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Journalof NuclearMaterials103&104(1981)585~$90 585

North-HoLlandPublishing Company


L. Yang, R. Medico, W. Baugh and K. Schultz

General Atomic Company
P.O. Box 81608
San Diego, California 92138

Fifty-four Inconel-600 clad LiA102, Li20, Li4SiO4 and Li7Pb2 samples were prepared and
irradiated in the Oak Ridge Reactor at 600o - 1OOOoC for a period of about six months
to a fast neutron fluence (SO.18 MeV) of 1.1 - 2.7 x 1025 n/m2. This paper describes
the fabrication techniques for these samples and the post-irradiationexamination
results of the microstructures of these compounds and their compatibilitywith the
cladding material.

1. INTRODUCTION Li20, Li4SiO4, and LiA102 powders were prepared

from the Li2CO3 powder obtained by heating in
In the development of lithium compounds for vacuum with the appropriate additives and the
tritium breeding in a fusion reactor blanket, test samples were fabricated from these powders
information on the irradiation behavior of can- by the cold-pressingand sintering technique.
didate materials is needed for establishing the Table 1 describes how these powders were pre-
feasibility and the operating conditions. Fifty- pared and Table 2 shows the cold-pressingand
four Inconel-600 clad Li20, LiA102, Li4SiO4 and sintering conditions. All operations involving
Li7Pb2 samples were prepared and irradiated in handling of the powders (mixing, grinding, and
Oak Ridge Reactor (ORB) to evaluate the effect pressing) were carried out in a dry box of
of high temperature irradiation on the micro- moisture content less than 2 ppm.
structures, compatibilitywith cladding, and
tritium release behaviors of these potential 6Li-depletedLi7Pb2 was prepared by melting
solid breeding compounds. This paper describes calculated amounts of 7Li metal containing
the fabrication of the test samples and the post- 0.01% 6Li, natural Li metal, and high purity
irradiation examination results on the micro- (99.99% pure) lead in a covered iron crucible
structures and compatibilityof the test samples. under argon gas. To insure thorough mixing,
the melt was maintained at 8200C for one hour.
2. SAMPLE FABRICATION After cooling, the content in the crucible was
broken into pieces of about 0.5 to f mm sizes.
The capsule (designatedas (X-5) in which these Since fully dense Li7Pb2 granules of such sizes
samples were irradiated represents one of a released tritium readily at 55OoC, therefore
series of capsules for irradiating graphite sam- no attempt was made to prepare porous Li7Pb2
ples in ORR under the high-temperature-gas-cooled pellets. Instead Li7Pb2 pieces of such sizes
reactor Base Program at General Atomic. Test were used for the present experiment.
holes of 3.429 rmndiameter were provided for
this test free of neutron charge. To facilitate The lithium compound test samples were con-
tritium release, the lithium compound test sam- tained in Inconel-600 thimbles of 3.175 mm
ples are mostly low density ones (60-80% dense) O.D. and 0.635 mm wall thickness. All thim-
and have a diameter of about 1.5 mm and a height bles were outgassed in vacuum at 1OOOoC for one
of 2-3 mm. Since the thermal neutron flux in ORR hour. After the test samples were loaded into
is orders of magnitude higher than that in the the thimbles, the thimbles were welded shut in
fusion reactor blanket, 6Li-depleted (6Li enrich- a helium atmosphere. In general, the length of
ment = 0.05%) samples were prepared for this the thimble is such that less than half of the
experiment so that the rates of tritium and volume inside the thimble was occupied by the
helium generation during irradiation are real- test sample. Therefore there is ample room for
istic. Li-metal containing 0.01% of 6Li was accommodating any swelling of the test sample
procured from Oak Ridge National Laboratory. during the irradiation.
Natural Li-metal of 99.99% purity (6~i enrich-
ment = 4.94%) was obtained from Research Organic/ Table 3 shows the sample dispositions in the
Inorganic Chemical Corporation. LiOH was pre- capsule and the testing conditions. The total
pared from each of these Li-metals by reacting irradiation time is about six months.
with deionized water. Calculated amounts of
6Li-depletedLiOH and natural LiOH were mixed to 3. HOT CELL EXAMINATION RESULTS
attain LiOH of 0.05% 6~i enrichment, Li2CO3 was
then precipitated from the LiOH obtained with Hot cell examinations of the microstructures
co2. The precipitated Li2CO3 was recovered by and compatibilitybetween the lithium compound
filtration and the precipitate was then dried in test samples and the Inconel-600 cladding have
an oven at 100C overnight. been completed. The highlights are given below.

%Work supported by Department of Energy, Contract DS-ATO3-7bET51011.

0 1981North-Holland
586 L. Yang et al. / Lithium compound samples for tritium breeding application


Vacuum Furnace Heating

Temperature Time Grinding
Starting Materials (?I (hrl Operation Final Product

Li2CO3 powder 900 15 Sapphire


LiCO3 powder 1260 Agate Li4Si04 powder

+ SiO2 powder f<lOO R mortar K43 /.I)

LiCO3 powder 1050 4 Sapphire LiAl02 powder

+ Al203 powder (<O.l pl K43 /.I)


Cold-Pressing Vacuum Sintaring Sintaring Oenrity of
Pressure Temperature Time Sintered Pellets
Test Sample (MPa) (C) (hr) 1%)

Liz0 55 .207 1050 4 60 - 70

Li4Si04 55.207 900 16 70-90

1050 4 90 - 100

LiAlO 2 55 .207 1050 4 60 - 70


Neutron Fluence x 1O-25

(nlm2) Number of Test Samples
fC) Thermal Li20 Li4Si04* LiAlO 2 Li7Pb2
f> 0.16 YeVl

1000 1.6 2.7 4 4 4 0

950 1.7 2.9 6 6 6 0
860 1.1 2.0 4 4 4 0
750 0.6 1.6 4 4 0 0
600 0.6 1.1 1 1 0 2
*Half ara low density samples; the other half are high density samples.

LiAlO2. High temperature irradiation sample irradiated at 750C but not into the
(850 - 1000C)
did not change the micro- pores of the samples irradiated at 850C and
structures of LiA102 test samples (compare 1ooooc. This difference in pore structures
Figs. 1 and 2) but the irradiated samples will probably affect the tritium release
had poor mechanical integrity, the edge and behaviors of irradiated Li20 and should be
corners of which tended to crumble during borne in mind in selecting the surface tem-
polishing. No interaction between LiA102 perature, power density, and diameter of the
and the Inconel-600 cladding was observed breeding element. Grain boundary attack of
(see Fig. 3). the cladding was observed for all the Li20
test samples. The maximum penetration was
Li20. Irradiated Li20 showed considerable about 150 pm at 1000C and about 75 um at
sintering and pore structure redistribution 75ooc. A typical example is shown in Fig. 8.
(compare Figs. 4, 5, 6 and 7). It appears
that the pores became closed in samples 3. LiqSiO4. For the low density samples, no
irradiated at temperatures above 85OoC, but significant grain growth occurred at 750C,
remained mostly open in the sample irradiated although some pore consolidation happened
at 75OOC. This conclusion is based on the (compare Figs. 9 and 10). At higher tem-
observation that the epoxy resin used to peratures, the grains grew into large size
impregnate the sample prior to metallographic and the structural integrity of the sample
polishing penetrated into the pores of the irradiated at 1OOOoC was lost because of
L. Yang et al. /Lithium compound samples for tritium breeding application 581

Fig. 1. Microstructuresof 70% dense Fig. 4. Pore structures of 68% dense

LiAlO2 after irradiation at 950C. Li20 after irradiation at 75OOC.

Fig. 2. Microstructures of 70% dense Fig. 5. Pore structures of 68% dense

LiA102 before irradiation. Li20 after irradiation at 8500C.

Fig. 3. Interface between 70% dense Fig. 6. Pore structures of 68% dense
LiA102 and Inconel-600 cladding after ~i20 after irradiation at 1000C.
irradiation at 950C, showing no reactiOIl..
L. Yang et al / Lithium compound samples for tritium breeding application

Fig. 7. Pore structures of 70% dense Fig. 9. Microstructuresof 72% dense

Li20 before irradiation. Li4SiO4 after irradiation at 7500C

Fig. 8. Interface between 68% dense Li20 Fig. 10. Microstructuresof 70% dense
and Inconel-600 cladding after irradiation Li4SiO4 before irradiation.
at 8500C.

grain boundary separation (see Fig. 11). For grain boundary penetration of the cladding
the high density samples, no significant observed was about 50 urn. A typical example
grain growth occurred at 750C, 850C and is shown in Fig. 16.
9500C (compare Figs. 12 and 13). Grain
boundary separation was apparent at 9500C and Measurements of the tritium content in the
became serious at 1000C (Fig. 14). It is Inconel-600,thimblesand the residual tritium
interesting to note that spherical voids are content in the lithium compound test samples
present in some grains and at some grain are under planning. The results should indi-
boundaries (see Figs. 11 and 14) of samples cate how the above-describedchanges in micro-
irradiated at lOOoOC, although the origin of structures upon high temperature irradiation
these voids Is not clear. Grain boundary affect the tritium release behaviors of these
attack of the cladding occurred in all sam- lithium compounds.
ples. The maximum penetration varies from
about 125 um at 1OOOoC to about 50 urnat ACKNOWLEDGMENT
75ooc. A typical example is shown in Fig. 15.
We wish to thank Dr. Theodore C. Reuther of the
4. Li7Pb2. There was no significant change in Materials and Radiation Effects Branch, Division
the microstructuresof the Li7Pb2 granules of Development and Technology, Office of Fusion
after irradiation at 6000C. The maximum Energy, for his interest and support.
L. Yang et al. / Lithium compound samples for tritium breeding application 589

Fig. 11. Microstructuresof 72% dense Fig. 14. Microstructure6of 95% dense
Li4SiO4 after irradiation at 1OOOoC. Li4SiO4 after irradiation at 1OOOoC.

Fig. 12. Microstructuresof 95% dense Fig. 15. Interface between 72% dense
Li4SiO4 after irradiation at 85OOC. Li4SiO4 and Inconel-600 cladding after
irradiation at 1OOOoC.

Fig. 16. Interface between 100% dense

Fig. 13. Microstructures of 95% dense Li7Pb2 and Inconel-600 cladding after
Li4Si04 before irradiation. irradiation at 6000C.

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