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Name: Heather DeLude Date: 11/14/17

School: Glenbrook Middle School Lesson #: 1

Grade: 6 Class size: 18 Class/Time: 1:35-2:18

Unit/Theme: Conflict Resolution Lesson Focus: Passive, Aggressive and


Objectives (must be measurable, use action verbs and include elements of

success) Cite appropriate standards from MA Comprehensive Health
Curriculum Frameworks
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Construct a positive solution to an issue they are given utilizing either passive,
aggressive or assertive problem solving techniques.

Materials/Supplies/Lesson Preparation
Books and definitions of passive, aggressive, and assertive bystanders
5 different scenarios for groups of students.

Special Accommodations (How will the special needs of individual students be

- This class tends to be off task a lot, very talkative. Need to keep them on task and
focused. Keep refocusing students and make proper groups for them to stay on task.

References/Resources (include books, articles, websites, etc.)

Adapted worksheets from Mrs. Siegel
MA Health Curriculum Frameworks

Opening (activator/instant activity)

Video Clip: I will show the students a video that shows a conflict in a classroom and then we
will discuss how we think the conflict went. The students will then go into a more focused
discussion about the different types of retaliation, passive, aggressive and assertive so that they
have a background on what they will be asked to do next. This should take about 5 minutes over
Procedures Step by step description of teaching
strategies/methods/pedagogy to be used. (Include time frame for each activity,
transitions, extensions/adaptations, cooperative learning techniques jig saw,
pair/share, etc.)
1. Video Clip: I will show the students a video that shows a conflict in a classroom and
then we will discuss how we think the conflict went. The students will then go into a
more focused discussion about the different types of retaliation, passive, aggressive and
assertive so that they have a background on what they will be asked to do next.
a. This should take about 5 minutes over all.
b. Students will formulate their own ideas about how the situation was handled and
then we will go into a group discussion.
2. Vocabulary: We will then go over the formal definitions of passive, aggressive and
assertive ways to solve problems. Then we will go into why it is important to utilize
different situations where each type of resolution is more needed than another.
a. It will take about 15 minutes to go over all of the words and explain when which
one would be best used and why it is important to know and use them in certain
3. Scenarios: I will split the class up into 5 different groups and each group will be given a
different scenario. Each of them have to do with different situations that you could see in
a school. The students are going to be given time to read through the scenario and they
will have to come up with a proper way to deal with it. The scenarios are as listed:
a. A new student started at your school this week, and he is having trouble fitting in.
Some of your friends have been laughing behind his back. What would you do?
b. You receive an email telling an embarrassing story about another student who has
often been mean to you. You know your friends would think its funny. What
would you do?
c. The meanest kid at school thinks its fun to tease you every chance she gets.
Youre afraid shes going to hurt you, and youre starting to hate school. What
would you do?
d. Someone shoves you and wants to fight you. You want to stick up for yourself,
but you dont want to get into a fight. What would you do?
e. Everyone is afraid of three mean kids at your school. Youre afraid, too. One day
they ask you to hang out with them. What would you do?
i. The students will have 15 minutes to work together with their scenarios
and come up with a proper way to handle this.
4. Discussion: The students will be asked one at a time to explain what their decision as a
group was on how to deal with the conflict. The class can then decide if their reaction
was passive, aggressive or assertive.
a. Each group will have about 2 minutes to present and we will discuss how we
think their problem solving worked.

List Assessment(s) informal or formal how do you know they have learned
the desired content and you have achieved your objectives?
The students will show that they know the difference between the three types of reactions
by the discussions after each of the different situations, and making sure that all of the
students understand what is being asked and discussed.

Exit Slip: Students will answer the following three questions before they leave.
1. What does it mean to have a passive response?
2. What does it mean to have an assertive response?
3. What does it mean to have an aggressive response?

Notes/Reflection (to be completed right after you finish teaching a particular

lesson) What did you accomplish? How much did the students learn? What
would you leave the same and what might you change in the future to improve
this lesson?
G: This lesson went okay. Could have used a different video clip, might have wanted to add a
little bit more to the role playing scenarios because it did not take as long as I had thought it was
going to take. Class was extremely rude and obnoxious today.

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