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Calculation Sheet

Project Job No. Calculation No.

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In accordance with AISC 9th Edition - ASD

CS500X172 Full
Fy= 345 MPa M=(0,66 Fy bf tf)* d / 106 = 911 KN.m
Fu= 450 MPa
d= 500.0 mm Q=50% (0,4 Fy d tw) / 103 = 431 KN
t w= 12.5 mm
bf = 500.0 mm
tf = 16.0 mm
A = 21,850 mm2
Af = 8,000 mm2
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Project Job No. Calculation No.

Subject Discipline

By: Date: Checked By: Date: Sheet No. Sheet Rev.

Flange Plates Shear Plates:

No. of shear planes (nf) = 2 (1 or 2 ) No. of Plates (nw) = 2
Fy= 345 MPa n1 = 3 ( >= 3) Fy= 345 MPa tpw = 6.3 mm
Fu= 450 MPa s1 = 75 mm Fu= 450 MPa n3 = 5 ( >= 2)
dpf1 = 380 mm d1 = 40 mm dpw = 370 mm s3 = 75 mm
dpf2 = 180 mm n2= 4 (2 or 4 or 6) e= 78 mm d3 = 35 mm
s2 = 100 mm n4 = 2 (1 or 2)
d2 = 40 mm s4 = 75 mm
tpf = 9.5 mm d4 = 35 mm
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Project Job No. Calculation No.

Subject Discipline

By: Date: Checked By: Date: Sheet No. Sheet Rev.

Horizontal Shear (H) = 431 KN End Moment (M) = 911 KN.m
Axial Tension Load (T) = 10 KN Axial Compression Load (C) = 20 KN
Tension Flange Force FT = M / (d-tf) + T (Af / A) =
FT = 910.8 * 103 / ( 500.0 - 16.0 )+ 10.0 *( 8,000 / 21,850 )= 1,885
Compression Flange Force FC =M / (d-tf) + C (Af / A) =
FC = 910.8 * 103 / ( 500.0 - 16.0 )+ 20.0 *( 8,000 / 21,850 )= 1,889
Maximum Flange Force Ff = 1889 KN
Tension Web Force FW = T (1 - 2 Af / A) =
FW = 10 * ( 1 -2 * 8,000 / 21,850 )= 3 KN
Compression Web Force FW = C (1 - 2 Af / A) =
FW = 20 * ( 1 -2 * 8,000 / 21,850 )= 5 KN
Maximum Web Force Fw = 5 KN

Bolt Properties to Beam Flange Bolts AISC-ASD Tables J3.1 and J3.2
Bolt Diameter (db)= 3/4 in = 19.0 mm
Plate Bolt Hole Size (dh) = 21 mm
Area of Bolts (Ab) = 285 mm 2 (n1-1)s1
Allowable Tensile Stress (Ft)= 309 MPa ASTM A325 N (n2-1)s2
Allowable Shear Stress (Fv) = 148 MPa Bearing Type Connection

No. of Bolts on Horiz (n1) = 3 Spacing (s1) = 75 mm

No. of Vert. Rows of Bolts (n2) = 4 Spacing (s2)= 100 mm
Total No. of Bolts (n) = 12

Allowable Shear in Bolts at Flange Plate

Fb = nf n Fv Ab = 2 * 12 * 148 * 285 /103= 1010 KN < Ff= 1889 KN
Ratio = 1.87

Allowable Bearing at Bolt Holes on Beam Flange AISC-ASD J3.7

For edge distance not less than 1 1/2 db and c. to c. spacing of bolts not less than 3 db
Fpb= 1.2 Fu (n db tf)
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Project Job No. Calculation No.

Subject Discipline

By: Date: Checked By: Date: Sheet No. Sheet Rev.

Fpb= 1.2 * 450 *( 12 * 19.00 * 16.0 ) / 103 = 1,970 KN

Fpb= 1,970 KN > f=
F 1889 KN
Ratio = 0.96
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Project Job No. Calculation No.

Subject Discipline

By: Date: Checked By: Date: Sheet No. Sheet Rev.

Allowable Bearing at Bolt Holes on Flange Plate AISC-ASD J3.7

For edge distance not less than 1 1/2 db and c. to c. spacing of bolts not less than 3 db
Fpl= 1.2 nf Fu (n db tpf)
Fpl= 1.2 * 2 * 450 * ( 12 * 19.00 * 9.5 )/103= 2,339 KN
Fpl= 2,339 KN > f F = 1889 KN
Ratio = 0.81

Tension Yield of Flange Plate AISC-ASD D1

Ftpy= 0,6 Fy * ( 2 nf dpf2 ) * tpf Simplified design work with only 4 plates size dpf2
Ftpy= 0.60 * 345 *( (2* 2 * 180 )* 9.5 )/103= 708 KN
Ftpy= 708 KN < FT = 1885 KN
Ratio = 2.66

Tension Rupture of Flange Plate AISC-ASD B3 and D1

Ffpr= 0.50 Fu U An Simplified design working with only 4 plates size dpf2
Net Area Coefficient U = 0.85 in according section B3 bolted splice plate
Net Area An = 2 nf * [dpf2 - (n2/2)*dh] tpf
An = 2 * 2 *( 180 - 42.0 )* 9.5 = 5,244 mm2
Ffpr= 0.50 * 450 * 0.85 * 5,244 / 103 = 1,003 KN < FT = 1885 KN
Ratio = 1.88

Block Shear of Flange Plate AISC-ASD Section J4

RBS= 0.30 Av Fu + 0.50 At Fu (n2/2-1)s2

Edge Distance (d1)= 40 mm

Edge Distance (d2)= 40 mm Ff
d1 1)s1
At = 2 nf * ((dpf2 - 2 * d2 - (n2/2 -1 )* dh )) * tpf
At=2 nf*{( 180 -2* 40 )-( 2 -1 ) * 21 )} * 9.5 = 3,002 mm2
Av = 4 nf * ( d1 + (n1 -1) s1 - (n1-0,5) dh ) tpf
Av=4 nf*{ 40 +( 3 -1)* 75 -( 3 - 0.5 ) * 21 } * 9.5 = 10,450

RBS=( 0.30 * 10,450 * 450 + 0.50 * 3,002 * 450 ) / 103 = 2,086 KN

RBS = 2,086 KN > FT = 1885 KN
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Project Job No. Calculation No.

Subject Discipline

By: Date: Checked By: Date: Sheet No. Sheet Rev.

Ratio = 0.90

Bolt Properties for Web to Shear Plate AISC-ASD Tables J3.1 and J3.2
Bolt Diameter (db)= 3/4 in = 19.0 mm (n3-1)s3
Plate Bolt Hole Size (dh) = 21 mm
Area of Bolts (Ab) = 285 mm 2

Allowable Tensile Stress (Ft)= 309 MPa ASTM A325 N

Allowable Shear Stress (Fv) = 148 MPa Bearing Type Connection
Calculation Sheet

Project Job No. Calculation No.

Subject Discipline

By: Date: Checked By: Date: Sheet No. Sheet Rev.

No. of Vert. Rows of Bolts (n3) = 5 Vert spacing (s3 ) = 75 mm

No. of Bolts on Horiz (n4) = 2 Horiz spacing (s4 ) = 75 mm
Total No. of Bolts (n) = 10

Shear Yield of Shear Plate AISC-ASD F4

FV= 2 x 0,4 Fy dpw tpw = ( 2 * 0,4 * 345 * 370 * 6.30 ) / 10 = 3
643 KN
FV= 643 KN > H= 431 KN
Ratio = 0.67

Shear Rupture of Shear Plate AISC-ASD J4

FV= 0.30 Fu Anv
Net Area Anv = 2 (dpw -n3 dh) tpw = 2 * ( 370 - 5 * 21 )* 6.30 = 3,339 mm2
FV = 0,30 * 450 * 3,339 / 103 = 451 KN
FV= 451 KN > H = 431 KN
Ratio = 0.96

Block Shear of Web Plate - for axial tension load AISC-ASD Section J4
RBS= 0.30 Av Fu + 0.50 UbsAt Fu (n3-1)s3
Ubs = 1.0
Edge Distance (d3)= 35 mm
Edge Distance (d4)= 35 mm (n4-
d4 1)s4
At = 2 * ((dpw - 2 * d3 - (n3 -1 )* dh )) * tpw
At =2 * ( 370 -2* 35 )-( 5 -1 ) * 21 )) * 6.3 = 2,722 mm2
Av = 4 ( d4 + (n4 -1) s4 - (n4-0,5) dh ) tpw
Av = 4 * ( 35 +( 2 -1)* 75 -( 2 - 0,5 ) * 21 )) * 6.3 = 1,978
RBS=( 0.30 x 1,978 * 450 + 0.50 * 1.0 * 2,722 * 450 ) / 10 =3
RBS = 879 KN > Fw = 3 KN
Ratio = 0.00

Block Shear of Web Plate - for horizontal shear AISC-ASD Section J4

H (n4-

RBS= 0.30 Av Fu + 0.50 UbsAt Fu

Ubs =

Edge Distance (d3)= 35 mm

Edge Distance (d4)=


35 mm
Calculation Sheet

Project Job No. Calculation No.

Subject Discipline

By: Date: Checked By: Date: Sheet No. Sheet Rev.

Av = 2 ( d3 + (n3 -1) s3 - (n3-0,5) dh ) tpw

Av = 2 x ( 35 +( 5 -1)* 75 -( 5 - 0,5 ) * 21 )) * 6.3 = 3,030
At = 2 ( d4 + (n4 -1) s4 - (n4-0,5) dh ) tpw
At = 2 x ( 35 +( 2 -1)* 75 -( 2 - 0,5 ) * 21 )) * 6.3 = 989
RBS=( 0.30 * 3,030 * 450 + 0.50 * 0.5 * 989 * 450 ) / 10 =
RBS = 520 KN > H = 431 KN
Ratio = 0.83
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Project Job No. Calculation No.

Subject Discipline

By: Date: Checked By: Date: Sheet No. Sheet Rev.

Allowable Shear at Bolt on Web AISC-ASD J3.7 and pages 4-62 and 63 - Tables XI and XII
For edge distance not less than 1 1/2 db and c. to c. spacing of bolts not less than 3 db Find on the tables
with b=3" n3= 5 l= 78 mm = 3.1 " C= 6.87
Actual Lods on Bolt for the Axial Load f1 = Fw / n = 5 / 10 = 0.5 KN
f2 = H / C = 431 / 6.87 = 62.8 KN
Resultant Actual Lods on more loading Bolt R = f1 + f2 = = 63.3 KN simplified

Allowable cap. per one double shear Bolt - Rbolt = 2 Ab Fv = ( 2 * 285 * 148 ) / 103 = 84
Rbolt= 84 KN > R= 63.3 KN
Ratio = 0.75

Allowable Bearing at Bolt Holes on Beam Web AISC-ASD J3.7

For edge distance not less than 1 1/2 db and c. to c. spacing of bolts not less than 3 db
Allowable Capacity per Bolt Hole Fpb = 1,2 * Fu * db * tw
Fpb=( 1.2 * 450 * 19.0 * 12.5 ) / 103 = 128 KN
Fpb= 128 KN > R = 63.3 KN
Ratio = 0.49

Allowable Bearing at Bolt Holes on Web Plates AISC-ASD J3.7

For edge distance not less than 1 1/2 db and c. to c. spacing of bolts not less than 3 db
Allowable Capacity per Bolt Hole Fpl = 2* nw * 1,2* Fu * db * tpw
Fpl=( 2.0 * 1.2 * 450 * 19.0 * 6.3 ) / 103 = 129 KN
Fpl= 129 KN > R = 63.3 KN
Ratio = 0.49
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Project Job No. Calculation No.

Subject Discipline

By: Date: Checked By: Date: Sheet No. Sheet Rev.

Summay of results

Failure mechanisms
On Flange
Allowable Shear in Bolts at Flange Plate 1.87 NOT GOOD!!!
Allowable Bearing at Bolt Holes on Beam Flange 0.96 OK! PASS
Allowable Bearing at Bolt Holes on Flange Plate 0.81 OK! PASS
Tension Yield of Flange Plate 2.66 NOT GOOD!!!
Tension Rupture of Flange Plate 1.88 NOT GOOD!!!
Block Shear of Flange Plate 0.90 OK! PASS
On Web
Shear Yield of Shear Plate 0.67 OK! PASS
Shear Rupture of Shear Plate 0.96 OK! PASS
Block Shear of Web Plate - for axial tension load 0.00 OK! PASS
Block Shear of Web Plate - for horizontal shear 0.83 OK! PASS
Allowable Shear at Bolt on Web 0.75 OK! PASS
Allowable Bearing at Bolt Holes on Beam Web 0.49 OK! PASS
Allowable Bearing at Bolt Holes on Web Plates 0.49 OK! PASS

Max Design Ratio = 2.66

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AISC-ASD Tables J3.1 and J3.2



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Simplified design work with only 4 plates size dpf2


AISC-ASD B3 and D1
Simplified design working with only 4 plates size dpf2


AISC-ASD Section J4


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AISC-ASD Tables J3.1 and J3.2

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AISC-ASD Section J4


AISC-ASD Section J4
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AISC-ASD J3.7 and pages 4-62 and 63 - Tables XI and XII






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