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iii) The ease and speed with which the synthesizer frequency can be changed, allow

monitoring of a multiplicity of 3. channels with a single receiver by sequencing

local oscillator through the desired channel.
iv) Sequencing the synthesizer outp'ut through a group of desired frequencies also
permits a single instrument to operate as an automatic calibrator for a multiple
frequency transmission set up.
v) The effective use of microwave spectrum for a communication requires frequency
sources with extremely good stability so that the receiver bandwidth can be
vi) It is used in 'Doppler Shift Frequency Measurement', to determine velocity of
distinct space vehicle. It requires an IF bandwidth of few Hz to minimize noise
levels. As vehicle changes velocity, the local oscillator frequency of receiver should
be changed to keep the received signal in the centre of IF bandwidth. Frequency
synthesizer is used because of its good stability and also the ability to change the
frequency very fast in known way.
vii) It is used in automatic space systems in which signals having specific frequency
must be rapidly programmed into a test setup.

1. List requireme/lts of laboratory type signal generators.

2. Explain basic principle of oscil/ation.
3. What is Barkhausen criterion ?

4. Write a /late on sinewave generators.

5. Explain basic block diagram of signal generator?
6. Write a note on frequency and amplitude stability.
7. Explain audio frequC'l1cy generator using Wien bridge oscil/ator.
8. Explain RC phase shift oscillator.
9. Explain how is amplitude stabilitntion possible in Wien Bridge oscil/ator.
10. Compare Wien bridge and RC phase shift oscillators.
11. State the advantages, disadvantages and applications of conventional standard signal generator.
12. Compare standard and modern signal generators.
13. Give various terminologies of a pulse.
14. List the requirements of pulse generator.
15. Explain briefly laboratonJ type square wave and pulse generator.
16. Explain with block diagram function generator.
17. Explain the features of a function generator.
18. What is sweep generator? Explain briefly.
19. Draw and explain the block diagram of sweep gl'nerator covering entire frequency band.
20. Explain indirl'ct and direct frequency synthesizer ill brief
Measurement of Resistance,
Inductance and Capacitance

1. State the advantages of using the bridge circuits for the measurement.
2. Explain the working of Wheatstone bridge and derive its balance condition.
3. What is the sensitivity of the Wheatstone bridge?
4. Derive the expression for the current through the galvanometer in case of unbalanced Wheatstone
5. What are the sources of errors in case of the Wheatstone bridge?
6. Explain the applications and the limitations of the Wheatstone bridge.
7. Why Kelvin's bridge is preferred ? Derive the bridge balance equation for the Kelvin's double
8. Derive the bridge balance equation for the basic a.c. bridge.
9. What is the capacitance comparison bridge? Derive its balance equation.
10. Why the inductance comparison bridge is used ? Derive its balance equation.
13. Write a note on Wagner ground connection.
17. A bridge is shown in the Fig. 7.45. Calculate the current through galvanometer.

[Ans. : 138.76 flAl

18. A galvanometer is connected as shown in the Fig. 7.46. The galvanometer sensitivity is 8 mm / flA
and internal resistance of 150 n. CalClllnte the deflection of galvanometer caused by 10 n
unbalance in the arm Be. [Ans. : 3.5 mm]

6 V-=-
iii) They show non-linear behaviour due to edge effects and stray electric fields. These
can be eliminated by using guard rings.
iv) Due to long leads and the cables used, loading effect makes low frequency
response poor and reduces sensitivity.
v) For low value capacitances (of the order of pica-farads) the output impedance tend
to very high value which causes loading effects.

1. Explain briefly control elements in the process control loop.

2. Explain clements involved in final control operation.
3. Whnt do you l11ean by transducer? What is an actuator? What is function of signal converter?
4. Otfine transducers and explain in brief.
i) active transducer and passive transducer ii) primary transducer and secondary transducer
iii) analog transducer and digital transducer
5. Classify transducers.
6. Explain various transduction principles.
7. Give the characteristics of transducer.
8. What are the selection criteria for the transducer?
9. Explain resistive transducers in brief.
10. With neat diagram explain potentiometric resistance transducer. List advantages and disadvantages.
11. What arc different types of temperature sensors? List their advantages, limitations and applicntion
12. Compare resistance thermometer and thermistor.
13. What is thern/opile 7

14. Otfine stress and strain.

15. Explain different strain gauges with their principle of operation.
16. Explain briefly unbonded and bonded resistance wire strain gauges.
17. What are Rosette strain gauge and where are they used?
18. Explain working principle of displacement transducers.
19. Explain working principle of LVOT with ti,e help of neat sketch and charactenstlcs.
20. Give advantages, disadvantages and applicatiol:s of LVDT.
21. Write a note on
i) Variable permeability inductive transd~cer. ii) Variable reluctance inductive transducer.
iii) Eddy Cl/rrent type inductive transducer.
DisCl/ss different pressure sensors.
Explain how pressure is measured using resistance pressure transducer.
Write a note on
7. What is piezoelectric effect 7 Which crystals show this effect 7 Compare the II/aterlals on till' l,asis of
strength and piezoelectriC activity.
2. Explain pllOtoel11issive, photoconductive and photovo/taic effects briefly.
3. Write a note on
i) Vacuul7l type phototuue,
il) Photonlllltlpilcr tuve
iii} Photodiode
il'} Phototmnsistor
(I) Photoconductivc cell
1Ii) P/JOtovo/taic cell.
4. Wlwt is the principle of piezoelectric transducer.
5. Distinguish betwcen photovoltaic and photoconductive transducers.
6. What is the principle of piezoelectric transducer.
7 DistinXlIIsh between photovoltl1ic and photoconductive transducer.
1. Give classification of digital displays.
2. What is LED ? Which material is used for LED ?
3. Explain the basic operating principle of LED.
4. Explain the construction of LED in brief
5. State the advantages and disadvantages of LED.
6. Compare LED and normal p-n junction diode.
7. Sketch the output characteristics of LED and comment on it.
8. Why LEOs are preferred in displays 7

9. Explain seven segment configuration of LEOs to display a number code.

10. Explain the alpha numeric display configuration using LEOs and describe its working.
11. Explain two types of seven segment display.
12. Explain the theory of liquid crystal cell. Name and explain the theory of liquid crystal cells.
13. Name the different types of LCOs. Explain anyone in detail.
14. State the advantages, disadvantages and applications of LCOs.
15. Write a short note on LCOs.
16. Which are the various categories of LCOs based on the rod like molecule arrangement used 7

17. Write a short note on niXie tabe.

18. Gill/' summary of important display devices.
19. Give applications of digital displays.
When the KF. power is dissipated in the bolometer element, the bridge again becomes
unblanced. But again the output voltage of amplifier readjusts the balancing condition
automatically by restoring the value of bolometer resistance. Note that the amount of A.F.
power level reduces in the bolometer is equal to the unknown applied R.F. power. The
voltmeter V measures A.F. voltage and it is calibrated in such a way that the magnitude of
the KF. power is read directly.
A typical self balancing bolometer bridge circuit can be used for measurement of
several power ranges from 0.1 mW to 100 mW. In such circuit, the bolometer used has a
resistance with five selected values form 50 Q to 250 Q within + 10 % range.

1. OiSCllSSdifferent considerations of power measurement in various frequency ranges.

2. Explalll briefly the techniques used for power measurement at high frequencies.
3. Write a note on power measurement at audio frequency.
4. What are basic requirements of load 7 Write different forms of the dummy load satisfying above
5. Explain R.F. power measurement.
6. Write notes on :
i) Bolometer power meter
ii) Bolometer element
iii) Bolometer mount
7. Explain power measurement using bolometer bridge. Draw neat schematic diagram.
S. Explain power measurement using unbalanced bolometer bridge.
9. Explain with the help of circuit diagram, how power measurement is possible using .self balancing
liolameter bridge.
The applications of such system are in use with variable reactance transducers and for
the systems where signals are required to be transmitted through long cables, to connect
the transducers to the signal conditioning system.
In many cases further processing of signals is not required but in many applica~lOns
further processing of signals is required which includes linear and nonlinear operations.
This type of signal conditioning includes the circuits like sample and hold, multiplexers,
analog to digital converters etc.

1. What is /11('(ll1tliy sigllal conditiolling ? Why IS it necessary?

2. Write a 110te 011 electronic aided measuremellt system.
3. Explail1 d.c. signal conditiol1lng system with the help of block diagram.
4. Draw block diagram of a.c. slglwl conditlOl1lng system. Explal/1 lmefly.

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