Mobile Phones Essay

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The advent of mobile phones is absolutely the most remarkable event in the history of

telecommunication. The usage of mobile phones covers almost all the aspects of our daily lifestyle. It
is undeniable that the multitude of benefits that mobile phones bring to us has made us bask in
comfort and convenience. However, nothing is perfect as there are cons whenever there are pros.
Analogously, mobile phones can be a double-edged sword depending on our usage. So, if I were to
say whether students should be allowed to bring mobile phones to school, I would say NAY with a
capital N. Although the stakeholders are disputing about this issue, I indomitably think it is otiose for
students to bring mobile phones to school because it is mostly not beneficial, with a few exceptions,

To tap it all, we cannot deny the rightful fact that some juvenile students may abuse the
mobile technology and freedom given during school hours. Indeed, overuse without control means
abuse. Mobile phones consist of some alluring features such as games, which can be, simply divert
their attention to lessons. This will cause commotion in class where students just ignore their teacher
and keep discussing volubly about their state of art mobile phones, except some well-behaved
students sitting in front. During normal circumstances, it is already a great tribulation for a teacher to
ensure all the students behave tactfully and listen to the teacher attentively. This evidently means a
teacher finds is totally impossible to control the students discipline if those mostly immature
teenagers are allowed to bring mobile phones to school.

Secondly, students academic achievements will certainly deteriorate. What is interesting is

that the effect is actually indirect but seriously, significant in long term. Life today is hectic, and we
are gasping for every second, same for students who strive for excellence. Therefore, students always
utilize the free periods when some teachers are absent and the short time during the change of
periods to study. I strongly believe studying continuously is boring and monotonous but it is a must.
Ellen Parr has expanded that The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.
Therefore, even the best students will have affinity and curiosity towards mobile technology. They
will not hesitate to use mobile phones during the free time. Undoubtedly, this will become a habit in
the long run. A mans desire is never satisfied. They will start to extend their mobile phones usage
time and even dare to use it when the teacher is teaching. Gradually, the will to excel in study is
wiped off in toto.

Thirdly, students may potentially get involved in cyber-bullying, especially for those
delinquent teenagers who think they are infallible. Mobile technology includes also Internet
connection. If those misbehaved students are allowed to bring mobile phones to school, they may
upload some unpleasant photos taken during lessons to the website. For instance, the photo of a
teacher scolding students may subject the teacher to public scrutiny and probably, the teacher may be
condemned as it is an undeniable fact that most people will support the weaker side before
differentiating which side is morally true. Moreover, filming at schoolmates may harass their privacy
and cause discomfort. Uploading the video to the internet can further torment the student. As the
well-known Chinese saying goes, A bad word whispered will echo a hundred miles. It is
undoubted that cyber-bullying is the most difficult crime to be combated, as the criminals are equally
impossible to be traced.
Furthermore, bringing cell phones to school can lead to conundrums like peer pressure.
Students in the same class may come from different strata of society. Some of them are born will a
silver spoon in their mouth while some are born amidst hardship. So, a big contrast may be seen
when a student is holding an I-phone 5 in his right hand and a Samsung Galaxy S III in his left hand,
while the student beside him has nothing but an antique phone. Absolutely the less privileged
students will lose their self-esteem and feel pressurized with the desire to be rich and lead a luxurious
lifestyle. The bad thing is that this desire will eventually become envy. Those who do not possess the
novel mobile phone will try to commit theft and this further aggravates the disciplinary problems in
schools and increases the border of school teachers. School life is to be full of joy and happiness.
Students should not be exposed to the status disparity too early as they are not mature enough to
accept the unfairness.

Last but not least, if students are dependent on the mobile phoned as a communication tool,
their speaking skills will certainly get worse. Think of the old days when there were no mobile
phones, so many sociable leaders who can speak fluently were produced. Look at the modern days,
almost every urban teenager stares at the dead screen most of the time. How are they supposed to
communicate with others in the future? Are they going to use mobile phones during an interview to
procure scholarships or jobs? No, definitely no. Even if they can pass with flying colours in
examination, in reality, it is all about communication skills only. So, allowing students to bring
mobile phones to school will just increase their dependence on mobile phones and consequently,
affect their communication skills.

All in all, based on the disadvantages aforementioned, it seems that students should not be
allowed to bring cell phones to school. However, there are some minor exceptions, which are
comparatively unimportant. For example, students can utilize their mobile phones to check the
dictionary, contact their parents if there is emergency and search for extra information using the
internet. In my humble opinion, I frankly think that the disadvantages actually outweigh the
advantages quite significantly. So, I am convinced to conclude my stand that students should not be
allowed to bring mobile phones to school. As the old adage goes, One mans meat is another mans
poison. Apparently, some people will have different perceptions but I believe that our goal is the
same, thats to ensure students are educated well to fulfill the sine qua non to become a good
successor to the country. Indeed, education is the soul of the society as it passes from one generation
to another.

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