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Salafi Dawa Lancs @salafidawalancs

The Understanding Eemaan Series


Q1: What is the definition linguistically of a prophet & messenger?


Q2: What is the difference between a prophet & messenger? Mention the opinions
and what is the strongest explanation?

Q3: The prophets & messengers are a waseelah, explain this statement?


Q4: How many messengers are mentioned in the Quran? List their names.


Q5: How many prophets and messengers are there altogether?

Q6: Mention 3 signs of Prophet-hood?


Q7: What is the proof that prophets and messengers are human and not above that?


Q8: Have there ever been any female prophets? Explain and mention the proofs.


Q9: The prophets & messengers have certain affairs specific to them, mention 3?


Q10: Was the Prophet protected by Allah from dying until he

finished spreading the religion of Islam? What did Sufyan at-Thawree mention
regarding that?


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