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Analysis of Quantum Computing

Joshua Burdette, Quinton Gwin, Frederick Rhodes, Hannia Perez

Roberta Nadal
September 24, 2017


In the us alone, $100 Billion was lost in cyber-crime according to Forbes. This is including lost

productivity, destruction of network infrastructure, and days of downtime cutting into profits.

The solution to this is our quantum computer. This Computer cannot be hacked, will increase

productivity due to its superior optimization and computing power capabilities, and if paired with

AI security programs can predict and prevent attacks before they happen. The question is not if

can you afford a quantum computer, but if can you afford not to.

Overall Findings

Quantum computing would change the future producing faster algorithms, functioning a million

times faster than the computers we interact with today. Studies suggest algorithms used in

quantum computing have the ability to break encryption keys.


Quantum Computers will perform algorithms incapable of being executed on classical binary

computers allowing for faster computing of task where you need to optimize an equation for a

particular property

Highlights Contd
Analysis of Quantum Computing
Joshua Burdette, Quinton Gwin, Frederick Rhodes, Hannia Perez
Roberta Nadal
September 24, 2017
Machine learning will run much faster with an algorithm optimized to run on quantum

computers because current computers cannot handle computation where you handle large

numbers of variables that need to be optimized

Machine learning on quantum computers has been programmed to recognize cars which could

help make self-driving cars more reliable than current software

Simulating complicated logistics problems will be optimized for quantum computers and allow

for many larger retailers to find more efficient ways to ship and distribute goods

Video compression algorithms are currently still processor intensive and inefficient at saving

data quantum computers could consider a wider range of techniques for video compression

saving bandwidth and allowing for better video streaming

Q-bits the basis of quantum cannot be hacked any attempts will destroy the data preventing

anyone from intercepting them and notifying the user.

Scope and Methodology

Project quantum is a newly organized group that focuses on the relationship between computer

science and quantum physics. Our organization has created a multiple to software and

Analysis of Quantum Computing
Joshua Burdette, Quinton Gwin, Frederick Rhodes, Hannia Perez
Roberta Nadal
September 24, 2017
hardware designed to coexist inside on main ecosystem or platform. As of the beginning of

September 2017 or team has developed an innovative and revolutionary way of maximizing

security for local, corporate and government institutions using the aforementioned methods. Our

scientific algorithms have been ranked among the leagues or similar technologies such as Shors

factoring algorithm which can solve computational dilemmas that would take a normal computer

an essentially indefinite amount of time. Dedicated teams of our organizations continue to

observe potentially defective coding whilst also implementing better-structured instructions. For

example, we have managed to implement a pseudo self-learning program that can solve and

correct potential mistakes on an astronomical level. Although or software and hardware are still

in its infant stages in the scope of the potential of quantum computing, we have been accepted to

demonstrate these sophisticated technologies at various trade shows such as Computex,

Consumer Electronics Show (CES), CebBit, and etc. With an overwhelming amount

endorsement received we have increased the productivity of our project exponentially.

Eventually, these technologies will deviate from security systems to home consumption items by

the year 2020. Also, this sector of quantum computing will innovate several other categories

ranging from vehicles, communication devices, computations devices, and artificial intelligence.

Trends have projected quantum computing to increase efficiency or security

by a large magnitude. Qubits (quantum bits) are the basic unit used by quantum computers which

are related binary code. Quantum computers have the ability to read multiple states of photons

Analysis of Quantum Computing
Joshua Burdette, Quinton Gwin, Frederick Rhodes, Hannia Perez
Roberta Nadal
September 24, 2017
that are represented by the vectors 1 and 0. Traditional computers are only capable of 1 or 0

whereas quantum computers can compute both simultaneously (Bonsor and Strickland). Current

technology only allows for a limited number of qubits on one computer. But this can be

improved through the construction of augmented technology. Google and D-wave have already

pioneered manufactured the D-wave 2000Q quantum computer which has revolutionized

computing. Project Quantum could develop and improve quantum computers even further with

the consideration or Moores Law. Quantum computing has an extensive potential to refine how

we use technology in the future.

Please contact our Texas facility for a more detailed analysis regarding our experimentation and

technology by phone or email using the information below.


Works Cited

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