A Framework For Materials Jolly Bo Litho

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Jolly, D.

,& Bolitho, R,(2011) The process of materials writing,In

Tomlinson,B ,Materials Development and Language Teaching,
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
In this unit the writers describe the processes and considerations necessary in order to
create valuable, authentic and contextualised materials

Identification of a need to create materials by learner or teacher

The writers state that the teacher must have observed a particular need for materials creation. It
could be an inadequate coursebook, exam preparation, more culturally appropriate or a better
match with the students learning styles

Exploration of the need or problem in terms of what language,meanings,


Once identified, the teacher needs to think about the medium and skill the students need to
practice. Is it new language or consolidation ? Is it ESP like for exams or business ? Then you
would need to consider the skill you want to practice or would you prefer a mixed-skill authentic
approach ? Nowadays, teachers like myself would be exploring ways to make it more learner-
centred and utilise technology (preferably mobile devices) using apps or platforms like Google

Contextual realisation of the proposed new materials by the finding of ideas

contexts and texts with which to work

Now, you have the shape of the lesson you need to gain the substance with your raw materials.
Because you are making it yourself, in your cultural context, using your knowledge of the
learners and your preference in teaching styles you are in a very positive position to please both
yourself and your students. I would begin by thinking of the students language needs and then I
would try to mesh this together with their interests eg. shopping, cars, politics, celebrities. Also I
would try to have some open-ended activities or follow-up ideas which would be useful to give
more able students if they have finished or keen ones to do in their own time. Newspapers
(native and Western), magazines, YouTube, apps, Ted Talks, podcasts, BBC news

Pedagogical realisation of materials by the finding of appropriate activities and

exercises AND the writing of instructions of use

We have isolated the student need, considered the context of the students and found texts
suitable, next we must focus on the tasks. Clarity is so important in instructions and the teacher
must be sure to have the answers ready and to have done the activity first. Also, think of the
ease of use, attractiveness and relevance.

Physical production of materials involving consideration of layout,type, size,

In the age of technology and the increasing use of technology in the classroom, materials can
be created online and either emailed or done as a whole class on the Interactive Whiteboard.
Therefore the material does not get tatty, can be recycled and the format could even be used
again with a different language focus.

The teachers path through the production of new or adapted

Jolly and Bolitho then go on to describe the teachers role in materials
1. Identification of need for materials

This may be for many reasons : change of focus of the class from
general to exam English, materials are inappropriate or outdated, the
medium has changed from paper to technology.

2. Exploration of need

What combination of needs do the students have ? Do they need to

practice the Simple Past in a Reading medium ? Do they need to know
instructions in a Speaking context ?

3. Contextual realisation of materials

This stage is when your materials come alive for your learners as you have
tried to balance their language needs, learning styles, tastes, cultural
awareness and perhaps their technological level

4. Pedagogical realisation of materials

The tasks and instructions to achieve your aims

5. Production of materials

Online or paper ? Copies needed ?

6. Student use of materials

Does the material practice the language aim of the lesson ? Do the
students find them useful ? Are there any complications that you didnt
think of ?
7. Evaluation of materials against agreed objectives

Does it practice the skill/language needed ? Did the students enjoy it ? Was
it too easy or difficult ? Was the timing about right ? Any extension
opportunities ? Could you use a different approach to the materials ? Is it
possible to differentiate the materials in order to use with a range of classes
? Does it provide opportunities for students to have real input into the class

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