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Rhetoric is a technique of using language effectively and persuasively in spoken or written form. It
is an art of discourse, which studies and employs various methods to convince, influence or please
an audience.


How did this idiot get elected? A rhetorical question to convince others that the idiot
does not deserve to be elected.

Here comes the Helen of our school. An allusion to Helen of Troy to emphasize the
beauty of a girl.
I would die if you asked me to sing in front of my parents
I have done this a thousand times. A hyperbole to use exaggeration for effect.

The eyes are the windows of the soul. - A Metaphor compares two things by stating one is
the other.
He smokes like a chimney. A Simile - compares one object to another.

Imagine being cast out into the street, cold, lonely and frightened. - Emotive language
To show kindness is praiseworthy; to show hatred is evil.- Parallel structures
Sometimes we have to be cruel to be kind. A Contrast
I ask you, is this fair, is it right, is it just? The Rule of three
Evil minds will use evil means. - Repetition
Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country. (J F
Kennedy) - Antimetabole repeats words or phrases in reverse order -
The name of Britains biggest dog was Tiny. - Irony

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ENGLISH B ______ _IB DP___ Miss Roxana Quispe Cuadros

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