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1- Use the present simple or present continuous.

1. Danny...........................(live) on a farm
2. Tom...............................(watch) TV now
3. Mrs King.........................(go) shopping at the market
4. Erica and John..........................(walk) to school every day
5. Sally..................................(do) her homework at night
6. The baby..............................(not sleep) now
7. The children ............................(eat) breakfast right now
8. Mr and Mrs Brown......................(work) in the city
9. Dr Hall..............................(help) children
10. The dogs....................................(not run) in the park at the moment
11. We......................................(take) photos of the animals at the moment
12. Dianne................................(not do) her homework now
13. Kenny.................................(listen) to rock music every afternoon
14. The baker..............................(make) cakes now
15. I ..................................(sit) in the classroom right now
16. The boys...............................(play) football in the park at the weekend

2- Use the past simple or past continuous

1. Danny.................................(want) to play football yesterday

2. The children..........................(study) English last year
3. The fire engine...............................(burn)
4. Billy and Sara............................(stand)
5. My father.............................(arrive) an hour ago
6. Smoke..............................(come) out of the door
7. Many people..............................(watch) the game on TV last night
8. We................................(plan) this trip six months ago
9. Mum and Dad..................................(watch) the fire
10. Their grandparents..............................(live) in England in 1974

3- Use the past simple or past continuous

1. I................................(not do) my homework yesterday afternoon

2. The camera.........................(fell) while the actors...............................(talk)
3. While we..............................(walk) around the film studio, we ...................... (not
see) any actors
4. What.................... he .......................(say) when you.....................(get) home last
5. After the director..............................(shout), Action, the
cameraman ....................... (start) filming
4- Complete these sentences with the present perfect of the verbs in the box


1. Malcolm has lived in the Bronx all his life

2. We....................... Berlin twice
3. Meg.......................a lovely letter to her grandparents
4. Their parents..................... in the same company for twenty years
5. Douglas...............................History at the University
6. a lot of questions
7. Evelyn..............................todays newspaper
8. My cat............................Mrs Jones

5- The First Conditional

1. If Italy scores again (score), they will win the match (win)
2. If you................ some money (need), I ...................... it to you (lend)
3. If Harriet .......................(phone), tell her I.....................back at 9 (be)
4. If you........................more (practise), you .......................the piano better (play)
5. If I........................Richard (see), I .......................... him to the party (invite)

6- Use the past simple or present perfect

1. I didnt have ( not have) time to speak to her yesterday

2. (read) this book yet?
3. Betty............................(finish) her maths homework last night
4. She.............................(not study) for her biology test yet
5. David.......................already........................(leave) for school
6. We..........................never.........................(visit) that museum

7- Use will or be going to

1. I dont believe I ..........................ever..................(be) rich

2. Tammy ......................................(buy) new shoes tomorrow
3. My parents................................(not be) happy when they see my school report
4. Mark........................................(travel) to Europe in two days

8- Use the present perfect simple

1. The birds .......................already.....................(leave) for a warmer climate

2. ...........................Sue.............................(buy) a new car yet?
3. Tania and Alice...................................(not be) friends for many years
4. Thomas......................................(not have) a shower since yesterday
5. Helen..........................just.......................(catch) the train to London
6. ......................they ever...........................(win) a tennis match?
7. The boys.........................never.........................(sleep) in a tent
9- Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs below


1. Totem poles were carved from tall cedar trees

2. Today, stunts....................... by professional stunt people
3. The first cartoons....................... by Walt disney
4. In January 2000, the Tisza River................................. by a chemical spill
5. Many years ago, canals................................... in Egypt to benefit farmers
6. A murderer......................................... thirty-six years after he committed the
7. Different traditions and customs............................. by different people
8. Skin cancer........................................ by ultraviolet rays from the sun

10- Write a passive sentence for each of the sentences below

1. Fire destroyed the forest


2. Did Marisa take your umbrella?


3. David didnt send the letters in time


4. Darrel doesnt drive the car very often


5. Does the supermarket sell vegetables?


6. Beethoven composed beautiful music


7. People eat a lot of fish in Japan


8. Jane didnt tell us to go home

11- Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple and for or since

1. She has used ( use) the same board for a year

2. She .................( have) these goggles................. last december
3. she.....................(be) in a club .................... six months
4. She .......................(be) interested in snowboarding................. 1999
5. She.......................(not wear) skis................. the last two years
6. She........................(win) six trophies ......................... the started

12- The First Conditional

1. If you take / will take your raincoat, you wont get / get wet
2. Donna will feel / feel healthier if she will exercise / exercises more
3. Unless Sam will go / goes to bed early, he will be / be tired tomorrow
4. If I will get / get home early, I will watch / watch MTV
5. They wont go / go to Rome this weekend unless it will stop / stops raining

13- Write a passive sentence for each sentences below

1. Fire destroyed a large part of london in 1666


2. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone


3. Queen Victoria ruled England from 1837 to 1901


4. Many people eat fast food


5. The police found the missing child yesterday


6. Students do exams every June


7. Hurricanes hit the coast of Florida every year


8. An avalanche buried the houses last night

9. Thousands of spectators watch basketball on TV every week


14- The Second Conditional

1. If Paul wore (wear) his glasses, he ............................(see) the board

2. Who ..........................he .....................(visit) if he .............................(go) to
3. Dana ..........................(feel) better if she................................ (eat) less chocolate
4. What ( eat) if you...........................( go) to
a fish restaurant?
5. If the Potter Family ..........................(come) for tea, what .........................
we....................................(give) them?

15- Use the present simple

1. Fred .................(go) to an art school

2. They ..................(take) the bus to school every morning
3. Gladys ....................(study) ceramics and design
4. .............. Paul............(work) on a project every year
5. They usually.................(visit) the museum on Tuesdays
6. .............the students...................(paint) a mural every year?

16- Use the present simple or present continuous

1. She ..................(like) modern art

2. The baby often .....................(cry) at night
3. I ......................(not think) that museums are boring
4. ................Bob ...............(study) at the moment?
5. We usually ...................(play) tennis in the morning
6. The students .........................(not take) their exams now

17- Choose the correct answer

1. We arrived / were arriving in Hollywood three days ago

2. Yesterday, we were going / went to the beach, then we visited / were visiting a
film studio
3. At 7 oclock, we sat / were sitting on the beach
4. When the door opened / was opening, the baby started / was starting to cry
5. While the actors talked / were talking, the camera fell/ was felling

18- Complete the sentences with the correct form of will or be going to

1. Fred .......................(see) a film tonight

2. The week before Christmas, the shops..............................(be) busy
3. In the future, people .........................(work) from home on computers
4. Next week, Anabel...........................(start) driving lessons

19- Use the past simple or present perfect simple

1. In 1999, Johns family.............................(leave) France

2. We ........................(not eat) any ice cream for a week
3. My parents.........................(return) home an hour ago
4. Jack..............................(not promise) to look after his brother yesterday
5. They.............................(travel) overseas once a year for the last four years
6. ..................the children...............(go) to the cinema at the weekend?
7. ..............he ever.................(play) tennis?
8. The Brent family...........................(not find) a new house yet

20- Second Conditional

1. If my Paris, they....................... Iberia Air.(would fly /

2. If I ..............................hungry now, I ..............................a hamburger (were /
would eat)
3. What .......................... you.......................... if someone......................that to you?
(said / would say)
4. If I London more often, I ............................. very happy ( would
be / travelled)

21- Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to

1. They are very busy. They have to finish their project today
2. ............ you................wear a school uniform?
3. He a fine because the forgot his book
4. ................ I ................go to my English lesson?

22- Use must or mustnt

1. loud music on this beach

2. You...................... put your rubbish in the bins provided
3. You...................... go swimming when there isnt a lifeguard
4. You.......................leave the beach by 7 pm
5. You.......................bring dogs to the beach

23- Use should or shouldnt

1. Rick....................copy from Cindy

2. Nicole.....................look in her notebook
3. Kevin...................... try to relax
4. Angela and Dave...................... talk to each other
5. Simon ........................ eat his lunch
6. Cindy .................. got to bed early the night before a test
24- Choose the correct answer

1. You dont have to / shouldnt eat so many sweets. They arent good for your
2. Sara cant stay. Her mother said that she has to / should be home by 10.00
3. Tomorrow is Sunday. We shouldnt / dont have to get up early
4. Its very late. I think you should / have to go to bed now

25- Complete the sentences with should, shouldnt, have to and doesnt have to

1. You........................ talk with your mount full

2. Tom........................ wash the dishes. Mike is washing them
3. You look tired. You ........................ go to bed
4. We ........................ wear uniforms at school. Its a rule

26- Write a questions for each answer

1. Q:

A: Yes, she should invite him to the party

2. Q:

A: No, I dont have to be home early

27- Choose the correct answer

1. They will / are going to see a film tonight

2. Who do you think will / is going to win the competition?
3. Will you / Are you going to buy that Cd?
4. I wont / am not going to work this summer
5. Do you think Ann will / is going to pass the test?

28- Write the questions for each answer

1. Q:

A: Yes, I am going to go to the motor show next week

2. Q:

A: No, people wont take their holidays on the moon in the future

3. Q:

A: Yes, Gail has been to Australia

4. Q:

A: No, Michael hasnt spoken to his sister

5. Q:

A: Yes, I have finished reading this book

6. Q:

A: No, the children werent sleeping at 9.00

7. Q: What

A: I was watching TV at 10.00

8. What

The teacher put two baskets on the walls

9. Why

People used skis to travel from place to place

10. Q:

A: Yes, Cathys mum sells vegetables

11. Q:

A: No, they dont live in a village

12. Q:

A: I live in Henley, England

29- Write the direct or reported speech of the sentences

1. I have worked mainly in business. He told me that

2. He said he had studied economics for seven months

3. He told me he came from Australia

4. I went to school in the USA. He said

30- Put the sentences into the passive.

1. The police are investigating the crime


2. IBM makes these computers


3. They are going to publish the book soon


4. A car knocked me over


5. They sell programmes at the box office


6. People speak English in Britain


7. The government often makes mistakes


8. The council still havent repaired the road


31- Complete the sentences using must, mustnt, had to or didnt have to

1. I ........................... visit my grandparents this weekend

2. My brother........................... go to hospital when he broke his arm
3. She was really lucky _ she ................................ have an operation
4. You............................ touch that!. Its dangerous
5. He ......................... work late yesterday
6. You......................... be home early tonight
32- Complete these sentences with some or any

1. Would you like ........................... tea ?

2. There arent ................................ potatoes
3. Shall I buy ............................... cakes at the supermarket?
4. Can I have .............................. more coffee, please?
5. I didnt meet ......................... English people when I was on holiday
6. Is there............................... fruit left or shall I buy .........................?

33- Complete these sentences with much or many

1. I havent got ............................... money left

2. How ............................... CDs did you buy?
3. There arent .......................... cars in the town centre
4. How .................................. milk is there in the fridge?
5. ........................people spend their holidays by the sea
6. Is there .......................... pollution in London now?

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