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Interviewer: Good morning and happy sabbath everyone!

This special day, we are grateful because

we have a very special guest. What makes her special is, she experienced God in a way no one
would expect. Ladies and gentlemen, from Vizianagaram, India, please welcome Prabha!
Happy sabbath, Prabha! Can you tell us what happened? How did you met God in an unexpected

Prabha: At the age of 16, I began asking myself "Could life get any worse?" You see, I was
arrested for a murder that I didn't commit. I was accused of a crime I was innocent of.

Interviewer: You went to jail? How did this happened? Where did it start?

Prabha: Yes, I did. My family was poor. Me and my ssisters hadnt attended school and had to
work to help feed our family. When I was 15, my father died, plunging our family deeper into
poverty. "Father had become a Christian before his death, but what good did it do him?" I
wondered. "He died anyway." I was working for a wealthy elderly woman whom I respectfully
called Ma. I cook, clean, and sometimes keep her in company. Ma was good to me, who often
was my only companion since her own husband had died. One evening as I was preparing to go
home, Ma begged me to stay with her that night so she wouldnt be alone. I agreed because I knew
that Ma was lonely, and her adopted son was out of town. About 3:00 a.m. Ma called me to heat
water for her ritual bath. So I nodded and walked through the dark house to the kitchen. Opening
the kitchen door, I discovered several men hiding there. Before I could scream, they grabbed me
and covered my mouth. One man pulled a knife and waved it threatening me, cutting me several
times. Another tied me with rope and shoved me into the corner. Trembling, I watched the men
make their way toward Mas room. I heard Ma shout as the men entered her room. I heard the men
demand Mas money, jewels, and gold. Then I heard a muffled scream and a thud. Scuffles
followed, then the men ran out of the house. I struggled free of the ropes, but discovered the
kitchen door locked. I broke a window and crawled through, calling for help. In Mas room I
found the old woman lying still on the floor. I called her as I gently shook the old woman. But it
was too late; Ma was dead. I shouted out the window to a passing man to call the police. Robbers
broke in and have killed Ma! The police arrived, and I told them what had happened. They took
me to the hospital, where my wounds were treated. But when I was released, the police arrested
me and took me to jail. They were convinced that I killed Ma.

Interviewer: So how were proven innocent of the crime? Is this the time that you experienced
God's intervention?

Prabha: Every day the police questioned me. They beat my hands and woke me in the middle of
the night for further interrogations. They questioned my brothers and mother, trying to find some
thread that would incriminate me. Like how long did I planned this robbery? Or where did I hid
the gold and rupees? Everyday, I begged my familys gods to help and promised to shave my head
if they would free her, but nothing happened. One night as I sleep on the cement floor, I dreamed
that a man in white touched me and told me not to be afraid. I am with you, He promised. Soon
you will be free.
"Who are you? I asked the man. I am Jesus, He answered. The next day the police questioning
continued. But this time when they beat me, instead of crying I prayed, Jesus, if You are the true
God, please help me. Two hours later I was released from prison, but I had to return the next day
for further questioning. Every day I went to the police station. If they had a new clue, they
questioned me about it. If they caught a thief, they will call me to identify him. This continued for
more than a year.

Interviewer: It is really amazing how God works in unexpected ways. After what happened, how
did your faith grow? Did you have a deeper relationship with God?

Prabha: Yes, I had a stronger relationship with Him. I remembered my dream, and I and my family
began attending a Christian church. One day a Seventh-day Adventist lay member visited our
home. He offered to teach us more about Jesus. A few weeks later the Adventist invited our family
to attend evangelistic meetings. We agreed and invited some friends. Following the meetings our
family were baptized. Soon after my baptism the thieves who had killed Ma were arrested. The
police asked me to identify them. In an ironic twist, the families of the thieves asked me and my
family to pray for their imprisoned husbands. The thieves served only one year in prison. Six of
the eight accepted Jesus as their Lord, and one is now a lay preacher. The two thieves who refused
to become Christians died violent deaths.

Interviewer: Indeed, God works in mysterious ways. Even if we can't see of feel it now, everything
will fall into pieces in His perfect time. Good came from Prabhas troubles. Her family found
Jesus; thieves were converted; and Prabha now serves as a Bible worker. Thank you, Prabha for
sharing us your wonderful story today. I hope we'll learn how to trust God fully no matter what
happens. Happy sabbath again!

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