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No Focus/Variable Expert Theory

1 Lesson Plan Brown A set of activities which represent steps along a

(2001:149) curriculum before which and after which you have a
hiatus (a day or more) in which to evaluate and prepare
for the next lesson.
Spratt, A set of notes that helps us to think through what we are
Pulverness, going to teach and how we are going to teach it. It also
& Williams guides us during and after the lesson, we can identify the
(2005:91) most important components of a lesson plan by thinking
carefully about what we want our learners to do and how
we want them to do it.
Jensen An extremely useful tool that serves as a combination
(2001:403) guide, resource, and historical document reflecting our
teaching philosophy, student population, textbooks, and
most importantly, our goal for our students.
Farrel.C (in Lesson planning involves decisions about the
Richards,J.C, pedagogical dimensions of the lesson. But another
& Renandya important aspect of a lesson concerns the management of
2002:28) learners during the lesson. This includes eliciting
students, attention, maintaining their engagement in the
lesson, andorganizing them into pairs or groups.

2 Develop the Farrel.C (in An effective lesson plan starts with appropriate and
Lesson Plan Richards,J.C, clearly written objectives. An objective is a description
& Renandya of a learning outcome. Objectives describe the
2002:32) destination (not the journey) we want our students to
Jensen Lesson plan should be coherence and flow, exhibits
(2001:406- variety and flexible

Enerson, one of the most useful things you can do before you
Plank, & begin thinking about specific activities for a particular
Johnson class is to reflect on who your students are and what they
(2000:3) can reasonably be expected to know and do

Reiser & In developing a lesson plan, English teacher should

Dick (in construct it completely and systematically to establish
Syahmadi interactive, inspiring, joyful, challenge, efficient, active
2013: 68) learning and to provide opportunities for students to be
creative based on their own interest

3 Implement the Cameron responsibility on the students, introduction of new

Lesson Plan (in Septi vocabulary items, Theme-Based learning outcomes,
Sesiorina teachers regular monitoring, and oral production
Farrel.C (in teachers should remember that the original plan was
Richards,J.C, designed with specific intentions in mind and the plan
& Renandya was based on the teachers diagnosis of the learning
2002:34) competence of the students

Moon (2000) essential principles that should be considered before

designing learning activities. Learning activities made
for young learners need to follow these principles:
concrete to abstract, receptive to productive skills,
personal to impersonal, and controlled to less
controlled. Guidelines in Implementing Lesson Plan.

Zulueta emphasized the guidelines in implementing lesson plan

(2008:81) to learner differences, length of period, flexibility,
learner participation, learner understanding and

4 English Maxom In language courses there are four main skills which need
Teaching (2009:4) to be included to make students truly proficient. These
are listening, speaking, reading and writing

Celce- Listening not just hearing, it is an active process that

Murcia. M, may begin even before the first speech signal is
et al recognized, and it may go on long after the input or
(2014:72) spoken information has stopped. Meaning cannot be
simply extracted from the sound signal, and
understanding is the result of active construction
occurring at all levels of text (sounds, grammar, lexis,
and discourse structure) and context.
Newton and A various number of speaking teaching strategies are utilized
Nation and used in the classrooms for many circumstances. Among
(2009:34) others, the strategies of teaching speaking are cooperative
activities, role-play, creative tasks, and drilling. Cooperative
activities can encourage negotiation of language item
Brown Types (genres) of reading: academic reading, job-
(2003:187) related reading and personal reading.
Brown A simplistic view of writing would assume that written
(2001:335) language is simply the graphic representation of spoken

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