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Early Vancomycin Therapy and Adverse Outcomes in

Children With Pneumococcal Meningitis
Steven C. Buckingham, MDa, Jonathan A. McCullers, MDb, Jorge Lujan-Zilbermann, MDc, Katherine M. Knapp, MDb, Karen L. Orman, MDd,
B. Keith English, MDa

aDepartment of Pediatrics, University of Tennessee Health Science Center and Childrens Foundation Research Center at Le Bonheur Childrens Medical Center, Memphis,

Tennessee; bDepartment of Infectious Diseases, St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee; cDepartment of Pediatrics, University of South Florida,
Tampa, Florida; dDepartment of Pediatrics, Kosair Childrens Hospital, Louisville, Kentucky

The authors have indicated they have no nancial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.

BACKGROUND. Experts recommend that children with suspected pneumococcal men-
ingitis should empirically receive combination therapy with vancomycin plus
either ceftriaxone or cefotaxime. The relationship between timing of the first dose peds.2005-2282
of vancomycin relative to other antibiotics and outcome in these children, how- doi:10.1542/peds.2005-2282
ever, has not been addressed.
Key Words
Streptococcus pneumoniae, vancomycin,
METHODS. Medical records of children with pneumococcal meningitis at a single
meningitis, dexamethasone, hearing loss
institution from 19912001 were retrospectively reviewed. Vancomycin start time Abbreviation
was defined as the number of hours from initiation of cefotaxime or ceftriaxone CSF cerebrospinal uid
therapy until the administration of vancomycin therapy. Outcome variables were Accepted for publication Nov 3, 2005
death, sensorineural hearing loss, and other neurologic deficits at discharge. As- Address correspondence to Steven C.
Buckingham, MD, Le Bonheur Childrens
sociations between independent variables and outcome variables were assessed in Medical Center, Room 301, 50 N Dunlap St,
univariate and multiple logistic regression analyses. Memphis, TN 38103. E-mail: sbuckingham@
RESULTS. Of 114 subjects, 109 received empiric vancomycin therapy in combination PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005;
Online, 1098-4275). Copyright 2006 by the
with cefotaxime or ceftriaxone. Ten subjects (9%) died, whereas 37 (55%) of 67 American Academy of Pediatrics
survivors who underwent audiometry had documented hearing loss, and 14
(13%) of 104 survivors were discharged with other neurologic deficits. Subjects
with hearing loss had a significantly shorter median vancomycin start time than
did those with normal hearing (1 vs 4 hours). Vancomycin start time was not
significantly associated with death or other neurologic deficits in univariate or
multivariate analyses. Multiple logistic regression revealed that hearing loss was
independently associated with vancomycin start time 2 hours, blood leukocyte
count 15 000/L, and cerebrospinal fluid glucose concentration 30 mg/dL.
CONCLUSIONS. Early empiric vancomycin therapy was not clinically beneficial in children
with pneumococcal meningitis but was associated with a substantially increased risk of
hearing loss. It may be prudent to consider delaying the first dose of vancomycin
therapy until 2 hours after the first dose of parenteral cephalosporin in children
beginning therapy for suspected or confirmed pneumococcal meningitis.

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C HILDREN WITH MENINGITIS caused by Streptococcus
pneumoniae face a guarded prognosis: in developed
nations, 10% die and one third of survivors are dis-
logic outcomes in children with pneumococcal menin-
gitis in the era of early empiric vancomycin therapy.
With these ends in mind, we expanded the data set of
charged from the hospital with significant neurologic our previous study and subjected it to multivariate anal-
sequelae.13 Previous studies have identified a multitude ysis to identify clinical and laboratory characteristics in-
of adverse prognostic indicators in children with pneu- dependently associated with the outcomes of death,
mococcal meningitis; however, differences across studies hearing loss, and other neurologic deficits. In particular,
in populations, therapeutic approaches, and statistical we sought to investigate the relationship between timing
analyses make synthesis of their results problematic.24 of the first dose of vancomycin and the above outcomes
Thus, it presently remains unclear which risk factors are after controlling for the effects of other predictive vari-
independently associated with the outcomes of death, ables.
hearing loss, and other neurologic sequelae. Particular
uncertainty continues to surround both the use of ad- METHODS
junctive dexamethasone therapy and the optimal anti-
biotic therapy for children with pneumococcal meningi- Study Population and Record Review
tis.5 The study population consisted of children with pneu-
During the 1990s, widespread pneumococcal resis- mococcal meningitis identified retrospectively from
tance to penicillin and third-generation cephalosporins computerized records of the microbiology laboratory and
emerged, and some patients with cefotaxime-resistant medical records department of a 225-bed pediatric ter-
pneumococcal meningitis experienced delayed cerebro- tiary care childrens medical center from October 6,
spinal fluid (CSF) sterilization when treated initially 1991, to December 31, 2001. Subjects were included if
with cefotaxime or ceftriaxone alone.610 In view of these they met at least 1 of the following criteria: S pneumoniae
developments, in 1997, the American Academy of Pedi- isolated in culture of CSF, S pneumoniae antigen detected
atrics Committee on Infectious Diseases recommended in CSF, or S pneumoniae isolated in culture of blood and
that patients with definite or probable bacterial menin- CSF examination showing 10 leukocytes per L. Data
gitis should empirically receive combination therapy from 86 subjects, admitted from 1991 to 1999, were
with vancomycin plus either cefotaxime or ceftriaxone included in our previous study evaluating penicillin re-
until susceptibility testing results are available.11 The sistance in pneumococcal meningitis.13 The University of
rationale for the inclusion of vancomycin in initial ther- Tennessee Health Science Center Institutional Review
apy was based on the known association between de- Board and the Le Bonheur Research Committee ap-
layed CSF sterilization and neurologic sequelae in chil- proved the study and waived requirements for informed
dren with bacterial meningitis.12 consent.
Even before the Committee on Infectious Diseases Data regarding demography, past medical history,
issued its recommendation, combination empiric ther- clinical and laboratory findings, antibiotic susceptibility,
apy including vancomycin had already become an ac- hospital course, therapies administered, and outcome
cepted practice for children with suspected pneumococ- were abstracted from medical records. Audiometric test-
cal meningitis at our tertiary childrens medical center. ing results were abstracted from medical records and
As we have noted previously, this strategy has effectively from the electrophysiology laboratory records of the
prevented bacteriologic therapeutic failures in children hospital. The date and time of the initial lumbar punc-
with pneumococcal meningitis in our institution: from ture were abstracted from medical records, as were the
1991 to 1999, none of 80 children (30 of whom under- date and time of the first dose of each parenterally
went repeat CSF examinations 24 96 hours into ther- administered antibiotic. These data were used to calcu-
apy) who received empiric vancomycin therapy suffered late the number of hours from the first dose of any
documented delayed CSF sterilization.13 Nevertheless, parenteral antibiotic appropriate for pneumococcal men-
patients in this series suffered adverse outcomes at rates ingitis (eg, penicillin G, cefotaxime, and ceftriaxone)14
similar to or exceeding those documented elsewhere: until the first dose of vancomycin (henceforth called the
7% died, and 53% of survivors who underwent audio- vancomycin start time).
metric testing had moderate to profound sensorineural
hearing loss.13 These observations raised 2 questions. Data Analysis
First, is early empiric vancomycin therapy clinically ben- Three outcome variables were investigated: death, mod-
eficial in children with pneumococcal meningitis? Sec- erate to profound sensorineural hearing loss, and other
ond, how promptly is vancomycin therapy initiated in neurologic deficits at the time of hospital discharge. The
these children, and would earlier administration im- associations of independent variables with each outcome
prove outcomes? variable were assessed in univariate analyses using Fish-
We undertook the present study to address these ers exact (categorical data) or Wilcoxon rank-sum (con-
questions and to identify risk factors for adverse neuro- tinuous data) tests. Hearing loss was defined by the

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absence of an observable response at 50 dB in 1 ear TABLE 1 Demographic, Clinical, and Therapeutic Characteristics of
on audiometric testing. Other neurologic deficits were the Study Population
defined by the presence of functionally significant motor Characteristic Value
or cranial nerve deficits (other than hearing loss) or Age, median (IQR), mo 10 (520)
global encephalopathy at the time of hospital discharge. Female gender, % 45/114 (39)
The analyses of hearing loss and other neurologic deficits Ethnicity, n/N (%)
only included subjects in whom these findings could not Black 74/114 (65)
White 40/114 (35)
be attributed to underlying conditions. Penicillin suscep-
Admission year
tibilities of pneumococcal isolates were interpreted ac- 19911996 63/114 (55)
cording to current Clinical Laboratory Standards Insti- 19972001 51/114 (45)
tute guidelines.15 Abnormal neuroimaging (ie, computed Transferred from outside institution, n/N (%) 27/114 (24)
tomography or MRI) studies were defined as those in- Underlying medical condition, n/N (%) 23/114 (20)
Seizures before presentation, n/N (%) 22/113 (19)
terpreted by a staff radiologist as showing evidence of
Focal neurologic decit at presentation, n/N (%) 20/109 (18)
central nervous system pathology not referable to an Depressed consciousness at admission, n/N (%) 11/114 (10)
underlying condition. Depressed consciousness at ad- ICU admission, n/N (%) 54/112 (48)
mission was defined by documentation of coma; a Glas- Respiratory failure, n/N (%) 27/112 (24)
gow coma score of 14; unresponsiveness; or opistho- Penicillin-resistant isolate, n/N (%) 20/110 (18)
Abnormal neuroimaging study, n/N (%) 40/78 (51)
tonic, decorticate, or decerebrate posturing.
Blood leukocyte count, median (IQR), cells per L 16 500 (972525 300)
Separate multiple logistic regression models were de- Positive Gram-stain, n/N (%) 93/110 (85)
veloped for each outcome variable. Independent vari- CSF glucose, median (IQR), mg/dL 20 (1054)
ables present in 10% of the study population and with CSF protein, median (IQR), mg/dL 197 (116366)
univariate P .20 were included in initial models. A CSF leukocyte count, median (IQR), cells per L 490 (1951600)
CSF % granulocytes (IQR) 75 (6188)
backward elimination approach was used to yield the
Hours from lumbar puncture to rst dose of 1 (01)a
most parsimonious yet descriptive model possible. Inde- parenteral cefotaxime or ceftriaxone,
pendent variables with multivariate P .05 were re- median (IQR)
tained. After a tentative final model was created for each Volume bolus 10 mL/kg, n/N (%) 27/112 (24)
outcome, previously eliminated independent variables Seizures after admission, n/N (%) 24/111 (22)
Corticosteroid therapy n/N (%)
were individually forced back into the model and re-
Any 37/113 (33)
tained if P was then 0.05. Vancomycin start time was Starting 1 h after rst dose of parenteral 16/113 (14)
initially included in all of the models regardless of uni- antibiotics
variate associations. Statistical calculations were per- n/N indicates number with characteristic/number informative. Data were ascertained for 98
formed using Statview (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). subjects (range: 0 141 hours). IQR indicates interquartile range.
a Range: 83 hours before to 21 hours after lumbar puncture.

Demographic, Clinical, and Therapeutic Characteristics be calculated for 98 subjects and varied from 0 to 141
Data regarding the demographic and clinical character- hours (median: 1 hour; interquartile range: 0 6 hours).
istics and therapeutic interventions for the 114 included Vancomycin start times were 1 hour in 38 subjects, 1
subjects are presented in Table 1. Documented underly- to 2 hours in 16, 2 to 5 hours in 16, and 5 hours in 28
ing medical conditions included: skull fracture and/or subjects.
CSF leak (7 subjects), sickle cell disease (5), asthma (3),
chronic lung disease and hydrocephalus as complica- Outcomes
tions of prematurity (3), Chiari I malformation (1), Dan- Ten subjects died: 1 suffered a full arrest shortly after
dy-Walker cyst (1), human immunodeficiency virus in- presentation to the emergency department, and 9 died
fection (1), Trisomy 21 and atrioventricular canal (1), after initial intensive care unit (ICU) admission and me-
chronic subdural hematoma resulting from nonacciden- chanical ventilation. Audiometric testing results were
tal trauma (1), Klippel-Trenauny-Webber syndrome and documented for 67 of 104 subjects who survived to
underlying seizure disorder (1), ventricular septal defect hospital discharge. Of these, 37 subjects (55%) had mod-
(1), and biliary atresia (1). Abnormalities identified on erate to profound sensorineural hearing loss in 1 ear.
neuroimaging studies included: ischemic changes and/or Subjects who underwent audiometric testing were less
infarction (17 subjects), cerebral edema (14), subdural likely to have underlying disorders than were those who
effusions (12), hydrocephalus (8), cerebral atrophy (6), were not tested (8 of 67 vs 15 of 37; P .001); other-
and cerebritis (3). wise, clinical characteristics of these groups did not sig-
Vancomycin was administered to 109 subjects, all of nificantly differ (data not shown). Fourteen surviving
whom received antecedent or concomitant therapy with subjects were discharged from the hospital with func-
cefotaxime or ceftriaxone. Vancomycin start times could tionally significant neurologic deficits other than hearing

1690 BUCKINGHAM et al
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loss. These subjects neurologic findings included (num- the mortality analysis, variables representing ICU admis-
ber of subjects): persistent vegetative state (2), spastic sion, respiratory failure, and abnormal neuroimaging
hemiplegia or diplegia (3), hemiparesis (4), and other studies could not be fitted in multivariate models be-
motor and/or cranial nerve palsies (6). cause of their essential collinearity with outcome. Early
Table 2 lists the univariate associations of selected vancomycin administration was independently associ-
independent variables with outcome variables, with ated with an increased risk of hearing loss but not with
continuous variables dichotomized to simplify the pre- mortality or other neurologic deficits. These models
sentation of results. Table 3 presents univariate associa- were not significantly altered by the forcing of other
tions of vancomycin start time (also dichotomized) with variables, including corticosteroid therapy, into them.
outcome variables. As shown, early vancomycin admin- Furthermore, given an expected hearing loss rate of 30%
istration was associated with an increased risk of hearing (the observed rate in subjects with vancomycin start
loss, whereas vancomycin start time was not signifi- time 2 hours) and an adjusted odds ratio of 13.5 (the
cantly associated with mortality or other neurologic def- point estimate from this analysis), the calculated number
icits. Among children with hearing loss, the median needed to harm for vancomycin start time 2 hours is 2
vancomycin start time was 1 hour (interquartile range: (95% confidence interval: 25) patients.16
0 1.5 hours), whereas that of children without hearing
loss was 4 hours (interquartile range: 112 hours; P DISCUSSION
.0005). With increasing vancomycin start time, the pro- In this retrospective cohort study, we identified several
portion of tested children with hearing loss decreased in prognostic factors associated independently with adverse
stepwise fashion: 1 hour, 18 (78%) of 23; 1 to 2 hours, outcomes in children with pneumococcal meningitis,
6 (67%) of 9; 2 to 5 hours, 3 (33%) of 9; 5 hours, 5 including peripheral leukopenia, low CSF glucose con-
(28%) of 18 (P .006). centration, elevated CSF protein concentration, respira-
tory failure, and presence of a focal neurologic deficit at
Multivariate Analyses of Risk Factors admission. Whereas these observations are largely con-
The results of multiple logistic regression modeling for sistent with the results of previous studies,24 the most
each of the outcome variables are listed in Table 4. For provocative result of this study must be the observation

TABLE 2 Univariate Associations of Selected Independent Variables With Outcomes of Mortality,

Hearing Loss, and Other Neurologic Decit
Characteristic Odds Ratio (95% Condence Interval)
Mortality Hearing Loss Other Neurologic Decit
Age 1 y 0.3 (0.11.4) a 1.5 (0.53.9) 2.2 (0.77.2)a
Female gender 1.6 (0.45.9) 1.0 (0.42.7) 4.8 (1.416.4)a
Black ethnicity 5.4 (0.744.3)a 3.1 (1.18.5)a 1.2 (0.43.7)
Admission year 19972001 3.2 (0.813.0)a 2.5 (0.96.8)a 1.1 (0.33.3)
Transferred from outside institution 1.3 (0.36.4) 1.1 (0.43.4) 1.2 (0.34.6)
Underlying medical condition 1.8 (0.47.6) 1.1 (0.25.3) 2.1 (0.67.6)
Seizures before presentation 3.1 (0.812.3)a 1.0 (0.33.3) 5.4 (1.518.7)a
Focal neurologic decit at presentation 5.6 (1.421.7)a 6.0 (0.753.0)a 13.7 (3.553.1)a
Isolate with penicillin MIC 2.0 g/mL 2.1 (0.317.7) 6.7 (1.727.3)a 3.6 (0.429.4)
Abnormal neuroimaging study Undened 3.9 (1.013.2)a 28.3 (3.4234)a
ICU admission Undened 2.6 (1.07.1)a 22.3 (2.8179)a
Respiratory failure Undened 1.2 (0.34.1) 24.7 (6.397.0)a
Volume bolus 10 mL/kg 4.6 (1.118.6)a 4.3 (1.117.1)a 2.3 (0.77.7)
Seizures after admission 4.2 (1.018.0)a 2.4 (0.78.7) 8.3 (2.528.3)a
Corticosteroid therapy
Any 0.2 (02.0) 0.9 (0.32.6) 2.1 (0.76.6)
Starting 1 h after rst dose of parenteral antibiotics 0.7 (0.15.6) 0.6 (0.12.5) 3.1 (0.811.7)a
Blood leukocyte count
5000/L 41.1 (7.3232)a 1.2 (0.25.7) 0.9 (0.18.3)
15 000/L Undened 4.1 (1.411.8)a 1.8 (0.65.8)
CSF glucose
30 mg/dL Undened 5.3 (1.815.4)a 1.3 (0.44.7)
20 mg/dL 5.7 (1.128.0)a 3.9 (1.411.0) 0.8 (0.22.9)
CSF protein
200 mg/dL Undened 4.9 (1.714.0)a 4.2 (1.017.0)a
400 mg/dL 22.4 (4.3116)a 2.6 (0.610.7) 8.0 (2.032.3)a
CSF leukocyte count 500/L 1.0 (0.33.7) 1.3 (0.53.6) 1.4 (0.44.9)
a Univariate P .20; investigated in multivariate analysis for given outcome.

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TABLE 3 Associations of Vancomycin Start Time With Outcome Variables
Outcome Vancomycin Start Time, n/N (%) Pa Odds Ratio
(95% Condence Interval)
2 h 2 h
Mortality 3/54 (6) 3/44 (7) .99 0.80 (0.154.19)
Hearing loss 24/32 (75) 8/27 (30) .0007 7.1 (2.322.5)
Other neurologic decit 6/50 (12) 6/40 (15) .76 0.77 (0.232.61)
a Fishers exact test.

TABLE 4 Multivariate Analyses: Independent Predictors of Death, Hearing Loss, and Other Neurologic
Outcome Risk Factor P Adjusted Odds Ratio
(95% Condence Interval)
Death (R2 0.50)
Blood leukocyte count 5000/L .0006 32 (4.5233)
Cerebrospinal uid protein 400 mg/dL .006 17 (2.3123)
Hearing loss (R2 0.40)
Vancomycin start time 2 h .003 13.5 (2.573)
Blood leukocyte count 15 000/L .006 12.0 (2.169)
Cerebrospinal uid glucose 30 mg/dL .03 4.9 (1.120.6)
Other neurologic decits
(R2 0.45) Respiratory failure .0001 29.2 (5.1166)
Focal neurologic decit at admission .005 13.6 (2.283)

of significantly increased hearing loss among children lation in which empiric vancomycin therapy is routine.
who received vancomycin 2 hours after the first dose Thus, we believe that the present report represents the
of cefotaxime or ceftriaxone compared with those with most complete body of evidence to date concerning the
longer vancomycin start times. This unexpected result safety and efficacy of early empiric vancomycin therapy
raises questions as to the optimal management of pneu- in children with pneumococcal meningitis.
mococcal meningitis in children and specifically chal- The mechanisms by which early vancomycin therapy
lenges the dictum that empiric vancomycin therapy might increase the risk of hearing loss are uncertain, but
should be administered promptly to all children with likely involve effects on the host inflammatory response.
definite or probable pneumococcal meningitis. Experimental data indicate that the combination of van-
Until now, only limited data have been available re- comycin and ceftriaxone induces more rapid killing of
garding the safety and efficacy of empiric vancomycin pneumococci than is achieved by either agent alone.2022
therapy, administered in combination with a third-gen- This rapid bacterial lysis may then result in increased
eration cephalosporin, in children with pneumococcal liberation of bacterial proinflammatory components (eg,
meningitis. In 2002, investigators in Australia published lipoteichoic acid), resulting in an enhanced host inflam-
their analysis of secular trends and concluded that em- matory response that putatively mediates neurologic in-
piric vancomycin use was not related to the outcome of jury.23 Counterbalancing the potential risks related to
pneumococcal meningitis.17 Also in 2002, Kellner et al18 rapid bacterial lysis, however, is the increased risk of
reported that, among children with penicillin-nonsus- neurologic sequelae associated with delayed (ie, 24
ceptible pneumococcal meningitis, those who received hours) CSF sterilization.12 Therefore, optimal therapy for
empiric vancomycin therapy received fewer mean days pneumococcal meningitis must achieve the dual goals of
of intravenous antibiotics (12 vs 18.5 days; P .04) but sterilizing the CSF while minimizing inflammatory dam-
did not demonstrate reductions in fever duration, ICU age to host tissues. The most commonly advocated strat-
admission, hearing loss, or any neurologic sequelae. egy for achieving these dual ends is the administration of
Data from adult patients with pneumococcal meningitis adjunctive corticosteroid therapy. Although this ap-
are similarly sparse; however, a retrospective cohort proach remains controversial, a growing body of evi-
study in West Virginia (1978 1997) found that mortality dence suggests that dexamethasone, initiated concomi-
was increased among adults treated with the combina- tantly with or before the first dose of parenteral
tion of vancomycin and cephalosporin (3 of 5) compared antibiotics, decreases rates of mortality in adults and of
with those treated with chloramphenicol (1 of 9) or neurologic sequelae (including hearing loss) in chil-
cephalosporin alone (0 of 9).19 Our study differs from dren.2426 Another potentially attractive strategy for ster-
these previous studies in that we used multivariate anal- ilizing CSF while minimizing inflammation is to empir-
ysis of patient-level data from a sizeable pediatric popu- ically administer a nonbacteriolytic antibiotic, such as

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rifampin, in combination with ceftriaxone or cefo- that the magnitude of this association is clinically rele-
taxime. Currently, evidence favoring this strategy is pri- vant, as well as statistically significant: for every 2 pa-
marily experimental: mortality rates are lower in ri- tients who received vancomycin therapy 2 hours after
fampin-treated mice with pneumococcal meningitis the first dose of cefotaxime or ceftriaxone, 1 suffered
than in those treated with ceftriaxone,27 and compared otherwise unexpected hearing loss.
with those treated with ceftriaxone alone, animals who We recognize that only limited conclusions can be
receive rifampin plus ceftriaxone demonstrate reduc- drawn from a retrospective study and would welcome a
tions in CSF pneumolysin concentrations,28 CSF lipotei- randomized, controlled trial to confirm the safety and
choic acid concentrations, and density of apoptotic neu- efficacy of early empiric vancomycin therapy in children
rons in the hippocampal dentate gyrus.29 The inclusion with pneumococcal meningitis. Until such a study is
of nonbacteriolytic antibiotics in initial therapy for bac- performed, we propose that the approach to empiric
terial meningitis merits further evaluation in human therapy of pneumococcal meningitis in children should
clinical trials. be reconsidered. For the present, empiric vancomycin
Our results are subject to limitations inherent in ret- use remains justifiable because of the risks of delayed
rospective studies. First, because of our retrospective CSF sterilization in cases of meningitis caused by anti-
study design, we could only analyze data that was avail- microbial-resistant pneumococci, although the inci-
able in medical and laboratory records. In particular, dence of such cases has been reduced in the United
audiometry test results were documented in only 64% States in the era of conjugate pneumococcal vaccina-
of surviving subjects. It is possible that subjects who tion.30 Our results suggest that administration of vanco-
underwent audiometry differed systematically from mycin 2 hours after the first dose of cefotaxime or
those who did not; however, the only observed differ- ceftriaxone confers no clinical benefit and, in fact, is
ence between these groups was a higher rate of under- associated with a substantially increased risk of hearing
lying conditions (which, in many cases, would have loss. Given these data, it may be prudent to consider
obviated the attribution of hearing loss to the meningitis delaying the first dose of vancomycin therapy until 2
episode in any event) in the latter. Second, because this hours after the first dose of parenteral cephalosporin in
is a nonrandomized, observational study, our results children beginning therapy for suspected or confirmed
could be compromised by the effects of confounding pneumococcal meningitis. Further investigation is re-
variables; therefore, we controlled for such confounders quired to determine whether such a delay is beneficial or
using multiple logistic regression modeling. It is conceiv- harmful in children who receive early adjunctive corti-
able, for example, that subjects with more severe disease costeroid therapy and to determine whether nonbacte-
at the time of presentation might have an inherently riolytic antibiotics, such as rifampin, might prove to be
higher risk of hearing loss and might receive vancomy- safer than vancomycin in this clinical scenario.
cin therapy sooner than those with less severe disease. In
our multivariate analysis, however, clinical measures of REFERENCES
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Early Vancomycin Therapy and Adverse Outcomes in Children With
Pneumococcal Meningitis
Steven C. Buckingham, Jonathan A. McCullers, Jorge Lujn-Zilbermann, Katherine
M. Knapp, Karen L. Orman and B. Keith English
Pediatrics 2006;117;1688
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2005-2282

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Early Vancomycin Therapy and Adverse Outcomes in Children With
Pneumococcal Meningitis
Steven C. Buckingham, Jonathan A. McCullers, Jorge Lujn-Zilbermann, Katherine
M. Knapp, Karen L. Orman and B. Keith English
Pediatrics 2006;117;1688
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2005-2282

The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
located on the World Wide Web at:

Pediatrics is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it
has been published continuously since . Pediatrics is owned, published, and trademarked by the
American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois,
60007. Copyright 2006 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN:

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