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Experiment No.


Submitted on 20 October 2017
DNA isolation is the first step in the study of specific DNA sequences within a complex DNA population, and in analysis of
genome structure and gene expression. In most research laboratories and industries, there is an increasing demand for a
high-molecular weight DNA for analysis. However, the DNA from most cells is usually found in close association with basic
proteins called histones, and their integrity is affected by several factors such as pH, temperature, ionic strength, cellular
conditions and mechanical stress. In order to understand the structure of DNA, biochemical preparations are designed to
obtain a pure DNA from its natural source. Thus, selecting a source for DNA isolation is an essential step considering that
its quantitative ratio and sequence of bases vary with the source of DNA. In this experiment, a spleen from pig was chosen
as source, and it was homogenized and centrifuged to make the DNA available and susceptible for isolation. After isolating
the DNA, a portion of it was subsequently hydrolyzed using 10% H 2SO4. Both the hydrolyzed (HDNA) and unhydrolyzed
DNA were subjected to qualitative tests such as Schiffs test, test for deoxyribose and phosphates, and spectrophotometric
analysis. Results showed that only the HDNA sample tested positive for Schiffs test which can be attributed to its hydrolyzed
or depurinated form to which the Schiffs reagent can react. For the tests for deoxyribose and phosphate, both the DNA and
HDNA samples showed positive results implying the presence of deoxyribose and phosphate groups in both samples. The
spectrophotometric analysis showed that absorbance of the sample was 0.796 at 260nm and 0.472 at 280nm obtaining a
ratio of 1.68. This ratio of the obtained absorbances is significantly lower than the accepted value; thus, it is inferred that is
has protein contaminants. With these results, the isolation of DNA from porcine spleen is, therefore, successful.
Furthermore, it can also be concluded that the qualitative tests used were effective to detect presence of DNA and its
functional groups. Spectrophotometry, moreover, is also an effective technique for determining the presence of
contamination in the isolated DNA.

II. Keywords: DNA isolation, spleen, sodium citrate buffer, hydrolysis, Schiffs test, test for deoxyribose, test for
phosphates, spectrophotometric analysis

III. Introduction
Nucleic acids are linear polymers made up of
nucleotides as its monomeric units. Nucleotides are
biological molecules possessing a heterocyclic
nitrogenous base, a five-carbon sugar (pentose),
and phosphate as principal component of its
structure (see Figure 1). They have numerous
biochemical roles in participating as essential Figure 1. General structure of nucleotides. This is a
intermediates in virtually all aspects of cellular ribonucleotide. In deoxyribonucleotides the OH group
on the 2 carbon (in red) is replaced with H. (Nelson &
metabolism. They serve as energy currency in Cox, 2008).
metabolic transactions which essentially link the
response cells to hormones and other extracellular When nitrogen base and aldopentose are
stimuli. Moreover, they are also structural combined via an N-glycosidic bond, the product is a
components of an array of enzyme cofactors and nucleoside. Whereas, when a phosphoryl group
metabolic intermediates and, most importantly, they (PO2
3 ) is added to a hydroxyl group on the
constitute nucleic acids, namely, the carbohydrate, it becomes a nucleotide (Boyer,
deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA) and ribonucleic acids 2012). The nitrogenous base of nucleotides comes
(RNA) which are molecular repositories of genetic in two types: pyrimidine bases and purine bases
information (Nelson & Cox, 2008). (see Figure 2). Pyrimidine bases are single-ring
1|Biochemistry 34.1 Isolation of DNA from Spleen
aromatic compounds and they commonly occur as
cytosine, thymine, and uracil. Purine bases, on the
other hand, are double-ring aromatic compounds
occurring as adenine and guanine, both of which are
found in DNA and in RNA. These nucleotides are
held together by 3,5-phosphodiester bonds (see
Figure 3) (Campbell & Farrell, 2012).

Figure 2. General structures of pyrimidine and purine

(Nelson & Cox, 2008).

In 1869, DNA was first isolated from biological

materials; however, during this time, it was not yet
Figure 3. Covalent structure of DNA showing the
known of being involved in the transfer of genetic phosphodiester backbone linking deoxyribose through
information until mid-1940s. For this reason, it was the 3 and 5 hydroxyl groups (Boyer, 2012).

subjected to physical, chemical, and biological

investigations leading to Watson and Cricks DNA constitutes a small percentage in cells and it
elucidation of the three-dimensional structure of is localized in a defined part of the cell. In
DNA by X-ray diffraction analysis in 1953. Because prokaryotes, their DNA is localized in the nucleoid
of their work, DNA is now envisioned to be a double that is not separated from the rest of the cells
helix which is recognized as a significant form of cytoplasm by a membrane. Whereas in eukaryotes,
native DNA (see Figure 4) (Boyer, 2012). the bulk of DNA is localized in the nucleus, the
organelle that is separated from the cytoplasm by a
membrane (Surzycki, 2000). The DNA of most cells
is usually found in close association with basic
proteins called histones. In order to understand the
structure of DNA, biochemical preparations are
designed to obtain a pure DNA from its natural
source. Thus, selecting a source for DNA isolation is
an essential step considering that the quantitative
ratio and sequence of bases vary with the source of
2|Biochemistry 34.1 Isolation of DNA from Spleen
the DNA (Burtscher, 2007). Several methods are III. Methodology
available for the isolation of high-molecular-weight ISOLATION OF DNA FROM PORCINE SPLEEN
DNA. Generally, all methods involve removal of cell Twenty (20) grams of fresh and cleaned porcine
membrane and nuclear membrane from around the spleen was diced and homogenized for 10 minutes
DNA and the separation of DNA from other cell using a cold blender with ice-cold sodium citrate
components such as cell membrane debris, saline buffer. The homogenate was centrifuged at
proteins, lipids, or RNA, without affecting the 6000 rpm for 10 minutes and the pellet was kept
integrity of DNA (Katoch, 2011). However, their large while the supernatant was discarded. The pellet was
size and fragile nature make it difficult to isolate them suspended in 40 mL 2.0 M NaCl and was stirred
in a completely intact, undamaged form. For this vigorously for one minute. One (1.0) mL sodium
reason, there are several factors that must be dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was added to the solution and
considered in the isolation of DNA: pH, temperature, was then incubated for 10 minutes in a 40oC water
ionic strength, cellular conditions and the bath. Solution was again centrifuged at 6000 rpm for
mechanical stress on the DNA. These factors greatly 10 minutes and this time collecting the supernatant
affect the various structural aspects of an intact and discarding the pellet. Equal amount of cold
DNA. With the understanding of these factors, absolute ethanol was added to the solution. DNA
general procedures were outlined (Boyer, 2012). In fibers were collected by inserting a glass rod all the
this experiment, it was sought to isolate a high way to the bottom and stirring in small circles.
molecular weight DNA from a porcine spleen Collected DNA fibers were washed with 70%
through alcohol precipitation. Identification of the ethanol. DNA fibers were resuspended in 10 mL
mode of action of each reagent used in the DNA sodium citrate-saline buffer at 4C.
extraction was also done in this experiment.
Approximately half of the DNA sample was
mixed with an equal amount of 10% H2SO4 in a test
tube. It was then placed in a boiling water bath for
15 minutes. After cooling, concentrated NaOH was
used to neutralize the solution.

Schiffs Test
Ten (10) drops of DNA and HDNA sample were

Figure 4. (A)The Watson-Crick double helix. (B) Pairing

collected and were separately mixed with 10 drops
of A-T and G-C bases in the DNA double helix. Note that Schiffs reagent. Solutions were let to stand for 10
the two strands are antiparallel; their and phosphodiester
bonds run in opposite directions. (Boyer, 2012). minutes and the change in color was observed

3|Biochemistry 34.1 Isolation of DNA from Spleen

Test for Deoxyribose nucleus of the cell and with a small amount in the
Ten (10) drops of DNA and HDNA sample were mitochondrion of eukaryotic cells. Inside a non-
placed in two separate test tubes. One (1.0) mL dividing cell, the DNA present are usually loosely
diphenylamine reagent was added to each test tube. packed and are unraveled as chromatin during
It was then subjected to vortex and was heated for interphase. This loosely packed DNA are the ones
10 minutes. Color of resulting solution was observed undergoing the transcription process and are found
afterwards. in all non-dividing cells (Kuensting, 2004 & BioNinja,
n.d). As cell begins to cell divide, these loosely
Test for Phosphates packed DNA begin to condense coil with the help of
In a crucible, 0.5 mL of the DNA and HDNA histones, a special protein that facilitates the
samples were incinerated, until no more liquid is left. packaging of DNA. The histone-coiled DNA folds
The residue was then cooled and 3.0 mL dH2O was over itself many times further making its packaging
added to it, mixing it thoroughly. The solution was more condense and compact. This compact DNA
filtered, discarding the residue and collecting the again coils itself forming a spring-like supercoil
filtrate, wherein 0.5 mL 10% (NH4)2MoO4 and 2 (Kuensting, 2004). This supercoiled DNA are now
drops concentrated HNO3 were added. The solution called chromosomes. The reason why DNA undergo
was heated for two minutes and was allowed to such transformation is that in this form, the DNA can
stand after. now easily be divided during cell division or mitosis
thus forming two daughter cells which are identical
Spectrophotometric Analysis to the parent cell (Kuensting, 2004 and BioNinja,
The DNA sample and the sodium citrate-saline n.d.). Since the DNA in the daughter cells are still
buffer solution (blank) were placed in separate compact, it will not participate in the transcription
quartz cuvettes. Using a UV/Vis spectrophotometer process but it will after the DNA decondenses after
(PerkinElmer Lambda 25), the absorbance of the the telophase process (BioNinja, n.d.).
solutions was read at 260 nm (excitation
Although almost all cells contain DNA, the
wavelength) and 280 nm (emission wavelength).
amount present in some tissues is usually quite
The ratio of the absorbance was calculated.
small and, moreover, contain high
deoxyribonuclease (DNase) activity that breaks
IV. Results and Discussion down DNA into smaller fragments. Therefore, a
DNA ISOLATION FROM PORCINES SPLEEN good source of DNA is that with high quantity of the
By definition, nucleic acids are biomolecules material and have low DNase activity. With these
known of storing genetic information in cells and criteria, lymphoid tissues are good in this respect
transferring this information from old cells to new and thymus is the best source, with spleen as a good
cells. There are two groups of nucleic acids: DNA alternative (Bisen, 2014). For this reason, spleen
and RNA (ribonucleic acid). DNA codes for the from pig was chosen for DNA isolation.
functioning of the cell and it is located mainly in the

4|Biochemistry 34.1 Isolation of DNA from Spleen

cell membrane together (see Figure 6) (Goldman &
Green, 2009).

Figure 5. Porcine spleen used as the source of DNA

(left) showing negative result; spleen homogenate

Figure 6. Use of SDS in lysing plasma membrane

(Retrieved from
DNA is easily denatured when subjected to
mechanical stress and extreme physical and
In the case of this experiment, the SDS will break
chemical conditions. Furthermore, it is also
vulnerable to nucleases, which must be inhibited. To the nuclear membrane which will allow the genomic
DNA to be released from the nucleus. Prior to the
address the dilemma about nucleases, sodium
citrate was used as homogenizing buffer which will addition of SDS, the pellet was suspended to NaCl

bind with Ca2+ and Mg2+ that are cofactors for DNase solution for the purpose of making the DNA available

and stages until the removal of protein is carried out for precipitation by suspending it to the supernatant.

as fast as possible in cold condition. The prepared This is possible because each nucleotide of the DNA
molecule possesses a negatively charged
sodium citrate-saline buffer was also prepared at pH
phosphate group. Therefore, DNA molecules are not
7.4 because at this ionic strength, the
deoxyribonucleoprotein is insoluble and separates attracted to each other but are repelled by the like

well from other proteins. Conducting the charges they possess. By adding NaCl to a solution

homogenization process at cold condition also containing DNA neutralizes the negative charges of

causes minimal activity of residual DNase (Bisen, the DNA molecule, making the separate DNA

2014). molecules more likely to collect together and

become visible (see Figure 7). NaCl is able to do this
The obtained homogenate was subsequently because the sodium and chloride ions separate in
subjected to differential centrifugation at 6000 rpm at
solution and the positive sodium ions (Na+) are
which, according to Meah and Westhead (2012),
attracted to the negative charges of the DNAs
isolates the nuclear fraction and other large phosphate groups, thus neutralizing the negative
organelles from the homogenate as the pellet. The charge (Bisen, 2014).
collected pellet was suspended to NaCl solution and
sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was added. SDS is a
denaturing detergent which emulsifies lipids and
proteins, and breaks cellular membrane by
disrupting the noncovalent interactions that hold the
5|Biochemistry 34.1 Isolation of DNA from Spleen
acid polymer are so diminished that inter-helical
interactions are possible, allowing the nucleic acids
to aggregate (Pikur & Rupprecht 1995).

The ethanol was added slowly on the side of the

test to avoid mixing and then the alcohol will form its
own layer on top of the NaCl solution layer. This
method of isolating the DNA from the system is
called spooling. It is done carefully placing a glass
stir rod though the alcohol layer until it touches the
bottom of the tube (see Figure 8). By slowly spinning
the rod between the fingers, while watching the
Figure 7. Sodium cations neutralizing a nucleotide interface between the two layers, the DNA present
(Zumbo, 2014).
will clump together at the interface between layers to
form a milky translucent mass (McIntosh, 2017).
Since the DNA is already suspended in the NaCl
solution, the supernatant from the 6000rpm
differential centrifugation was collected. To isolate
the DNA suspended in the supernatant, it was
precipitated using absolute ethanol. Ethanol is the
most commonly used alcohol component in
precipitations of DNA and RNA. Due to the structural
differences between ethanol and water, ethanol has
a much lower dielectric constant than water does.
By lowering the dielectric constant of a solution
containing nucleic acids and monovalent cations, Figure 8. Spooling aggregated DNA strands using a glass
stirring rod (Retrieved from
the Coulomb force of attraction increases between
the cations and the negatively charged nucleic acid
backbone (that is, the resistance from the solvents
electric field sufficiently diminishes to permit efficient The collected aggregate of DNA strands was

interaction; the solvation shells surrounding the then stored in sodium citrate-saline buffer at 4C.

solutes charges depletes). When the cations and Saline-sodium citrate buffer is used as a

negatively charged nucleic acid backbone interact, hybridization buffer, to control stringency; thats is, to

nucleic acids are neutralized, therefore no longer require all bases of one polynucleotide to be paired

dissolve in water and precipitate out of solution. with complementary bases on the other (Heslop-

Also, ethanol induces conformational changes to the Harrison & Schwarzacher, 2006).

nucleic acid structure; the repulsive forces between

the negatively charged phosphates with a nucleic
6|Biochemistry 34.1 Isolation of DNA from Spleen
Figure 9. Isolated impure DNA from spleen. Figure 10. Mechanism of acid-catalyzed depurination
and cleavage in DNA, shown for adenine base but which
can also occur with guanine (Watts et al., 2009).

HYDROLYSIS OF DNA Due to the protonation at N-7 of the purine, it

Approximately, half of the dissolved DNA was allows breakage of the N-glycosidic bond. The
mixed with an equal amount of 10% H2SO4 in order resulting structure is in equilibrium with an open-
to allow hydrolysis of the phosphodiester bonds. chain aldehyde form and can undergo -elimination
DNA can actually be hydrolyzed without the (Watts, 2009). Moreover, heat was applied in the
presence of acid since it is thermodynamically solution to facilitate the bond breaking among the
favored (G = -5.3 kcal mol ); however, it
phosphodiester bonds.
kinetically very slow so it usually acid-catalyzed
(Fekry & Gates, 2009). Based on the study of Watts, SCHIFFS TEST
et al. (2009), DNA oligonucleotides are vulnerable to Both the DNA and HDNA samples were tested
depurination and cleavage under acidic conditions. using Schiffs reagent. Upon addition of the Schiffs
Depurination in DNA is a chemical reaction of purine reagent, color change was observed in the HDNA
deoxyribonucleosides, deoxyadenosine and sample, that is, it turned into a magenta colored
deoxyguanosine, in which the -N-glycosidic bond is solution. Whereas, no visible color change was
hydrolytically cleaved releasing a nucleic base, observed in the DNA sample.
adenine or guanine.

Figure 11. DNA sample (left) showing negative result;

HDNA sample (right) showing positive result for Schiffs

7|Biochemistry 34.1 Isolation of DNA from Spleen

Schiffs test, basically, is used for detecting
aldehydes and for staining biological tissues. Schiffs
reagent is an aqueous solution of basic fuchsin or
pararosaniline that is decolorized by sulfur dioxide
and it is commonly prepared by addition of
hydrochloric acid to a dye solution containing a
metabisulfite or bisulfite salt (Wenk, 2014).
Figure 13. Structure of the "decolorized" Schiff reagent
(Mack, 2013).

The reaction of the Schiff reagent with aldehydes

is complex that several research groups reported
multiple reaction products. The currently accepted
mechanism is that the pararosaniline and bisulfite
combine to yield the "decolorized" adduct with
sulfonation at the central carbon (see Figure 13).
The free, uncharged aromatic amine groups then
Figure 12. Reaction of pararosaniline with an acid
react with the aldehyde being tested to form two
yielding the Schiff reagent (Wenk, 2014).
aldimine groups. These electrophilic aldimine
Biological materials that tested positive usually groups then react with further bisulfite, and the Ar-
underwent Feulgen reaction during the Schiffs test NH-CH(R)-SO3 product (and other resonance-
which is a cytochemical reaction for the deoxyribose stabilized species in equilibrium with the product)
moiety of DNA. The DNA has to be subjected first to give rise to the magenta color of a positive test
a mild acid hydrolysis and the it is treated with (Robins, et al., 1980).
Schiffs reagent. In the hydrolysis, RNA is removed
leaving only the DNA; however, the purines in the
DNA are removed (depurination) at the level of
purine-deoxyribose glycosidic bond, thus,
unmasking the aldehyde groups of the deoxyribose
(see Figure 10). When these aldehyde groups react
with the Schiffs reagent, it gives a magenta color.

Figure 14. Reaction of Schiffs reagent with the

aldehyde groups forming the magenta-colored complex
(Wenk, 2014).

8|Biochemistry 34.1 Isolation of DNA from Spleen

This discussion confirms that the HDNA sample diphenylamine yielding the blue-colored complex
will, indeed, give a positive result since upon (Saradamba, 2012).
hydrolysis, it will have an aldehyde group to which
the Schiffs reagent will react. On the other hand, the
DNA sample is expected to have a negative result
since it not hydrolyzed, thus, it has no aldehyde
group. However, other results showed that the DNA
sample has a positive test in Schiffs test. This result
can be attributed to the presence of free-aldehyde
groups in the sample since the isolated DNA is


Diphenylamine was added to both DNA and
HDNA samples and both samples produced a blue
color solution which is a positive result for the
presence of deoxyribose.

Figure 16. The reaction mechanism of diphenylamine

Figure 15. DNA sample (left) and HDNA sample (right) reacting with a deoxyribose sugar (Plummer, 1998).
showing positive results for the presence of deoxyribose.

This is consistent with the experimental results

Addition of diphenylamine, also called as Dische
obtained that both DNA and HDNA samples will test
test, is commonly used for estimation of DNA.
positive for the presence of deoxyribose. Although
Diphenylamine reacts with the deoxyribose sugar
the DNA sample was not hydrolyzed prior to this test,
producing a blue-colored complex which has a sharp
it was hydrolyzed upon the addition of
maximum absorption at 595nm. When the DNA
diphenylamine reagent since the reagent contains
sample is heated under acidic conditions, it will
hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid and heating was
undergo depurination followed by dehydration giving
also done. This makes it possible for the DNA to
rise to a highly reactive -hydroxylevulinylaldehyde
yield -hydroxylevulinylaldehyde to which the
(see Figure 16). Under acidic condition, -
diphenylamine will react.
hydroxylevulinylaldehyde will react with
9|Biochemistry 34.1 Isolation of DNA from Spleen
TEST FOR PHOSPHATE phosphate. Nevertheless, the test results were in
The samples were incinerated to destroy or to line with the theoretical results.
weaken the phosphate bonds thus resulting in the
formation of water soluble phosphate ions (Berg,
Tymoczko, & Stryer, 2012). Filtration was done to
separate the large components (e.g. impurities) of
the solution. After filtration, ammonium molybdate
and nitric acid were added to the solution.
Afterwards, the solution was heated to catalyze the
reaction. Ammonium molybdate reacts with
Figure 18. Positive results for phosphate test; DNA
phosphate under acidic condition to form ammonium sample (left) with precipitate; HDNA sample (right)
without precipitate.
phosphomolybdate which is observed as a yellow
precipitate in water. Shown below is the balanced
equation of the reaction,
When isolating DNA, contaminants like proteins
are also isolated that is why a test for purity must
12 (NH4 )2 MoO4 + H3 PO4 + 21 HNO3
also be done. One way of testing the purity of a
((NH4 )3 PMo12 O40 + 21 NH4 NO3 + 12 H2 O
nucleic acid is through spectrophotometry. In the
test for purity, two wavelengths were used. The first
wavelength is 260 nm. This wavelength
corresponds to the maximum wavelength at which
nucleic acids absorb UV light (Thermo Fischer
Scientific, 2009). The second wave length used was
280 nm corresponding to the maximum wavelength
proteins absorb UV light (Caprette, 1995).

The ratio of absorbance at 260 nm versus

absorbance ate 280 nm can be used to determine
Figure 17. Reaction of ammonium molybdate with
phosphate ion to form ammonium phosphomolybdate the purity of a nucleic acid. The acceptable ratio of a
(Retrieved from
pure DNA would be ~1.8 while for a pure RNA would
have a ration of ~2.0. A ratio that is below the
Since both DNA and HDNA contain phosphates, accepted value, could mean that a lot of protein
theoretically both will test positive by providing a contaminants are present or that the nucleic acid
yellow precipitate. As shown in Figure 18, both the concentration is very low while a ratio that is above
DNA and the HDNA are yellow; however, only the the accepted value could mean high residual RNA
DNA sample has a visible precipitate. One of the contamination (Teare, et al., 1997).
possible reasons for the invisible precipitate in the
HDNA sample would be the low amount of
10 | B i o c h e m i s t r y 3 4 . 1 I s o l a t i o n o f D N A f r o m S p l e e n
The absorbance of the sample was 0.796 at V. Conclusion an Recommendation
260nm and 0.472 at 280nm obtaining a ratio of 1.68. DNA was successfully isolated from spleen
The ratio is a bit lower than the accepted value using differential centrifugation, addition of sodium
indicating a possible medium amount of protein citrate to uncoil the DNA from proteins, addition of
contaminants. SDS to uncoil the DNA itself, and alcohol
precipitation. Half of the extracted DNA was kept
With these qualitative analyses performed, the
while the other half was hydrolyzed. Both these
presence of DNA was ascertained by the
sample were subjected to three qualitative tests
colorimetry. Changes in the original color of the
namely Schiffss test, and tests for the presence of
samples indicates presence of functional groups. In
deoxyribose and phosphate groups. The results of
this experiment, application of multiple tests makes
the tests are all in line with the theoretical results
it possible to detect the presence of DNA since each
wherein only the hydrolyzed DNA would test positive
determines the presence of every functional group
for the Schiffs test, and both the DNA and HDNA
present in DNA.
tested positive for the presence of deoxyribose and
Other methods than can be conducted to confirm phosphate groups. The isolated DNA sample was
the isolation of DNA from biological samples are gel also subjected to spectrophotometric test to
electrophoresis, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) determine its purity and results showed that the
using primer, and Southern hybridization analysis. In isolated DNA is only contaminated by a small to
DNA gel electrophoresis, an electric field is applied medium amount of protein contaminants implied by
to a gel matrix made of agarose, and within the gel, the obtained ratio of the obtained absorbances.
charge particles will migrate and separate based on
In the isolation of DNA, a fresh and appropriate
their size. The negatively charged phosphates of the
source must be secured. The source must be
DNA backbone cause DNA fragments to move
appropriate to ensure high amount of DNA will be
toward the anode - a positively charged electrode
isolated. It should also be fresh so that degradation
(JoVE Science Education Database, 2017). For
of DNA will be prevented. The isolated DNA should
PCR, it is a useful method of detecting even low
also be subjected to other qualitative tests such as
concentrations of DNA by amplifying the DNA
Keller-Killiani test to determine the presence of
fragments using primers that are designed to
pentose, Murexide to test for purines, Bials orcinol
precisely bind to the sites within the strand of DNA.
test to confirm isolation of DNA, and agarose gel
Lastly, it is said that the best method confirming the
electrophoresis to purify the isolated DNA.
presence of DNA is the Southern hybridization
analysis in which uses electrophoresis in gel,
blotting onto a membrane, and hybridizing to a
VI. References
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I hereby certify that I have given substantial

contribution to this report.

DINO, Allen Jasper T.

SOLOMON, Marc Ralph M

13 | B i o c h e m i s t r y 3 4 . 1 I s o l a t i o n o f D N A f r o m S p l e e n

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