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Isotropic Scale-Invariant Dissipation of Solar Wind Turbulence

K. H. Kiyani,1, ∗ S. C. Chapman,1 Yu. V. Khotyaintsev,2 A. Turner,1 B. Hnat,1 and F. Sahraoui3

Centre for Fusion, Space and Astrophysics; University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, United Kingdom
Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, Sweden
Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas, Observatoire de Saint-Maur, Saint-Maur-Des-Fosss, 94107 France
The anisotropic nature of solar wind magnetic fluctuations is investigated scale-by-scale using
high cadence in-situ magnetic field measurements spanning five decades in scales from the inertial
to dissipation ranges of plasma turbulence. We find an abrupt transition at ion kinetic scales to a
single isotropic stochastic process that characterizes the dissipation range on all observable scales.
In contrast to the inertial range, this is accompanied by a successive scale-invariant reduction in the
ratio between parallel and transverse power. We suggest a possible phase space mechanism for this,
based on nonlinear wave-particle interactions, operating in this scale-invariant isotropic manner.

PACS numbers: 94.05.Lk, 52.35.Ra, 95.30.Qd, 96.60.Vg

In-situ measurements of fields and particles in the in- from one scale to the next in the dissipation range. By
terplanetary solar wind provide unique observations for comparing the probability density functions (PDF) for
the study of a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulent the parallel and transverse fluctuations scale-by-scale we
plasma [1–3]. An inertial range of turbulence is suggested will show that the dissipation range is characterised by a
by the observations of a power-law power spectral den- single isotropic stochastic process; in contrast to the iner-
sity (PSD) over a finite range of scales [1, 4] set within tial range where the corresonding signature is anisotropic.
a highly structured solar wind flow [5, 6]. Unlike neu- Moreover, the transition in these processes between the
tral fluids where dissipation is carried out by viscosity, inertial and dissipation range is abrupt, occuring at ion
interplanetary space plasmas are virtually collisionless in kinetic scales.
the classical sense. On scales characteristic of the ions We stress that the anisotropy discussed in this Letter
there is a transition in the PSD from the inertial range is in the full vector direction of field fluctuations δB pro-
at lower frequencies to a steeper power-law spanning up jected parallel and transverse to the local magnetic field
to two decades in scale [7–11]. This second interval of direction (also known as variance anisotropy [23, 24, 26]).
scaling in the PSD was dubbed the dissipation range in This is in contrast to the anisotropy measured in the vec-
analogy with hydrodynamic turbulence [12]. The nature tor r which characterises the scale of the fluctuations (or
of the fluctuations on these kinetic scales, the mecha- wavevector k in Fourier space) [10, 20, 21, 25, 27]. In
nisms by which the turbulent energy is dissipated [8, 13] the context of the latter anisotropy, the intervals stud-
and the role of dispersion of linear wave modes [14–16] ied here are dominanted by wavevectors strongly oblique
are all hotly debated [17, 18] as vital ingredients of any (60◦ - 90◦ ) to the mean background magnetic field. In
future model of this dissipation range. such intervals the inertial range is ubiquitously seen to
Since the background magnetic field orders both wave have a spectral index of ∼ −5/3, whilst in the dissipation
propogation in configuration space and kinetic physics in range this steepens to ∼ −2.9 [7].
phase space [19], anisotropy [16, 20–23] is a central fea- We discuss an interval of quiet ambient solar wind for
ture of plasma turbulence in the solar wind. Magnetic which there are observations from both the Cluster and
field fluctuations are known [24, 25] to contain compo- ACE (Advanced Compositon Explorer) space missions
nents transverse and parallel to the background magnetic [28, 29]. The Cluster interval at 450 Hz cadence [7] is
field. The seminal study of [24] used Mariner 5 observa- of an hour duration 2007/01/30 00:10-01:10 UT when
tions to investigate the field variance tensor projected the instruments were operating at burst mode, and will
onto an orthonormal ‘field-velocity’ coordinate system. primarily be used to study the dissipation range at space-
They found the majority of the power is in the trans- craft frequencies above 1 Hz. We construct a combined
verse fluctuations with a ratio between transverse and data set from the DC magnetic field (sampled at 67 Hz)
parallel components ∼ 9 : 1; this decreases to ∼ 5 : 1 in of the Flux Gate Magnetometer (FGM) for frequencies
the dissipation range as first seen in high cadence WIND below 1 Hz, with the high frequency (oversampled at 450
spacecraft data [12]. Hz) search-coil data from the STAFF-SC experiment for
In this Letter we conduct a scale-by-scale study of the frequencies above 1 Hz, using the wavelet reconstruc-
anisotropy in transverse and parallel fluctuations over tion method [10]. The ACE interval at 1 Hz cadence
five decades in temporal scales from a few hours to tens of is over two days 2007/01/30 00:00 UT to 2007/01/31
milliseconds. We show that the findings of [12, 24] are in 23:59 UT and samples the inertial range at spacecraft
fact the result of a successive scale-invariant reduction in frequencies below 1 Hz. Both these intervals are in sta-
the power ratio between the two components as we move tionary fast wind (≃ 667 km s−1 ) with similar plasma

parameters: average magnetic field B ≃ 4.5 nT , pro- the velocity direction unit vector time-averaged over
ton plasma β ≃ 1.2, plasma density ne ≃ 4 cm−3 , the entire interval. Since the solar wind velocity is
Alfvén speed VA ≃ 50 km s−1 , perpendicular ion tem- in a very fast and steady stream, and is within ∼ 3◦
perature Ti⊥ ≃ 24 eV , proton and electron temperatures of the GSE x direction in both the ACE and Clus-
Tp ≃ 15 eV and Te ≃ 22 eV respectively, and ion and ter intervals, it is reasonable to take a time averaged
electron gyroradii ρi ≃ 111.2 km and ρe ≃ 1.7 km re- global , rather than a local, velocity field. Together
spectively. [e⊥1 (tj , f ), e⊥2 (tj , f ), ek (tj , f )] form a time and scale de-
We use the Undecimated Discrete Wavelet Trans- pendent orthornormal basis. The fluctuations parallel
form (UDWT) method (also known as the translation- δBk (tj , f ) and transverse [δB⊥1 (tj , f ) , δB⊥2 (tj , f )] to
invariant wavelet transform [30]). Unlike the standard the mean field are then given by (scalar product) pro-
discrete wavelet transform, the UDWT does not down- jections onto this new basis. In keeping with Parseval’s
sample the data at each stage of the transform. Thus theorem for the conservation of the L2 -norm (energy con-
the UDWT provides information about the signal at each servation) the PSD is:
observation time and so retains event information. This N
timing information is necessary to project the fluctua- 2∆ X
P SDk(⊥) (f ) = δBk(⊥) (tj , f )2 , (2)
tions onto a mean background field at each observation N j=1
time. We use the Daubechies 2 wavelet (db2), which is p
a 4-tap high/low pass filter pair, chosen due to the com- where δB⊥ (tj , f ) = 2 (t , f ) + δB 2 (t , f ) is the
δB⊥1 j ⊥2 j
promise between time-frequency compactness, smoother magnitude of the total transverse fluctuation and N is
spectral index estimate, and as its first two moments are the sample size at each frequency. For the Cluster in-
zero it captures spectral indices as steep as -5 [31]. terval the P SDk and P SD⊥ are shown in fig.1. The
At each scale τ we high-pass filter the magnetic field lower panel of fig.1 shows that not only do these results
B(tj ) (sampled at discrete times tj ) to give a fluctuation recover the 9 : 1 anisotropy ratio of [24] in a systematic
δB(tj , τ ) in terms of the wavelet coefficient (at time tj scale-by-scale way, they also show that the decrease in the
based on a temporal scale τ ): anisotropy observed by [12] in the dissipation range is ac-
tually a scale-free progression to isotropy. This progres-
δB(tj , τ ) =
B(tk )
τ ψ(τ tk − tj ) , (1) sion of the anisotropy in the power ratios P SDk/⊥ begins
at the ion gyroradius, ρi , and follows the power-law rela-
tionship P SDk/⊥ ∼ f 0.27 to the electron gyroradius, ρe .
where ψ is the wavelet function, τ = 2i ∆ : i = The spectral indices obtained are ≃ −1.55±0.01 for both
{0, 1, 2, 3, . . .} is the dyadic scale parameter and ∆ is the components in the inertial range, and ≃ −2.67±0.01 and
sampling interval √ of the observations. Note that with- ≃ −2.94±0.01 for parallel and transverse components re-
out the factor τ and choosing ψ to be the db1 (Harr) spectively, in the dissipation range.
wavelet, the definition in eq. (1) is identical to calcu- We next calculate higher-order statistics given by the
lating increments which are used in generalised stucture absolute moments of the fluctuations (the GSF) [7]. The
function (GSF) analysis of intermittency studies in tur- mth order wavelet structure function [31] is given by
bulence [31]. The scale τ can be related to a central
N m
frequency f in Hz [32] of a dyadic frequency band and so m 1 X δBk(⊥) (tj , τ )
Sk(⊥) (τ ) = √ . (3)
we can write δB(tj , f ). The result of the low-pass filter N j=1 τ
at each stage can similarly be written as B̃(tj , f ) using
the wavelet conjugate scaling function [30]. It is impor- Scale-invariance is indicated by Sim (τ ) ∝ τ ζ(m) ; where
tant to note that both δB(tj , f ) and B̃(tj , f ) live in a ζ(m) are the scaling exponents. The structure functions
function space spanned by the bases constructed from and corresponding exponents are shown in fig. 2 for both
shifts and dilations of the db2 wavelet and scaling func- the inertial and dissipation ranges using the ACE and
tions (i.e. shift tj and dilation τ as in eq. (1)). We use Cluster intervals respectively. The scaling in the inertial
the inverse UDWT [30] operation on B̃(tj , f ) in order to and dissipation ranges are distinct. The inertial range
obtain the mean background field B(tj , f ), on which we shows multi-exponent scaling as evidenced by a nonlin-
then project the fluctuations δB(tj , f ) . The mean field
ear ζ(m) characteristic of solar wind turbulence at MHD
direction unit vector is ek (tj , f ) = B(tj , f )/ B(tj , f ) . scales [1]. In contrast, the dissipation range is monoscal-
This is distinct from the mean field coordinate presented ing i.e. characterised by a linear ζ(m) = Hm and single
in [12, 24] as the mean field here is a locally varying exponent H, consistent with [7]. Notably both paral-
scale-dependent field consistent with the scale depen- lel and transverse fluctuations in the dissipation range
dent fluctuations.  The otherDtwo Eperpendicular
DaxesE show monoscaling with similar exponents, suggestive of
are e⊥1 (tj , f ) = ek (tj , f ) × V̂ / ek (tj , f ) × V̂
an isotropic underlying mechanism.
D E We finally look scale-by-scale at the individual PDFs
and e⊥2 (tj , f ) = ek (tj , f ) × e⊥1 (tj , f ), where V̂ is for the transverse (e⊥1 direction) and parallel fluctua-

(a i.) &'()*)+,-+./0+/.),1/20+342- (b i.) &'()*)+,-+./0+/.),1/20+342-

C! ,
* "$

$ "!

*45 6: 9


$ $

!$ ! !

!$ !$ ,
! " # !" ! "
*45 6!,7-)0-89 *45%!6!,7-)0-89
(a ii.) @2).+3'*,.'25),-0'*325,)A<42)2+- (b ii.) F3--3<'+342,.'25),-0'*325,)A<42)2+-
%=# , $ ,
67:7&&9& <'.'**)*
!" %=" <'.'**)*
<:7/5C9:59 #
597:8D*8'E&*/'E59 % +.'2-().-)
!! !=?

!=> "

!%4" %
!, !,
! " # ! " #
!) B4;)2+,; B4;)2+,;

!$ !) % )
&'( *567898:7;<*;:7=9*;:9>?9/8@*.123 Figure 2: (a i.) Transverse and parallel wavelet structure
)% functions of order 1−5 (from the bottom) and (a ii.) resultant
scaling exponents for the inertial range using the ACE data
interval. Structure functions have been vertically shifted for
Figure 1: (Upper panel) PSD (from Cluster) of the transverse clarity. (b i.) and (b ii.) similar to (a i.) and (a ii.) but in
and parallel components spanning both the inertial and dis- the dissipation range using the Cluster data interval.
sipation range. Sample size variance errors are smaller than
the markers. The search-coil noise floor PSD is obtained from
the z-component (spacecraft SR2 coordinates) of a very quiet
period in the magnetotail lobes (2007/06/30 15:00-15:05 UT)
as a proxy for the instrumentation noise. (Lower panel) Ratio # "

of parallel over transverse PSD. Vertical dashed and dashed- " Inertial !# Dissipation
67870090 67870090
dotted lines indicate ρi and ρe respectively; Doppler-shifted :87,*;98*9
Range :87,*;98*9
!# !!

012#"(3*4!) 5+"(,- /

to spacecraft frequency using the Taylor hypothesis.


!! !'

!' !&

!& !%
tions. These are shown in fig. 3 where we have used the !% !$
scaling operation Ps (δBi σ −1 ) = σP (δBi , τ ) to rescale
!$ !<
the fluctuations by their standard deviation so to of- !!" !#"
!() (+,-."/
#" !" !'" !!" !#"
!() (+,-."/
#" !" '"

fer a comparison of the functional form of the PDFs

for different τ . We show overlaid rescaled PDFs cor- # "

responding to four values of τ in the dissipation range, " Parallel !# Transverse

>=**=67:=1,(87,29 fluctuations >=**=67:=1,(87,29 fluctuations
τ = {0.036, 0.071, 0.142, 0.284} seconds, and in the in- !# =,98:=70(87,29
!! =,98:=70(87,29


ertial range, τ = {16, 32, 64, 128} seconds. From the !!


point of view of a stochastic process, a given scaling be- !'

haviour (exponents) and PDF functional form will corre- !&
spond to a particular process – and thus by extension the !%

stochastic signature of a particular physical mechanism. !$ !$

In fig. 3 we see that in the dissipation range the same !<

!!" !#" " #" !"
!'" !!" !#" " #" !" '"
!()*(+,-."/ !()*(+,-."/
PDF is obtained over the range of τ for both parallel
and transverse fluctuations – suggesting that the dissi-
pation range is in this sense ‘process isotropic’. This is Figure 3: Recaled transverse and parallel PDFs of fluctua-
in contrast to the inertial range where we see that the tions in the inertial and dissipation ranges (with Poisonnian
transverse and parallel PDFs are clearly different as we error bars). Four values of τ were used in both ranges.
would anticipate from their distinct ζ(m) shown in fig.

ties that we observe: process isotropy, since both parallel

# ( and transverse fluctuating currents are supported by a
single nonlinear set of phase space orbits, and monoscal-
!#$% ing or fractal scale-invariance which is a general property
of nonlinear resonant WPI. The scale-invariant progres-
!' sion to isotropy in power would naturally arise from a
012 (3 4!() 5(+"(,- /

gyro-resonant process: as on scales just below that of
the ion Larmor orbits the phase space orbit topology is
!" D?7EF@!F190(,19*?( controlled by the background magnetic field; whereas, as

GE1<()H(F1<I1,?,C we move to smaller scales, the phase space amplitudes be-

!"$% "##J.#K.&#('%L##!'%L#%(M- come progressively dominated by the details of the non-

4<72,?C1C790(01N?*5 linear phase space orbits. An open question is whether


these results depend upon bulk plasma parameters and,
!&$% in particular, the angle of the plasma flow velocity to the
678**97,(:7;9<8<( local mean magnetic field over which we compute the
!! PSD and longitudinal structure functions.
!!$% (
We have established that there is a scale-independent
!! !" # " ! isotropic mechanism operating in the dissipation range.
!() (+,-."/ If this is the process responsible for damping then this
implies that the dissipation mechanism is isotropic. This
Figure 4: Rescaled PDF of Bz magnetic fluctuations from the
provides an important insight into the nature of the ‘dis-
instrument noise proxy of fig. 1, at the scales τ as in fig. 3. sipation’ occurring in the dissipation range; it is an ir-
reversible scale-invariant phase space mixing via a gyro-
resonant nonlinear WPI – a mechanism which can in-
crease entropy in the absence of collisions.
2 (a ii). Both inertial and dissipation range PDFs are
The authors acknowledge the ACE Science Centre and
non-Gaussian. In contrast, the rescaled PDFs of the SC
the Cluster instrument teams for FGM, STAFF-SC, CIS
instrument noise shown in fig. 4 is Gaussian; confirming
HIA, WHISPER and PEACE. We also acknowledge the
that our results are robust to noise contamination. We
DSP group at Rice University for the Rice Wavelet MAT-
have analysed other intervals (2007/20/01 12:00-13:15UT
LAB Toolbox; and C. Foullon and T. Dudok De Wit for
and 2007/20/01 13:30-14:10UT) and find consistent re-
discussions. This work was supported by the UK STFC.
sults with those presented above.
In this Letter we have performed the first systematic
scale-by-scale decomposition w.r.t. anisotropy of mag-
netic fluctuations in the solar wind across both the iner-
tial and dissipation ranges, from fluid to electron scales.

Electronic address:
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