Database SQL

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MODERN DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (MDBMS) B.Sc III Year (For All Streams) of All Universities Written By: Mr. G. GANESH MCA Department of Computer Science Sri Sarada Degree College for women Yellareddy Guda, Ameerpet Hyderabad-73. PRESENTED BY GS SOLUTIONS Nirmal, Adilabad. Like us on: ) y UNIT- fir SATERACTION Win DATABASES | AND CONSTRUCTION Of “INfoRMeion \ System uy | dhene arte numesous Versions of Sot the onigiral Version| us clevelopec! al TRM6 fn qece Research dabeeatony i>dhts larquoge , ontgtrally called Se que tel “LIAS an 08 post of the " Suslen -e’ panject to the > the. Sequel | 2 has Bvolved And 8 name has jed lo Sol (sheuctuotedl Query darguoge) Pn (0B6j-the Arnesican Nakgoral Standards Canst)’ Published an Sai Standosd ' j>Tem has published Fs ous ‘compoxale’ Sol Store the Splems Application anhitelure Dellahase ! Trfosfoce. i\ ee _ __ o& | ! | 7} (sae - Sob) 260 has clearly Established fisel} 08 the Storeland , ane lattonat dala! longuoge, Cy allows Usens “lo access dala to aeleilionad database Morogement Systerns, Quch 06 ovacle , | | | \ | ! \ : | Aoposrnt , Sybose, Access BtC+> i Sal allows usens to waripulale ard define the. dab. ; im a dl@iabose - : | i ao i | Gol 's an ONSE Stand Compiler Lay juage ian mene than a @uew4 tool, -thel unas He oatginal purpose andl setfeving dail ts suill one of Fl reest Srnpostant ofunclions | (> Gol $s Sed to cAlenl all 4 the funclions Get \ Which provides ers Sls Usens, inclucling | * Dale Definition dacquoge. Tn DDL USem a Fo the | Skule and Cnpprtectn | 4 the Stored dala. and selattfenships Qreang “the Skee | dé, tems | pale Reb§Seval ce An application program to netSeve Stored dab. orn the dolabase and use Tt Deb mani putetion lenguoges- DML emia os an applicotion pooper to updalle the dalabase bq adeling news dab, vere old dole; arc reodtig Poeviously Stored dal pala Combet | be Det can be Used “lo NeskSct a Users abil | aetsieve add and Modify doo ) prdlecling Stoned dala t aénst unauthorised access hoon [* ‘pale. | Tt 16 used “te Co-erclincile dab. S Shosfing by Gres bo aes USens, Ensusting thal - - one anothert vy de tet "oleajene eee * pee THlegefly *- GR defines iilegonty Conélaatrits {in the dalabose, Pastecling tt fj70m Covauplion due “lo inconsislerst Updlales 08 Syslem fovtures Role af Sor Je & pélobase Architetune > An Sol - based melationa! cailobose application involves USE” cflesface, ,a set of 4tobles in the ckilabase and a ne labtonal dadlabase exit SySlern (RDBMS) woth 07 Sob apabslity Systhin the RDBMS Sol will be use to cnece ests mainiain the tables, wansicle vse neq glern Corto updlotle and the dab diclé and ie en dables , gstabl’sh Secusity ad C oul back up and secove? pooceoes an helationat Dame CRDBMS) %S oO 7 7 | ao meldlionad | t _at Gygiern thot tenplerments i Model, ene ushene dale. one Stored 37 2 Collect ~ | -fon tables, and the data melalionsl i ips ae _Pepneseriled o4 Cerner values, not Hoks, i j [oo >dhe origina) Purposes 4 the sol Starelasd ane 28 follows. a >To Speck. dab. clepinttfor ond noant pulection ala sto dekhe -the dab. Stauctures and basic cpentlions fo designing - accessing » maintaining ,conbeolling she Geilor and Semanlics 4 Sol. and Ppeoledirg an sot dalabase S10 poovide o vehicle fp portability delipftion ord application modules between Confos - 4 dalboLase DO Speclty both mininnal ond complete Slanclande , hich peartt diferent degrees 4 acleption tr Peocludls 37 peoicle an fnffcl Standazid to include Spt -colions sia hand ling Such topics Os Ne, f ‘vlogs » ansaclion Marogement Usen-definedl qunclions , Jel openoloxs ancl Chanacten sek wr Benefit ofS —— 11. Reduced “easing Cogls: ~ SToaining an © anization Can conmnlacle on uoge. 0 lange labox peo! 2 ts Poojes-| onals “bsalnedl in @ Common donguoge weckives, | ushen Kising nevo Employees eee eee one a netainin ; ® a& Paccluclvttey :— ods panjesstonals aon leasn Sot thoeougbly and become proficint vstth 4 for Continued Use and Since they ane gartlian woth ~the Applaitions con be moved mochine ushen Goch machine Utes So , 44 $5 Scononicol { the Compiler. 4ends -to Demain Sp Jor a lag fey hence theme ustl be (Ute presser to require Old applscortion s - Ralhen sapplications wht) Simply be updlate cl as the Standand language is enhamed os mew vexcions 2 DAMs ane inteccluced 5: Reduced dependence ono gingk vendors - ~uwhen a non ~Propete tos langquoge ig, Used, tt ig €asfes to Ube diffesrerst vendloxs sfoo the DBng Batniing rand €clucdlimal Sesvices , applicalior Sofucone ancl Consulting assistance 6. Cones -Qyotern Communication > Different PaMs onc Opp realtor poopsarns can Mose East Commuricols and Couponaile in managing deere prmcesding oF) Pers | LA “¥ Sor Envbsonmertt an sol Ervisonment fncludes an inetonce g an SL dldlabase jemenst Gpiem along ubrey the databases accestble by that © D8ms and the LSens and moms thot may Use thal DBms do necess the dalohases . > Gach ddlobase %6 Contained fh a Catalog , bihtch desufbe s ao Olofect thot ( & pant ¥ the database , wagon les s ¥ tlhich ane Crexibed that Obfe ct Dghe Team Schema % Not Cle delined in the Glan dand ft may be taken tn ortas to crate) deseaptten q the obfecle , Such asthe base ‘tables Views, Conskatnls and So on PIL morse thos one Usen aS Coiled Objects In the doalabase , Combintag Snjoannciion abad all ) VSERS Schemas usill Vield injewmeiidon pe the Enline dala base. @ 0 2£ach cotaleg must Coritaéy ar § ” Schema, which contains cksalptions all Schemad lia -the colobog , tables, views, és es , poitlepes, \ 7 i Constsainle and corains the figune below f6 o Siem plifia Scherralic 4 an 6al Sniisonment+ k1e-Enfsonmrent Uses, >the ‘nfoarrattion Contained tm the Crtalag 6. woalirrtotred the Dems as O mesulé a the Sa Cormmmones ‘eeued by the Ua Ond cles nor zepfimne Corscfous action by the V6en to build i. VERS Gn bepuosse the aa) talents by ost Go Select Gialemerils 7 > dhe Sol larguane has Sever! posi: DLDalo ition languoge: dhe Sol Dol provdles Commards yor dediri melatba Schemes, cle letter seldtions eats Indices and Modifying melakan Schernes 1) Oda. Yraripuldlion larguoge 2 dhe Sor emt inelucles a ues d e hased oth the gelaliona! obobss and the tuple *lild Gleubus, DD Includes Commands -0 ingent ,delele and Mod? laples tn the dalakase #) pala Cofledd lenguage 2 ~>these. commands help the 084 to Corihiol the | clainbose and Snelude Commands %6 grant o tevoke peivfleges to access ~the dalobase Pasilicubs obfecls within the chibhose arc to | tome oa _aemove _tancactions thal “owe effecl © the ddlabase tv) Embectled dele. manfpuletion er She Smbectlecl ee 4 Sol 6 designed yer Use usithin genera —punpose fn language Such as pelt» COBOL, PRECAL fOR TRAN and ¢. D vies Definition : ss jhe Sol OPL ancluaks, Ccornmands Pp depining Views ut) filhosgailion D qJhe Sol DDL includes tommand ¢ accese, Fahls to relations and one he Pig vii) Dnlegotty s- adhe ontgirod elem -R Sequel kl e frcluded Comenands ify fn ° 4 Constraxhls be Seay Coupes a Newey vessfons of Sol including -the. ANST CHanclasy d , poricde. only o Limited po q | least Checkin | vile) Teancoction Corbet ¢ - SSL Inclucles conmnands for Speclyog the heainntng anc endém “lansodlions. Svesot implementations *nclucling TAM (sAG-S0L) allo.s Gaplicit_toaking 9 clola sper Concusrencay certiol “wosions ‘pes of Commrarnds Used in Dali hase Development partess" * Schema ape! table clefinttion * Dalobose Sthemae- 2A Dithbase Shera 16 clescsihed fin a un- “ge Aled) dlaloka: clans PO Uf Me Setlow Monaro fm 249 G Aetilional Beilobase the Sthemo. dlepine 5 he @ relationships béluxcon ¢felds and tables 1 Schemas ore fer Loved I Dilo cama Altlough a Sthema % defined Sn ext dalabase darquoge, she “eam is Offen used ‘to ee” too | Qrephicas okepiction 4 -the dalrbase Shuclune Sse. ckfines a Calalog ag 0 named Collection of Schemas, but cles not indicate hew > ee? Should -be defined DDelining a dalabose Schema nm Gol is Sthsafghr to fderli, wil faword .T+ fe eae) eee) 4 o Schema cefinitfon , with a creale schema Stalernent 3A Gmple Schema definition Stilement fs 98 polos CREATE SCHEMA MAHINDRA —CoNSTRUCTION AURHeRIZATION “TONY -NIELTON cbmain ce pinitions table — led int tons View clef initions Ste devels of Dalabose Schema, be Concetta! Schema,so. mays of Conceple and their | Pelabionsips 2 lata) Schema. 10. rap af Enttifes ancl thelr Allatbules, and Melattons 3 physfcol Schema , portion. Sonple me niakion 4 a loge Schema 4. Schema object , owacle abtebose object 6. Schema 6 the ovr all Staclune the cibobose Each Bilascheme tocluces. LA Ust of Vasfables, och ustth an assoctited ckscipion cofint tfon and sorrel . 2.9 lft g clomaing Each vith an ossoctaled! iprtian! , Ba tet yf themes and Modules usith their. Bepectic ceirstions Set Tables. | Sin seliilionas kilobases and flat file cletbboces,o +toble 3 dian {6 a Set dab. Elerrents Cvelues) tat 's oagorfeeed U6ing a mockl 4 vertical columns Chbich axe Rlentifiec! by Hei. nore) ard boteostal srs, the celt being the unit Lifere a oDw and Column Flensect >A -loble hos a spectiiel Duroben 4, Qolureng hut; Gan howe any Nurnbexn h ous fl 98h cow % Klertified by the wolves appearing ‘0 a posiliculor Column Sihet whieh has deer, febrithfied 0S oO Unie eu Srclex, _—— eee @ Tn Cletabose “toms , a sable t 2esponsible jos Skex8rgq chile fn the ddlabase Dalokase tables Consist was and Colurnns | Rew Contains &ach secoxd fo the table, and the } Column %S Besponstle jos defining -the “type 4 cb thal inlo Foch cell >Thestezore » 1 we need to add aren percn to Oun table we Lond credile 2 new d0u9 with the Pencong aletails ee ae NN Ne NN * the Crack Table ' Duar’ >Dual %% an pare defined Vistival table ushich Containg one seus and one Column ote lault dual table Cdumn Aalatupe { Vorchose thie table % wsed to lest Sa means to et preclepinec! (02) ue defined Becton peel Teste j] > And aleo ducl table % Used ‘lo enestcle | | the Sequence number cfror equence. object Sn dual table we ant penfeon Dub openitions hecause chic! table fs Prre - define Viotial ‘table Qolsdesc duals | Name ull9 Type. Durmy Voachas2ty Sol>Select * ‘foo duals ; D i 2. x P10 factltiale Such Calculattions vio a Gelect, Ceacle. provides a durmeny table alled DvAL. Enorple: gt >select QkQ fom chal: outlet « one | dhe cunment dale Gn be obtained for dhe table dual fn the equine! -fowmat 08 | Chou belovo Sysortes- Syedote fe a péeudo Column that | Contathe the Gunent dot and time. Th quia! no oagumenls usher Selecta) form the totble. DUAL and velusns the cunrent dete Eet-Gor> Select Sysdile pore dal; | | Onthput e- Syspare. 06 ~feB-I8 ee ee a aa | NULL valve Conceprs > TH is an Undefined sUrknewDn , unavatlable value, > Ang asfitheralle opesdtions one performed] or nult | Values —then Ft ustll become null only | may Qa Column &o & “table % OPtional, we Car Insent a new Setord os lpdale an Bust | Becord uoitheut ocleling a value +o this Column dhie means that ~the pea wtll he saved with | a Nol value | Sntute values axe brecled ifferertly torn othe { values | ona ts Ug A8 a placebolden per Urkeeu cD fnapplicable Values INOTE*- TL f net possthl> to Compose vit and os they ane not Gutealerst ee! a Column in a sow has no Value ther the || Column fs Sard to be rulljox to conain anull| Ihsan asfkithmetic Expmession containing antl | | i i usa Erotuatas to null | | i Sxarmple s- NULL aches) to 10 fs a) eo / 1 Openattos.s ( | xzetpale of oa Values :_ | I ; steg a wuld value fs approprioita cohen the {a Value fg Unknown it) @ null value % not Eqs volesrt boa i vole ferro 4 the oletalype $5 ntumbenand | Goes ‘ the daa type is Chasaclesr, ir) 9 nul value voill Baluatte to NULL 7 ony a safon &gr-Null multiplied by to Is NULL iv) nlulL value Gan be Insesiled ‘lo: Columns | 4 ony cloltttype lv) the Column fas & NolL value, sacle CHECK Constaii | Gonpmes “the UNIQUE; foRE IGN Rey, be dtlachea to the Colunon, 7.24 «4-4 | xhilat J, Sor Explin bextefly ( no” | > Sarlctouctuned Quer lengquoge) f6 0 datbboae li +hat is Compaitéble usith the RDBMs ; Ond § dees not reed Yo neleaan the bases | Alhen mk 4 foo one fhough gal have Seresal clifferert poms there. ame | Veay minute differences aro’ their Téora lites | ved can be. Cpesrilicl oe Siding | >easically, Sox Perfoons the ploving (ors: Deimecile table anc ddlabase Shuctunes i) Perfo adlliton .olelélion ard mech fication delabasa Souclines 110) pesrfosmn dlif-ficukt /Carnplex queries So thal Sus dal. inle %, fon hich con he gels harefoarnedt lo porno 7 ul these gprctiens coe Perfowned voithot Much humary effext ancl wa) an be Cattegorioeed fnlo ~the Pllasrg =two larqueges. Drrilo. Capinttfon lpege 5) Dela Marfipulation, LU 0) Dale. Reftntfen Lan CDDL) :~ | 20pl Pefers to o lal » thal Consist 4 Sol | Commands foo the (nection a Clalabase obfecls | like Tables, vievwss, Indexes »€tc. Tt also Contains Commards -that axe Used to Specify access, 2tghls +o thee dabhose Obfack, Ddhe qpllouting ame the differrent clib obfistion comonld in Soke |L-CReaTe ScHERD® AUTIDRIZATION!- Ibis Command [6 OSce! fos eas o débbare Schema j\2CRepte TOBLE?-ghig Cormrrond fs Used fom Greatit a new table in the Users clalakase Schema. T+ Fnelucles the pllovstng Corélaaists nlor Notte hig Corshatnt t Used spr ersiaing -that null values do not Exist % any Colas 1) UNiQues-Shis Conglaist 1s Used fox ens thet duplicate values do nét Sifer-sny any Column Dpemary Key t-Shis Conélentnl ts tuted ors Patina a O Poros keu Jpx the table sv) foreign Key s— his Cohaint ts used per Seeg 2 foi toy» swt Y) Defaulrs- dhs combatant + used! zor “petting O delaut value tm -toble vO) CHicer’e- dhig Constant ts uted pa vetideiling calan ih an allatbule 3-CRente INDE: - Gifs Command 'g Used pox ealé | an Snclex PP a table r “F | | | Mt Rene view? his Command %s Used PP wets [o laafeot Subset of olalb Coreas/Columns) denier! fen ore os mone tase “tables B-ALIER TABLE s~ hie Corrie fe uted fr Tang a a tabes definition by acl a hi “peeling the atthibules | Consho ink (6 Gente TABLE A8:- Jhig Command 1 Used Creaking! | a table by Using a laa thal Ete nthe I ) ens cla é Ss labase Scherro. -h PRop JOBLES- Thi, Command % Used! J Perevesly akliting an Table 1 Deep INDEKs— This Command % Mel fp Porrarenty cklelirg an Snokxr 4+ Peep viehle- “The Command 's Used PP Pamanenity | cee a View Dea maripulotion 2 CDpL) 2 aces 6 DO woe thacl consists of soe Comme Soas to Perfor chia. openalions like | ingent in Update and vebleve fm the chtabase i tables | Ddhe following are the difement dalla mani ior) | Commands fin SOL: lig 7 (MINseRTs-J6 Command fg wreel bx insesting a ro I5 i a table P ~G |Selecrs. dhis command fe Used for seleching Sore | Speelfic atlsthules qpom te kes, | iB.WHeRe This Covrnand 1s usec! rps Speci Conditions| On %OW bg co) Cond? tHonat a | i | \ | i | | | | H+ Group By e-dhis Command fs used for geuping Some Specttic dolla faows based on the Gaochfied qeoupin cond Fifen 6. neving s—dhis command is useol pr Py} \Condftfens on gsoups by using conditional Sxpreastes 6.oRpeR Bys- dhis Commrond {6 used pow Orde Sore| Spectfre yous based on the Spechfae) oll i +.Upperes This Command fs usec! pr modifying values of allittules i tables 6. Deleres- dbig Command fg used per cblating Duds, from a table 4. Commire— ghis Commo.nal fe Weel fe Pesmanentig ! Quirg the changes $n the chlbbose 10-Roy Back dhis command *s used HP chla back to the ovigrot able. dhe pm algo fclucks Some cperolbrs Uke. ‘ercposfison opexcilesse—Shese cpertcilows ane Used fe Corrposnin between two aliffenent Expressfons Such opestiless Include =<) >,4= >= <> 1) lopfeod opescitars ?~ dhese operdlors ome Used per | company two diffenent Expressions. Geb opestitos| | jnclude Abd, ER and NoT | 3. pe cSal opescloss:— Pee qpescilovs axe also Used PF Composing t00 Expressions 2 such epenaloss Srclude the following : ar aes, the w | Deendeen!*-dhis cpertilos fs Used Jom Checkin Whe the» | an atlathut: value es colthr the wange ‘ox not | Inte dhis Opesnilow fs Used! por checking wheter ar | attethute value matches any of the vale to -the cffeed Uist | line tet thi opexalom fe used j= Cs Whether, | an allltthui value 2etenrs 0 null value Wickes Shfs operator fe Used Joe cheewt Whettes] | an attkibute value moiches a Spectfi pillersry Persie dhs cpesilon fs Used Pr Checking arhethes, a Set BOLUS fag the Corclitions vélusy | Se of sisting | Iv ) Distinter e— this opescitos fs ied for | values pon the tabk fhe. 9 doptad >dhese Coon ane Uxed along wlth the Select | | Stabement and generate. a vesult Set that Mithorratically | Surrmestes the Columns the table isthe follwing ane the egote qpenciloss Suppesihe b ; SOLE 1 “tt 7 Dcour -dhis opexctos fe Used fe srefeteuing total rerbos| i of tuples Consisting of non null volueg fn ‘he Space Column $1) minie-dhis Openntis fs used fox sebiwing a mininuny | value a o Set of values preterit fn’ te Pectfeed | | \ | Colum Tis GE cqeralon taal for Bobbing went) Value por a get values decent fo -th ae Columns 3 ° pope tv) Sunne~ gh operailos is used sebining a Sum leet Values present fm her 2 Qure F DAG S—Jhis epemolor fs Used veksivirg an value of alt the values Present in the Gecji | se5) fe me; to 04 0.00 tat Spect fies mly the things thal ane ote ustthout Spec fog the wy 4 npg tm Kghe Cumrent vLessfon Column Sol §s Gol3 ow SOL~99 > stanchind Soi Called! AnNet SOL starcosds ts Spectfiiol by the pereétan Nalional Standen frsttile Canss) Sdhig Glandand 's also used the Shiesrptcorod oO Fzc0bton foo Standandf zat nCiso) > dhol cement ond Correia! chilahose Such _ ~catfons equine the cl -Anisi |P50 SOL Stordond , 15 ane mode to the Standard by most Rp@ms venclots sdhus an Sot bated Applisiiions Gn be Mmigsailead snomely foo one RDBMS “lo another Usthout Penning any changes fo the Starclond . w& > DaTATYpES (SQL) >palal pe entefées ‘ype of chia $n o Colunn, > Dela’ Stored §) 0 Selationol cbilabase Gon de Store using a voi dale. “Lpes > the pel ‘oracle lala 3 ae NUMBER VARGHAR, Qnd GHAR Stoxirg rumbe and xt dale s Constant: wntadle are fos, 7 a dela. palalso Called o type) that celeamies - : format, Constatnls watt 4 arn opendtions that can be penfesrnedl 0P ' ” a clef abala pes and > SOL Provide s mony Pre efirec! Subtypes. > the dala. “lupes Supporled by GOL , ane, leNlumesfe ¢~ hfe cbiatype fo used Pr Storing dale values , ushich one of type 'numbes:!. has Zras differert formals Uke: D Numben(,D)?- Tr th& ,'2! denéles the numbe dights thal Gan be fnclucled and ‘pv’ derdles the decimal place that ‘5 to be Specified > fos example Numben(63) Specifies thal the nurrhexs that Gan be Stowed uth three decirnal places and hove upio Six défls and also a Sion belone | the dectmot i ° P j Such type Of dale. ‘include the polleuwsng Pramples, 819599.1N +2931-00 1 "istegen rt Stoses only the frlegen values fen, H deesn’t Prelude dectros values Tt fs ahbyiovilal, | as int i TP) Small INT? Ft ols Stoves the fhiegen values but only uflo a linsted value te, upl six digth $0 Decinna C1,D) #— Fes speck pfetiéons 's Sioflan to Number (Lb) But fene , the & fosage: lengths oust be (Prealen Uke 5 Decfrrase 10,3) soa eres, bee. , wig | @.chamacley :- ghfs cbila type % usec os ci vatues that ane OF type Sed ze has Severo difenent fosmals like Dehantt- 74 aan Stowe a fread length of Chavet hes foors 1 to 855 Chozacless + fox frétance , voarchonclé) Grove uplo 16 Chanaclers. But fry | thSe ,the dala types doesn't leave any Unused Space. Consequantty, the RDBMs fe, osacle autornatical Convessls Vanchan to Vaxchasio) Speciifes thot A Can Stose Uplo IS Chosackas. land) (1 the Strings cused a Certain Chosockng | hee, cd Chanocless -ther the aes] Spaces | ane lege unused a fg USed -to Stoxe eae lengts alpha rearrene | | dita $n bles srrarimum Ulenfl ts upto 2000 byles />8y depute choo clototype howirg one bile | [Sete Coluummname rortreaxsig)| i —~ Sue “er tiwerre | | DVarchoor2) 0s Vanchonacs) - F dan Stoxe a Varfobk. 1 Chanacler dolo- fer snetance, Vanchan Ci) | Stose uplo 16 Chanaclexs But fn this, the leo ty types | doesn't leave any Unused Space. Consequently the Roamns e+, Ovacle autre Convers Vac | Vachon. [>a fo USed to Store Vanfoble ‘length alpha numeste ' ckla fn byles Poidifinunn Limit *s 41000 bylés | Sipe verrointng Gaces ane autlomattcalty deallecited i (Gppler +-columorame ~ yoachanrt fe [name 7“ i [oon ony | No — of memory | SBalet- hte dela type f used) Jor Staoing the dale values fy the Julian foomol Tt focluck Vean month and olay values ; Tt fs Used to Stove doles 9m oaacle dole >In ovacle bydefautt dale -foorret *s Hene mon fs monthrame HiThee t- thts dole. type Fs Used! pow Stora “the doit that Contac hon, minute and Seconcl Values, 6 Timestarnpt- fhig dolotype fs Used for ston g | the data thot Contasr Yean,rnesth, doy, houn, lrnfnule and cond values, 6 floats dhs cola type 's lesedt foe Stostng the ‘dela. that Cortain deuimal values '4-Reals-Shis data. type fs Used Pr stoning the | dole. that Contains 0. stngle -poectshon feaiting | point numben. S- Double precidon s- ghre dovlertype fg Used Jor _ Stontng the dal thot contaihs a dauble -Peekipy| floating poise number, 4-Intemale- dhs dato type fs used bo tpe fs Used po stoskr lg el cblo. thot Speck 9s a pantfalan Peatod of me. | hos the qpltousing 1100 feorra le, | Yeon month Mmilexole-72 Stoses the abla chal Contiing a Yeon, month o= both lalues dass. tfme fnlemals- Tt Stowes the dob that Conltun, a day , minule as Second values, lo. lapfeat phi doh “ype 6 Used jer Stoning the dala values that ctf, efthen a bue o& ee Spey pre | i Ganmeregs -This dol “re fs Used! por Stoning | chila values thal ane of type “pe dang 12, Alonurnbers~Jhte cllotype 15 used joo s ddlo values that automalt Jorwnles a ion H fs basically Supported! by Ms. Access 18+ Sequence t~ this daila “ype Fs wsedl px Stoatrg the | chia. values Hol ane fr a Sequence Orden, Tt fe | bask Supposed Ay Osocle. Mt LONGs~ Chonaclés colo. Of Vastable Sze typ to aGb in| | | rath. Only one LONG Colum may be def ered i) ae LONG, Columng may not be Used ih Subqueries, ifanclions, Expmressions, Where Clouses, ox thdexes. bbe | Cntatrsng long, data may not be clustered 5: long RAWIE-Rows bf dota 5 otheauige -the Sorne as LONG (used PrP ane fa) (6. LONG ARCHER #- Qaene as lonlg ig. SMALLINT: - Same as Number Is. RAW Size): Raw Pinoy chi, Sze byles long. antinsn| Size =a55 byles Q.RoWIDs- A value tat uniquely Bersiffize @ mw fy on ovacle choibbose-f f6 setuaned! by the pPSeualo_ Column RewiD. Table Columns may not be Osstgned tis type. in| DIP ERENCE Betinken CHER VARCHER ANDVARCHARG CHER |. ftxed length menony Storoge O-CHAR takes up hile pen chazac lex 3.ute Chou iahen the abila entles Sm a Crlumn o7e Expected to be the Sarne Size 4. EX Declane ‘lest chante): test ="Tese” - dhen hese" octupfes 100 byles frost fur bales wlth values and vest wlth Hank dota on |waectiee }. Variable length 7 Stowage Khangechk) R.VARCHAR takes up! byjle Pen chosaaclar, +2 djles +o hold length Infoevailéon 3.varchon usher the Jala Entsles b a Column are Expected to vox Conefolasablay fr Size A exe Peclone “est Vanchoacioo)s test = "Teor" ~ dhen est” occupies only 426 tyles + ftrset foun byes os volue and Other evo &jles pr varfoble lent fnfosinotion VARCHPRO = VARCHPRS 1A neplacernent for von thas $n new versions a ovacle wt 2. eRcHAe Con Sioxe up to S060 bikes of Gores 5 Lohyle VARCHPRA Con Store uP to Jooo dies of Chonaclias 3. Tf VARCHAR is uded tn declanation then Ht will pctupy Space fox NULL VOULLS, Tn Cose 4 VARCHARO data. type fe wofll net Ottupy ony Space. Ne en a * SOL Commands Re eetines guy logge. i Sany end Use does nét Slenact with cxocle cllabose directly. Ba endusen Can inlenoct ots Omrcle cklohase ba using Some ques hols. those ore le Sal plus | 2 $9 plus 3 pl/So. Developer He So nowtgalos. & Toad toal. 1% Sh [et Cen plus ® fags plus Okey Deve, ay q- Nau | © Toeel “pe | i | > Enlexpaice Edftfon ts belles to lead cracle | ly Scott is -the Username hich is available In Evlespaise Edftfon only bul not tn othes > fom ONacle log onusosde I oY 7 - CARN! Account locked | *Uunlockfng a Useors— USeaname lags as ¢ isclho. renced [Be] Dir Aliea user Lett accourt anleck + 2| o> conn Seeit ip hee. ie Poscrcond ¢ bf Confiom Possicos d tigen ->Heae Conn §S Connect 2D) ue usant to Show the (6ea, then | or>sheus Sex § cad Soruses *s “Scotr” log we usarst +o View all -tobles [sas select x fora toh; ) J table fs Merle OE we Want -to clear the Groen [Serco Sex} | i __O% [Ship + clelete i She Sneen fs Cleaned) _ $01 Can be divided io © renjon DO DOL (2th. Definition Corqucg)s ~ (neal | Salle > elon > touncaile 7? bename (Om0cle at) (pm? Codh Manipulation Jorguoged: ~ > frSest > updalé dekh (Owacle 9) ®Sor Cala Aebkshval & 2) e~ Select Drancackion Corlasf Conpoogecres) >commft (Save) sonoll back Cunco) > Sate |Orale Corteol la: COWL) + | DGyant Cnvteg peerigsions) | | >Revwke Caarce) peaméc ions) Al onftfon 4an je COBL) Commands - (ae Regs Se Spee se ODL sekns to 2 Ong shat Ceneis of Sol. | Commands os the Creation x clalobose objects he like tables , Views, tnolexes .Fc., °F alto Contains Commands thal ane used to Specify owes fis lo these alalabose objects, the | ‘ileesing ane the diffeserst obila clefinirfon Gommereunde | 1D Ble t SPpL Comrord ane Used to dlescaihe Stuctune Columns) of the table + cecile.¢- Sib fs Used +o Credle calabo-se objects lke tables, | ' | 1 { views, peodedunes Etc, | [a tnesiting 0 table es Seyrten. tredle table tablerame (ott - cbse ag), ColQ cbiotipetsiie), ee) hene Col %s. Column Ex- Gly Gegile table reusya02(Eno numbesCio) , narne VoarchorQCios)¢ a Table Created STe view Stauchune 4 the tables — SOL> cksc tablename! j Cosdese COQ + j MeL a al Name — Nolte “Npe. Sno Nlumbeslio) Nlarne vasa chor2to) | Spobe for cereale Command! CRepte Taele table-nomecort dal A Consbsatstt , Cola 22 Constrainta, G13 3 Cordhaints, ' : ooln Constaintn, Primary Key Colt, Cola -~-), forergn key Cott, Cold —-) RE{ER \ Ces table-rame on ConsteAinty | CerBleauint—name)s AUER s— [>The Alter TABle Conmand Makes all Changes 1) [the Shutline AF a tebe. zt fs follows) by one of | -the following thee keyuoosds. | aovs-To & Column to 0 tethle % oh eteitcs qa table Moni fy :- 7 ar Column cho gy DRopt-To dleléle a Column fom an Existing toblk, add fltex. = | ALTER TABLE ‘tablename Fapp /mobHty4 column rare cBlatipe Roeléng 2. Celumn toa table: 29n Bxisting table Gan be altered b dling ene OL mese Columns. “Mn the above Sample, user ao add Meus column, Pored Emp Email to the Errployee table o2 follows Spel. ates toble tatlename adl(colt dabtupe (tee), COl2 chitlatypecsige), ec Ae Fl use usant to adbl only one. Column into “the Slating table. Jhen Sotsalter table newayene adel Gab mumbealias | Table altined Se@lvdese 5 _Narne Nol? Ape. en Alumbex (io) Name Varchanacie) Sat NumbesCio) Cox) oD we aussi +o add! only ee Column Silo -the | Bilating ta table» dhen [So.> alles. -table Meusyeor Odld (Sala rummbencion)s ) table alles edd Sol. sclese MeuH EOS s Nome Null? Npe Sno NumBeRCe) Nasne VARCHARAUO) SeL NuMBERCo) Su NumBercio) Ex s- Cotsalta table meusyear adc Ssrome Vaschoratic) S6at numbercio)e Sacer fovalid alte, tale option Resong-t, the aboe Siorple we ane eel +4usg Columing Se, 4 use wort 40 Gcle uso Cox) mone thon too Colurmng filo -the. eee table we Shoubl Use posanthests Sl>altéa. table Peuryens Adal snare Vaachasa(iey, Ssal numbeacio)) ° Table allesed. < Solrdese mewoyear 5 aus “ype. rumbercto) VARCHAR (0) Number Co) Sab rumbeacia) “eee varcharacig) Niunbexacio) Nobs. ay ‘6 possible “lo ach nunber. of Columns tile -the table at lost posHfon oa bud net to middle -the table &te-7 the table Contains the columng ho Same, x ewe wont tp Col Sb Column ilo tat Gbe than | ~ Croue) false) [soni 2. Columels Da. ‘types SALTER “TABLE Command Can alse be _ “to O Columnls dota lope. ¢ (es) Colum lot tore aller table tablerome rrodif, Col: a \ “fe clotlalype (6h), a = = i * pli fit we esant to modify onli ene Column cblatpe Sol>alle table nensyens modltly Sno voachaaauas, | ‘table culezed Sol>dese neust~ena; beaee ult? “Npe. Sno VORCHARACIO) Name VARCHARACIO) SAL NumBeRCid, SSNto num®€RCio) Senlanne VORCHOR R10) Seat NuMBERMIO) SAL NUMBERCIO) Bra coe usant to rrodity tweCox) morse thou two pes then use Should -lise posenthests Clu Sol>alteg table rewrpria ee nae oumbexcioly Sod voschoa.aciods table allerel Sot >desc e/a SNo VORCHPRACID) Neme , NUMBER CIO) Seb VARCHAR Q Lo) SSNO NUMBER CIO) SeNArne VARCHARS (10) Scar AIWMBERCID) SALA. NomBercio) EX Se) allen lable newyears rectly Sno Vaachaealaoy lable alieved Solsdese Meuoyeors Name ee NPS. Snlo VARGHARAL20) Name NOMBERCIO) San VER CHERALIO) Ssnlo NUMBERC IO) ee VERCHARELIO) NOMPERCio) NumBercio) ¥ in -the Above Gample Sho having calcd ype sige 5 | Name Nolte “Type | Croeteal fro vaschaaaug to veachasataoy TINee == We can 2) foorn one alailtype “lo aratheg. caldtype sushen the Felallecl Column & empty (6) tohen -the ‘melded Column fg Empty thes only ce Can Change fon cme cblotiype +o Another deiéstope &xe~ F ! dhe abse able Contains numbes cleo ype “10 SNO & \esthor e to Name lumn 2] we Udant to rroaltfy Sno numbes aletolype | vanchar (or) ony thes dblalype other than rumber Cor) ue Usant to modi Pa] vaschog tape +to any other dlaladepe othes. than Vaschaa, then tH | dives an e120 Ab | Easoxe- Column “le be modified roust be Empl to Chorge cblotupe. [DegDING a Colum for a tables >Tt $s used to deop eee) Columns folo the Eusting table Method is—"Th Use Want +o deop a "Sink column! ata | cline wotthout usin marthests we e -follouh eo. ‘Spl Syploxe- alles alley late “ahlerame dleop calumny larornes Tn -the aboe Syplax Column 1 Keyucozel [Exe Sot salle, tate eusyens depp colurm Gaby dable attired Sol>desc rewsyears Name Nill e — pe Sho VARCHARAW@O) Name. NUMERO) SSnio NUMBER CIC) Ssneme VARCHAR LIS) SsaL Num BERCIO) SALL NUM BERCO) métod @¢- coe usant to cbop a Single Gx) multiple Eee oith using _posunthests ue Ane Usieg folusdeg Siro not Syposs-al aut table “lablonorne cbepCot yColQ,~- -~Je | xe Sot>ealbea tobe rewyeo chop (EN0,SSntAme, 5 S590) | tale allesed Sol>clesc MEUM g ae cCIeG Nps. Srlo VARCHAR INO) ) Name AU RERLIO) 1 Set NluMmBERCIO) | Es Golsalter table nerwyeos deopGatt); ed Table allied Sblzdesc nevayens; Nome Nulkp pe. 5No VERGAR (O20) Name NUMBER CIO) wwe Garnet cleo AU Columns fn a teble aT} cur table Contains only one. Colurnn then fe Commo deep thot column, x QRope- TL fs Used to Demo dalokose Chel fon ctiblog Exe. coop toble. -tablerame : Exs-ceep — pavtedune — poexedunerame « § cs clop Views viewsnarne + ie (2 be aoe ee uiple omacleClog) Y ee tonnt +e delet table, then table is dleleled Pememarertiy hene -loble %e terposon! cb ie table ft. moved d Reqple Bin) *D| use want to g it back fom Recycle Bing— | Sysleae—fochhaci -lable eee to befove py | here, to before ane. koy poosds - | *aep table ewan: [dogs lable “bblenasne pesges| [exe fox fron oracleCla) Sol> coe table mewsyeors 4able. cloepped Solrclege meusyenrs Earons Olfect renyeor does not Seis *¥ Seis floshbace table neusyeor, to befone chops Ffloghtock Complete Golrclese newyeors Nome “Nwlte pe. "Sto NumBeRtin) * Spl >chsop table nevoyene Puuge 5 7 “Table cleepped Sol>desc MeUayeors | Baore-obfect neusyens does nO Bist Nott 14 oe ae ie mera | chyppeal “ther juse cant get % feo ety cle bin (02) form an ushene so p we ¢an complete the Comrrand Sol> chop table nevoyens. Proges Ofter thie we eee 8 Gl >flashbock table nensyen2 to ne abep » Dbecaurxe -the. table Pearanen a Unenoly ty * Touncale e_ 2Ihis Cormmand %5 used -lo delete "Yetal ceib. pa fom the table but Columns ame not deleled Foxe — tonaate 1 “lable -tablerarne ¢ EK Gorscoecite -table newyeny a5 select * foom Emps | dhe meanin the abve Sal Commond fe the dala. utich fe avallable fo Emp, % alto auibble $n Neury{eog, table cneiled Sol>Select * foor Neunyeors [fe gr Vieecete.\ sex“ [Comn \egpino CIERK | +4909 [cent 80D | 2 1 SALEa | A698 |0-fb-a (20 | 300. 25 |Srvesmn | [4698 98-Pb-si 1asy | sco | 80 rons ee 1839 O21 O45 20 i | i | Sate) 3696- eps) lap 00 | 30 ie Blake | Meniajer | 7629 io -RY-8) p85 |20 +6 | ' C 2 | CLARK | maningae, “F639 ores) jauso ho 5 66 | ScoTy | ANedysT | 1566 ha- Ape | deco ' |ac [7539 | King | PReswer! seems | Stoo | 10 +9By [rer | ERK _ [908 | [os-gries by 20us Seletled Sel>tuncole table ee eee Table fainaaled SolL>gelect -x fom Neuen + if No sows Seletled Slsdese mevsyens ¢ Rename + > Tt fs Used to senome a table BAY |-roener Splegmen 469% 08 Sep. |1600 o Ligté ipoAMS \cKRK Sae¢ pasrap | 1100 +900 [ores | bcc | 6 laces! sD | Bo | foro jOmelysy \to86 103-De-8) aed wm | |e Wee. Numeerci) VARCHAIRAIO) VARCHARA(A) NomBer() Date NUMBERC RQ) NUMBER(S) Number) and Berame 20 30 p ee -lable and vename a Column also venom e a. tables— Syelox sename Oetoblename to neuctablerames | e¥e-Soly wename eLeyeoa to abe td Table senamed SeL> clesc abes | Nome Null? Nee . | Empnlo NUMBER) | ENAme VARCHARALIO) fos VARCHOR AQ) MarR Nomeercy) HIREPA TS. On Te SAL AlUMBERCH, 2 .) Bas Number (2,9) Deptnlo NUMBER CQ) Ab-Seladese. MEUYEAL¢ | Exmod ¢- Obfect nevsyeaa cloes not Exlat Peause St fg alacooly Meramed tO ake *« onp Tear NeHaAHf Oo Gluron (oracle 7.8)¢~ [syste allss, table tablename sename Column | oldcolumnname. -to nevocelumnname + nn Nene nen

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