutions in Nutrition and Dietition
in particular with the pop- engaged in health-related re- from the University of
ulation dependent on the search in the SADC region, Flinders, Australia, in 2006.
Mozambican public health and the wider world; we have She worked as a general
What are the Ministrys priori- system. had had successful experi- practitioner at Medical
ties for the next five years? ences in doing so. A case in Mavalane General Hospital
Our fundamental objectives What is your strategy for at- point is our vital research from 1993 to 1997 and was
involved in the program
are to facilitate and broaden tracting national and foreign in- into malaria. Once again, the
to combat malaria in the
the citizens access to pub- vestment to the health sector? role of private and civil insti-
Mavalane area. During
lic health services, to reduce In the first place, we recog- tutions in that domain can the cholera epidemic of
waiting times, and to develop nize that the right to health- bring added value, as well as 1997 she led the cholera
the quality of service. We will care is enshrined in the con- expede the decision-making infirmary of Maputo Central
also be better equipping the stitution. Secondly, I would process and provide creative Hospital. She has taught
healthcare institutions and stress that the country has responses to market signals. at the Catholic University
broadening their scope of op- policies and a healthcare of Mozambique, and in the
eration, as well as providing strategy in place that under- How will you address the short- Health Sciences Institute
improved working conditions pin the strategic objectives, age of health industry profes- of Maputo and Beira. Having
for SNS officials. Meanwhile, priorities, and relevant ac- sionals in the country? been Deputy Minister of
the management of health- tions to promote the health Mozambiques health sector Health from 2010 to 2014 in
care facilities will be rendered of all citizens. Consequently, today is far better equipped the previous administration,
more efficient, with an em- the necessary resources must and staffed than it was 25 Abdula was appointed
phasis on prophylactic mea- be provided to meet the task years ago. Our government Minister of Health in
sures of treatment in order to of improving public health. is training staff, both med- January 2015.
promote community health. In doing this we recognize ical and technical, who are


Mobile technology is gradually narrowing the health gap in remote areas of
Mozambique, easing suffering and reducing unnecessary risk of epidemics.

IN LARGE, YET BUDGET-CONSTRAINED supporting diagnosis and treatment, Com-

countries, mobile technology has become a key mcare aims at managing patients information
solution to providing cost-efficient healthcare in the most inaccessible areas.
in rural and difficult to reach areas. In Mozam- Nevertheless, the diagnosis and manage-
bique, Malaria is the primary cause of death ment of patient information is not the entire
among children, accounting for 10.3% of all story. Despite worldwide vaccine availability,
child mortality in 2011. Especially in rural areas, delivery to rural areas is often a logistically
diseases, then, can have fatal consequences, complex challenge. Margarita Matsinhe and
where inhabitants argue that distance, a lack of Village Reach are also making use of mobile
transport, or the cost of healthcare keeps them technology to ease this problem on a cost-
from seeking hospital treatment. It is in these share operated project, run and managed by
cases that technology can play a vital role. the government. They have designed a mod-
In 2013, inSCALE (Innovations at Scale for el, namely Dedicated Logistics System (DLS),
Community Access and Lasting effects) began to manage health stocks more efficiently and
implementing technology-based intervention improve the vaccine supply chain by pioneer-
in Inhambane. Six districts are already being ing the use of SMS text messages to improve
monitored as part of the scheme (Inharrime, systematic immunization. Vaccine stocks in
Homoine, Morrumbene, Massinga, Mabote rural health centers have fallen from 80-81%;
and Inhassoro) and another six are awaiting the incidence of vaccines not being refrigerat-
action (Zavala, Jangamo, Panda, Funhalouro, ed has decreased from 60-64% and the vacci-
Vilankulo, and Govuro). This plan, financed nation of children aged from 24 to 35 months
by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and has increased from 69% to 95%. Besides being
overseen by Malaria Consortium, leverages more effective, the DLS is also 17% more effi-
mobile technology to support rural areas with cient and has decreased the vaccine cost per
healthcare services. The project involves the child and per dose. Today, DLS serves more
use of APEs (Agentes Polivalentes Elementar- than 400 health centers and a population of
es), who are community health workers select- over 6 million. Margarita Matsinhe was grant-
ed in their own villages to receive healthcare ed the Vaccine Innovation Award in 2013 and
training and, more importantly, technology. named one of the nine worldwide leaders
inSCALE provides APEs with mobile devic- changing the vaccine game by Melinda
es called Commcare that are equipped with Gates in 2014.
a software designed to diagnose and recom- Private companies are also coming up with
mend treatment for malaria, pneumonia, and innovative solutions and investing in technol-
diarrhea through standardized questions and ogy in Mozambique to support rural areas.
answers. Some of the innovative tools in this Jalaludin Sidi, Co-Director at Clinicare told TBY
device include respiratory timers to support about their plans: We are working on a mobile
pneumonia diagnosis. These smart phones are technology project set to become operational
designed to provide immediate feedback and by March 2015. This project includes a mobile
use audio and imaging to improve diagnostic van with generators and special equipment for
support. Thanks to this system, the patients performing X-rays, mammograms, laboratory
data is sent to a server allowing the APE to col- tests, prostate examinations, and checking for
lect key indicators and patient history. Besides, malaria, among other diagnostics. Clinicare is
the devices are connected with Health Centers set to begin with a catchment area of 150km
to improve communication and support with surrounding Maputo and, if successful, plans to
APE supervisors. According to Member of the expand into other provinces.
US House of Representatives, John Doolittle It seems, then, that universal coverage, and
developments in medical technology have not medical technology, is the foundation of
long been confined to procedural or pharma- any effective healthcare system. Cammcare,
ceutical advances, while neglecting a most DLS, and Clinicares mobile van are prime ex-
basic and essential component of medicine: amples of how medical technology should also
patient information management. Besides support this objective of universal coverage.
Health & Education THEBUSINESSYEAR 145


linicare has been
growing over the past
two years and our
aim is to continue that growth.
The intention is to expand our The evolution of health insurance has allowed
clinic in Maputo by a further more access to better treatment, offering diverse
ten treatment rooms because
opportunities to clinics across the country.
our work has been positively
received by both the local and
expatriate sectors. In 2015 we

will also be expanding into the the people that we have, they aputo Private Hospi- in more individuals being able
provinces, specifically to Nam- dont need to go to other places tal is a member of the to be treated at our facility. Pri-
pula in 1Q2015, and then to for certain surgeries and other Lenmed Group of hos- vate patients (not covered by a
Nacala. We are currently final- proceduresthey can have pitals, South Africa. The Lenmed medical care provider) have to
izing details, such as human them carried out here. Over Group was established more pay significant amounts toward
resource requirements, in or- the past three or four years, than 30 years ago, and owns admission deposits, which in
der to move into northern Mo- even the public sector has seven hospitals in South Africa, certain instances result in de-
zambique. Health insurance is been investing in new equip- as well as two international fa- lays during admission to the
becoming a significant market ment and resources which has cilities namely Bokamoso Pri- hospital.
for us because a number of been beneficial for the popu- vate Hospital in Botswana and
larger companies are coming lation, as is competition. The Maputo Private Hospital. This
here to serve their expatriate number of private clinics in is a 105-bed institution, that
clientele. Thanks to the envi- Maputo has increased over the provides all the major clinical
ronment that we provide and past three years. disciplines, supported by state-
of-the-art technology. Some of
JALALUDIN SIDI these disciplines include inter-
nal medicine, general surgery,
Co-Director, Clinicare
anesthesiology, orthopedic sur-
gery, obstetrics and gynecology,
pediatrics, radiology featuring
MRI, CT scans, nursing, ICU,
NICU, casualty (24/7) and four
well-equipped operating rooms.
Supporting the above functions,
we have a modern pharmacy
service. These services are pro-
vided by 16 full-time specialists,
122 nursing staff and a further WYNAND
100 specialist consultants that KLEIJNHANS
make use of our facilities to
see private patients. The pro-
Hospital Director,
liferation of health insurance Maputo Private
in Mozambique has resulted Hospital
Director, Clinica de Sommerschield

he clinic was estab- services, but today competi- are present in several clinics at
lished in 1993 and tion is on the rise, which is a different times whereby we are
has seen growth healthy development. Having effectively an extended family.
since then. We began with a new private clinics in the re- Our business goal, naturally
building in Maputo that we gion is good because if you enough, is to provide patients
have increased in size with need a specific service, lets the best possible treatment.
several new consultation say a scan, several clinics now Our staff has been at the clin-
rooms. In the near future we offer that service. Also, we ic with me for around 20 years
will construct a new building. have an excellent relation- and is extremely adept at doing
The sector is improving. In the ship between the clinics, and this. At this point in time we
beginning, only Cruz Azul and where needed, we utilize each have 140 employees (up from
our own company were offer- others services and technol- 75 in 1993) and 20 beds where
ing good quality private health ogies. Besides, many doctors we offer the best healthcare.

As the country struggles to provide modern education to all in the face

of immense adversity, rising indicators for attendance and gender
equality are pointing the way forward.

Review E D U C AT I O N

MIND Turning to a slightly older demographic12

to 13 years of agethe breakdown of schooling
comes into focus. Again between 1997 and 2008,
Between 1997 and
2008, enrollment
differentials shrank

enrollment differentials shrank from 66.2%
to 51.6%. This improvement of around 15% is
from 66.2% to 51.6%.
overshadowed by the overall low enrollment This improvement
rates in rural regionsimproving from 26.1% to of around 15% is
68.6%. For rural females in the same time peri- overshadowed by the
Educators are up against far more than the od, the rates are encouraging, up from 13.6% to overall low enrollment
countrys macroeconomic indicators would 50%. Even though rates are going up, the drop- rates in rural regions
suggest in their efforts to provide universal qual- out rates that these numbers indicate are dis-
ity education. After 16 years of civil war and the concerting. In 2013, the gross enrollment ratio
improving from 26.1%
incumbent instability, the countrys low levels for secondary education was 27.2% for males, to 68.6%. For rural
of adult education are forcing policy makers and 24.8% for females. Meanwhile, the net en- females in the same
and teachers to rebuild from the ground up rollment rates for males and females were 18.6% time period, the rates
and the task is daunting. Even though the gov- and 18.1% respectively. are encouraging, up
ernment spent 18% of its budget on education
from 13.6% to 50%.
in 2012 or 6.2% of the nominal GDP, only 63% PROGRAMS WORK
of fifth-graders walked, and for 12th graders, The NPS 2008 National Education History
the rate was a meager 7%. But while enrollment Module revealed other impediments to edu-
rates, literacy, and gender balance indicators cational attainment that indicate insufficient
still require close attention, decades of reforms, financial aid for students and supply side
trial, and error are starting to pay off as each year problems. Supply-side problems in this case
brings progressively better results than the last. include insufficient classroom vacancy, lack
While encouraging signals are emerging from of schooling within a reasonable distance, lack
the education sector, an unflinching analysis of of age-level appropriate studies, shuttered
the most recent data shows that problems like schools, no teachers, unmotivated teachers,
gender imbalance and low completion rates will and lack of books. High cost includes school
require more than more just funding to fix. Ac- fees, and the costs of uniforms and materials.
cording to the BTI country report, completion In the decade between 1999 and 2008, around
rates are falling in the upper levels of education. 12% of respondents consistently cited supply
In secondary schooling, only 7% of students side problems as the reason for not attending,
will complete 12th grade. The country report or dropping out of school. Higher Education
accredits this to a low quality of teaching, and High costs polled at above 10% dipped to Enrollment
teacher absenteeism is also cited as a contribu- 5.1% in 2004, and remained stable for the re- Source: World Bank
tor to the high attrition rate. mainder. This decrease comes in the wake of
several internationally backed programs to 140

ITS A LONG WAY TO THE TOP make education and related materials afford-
What is important however is that educators able. Education programs work. One such 120

have demonstrated their ability to close gaps program backed by the Canadian Department
and enact meaningful reforms in schools across of Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Development 100

the country. The key now is to extend those de- provided more than 30 million textbooks and
velopments into older age categories while im- workbooks to students in primary grades 1 80

proving quality across the board. Dropout rates to 7. It also developed a strong foundation
are high. Comparing urban to rural enrollment for procurement management within the 60

rates for males ages 6-11, the difference by per- Ministry of Education by developing systems
centage was reduced from 14.2% in 1997 to 1.2% and processes that are now integrated in the 40

in 2008. In just over a decade, enrollment levels annual planning and reporting cycles of the
by residential density were brought close to par- Ministry of Education and the Government of 20

ity across the country. That said, education is Mozambique, all in the first phase of the proj-
still more comprehensive, and of higher quality ect. This assistance is annual, and continues to 0

in the south. For females, similar trends are at procure between 14-17 million primary school






play although overall enrollment rates are still textbooks, workbooks, and teachers manuals
far behind those for males. every year. Total Enrollment Private Enrollment
Health & Education THEBUSINESSYEAR 147

The third major impediment, which consis- lic ones by a ratio of 26 to 18, and the collective
tently deflates enrollment by around 12%, is enrollment of all universities in the country was
defection to the workforce. Even among 8-year over 123,779 (some universities did not provide
olds, attrition is at 9.2%, and the rate goes up data on enrollment). Other metrics improved
with age, peaking at 14, at which point 22.5% of alongside total enrollment. Between 2003 and
respondents cited labor issues as their reason 2012, female enrollment rose from 32% to 40%,
for dropping out of, or not attending school. But indicating that the fight for gender equality in
with a per-capita GDP of $605.03 in 2013, many higher education is paying off. Graduation as
families simply cannot afford to educate their a percentage of enrollment is also up from 4%
children when even a few extra dollars represent in 2003 to 9.1% in 2012. In all areas, universities
a significant addition to household income, and exhibit significant room for improvement, but
the cost of attendance is a budgetary obstacle. without accounting for the monumental im-
pediments to growth, it is easy to discount the
HUGO BOL HITTING BACK significance of these gains.
While only a small percentage of Mozambicans In 2000, the first Higher Education Strategic
CEO, Rumos make it as far as higher education, the success- Plan 2000-2010 was implemented under the
Moambique ful few can avail themselves of a growing num- auspices of the newly formed Ministry of Higher
ber of institutions where educational standards Education, Science, and Technology (MHEST).
are improving yearly. In fact, when Mozam- However, by 2005 MHEST was shuttered, and
Our dedication to the bique gained its independence in 1975, 93% of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MST)
the population lacked an education, and at the took over science and technology, leaving high-
development of training
countrys sole university, the Eduardo Mond- er education under the auspices of the Ministry
as an incrementing tool lane University (EMU) many lecturers had to of Education. Recognizing the need to empha-
of competitiveness in be hired from abroad. Meanwhile, the state size science and technology, the government
organizations has made launched massive literacy campaigns in con- approved the science policy in 2003 and by 2006
us experts in the training junction with hefty investment in primary and had laid out the National Strategy for Science
and technical certification secondary education. Although this campaign and Technology. These developments laid the
has suffered setbacks, decades of hard work are foundation for a regulatory framework condu-
market. We clarify any paying off as students who navigate the entirety cive to building a STEM intensive didactic agen-
and all questions during of the educational system go on to become the da that was calibrated to the countrys develop-
the framing stage of any leaders of Mozambiques emerging economy. ment priorities.
training action, leading Prior to 2000, the higher-education system This focus on increasing human capacity in
the customers to what was plagued by bureaucratic inefficiency and the science and technology fields has been bol-
best suits their needs. lack of funding. Outdated curricula ensured stered by a slew of scholarships that have been
that those students who graduated were ill-pre- rolled out over the last decade. In addition to
After each course, pared for the market realities. Institutional re- promoting the countrys most promising schol-
through the Post-training form, starting in 1993 paved the way for private ars, these financial incentives reduce the finan-
support service, Rumos institutions to operate and in doing so, created cial barriers to education. Currently, through
accompanies each trainee more openings while fostering a competitive the Institute for Scholarship, around 3,000 stu-
free of charge during the environment wherein poorly-run schools were dents benefit from scholarships of which 33.7%
forced to compete with their more successful are funded by the MHEST. About 80% of the
six months after attending
counterparts. In 1995 there were no private uni- beneficiaries hail from households that earn
the sessions, so that any versities, and a total of four public universities less that $270 per month, and of these students
doubts that arose can be served 6,890 students. Almost two decades later 39% are female, and 42% are enrolled in science,
immediately resolved. in 2012, private universities outnumbered pub- engineering, and health related programs.


TBY talks to Jorge Ferro, Minister of Education and Human
Development, on facilitating social advancement through effective
educationand valuing the teacher.

What are the main challenges for the Ministry of

Education and Human Development for the next
five years?
We are tasked with nothing less than build-
ing a country. There can be no development
without universal education and a collabo-
ration between between those who know
how to think and those who know what to
do. In this light, we cannot lightly accept
BIO the reality that there are not enough schools
for those who want to study. We are short of
Born in the province of classrooms, equipment and learning materi-
Nampula, Jorge Ferro als, which must be remedied. Our teachers,
graduated in International who are the basis of society and of a future
Relations and Diplomacy based on knowledge, tolerance, respect, and
at ISRI in Mozambique, development, need to see their professional
completed a Masters careers recognized as being among the core
degree in Public Policy at professions in civil society. We need also new intake of teachers, as well as those with
the University of Zimbabwe to guarantee the effective management of experience, come fully to grips with the basics
- SARPS and earned his schools, and the active intervention of par- of both teaching and nurturing children.
PhD at the Federal Rural ents. Our ambition is to launch the Club of
University of Rio de Janeiro, the Friends of Education and invite entities How would you describe the existing education in-
UFRRJ in Brazil. Both a such as companies, banks, artists, and reli- frastructure in Mozambique and what investments
writer and broadcaster, gious organizations to contribute to the de- are necessary to fulfill your medium term goals?
Ferro is currently Rector
velopment of basic and high schooling, in a As in many countries, infrastructure inevita-
of the University Lrio
concept that we call Solidary Education. bly has its shortfalls. Yet the idea is simple;
(UniLrio) in Nampula,
Mozambique. In 2011 he There is no progress while our children are to build more schools, be better equipped,
assumed the position of unable to read, write, and express themselves and provide students a nurturing environ-
President of the Association effectively. ment conducive to development and growth.
of Portuguese Speaking In 2015, we will integrate more than 8,000
Universities (AULP) How do you expect the literacy ratio in Mozam- new teachers into the school system. Senior
and is a member of the bique to evolve? teachers have the responsibility of adminis-
Executive Committee of the Literacy can be achieved by providing ade- tering, controlling, and implementing policy
Association of Universities quate resources to schools and by galvanizing stipulated by the Ministry, with the support of
of Southern Africa (SARUA). society to comprehend the value of education. Provincial Directors. This year has commenced
A recipient of both national We still have a high illiteracy rate, but it is des- with the de-centralization of budgets and real-
and international awards, tined to drop. The previous government had location of some of these to schools. This will
in 2012 he was named the goal of helping 1 million people into liter- enable schools to establish the necessary au-
Personality of the Year in acy, and the milestone was almost achieved. tonomy to establish basic operational princi-
Mozambique. Once again, this is a responsibility that be- ples. We will rigorously and effectively control
longs to us all. This year we will ensure that the the resources for maximum effectiveness.
Health & Education THEBUSINESSYEAR 149

How would you characterize the significance of fectly clear. We welcome investments in
education and human development to ensure schools to develop professional education,
long-term good governance and political stability? universities, and research centers that want
Governance and politics require qualified pro- to focus on the disciplines of natural scienc-
fessionals to implement policies and create an es and engineering, mainly in the emerging
environment of confidence that is credible to areas of oil and gas. We also want to focus
investors. Companies, government, univer- on the first few years of childhood and in
sities, and schools reflect the quality of their the special schooling for students with spe-
human resources, and it is easy to see why hu- cial requirements. It is necessary to under-
man capital is the engine of an organization. In stand Mozambiques reality and to evaluate
Mozambique, there is a lack of skilled people the need for relevant investment, although I
across many fields, but especially in the areas
of engineering and the sciences, and we require
would say that there are plenty of opportuni-
ties for investment.
an urgent closing of this gap. While the majority Ministry of
of the developed countries have a plan for pro- What are the main objectives you would like to Education
fessional teaching, in Mozambique we still face achieve during your tenure? and Human
an insufficient number of skilled professionals. I would like to see a reduction in the number
We need policies that focus on the planning of students who abandon education, thereby
and investment in skilled labor in the long-term turning their back on the development of their
or in other words a planned investment in edu- country and of greater freedom. It is also im-
cation. The educational system should provide portant to make schooling more appealing to Over
an opportunity for people to become fuller citi- youth by exploring the local curriculum and in-
zens to the benefit of the nation at large. stilling the importance of a solid education. We
also want to underline the dignity of teaching 8,000
What are the main investment opportunities in the as a career, as a fundamentally important sta- new teachers to be
education sector for foreign investors? tus within society, and to promote the idea of instated in 2015
The pitfalls of the education system are per- thinking, rationalizing, and doing.


TBY talks to Joo Leopoldo da Costa, Rector of the Instituto Superior de

Cincias e Tecnologia de Moambique (ISCTEM), on creating links for
work experience, the socioeconomic development of the country, and the
development of new courses.

How would you describe the cessful lawyers for more than have signed an MoU with the
evolution of your university over The Instituto 14 years. Currently we have a Council of Maputo to allow
the past 18 years? PhD course in Law that was our health students to go free-
ISCTEM was launched 18 Superior de developed together with the ly to visit families.
years ago, in 1996. We start-
ed with four courses with
Cincias e University of Lisbon in Por-
tugal. We have a Biomedical What are the objectives of the
less than 200 students at that Tecnologia de Science School, which offers university for 2015?
time. Today, we have around
16 courses, Masters and PhD
Moambique courses in Pharmacy, Den-
tistry, and Medicine. We also
My target is to make the Ge-
ology and Mines Engineering,
programs, as well as short- (ISCTEM) have a course of Social Scienc- Petroleum Gas program, and
term courses across diverse es and an ISCTEM Business the Biomedical Science School
fields. Our main focus is on
Pioneers in School that offers courses in more robust. The other chal-
courses that correspond to Mozambique for Companies Management, In- lenge we have is to open two
the needs of the market, based surance, Marketing, Tourism more post-graduate programs,
on which we develop our pro-
petroleum gas Management, Human Re- one PhD in Public Health and
grams. Mozambique is expe- management source Management, and Ap- another MSc in Nutrition and
riencing growth in the indus- plied Management. They are Food Security.
tries of petroleum, gas, coal, Masters designed as a matrix that fa-
and other main areas in which programs cilitates exchange of contents
international companies are among the various programs.
interested. It is important
that, locally, we have the ca- What role are universities play-
pacity to take part in related ing in the country for socioeco-
projects by training local staff. nomic development? Joo Leopoldo da Costa
Our institution pioneered in the optimum balance of aca- The universities might have studied Medicine at
petroleum gas management demics and scientists that are the critical mass that could Universidade Eduardo
Masters programs in Mozam- interested in this. Locally, we produce very independent Mondlane. He holds a
bique. In the future, we will are also in a process of discuss- thinking. But thinking is not Masters degree in Public
offer other courses on this. ing and involving the National enough; we need to act. It is Health from London
We are in contact with some Institute of Petroleum. Fur- important that companies University and a PhD from
universities all over the world thermore, I see the university and society at large also take Universitat Autnoma de
to create programs that can as a universal area of debate, part in such debates. How- Barcelona, Spain. He has
been the Rector of ISCTEM
be taught by local and inter- and the sciences, after all, are ever, the university holds
since July 2004. Previously
national teachers in this field. universal. We need to involve the principle responsibility
he was Vice-Dean for
We have academic staff com- more brains, skills, and vision in terms of doing research Research and Extension
ing on board to offer programs to improve our offering. As I to see what the market lacks at the faculty of medicine
on informatics engineering, mentioned earlier, we were and bringing about scientif- at Universidade Eduardo
pharmacy, dentistry, and even also the pioneer of courses ic solutions. Universities can Mondlane. He is member
for this course on petroleum in Dentistry and Pharmacy, empower people and teach of the European Club of
gas management that we re- where originally most of our them to deal with problems. Rectors and was formerly
cently opened. I am aware of partners were from Portugal. Universities should encour- public heath consultant for
the need to reinforce the staff We forged links with compa- age people to play a role. The international organizations.
body by bringing on board nies offering internships to main barrier to that is ade- He served as a doctor
other schools that already our students and to also can- quate facilities, which require for more than 25 years
have a history of working in vass their thoughts on gaps in investment. The ISCTEM also and spent seven years in
key fields. We started with a educational provision that we supports the socioeconomic rural areas. He was also
preliminary approach to Can- could fill. We have a school of development of the coun- Provincial Director of Health
ada, India, and Brazil and will Architecture and one of Law try by collaborating with the in Niassa and Maputo.
move forward until we create that has been producing suc- government. For example, we
Health & Education THEBUSINESSYEAR 151


the grade
TBY talks to Loureno do Rosrio, Rector
of Universidade Politcnica, on women in
education, distance learning, and the difference ROSNIA
between private and public institutions. PEREIRA DA
How has Universidade Politcni- not otherwise have the fi- have internationalized our SILVA
ca evolved during its 20 years in nancial means to study. This teaching staff and post-grad- Executive Director,
education? movement has borne fruit in uate component. We have
Universidade Politcnica ben- that many women have sub- agreements with PUC-Minas
efited from the 1993 law per- sequently assumed high po- in Brazil, the Federal Univer- Universitria para
mitting private sector entities sitions in international com- sity of Minas Gerais in Brazil, Desenvolvimento
to enter the higher education panies. the Federal Fluminense Uni- da Educao
sector, which came into effect versity in Brazil, PUC-Rio in
on September 13th, 1995. Our To what extent is the universi- Brazil, the Lisbon University (FUNDE)
first intake was 165 students, ty leveraging ICT to extend its Institute (ISCTE) in Portugal,
and initially we did not have services beyond the tradition- the University of Coimbra What motivated the creation of
our own building, but part- al lecture hall through online in Portugal, the University FUNDE?
nered with LAM, where we learning? of Groningen in the Nether- The Universidade Politcnica is
would made five scholarships The national energy deficit lands, and the University of a private university, and we did
available in exchange for use has curbed the uptake of on- Lecce in Italy. With these uni- not have the support of donor
of their building. Today, our line technology and distance versities we have established partners. As a private institu-
student body exceeds 7,000. learning. We made an agree- graduation, exchange, and tion we were taxed heavily. As
Over the past 20 years, we ment with UNIUBE, the Uni- Masters and PhD programs. a consequence, we decided
have expanded geographical- versity of Uberaba in Brazil As part of the arrangement to create FUNDE to provide
ly from Maputo to Zambezia, that specializes in enabling graduates become qualified extension courses and activities
Quelimane, Nampula, Naca- distance learning in its home from both institutions. We that supported the development
la, Tete, and Xai Xai. We also country, covering remote ar- have also hosted prominent of education in the country. Our
have a distance-learning pro- eas such as Amazonas and figures on special occasions motto is Educate to Develop.
gram. In 2004, we opened the Mato Grosso. Rather than on- to address our institution. We believe in the principle that
first blocks of the 14,000sqm line education, it relies on dis- Among those figures are Fer- only with well-trained people will
university, which feature two tance learning through clas- nando Henrique Cardoso, effective development take place.
blocks for graduate programs, sic media such as telephony, former President of Brazil Our focus is on empowering
a rectory, a block housing the printed materials, and strate- and former Portuguese Prime communities so that they can be
central library and our Foun- gically-located teachers. We Minister Antonio Gutierrez. a part of the countrys develop-
dation (FUNDE), a block for have relied on these methods ment and can work to improve
the Mozambique Business since starting our program in their own living conditions.
School, one for the profes- 2007. Last year, 800 students
sional technical education entered this program, where- To what extent are public-pri-
and general secondary edu- by distance learning accounts BIO vate partnerships important for
cation, one housing the gym, for roughly 10% to 11% of our FUNDE?
and another housing the stu- overall student body. We have established a partner-
Loureno do Rosrio
dent leisure club. was born in Marromeu, ship with the city council to run
What are the most important in- in the Sofala province of five public schools, at no cost to
How is the role of women chang- ternational partnerships of Uni- Mozambique. He graduated the government. We are currently
ing in the education system? versidade Politcnica and what in Portuguese and French managing just one school, Escola
Most of our programs have strategies do you pursue to in- Arts, and subsequently Primaria 25 de Junho, but our
more women than men, and crease cooperation with other completed his PhD in goal is to manage five institu-
indeed, former President institutions? Literature at University of tions. We have partnered with
Guebuzas daughters studied International partnerships Coimbra in Portugal. Before construction companies for the
at our institution. There is a have always been our initial returning to Mozambique, rehabilitation of the school and
movement to promote high- strategy. As national pioneers he worked for 12 years organized auctions and fundrais-
er education among women, in private education we need- at Universidade Nova de ing events. In addition, we are
and a number of corporations ed a solid strategy, taking in- Lisboa. He is Rector of working with CDN and Vale on
also provide higher education spiration from other univer- Universidade Politcnica. the resettlement of families in
for gifted women who would sities abroad. This is why we Nampula.


Private higher education institutions play a key
role in educating the countrys workforce and are
increasingly attracting international students.

ast year we approved a new vision and a new mission for
the university, which is to have a greater focus on research.
That means that research will be the basis of all our activ-
ities in terms of training our students. We expect that our research
results will be used to improve our lectures. In order to build a re-
search university, it requires a lot of investment, particularly for the
training of lecturers. We expect to train people as much as possible to
the Masters and PhD level so they can participate more in the uni-
versitys growth and development. Our university has the most inter-
national students in the country. They want to come here because
we are among the best in Africa. Because of our ranking in the region
and the world, we are getting many foreign students, traditional-
ly from lusophone nations, but also increasingly from other source Rector, Instituto Superior de Transportes e
countries. We are working on developing our relationships with the Comunicaes (ISUTC)
private sector, but not enough people recognize how we can help pri-

vate business. The examples that we have with petroleum companies e decided from the outset that ISUTC (Instituto Superior
like Anadarko show that this can be fruitful. Maputo Port is also an de Transportes e Comunicaes) would begin by concen-
impressive example. trating on engineering and technology. Of course that was
a problem because most high school graduates do not tend to favor
ORLANDO A. physics and mathematics, which is why after ten years we still did
not have more than 400 students. We decided to be a more aggres-
QUILAMBO sive in organizing a range of training sessions in these areas. And
Rector, once the post-graduate degree courses began, our schools name
Universidade became more well-known to the extent that over the past four years,
we have more than doubled the student body. The relationship with
Eduardo the private sector is excellent, and we are already on the second of
Mondlane our courses with Vale due to the success of the first. I know that Vale
(UEM) is keen to increase the professional training of its workers, and even
if professional training is not our core activity, we are pleased at
the prospect of entering this area. Meanwhile, we work extensively
with the National Roads Administration (ANE). I organized the citys
courses in the field of maintenance two years ago, and welcomed
around 100 participants from the ANE.
Health & Education THEBUSINESSYEAR 153



Director, American
International School of
As more and more foreign workers flock to Mozambique, there is a
Mozambique (AISM)
growing demand for internationally recognized schools.
Much of our strategic plan
has been accomplished
over the past couple of
years. Our boards of
directors are elected
from amongst our parent
MAPUTO HAS numerous options offering ship program for Mozambican students who
a combination of national, French, English otherwise would not be able to enter second- bodya high number of
and American curricula. But it is not just the ary school. expatriates along with
capital doing so. Other cities have followed The French International School (EFM) about 20% Mozambican
the trend. One Mozambican-born interna- was established in 1979. An initiative of par- parents. Our financial
tional school even managed to spread its ents concerned regarding the education of model was developed
wings abroad. their children, the EFM first started in a small
Founded in Maputo in 1998 by Anil and garage for just a handful of pupils. Today,
to help us plan our
Roshni Melwani, the rise of the Young Gemy- the school has over 400 students from some growth and expansion
nds International School is nothing short of a 36 countries. Fees vary from some $3,000 in in terms of anticipated
success story. Having started as a kindergar- the early stages up to $7,000 in Grade 12. The student enrollment and
ten in the capital city with only four teach- school is strictly bilingual (English-French), the revenue that will be
ers and eight students, the school today has even in the early schooling stage, while Por-
generated, taking into
a staff of 32 offering early schooling, primary tuguese is taught as a foreign language. In-
and secondary education to over 300 stu- ternational language certifications in Portu- account our expenses,
dents. Young Gemynds follows the American guese, English, Spanish, German and French particularly salaries.
Calvert Curriculum for the pre-primary and are available.
primary levels and the Cambridge Curricu- Founded in 1975, the Maputo Internation-
lum for the secondary level. al School (MIS) is the oldest such institution ELISABETH
But Young Gemynds has expanded its hori- in the capital. It offers pre-school education CHAVES
zons well beyond Maputo. In 2001, a branch based on the British National Curriculum
opened in Beira, Mozambiques second larg- Early Years Program to children from age 3
Director, Ecole
est city, which today has over 100 students to 5, while in the later stages up to Grade 13 franaise de Maputo
guided by seven trained teachers and eight students prepare for exams conform the Cam- (EFM)
support staff. Other branches were opened to bridge International Examinations Board. An-
meet the growing demand for quality school- nual fees vary from some $1,300 in pre-school
ing in cities like Xai-Xai, Chimilo, Nampula to some $3,300 in the higher grades. The EFM was created
and Tete. Meanwhile, the Melwanis have The Willow International School was es- in 1979 by a group of
set their eye on the growing Asian market. tablished in 2003. By 2011, it had over 400 parents keen for their
In 2012, Young Gemynds opened in the students enrolled in both primary and sec- children to study within
fast-growing city of Pune in India, and a year ondary education. Instruction is in English a quality system. They
later a preparatory school was inaugurated in with additional courses in Portuguese, while
BSD City, Indonesia. graduates can earn both Cambridge and na-
were pioneers and
The American International School of tional certificates. Annual tuition fees vary visionaries for the future
Mozambique (AISM) is arguably the most from some $2,900 for early schooling to some with an ambitious project
well-known international school in Mapu- $4,600 in the highest grades. of creating a school
to. It is also, by some margin, the most ex- Finally, the Grandeur International School that today hosts 420
pensive. Annual tuition fees vary from some in Maputo offers the Calvert Curriculum for
students. In 1989 we
$13,000 in Grades 3 and 4 to over $25,000 in toddlers and kids up to Grade 6, while its
Grade 12. Founded in 1990, the AISM is an IB High School Department follows the Cam- got the approval of the
World School offering early learning, primary bridge curriculum. As said previously, Ma- French Ministry of National
school, middle school and high school, pro- puto is not the only city offering interna- Education, which ensures
viding US-style college preparatory courses. tional schooling. For example, a number of that the educational
It has over 60 classrooms, state-of-the-art concerned parents in Chimoio in the heart of system follows the French
sport facilities, and an auditorium for music, the country established the Chimoio Interna-
educational program.
dance and drama. In 2014, some 575 students tional School (CIS). Long story short, people
representing nearly 40 nationalities were en- planning to move to Mozambique need not This means that students
rolled. As most international schools in the to worry about being able to offer their chil- diplomas are recognized by
country, the AISM offers a special scholar- dren a proper education. France.



Lago Cahorra Bassa









159 162 164

Silva Dunduro, Minister Hiuane Abacar, General Director MICE and business tourism
of Culture and Tourism of of the Mozambique Tourism remain key segments within the
Mozambique, on strategies for Authority, on promoting the industry, while development
attracting visitors. industry internationally. will rely on future investment.


The government is working with international organizations to develop a

strategy to help the tourism sector continue on its growth path well into
the next decade.

ocated on the In- to increase by 4% in 2014.
dian Ocean with According to the WTTCs
a 2,700km coast- forecast, tourisms direct
line, Mozambique contribution to GDP will
is coming into its own as then rise 6.1% per annum
top tourism destination in until it reaches an estimat-
Africa. With the dark days ed $0.72 billion, or 2.7% of
of the civil war drifting into GDP, in 2024. The share of
distant memory, tourists are GDP is not expected to rise
flocking to the country to significantly because of the
create lasting experiences major gas fields that will
on the countrys sandy white come online in that period.
beaches, vast open safaris The total value of the tour-
full of flora and fauna, and isms direct contribution
traditional African culture. to GDP will nearly double;
The government is looking however, the vast amount
to capitalize on the countrys of money generated by gas
current economic and polit- will reduce the sectors share
ical stability and use that to of GDP. Tourism and trav-
develop a sustainable and el total direct and indirect
solid foundation for its tour- contribution was somewhat
ism sector. The government higher accounting for 7.6%
also realizes the benefits a of GDP, or $0.89 billion, in
thriving tourism sector can 2013 according to the WTTC.
providing, such as more for- In 2014, total GDP contribu-
eign currencies entering the tion from tourism is expect-
country, job creation, and ed to rise by 4.4% and then
increased FDI. a further 6.1% per annum
Image: ILRI
According to the latest sta- until 2024, when it will have
tistics by the World Travel almost doubled at $1.68 bil-
& Tourism Council (WTTC), lion or 6.4% of GDP. These
tourism and travel directly Mozambique is looking to establish impressive growth figures
contributed $0.38 billion to place Mozambique 25th in
GDP, which accounted for itself as one of the heavyweights of long-term growth forecasts
3.2%, which is also expected African tourism. globally according to WTTC.


In terms of employment, the sector cant Contribution
compete with the likes of agriculture; how- Source: WTTC
ever, it will still support a significant number
of the population. In 2013, tourism and trav-
el directly employed 273,000, a figure that is
expected to rise by 1.6% over 2014, and then
by 2.4% per annum until 2024, when the sec-
tor will have 352,000 people in employment
accounting for 2.3% of the total workforce.
If you take into account direct and indirect
jobs, then this number is somewhat larg-
er accounting for 718,000 jobs in 2013 and
represents 6.4% of the total workforce. Over
2014, the total amount of workers is forecast
to rise by 1% over 2014, to 725,000, and then
Direct 42.7%
by 2.1% per annum until 2024 when it will
account for 5.9% of the total workforce or Indirect 15.6%
891,000 jobs. Along with job creation, anoth- Induced 41.8%
er important part of the sector is investment,
which in 2013 attracted $0.15 billion or 5.8%
of total investment in the country. This figure
is expected to rise by 4.7% over 2014 and then
by an approximate 3% over the following 10
years to 2024 to $0.21 billion or 3.7% of the
total investment in the country. This invest-
ment largely reflects the activities of hotels,
travel agents, airlines, and other passenger
transportation companies, as well as restau-
rants and leisure industries directly support-
ed by tourism.
In 2013, 2.17 million tourists travelled to
Mozambique and spent $0.24 billion; howev-
er, the number of visitors is expected to fall
slightly in 2014 by 1.2% to 2.14 million. But this
is not seen as a problem by the WTTC, which
predicts that the figure will rise to 3.2 million
Image: Nuno Ibra Remane by 2024, with those visitors spending an esti-
mated $0.35 billion while in the country.

President, Federaao Moambicana de Turismo e Hotelaria (FEMOTUR)
What is the structure of the Federation in the to introduce related laws and procedures that would
country? make the sector more viable. We have built the infra-
We founded the Federation as the best way of structure, hotels, lodges, and resorts, but we cannot
structuring the private business sector on the build the roads or put the electricity there. We have to
tourism front. The Federation is composed of the develop and come together with the communities and
provincial associations of Tourism and Hoteliery teach them that tourism is a profitable enterprise. We
plus other associations such as AVITUM, which also need to create a clear brand to promote system-
is the tour operators and travel agents national atically, nationally, and internationally.
association, AMOS, which is the Association of
Mozambican Safari Operators, which deal with the What is your assessment of tourism sector
bush and safaris, and ANAT, which is Associaao growth over the past five years?
National de Animadores Tursticos. It has been steady, but unfortunately, rather
uneventful. Tourism is a global business where you
What should be done by the Federation, and the first compete with your neighbor, and only then
government, to promote the image of the country globally. Tourism should, therefore, be a fixture on
abroad? the broader national agenda. All of us are agents
We are doing our part as the private sector, and are of tourism, from airports, to immigration, customs,
in close contact with the government, which has yet and public transport infrastructure.

GOING FORWARD Along with job creation, another

The tourism sector in Mozambique is on the important part of the sector is
right path; however, a number of regional investment, which in 2013 attracted
neighbors have well-established sectors and
the country must find ways to distinguish
$0.15 billion or 5.8% of total
itself not just from its neighbors, but also investment in the country.
globally. To become a competitive tourism
sector, Mozambique neednt look far, as it is Business Vs Leisure
full of natural bounty and cultural tradition. Contribution to GDP
Before the civil war, the country was a well- Source: WTTC ism sector and looks to set the mood for the
known tourist destination; however, years of following decade, just like its predecessor.
war ravaged the sectors infrastructure mak- The new project was officially launched in
ing it difficult for tourists to access areas of May, and the UNWTO sent a team of domes-
cultural importance. Now, numerous groups tic and international members to the coun-
and initiatives are working to rebuild this in- try to head the project. The team will work
frastructure, such as the Joint Programme for in close collaboration with the government
Strengthening Cultural and Creative Indus- and the ministries, as well as key stakeholders
tries and Inclusive Policies. The project was in the tourism sector throughout the coun-
funded by the Spanish Millennium Devel- try. Like its predecessor, the main aim of
opment Goals Achievement Fund (MDG-F), the project is to help develop a documented
and involved help from UNESCO, ITC, ILO, tourism strategy for the Ministry of Tourism,
FAO, UNHCR, and UNFPA. The main aim of which will hopefully act as a catalyst for rap-
the project was to promote cultural tourism id growth and job creation. Some of the key
Leisure 55.7%
by allowing tourists to embrace the people areas that the strategy will focus on is the in-
Business 44.3%
of Mozambique and their history, tradition- stitutional development of the sector, mar-
al practices, dances, music, art, craft, archi- keting and branding, business development,
tecture, religious belief, and other defining Domestic Vs Foreign land use planning, human resources devel-
elements of life in Mozambique. Led by UN- Contribution to GDP opment, hospitality quality, and sustainable
ESCO, ITC, and ILO in partnership with the Source: WTTC tourism development, especially in protected
Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Industry, and and sensitive areas.
Trade, as well as local municipalities, the Many international organizations are
group provided technical assistance for the working to help the government of Mozam-
development of cultural tours in the country. bique set out strategies to develop its tourism
The tours help integrate local entrepreneurs sector. The country possesses thousands of
and communities into the value chain, re- kilometers of beaches, a rich biodiversity of
duce poverty, and foster the creative arts and wildlife, and a long cultural tradition, all of
industries. which will be key to attracting more tourists.
In 2014, following on the success of the Along with developing a marketing strategy,
2003 to 2014 tourism development strategy, the sector will also look to boost its infrastruc-
the UNWTO in partnership with the Minis- ture, due to a number of years of neglect and
try of Tourism, Culture, Industry, and Trade destruction. Analysis by the WTTC suggests
helped prepare a new Strategic Tourism De- that the sector is set to continue on its growth
velopment Plan for Mozambique. This is the Foreign Visitor Spending 36.6% path, increasing the sector's contribution to
countrys second strategic plan for the tour- Domestic Spending 63.4% GDP over the next decade.


for landing
TBY talks to Silva Dunduro, Minister of Culture and Tourism of
Mozambique, on expanding the remit of the Ministry, key strategies
for attracting visitors, and improving air connections with the
region and beyond.

Culture in Mozambique now falls under the remit hotel and tourism sectors, and focus on devel-
of the Ministry of Tourism. How are you taking ad- oping opportunities for young professionals
vantage of this opportunity? and women in an attempt to stimulate local
Mozambique is blessed with incredibly di- tourism. In addition, we will have to create
verse natural resources, and levels of conser- hotel-schools to ensure the improvement of
vation rank among the best in the region, of- service quality and to enable the growth of the BIO
fering the country great potential as a tourism business environment. We must also incen-
destination. tivize the growth of air connections, an area
Silva Dunduro, born in
The impressive cultural background of the that is still considered a serious barrier to the
the Buzi district of Sofala
country presents another element of differ- development of tourism on the African conti- Province, has worked in
entiation, and when combined with the un- nent, given the limited choice of connections the public sector since
matched hospitality of the Mozambican peo- between regional countries. In addition, we 1987, assuming the
ple and the combination of tropical beach have to enhance the financial system through position of Minister of
tourism along the countrys immense coast of an integrated platform that will enable the Culture and Tourism in
approximately 2,700km, make Mozambique a monitoring of foreign payments in tourism January 2015. He holds
unique choice. The promotion of the cultural transactions. Overall, we need to do a better a Bachelors Degree in
practices and knowledge of the national com- job of integrating the numerous contributing Geography Teaching
munities will also be reinforced by the fusion elements of the sector, creating better condi- from the Universidade
of culture and tourism under the same minis- tions for the industry to flourish and provide Pedaggica in Beira, and
try. Mozambique has a privileged location and more jobs. Furthermore, the sector requires also studied Graphic Arts
a diversified climate makes the country attrac- fuller commercialization, by promoting arts at the Escola Nacional de
tive. In addition to this, borders shared with and culture as an integral part of the national Artes Visuais of Maputo.
Tanzania, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Malawi, touristic offering, and by instituting a tax for In 2010, he concluded his
Masters Degree in Cultural
and Zambia mean that it is a well-connected the promotion and development of tourism.
Assets and Social Projects,
nation. The diversity of touristic attractions,
through a postgraduate
from beaches and conservation areas to cul- What is your assessment of the tourism sectors program in history, politics,
ture and history combines to attract a broad contribution to GDP? and cultural assets at the
spectrum of tourists. Good hospitality and The performance of the tourism sector in Mo- Fundao Getlio Vargas
security are also factors which make Mozam- zambique is measured through the analysis in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
bique a strong choice as a tourism destination. of the performance of key indicators such as as a Ford Foundation
international arrivals, revenue from inter- scholarship recipient. He is a
What are the key strategies being implemented national tourism, the volume of investment, co-writer of the biography of
over the coming five years to promote the tourism and national bed capacity. Between 2010 and Mozambican national hero
industry in Mozambique? 2014, these indicators registered some growth Lus Joaquim Jos Marra,
We have to incentivize the creation of basic as the result of the diffusion and promotion and is also an exhibited
infrastructure to support the tourism indus- of investment opportunities and the identifi- painter, both within and
try, particularly airports, border control posts, cation of tourism zones, as well as because of beyond Mozambique. He is
roads, and energy, water, and telecommuni- concessions for gambling activities in casinos also a founding member and
cations utilities. We will also invest in the nec- and the overall development of the business director of Casa do Artista.
essary human resources, particularly in the environment and the national tourism offer-

Mozambique provides ample

opportunities to explore its
coastal wonders Image: Stig Nygaard

ing. In order for us to be able to understand also mention developments in Tete and Cabo
the tourism sectors real contribution to the Delgado at Pemba Beach. Tourism
countrys GDP, the tourism satellite account
was created by the World Tourism Organiza- How would you describe the significance of the contributes 5.6%
tion (UNWTO) to measure the real contribu- touristic sector as a catalyst for employment cre- to GDP
tion of tourism to GDP. Mozambique has had ation and socioeconomic growth?
an experimental satellite account since 2013, The government of Mozambique has defined Definitive
and we expect to have a definitive one in place
by 2016. We are working in collaboration with
tourism as one of the strategic sectors that will
contribute to socio-economic development.
UNTWO Tourism
the National Statistics Institute to achieve this The sector requires the utilization of skilled Satellite Account
objective. We estimate the contribution of
tourism to GDP at around 5.6%. Our Nation-
and un-skilled labor, representing an excellent
opportunity for the rapid creation of numer-
to be in place by
al Accounts only take the revenue generated ous direct and indirect positions, subsequent- 2016
by hotels and restaurants into consideration ly contributing to poverty alleviation and in-
when assessing the sectors contribution to creased wealth.
the economy.
What is your strategy for collaboration with Min-
How would you describe the potential of MICE istry of Transport and Communication to increase
tourism in the country? the number of locally operating airlines?
Any countrys visibility lies in its culture and The connectivity issue not only affects Mo-
in the efforts of the government to promote it. zambique, but is also felt by other countries,
Mozambique remains an unexplored market, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. The im-
but nevertheless real estate for the tourism provement of air connections is reliant on
sector is being developed effectively, and a political stability, air safety, available airport
five-star development is currently under con- infrastructure, and governmental reforms re-
struction adjacent to the Joaquim Chissano lated to taxation and airline standards. The
International Conference Center, along with sovereignty of our national airspace is also an
several facilities with considerable capacity. issue to be considered. Public-private partner-
There is also a five-star hotel in central Beira ships will play a crucial role in the develop-
called the Golden Peacock, while we should ment of this area.
Bumper years, growth years, record-breaking
years, challenging years. The key players and
their stories are all in The Business Year.

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rooms, with a more attractive
architectural design. We have
based our human resources
strategy on the performance

FIGURES of these hotel schools for the

next four to six years, with the
goal of placing 2,000 to 3,000
professionals per annum in
TBY talks to Hiuane Abacar, General Director of the tourism market.
the Mozambique Tourism Authority (INATUR),
What are the most urgent in-
on promoting the industry internationally, frastructure and transportation
MICE tourism, and improving human resources. projects?
I hope to see the development
of marinas along the coast
What are the key strategies of IN NUMBERS plus. We believe that oil and that could catalyze develop-
INATUR for the coming years gas are secondary to tourism, ments in the cruise business,
to promote the tourism sector in
the Mozambique and this suggests a wonderful as we have 2,700km of coast-
Mozambique? Tourism Authority future to the country. Oil and line. We are working on this
We have selected specific mar- (INATUR) gas are not mass employers, at the moment with a number
kets, and raised the quality of in contrast to tourism, which of European and American
services, promoting our sunny creates many jobs. Leisure cruise companies. Unfortu-
beaches, the diversified and tourism, meanwhile, is not nately, the lingering threat of
rich fauna and flora, historic Tourism contributes confined to the beaches, but Somali pirates dampens the
and cultural experience and with a also entails safari and wildlife process. Another area I would

other Mozambican attrac- experiences. We are opening like to see improvement in is
tions. We are keen to continue many more national parks, the road network, for conve-
our tourism promotion activ- some of which are doing rath- nient access to beaches and
ities in the UK, Portugal (due er well. The world is changing islands. The third required
to GDP
to our historical ties), Ger- its perception of safaris: they improvement is the construc-
many, and China, where we are no longer just about just tion of additional Kapulana
cannot afford to miss such a spotting the Big Five, as peo- Hotel Schools. And moreover,
major market, as well as Spain ple are coming to see local if you want to see mobility in
and South Africa. Doubtless, proposition is the combina- flora and fauna in general. Mozambique, you need to in-
we will be supplementing our tion of beaches, cultural and vest in transport.
efforts with those that target wildlife offerings. Mozam- What is your assessment of
new markets, such as Japan, bique also has a strong histor- human resource quality in the
France, Middle East, India, ical element that includes the tourism sector? What should
Russia, and Brazil, where we Portuguese, Chinese, Dutch, be improved?
attended a travel show in So Arabs, and Bantu tribes. Our We have two elements: mar-
Paulo. In order to do that, we cuisine itself is reminiscent keting and human resource
attend travel shows and host of that of Arabian, Asian and development, as we need to BIO
fact-finding trips for journal- other cultures. Our past is train more local staff in tour-
ists and writers. Meanwhile, also reflected in our dance ism and hospitality manage-
we continue our efforts in the and music. Mozambique is ment skills. Toward this goal, Hiuane Abacar was born
in Ilha de Moambique.
domestic market, by promot- also one of the safest plac- we collaborate with several
He studied in Mozambique
ing Descubra Moambique, es in Southern Africa. Vasco training schools and uni-
at the Instituto
Feira Internacional do Turis- da Gama, when arriving to a versities. We run short-term
Superior de Relaes
mo and the thematic festivals warm welcome, called Mo- courses around the country, Internacionais, and also
across the country. zambique terra da boa gen- in eight provinces. In 2014, studied International
te, which means the land of we were able to train more Marketing in Germany at
What is the contribution of the good people. Centuries ago, than 990 people. We are keen Export-Akademie Baden-
tourism sector to GDP? one of the first African samu- to establish a Kapulana Hotel Wurttenberg. He has been
Tourism contributes 5.6% to rais in Japan was from Mo- schools. At the moment, we General Director of INATUR
GDP, but we are positive that zambique. have small hotels called Hotel since 2013. Previously, he
within five years the figure can Kapulana, and are switching was Economic Counselor in
reach 8% to 9%. How do you characterize the to Kapulana Hotel Schools the UK from 2008 to 2013.
potential of Mozambique for to train staff. In small villag- He has also been National
What are Mozambiques com- MICE tourism? es, finding accommodation Director for Tourism
petitive advantages as a tour- Mozambique has many ho- is not easy. Instead of having Promotion in Mozambique
ism destination? tels, the occupancy rate of 10-14 rooms, the Kapulana for 10 years.
Mozambiques unique selling which is a surprising 70% Hotel School has 46 to 50


With MICE tourism Despite its proximity to one of the worlds pre- ing this segments value chain the report iden-
accounting for the mium tourism destinations, South Africa, Mo- tifies certain obstacles to development. One in
zambique remains in the process of develop- particular is that hotels and other tourism facil-
bulk of Mozambiques ing its tourism offering. And having adopted a ities often face a prohibitively high transaction
tourist arrivals, value chain approach to maximize its returns, cost when importing requisite goods, to which
PowerPoint and coffee MICE Tourism (Meetings, Incentives, Con- may be added high taxation, and a dearth of,
breaks have become ferences and Exhibitions), is today a growing reliable local suppliers, and high variability
business. A cornucopia of wildlife and 2,700km in import processing and delivery times [while]
a vital contributor to of coastline doesnt hurt the proposition either. hotels also report very high costs of self-gener-
sector development. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) ated electricity, poor quality water, and diffi-
report Global Report on the Meetings Industry culty with documenting non-taxable expenses.
(2014) underlined the fundamentally signifi- Put together, these factors undermine opera-
cant advantages for a nation establishing itself tional competitiveness of hotels in Maputo.
as a MICE destination. Accordingly, meetings
in themselves represent a prime business op- ENTER THE DRAGON
portunity with a knock-on effect on other local The abovementioned difficulties notwith-
businesses. standing, conference centers have been erect-
MICE tourism, then, promotes investment, ed to capitalize on team-building jaunts from
trade, communications, and technology, also South African businesses. The Joaquim Chis-
bringing education and professional devel- sano International Conference Centre (JCICC)
opment to the local community, creating em- is located on the coast in Maputo City. Among
ployment and retaining the workforce. More- its amenities is its 1,000 capacity Grand Plena-
over, as a clean industry it fosters values of ry Hall. It also offers a prime stepping stone for
environmental sustainability and quality, even pre- and post-conference tours. Chinese inves-
though, and perhaps because MICE tourists tors have been keen to tap into Mozambiques
are at the high end of the visitor spectrum. And budding economy, building a 2,000 capacity
as well as building the local community profile, multifunctional conference center. Chinese
they disseminate information about the host group Anhui Foreign Economic Construction
nation abroad. Corp (AFECC) is set to add a landmark com-
Quessanias J. Matsombe, President of Fed- ponent to the countrys tourism infrastructure
eraao Moambicana de Turismo e Hotelar- on an estimated investment of $250 million, in
ia (FEMOTUR) identifies the need to narrow a public-private partnership (PPP) funded by
down the focus, despite the wider tourism po- Chinese investors. The scheme includes a five-
tential the nation offers in order to establish a star hotel with 290 rooms, and, significantly, a
robust base. While the potential is there we 2,000 capacity conference center and function
need to select two or four representative po- room set for completion in 2015. Moreover, it
tential tourism destinations and work to pro- is adjacent to the existing Joaquim Chissano
mote those as has been done elsewhere, say, International Conference Centre, in the capital
with Cancn in Mexico, or Varadero in Cuba. city of Maputo. This will be the groups 3rd ho-
At the moment, we are still failing to do this, tel in Mozambique.
and are underselling ourselves by attempting The final word goes to Noor Momade, the
to market the entire country as a whole. owner of Cotur, who informed TBY that the
USAID report Tourism Competitiveness fact that most events in Maputo are confer-
In Light Of a Natural Resource Boom (2014) ences, meetings, and business tourism ac-
identifies the corporate travel value chain as counts for the 95% capacity booking level of
underpinning the Mozambican tourism indus- most hotels, dominating the sector. And with a
try, in terms of visitor numbers, commercial growing range of facilities on offer to the busi-
volume and potential growth. The main desti- ness traveler, and a stepped-up aviation sec-
nation for business and corporate travel is Ma- tor, Mozambique stands over time to attract
puto, with Pemba, Tete and Beira emerging as further business from Durban, and further
important secondary centers. Yet in evaluat- afield.


MICE and business tourism remain key

segments within the industry, while the
development of the leisure segment will rely on
considerable investment.


Managing Partner, SILVA Director, Mozambique Owner, Cotur
TurConsult Director, Dana Tours Adviser

eople havent given up e are promoting Mo- redominately the pro- ourism remains ex-
completely on leisure zambique as a desti- file of an average tour- pensive and we lack
tourism, but the time- nation in itself, rather ist is business people the competition
frames have differed. Obviously, than merely an add-on. Mozam- looking for investment opportu- among multiple airlines re-
business tourism is more of a bique has enough to occupy the nities, then families who spend quired to handle domestic
short- to mid-term investment visitor for two to three weeks two to four weeks at the beach flights. Most events in Mapu-
and leisure tourism is a lon- without adding it to a tour to or island resorts, and adventure to are conferences, meetings,
ger-term investment. With the Botswana, Namibia, or South travelers. These visitors are gen- and business tourism, which is
opening of the Nacala Airport, Africa. Mozambique has so erally between 28 to 50 years of why hotels are at 95% capaci-
we are going to be in a position much to offer that is refreshingly age. Most of our visitors are bud- ty booking. Thus, while we do
to be able to compete with other different. Our safaris offer an ex- get orientated and self-catering, have considerable potential for
global destinations. Obvious- cursion into Gorongosa Nation- particularly South Africans, leisure tourism, the MICE and
ly, we need the infrastructure, al Park where the visitor will not who visit Mozambique during business travel segments cur-
but I think the most important see more than 20 other game holiday seasons. The country rently dominate the sector. The
thing is to be able to compete vehicles, as the territory is whol- needs to be more introspective government must take up the
with global destinations in ly untouched, and therefore in assessing areas in which we challenge of promoting the im-
terms of times of flights. Also, provides a new way of seeing are still lacking. As our leisure age of the country, and we will
the opening of new airports and Africa. Tanzania and Botswana tourism is too seasonal, and as certainly assist with whatever
the bringing in of new airlines, are established destinations that we have great potential we look steps are considered necessary.
which has been happening in we can never compete with, so to develop domestic tourism. Mostly though, we need to in-
the last few years, is also going instead we aim for the unique. Often some hotels and resorts vest in infrastructure, roads, and
to open up the. We depend a We are looking to expand our shut down in between these health issues, without which
lot on Europe, but when Naca- offerings in beach and island periods. Mozambicans could investors are reluctant to make
la Airport opens up, I believe areas, because people here on visit during low season, but this a commitment. Normally, tour
Emirates is going to fly to Naca- business occasionally stay for requires strong tour operators operators in Mozambique do
la. That opens up a huge market, up to three weeks, and want to with a large capacity, without not have more than six or seven
so not only Europe, but also the leave Maputo without having which it is difficult to offer lower employees, but we have 30 peo-
Middle East and Far East. That is to deal with visas to Kruger Na- prices even in the low season. If ple working at our current head
something that we need to max- tional Park, or taking expensive you empower the tour operators office alone, and furthermore
imize and exploit. We work with flights north. There is enough to to have this capacity beyond in our other offices. We are also
closely with INATUR in terms of do around here over a weekend, the high season, it would make finalizing our new premises in
marketing. The issue is that it and we are trying to develop sense for them to direct their the citys premium destination,
is expensive to market Mozam- these products and packages to bus fleets to promote domestic Kenneth Kaunda Avenue. Cur-
bique because the country is an cater to that potential. tourism excursions. rently, the quality of human re-
expensive destination to reach. sources in Mozambiques hos-
pitality industry is lacking. We
have to invest heavily in training
to address these problems.

170 172 173

Joo Machado, Managing Rui Brando, Managing Partner The best hotels and places to
Partner at Deloitte Moambique, of BPartner, on the companys stay when in Mozambique, from
on integrating with the market business center model, and safari lodges and chalets to five-
and changes to FDI. support for entrepreneurship. star luxury resorts.

Executive Guide

Domestic and Development-Financed In-
vestment is also flowing to sectors of above av-
erage growth, particularly in construction & civil

works (11.3%) and transport & communications
(11.2%). The banking sector is the most profit-
able in Southern and Eastern Africa, averaging a
27.4% return on equity over the past five years.
The investment outlook is expected to im-
prove still further thanks to increased global

Mozambique is ozambique has experienced con- prices of commodities that have hitherto held
one of the most sistent growth over the past two some decisions back, as well as the start of gas
decades and -is one of Africas five production in the northern fields of the Rovuma
important investment fastest growing countries, with GDP basin, expected in 2019.
destinations in Africa. growth expected to remain at 7-9% per annum
As the economy over the next 5 years. NEW OIL AND GAS REGULATORY
expands, it is all the Over the past 4-5 years Mozambique has re- FRAMEWORK
corded a 506% compounded annual growth in The new oil and gas law in force since August
more important FDI to more than $6 billion in 2013. While gas 18th 2014, establishes that companies must be
to understand the and coal are spearheading FDI inflows, in real- registered in Mozambique (through a subsidi-
tax and regulatory ity both sectors are largely in the construction or ary or branch) in order to qualify for an explora-
early operational phase involving many inputs tion license or an interest under an exploration
frameworks in place. from companies in infrastructure, manufactur- and Production Concession Contract (EPCC).
ing, logistics and transport, commerce and ser- The Petroleum Law also stipulates the:
vice sectors. And while market opportunities are Mandatory partnership with the national pe-
multiplying for investors in these sectors, they troleum companyENHin all petroleum op-
require local presence, and a deep understand- erations;
ing of the challenges and risks involved. Mandatory registration of oil and gas compa-
nies on the Mozambique Stock Exchange;
Allocation of 25% of oil and gas to the Mozam-
Foreign Direct Investment, net +506% bican market;
USD millions, 2006-2013 Rules on the compensation and re-location of
6,175 local communities in the concession areas;
Rules for hiring, training and inclusion of Mo-
zambican employees in the management po-
On the other hand, the Private Public Partner-
108 153
428 592 ship (PPP) Law, which regulation was approved
in July 4 2012, new EPCCs have to be consistent
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
with the PPP Law. The PPP law provides:
Term of contracts: up to 30 years
Assignment: any party to a concession con-
tract in order to cede its contractual position
(partially or in its entirety) has to request writ-
ten pre-approval from the Mozambican State
Local participation is required (either of Mo-
Gas 57%
zambican individuals or companies): 5% to
Coal 32% 20% of the shares via a listing on the local
stock market. EPCCs executed before entry
 ransports and Communication 4%
into force of the PPP Law are not obliged to
Real Estate 2% comply with this. However, the government
Agriculture & Livestock 2% reserves the right not to renew an EPCC, if the
partners in the project have not included Mo-
Financial Services 2%
zambican participation.
Other 1% The operator is required to provide benefits

(training, resettlement, environmental, so- Taxable income All income and gains are in-
cial responsibility) and a minimum financial cluded in taxable income. Expenses considered
return/ benefit not lower than 35% of the an- indispensable in the generation of income or
nual profit for the government (this includes gains subject to tax are deductible.
corporate income tax due, at 32% of profit). Gains resulting from a direct or indirect trans-
Signature bonus is to be between 0.5% and fer between non-residents of capital shares or
5% of the value of the assets. This implies that other interests and participatory rights involv-
there will be signature bonuses for future EP- ing assets located in Mozambique are deemed
CCs (though how the value of new licenses to be obtained in Mozambique (i.e. as Mozam-
will be determined is not clear). bique-source income), regardless of where the
Concession fixed fees between 2% and 5% of sale takes place and whether the transfer is gra-
the fair value of assets. Again, it is unclear how tuitous, or for consideration.
these are to be determined in the case of an Interest payments and other forms of remu-
EPCC. neration on loans granted by shareholders to the
Extraordinary benefits arising from a sale of company are not deductible tax costs to the ex-
an EPCC should be shared with the State. It is tent they exceed MAIBOR (12 months), plus 2%.
not clear whether this means via taxes or some Mining and oil and gas companies and hold-
additional mechanism. ers of mineral and oil rights granted under the
law of mines and oil must assess taxable in-
Despite the use of the term concession to come and maintain related accounting records
describe the arrangements entered into with separately, which means that each mining title
oil and gas companies, the Mozambique fiscal and concession agreement must have a specif-
regime for upstream projects is based on a pro- ic/individual tax registration number.
duction sharing mechanism with income and Taxation of dividends Dividends are subject
other taxes. In addition to the states share of to a 20% withholding tax (10% for shares listed
production the other elements of fiscal take are: on the Mozambique stock exchange) unless
Bonuses; they qualify for the participation exemption
Petroleum production tax (PPT analogous (see below). Foreign-source dividends are tax-
INVESTMENT to royalty); able at the company tax rate.
BRIEFING Income tax; Capital gains Capital gains or losses are includ-
Currency Metical (MZM Customs duties, VAT, payroll taxes, etc. ed in ordinary income and taxed at the company
or MT locally) rate. Capital gains derived from the sale of shares
Foreign exchange control In addition to general taxes, production bonus- of a resident company by a non-resident without
Incoming capital must es are specified in the EPCC model, which are a permanent establishment in Mozambique are
be registered with the Bank due on commencement of commercial pro- fully taxed at 32%.
of Mozambique. Foreign duction and when various levels of production Losses Tax losses may be carried forward for five
currency-designated are achieved. years. The carryback of losses is not permitted.
accounts may be opened The Specific Taxation Regime for Petroleum Losses incurred by a mining or oil compa-
and funds retained. Operations approved by Law 27/2014 of 23 ny in a particular mine or area of concession
Accounting Principles/ September establishes that PPT is due (in cash agreement may not be offset by gains derived
Financial Statements or in kind) when petroleum is produced and in another mine, or area.
Mozambique GAAP delivered to the local entity defined by the gov- Rate The standard company or branch tax
is based on the French ernment. This is a liability of the Operator to be rate is 32%, although a penalty rate of 35% may
system. Commercial discharged before the calculation of produc- be charged on unsubstantiated payments.
banks adopted IFRS as tion sharing. The current rate of PPT is 10% for Surtax No
of 2007 and other large crude oil and 6% for gas. Alternative minimum tax An AMT applies to
companies may have done In an effort to kick-start investment in the very small entities (i.e. those with turnover less
so as of 2010, although upstream sector significant tax incentives were than MT 2,500,000, or approximately $80,000).
many foreign-controlled offered by the government up to 2007. The cur- Foreign tax credi A tax credit is available for
entities already use IFRS. rent tax regime applicable to oil and gas has re- foreign taxes paid. Mozambique applies the
Only multinationals and stricted tax incentives. ordinary foreign tax credit as a unilateral meth-
companies incorporated od for the avoidance of double taxation of in-
under the foreign Penal Code come obtained abroad by resident companies
investment law or Under the newly approved Penal Code the sale and permanent establishments of nonresident
controlled by a foreign of land in Mozambique is typified as a crime companies. Unused credits may be carried for-
entity require an annual that can lead to a prison term. ward for up to five years.
audit. Participation exemption No withhold-
Principal business TAX SYSTEM 2015 ing tax is levied on dividends paid to a Mo-
entities These are the Corporate Taxation zambique company that has held 20% or
public company (SA), Residence A company is resident if its head more of the shares in an associated com-
private limited company office or place of effective management or con- pany in Mozambique for at least two years.
(Lda), joint venture though trol is in Mozambique, or if the business is reg- Holding company regime No
incorporated or not istered in Mozambique. Incentives Incentives, including tax credits
incorporated consortiums Basis A resident company is taxed on its and the reduction or exemption of corporate
and branch of a foreign worldwide income. A non-resident company is tax, are available under the Fiscal Benefits Code.
company. subject to tax only on its Mozambique-source Companies that invest in Rapid Development
income. Zones and Industrial Free Zones, in agriculture,
Executive Guide THEBUSINESSYEAR 167

mining, oil, tourism and industrial and services that have accrued net revenues (cash gains)
projects also may benefit from incentives that during a fiscal year.
vary by location, the number of employees and Surface Tax Surface tax is calculated on the
whether the products are exported. basis of the number of hectares of the area un-
der license, or by mining title in the case of min-
Withholding Tax eral water.
Dividends Dividends paid to residents and Mining Production Tax The tax rates vary
nonresidents are subject to a 20% withholding from 1.5 to 8% depending on the mineral and
tax (10% for shares listed on the Mozambique the tax is applied on the value of the product
stock exchange) unless (for non-residents) the extracted.
rate is reduced under a tax treaty.
Interest Interest paid to residents and Petroleum Taxes
non-residents is subject to a 20% withholding Petroleum Production Tax As of January 1,
tax unless (for non-residents) the rate is re- 2015 a taxable transaction occurs when oil and/
duced under a tax treaty. A 0% rate applies to or gas is extracted in Mozambican territory. The
interest paid to a registered Mozambique fi- applicable rates are 10% for crude oil and 6%
nancial institution. Interest on treasury bonds for natural gas based on the value of such pe-
and debt securities listed on the stock exchange troleum. There is a reduction of 50% of this tax
and interest for liquidity swaps between banks, when the production of oil and gas is destined
with or without collateral, is taxed at 20%. for use by local industry.
Royalties Royalties paid to residents and The Oil and Gas Law also provides for special
non-residents are subject to a 20% withhold- rules on the taxation of revenue.
ing tax unless (for non-residents) the rate is re- Other An economic activity tax is charged
duced under a tax treaty. on businesses in municipal areas, but the
Technical service fees Technical service fees costs vary according to location, type and
paid to a non-resident are subject to a 20% size of business, and is not significant .
withholding tax, unless the rate is reduced un-
der a tax treaty. Anti-Avoidance Rules
Branch Remittance Tax No Transfer pricing The arms length principle
Other Payments made to non-residents for applies to transactions between related parties.
the following services are subject to a 10% with- For payments to companies in low tax jurisdic-
holding tax: (1) telecommunications services, tions, the authorities will need to be satisfied
international transport services and the as- that the payment was genuine and reasonable. A
sembly and installation of telecommunications special relationship is deemed to exist between
equipment; (2) services related to construction two entities when one has the power to directly
and rehabilitation of productive infrastruc- or indirectly exercise significant influence on the
tures, transport and distribution of electricity management decisions of another.
in rural areas, under the scope of public proj- Thin capitalization The deduction of inter-
ects of rural electrification; (3) services from company interest may be limited where the
charters of marine vessels to conduct fishing indebtedness to a nonresident related party is
and cabotage activities; and (4) services re- more than twice the equity. The same debt equi-
lating to the maintenance of freight aircraft. ty ratio is applied for mining and oil companies
regardless of whether the parties are related and
Other Taxes On Corporations if the indebtedness is with a non-resident, or not.
Real property tax An annual municipal tax Disclosure requirements Banks are required
is assessed at up to 0.4% (for a residence) and to report any suspicion of money laundering
0.7% (for offices) of the value of urban property. activities.
Social security The employer pays 4% of staff
emoluments, with no upper limit. Administration And Compliance
Stamp duty Stamp duty at 0.4% applies to Tax year The tax year is the calendar year. A
share transfers and 0.2% applies to transfers tax period other than the calendar year will be
of buildings. Land transfers (which are always allowed only when an entity is more than 50%
leaseholds) are exempt from stamp duty. owned by an entity that has adopted a different
Transfer ta A transfer tax of 2%, normally paid tax period.
by the transferee, is charged on the transfer Consolidated returns Consolidated returns
of title to a building. The rate is 10% when the are not permitted; each company in a group
buyer is resident in a jurisdiction with a more must file a separate return for tax purposes.
beneficial tax regime. The tax and accounting returns of companies
that are holders of mineral and oil rights grant-
Mining Taxes ed under the law of mines and oil (namely, an-
Rent Tax (Imposto sobre a Renda de Recurso nual income returns, tax and accounting infor-
Mineiro RendimentoIRRM As of January mation return, registration and amendment or
1st 2015 there is a direct tax on the net cash flow cancellation of taxpayer registration) must be
of a mining project, from the moment in which completed separately for each mining title or
these developments exceed a rate of return of concession agreement.
18%, before taxes. The tax is due by mineral ti- Filing requirements Companies must make
tleholders and is applicable to mining projects three provisional payments of corporate tax in

May, July and September. The total amount of der the PAYE system. Monthly with-
the payment should be 80% of the result of the holding tax is a final tax and the high-
tax assessed less the amount of tax withheld by est marginal rate is 32%, which applies to
third parties in the previous year. Other special monthly income approximating $4,825.
provisional corporate tax payments may be due
in June, August and October if the result of the Other Taxes On Individuals
DELOITTE WAS following formula is positive: 0.5% x turnover Stamp duty Stamp duty at 0.4% applies to
(with a minimum limit of MT 30,000 and a max- share transfers and 0.2% applies to transfers
CONSIDERED imum limit of MT 100,000), less the provisional of buildings. Land transfers (which are always
#1 OF THE BIG payment made in the previous year. leaseholds) are exempt from stamp duty.
4 ACCOUNTING The annual tax return and the balance of tax Real property tax An annual municipal tax
due must be submitted by 31 May, with sup- is assessed at up to 0.4% (for a residence) and
FIRMS IN 2014 porting documents filed by the end of June. 0.7% (for offices) of the value of urban property.
Penalties There are penalties for late filing, Inheritance/estate tax Estate duty/donations
nonpayment of tax and failure to disclose re- tax is payable by the beneficiary/recipient. The
cords. Penalties range from approximately rate ranges from 2% to 10%, depending on the
$100 to $33,000. Interest is charged on late pay- amount and the relationship between the do-
ments. Prison terms for tax fraud may be up to nor and the recipient.
eight years and up to two years for negligence. Social security The employee pays
Rulings General rulings on the interpre- 3% of emoluments, with no upper limit.
tation of the tax law, or advance rulings on
the taxation of specific transactions may be Administration and Compliance
obtained from the tax authorities. The rul- Tax year Calendar year
ings are binding on the authorities with re- Filing and payment Taxpayers receiving in-
spect to the disclosed facts of the transaction. come only from employment are still required
to submit an annual income tax return, al-
Personal Taxation though income from employment will not be
Basis A resident individual is subject to tax on aggregated with other categories of personal
worldwide income, with unilateral relief avail- income for annual taxation purposes.
able for any foreign tax paid. A nonresident is The return is due by 31 March for taxpayers
taxable only on Mozambique-source income. who received only income from employment
Residence An individual is resident for tax pur- and 30 April for others. Final tax payment is due
poses if he/she resides in the country for more by 30 June for income from entrepreneurial ac-
than 180 days in a tax year, or has a permanent tivities and 31 May for other income.
residence in Mozambique on 31 December. Penalties There are penalties for late filing,
Filing status Only persons with income must nonpayment of tax and failure to disclose re-
Number of Employees file an annual return and, if both spouses have cords. Penalties range from approximately
Around the World income, each individual must separately submit $100 to $33,000. Interest is charged on late pay-
his/her own tax return and be subject to a sepa- ments. Prison terms for tax fraud may be up to
rate tax rate. Dependents may be included in the eight years and up to two years for negligence.
Revenue declaration of only one taxpayer.
Taxable income The income of an individual Value Added Tax
is taxed under separate schedules for employ- Taxable transactions VAT is chargeable on
Growth Rate ment, trade and business, capital gains, real es- the supply of goods and services in Mozam-
tate and other income. Employment income is bique, and on imports.
broadly defined and includes benefits or advan- Rates The standard rate is 17%. Banking, fi-
Number of Partners tages received from the employer. nancial and certain health, education and
Capital gains The capital gains tax depends philanthropic services are exempt. Services re-
on the length of time shares were held by a res- lated to drilling, research and construction of
ident individual. 100% of capital gains derived infrastructure in the context of mining and oil
by an individual from the sale of shares held for activities during the exploration phase and the
less than 12 months are taxed (increased from export of goods and services are zero-rated.
The content of this article 75%); shares held between 12 and 14 months are Registration A unique tax number must be
is intended to provide taxed on 85% (increased from 60%); shares held obtained and a declaration filed at the time ac-
a general guide to the between 24 and 60 months are taxed on 65% tivities are commenced.
subject matter. Specialist (increased from 40%); and shares held for more Filing and payment A monthly VAT return
advice should be sought than 60 months are taxed on 55% (increased must be filed by the last day of the following
about your specific from 30%). month.
circumstances. Capital gains resulting from a direct or indi-
rect transfer by a non-resident of capital shares Source of Tax Law
TBY would like to thank
involving assets located in Mozambique are Corporate Income Tax Code; Personal Income
Deloitte for compiling this
taxable in full, regardless of the holding period Tax Code; Value Added Tax Code; Fiscal
and regardless of whether the transfer is gratu- Benefits Code.
itous, or for cost.
Deductions and allowances Personal and de- Tax Authorities
pendent allowances are available. Mozambique Tax Authority (Autoridade
Rates Employment income is taxed un- Tributria de Moambique).
Executive Guide THEBUSINESSYEAR 169

Investors-Hand In Hand With Our 2) Public and Donor Sectors,

Team MONITOR DELOITTES 3) Energy and Resources (Oil, Gas, Mining and
It is essential to obtain the best support in your Power) and
business ventures and Deloitte in Africa is the
SERVICE OFFERINGS, 4) Infrastructure and Capital Projects.
leading professional services firm providing a TAILORED TO THE
full range of business advisory services. INTRICACIES OF Monitor Deloitte has a differentiated ap-
Founded in London in 1845 by William THE MOZAMBICAN proach to consulting in Mozambique. Instead
Welch Deloitte, Deloitte is now the worlds of flying consultants in from overseas, like oth-
largest professional services firm. Present in MARKETS, ARE LISTED er strategy firms do, we have created a team
150 countries throoughout the world it em- BELOW. where knowledge is built and managed locally
ploys around 200,000 people and generated so that capacity stays in country and not fly
US$34.2 billion in revenue in 2013-14. Deloitte away as projects conclude. Since we are based
brings world-class capabilities and deep lo- STRATEGY here we are always available to listen to our
cal expertise to help clients succeed wherever clients and understand their needs, we are not
they operate. Market Entry confined to specific project timelines.
Deloitte offers assurance and advisory ser- Instead of temporarily hiring independent
vices including strategy, corporate finance, Feasibility Analysis consultants on a project-by-project basis like
management consulting, technology, risk ad- development companies do we have built a lo-
Strategy Formulation
visory, tax, outsourcing and audit. Deloitte has cal team of consultants with permanent con-
the largest number of clients amongst the New Strategic Modelling tracts and have up-skilled them with focused
York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and Londons training in multiple geographies in Africa,
Stock Exchange (LSE). Portfolio Optimization Asia, Europe and North America.
Deloitte provides integrated and holistic Monitor Deloitte also provides a unique ap-
solutions to companies, governments and Strategic & Public-Private proach to private sector development rooted
Non-Government Organizations. It serves as a Partnerships
one point of call for any operation a successful
organization must conduct, from a market en- Investment Strategy Financial Services Public and Donor
try strategy to a financial transformation. Industry Sectors
After 20 years in Mozambique and having
developed a portfolio of 200 clients across all
industries and a staff compliment of 100 em- FINANCIAL

De Adv
ployees, Deloitte has now introduced its Pre- ADVISORY

or l
vis cia

ve iso
mier Strategy Practice in the country: Monitor

lop ry
Ad nan
Deloitte. Mozambique has become the first

Corporate Finance

African country for Monitor Deloittes expan-

sion. It is also the first leading Strategy brand Valuations Strategy
to be permanently based in the country.
Monitor Deloitte results from the success- Cost Reduction
ful integration of the Monitor Group into
Deloittes consulting structure. Monitor De- Mergers & Acquisitions Infrastructure Energy &
loitte applies leading strategic frameworks to and Capital Projects Resources
Project Finance
the most complex problems, including those
originally developed by Harvard Strategy Pro- Due Diligence
fessor Michael Porter (founder of the Monitor in the application of pure corporate strategy
Group) such as the Competitive Strategy, Val- Finance Transformation and management standards to development
ue Chain Analysis and the Competitive Advan- challenges so as to increase the sustainability,
tage of Nations. effectiveness and efficiency in areas such as
donor-funded initiatives, public enterprises
Monitor Deloitte brings a unique value prop- DEVELOPMENT and public sector, drawing from real-life busi-
osition to clients seeking to win in Mozam- ADVISORY ness acumen gathered with the worlds most
bique: The best intellectual pedigree, the stron- successful companies in our priority indus-
gest business competences and unrivalled tries.
local knowledge of Mozambiques industries. SME Competitiveness Since its inception in Mozambique, Monitor
Deloitte has developed market entry strategies
Access to Finance
Monitor Deloitte is built around three core for investors from three continents, conducted
competences in Mozambique: Strategy, Fi- Market Linkages feasibility analyses for new financial institu-
nancial Advisory and Development Advisory. tions, facilitated strategy formulation process-
The combination of these competencies with Fund Management es for oil and gas companies, provided advice
a local research base rich in industry insights on SME competitiveness, designed market
converts informational advantages into com- Social Impact linkages programmes for companies in the ex-
petitive advantages empowering our clients to tractives and agri-business sectors, assisted in
identify and mitigate risks that are inherent to
Performance Audit and assessing the value chain and social impact of
Mozambique. Management innovative business models for local commu-
nities, provided advice on the usage of mobile
Economic Appraisal &
Monitor Deloitte focuses on servicing four technologies to deliver social grant payments,
industry groups Value for Money as well as facilitated public enterprise and
1) Financial Services, public sector financing strategies.


TBY talks to Joo Machado, Managing Partner
at Deloitte Moambique, on integrating with the
the Mozambican market and changes to FDI in
the coming years.

What are the peculiarities of the Mozambican mar- can compete with integrity, thereby becoming
ket and the most common concerns of a foreign a global example. The rules have to be complied
company interested in entering the country? with by all, and must be the same for all. If this
When entering any market the most important is adhered to, everyone benefits, be they foreign
aspect is access to local knowledge, detailed in- or national interests.
formation and quality advice so as to correctly
assess the potential for success of a venture into What regulatory changes are we likely to see over
the country and limit risk. There are a number the medium term in Mozambique?
of sources that can be tackled for that purpose, The regulations Mozambique is expected to ap-
such as international financial institutions, prove over the coming months include the first
commercial banks and professional services Transfer Pricing regulation, which will permit
BIO firms. Although business culture is somehow the creation of greater value companies resi-
difficult, with a different legal system, Mozam- dent in Mozambique in inter-firm commercial
bique is quite a secure and investor friendly en- relations. The value added tax code is also un-
Joo Machado was vironment, as long as the proper homework der review. We also foresee that the tax benefits
appointed Country is done and the Mozambicans are not taken for that today exist for foreign and national inves-
Managing Partner in granted. tors will gradually subside and probably create
Maputo, Mozambique in an environment conducive to reviewing the
2014. Joo has also been
How would you assess the current level of foreign tax rates for all. Our corporate tax rate at 32%
leading Consulting in
interest in the country and what needs to be done, and VAT at 17% are quite high for the region.
Mozambique for Deloitte
Africa since April 2013. by the public and private sectors, to create new in- Probably the new tax reform will help the for-
He joined Deloitte in 1999 centives and improve the environment for foreign mal, until the informal sector of the economy is
in Portugal and has over investors? gradually absorbed by the formal and tax pay-
15 years of experience The level of investment continues to reach ing economy.
as a consultant, having new records for the Southern Africa region. I
worked in the Portuguese, believe that from a Mozambican perspective How would you describe the role of SMEs in Mo-
Angolan and Mozambican the incentives have to be broad based and not zambique and how can Deloitte assist the
markets. He has worked on only for foreign investors. The first indicator in development of a more efficient SMEs structure?
a variety of leadership roles terms of whether a country is ready for foreign Of the total number of companies operating
covering areas of strategic investment is thriving local businesses that are in Mozambique 98% are SMEs, although they
and operational consulting, adding value to the economy. Mozambique has merely contribute 20% of GDP. SMEs are the
organizational design, to honor the contracts it has made in the past backbone of the Mozambican economy and
human capital and business in order to incentivize foreign investment, but are far more labour intensive than large com-
transformation. more than that, it has to level the playing field in panies. SMEs employ most of the working pop-
such a way that national and foreign business ulation in the country, creating self-employ-
Executive Guide THEBUSINESSYEAR 171

ment and third-party employment, and are the IN NUMBERS ing activities, improving value chains and iden-
only source of endogenous growth, which is tifying markets, preparing bankable business
the most robust form of sustainable long-term Deloitte plans for SMEs and supporting our SME clients
growth for the economy. Even in turbulent Moambique access finance.
times, when commodity prices decline, or po- By helping SMEs to become more compet-
litical risks increase and FDI falls, SMEs remain itive and generate more value they will con-
in business. tribute with more taxes to the government and
Additionally, SME production reduces the Corporate tax rate generate greater employment opportunities for

need for imports, whereby Mozambican income Mozambicans. In this manner the government
stays in the country to stimulate the supply side becomes less aid-dependent and Mozambi-
(more production) instead of going abroad. cans enjoy greater economic sovereignty than
However, SMEs face a tougher business en- when relying on financial hand-outs from
vironment than micro and large enterprises as: other countries.
- They do not qualify for some of the tax and By linking enterprises from different sectors
regulatory provisions of the micro enterprises, (as we deal with SMEs from all sectors: finan-
despite creating more employment; VAT cial, natural resources, infrastructure, etc.) we

- They do not get the exemptions and benefits also create space for business opportunity
of mega-projects; and collaboration. For example, we assist SMEs
- They are more vulnerable to red tape than with bankable business plans so they can con-
large corporations as they lack the financial and vert their business ideas into financing from fi-
networking capacity to fast-track administra- nancial institutions.
tive processes. As recipients and custodians of a wealth of
At Deloitte we understand the inner work- business information we also act as a market
ings of SMEs as we serve a large base of clients SMEs account for development force for the country, advising the

in this segment across all our business areas Government and Business Associations on how
from auditing, accounting, tax and strategy, to to reduce the incidence of market failures, in-
operations, innovation, technology, human re- formational asymmetries and other constraints
sources and financial advisory. of Mozambican than inhibit local (endogenous) economic
We help our clients consolidate their opera- businesses, but growth.
tions, become more competitive and efficient, contribute just As a global company we practice global qual-
and grow their business, generating profit and ity standards, which are much needed by SMEs
creating more employment.
We also facilitate investment into these com-
panies as we have a wide global network and
contacts with international companies.
of GDP
to be able to serve large corporations in the ex-
tractive and industry sectors (and therefore re-
alize market opportunities).
We also employ a large labour base of Mo-
zambicans95% of our workforce is local
How would you describe Deloittes role in the soci- and invest in their development. The skills and
oeconomic development of the country? knowledge that our professionals gain from
We believe we add considerable value locally Deloitte gives them the ability to be successful
both from a business and human capital per- in any business environment and face any busi-
spective. We serve a variety of companies, from ness challenge.
market entrants to small companies, large mul- We believe that our contribution is signifi-
tinationals and public companies. cant in developing successful entrepreneurs
Deloitte, as the largest professional services and providing the market a solid and skilled
firm in the world, understands how to make workforce.
SMEs more competitive vis--vis regional and
international enterprises. What is your 10-year outlook on Deloitte in Mo-
Over the past few years we have been serv- zambique?
ing SMEs in Mozambique through linkages and Deloitte will become the undisputed leader in
supplier development programmes with do- quality professional services in Mozambique,
nors and business associations, capacity build- as we are in the rest of the world.


ing financing from outside

at your
Mozambique at a rate of 3%.
But a Mozambican compa-
ny can only obtain financ-
ing from within the country

itself at a high rate of 21%.
If you have a good project,
there are a lot of commercial
banks available, but due to
TBY talks to Rui Brando, Managing Partner prevailing rates this remains
a weakness.
of BPartner, on the companys business center
model, its client portfolio, and government What are the main advantages
support for entrepreneurship. of a virtual office?
A virtual office means that
you do not have a designated
Where in Mozambique are your rently at capacity, while space office space. We provide ev-
business centers located, and remains in others. In Maputo Business erything from a secretary to a
what services do you offer? we are at about 80% capacity. meeting room, and depend-
At this stage we have facilities Centers ing on the package, you have
in Pemba and Beira as well as
at five different locations in
What is the profile of your cli-
in Pemba, Beira, certain hours of work station
time, or a private office if re-
Maputo. Usually, we have internation- and Maputo quired. Some people do a
We are also looking to enter al companies that are starting large portion of their work be-
Nacala, Tete, and Nampula operations in Mozambique, yond the office. For instance
within the next two years due although we also accom- a salesman who does not
to the expected growth driven modate three chambers of need an office all of the time,
potential of major gas finds commerce. Portugal, Kenya, because he is out visiting cli-
there. In terms of services, Nigeria, Dubai, Japan, and What are some of the main ents everyday may on occa-
we offer a complete package Brazil are some of the most characteristics that set you sion need to receive clients,
for an office including recep- common nationalities that apart from your competitors? or use a meeting room.
tion, internet, and furniture. we cater to. It is slower for lo- Our greatest advantage is our
The concept is that we offer cal companies, the main rea- provision of national rep-
a plug-in office, meaning son being the limited number resentation. A client of ours
that the client arrives and can of local companies starting can use our private offices in
get to work right away, which out in Mozambique. We have Beira if expanding from Ma-
decreases risk. For example, made a considerable effort to puto and has several meet- BIO
a new client in Mozambique increase the number of lo- ing rooms available for use.
might grow briskly at first, yet cal startups at our business There are also work stations,
have a project that does not centers through partnerships or even a private office, which Rui Brando was born in
ultimately succeed. If the cli- with the Ministry of Science can be used for a specific pe- Porto, where he studied
ent were to choose a more tra- and Technology and IPEME. riod of time. That is definitely Business Management
at Universidade Catlica
ditional solution, it would not an advantage for us, because
Portuguesa. He moved
be as easy as it would have in- How would you characterize in Mozambique having a re-
to Mozambique nine
volved a longer-term commit- BPartners role in facilitating lational market means being years ago and worked for
ment. Our price policy, then, business networking in the present. When pursuing a seven years in the feeding
is based on competing with country? client in Pemba, one of the sector until he created
the traditional solution. We It is all about service, and we first things they will ask you BPartner. He had previously
also make it easier because we have frequently organized is where your local office is worked in Portugal for the
have the services and manage networking opportunities located. multinational company
the entire office, whereby it is through what we like to call Compass as Operations
easier for a client to deal with Business Strengths with What can the government do Manager in the catering
one invoice, instead of many. Drinks events. Over the past to support entrepreneurship in industry. During the last
two years we have invited this new era? 14 years he has been
How many clients do you work several known Mozambican One of the greatest weak- involved in the creation
with at the moment? business figures to address nesses for startups in Mo- and development of nine
We have around 120 clients our events, and meanwhile, zambique is financethis is start-ups in Portugal and
in total. We have a number of networking naturally occurs not an issue for an interna- Mozambique.
business centers that are cur- within business centers. tional company and obtain-
Executive Guide THEBUSINESSYEAR 173


MAPUTO 04 Southern Sun

Avenida de Marginal
01 Polana Serena Hotel T +258 21 49 5050
Avenida Julius Nyerere, 1380
T +258 21 24 1700 Rooms 158 spacious rooms.
Guest services Internet, pool,
Rooms 142 rooms and suites. business center, boardrooms,
Guest services Private residents gym, air conditioning, beauty
lounge, Maisha Health Club and salon, car rental, day spa, dry
Spa, business center, hair and cleaning, hairdresser, and safes.
beauty salon, gift shops, travel Dining Buffet breakfast, la
desk, and a secure parking area. carte, buffet dinners, light meals.
3 Dining Four restaurants and bars.
05 Radisson Blu
02 Avenida Hotel Avenida Marginal, 141
Avenida Julius Nyerere, 627 T +258 21 24 2400
T +258 21 48 4400
Rooms 154 rooms and 20 luxury
Rooms 143 rooms and 15 suites. suites. Guest services Wellness
Guest services Health club center, outdoor swimming pool,
and spa, hairdresser, outdoor express checkout, three-hour
swimming pool, airport shuttle, express laundry, and internet.
eight meeting rooms, and internet Dining Filini Bar, Oceano
access. Dining Mira Mar Bar, Bar, and Palmeira Lounge.
Piano Bar and Restaurant.
06 VIP Grand Maputo
03 Hotel Cardoso Avenida 25 de Setembro, no 692
Avenida Martires de Mueda 707 T +258 21 35 1000
T +258 21 49 1071
Rooms 196 rooms and 12
Rooms 130 rooms and four suites. Guest services Six
suites. Guest services conference rooms, congress
Business services, internet, center, auditorium, and meeting
swimming pool, and gym. rooms. Dining A number of dining
Dining International dishes. options are available close by.


07 Park Inn by Radisson

Estrada Zambia, Bairro

Chingodzi, Matundo
T +258 25 22 7900

Rooms 117 spacious rooms.

Guest services Meeting room,
internet, gym, swimming pool, 24- 5
hour front desk, air conditioning,
wheelchair accessible rooms, BEIRA
and parking. Dining RBG Bar
and Grill, Tete restaurant. 11 Hotel Tivoli

Avenida Bagamoio, 363

T +258 23 32 0300
Rooms 74 rooms. Guest
08 Pemba Beach Hotel & Spa services Multipurpose room,
Avenida Marginal 5470 banquet service, 24-hour business
T +258 21 30 1618 area, business services, internet, shuttle service, car rental,
and laundry services. Dining
Rooms 102 rooms. Guest Buffet and la carte service.
services Air conditioning, en-
suite bathroom, mini-bar, satellite
TV, direct dial telephone, safe,
internet, conference room, board 7 9
room, fitness center, and spa.
Dining Quirimbas Restaurant,
Niassa Bar, and Clube Naval.

09 Barra Lodge &

Flamingo Bay
T +271 1 023 9901

Rooms 102 rooms, beach

chalets, and cottages. Guest
services Conference facilities,
audio visual equipment, catering,
activity room, swimming pool,
and a craft market. Dining
Restaurant and Beach Bar. 10

10 Hotel Casa Do Capitao

1 Maguiguana Balane
T +258 29 32 1408/9

Rooms 19 double rooms, five

en-suite self-catering units
and one presidential suite.
Guest services Conference
facilities, satellite TV, internet,
air conditioning, room service,
and mini bars. Dining In-house
restaurant with traditional dishes.
Executive Guide THEBUSINESSYEAR 175

Useful Contacts
FIRE 198
+258 82 965 7804
+258 82 012 3455


hello $ EUROPCAR +258 82 300 2410

$ mozambique/maputo
AVIS +258 21 46 5497
CAR PREMIUM +258 82 122 6213

While the official language of Credit and debit cards are If your country has a Mozambican SIXT +258 21 46 5250
Mozambique is Portuguese, commonly used and widely embassy you need to apply for a
English is common in the capital accepted in Maputo. visa in advance. Otherwise, you
and in touristic areas. can buy one at the airport, but be AIRLINES
sure to carry cash. ETHIOPIAN AIRLINES
+258 84 867 2917
KENYA AIRWAYS +258 21 49 5483
LAM AIRLINES +258 21 46 8800
QATAR AIRWAYS +258 21 32 0622
+258 84 488 9700
TAP PORTUGAL +258 21 30 3927
Everyone in the corporate world Malaria remains a concern, Foreign nationals should carry
has twoif not threemobile particularly in the north. their passport or a notarized copy Homepage
phones. Make sure you get all at all times to avoid fines.
those numbers. MINISTRIES, STATE
+258 21 46 7048
+258 21 40 7870

MZN CENTRE (CPI) +258 13 13 310

+258 21 49 2403
Drink bottled water and use clean Everything in Mozambique without The national currency is the
+258 21 46 0011
water when washing fresh fruit a price tag is open to bargaining. Mozambican metical (MZN). It is
and vegetables or consuming ice. not possible to exchange meticals MINISTRY OF DEFENSE
outside of Mozambique. Currency +258 21 49 2081
exchanges close at 6 pm, but ATMs MINISTRY OF ENERGY
are widely available. +258 21 30 3265

+258 21 30 0961
+258 21 32 7000
+258 21 42 7131
COMMERCE +258 21 35 2600
RESOURCES +258 21 31 4843
DEVELOPMENT +258 21 49 0006
TECHNOLOGY +258 21 35 2800
Proof of yellow fever vaccination Most electrical sockets are Taxis are not metered; so make +258 21 30 6210
is not officially required on entry European two-pin. sure you bargain before you get
to the country, but it can be in. MZN150 ($4.50) is a fair price EMBASSIES
required when entering at borders for a journey between two points AUSTRALIA +258 01 32 2780
or smaller ports. in Maputo.
AUSTRIA +258 21 32 3214
BELGIUM +258 21 49 2009
BRAZIL 258 21 48 4800
CANADA +258 21 49 2623
CHINA +258 21 49 1560
DENMARK +258 21 48 0000
FINLAND +258 21 49 0578
FRANCE +258 21 48 4600
If you are hassled or asked for If you want to travel around rent If you like to dance try kizomba,
a bribe report the incident to the a 4x4. You will need it to drive the most popular and intimate
anti-corruption hotline: +258 82 through the dunes to beautiful dancing style in the country. GERMANY +258 21 48 2700
965 7804 or +258 21 31 06. beaches.
INDIA +258 14 92 437
ITALY +258 14 92 229
POLAND +258 21 32 9111
PORTUGAL +258 21 49 0150
+258 21 48 4200
+258 01 491 440
SPAIN +258 14 92 025

Take your summer clothes; If you like spicy food ask Every business visitor new to US +258 21 492 797
Mozambiques climate is tropical anywhere for Piri-Piri, a hot chili the country should visit the
and very warm or hot almost sauce used to accompany almost CPI (Centro de Promoo de UK +258 21 356 000
year-round. any meal. Investimentos) to get advice.
A once in a generation
Africas largest ProjectThe Mozambique LNG Projectwill directly
benefit the people of Mozambique for many generations to come.


Massive discoveries of natural gas have the potential to transform Mozambique, enabling it to become one
of the largest exporters of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the world.

What is LNG?
LNG, or liquefied natural gas, is natural gas converted into a liquid by cooling. This process reduces
its volume and enables natural gas to be transported around the world to customers seeking
cleaner-energy alternatives.


A recent report by Standard Bank finds the Mozambique LNG Project will boost employment,
expand air, ports and road infrastructure, improve water and electrical infrastructure and
expand access to education and health services in local communities.

lng Generate Better Services Throughout Communites

Jobs Clean Water Electricity Health Services Education Improved Lifestyle

Potential BENEFITS by 2035

15,000 Direct jobs cleaner energy
685,000 Indirect jobs
U.S. $39 Billion toeconomy

infrastructure including air, roads and
d ports

opportunities Gas LNG LNG

for small- and medium-size businesses

Offshore Development Onshore Liquefaction Shipping Global Buyers
Source: Mozambique LNG: Macroeconomic Study by Standard Bank

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