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1. Introducing yourself!
2. The numeral. Cardinal, ordinal, telling the time.
3. Present tense simple. Present tense continuous.
4. Exercises with present tenses.
5. Food.
6. Jobs.
7. All kind of exercises. Reading, writing, speaking, listening.


affirmative :
subject + verb
I go. You eat.
!!! he, she, it ------ verb + -s / -es.
He eats. He studies. He goes.
interrogative :
Do + subject + verb?
Do I go? Do you eat?
!!! Does he / she / it read ?
subject + do not + verb
I do not go. You dont eat.
!!! He / she / it doesnt read
@ exprim aciuni generale --- prezentul generic.
The Earth moves round the Sun.
@ este folosit pentru aciuni obinuite, repetate:
always usually often sometimes seldom
every____day / winter / month /year
once a week / winter / year
from time to time as a rule never ever
I go there every day.
@ este folosit pentru exprimarea datei, avnd valoare de viitor:
Tomorrow is December 1st.
Tomorrow is Saturday.
@ este folosit pentru redarea unor aciuni planificate, a unor aranjamente pentru viitor, conform unui orar
sau program stabilit.
We leave the town at 8.
The train comes tomorrow.

EX I Trece urmtoarele propoziii la forma interogativ, apoi la cea negativ :

The girl goes to school every day. Tomorrow is my birthday.

The cats drink milk in the morning.


EX II Reformuleaz urmtoarele propoziii, respectnd indicaia din parantez :

My sister eats apples every day. (negativ)

The teacher comes to school by car. (interogativ)

All the children play in the park after school. (interogativ)

Claire likes tennis. (negativ)


affirmative :
subject + TO BE (Present Simple) + verb-ing
I am going. You are eating.
interrogative :
TO BE + subject + verb-ing?
Am I going? Are you eating?
subject + TO BE (negative form) + verb-ing
I am not going. You are/t eating.

@ exprim aciuni n desfurare n momentul vorbirii.
now, at present, at this moment
He is reading now.
@ exprim aciuni carea au loc ntr-o perioad limitat de timp, dar care include i momentul vorbirii.
today this week this year
We are studying French this year.
@ exprim aciuni planificate pentru viitor, dar planuri personale, nu oficiale.
What are you doing tonight?
@ exprim aciuni temporare in prezent.

I live in Paris, but I am living in London this year.

@ exprim aciuni repetate n prezent, care sunt enervante pentru ceilali.

He is always laughing when I say something!


EX I Trece urmtoarele propoziii la forma interogativ, apoi la cea negativ :

The birds are singing now.

We are going to France next summer.

The boys are doing their homework at this


EX II Pune ntrebri pentru cuvintele/structurile subliniate :

The children are going to school. Sara is reading a novel now.

My mother is cooking dinner. They are visiting Paris this week.

Alege varianta corect:

The children go to school.
a. today
b. usually
c. every morning
We .at this project this week.
a. are working
b. work
c. works
My cousin .Italian at school.
a. studys
b. study
c. studies
The sun is shining and the birds are singing
a. every summer
b. in this very moment
c. today
They visit this part of the country.
a. in the summer
b. usually
c. are
I often school by bus, but today I on foot.
a. go/go
b. am going/ go

c. go/am going

Present Simple sau Continuous? Scrie forma corect a verbelor din parantez:

Joe and his friends ..(to play) football in the park every Sunday.
All the women .. (to have fun) at this party.
I never .. (to eat) mushrooms in the morning.
Who .. (to study) German with you?
Lots of people .. (to visit) Rome in the summer.
We usually .. (to drink) milk in the morning, but this morning we .. (to drink)
apple juice and we .. (to eat) banana pie.
The train .. (to arrive) tomorrow evening at 10.
Look! It .. (to snow). You .. (to want) to make a snowman?
The teacher always .. (to tell) us that it .. (to be) important to help those in


I. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba ROMANA:

1. When you want to listen to the radio or watch TV., you turn it on.
2. When you dont want to watch tv or listen to the radio, you turn it off.
3. Tom, turn the music down please.
4. When you cant hear very well, you turn it up.
5. My jeans are blue but my T-shirt is red. Both are very expensive.
6. I wear a cap, trainers, green socks trening suit, and a blouse

II. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:

1. To plug in means that you connnect the machine to electicity so it can work.
2. When you press the Play button the cassette will start playing.
3. Mother told me to turn the music off because was 12 oclock at night.
4. When the right light goes on, the machine will start to fill up with water.
5. I got for my birthday a beautiful night dress, two pairs of jeans, a t-shirt and a jacket.
6. I usually wear at school sport clothes : t-shirts, jeans, trainers, trening suit and my school bag

1. Give the plural of these nouns:

Foot, mouse, day, proof, country, wife, child, woman, house, blackboard, month, hobby.

2. Turn the sentence into the plural:

1. A boy is playing with a horse.
2. There is a knife on the table.
3 A monkey is an animal.
4. This is a good watch,
5 A fox has been hurt by a wolf.
6. A village is smaller than a city.
3. Turn the sentences into the singular :
1. Children are not always good.
2. Dogs are good friends to men.
3.Cats eat mice.
4. Women usually wear dresses.
4. Fill in with MUCH or MANY:
1. How.........boys are there in Davids class?
2. I havent .........time for gardening.
3. I dont like .........sugar or milk in my tea.
4. Have you read........books this year?
5. We havent ...................bread in the house.

C. 1. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold:

1. Im very ; can I have a glass of water, please? THIRST

2. The art of Feng Shui is new in my country. RELATE
3. He didnt even thank you for all that you did for him. How ! GRATEFUL
4. I have a very relationship with my grandmother. LOVE
5. David Jenkins book has already become a best seller. LATE

6. Being very , he graduated with top honours at a very young age. AMBITION
8. His musical became apparent when he was quite young. ABLE
9. I cant understand it; his behaviour is completely . LOGICAL

2. Find the unnecessary word for each sentence:

1. Both of New York and Glasgow are cold in the winter.

2. He went to the town where he was born there.
3. What you do for a living it can affect your health.
4. People in desert regions are often being short of water.
5. My family got used to go to the same holiday destination every year.
6. Jane is being seeing the dentist this afternoon.
7. Sam and I am hardly ever argue we are good friends.
8. For as such a good cook, he doesnt make very good desserts.
9. The train to Reading is faster than by the bus.
10. I told Mark he could join with us on our trip this weekend.
3. Complete this text using the words from the box.
Recharge hard saves screen
Check Cd laptop flat Downloads

My friend Sam loves technology. He always has the latest mobile phones and then he (1)
.ringtones from the Internet so that he knows whos calling him without even looking at
the little (2). Hes got a (3).computer and a special card so that he can
(4)..his email in airports or when hes on the train. Hes got special plugs and adaptors for
every country on Earth so that he can (5)the computers battery wherever he goes.

At home, hes got another really fast computer with one of those (6)screens.
He bought a digital camera recently and spends a lot of time uploading photos to his (7) and then editing them. He downloads a lot of music too and (8)
..the files onto (9) that he can listen to them on his
portable disk player. I sometimes wonder if Sam would be able to survive at all if there was a power
failure and no batteries!


Hello there. My name is Arnold Palmerstone, and I work in a bank. I live in a small bungalow in Norwich
with my wife Deirdre and our two daughters, Florence (who is eight) and Prudence (who is six). I get up
every morning at six oclock and do my daily exercises before breakfast. I like to keep fit because my job
at the bank is very difficult and requires a lot of energy.
1. Where do I live?
a) Norwich b) Northampton c) The North Pole
2. What is my wife called?
a) Darlene b) Deidre c) Deborah
3. Why do I need to do my exercises every morning?
a) Because Im training for the Olympics
b) Because my two daughters want me to keep fit
c) Because my job requires a lot of energy
I have breakfast at six thirty with my wife, and I always say good morning to my daughters before I go
to work. We have two cars - a bright red Mini and a blue Volkswagon Polo. My wife drives the Polo and I
go to work in the Mini. My wife is a teacher in a primary school, which is about fifteen miles away.
Florence and Prudence both go to the same school as her, so they can all travel together - which is nice.
1. What time do I have breakfast?
a) At seven oclock b) At six thirty c) At six forty
2. What colour is my wifes car?
a) Blue b) Green c) Red
3. What job does my wife do?
a) Shes a doctor
b) She teaches in a primary school
c) She teaches in a secondary schooL.

It takes a long time to get to work. The traffic in Norwich is terrible! I hate traffic jams because you have
to drive so slowly. Driving to work is so boring! When I get to work I hang up my coat on the usual hook
and go into the staff canteen to make a cup of tea. I usually see my friends Rodney and Penelope in there
and we chat about the weather. Rodney is a Customer Services Assistant and Penelope is one of our
1. Why do I hate traffic jams?
a) Because they make you late for work
b) Because the traffic in our town is terrible
c) Because you have to drive so slowly
2. What drink do I make when I get to work?
a) A cup of tea
b) A cup of coffee
c) A large Malibu and lemonade
3. Rodney is one of our managers. True or false?

a) True b) False
I work in a small office with three other people - Brenda Smith, Mervin Holmes and Hank Dolomites. I
spend all day working on my computer, sorting out credit card applications that have gone wrong. I dont
work with the general public and I dont want to. Im quite shy and dont like meeting new people. I have
worked with Brenda and Mervin for about eight years now. Hank is the new boy - he joined the team
eighteen months ago.
1 What are the names of the people that I work with?

a) Brenda, Mervin and Henry

b) Martin, Hank and Brenda
c) Brenda, Mervin and Hank
2. I work with the general public every day. True or false?
a) True b) False
3. Why dont I want to work with the general public?
a) Because I dont think I could be polite all day
b) Because Im quite shy and dont like meeting new people
c) Because I prefer working with Brenda, Mervin and Hank
Yesterday was Brendas fiftieth birthday. She brought in a cake that shed made. It was very nice - I had
two pieces. We all get on very well in our office. We have some fun but we work hard too. Sometimes I
get carried away and am so busy on my computer I dont realise its five oclock and time to go home
again. My wife Deidre is a wonderful cook, so I look forward to having my tea at six oclock every
evening. My life is quite a happy one really.
1. How old was Brenda yesterday?
a) Fifty five
b) Fifty
c) Fifteen
2. My wife cant cook. True or false?
a) True
b) False - shes a wonderful cook
c) She can cook beans on toast but thats all
3. On the whole, my life is quite...
a) Happy
b) Lonely
c) Odd

Are these statements true or false?

1. I work in a supermarket
2. My daughters are called Florence and Prudence
3. My wife teaches in a school which is about ten miles away
4. It takes a long time to get to work
5. My friends at work are called Jeremy and Penelope
6. Penelope is a Customer Services Assistant
7. I work in a small office with four other people
8. Im quite a shy person
9. Brenda is fifty years old
10. I have my tea at six thirty every evening

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