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admin pass 1234567rradu

max ban 5d (5 days)

se zice 5d
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!diferenta dintre IC si OOC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CG se ocupa CU BBHC, numa actionez cand sa intamplat de prea multe ori!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nu pot folosi comenzi pe mod sau admin!!!!!!
can da unu rdm, dai freeze, si il udci la sit, nu bana instant
daca un CT trage pur si simplu lasi CG sa se ocuipe

/setname (old name\steamID) (new name)

/mutechat nume 5mi - numa pt chat

/mute - pt si voice si chat
/mute voice - pt voce
5mi 10mi daca nu dai ban( te uiti pe forum)

/ban SteamID (length of ban) reason | for | ban

model ban - Disrespect | Spam | Mass RDM | RDM | Multiple Warnings/Jails |

Trolling | Minging | Ban evading | Alt of... | etc...

*STEAM_0:1:25943024PineappleSocks(STEAM_0:0:97596940) banned Unknown

for 2 days. Reason: Minging l Failrp l Staff warned l Pox1.*

/pe nume - pt ca sa vad ce o facut un playuer, da e mai bine cu /logs


ARDM or RDM counts as breaking the BHC, and the offender should be jailed on their
first 3 offences. Once the offender has been jailed 2+ times, for purposely breaking
the BHC, staff should then look into the intent behind the person whether they are
killing/damaging the people on purpose, or, accidentally. Bans range from 8-24h.


AMRDM and MRDM is where the offender has the intent to kill EVERYONE around
them. For example, say the offender got kicked out of a tryout and went in guns-blazing
on the people in the tryout. That's not MASS RDM, that's just RDM (x) however many
kills/damaged people they got. MRDM is the intent to just mow EVERYONE down.
When an offender has AMRDM or MRDM, they should be banned for 5-7 days. The ban
time is dependent on the persons attitude in the sit. Or. The reason for doing it.


Minging, Trolling, and FailRP are not staff issues at first. All these things can be dealt
with in character by a CG. Once the offender has been jailed a number of times for
Minging, Trolling or FailRP, it becomes a staff issue and should be given an official staff
warning. The amount of jails, before it becomes a staff issue, can change depending on
what they are doing (mostly up to staff discretion). If they continue to Minge, Troll, or
FailRP after that staff warning, they should be banned for 6-8h.

Spamming Voice/Chat

Spamming voice is when someone continues to make a non-RolePlay sound

obnoxiously for no reason other than to annoy others, or try to be funny. This includes
whistling, making random noises, singing (Singing is ONLY ok on specific occasions
where its in character). Spamming chat is when someone says the same thing 3+
times. If someone is spamming voice or chat, they should be muted for 5-10min and
brought into a sit where they can be warned. When the mute runs out, if they
continue to spam voice or chat, they should be banned for 2-4h.

Leaving to Avoid Punishment

Leaving to Avoid Punishment only occurs when someone leaves to avoid a STAFF
punishment. It can only be applied if they WERE going to be punished by a staff, but
avoided it by leaving. NOT if they broke a rule and left immediately, THEN it was
reported. The only exception is if the rule breaking was going to warrant a ban,
regardless of if they were there or not, ban them. If someone Leaves to Avoid
Punishment, they will have 12h added onto their ban time.


Disrespect is mostly up to staff discretion. If someone is disrespecting someone they

should be given a warning to stop, either by chat or in voice. If they continue, they will be
muted for 10min. After their mute is up, if they continue to disrespect, they should be
banned for 2-4h.

Recommended Disciplinary Actions

-Warnings should be used if a player is new and genuinely unfamiliar with the
-Jails are a standard punishment and can be issued if a player blatantly violates
rules for the first time or exhibits negligent behavior
-Bans are issued if warnings and jails are ineffective towards reforming a player
-Minor Bans are between 2 to 36 hours. These include violations such as RDMs
and false warranting.
-Major Bans are between 36 hours to 3 days. These include violations such as
scamming and multiple RDMs.
-Severe Bans can range from 3 to 7 days. These include violations such as Mass
RDM and event disruption.
-Please note, players with PO (previous offenses) can be given harsher

Use Commands as: !prefix OR /prefix

/logs or !logs - This command pulls up the server logs here you will find the
various tools and logs that are needed to effectively conduct your duties as a Staff

/sit or !sit - This command will bring you to the sit room. ( remember the sit rooms
behind glass are for Admin+ aka Admin sit rooms)

/po or !po - This command will bring up a player's previous offensive in which you
can see if they have previous bans or punishments that could be tacked on to
their next punishment ( /po SteamID or !po SteamID)

/freeze or !freeze - This command will freeze the intended target in place, most
commonly used in Mass RDM attempts ( /freeze SteamID or !freeze SteamID)

/tele or !tele - This command will teleport the intended target to where you are
currently looking, so be careful when using this dont tele them into death (/tele
SteamID or !tele SteamID)

/return or !return - This command will return you or your intended target back to
spawn after a sit or situation is handled (/return SteamID or !return SteamID for
you to return your targets, but to return yourself it is just /return or !return)

/mutevoice or !mutevoice - This command will mute your intended targets voice
chat so they cannot speak, commonly used for mic spam situations (/mutevoice
SteamID or !mutevoice SteamID)

/mute or !mute - This command will mute your intended target all around chat and
voice, commonly used for mic spam and chat spam (/mute SteamID or !mute
/mutechat or !mutechat - This command will mute your intended targets chat,
commonly used for chat spam (/mutechat SteamID or !mutechat SteamID)

/ban or !ban - This command is probably the most important and the one you have
to be the most careful with. This command will ban the intended target for the
length you input so make sure to ONLY use the correct SteamID for low chance of
user error. Bans will look something like this [/ban SteamID (length of ban) reason
| for | ban] Now those lines ( | ) are the best to use for ban reasons, and for
inputing the length of a ban they look as such [ 1-however manys days looks like (
1d or 5d ) hour bans are ( 12h or 8h ) banning for days and hours are entered like (
1d12h or 5d12h ) no space after the d for days.

/pe or !pe - This command is used for checking an intended targets player events
like chat inputs or giving money etc. (/pe SteamID or !pe SteamID)

/goto or !goto - This command is used for going to your intended target should
ONLY be used for staff duties and should NOT be abused. (/goto SteamID or !goto

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