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Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Trainee: Hamda saad Student Number: 20

Date: 28\9\2017 Subject/Grade: Science-Grade5

Topic: Resources:
Volcanoes *Board marker
*White paper

Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to create a volcano.

Key Terms:

Key Questions: (List key questions you want students to be able to answer at the end of the lesson)
*What are the parts of the volcano?
*What is lava?

Lesson Introduction:
Draw a volcano in the board, and ask them about the thing Ive drawn.

Teaching Activities/Learning Strategies (If it is new skills or concepts remember to utilize Gradual Release of Responsibility)
Time Learning Activity How (Teacher says and does) Student says and does
10 Let them draw a volcano and Go around the class and look at Draw and discuss their drawings
minuets colour it. their drawings. and talk about the parts.

10 Show them a video about the Look at them and explain some Take some notes about the video.
minuets volcanoes. things about the video.

Lesson Closing:
Ask the students about the parts of the volcanoes and make them put the volcanoes on the board.

Assessment of Understanding: (how do you know the students understand? When and how will you check their
Ask them some questions about the lesson, ask some students to summraiez the lesson.
Give a worksheet to do a volcano with different materials from their houses.

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