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Units 4 6

I. Choose the right form:

1. My sister a car.
a) have b) haves c) has
2. I want to drink
a) beer b) pizza c) ice-cream
3. This is
a) you bag b) your bag c) bag your
4. Do you like beer? Yes, .
a) I do b) I like c) I dont
5. Monday, .Wednesday.
a) Tuesday b) Thursday c) Saturday
6. I like tennis, but . football.
a) not like b) dont like c) likes
7. I live in Portugal, so I speak
a) Portuguese b) Portugal c) Portugish
8. Whats your .?
a) daughters name b) daughters name c) daughter name
9. I go to work ..the morning.
a) in b) on c) at
10. .is this dictionary?
a) how b) who c) how much

Points: ./ 10

II. Correct the sentences:

1. They teacher is from Wales.

2. My sisters husband is a doctor.

3. The childrens live in London.

COD : PO 7.5.1.-03 ED.1, REV. :0/2007 Pagina 1 din 4
4. He have a new car.

5. My husband dont work in an office.

6. We car is Italian.

7. Where she work?

8. We have a house big.

9. We dont never drink wine.

10. Does they speak French?

Points: ..../20

III. Write the times and prices:

1. 95p - .
2. 11 si 30 minute - .
3. 68.41 -..
4. 9 si 45 minute - .
5. 8 si 24 minute - ..

Points: / 10

IV. Write the words in the correct order:

1. wife/ is / This / Peters

2. your / you /do / How / spell / surname?

3. well / I /speak / French / dont / very

4. car / dont / a / We / have / German

COD : PO 7.5.1.-03 ED.1, REV. :0/2007 Pagina 2 din 4
5. Chinese / they / Do / eat / food?

Points: ../10

V. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets:
1. I (not like) swimming.
2. They ..(drink) French wine.
3. What sports ..the children..(like)?
4. We.(work) in a hospital.
5. You .(not like) hamburgers.
6. How many languages . (speak)?
7. Helen and Dave (not work) in London.
8. My husband and I (live) in the country.
9. .you and your family ..(speak) German?
10. Where .you..(live)?

Points: /20

VI. Translate into English:

1. Imi place mancarea si vinul foarte mult.

2. Ea ascult muzica in fiecare zi.

3. Eu am un apartament mic langa centrul orasului.

4. Noi nu ne trezim devreme.

5. Cred ca ei sunt japonezi.

6. Numele prietenului meu cel mai bun este Mark.

7. Tom este sotul Mariei.

8. La ce ora mergi la lucru? Eu merg la ora 12 fara un sfert.

COD : PO 7.5.1.-03 ED.1, REV. :0/2007 Pagina 3 din 4
9. Ea nu bea niciodata cafea la micul dejun.

10. Ce face mama ta? Foarte bine, multumesc.

Points: /30

COD : PO 7.5.1.-03 ED.1, REV. :0/2007 Pagina 4 din 4

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