Dona Juana Supreme Pupil Government Kalikasan, Panangutan Ko Project

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Rationale of the Project

Relative to the schools thrust of making it more conducive to learning; the

office of the Supreme Pupil Government supports the good intention of the
school administration and the teachers. Daily, it becomes a habit of every
learner in DJAL to maintain the upkeep of the school vicinity in order to
promote healthy atmosphere for the learners. Teachers and parents alike are
also ensuring the cleanliness and orderliness of the school ground, the
classrooms, and even the different areas in the school. Thus, it is routinely
done by the learners from Kindergarten up to Grade 6.

Having seen this practice, the members of the Supreme Pupil Government
with the assistance of the teacher club adviser, organized a more intensive
project this year on the sustainability of the schools thrust, that is, cleanliness.
Through a meeting, the members recommended more activities with the
guidance of the teachers and acknowledgement of the school administrator.

The project, KalikasanPananagutan ko!, came to reality this SY 2017 2018

inspired by the usual SPG projects of the previous batch on environmental
awareness. Since the focus of the previous SPG batch was on initiating
activities to help teachers maintain cleanliness in the school, the present batch
this year has decided additional activities in taking care of the environment.

Aside from the cleaning activities, the group has included the greening
activities and disaster management activities for the young learners like us.
The school learners take part in the greening program of the school by
donating at least two bondpaper-sized carabao grass for the school ground.
Literally, the learners brought sacks of carabao grass which are planted by the
intermediate grade learners. The spirit of bayanihan is not anymore new in
the school as we are oriented by the classroom advisers.
During hot days, group of learners patiently water the grass before going
home. Alongside, the planting of different variety of flowers and plants
supplement the activities. Although, there are some challenges like the big
area that we have. Still, the SPG officers believe in the vision of the school.
Segregation of plants, placement of obstructive materials, safety of protruding
items on the ground are some of the activities conducted. The SPG officers
also go out from the school and extended community reach out like planting
of trees along the river banks and waste management.

Landscapes and other attractions are present in the school. The SPG continue
to help the teachers in maintaining order at all times. Everyday, there are
groups of learners who are assigned to perform certain assignments like
picking cellophanes and other waste materials. During the day, there are
learners who go out from the class and proceed to the ground and other areas
just to check the cleanliness. They bring with them sacks or cellophanes where
they keep the rubbish found along the way.

Our activities were made possible because of the support of the purok
presidents. The barangay council has also extended its helping hands through
provision of permit and seedlings during the community extension.

As part of the disaster reduction management program, the SPG has assisted
the school security personnel during the morning and afternoon sessions as
traffic aid assistants. Our school is situated along the highway fronting the
city hospital. Many public vehicles are passing by. Although there are sets of
signage displayed around, but because of the increasing population of the
school, we need to help also our co-learners especially safety management.
Simple acts of assisting the little children where to pass using the pedestrian
lanes and the lanes designated for the learners.
Today, the school becomes more vibrant and colorful. Green grasses are
beautifully growing on the ground. Flowers and plants are blooming.
Landscaping of the different grades levels are maintained. Trees are healthy.
The school becomes our little paradise where plants and flowers abound.

With the constant meetings and by following the daily, weekly, and monthly
activities set by the officers and adviser of Doa Juana Supreme Pupil
Government Kalikasan, Pananagutan Ko project, we will continue to take part
even at our young age. It is our belief as well that what we are doing right
now is ticket to our future. And doing the right thing especially inculcating
love of nature, remains vital.

Doa Juana
Supreme Pupil Government
Kalikasa, Pananagutan Ko Project
Matrix of Activities of the SY 2017 2018
Doa Juana Supreme Pupil Government Kalikasan, Panangutan Ko Project
Month Activities In-charge Remarks
June 2017 School maintenance BE post Learners Conducted
implementation Teachers
Daily school maintenance
July 2017 Carabao grass planting Learners On-going
Gumamela planting Teachers
Uprooting of foreign grass Parents
Cleaning the canals Grade 6 classes
Traffic Mgt training School
Daily school maintenance personnel
Grade 6 learners school SPG adviser
August 2017 Proper waste disposal SPG officers On-going
Classroom visitation Class officers
Traffic assistance Parents
Daily school maintenance Teachers
Grade 5 learners school Learners
clean-up Grade 5 classes
September 2017 Grade level landscaping SPG officers
improvement Class officers
Mural and landscaping Parents On-going
Traffic assistance Teachers
Daily school maintenance Learners
Grade 4 learners school Grade 4 classes
Fire and Earthquake Drill conducted
October 2017 Segregation of plants SPG officers Conducted
First aid safety seminar c/o Class officers
Phil. Red Cross Parents
Traffic assistance Phil Red Cross On-going
School evaluation on City Hospital
physical structure personnel
Daily school maintenance School nurse
Grade 3 learners school Teachers
clean-up Learners
Grade 3 classes
November Clean-up drive SPG officers
2017 Traffic assistance Class officers On-going
Planting trees near the river Parents
bank Teachers
Daily school maintenance Learners
Grade 2 learners school Grade 2 classes
Feeding Program assistance
BASA KUBO reading
December 2017 Traffic assistance SPG officers
Daily school maintenance Class officers
Grade 1 and Kindergarten Parents
learners school clean-up Teachers
Feeding Program assistance Learners
BASA KUBO reading Grade 1 and
sessions Kindergarten
January 2018 Traffic assistance SPG officers
Daily school maintenance Class officers
Grade 6 learners school Parents
clean-up Teachers
Feeding Program assistance Learners
BASA KUBO reading Grade 6 classes
February 2018 Traffic assistance SPG officers
Daily school maintenance Class officers
Grade 5 learners school Parents
clean-up Teachers
Feeding Program assistance Learners
Grade 5 classes
March 2018 Traffic assistance SPG officers
Daily school maintenance Class officers
Grade 4 learners school Parents
clean-up Teachers
Feeding Program assistance Learners
BASA KUBO reading Grade 4 classes
April 2018 Recognition of Most
supportive learners
May 2018 Brigada Eskwela support
for the school

Prepared by:
SPG president


Master Teacher I/club adviser


Principal III
Include the tarp of SPG officers, take photo of it and then print as part of the

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