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[Seacourt Limited]


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Do not use this document outside the MEESE. It is subjected to copyright.

[Seacourt Limited] [confidentiality level]

Scope of the EMS ver [version] from [date] Page 2 of 5

Do not use this document outside the MEESE. It is subjected to copyright.

[Seacourt Limited] [confidentiality level]

Change history
Date Version Created by Description of change

0.1 Basic document outline

Table of contents
1. PURPOSE, SCOPE AND USERS ..............................................................................................................4

2. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ....................................................................................................................4

3. DEFINITION OF EMS SCOPE .................................................................................................................4

3.1. PROCESSES AND ACTIVITIES ........................................................................................................................... 4

3.2. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ............................................................................................................................. 4
3.3. ORGANIZATIONAL UNITS AND FUNCTIONS ........................................................................................................ 4
3.4. LOCATIONS ................................................................................................................................................ 4
3.5. EXCLUSIONS FROM THE SCOPE ....................................................................................................................... 5

Scope of the EMS ver [version] from [date] Page 3 of 5

Do not use this document outside the MEESE. It is subjected to copyright.

[Seacourt Limited] [confidentiality level]

1. Purpose, scope and users

The purpose of this document is to clearly define the boundaries of the Environmental Management
System (EMS) in [Seacourt Limited].

This document is applied to all documentation and activities within the EMS.

Users of this document are members of [Seacourt Limited] management, members of the project
team implementing the EMS, and [ all Seacourt Limited employees] . Comentado [14A4]: Provide names of all other employees who
must have access to this document.

2. Reference documents
ISO 14001 standard, clause 4.3
Procedure for Determining Context of the Organization and Interested Parties
List of Interested Parties, Legal and Other Requirements

3. Definition of EMS scope

The scope of the environmental management system defines the physical and organizational
boundaries to which the EMS applies. The organization considers context of the organization, needs
and expectations of interested parties and the extent of control and influence that can exerts over
activities, products and services considering a lifecycle perspective. The scope is a factual and
representative statement of the organizations operations included within the EMS boundaries and it
is available to interested parties. Taking into account the compliance obligations, the EMS scope is
defined as specified in the following items:

3.1. Processes and activities

[Manufacturing and delivery. The company has four production departments: creative, reproduction/
platemaking, printing and print finishing. ]

3.2. Products and services

[Manufacturing and delivery processes as well as the final product. Employees, customers and
suppliers are also part of our scope]

3.3. Organizational units and functions

[All the organizational units and departments alongside their functions and products are included]

3.4. Locations

[The building (775 square metres) houses all of the production equipment and goods storage.
Location Pony Road, Horspath Industrial Estate, Cowley Oxford OX4 2SE]

Scope of the EMS ver [version] from [date] Page 4 of 5

Do not use this document outside the MEESE. It is subjected to copyright.

[Seacourt Limited] [confidentiality level]

3.5. Exclusions from the scope

The following is not included in the scope: [third party suppliers or customers]. Comentado [14A5]: Scoping should not be used to exclude
activities, processes, products, services, or facilities that have
significant environmental aspects, or to evade the organizations
compliance obligations.

Scope of the EMS ver [version] from [date] Page 5 of 5

Do not use this document outside the MEESE. It is subjected to copyright.

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