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Logic of Phantasy 51

Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉岡

Lacan Seminar 14:

The Logic of Fantasy 13
Seminar 13: Wednesday, March 1, 1967

I read last evening, somewhere, perhaps some of you too may have encountered it, this singular title:

"Know Freud before translating him" ... an enormity! As was said by a gentleman whom I do not claim to

resemble because I do not go around like him with a stick, even though sometimes with a hat:





In any case, it is clear that it seems to me that to try to translate him, is a path that is certainly

indispensable as a preliminary to any pretension of knowing him.



That a psychoanalyst should claim to know psychoanalysis may be acceptable, but to know Freud


translating him, invincibly suggests this stupidity of knowing him before having read him. This, of course,

supposes all the necessary enlarging of the notion of translation. For undoubtedly, what is striking, is

that I do not know if we can ever pot forward something, which resembles this pretension of knowing

Freud. Measure clearly for yourselves what it means - in the perspective that the thinking of Freud, once

it has reached the end of its development, offers us - measure clearly for yourselves what it means to

have proposed to us the model of subjective satisfaction in sexual union.






Was not the experience - the experience from which Freud himself started - very precisely that it was

the locus of subjective dissatisfaction? And has the situation improved for us?



Frankly, in the social context which is dominated by the function of the employment of the individual - the

employment, whether it is regulated against the measure of his subsistence purely and simply, or that of

productivity - what margin in this context, is there left to what might be the proper time for a culture of




And does not everything testify to us that this is indeed the reality most excluded from our subjective



No doubt this is, not what decided Freud to articulate this function of satisfaction as a (2) truth but, that

seemed to him to be protected from this risk, that he avowed to Jung, of seeing a profound theory of the

psyche finding itself in the rut of what he himself called "the black tide of mud of occultism".




It is indeed because with sexuality - which, precisely, throughout the centuries, had presided over what

seems to us the follies, the delusions of Gnosis, of the copulation of the wise man and sophia (and

along what path!) - it is indeed because in our century and under the reign of the subject, there was no

risk that sexuality could presume to be some kind of model for knowledge, that, no doubt, he began this

tune of the leader of the game, so well illustrated by this tale of Grimm that he loved, of the Pied Piper,

drawing behind him this audience which, one can well say, as regards the paths of any kind of wisdom,

represented the dregs of humanity.



有这样的危机。无可置疑地,人能够开始吹起笛声, 充当性遊戏的主导者。如同他所喜爱的格林童话的故



For undoubtedly, in what I called earlier the line that he traces out for us, and where one must start from

the end, namely, the formula of repetition, it is necessary to measure what separates the panta rhei of

the ancient thinker, when he tells us that nothing ever repasses in its own trace - that one never bathes

in the same river - and what that signifies in terms of a profound tearing apart of a thinking, that can only

grasp time in this something which only goes towards the indeterminate, at the price of a constant

rupture with absence.





What is added to it by introducing here the function of repetition?


Well then, undoubtedly, nothing much more satisfying, than to always, incessantly, renew, a certain

number of circuits.


The pleasure principle, undoubtedly, does not guide towards anything, and least of all towards the re-

grasping of some object or other.


What can the pure and simple notion of discharge account for, in so far as it is supposed to take its

model from the established circuit of the sensorium, from something, moreover, rather vaguely defined

as being the motor, the stimulus-response circuit, as they say? Who does not see that by keeping to this

the sensorium can only be the guide of what ensures, in effect, at the simplest level, that when the frog's

leg is stimulated, it is pulled back. It does not lead to grasping anything in the world, but to fleeting what

injures it.





What is it that the constant defined in the nervous system guarantees by the pleasure principle? The

equality of stimulation, isostime, I would say - to imitate the isobar or the isotherm that I spoke about the

other day – or isorespe, isoresponse. It is difficult to ground anything whatsoever on the isostime, for the

isostime is no longer in any way a stime. The isorespe, the "groping" for the equality of resistance, here

is what can define this isobar that the pleasure principle will lead the organism to avoid in the world.

Nothing in all of that, in any case, pushes towards the seeking, to the grasping, (3) to the constitution of

an object.






The problem of the object as such is left intact by this whole organic conception of a homeostatic

system. It is very surprising that its flaw has not been marked up to now.



Freud, here, undoubtedly, has the merit of noting that the seeking of an object is something which is

conceivable only by introducing the dimension of satisfaction.


Here we again come up against the strangeness of the fact that while they are so many organic models

of satisfaction - beginning with digestive repletion and also some of the other needs that he evokes, but

in a different register - for it is remarkable that it is precisely in so far as these schemas in which

satisfaction is defined as untransformed by the subjective agency, (oral satisfaction is something that

can put the subject to sleep, at the limit, but undoubtedly it is conceivable that this sleep may be the

subjective sign of satisfaction) - how infinitely more problematic it is to highlight that the true order of

subjective satisfaction is to be sought in the sexual act, which is precisely the point in which it proves to

be the most torn apart.







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