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Boltonss Tomb

A generic tomb usable anytime you need a quick distraction

Introduction: Sometimes a DM needs a fill-in adventure for when

their PCs go off script. This is a single location low role play
adventure that can be inserted anywhere needed.

A 1-2 hour adventure for three to six 3rd-5th level


by PDX_Mike

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Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . The Hallowing 1
Adventure Overview the pit-trap will be revealed.
Otherwise, anyone walking forward to
This is a lair of a Night Hag who is in the chests or chandelier must make a
the process of summoning a fiend. successful Acrobatics DC10 roll or
drop into the pit taking 3d6 piercing
This adventure uses two new damage.
monsters; Chaos Hounds and Portal
Demons. Both can be found at the The chests are Mimics and will attack
end of this document. if provoked or if any character falls
1. Entry Room into the pit.

The passage opens into a wide entry Mimic (AC12)

chamber. Low stone benches line the M1 (90)______________
side walls. All of the walls have
M2 (50)________, M3 (50)________
Dwarven carvings that have been
scarred and defaced. An archway opens
into a hallway. Treasure: The larger Mimic has a pair
of Gauntlets of Ogre Power and 200gp
Anyone who can read Dwarven will be in its stomach. Each of the smaller
able to read runes on the wall stating Mimics have 100gp in their stomachs.
that this is the tomb of Duke Bolton
Longbeard. 4. Kennel

As you approach the turn in the

2. First Hallway hallway, you can see a heavy pair of
multi-layered curtains filling a
The hallway splits left and right. A doorway where the hallway turns left.
faint but sharp smell of ammonia comes The smell of ammonia mixes with the
from the right and nothing but quiet reek of dung burning your eyes and
darkness can be seen to the left. choking your throat.

If PCs examine the floor, they will see If the PCs pause to examine the
from dirt and tracks there has been curtains, theyll see long strands of
much more foot-traffic heading greasy black hair matting the curtains
towards the right (towards room 4). up to about 4 tall. There are hand
sized claw prints on the floor both
3. Chest room entering the exiting the room.
This 40 across square room is eerily
Inside Room 4 are 5 Chaos Hounds
quiet. A large silver chandelier hangs
from the center of the ceiling over (see Appendix C). They will crouch
tattered rugs. Against the back wall quietly to either side of the door until
are three wooden and iron chests. someone either enters the room or
discovers them, then they will attack.
The rugs cover a 20 wide and 6 deep
pit lined with wooden spikes. If the
rugs are probed by a pole/weapon,

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . The Hallowing 2
Inside the Kennel - One round after being struck
dripping rancid goo clings to
This large room appears to have been
anyone hit. 3 long fat maggots can
an embalming chamber at one time.
Ornate tables and overturned urns line be seen writhing around in the
the wall. A quarter of the room is goo.
filled with puddle that you can only - Two rounds after being struck
assume is urine. The floor looks
slick and is covered in gooey piles of the Rot Grubs begin to burrow into
black stool. anyone hit by the trap doing 1d6
Chaos Hound (AC15) o Player or DM should roll to see
H1 (45)_______, H2 (45)_______ where the Grub has burrowed
H3 (45)_______, H4 (45)_______ into
H5 (45)_______ o Die 4 (1) Left Hand, (2) Right
Hand, (3) Left Calf, (4) Right
5. Spice farm Calf
The room has 5 planter boxes with
o Fire applied this round can kill
meticulously ordered into planting them but causes 1d6 damage to
sections. Vials of various liquids are the character.
groups along the walls and several
- Three rounds after being struck
heavy buckets of thick blackish blood
sit near the rows of planters. The The grubs burrow under the skin
air has a strong stench of rot. up the arm/leg towards the hosts
torso causing another 1d6 damage.
The entry to the room is trapped with o Fire applied this round can kill
a tripwire at ankle height. Characters them but causes 1d6 damage to
pausing to scan the room before the character.
entering will spot it on a Perception - Four rounds after being struck the
DC15 roll. If they are specifically grubs reach the heart and kill the
checking for traps they can spot it on
a Perception DC10 roll.
The Rot Grubs can be stopped by a
If the trap is sprung, a basin filled variety of ways: Lay on Hands, Cure
with rotting meat and plants swings Disease, Lesser Restoration, or
down from above the doorway, hits Decapitating the Limb (causing
the edges at the bottom and spews critical damage of weapon)
150 gallons of vile stew down the
hallway for 20. PCs in range can
make a Dexterity DC15 roll to dive in
or out of the entryway to avoid the
Anyone hit is hosed down by a wave
of rotting flesh, blood and
decomposed plants.

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . The Hallowing 3
6. Meatlocker soon to hunt the Centaur
As you approach the room, you hear
- The witch is trying to
weak guttural moans as if someone is
ill or groaning in their sleep. build a portal to summon
Peeking into the room you see a semi- powerful demons to
conscious Satyr manacled to the far attack Reitheillaethor.
wall. Five squat hairless cherubs are
poking at him with glowing hot metal
- The witch is part of a
skewers. Their tails are twitching coven. The light Fey of the
with excitement. area are trying to find the
rest of the coven to
There are piles of humanoid bones and
2 firepits smoldering in the middle of exterminate it.
the room.
Quasit (AC13)
Q1 (7)_______, Q2 (7)________
The cherubs are actually Quasits.
Q3 (7)_______, Q4 (7)________
They are so focused on tormenting the
Q5 (7)_______
Satyr that unless the PCs
intentionally alert them, the Party
7. Choices
should be given a round of surprise
when attacking them. The passage splits left and right
here. Pausing for a moment, you can
The Quasits will use their Scare hear tortured moans and an occasional
ability to try to scare off part of the squeaky laugh to your left. To your
right, you can hear soft chanting in a
party. The Quasits will focus on
language unfamiliar to you.
scaring off the most physically
intimidating members of the party.
The moans and laughter are coming
If 3 or more of the Quasits are killed, from Room 6. The chanting is in
the remainder will use their action to Abyssal and is coming from the Night
turn invisible and scamper away. Hag in Room 8.

The Satyrs name is Pawki. He was

captured 3 days ago by the Gnolls
and chained here ever since. Pawki is
traumatized and will not join the PCs
party, he only wants to get out of the
tomb as soon as he can. He can tell
the Party the following:
- There is a dark Fey witch in
this tomb.
- The Gnolls in the area
number about 40 and were
planning on moving East

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . The Hallowing 4
8. Longbeards Chamber - 4th round One leg remaining to
pull through If the portal closes
This long chamber has a tall arched
at this point, the beast will still be
ceiling. A broad stagnant fountain
runs down center of the room, alive and attack. Movement speed
luminescent yellow fungus coats the will be reduced to 10 and HP
top of its water providing a soft glow reduced to 90. The demon will
that illuminates the room. A handful
of twisted barren shrubs grow out of
bleed out 30 HP each round until
it. Standing stone coffins perch on dead.
platforms lining the walls. - 5th round The demon has fully
emerged from the portal and will
At the far end of the room a 14 tall
wooden triangle has been erected, attack.
within it purple energy swirls and
pulses. A huge scaled creature is The Night Hag will cease her chanting
frantically struggling to push himself and engage the party as soon as she
through the portal. His horned head realizes they are present and the
and a single arm have breached it. The Chaos hounds will charge to attack.
meat cleaver that fills the space
where hand should be is carving ruts
The Night Hag will stay until she is
in the stone as he tries to drag below 50 hit points. Then she will
himself forward. attempt to use her action to shift to
the Ethereal Plane.
To the right of the portal, a cloaked
woman gestures towards it and calmly
chants in a strange tongue. She is
Night Hag (AC17)
flanked by two chaos hounds. NH (112)______________

The shrubs in the fountain are blights Needle Blight (AC12)

(2 Vineblights and 2 Thornblights). NB1 (11)_______, NB2 (11)_______

The demon coming through the portal Vine Blight (AC12)

makes progress each round. If the 14 VB1 (26)_______, VB2 (26)_______
wooden triangle the portal is built
around sustains any damage, the Portal Demon (AC15)
portal will close and chop off whatever PD1 (138)_____________
part of the demon that hasnt pushed
through. Treasure: The Hag has stashed
treasure in the standing coffins.
- 1st round characters view the Distributed among them are: 6 Citrine
gems worth 50gp each, 2 Bloodstone
portal 1 arm and head
worth 50gp each, 200gp and 100pp.
- 2nd round both arms and head
- 3rd round through to its waist

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . The Hallowing 5
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . The Hallowing 6
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . The Hallowing 7

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