Long-Term Effects of Early-Life Otitis

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Long-Term Effects of Early-Life Otitis

Media on Language Development

Anne Zumach
Ellen Gerrits
Purpose: The aim of the present study was to examine the long-term consequences of
Michelene Chenault
early-life otitis media (OM) and the associated hearing loss ( HL) on language skills
Lucien Anteunis of school-aged children.
Maastricht University Medical Centre, Method: In a prospective study, the middle-ear status of 65 Dutch healthy-born
Maastricht, the Netherlands children was documented every 3 months during their first 2 years of life; language
comprehension and production were evaluated at 27 months and again at 7 years.
Results: The positive relation that was found between OM-related HL and language
development at 27 months could no longer be discerned at school age. Accordingly,
parent-reported HL between 2 and 7 years had no effect on scores at school age.
Conclusion: The present study shows that negative consequences of early-life OM or
the underlying HL on language comprehension and production appear to be resolved
by the age of 7. It also shows that parent-reported HL between 2 and 7 years is not
related to language skills at school age.
KEY WORDS: otitis media, language disorders, long-term results, hearing loss,
developmental outcomes

anguage development is generally assumed to have its sensitive
period during early childhood (Bailey, Bruer, Symons, & Lichtman,
2001; Knudsen, 2004; Werker & Tees, 2005), particularly during
the first 2 years of life when basic language skills are acquired, forming
the basis for further language development. Therefore, any reduction
in the quality of language input during this period could result in a set-
back that may never be compensated.
The present study addresses the long-term effects of early-life otitis
media (OM) and consequent hearing loss ( HL) on language development.
Recurrent OM during early life means not only a reduction in auditory
output but also fluctuations in the sound of speech during OM-positive
and OM-negative periods. A possible consequence is that the fluctuation
of sound input makes it harder to imprint speech patterns, which is a
crucial component of language learning.
Prospective studies addressing the long-term effects of early-life OM
on language development report contradictory findings. In a group of 147
children at age 7, Teele, Klein, Chase, Menyuk, and Rosner (1990) found
significant positive correlations between longer periods with OM in the
first 3 years of life and poorer articulation and language-related skills
such as usage of morphologic markers. However, Roberts, Burchinal, Davis,
and Collier (1991) and Paradise and Feldman (2007) found no relation-
ship between early-life OM and later language comprehension and pro-
duction abilities.
Prospective longitudinal studies with language assessments at dif-
ferent ages show that negative effects of OM on early language may be

34 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 53 • 34–43 • February 2010 • D American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

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resolved by school age. Roberts, Burchinal, and Zeisel
(2002) found a relation between recurrent OM occur- Method
rences and HL in the first 2 years and expressive lan- Participants
guage at age 5, but that this had been resolved by age 7.
The study sample consisted of 65 children, 34 of
Likewise, Schilder et al. (1993) found a relationship be-
whom were boys and 31 of whom were girls. This sample
tween OM incidents between 2 and 4 years and language
is a subset of a larger prospective study in which the
development in preschool children, but this relationship
middle-ear status of 250 children was examined every
had disappeared by ages 7–8.
3 months during their first 2 years of life in the Maastricht
In a meta-analysis conducted by Roberts, Rosenfeld, Otitis Media With Effusion Study (MOMES) at the Uni-
and Zeisel (2004), the authors found either no associa- versity Hospital Maastricht ( Maastricht, the Nether-
tions or just very small negative associations of OM and lands) between October 1989 and April 1995 (Anteunis
underlying HL with later language development. These & Engel, 2000). The original study group was composed
authors, as well as Roberts, Hunter, and colleagues (2004) of 100 high-risk–born neonates and 150 healthy-born
and Roberts, Rosenfeld, and Zeisel (2004), have been children (Engel et al., 2000).
critical of study designs that do not adjust for poten-
The original cohort of 150 healthy-born children had
tially confounding variables such as low socioeconomic
been recruited from the General Delivery Outpatient
status, at-risk birth, and neurological problems, which
Department. All children from this original cohort who
may dilute estimates of the negative contribution of OM
had attended at least seven of nine scheduled ear, nose,
and its underlying HL.
and throad ( ENT) consults between birth and 24 months
In most of these studies, OM—rather than the un- were invited to participate in the present study.
derlying HL—is estimated, whereas it is hearing loss as
The 65 participating children were all healthy-born
a result of OM that results in periods of fluctuating
children. They completed an additional assessment at
hearing ability, which in turn may affect language de-
7 years (age range = 6.6–7.10 years; M = 7.3; SD = 0.4). All
velopment during this sensitive period. Furthermore,
of them were born in the southern part of the Nether-
OM and underlying HL should be estimated in the first
lands ( Limburg), and their middle-ear status had been
2 years of life, as it is during that time period that the
followed from birth up to 24 months. At 27 months, lan-
highest incidence of OM occurs (e.g., Rovers, Schilder,
guage comprehension had been tested in 53 of the par-
Zielhuis, & Rosenfeld, 2004).
ticipating children, and language production had been
In the original study group of the presently studied tested in 44 of the participating children. The children
children (Anteunis & Engel, 2000; Anteunis, Engel, et al. had normal hearing and no current OM indication at the
2000), a detrimental effect of OM and its underlying fluc- time of language assessment. Two children had a slight
tuating HL on language development at 27 months was conductive HL during the first examination at age 7 and,
found. Other prospective studies have also found that therefore, were rescheduled for a new appointment, dur-
language skills between 1 and 3 years were negatively ing which time their middle-ear status and hearing were
affected by preceding incidents of OM (Friel-Patti & normal. The number of months the child had been breast-
Finitzo, 1990; Paradise et al., 2000; Shriberg et al., 2000; fed was registered, and for the present study, this was
Vernon-Feagans, Emanuel, & Blood, 1997). This conforms dichotomized into whether the child had any breast-
with findings of studies mentioned previously, although it feeding. The parents’ educational levels at birth had
is in contrast with a study by Wright and colleagues (1988) been categorized according to the Standard Onderwijs
that did not find this effect at age 2. Indeling (SOI) scale (Standaard Onderwijs Indeling van
In the present study, we considered repeated mea- het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, 1999), whereby
surements of OM and HL during the first 2 years of life both parents’ scores were summed obtaining a scale rang-
and related them to toddler and school-age language ing from 4 to 14. For the present study, this sum was
skills in children. The existence of potential confounders dichotomized so that 4–9 was low (vocational training,
as suggested by Roberts, Hunter, and colleagues (2004) high school, or less) and 10–14 was high ( higher voca-
has been addressed, and only healthy-born children have tional training or higher education), with 50.8% of the
been considered. Vernon-Feagans, Miccio, and Yont (2003) cases falling into the lower group.
presented a contextual transactional model of OM and de-
velopmental outcomes, whereby child characteristics and
the quality of the home were put forth as possibly im-
portant moderators. Therefore, characteristics such as Evaluation at 0–27 months. Every 3 months between
gender, being breastfed, cognitive development, and the birth and 24 months, the children underwent first otoscopy,
educational level of the parents are considered as po- then hearing assessment, followed by tympanometry. At
tential moderators in the present study. 27 months, only tympanometry was conducted.

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An experienced otologist and audiologist inspected framework by Crystal, Fletcher, and Garmen (1976). The
the external ear canal and the eardrum using a hand-held mean length of utterance ( MLU) and the mean length of
otoscope ( Beta 200, Heine Optotechnik, D-82211). In un- the five longest utterances ( MLUL) in words were com-
determined cases, an otomicroscope (Carl Zeiss, OPMI 9) puted. Reliability of the GRAMAT transcription and
was used. The otoscopic findings were described and cat- analysis was established by three independent research-
egorized in terms of normal, indefinite, or OM. ers from the University of Amsterdam ( Department of
Tympanograms for both ears were recorded on a Linguistics and Literature) on a sample of 10 parent–
Grason-Stadler 1723 middle-ear analyzer and were char- child interactions. The percentage of agreement, calcu-
acterized according to a modified classification (Engel, lated using Cohen’s kappa (k), varied between 0.60 and
Anteunis, Chenault, & Marres, 2000) according to Jerger 0.95. k is a conservative measure; therefore, these findings
(1970). To standardize the diagnosis of the middle ear, suggest acceptable interrater agreement of the analysis.
otoscopic and tympanometric findings were combined Verbal comprehension was tested with the Dutch adap-
in the MOMES diagnostic algorithm (Anteunis, Engel, tation of the Reynell Developmental Language Scales
Hendriks, & Manni, 1999; Engel, Anteunis, Volovics, (Reynell, 1977; Schaerlaekens, Zink, & van Ommeslaege,
Hendriks, & Marres, 1999), a modification of the one rec- 1993) by Bomers and Mugge (1982).
ommended by Cantekin (1983). At 27 months, the general development was as-
The hearing assessment method applied was de- sessed by one of two psychology assistants blinded to
pendent on the age of the child. Up to the age of ap- the child’s history. This assessment included the Bayley
proximately 9 months, the infants were subjected to a Scales of Infant Development (Bayley, 1969; van der
nonreinforced behavioral procedure ( BOA), described by Meulen & Smrkovský, 1984), whereby cognitive develop-
Biesalski (1971). After this age, the children underwent ment was estimated by the nonverbal Bayley Mental
a conditioned orientation reflex procedure (CORA), de- Development Index ( MDI).
scribed by Suzuki and Ogiba (1960). In both BOA and Evaluation at school age. At age 7, otoscopy and a
CORA, narrow band noise (center frequencies of 0.5, 1, 2, tympanometric examination, conforming to the same
4, and 8 kHz and 30 dB HL octave slopes) delivered by procedure used in the first 2 years, were completed by an
a clinical audiometer ( Maden OB 822) was presented. otolaryngologist who was blinded to the child’s OM and
Minimum response levels for both ears were obtained hearing loss history.
with a 10-dB HL down /5-dB HL up search and were Prior to this examination, retrospective data per-
defined in both methods as the faintest level at which the taining to the period between 27 months and 7 years
participant responded consistently (at least two out of were obtained via a questionnaire, which was completed
three times) in the presence of an auditory stimulus. The by the parents at home. The questionnaire regarded
behavioral threshold was defined as the lowest intensity whether there had been ENT consultations, placement
level at which a behavioral response occurred in relation of tympanostomy tubes, speech therapy, or hearing prob-
to an auditory stimulus, agreed to by two observers. Be-
lems during the age intervals of 0–2 years, 2–4 years,
cause of differences in signal, sound field, and test protocol,
4–6 years, and 6 years to age of testing.
normative data for this setting were obtained by using the
data of the healthy-born children (from the original set of Two subtests from the Dutch Language Tests for
150 children). The average threshold of all OM-free chil- Children (Van Bon, 1982) were used to test the children’s
dren at each of the nine visits for the frequencies of 0.5, 1, 2, general language ability: the Word Forms Production
4, and 8 kHz served as the reference threshold of 0 dB HL ( WFP) test and the Concealed Meaning (CM) test. WFP
for the corresponding age. The hearing threshold of the is a test of morphological expressive language skills and
children represents the difference between the behavioral addresses knowledge of irregular word forms. The CM
threshold and the reference level of OM-free children. In test is receptive in nature, focusing on the child’s under-
this way, the obtained behavioral thresholds were cor- standing of the nonexplicit content of sentences.
rected and enabled comparable hearing thresholds for Of the 65 children assessed at school age, there
visits at different ages (Anteunis et al., 2000; Zumach, were 53 children for whom the cognitive development and
Gerrits, Chenault, & Anteunis, 2009). Reynell scores were available and 44 children for whom the
At 27 months, spontaneous expressive language MLU and MLUL were available, resulting in a relatively
was assessed by recording spontaneous language sam- small sample size.
ples during an unstructured parent–child interaction
setting with a standard set of toys. The utterances were
analyzed according to the Grammatical Analysis of De-
Statistical Analysis
velopmental Language Disorders (GRAMAT) framework Data analysis employed the statistical package SPSS
by Bol and Kuiken (1989) by a speech therapist. This analy- 15.0. Descriptive statistics, correlation coefficients, and
sis is a Dutch adaptation of the descriptive morphosyntactic regression coefficients for the various language scores

36 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 53 • 34–43 • February 2010

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were obtained. Raw language scores were converted into Language scores at 27 months and number of OM
standard scores (scale from 1 to 10, with 5 as the mean). incidents and mean hearing loss in the first 2 years
To examine whether the present smaller subset is were considered as explanatory variables. These last
representative for the larger sample of Anteunis, Engel, two variables were also considered in a dichotomized
and colleagues (2000), the correlation coefficients of the form whereby the median was the cutoff point to increase
smaller sample were compared with a similar analysis power. The five language outcome scores were examined
in the larger core group of 124 children. In that study, relative to background characteristics (gender, breast-
Anteunis, Engel, and colleagues (2000) examined which feeding, and education level of parents) by applying t tests.
factors influence language development at 27 months. Holm’s step-down procedure (Holm, 1979) was applied
They found, in children that were either healthy born to correct for the possibility of a type I error due to mul-
(n = 76) or high-risk born (n = 48), that HL resulting from tiple testing. Thereafter, multiple regression analysis
OM has a negative effect on language production at with list-wise deletion (the only cases that were included
27 months in infants. Correlation coefficients that were were those that had valid values for the variables in the
found for language production and comprehension scores model) was used to determine whether these background
in relation to OM and HL in the two analyses were similar characteristics had a moderating role in the relation be-
to those in the present study. tween OM and HL and the language scores.
The statistical analysis to investigate the effect of
OM and the underlying HL on language development
was conducted in two phases. First, language scores at
27 months ( Reynell and MLU) were examined relative
to the middle-ear status with consideration for possible Descriptive statistics of the number of OM incidents,
moderating factors. These factors were analyzed in the HL at each visit, the average overall visits in early life,
dichotomized form. Thereafter, the two outcome scores and language outcome scores at 27 months and 7 years are
at 7 years—namely, WFP and CM tests—were examined presented in Table 1. As suggested by Vernon-Feagans
as dependent variables employing multivariate analysis (2003), the number of OM incidents and average HL
of variance (MANOVA). were dichotomized, their median values being 3.5 and

Table 1. Tested variables at 0–27 months and at school age.

Variable N M Minimum Maximum SD

0–27 months
Number of OM incidents 65 3.8 0 9 2.2
HL (dB) visit
0 months 53 –1.5 –20.3 13.8 6.5
3 months 64 2.4 –13.5 38.4 10.6
6 months 64 6.7 –11.4 31.5 9.2
9 months 65 3.0 –9.1 24.6 8.1
12 months 64 0.1 –12.3 27.7 7.2
15 months 64 0.9 –10.4 18.4 6.6
18 months 64 0.4 –7.5 11.4 4.9
21 months 64 0.6 –9.4 20.7 5.6
24 months 63 2.0 –7.2 35.2 7.0
Average HL overall visits 63 1.6 –3.8 12.12 3.4
Cognitive development (MDI) 21 months 53 110.5 75 149 16.0
Language production (MLU) 27 months 44 2.3 1.3 3.7 0.7
Language production (MLUL) 27 months 44 4.8 1.6 8.0 1.7
Language comprehension (Reynell) 27 months 53 5.9 1 9.5 2
School age
Age 65 7.3 6.7 7.9 0.4
Language production (WFP) 65 4.9 1.8 9.5 1.6
Language comprehension (CM) 64 5.7 1.5 9.3 1.9

Note. OM = otitis media; HL = hearing loss; MDI = Bayley Mental Development Index; MLU = mean length of utterance;
MLUL = mean length of the five longest utterances; Reynell = Reynell Developmental Language Scales; WFP = Word Forms Production
test; CM = Concealed Meaning test.

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1.1, respectively. All language scores had a normal dis- from 8.3% to 23.1%. Thus, even after adjusting for cog-
tribution. Table 2 presents the language scores accord- nitive development, which is a strong predictor, HL was
ing to gender, breastfeeding, parents’ education level, still a statistically significant predictor of MLU. Upon
dichotomized number of incidents of OM and HL, and adjusting for parents’ education, the standardized coef-
whether independent t tests resulted in statistically sig- ficient for HL in predicting MLU dropped from –0.289 to
nificant different outcomes for the five language scores. –0.239 (p = .107), whereas the coefficient for parents’ edu-
The correlation coefficients among the five language cation was 0.311 ( p = .038), with the explained variance
scores, number of OM incidents, and HL are presented increasing from 8.3% to 17.8%. Inclusion of the moderat-
in Table 3. ing factor of the parents weakens the effect of hearing
loss on MLU.
Moderating Factors in the Relation
Between Early-Life OM History and HL Moderating Factors in the Relation
and Language Skills at 27 Months Between Early Life OM and HL
In Table 2, it can be seen that breastfeeding was
and Language Skills at 7 Years
positively related to MLU at 27 months, whereas there Breastfeeding and gender were not related to any
was no significant relation between any of the language language score at age 7. Higher parent’s education did
scores and gender. Furthermore, higher parental edu- have a positive effect on both CM and WFP. After cor-
cation levels had a positive effect on all language scores recting for multiple comparisons according to Holm’s
at early age and at school age. After correcting for mul- step-down procedure (Holm, 1979), CM scores were still
tiple comparisons according to Holm’s step-down proce- statistically significantly higher for the more educated
dure (Holm, 1979), Reynell and MLU scores were still, parent group.
and in this order, statistically significantly higher for the Average HL in the first 2 years of life did not appear
more educated parent group. to be related to language scores at age 7, whereas the
Only MLU appeared to be somewhat affected by dichotomized OM history was weakly related to lan-
dichotomized hearing loss, as more hearing loss resulted guage production at 7 years. The relation between WFP
in lower MLU. Upon adjusting for cognitive develop- and the dichotomized OM variable resulted in a 0.734
ment, the standardized coefficients for HL in predicting (standardized beta = –.229, p = .068) lower score for the
MLU dropped from –0.372 to –0.298 ( p = .049), whereas group with more OM. Adjusting for parents’ education,
the standardized coefficient for cognitive development was this difference decreased to 0.627 (standardized beta =
0.409 (p = .008), with the explained variance increasing .196), with the coefficient for parents’ education being

Table 2. Child characteristics relative to language scores.

27 months of age 7 years of age

a a a b
Variable N MLU MLUL Reynell WFPc CMc

Male 28 2.2 4.8 0.4 5.3 6.1
Female 27 2.3 4.9 0.3 4.7 5.4
No 36 2.2 4.4 0.3 4.8 5.5
Yes 28 2.4* 5.4 0.3 5.1 6.0
Parents’ educational level
Low 33 2.0* 4.2* 0.1* 4.5* 5.1*
High 32 2.5 5.4 0.6 5.4 6.4
Otitis media incidents
0–3.5 33 2.4 4.9 0.3 5.2 5.7
> 3.5 30 2.2 4.8 0.4 4.6 5.8
Hearing loss
< 1.1 dB 31 2.5 5.2 0.3 4.9 5.8
> 1.1 dB 32 2.1 4.5 0.5 4.9 5.7

*p < .05.
Lengths of sentences. bStandard normal scores. cStandardized scores (range: 1–10).

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Table 3. Pearson correlation coefficients between language scores and cognitive development at 27 months and language
scores at 7 years.

27 months of age 7 years of age

Variable dB HL OM MLU MLUL Reynell MDI WFP CM

dB HL 1 0.488a –0.247 –0.220 0.170 –.174 0.027 0.015

N 63 63 43 43 52 52 63 62
OM incidents 0.488a 1 –0.102 –0.056 0.057 –0.062 –0.103 0.088
N 63 64 44 44 53 53 64 63
MLU –0.247 –0.102 1 0.864a 0.450a 0.421b 0.510a 0.254
N 43 44 44 44 43 38 44 44
MLUL –0.220 –0.056 0.864a 1 0.357c 0.472a 0.478a 0.263
N 43 44 44 44 43 38 44 44
Reynell 0.170 0.057 0.450a 0.357c 1 0.431a 0.374b 0.468a
N 52 53 43 43 53 38 53 53
MDI –.174 –0.062 0.421b 0.472a 0.431a 1 0.149 0.087
N 52 53 38 45 45 53 53 53
WFP 0.027 –0.103 0.510a 0.478a 0.374b 0.149 1 0.373a
N 63 64 44 44 53 53 65 64
CM 0.015 0.088 0.254 0.263 0.468a 0.087 0.373a 1
N 62 63 44 44 53 53 64 64

p < .005. bp < .01. cp < .05.

0.862 (standardized beta = .269), and the explained correlated (r1 = .373, p < .002). Applying MANOVA to
variance increased from 5.3% to 12.4%. these two language scores, it appears that the MLU and
Reynell at 27 months are both highly significant con-
Language Scores at 27 Months tributors ( Pillai’s trace = 0.008 and 0.003, respectively),
with MLU contributing significantly only to the WFP score
and 7 Years (b2 = 1.09), t(42) = 3.235, p = .002, and the Reynell con-
In Table 3, it can be seen that MLU, MLUL, and tributing only significantly to the score on the CM test
Reynell correlate weakly with WFP scores at 7 years: (b = 1.52), t(42) = 3.635, p = .001. Upon including parents’
.510 ( p < .001), .478 ( p = .001), and .374 ( p = .006), re- educational level as a covariate, the coefficient of MLU
spectively. Moreover, a positive correlation between lan- for WFP shifted slightly downward (b = 0.98, p = .007),
guage comprehension skills at 27 months ( Reynell) and and the coefficient of Reynell for CM was slightly lower
at 7 years (CM) was found (.468, p < .001). at 1.23 ( p = .005). Parents’ education appeared to be
related to WFP only with a higher score, on average (b =
Children having parents with more education had
1.3), t(1) = 1.242, p = .003. When considering the effect of
statistically significantly higher scores for all five
HL, the estimate for HL at –0.734 was almost significant
language tests (see Table 2). Parent education appeared
for WFP, t(1) = –1.738, p = .09, whereas HL appeared to
to be a strong moderator in the relation between com-
have no effect on CM. When parents’ education was in-
prehension at 27 months and at 7 years. The correlation
cluded in this model, the estimates for HL were not sig-
coefficient of the Reynell scores was then .424 ( p = .001)
nificant, whereas a higher parental education resulted
with children with more educated parents having on aver-
in a 1.478 higher CM score, t(1) = 2.685, p = .011.
age higher language production scores (r = .83, p = .087).
Parents’ education did not appear to have a moderating
effect on the relation between language production scores Parent-Reported Variables Between
at 27 months and 7 years.
0 and 7 Years and Language Skills
Relation Between Language at School Age
Production and Comprehension For each age interval (0–2 years, 2–4 years, 4–6 years,
and 6–8 years), the effects of parent-reported hearing
and Combined Effects
Language production and comprehension mea- 1
r = correlation coefficient.
sured at 7 years are weakly but statistically significantly 2
b = regression coefficient.

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problems, ENT consults, insertion of tympanostomy tubes, language skills and the level of parent’s education: It
speech therapy, speech development between birth and appeared that children of higher educated parents were
7 years, and hearing problems were examined with in- less affected by HL in their language development. Thus,
dependent t tests. Children who had received tubes had, even after adjusting for cognitive development, which is
on average, a 0.882 lower WFP score than the rest of the a strong predictor, HL was still a statistically significant
studied group, t(63) = 2.149, p = .035. Children having predictor of MLU.
had an ENT consult between 3 and 7 years had, on All children in the present study were healthy born.
average, 0.758 lower WFP scores, t(63) =1.781, p = .080. Therefore, the influence of OM and the underlying HL
Children who had received speech therapy between age may be clearer to estimate than in children for whom
3 and 7 years had 0.4 lower WFP scores, t(63) = 3.189, multiple risk factors obscure the contribution of HL to
p = .002. According to the parents’ report, 15% of the later problems (Roberts et al., 2002).
children had HL between 0 and 2 years, 26% had HL
Information about HL in the time interval between
between 2 and 4 years, 20% had HL between 4 and 2 and 7 years was obtained through a parent question-
6 years, and 12% had HL from 6 years to the time of naire. We found no associations between parent-reported
evaluation. Fifty-four percent of the children had no HL HL between birth and 7 years and language skills at age
in any of the intervals, 30% had HL during one period, 7. When conducting separate analyses for the intervals
8% had HL during two and three periods, and 2% of the between 0–2, 2–4, 4–6 and 6–8 years, neither HL in any
children had HL in all four time intervals. Parent- of the intervals nor the cumulative number of all age in-
reported HL in any of the four time intervals appeared to tervals with HL appeared to be related to language skills.
have no effect on WFP and CM. This argues against the contention that relatively recent
HL has an effect on language scores at age 7.
Although no effect of parent-reported HL between 0
Discussion and 2 years could be found, we did find that clinically
measured HL was significantly related to the toddlers’
The present study could not demonstrate a direct
language skills at 27 months. This suggests that parent-
effect of either OM or HL in the first 2 years of life on
reported HL might be a rough and /or unreliable mea-
either language comprehension or production skills at
sure. Anteunis and colleagues (1999) suggest that it is
school age. Negative effects of HL on language produc-
difficult for parents of infants to recognize occurrences of
tion at 27 months, and of OM at 7 years, were only mar-
OM. The findings of the present study imply that par-
ginally significant.
ents may even be unable to report OM-related hearing
The role of the actual HL at early life has often been loss when the child is no longer an infant. Although OM
disregarded in investigating long-term effects on lan- presence was examined prospectively by an otolaryn-
guage development. As periods of OM can occur without gologist every 3 months, the parents only reported once
auditory reduction, the underlying hearing loss might for each time interval of 2 years whether hearing loss
be a better predictor of language problems. This is con- was present or not. Previous studies have also argued
firmed in the present study, as we found that the number that parent-reported information often lacks reliability
of OM incidents was not positively related to language (Hartley & Moore, 2005; Roberts et al., 1991; Rockette,
scores at early life, whereas HL was found to be related. 2003). First, periods of HL due to OM can be missed by
This is in line with the findings of other earlier studies parents and, therefore, are not reported or are reported
(e.g., Anteunis & Engel, 2000; Roberts, Hunter, et al., only when HL has been detected by an ENT doctor.
2004). Second, periods with HL in early life might be remem-
Current models of development, as outlined by Vernon- bered less precisely than periods that have occurred
Feagans et al. (2003) and Gravel (2003), place OM as just more recently. Third, parents of children who are fre-
one of many factors that influence child development. HL quently affected by OM might be more alert to the po-
as a mediating factor and possible moderating factors such tential accompanying HL than parents of children who
as breastfeeding and parent education, as well as gender have just had moderate middle-ear problems. This jus-
and cognitive development, were included to understand tifies apprehension in the use of parent-reported data—
the influence of other causal variables on development in particular, those addressing HL. In contrast, it has
and under which conditions OM may affect development. been shown that parents remember doctor consultations
We found that both breastfeeding and gender of the child or treatment more readily than they do episodes of ear
appeared to have a weak relation or no relation to language disease (Daly, Lindgren, & Gieblink, 1994), which ar-
scores at early life and school age, with neither variable gues for the reliability of the information about ENT
affecting language scores significantly. However, cog- consults, tympanostomy tube insertion, and speech ther-
nitive development was a strong predictor for early lan- apy. In the present study, children who had one or more
guage scores. Likewise, there was a relation between ENT consults had significantly lower language production

40 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 53 • 34–43 • February 2010

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scores at age 7. This may only reflect the fact that children finding a more statistically significant effect. The pre-
with language problems are more likely to be referred to an sent data set did generate parameter values that were
ENT doctor to determine whether their language prob- comparable to the data from the original study group of
lems are caused by HL (Hartley & Moore, 2005). Anteunis and Engel (2000), indicating that the conclu-
Children who underwent tympanostomy tube inser- sions found here with 65 children could be considered
tion (n = 9) had, on average, a significantly lower lan- representative for the original sample of 124 children.
guage production score, but there was no control group However, it is still possible that insufficient power
as there was in the studies by Rovers et al. (2000) and may have caused the lack of a significant relation be-
Paradise and Feldman (2007). Both of these studies tween HL and language. To increase power, the consid-
were unable to find a difference in language compre- ered variables were dichotomized. Mean hearing loss
hension and production skills between groups that had was dichotomized at the small value of 1.1 dB HL, on
either early or delayed tube insertion. In the present average, over the first 2 years of life, which is because a
study, it is likely that the children received tympanos- much larger sample is required to obtain enough chil-
tomy tubes to improve language problems and, there- dren in the sample with a clinically relevant HL. Con-
fore, they scored lower than the rest of the group. sidering an average cutoff level of 8 dB resulted in just
Children who had had speech therapy still had sig- 3 children with “hearing loss” and having a 0.3 lower
nificantly lower WFP scores, although none of the chil- WFP score, which is 1.5 times the standard deviation. A
dren could be classified as having a language problem at substantially larger sample than ours, also including a
age 7. This shows that after treatment, language prob- number of children with a moderate HL, would render
lems were perhaps resolved but not to the level seen in sufficient power.
children who never had language problems. Our results found a positive correlation between
Because we found a significant correlation between language skills at age 7 and various variables—such as
HL and language scores at 27 months but not between parental education, tympanostomy tube insertion, and
HL and language scores at age 7, we examined the speech therapy—at an early age. The relation between
correlation between early and late language scores. If late language scores and the average HL in the first
early and late language scores would not be correlated, 2 years and the number of OM incidents was not present
one might question whether the variation in language or very weak. However, there might be a relation be-
scores at age 7 was too low to reflect differences in lan- tween moderate early-life OM-related hearing loss and
guage skills and, consequently, would hide any correlation later language scores, which possibly could have been
between early-life HL and language at age 7. However, demonstrated if a larger sample similar to our own had
early and late language scores were significantly related, been obtained.
which may be an argument for the reliability of the ana- In Anteunis and Engel (2000), factors such as cog-
lyzed data and against the apprehension that language nitive development, gender, age, parents’ educational
tests at age 7 may have been not sensitive enough. level, breastfeeding, passive smoking, dialect speaking,
It has been suggested that long-term consequences and perinatal risk factors were found to play an impor-
of fluctuating HL in early life might not become appar- tant role in language development. Considering these
ent in general language development but are restricted factors in analyzing the present data, the effects were
to lower-order speech perception processes (Grievink, less pronounced. To increase power, moderating factors
Peters, Van Bon, & Schilder, 1993; Groenen, Crul, Maassen, were considered in the dichotomized form. This revealed
& Van Bon, 1996). Consequences of OM-related hear- significant positive correlations of parents’ education on
ing loss have been shown in various speech perception all language scores at 27 months and school age. In con-
tasks—for example in speech recognition in noise (Schilder, trast, neither OM nor HL in the first 2 years of life was
Snik, Straatman, Van den Broek, 1994; Zumach et al., significantly related to either language comprehension
2009) and phonetic coding (Mody, Schwartz et al., 1999). or production skills at school age.
These findings, together with the findings of the pres-
ent study, support the assumption that long-term con-
sequences of early-life OM-related hearing loss may
not apply for general language comprehension or pro- Conclusion
duction but may be restricted to speech perception In the present study, we addressed the question of
processes. whether early-life OM and its underlying fluctuating HL
A disadvantage of multiple testing might be that it has long-term consequences on language development.
inflates the possibility of a type I error and thus weakens This question was unable to be confirmed by the out-
the conclusions that can be made. At the same time, the comes of our study. Although a fluctuating HL between
relatively small sample size may be the reason for not birth and 2 years had negative consequences on

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