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2113 Intercultural Studies Name/ID: Khawla Saeed Alshehhi/H00296836

Content Questions - Beginning of the film---------------------------------------------------------------

1. Why does Todd need to go to India? What is the context (situation) he will experience a new
culture in? (Is it for studying, for work, for vacation, etc.?) How does his context/situation affect
his experience there? (does it make it more positive or more negative? Why?)

He needed to go to India for work as the company required from him to travel all the way there
because their work is being outsourced. It was his first time in India so it was a new experience
full with negativity as he didnt know anything about Indias culture. Furthermore, he expected
from the foreign country to be no way different from his country which is a wrong belief. When
visiting a new country, the person should read and be prepared to what is going to be seen from
that country because we are not the same.

2. When they go into the hotel, Todd meets Aunty Ji (13:00 15:30). What are some of the
intercultural conflicts that occur between the two in the first few minutes?

- She expected him to be married long time ago and mustve had children and grandchildren (It
means Indians believe in the early marriages while American dont).

- He used his left hand while eating which formed a conflict to them because they use only the
right hand to eat. They consider the left hand as the dirty one as it used for self-cleanliness.

- India considered a high context country which must not be excepted to like the straight talk.
However, she asked some personal questions such as: are you married? What does your father
do? What is your salary?

LSS 2113 Intercultural Studies Name/ID: Khawla Saeed Alshehhi/H00296836

Overall understanding of issues in the film--------------------------------------------------------------

3. The movie was made by an American production company. List at least 2 stereotypes that you
notice about different cultures presented in the film.

- Indian is famous with spicy food.

- Some Indians do stole things.

- Indians don't have accent.

4. Name 3 or more cultural differences between Todds cultures and the Indian cultures, as
portrayed in the movie. Focus on Todds culture shock.

- It is not allowed to eat with the elf hand in India.

- In India, avoiding strangers is important because they might rob you.

- Must jump into the train and expect that it will be too crowded.

- Drinking or eating their food might cause some illness.

- The bathrooms are in a different form and might be very dirty.

- The existence of cows inside the workplace is normal with Indians.

5. Choose one specific situation in the movie that shows an intercultural conflict (besides what
we saw in #2), and answer the following questions about it:

a. Describe the intercultural conflict. What happened? When? Who? Where?

Americans dont live with their parents. When Todd was setting with Puro, Puro asked if Todd is
living with his parents or not and he answered no. Although they live nearby, but he doesnt visit
unless couple of times a year. However, Indians do live with their parents unless they got

LSS 2113 Intercultural Studies Name/ID: Khawla Saeed Alshehhi/H00296836

b. What were the factors that created this conflict? Use Hofstedes 6 dimensions.

Individualism is the main reason behind this conflict. America is a high Individualism country
where every single person care about himself instead of the group or the family. On the other
hand, India is a collectivist country where they belong to the group and value the family.

c. Describe which worldviews have clashed.

For India, it is Honor/Shame because they belong to the group and they worry about losing face.

For America, it is Guilt/Innocence because it is a county of rules.

d. Can you also look at this situation in light of Halls high-context and low-context
cultures? How would you describe each culture: high- or low-context?

For India, it is a high-context country because it is located in the eastern side of the world and it
was exampled in the more use of gestures in delivering concepts. For instance, when Todd was
eating in front of aunti-gi, she used gestures to explain to him that he should not use the left hand
instead of saying it directly.

For America, it is low-context country because it is located in the southern side of the world. It
was exampled when Todd was setting with Puro in the car and he called him a president and
impressive. He replied with not as impressive as it sounds. He was way too obvious with his

e. How was the conflict resolved in the movie?

He received an advice from an American person he met in the resturant. Then he started to accept
things as the way they are and started to understand the Indian Culture then tried to fit in.

LSS 2113 Intercultural Studies Name/ID: Khawla Saeed Alshehhi/H00296836

f. Based on our discussions in class (Conflict, Worldview, Hofstede), how would you
recommend they deal with the conflict that youve chosen?

For the conflict Ive chosen, I dont think there must be a way to deal with it. Because as long as
Americans want to live with their parents it is up to them. However, it can be discussed further
with Indians as it is a way of life. As in the way I see it, I think it is wrong to live separately than
parents because they form guidance and passion in the house. There is no right or wrong in terms
of different cultures, it is about perspectives and traditions. But if it was faced by Indians in
America, they can resolve it through compromising on what is that they desire with convincing

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