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1Kings 4

4:1   :
. So king Solomon was
uiei emlk shlme mlk ol - kl - ishral : s king over all Israel.
andhe-wasbc theking Solomon king over all-of Israel


And these [were] the
uale eshrim ashr - lu ozrieu bn - tzduq eken : s princes which he had;
andthese thechiefs who tohim Azariah son-of Zadok thepriest Azariah the son of Zadok
the priest,
Elihoreph and Ahiah, the
alichrph uachie bni shisha sphrim ieushpht bn - achilud emzkir : sons of Shisha, scribes;
Elihoreph andAhijah sons-of Shisha scribes Jehoshaphat son-of Ahilud theone-crecording Jehoshaphat the son of
Ahilud, the recorder.
And Benaiah the son of
ubnieu bn - ieuido ol - etzba utzduq uabithr kenim : s Jehoiada [was] over the
andBenaiah son-of Jehoiada over thehost andZadok andAbiathar priests host: and Zadok and
Abiathar [were] the priests:

And Azariah the son of
uozrieu bn - nthn ol - entzbim uzbud bn - nthn ken Nathan [was] over the
andAzariah son-of Nathan over theones-being-stationed andZabud son-of Nathan priest officers: and Zabud the son
of Nathan [was] principal
 : officer, [and] the king's
roe emlk :
associate-of theking


And Ahishar [was] over
uachishr ol - ebith uadnirm bn - obda ol - ems : s the household: and
andAhishar over thehousehold andAdoniram son-of Abda over thetributary-service Adoniram the son of Abda
[was] over the tribute.

And Solomon had twelve
ulshlme shnim - oshr ntzbim ol - kl - ishral uklklu officers over all Israel,
andtoSolomon two ten ones-being-stationed over all-of Israel andthey-msustained which provided victuals for
the king and his household:
  each man his month in a
year made provision.
ath - emlk uath - bithu chdsh bshne ieie ol - achd eachd
theking and household-ofhim month intheyear he-wasbc on one theone

lklkl : s

And these [are] their
uale shmuthm bn - chur ber aphrim : s names: The son of Hur, in
andthese names-ofthem son-of Hur inmountain-of Ephraim mount Ephraim:


~ ~ :
The son of Dekar, in
bn - dqr bmqtz ubsholbim ubith~shmsh uailun~bith~chnn : s Makaz, and in Shaalbim,
son-of Deker inMakaz andinShaalbim andBeth~Shemesh andElon~Beth~Hanan and Bethshemesh, and
The son of Hesed, in
bn - chsd barbuth lu shke ukl - artz chphr : s Aruboth; to him [pertained]
son-of Hesed intheArubboth tohim Socoh andall-of land-of Hepher Sochoh, and all the land of

The son of Abinadab, in
bn - abindb kl - nphth dar tphth bth - shlme eithe lu all the region of Dor; which
son-of Abinadab all-of undulation-of Dor Taphath daughter-of Solomon she-became tohim had Taphath the daughter of
Solomon to wife:
lashe : s

Baana the son of Ahilud;
bona bn - achilud thonk umgdu ukl - bith~shan ashr atzl [to him pertained] Taanach
Baana son-of Ahilud Taanach andMegiddo andall-of Beth~Shean which beside and Megiddo, and all
Bethshean, which [is] by
~ ~  Zartanah beneath Jezreel,
from Bethshean to
tzrthne mthchth lizroal mbith~shan od abl~mchule od mobr
Abelmeholah, [even] unto
Zarethanward fromunder toJezreel fromBeth~Shean unto Abel~Meholah as-far-as fromacross
[the place that is] beyond
liqmom : s


The son of Geber, in
bn - gbr brmth~glod lu chuth iair bn - mnshe ashr Ramothgilead; to him
son-of Geber inRamoth~Gilead tohim living-places-of Jair son-of Manasseh which [pertained] the towns of Jair
the son of Manasseh, which
[are] in Gilead; to him [also
pertained] the region of
bglod lu chbl argb ashr bbshn shshim orim gdluth chume
Argob, which [is] in
intheGilead tohim district-of Argob which intheBashan sixty cities great-ones wall

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1Kings 4
Bashan, threescore great

: cities with walls and brasen
ubrich nchshth : s bars:
andbar-of copper


Ahinadab the son of Iddo
achindb bn - oda mchnime : [had] Mahanaim:
Ahinadab son-of Iddo Mahanaimward

Ahimaaz [was] in
achimotz bnphthli gm - eua lqch ath - bshmth bth - shlme lashe : Naphtali; he also took
Ahimaaz inNaphtali moreover he he-took Basemath daughter-of Solomon towoman Basmath the daughter of
Solomon to wife:

Baanah the son of
bona bn - chushi bashr uboluth : s Hushai [was] in Asher and
Baana son-of Hushai inAsher andBealoth in Aloth:

Jehoshaphat the son of
ieushpht bn - phruch bishshkr : s Paruah, in Issachar:
Jehoshaphat son-of Paruah inIssachar

Shimei the son of Elah,
shmoi bn - ala bbnimn : s in Benjamin:
Shimei son-of Ela inBenjamin


Geber the son of Uri
gbr bn - ari bartz glod artz sichun mlk eamri uog mlk [was] in the country of
Geber son-of Uri inland-of Gilead land-of Sihon king-of theAmorite andOg king-of Gilead, [in] the country of
Sihon king of the Amorites,
: and of Og king of Bashan;
and [he was] the only
ebshn untzib achd ashr bartz :
officer which [was] in the
theBashan anddeputy one which intheland

. Judah and Israel [were]
ieude uishral rbim kchul ashr - ol - eim lrb aklim many, as the sand which [is]
Judah andIsrael many-ones asthesand which on thesea tothemultitude ones-eating by the sea in multitude,
eating and drinking, and

: making merry.
ushthim ushmchim :
andones-drinking andrejoicing-ones

4:21 (5:1)

And Solomon reigned
ushlme eie mushl bkl - emmlkuth mn - ener artz over all kingdoms from the
andSolomon he-became ruling inall-of thekingdoms from thestream land-of river unto the land of the
Philistines, and unto the
border of Egypt: they
brought presents, and
phlshthim uod gbul mtzrim mgshim mnche uobdim ath -
served Solomon all the days
Philistines andunto boundary-of Egypt ones-cbringing-close present andones-serving
of his life.
shlme kl - imi chiiu : p
Solomon all-of days-of lives-ofhim

4:22 (5:2) 

And Solomon's provision
uiei lchm - shlme lium achd shlshim kr slth ushshim kr for one day was thirty
andhe-wasbc bread-of Solomon forday one thirty cor-of flour andsixty cor-of measures of fine flour, and
threescore measures of
: meal,
qmch :

4:23 (5:3)

Ten fat oxen, and twenty
oshre bqr braim uoshrim bqr roi umae tzan lbd oxen out of the pastures,
ten ox plump-ones andtwenty ox one-grazed andhundred flock toaside-of and an hundred sheep,
beside harts, and roebucks,

: and fallowdeer, and fatted
mail utzbi uichmur ubrbrim abusim :
fromdeer andgazelle andbubale andfowls ones-being-battened

4:24 (5:4)

For he had dominion
ki - eua rde bkl - obr ener mthphsch uod - over all [the region] on this
that he holding-sway inall-of across-of thestream fromTiphsah andas-far-as side the river, from Tiphsah
even to Azzah, over all the

  kings on this side the river:
and he had peace on all
oze bkl - mlki obr ener ushlum eie lu mkl -
sides round about him.
Gaza inall-of kings-of across-of thestream andpeace he-became tohim fromall-of

obriu msbib :
across(p)-ofhim fromround-about

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1Kings 4

4:25 (5:5)

And Judah and Israel
uishb ieude uishral lbtch aish thchth gphnu uthchth dwelt safely, every man
andhe-is-dwelling Judah andIsrael totrusting man under vine-ofhim andunder under his vine and under his
fig tree, from Dan even to
 ~ : Beersheba, all the days of
thanthu mdn uod - bar~shbo kl imi shlme : s
fig-tree-ofhim fromDan andunto Beer~Sheba all-of days-of Solomon

4:26 (5:6) 

And Solomon had forty
uiei lshlme arboim alph aruth susim lmrkbu thousand stalls of horses for
andhe-is-becoming toSolomon forty thousand stalls-of horses forchariot-ofhim his chariots, and twelve
thousand horsemen.

ushnim - oshr alph phrshim :
andtwo ten thousand horsemen

4:27 (5:7) 
And those officers
uklklu entzbim eale ath - emlk shlme uath provided victual for king
andthey-msustained theones-being-stationed thethese theking Solomon and Solomon, and for all that
came unto king Solomon's
  table, every man in his
month: they lacked nothing.
kl - eqrb al - shlchn emlk - shlme aish chdshu la
all-of thenear-one to table-of theking Solomon man month-ofhim not

iodru dbr :
they-are-mletting-derange thing

4:28 (5:8)

Barley also and straw for
ueshorim uethbn lsusim ulrksh the horses and dromedaries
andthebarleys andthecrushed-straw forthehorses andforthestallion brought they unto the place
where [the officers] were,
  : every man according to his
ibau al - emqum ashr ieie - shm aish kmshphtu : s
they-are-cbringing to theplaceri which he-is-becoming there man asdue-ofhim

4:29 (5:9)

. And God gave Solomon
uithn aleim chkme lshlme uthbune erbe mad wisdom and understanding
andhe-is-giving Elohim wisdom toSolomon andunderstanding to-cbe-much exceedingly exceeding much, and
largeness of heart, even as

 : the sand that [is] on the sea

urchb lb kchul ashr ol - shphth eim :
andwidth-of heart asthesand which on shore-of thesea

4:30 (5:10)

And Solomon's wisdom
uthrb chkmth shlme mchkmth kl - bni - qdm excelled the wisdom of all
andshe-is-being-much wisdom-of Solomon fromwisdom-of all-of sons-of east the children of the east
country, and all the wisdom

: of Egypt.
umkl chkmth mtzrim :
andfromall-of wisdom-of Egypt

4:31 (5:11)

For he was wiser than all
uichkm mkl - eadm maithn eazrchi ueimn men; than Ethan the
andhe-is-being-wise fromany-of thehuman fromEthan theEzrahite andHeman Ezrahite, and Heman, and
Chalcol, and Darda, the
   sons of Mahol: and his fame
was in all nations round
uklkl udrdo bni mchul uiei - shmu bkl - eguim
andCalcol andDarda sons-of Mahol andhe-is-becoming name-ofhim inall-of thenations

sbib :

4:32 (5:12)

And he spake three
uidbr shlshth alphim mshl uiei shiru chmshe thousand proverbs: and his
andhe-is-mspeaking three-of thousands proverb andhe-is-becoming song-ofhim five songs were a thousand and
ualph :

4:33 (5:13)

And he spake of trees,
uidbr ol - eotzim mn - earz ashr blbnun uod from the cedar tree that [is]
andhe-is-mspeaking on thetrees from thecedar which intheLebanon andunto in Lebanon even unto the
hyssop that springeth out of
 the wall: he spake also of
beasts, and of fowl, and of
eazub ashr itza bqir uidbr ol - ebeme uol -
creeping things, and of
thehyssop which coming-forth inthesidewall andhe-is-mspeaking on thebeast andon

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1Kings 4 - 1Kings 5
eouph uol - ermsh uol - edgim :
theflyer andon themoving-animal andon thefishes

4:34 (5:14)
And there came of all
uibau mkl - eomim lshmo ath chkmth shlme people to hear the wisdom
andthey-are-coming fromall-of thepeoples toto-hear-of wisdom-of Solomon of Solomon, from all kings
of the earth, which had
 : heard of his wisdom.
math kl - mlki eartz ashr shmou ath - chkmthu : s
fromwith all-of kings-of theearth who they-heard wisdom-ofhim

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