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Azka Nurhayatina


Introduction of Chemical Engineering

How Chemical Engineering Will Help You in Your Career?

a. What some Chemical Engineers do for living?
Chemical engineers mostly work at chemicals & petrochemicals
companies. But there are so many company that the Engineers can do.
Specifically, chemical engineers improve food processing techniques,
and methods of producing fertilizers, to increase the quantity and
quality of available food. But, not all the graduates choose to work in
their own field. For example like politics, entrepreneur and banker. The
chemical engineers must be good at math and calculation. Even the
analysis thing. So every field must be needed their ability. And thats
why they also called as Universal Engineers. That allow them to be able
to work for every field.
b. What some Chemical Engineers do in chemical manufacturing process?
In chemical manufacturing process, the chemical engineers could create
chemicals which help preserve the shelf life of food and drink. That just
one of all chemical engineers can do. The fact that chemical engineers
are needed at manufacturing process, its showing that chemical
engineers can do anything in manufacturing process.
c. Engineering problem?
The chemical engineers problem is like how to prevent the spread of
disease in remote parts of the world, how to ensure that food remains
fresh longer, and many more. Because their ability and their part of a
field is large, thats why their problem can include everything. Even the
pollution that can damage the earth. They have to thinking how they can
make some factory without damage the earth.

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