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Within the collection of talks Samael, those related to the Gnostic Anthropology is seven and are the result of a singular
work, as part of a sequence that made it possible to shape a unitary work in its thematic whole, integrated seven chapters,
which is why they are presented in the same format. By uniting all topics covered will discover that in addition to being a
unique work, they have not become obsolete, despite the time elapsed.
S ECTION 1 1977


The origin of the sexes, the passage of androgynous or hermaphrodite, the fissiparous re-
production, sexual reproduction cooperation, Vishnu Purana, glaciations, Atlantis, Lemu-
Well, we will begin our lecture tonight. Unquestionably terrestrial humanity has gone through various phases of development, and
this is something we should analyze judiciously.

There is talk of mechanical evolution of nature, man and the cosmos. From the anthropological point of view, we have to unders-
tand that there are two kinds of evolution: the first would begin obviously with sexual cooperation properly within each and every
one of its aspects; the second is different ...

Unquestionably, at principle the human race multiplied in the same way cells multiply. We know that the core is divided into two
within the living cell, and that specializes a certain amount of inherent cytoplasm and materials to form new cells. The two are divi-
ded, in turn, in two others, and thus through the fissiparous process, we would say, cell division, organisms develop, cells multiply,

If at first the androgynous were divided into two, or three individuals to reproduce later that all changed and had to prepare the bo-
dy to reproduce subsequently by sexual cooperation. Obviously, it was in Lemuria, a continent once located in the Indian Ocean,
there the main aspects related to reproduction were performed.

In principle the creative organs, the lingam-yoni, it was not yet fully developed. It was necessary that these organs of the species
completely crystallized and conducted, so later in time could be done, specifically, the reproduction of the human species through
sexual cooperation.

So, as these (male-female) organs were developed, we not merely say in the androgynous human being, but Hermaphrodite, rather
interesting events occurred from the biological point of view and psychosomatic.

The fertilizer cell, for example, could make contact with the egg, and thus, such "cell-atom" appeared from the body of Father-Mo-
ther to develop and unfold. As a consequence or corollary, with very delicate processes, then was born a new creature.

The second aspect of this issue was also quite interesting. While it is true that in principle, living germs came off as atomic radia-
tion to develop outwardly and become new creatures, in the second there was some favorable change. Arguably the fertilized egg,
the egg females normally removed from her ovaries every month, had some extraordinary consistency, was already an egg itself, in
its intrinsic constitution; a fertilized internally within the Father-Mother, within the Hermaphrodite, an egg leaving the outside
world could cope or incubated egg, until finally opened for a creature emerged from there; creature that fed on the breasts of the
Father-Mother, and this, in itself, is already quite interesting.

Much later in time, he was being noted that certain creatures came into existence with an organ more developed than another. At
last came the time when humanity was divided into opposite sexes. When this happened, when it happened, then the sexual coope-
ration was needed to create.

The genealogies of Haeckel, regarding the possible origin of man and our three primary races, and that do not fit within this Mate-
rialistic anthropology today which invades the world, alas, are indeed the laughing stock of the materialistic anthropologists, ene-
mies what divinal.

They mock alike, both the genealogy of Haeckel, or pedigrees, to speak in the plural, as those lineages of Homer. You remember,
clearly, Achilles, the famous warrior son of Mars, Agamemnon, son of Jupiter, from afar commands, etc.

Phrases or poetic words of the man who sang at other times, ancient Troy and the rage of Achilles, the warrior ...

We need to talk very clear in all these anthropological questions, obviously. Scientists at this time pay attention to Paracelsus, the
father of chemistry, or the SOZURO Haeckel, the famous mythological Sozuro. In any event, there is much we have to analyze and
investigate exclusively within the anthropological.

If the division of the living primitive or primordial cell refused the reproductive process, would also decline the reproduction of Mo-
neron or the atom of the watery abyss of Haeckel, dividing itself to multiply.

Science, in truth, in some way could decide, scientifically, against that original reproduction system by cell division, ie by fissipa-
rous act.

However we realize clearly that these exposed theories on how to begin the reproduction (either through sexual cooperation, or
that other, in which organs creators should be developed before starting the possible cooperation) They are very controversial and

All religious theologies, from the Orphic (which is quite ancient) to the Christian Bible, tells us of a beginning by sexual coopera-
tion. It is rather symbolic; could be repeated in charge of Alchemy, but not scientific-anthropological, because it could not start an
evolutionary process with sexual cooperation, clearly, when the bodies creators still have not been created.

Obviously, there must have been a period of preparation for reproduction through cooperation, a period during the organs creators
had to develop and function in human organic physiology.

Religious scriptures, both East and West, have been altered, except the Visnu
Purana, for example, where it is said that "Daxa, after giving humans the abi-
lity to reproduce through cooperation, said: "long before that humans could
have that ability, long before sexual cooperation between men and women
existed, there were other modes of reproduction '." It concerns prior to the for-
mation of the creative organs in humans stages.

I not reach the degree of stating emphatically that those previous cooperation,
systems or lacked did not have any relationship with the creative energy. I
think the sexual energy has other forms of manifestation, and before the crea-
tive organs in the human species had evolved, sexual energy had other modes
of expression to create.

It is a pity that the Scriptures of all religions have been adulterated. We know that even the ESDRAS altered a bit the Pentateuch in
the Hebrew Bible. But among all these issues, it is essential that we continue analyzing and reflecting ...

Where the different races are unwrapped? We have said many times that the NEO PITHECOIDE is quite absurd, like his CYNO-
CEPHALO with tail, "tailless monkey" and "man-tree" issues simple utopias that have no foundations of any kind and we laughed a
lot about the mythical SOZURO Haeckel and that kind of "monkey" with speak capacity, something like the missing link between
ape and man.

But it is necessary to know where these breeds have been developed, in which scenario they have operated these evolutions and in-
volutions of humanity. That's what we really need to know; because it would be impossible to separate human races of their envi-
ronment, their different continents, its islands, its mountains, its natural scenery.

It is amazing that even though there were huge reptiles in the Mesozoic, humanity still alive while those already disappeared from
the face of the Earth. How is it possible that all antediluvian monsters have perished and that humanity is still living? We have put
a lot of emphasis on that issue, and we need to think a little or much...

That the human being is related to its environment, it is something that can not be denied. That have been other ways other than
sexual reproduction cooperation, it is also undeniable. But we should know something about every environment where different ra-
ces developed; It urges, little by little, we study the various scenarios of Nature.

We do not deny that there are facts that astronomers do not know.
What do they know, for example, on changes or modifications to the
axis of the Earth in relation to the obliquity of the ecliptic?

Laplace, the one who invented his famous theory that today exists, sta-
ting that "all worlds came out of their corresponding nebulae", a fact
that has never been proven, goes so far as to tell us, fanatically, that
"the decline of the Earth's axis in relation precisely with the obliquity of
the ecliptic, it is almost nil, and that this has always been a secular way.

Geology, is against of these concepts of astronomy. Of course axis devia-

tion of the Earth within the obliquity of the ecliptic, or inclination, to be
clearer, involves periods, were, glacial which always happen through the ages.

If we deny glacial periods, we would be saying absurd things, because glaciations are fully demonstrated and are based precisely on
the deviation of the axis of the Earth in its inclination within the obliquity of the ecliptic.

So it is demonstrated, quite clearly through geological studies, such a relationship that deny as-
tronomers. Geology and Astronomy are therefore opposed in this issue [1970's]. There is eviden-
ce of tremendous glaciations. MAGELLAN already noted certain times of unusual heat in the
Arctic, accompanied simultaneously glaciations and intense cold in the Antarctic.

We have reached a very interesting point and it is this issue of glaciers. It seems incredible that
in southern Europe and North Africa, had existed in other terrible times glaciations. In Spain,
for example, it has been told, corresponding to the Silurian Period that there were tremendous
glaciations; and this is demonstrated through all studies of Paleontology.

Meanwhile, no one could deny that today have been discovered, for example, in Siberia, and es-
pecially at the mouth of some rivers like the Obi and others, mummified corpses of antediluvian
animals. This means that Siberia is so cold, in times of great heat was tropical, like Greenland,
the Scandinavian Peninsula, Sweden and Norway to Iceland and all that horseshoe completely
surrounds the North Pole.

What would have been hot in those regions? "Impossible!", I'd say anyone. And yes, paleontology has confirmed pretty interesting
creatures have been discovered precisely in the mouths of the rivers that I quoted and this invites us all to reflect ...

During the time of Atlantis, the north and south poles were not where they are now. Then, the North, the Arctic Pole was located
on the equator, at the point easternmost tip of Africa. And the Antarctic, the South Pole was located exactly on the same equator to
t h e o p p o s i t e , a s p e c i f i c p l a c e i n t h e P a c i f i c .

There are other tremendous changes in the face of the globe. True old maps are unknown to the sages of this era. In the secret
crypts of Lamas, in the Himalayas, there are maps of ancient Earth maps that show that our world had another appearance in the

Think of Lemuria, that gigantic continent then located in the Indian Ocean. It was attached to Australia, because Australia is part
of Lemuria, like all Oceania. The Arctic was located in the easternmost point on the equator in Africa. Everything was different,
different ... completely different ...

By the time it came to pass a glacier of those terrible. This glaciation was projected precisely from the Arctic Pole, located in Africa,
towards Arabia, that is, Southwest Asia. And also it covered completely, or almost completely Lemuria. The whole area was filled
with ice, but failed to pass such glaciation the Mediterranean.

It is therefore interesting that there are times when our world Earth passes through such glaciations, the ice invades in certain
areas, in which millions of creatures die. All that is really due to the tilt of Earth's axis relative to the obliquity of the ecliptic.

Man had to develop in different scenarios, and we must get to know what those scenarios are. How the Americas continent appea-
red? How does Europe appeared? How does sank Lemuria? How Atlantis disappeared?

Lemuria was accepted by Mr. Darwin and there remains still in the bottom of the Indian Ocean. Through successive conferences,
we will study all these scenarios where the human race has evolved ...

Obviously, the agencies have gone through various morphological changes in the different environments where have been

If we say, for example, that the "intellectual animal" mistakenly called "Man", is ancestor to the famous mouse (which now speak
both materialistic anthropologists), or better said the "runcho" (as they say the South American ), thereby we would frankly fal-
sifying the truth.

That huge, or "runcho" mouse South America, we know that originally comes from Plato's Atlantis, which existed long before Atlan-
tis man existe. Then the man is before the famous mouse or runcho Atlante, as he is quoted now in these times.

If we say that the man originally comes from certain primates, and later hominids certain ancient Lemurian land, also we would be
thereby falsifying the truth. Because before the apes existed long before they had appeared the much vaunted primates or homi-
nids, the man was already here, already existed. Moreover, before the reproduction of the species will be made for cooperation, the
man already existed. Man is existed before the Lemuria was accepted by Mr. Darwin.

Obviously, we must recognize that the human race has been studied in form, we would say, shallow materialists by anthropolo-
gists, and has been since the Paleolithic times through the stages of the Eocene, Miocene and Pliocene; It is the oldest still Atlante
and Lemur continents.

But it is necessary, I repeat, to continue studying the different scenarios of our world, to better understand the various processes of
evolution and involution of the various human races.

For this moment, I want to say that we, the Gnostics are firm in our concepts, and if it gets us to choose between a Paracelsus, as
the father of modern chemistry, or Haeckel, as creator of Sozuro famous mythical, frankly we resolve by the first: by the great sage

My words here tonight.

Inverential Peace!

NESIS" whose author is Master Helena Blavatsky Petronila.
S ECTION 2 Also Rudolf STEINER, for example, in his "OCCULT SCIEN-

CE TREATY" gives many lights on the subject.

questions from other talks on issues related

I can talk to you extensively about this, due to the concrete
fact that what I am explaining, I've lived. So I need not study
to speak; I have lived and I have not extended the whole
issue today, because we would take all night and would not
manage to finish; or "thousand nights" I would have just ex-
plain to you the whole development of this Universe since it
QUESTION: What was the origin of the division of the se- emerged from Chaos. In any case, I've lived and I know by di-
xes? rect experimentation.
Samael Aun Weor: The division of sexes had to be done be-
cause, divine entities, beings, needed necessarily be male or
female separate vehicles for their own self-development and QUESTIONS: Master, would it be correct to take the defini-
individual experience. That is the cause ... tion of the Elohim, as "emanations of the Absolute" going
down vibration by projecting each other, so that when the
end take shape, fumes condense in the form of electro-
magnetic vibration form what we think or call as "stuff"?
QUESTION: Do you have any book documenting what
What if Elohim are those who helped to form the Man
you just said, at least in a way accessible to us? I do not
God, since in the Bible, God said, "Let us make man"?
know if I explain
And what he did not say only, said in plural: "Let us make
Samael Aun Weor: I wrote a Christmas message, the 69, man". You mean other characters or other forces mean?
where I talked about all that ... 68-69 ... If anyone asks, I ex-
Samael Aun Weor: Well first of all we must analyze the word
tend to you the "Message" of 1968-69, where I wrote about
"Elohim", right? "Elohim", in truth, is a feminine word with a
pluralized male end (the "H" sound in the Spanish language,
However, other authors have elucidated a lot about issues is pronounced as "J", so that its exact pronunciation is
Anthropogenesis. I can particularly recommend the second vo- "Elohim"). If the word "Elohim" is pluralized, then we have the
Elohim as the Army of the Voice, formed by creatures MALE- As it is said: "Let us make man in our image and likeness", it
FEMALE perfect. is obvious that themselves, taking body, fell in Lemuria, as
they descended in the Polar Era and the Hiperbrea, lived as
And precisely VALENTIN founder of the Gnostic Order of Va- Perfect Men, as androgynous
lentinianos, presented the same view: "The Elohim as perfect
couples, emanating from AGNOSTOS THEOS", ie the Un-
knowable Divinity, the Seidad Unknowable, which it is the Ab-
solute, or better said, the Absolute Abstract Space. In the Polar Epoch, simply Androgynes that reproduced
through sex fissiparous; in the Hyperborean Epoch as an-
This space, obviously it is devoid of any kind of quality that is drogynous reproduced by the system budding, and the Lemu-
beyond all possible intellectual conception; It is empty and full rian Epoch as hermaphrodites that reproduced with the sys-
at a time. tem of budding, ie Man himself made in the "image and like-
ness" of them, as in the background themselves were man.
If we say that Agnostos Theos, the Absolute, is only an "emp-
ty" and nothing else, we would not give a precise indication; They were removed after the picture of the Universe, it's true!
but if we say that the Agnostos Theos is emptiness and They left these forms of "DISCARDED MATERIALS" (useless
fullness while we can indicate precisely the essence of the Ab- because for them, divided into opposite sexes) to the upper
solute. elementary from the Animal Kingdom.

Now, entering to the bottom of what is the Absolute, it is not

possible by mere speculative reasoning, because it is beyond
any possible speculation. But "yes they emanate in perfect So, this humanity, these "bipedal brained" or "three-centered"
couples (says Valentin), the Elohim" ... These emanations in were the elementary higher animals who occupied vehicles or
perfect couples, as they come to build the Universe. They are "discarded forms" of the Elohim. They left, but they left the bo-
the Cosmocreators: Perfect androgynous, the creators of the dies ( divided into opposite sexes) to be occupied by the

Upper Elementary and occupied them; and as the Elementals QUESTION: A question, Master: all human beings fell, or
superiors were occupying it, they went away, until they left ... there are human beings that are preserved with their origi-
nal hierarchy?

Some fell Elohim, it's true! And that is "the angelic rebellion".
They not all fell. But many fell; and that is written in all Mytho- Samael Aun Weor: Well, there are some REAL MEN, now,
logies: "The Revolt of the Angels", "The Fall," that is part of all that did not fall and that remain normal
the old religions of antiquity ... So Perfect Man Hermaphrodi-
te, was made in the "image and likeness "of God ...

Now, putting us in an aspect of higher order, the book of Gene- QUESTION: Since that time?
sis is part of Alchemy. While it is true that by Genesis unfolded Samael Aun Weor: Yes; not all people are visible to the inha-
and developed the whole picture of the universe, it is also true bitants of the three-dimensional world of Euclid. In the Vertical
that the Alchemist must work with the Genesis and be re-ma- Fourth of our planet Earth, there are other humanities of flesh
de in the "image and likeness" of the Elohim, the instant it rea- and blood that are normal, they never developed the abomina-
ches the "sixth day of Creation" ... ble "Kundartiguador Body" and continue playing by Kriyasakti.
So, they are these abnormal living in the three dimensional
world of Euclid, which are commonly called "Earthlings".
One is the "image and likeness" of God when it has been
"swallowed by the snake" and when to turn, it has been "de-
voured" by the eagle. When one has become a QUETZAL-
CATL, in the same Male-Female, then an Elohim is again do-
ne, a perfect man has become the "image and likeness" of
"them and they", the She, god and goddess at once.


S ECTION 3 In this part of the compilation of Samael Aun Weors

EPILOG conferences we included those ones which were given

to advanced students (DIANOIA).

Since the spread of the Gnostic knowledge is an altruis-

tic and nonprofit work, the open reproduction of wri-
tten content is allowed, provided it is done under the
EIKASIA: Lectures to the general same conditions of altruism and non-profit benefits. If
public. the complete work is used, you must cite the source.

The images that accompany these texts were obtained

PISTIS: Talks given to students from many sources; therefore, if someone holds the
Second Chamber. copy rights of them and wants us to stop using them,
please let us know to take them out of this work.

The definitions contained in the "GLOSSARY" were ta-

DIANOIA: Lectures imparted to ken from different unrestricted Internet pages and
students of third chamber. then summarized only for the purpose of using them as
general reference.

NOUS: Congressional conferences, The terms "death", "revolution", "elimination and

others are part of the context of personal psychological
special recordings and informal talks. development alluding to Gnostic knowledge and have
nothing to do with politics.

The translations were made by several people, so any

doubt about the contents and interpretations should be
clarified at the original in Spanish, at this same inter-
net page.

The themes of this collection will be published in seve-

ral languages, so if you are interested in helping to
translate these texts into the language of your choice,
please contact us through this email:


Cynocephalus: literally means "dog's head". It applies to various mythological charac-

ters based on real people, such as "Papio cynocephalus" sacred baboon of Egypt with
dog's face.

In the theory of evolution of species they are called catarrhines to Old World monkeys,
as opposed to the new world monkeys. By extension those baboons are primates cata-
rrhines having the elongated head, like a dog.

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Dr. C. N. Dougherty discovered in 1971 in the Valley of the Giants (Texas) Saurios nu-
merous traces of various species, along with other human feet large, in the same geolo-
gical stratum.

This and other similar findings give reason to Blavatsky, the Vedas and many other an-
cient traditions.

Photo and measurements fossils Texas, USA:

Fsil de huellas de dinosaurio de tres dedos aplastando la huella de un pie humano,

proveniente de Nuevo Mexico, EU:

pie humano junto a Trilobites fosilizados proveniente de Tuba City, Arizona, EU

Piedras de Ica, Per:

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Ezra was a scribe very studious and faithful follower of the Law of Moses who used to
teach the Jewish people who had remained in exile. Ezra organized religious services
and laid the foundations of religiosity and love of the Law that will last in the Jewish
people until the coming of the Messiah.

Ezra is a Biblical book of the Old Testament in the Christian Bible is located between II
Chronicles and Nehemiah. Along with the Book of Nehemiah, they represent the final
chapter in the historical narrative of the Hebrew Bible.

Trminos del glosario relacionados


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Geological Eras are a definition of the stages that have been identified based on geological and fossil record of
the evolution of the planet and the life it has had over time.
The current science defines only four geological eras:

the Archean (4500-590), also called Pre-Cambrian

the Paleozoic Era (590-245)
the Mesozoic Era (245 to 65)
and Cenozoic Era (65-0)

Brief overview of the geological eras:



or Primary Cambrian 590 marine
Era invertebrates and
( 85 Mililons 505 rst jawless sh
(apogee of
and Ordovician 505 apogee of
emergence ( 67 Mililons 438 jawless sh third glaciation
of years)
the repSles)
Silurian 438 rst sh
( 30 Mililons 408 bones and shelled
years) animals

Devonian 408 apogee of sh and
( 58 Mililons 360 exSncSon of many
years) amphibians

Carboniferous 360 disappearance of
( 70 Mililons 290 jawless and fourth glaciation
years) appearance of

Permian 290 apogee of
amphibians and
( 45 Mililons 245 appearance of
years) repSles

MESOZOIC Triassic 245 DiversicaSon
or ( 37 Mililons 208 of repSles
Secondary years)

(repSles Era, Jurassic 208 Apogee
emergence ( 70 Mililons 138 the repSles
of years)
birds) cretaceous 138 exSncSon of
( 73 Mililons 65 large repSles

terSary Era terSary 65 Paleocene ( 10 65 - 55 Birds and mammals
Mililons years) predominant
( 63 Mililons Eocene (17 Mililons 55 - 38 arise primates
years) years)
(exSncSon Oligocene ( 13 38 - 25 arise herbivores
of Mililons years)
Dinosaurs, Miocene(20 25 - 5 arise anthropoids
expansion Mililons years)
mammals 2 Pliocene ( 3 Mililons 5 - 2 arise hominids
and years)
appearance Paleolithic or Stone
of man) Age
quaternary 2 Pleistocene ( 1.9 2 - 100 Homo sapiens
Mililons years) thousand emerges
( 2 Mililons 0.1 Holocene ( 100 000 100 to to emergence of
years ) years) present civilizaSon

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Monera is a kingdom of the classification of living things for some classification sys-
tems, which groups prokaryotic organisms, still being used in many manuals and text-
books. The current term is equivalent prokaryote and is defined as the kingdom of mi-
croscopic organisms that inhabit all environments and are formed by a single cell
without defined nucleus.

The term Monera has a long history that has changed its meaning, although always set
pointing to its etymology, the Greek , moneres, simple, reference to the sim-
plest microorganisms.

The term was first used in this way by Ernst Haeckel in 1866, because it was the first to
attempt to establish a phylogenetic hypothesis of biodiversity adjusted to the then
young and triumphant theory of evolution.

He divided organisms into three main branches, Plantae, Animalia and Protista,
gathering in the latter to the "primitive" forms that did not seem to show a specific rela-
tionship with plants and animals "superior". Haeckel Moneras placed in the trunk of
the tree of life, within Protista, which distinguished a sub-branch where, similar to the
first living forms simpler lines, which he called so, Moneras be found.

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For decades it has it has included these animals as ancestors of humanity today. In
2013 a team of scientists discovered a small animal the size of a squirrel, insectivore,
which lived 65 million years ago and could be the ancestor of us all placental

This small animal could be the ancestor of mice, elephants, tigers, bears, whales, bats
and humans. It was the size of a modern squirrel feeding on insects. It is estimated
that this animal lived between 200,000 and 400,000 years after the event that caused
the extinction of dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

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Pithecus name formerly used by zoologists to various groups of apes and monkeys, so
pithecoid NEO expression is to refer ape-like beings.

The use of that word Pithecus gave rise to the term Pithecanthropus, which also means
anthropopithecus, however both terms differ in their conception since according to the
first position of its etymological root can be:

Anthropopithecus: monkey traits of man.

Pitecantropo: man with apelike features.

In most currently used is anthropopithecus: Mammal hominid that lived in the Pleisto-
cene, which some scientific theories considered the missing link between ape and man:
anthropopithecus fossil bones were found on the island of Java.

Trminos del glosario relacionados


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The world's axis is the imaginary line around which Earth spins on its rotational move-
ment. The ends of this axis are the North and South geographic poles. It is common
knowledge that this axis is tilted relative to the plane of Earth's orbit, and this inclina-
tion is responsible for the stations on Earth.

The tilt of the Earth on the plane of its orbit, is also called obliquity of the ecliptic.

The land is giving "little nods" while spinning like a top. It has been found that the obli-
quity of the ecliptic is slightly variable due to oscillation of the rotation of the Earth
through its axis, by the presence of the moon, this oscillatory motion is called nutation
and has a period of almost 19 years.

In addition, in the motion of the Earth around the Sun, the extension of the axis of the
world to the celestial sphere is not always directed at the same point in the sky. Today
it is doing to the polar star but this point varies gradually so that goes in a circle. al-
most 26,000 years are required for this circle is complete. This movement takes the
Earth's axis with a period of 25,800 years is called precession.

There is no consensus on the causes of ice ages only known that several factors are im-
portant in form and origin: the composition of the atmosphere; changes in Earth's or-
bit around the Sun, called Milankovitch cycles; and possibly the Sun's orbit around its
gravitational center.

The geological history of the planet reveals that this whole complicated pattern of mo-
vement is not fixed in their benchmarks, but has had changes of various kinds.

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Haeckel produced a string composed of twenty links, covering the ancestors invertebra-
tes and vertebrates progenitors of man.

Start at the Moneron, composed coreless mass of protoplasm, then as second link
AMOEBA, which was, according to him, a mononuclear organism, and so on increasin-
gly complex.

In that series the SOZUROS correspond to the link number 14 and were conceived by
him as amphibian metamorphosis trailed the guts to reach adulthood, as with the frogs
that live today.

The number 19 is the catarrhines MONKEYS, 20 the great apes like the orangutan and
gorilla and his famous Pithecanthropus 21, a Man-Monkey who have not yet had the
power to speak.

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The Vishnu Purana is one of the "Puranas" Hindu religious texts. It is considered one
of the most important Puranas and has been given the name "jewel of the Puranas."

The Vishnu Purana is undoubtedly before the Bhagavata Purana (X century AD.),
Which copies many legends and texts directly from him.

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