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Guide on joining the network

and filling in your profile

Step 1: the initial registration

Please go to and click on Become a speaker

Scroll down to find the registration form (fig.1)
Once you submit the form, we will approve it, after which you will receive an email with log in detail

If you are a central point of contact within a company coordinating your colleagues' registrations you can send us the below
details in a list so we can complete the initial registration for each individual and send you their login details. Please confirm that
each individual has read and agrees with the website terms and conditions and the privacy policy. Alternatively, you can ask each
person to complete the initial registration and I will send you the login details.
Step 2: completing your profile

Log in: - see to right hand corner. Log in using your credentials.

This will take you to your profile. Simply click on the pencil icon next to each part of your profile to fill it in.
See completed profile sample on pages 3 and 4.
This section is straight forward but here are a few things to think about ahead of time:

The image for the profile photograph needs to be larger than 500x500 pixels. You can resize the image
(zoom-in) only upon upload. Once you save it, the crop and the size will set.

Please also upload your photograph in the Download section. This is for event organisers and journalists to
use for their events/articles and should be high resolution as it might be used for print (brochures/press).

Only add those languages that you are comfortable presenting in.

Summary of expertise
This is where you further explain the event organizers what topics you can talk on. Keep the text to 500
characters. See examples on page 5.

Full biography
Full bio should include current responsibilities, previous work experience and academic and other roles/
memberships. It would also be great if you could add to your biography that you are a part of the Women
Talk Real Estate network. Keep the full biography to 1500 characters. See examples on page 5.

Your contact details

Your email addresses will not be visible through our website. You will be contacted through an online form
on your profile. If an event organiser/ journalist sends you an invitation to speak, the email will only become
known to them once you respond.

You have an option to provide two additional emails in the Contact section:

Additional email 1-this is where event organisers invites will be sent to. Keep your main email or your PAs
email here.

Additional email 2for press: this email will receive invites for media enquiries. Please consult your press
officer or your communications department on the best email address to provide here. You can also opt out
of media enquiries.

Step 3: maintaining your profile and being part of the network

It would be great if you could maintain your profile adding any changes and additions regularly. To make this
easier, we will send you a reminder periodically.

Please spread the word and recommend our database and training courses to other female professionals in
Europe but also beyondwe are happy to feature speakers from other regions provided they travel to European
regularly and are happy to speak at pan-European events.
A sample profile in edit mode

Please note: your contact details will not be visible.

Event organisers and media will contact you using a
web form (see the next page).
The email address provided in each section will be
revealed only when you respond to an invitation.

These four categories form the core of our search tool

and help event organisers and journalists identify the
right person for their speaking opportunities.
A sample profile in published mode
Samples of short summaries and full biographies

Summary of expertise samples:

Jane is a leading expert on the real estate opportunities that arise from the rapid urbanisation of cities around
the globe. Her perspective comes from her 25 years of experience in the property industry first as a town
planner before moving into an international research role. Related to her cities work, she can also speak on
density and sustainability.

Sarahs pan-European role gives her a strong vantage point to speak on market activity across the region. She
can talk on the latest investment and development trends, as well as global capital flows and investor activity.
With more than 20 years experience, she is well-versed in issues affecting the fund management industry.

Karen can speak on trends in capital flows into the UK and Continental European real estate with a particular
focus on the activity and requirements of Irish and Middle Eastern investors. She has experience across a
wide range of mandates including real estate, infrastructure, private equity and private credit strategies.

Rachel can talk on sustainable building solutions with a particular focus on public and private housing for
older people, community buildings, schools of all kinds and public realm projects. She can also talk more
broadly on green and sustainable design and masterplanning, and finding green solutions tailored to
occupiers rather than standardised accreditation.

Full biography sample 1:

Jane Smith is global head of research for Company X where she is responsible for the firms major research
programmes on cities and urbanisation. In addition to her thought-leadership in this area, she provides
strategic advice to clients rolling out international investment programmes.

Previously, she was a town planner at local authority X, which included leading the councils regeneration
programme to revitalise the city centre. She joined Company X in 2005 as a Director and was promoted to her
global role in 2011.

Jane is an author of two books on cities and is a regular speaker at industry events. She is a member of the
Urban Land Institute, leads Company Xs diversity programme as is part of the Women Talk Real Estate

Full biography sample 2:

Sarah Walker is the Chief Investment Officer for Fund Manager X. In her role, she sets the strategic direction
for the companys investing programme on behalf of its clients across its range of products and oversees all
transactions. In 2016, the company transacted close to EUR4 billion of deals across Europe.

Prior to joining company X, Sarah was head of transactions for company Y where she oversaw EUR8 billion of
acquisitions and disposals over a five-year period. She joined company Y from 15 years at company Z, which
she joined as part of the graduate programme.

With 22 years in the real estate business, she has extensive experience in capital markets and in- vestments.
She is a fellow of the RICS, a committee member of INREV, and part of the Women Talk Real Estate network.
She is a non-executive director of [Listed Company X], [Foundation Y] and [Charity Z].

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