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You Dont Qualify as a Martyr!

Shaykh Muhammad Bazmoolmay Allah preserve himsaid: Martyrdom is a great virtue from
Allah, and it has conditions and preventers, thus whoever does not fulfill the conditions, and
negate the preventers, then he will be forbidden from this virtue and he will not be a martyr!
From the preventers of martyrdom are1:

1. Going out to fight without the permission of the Muslim ruler.

Allah the Exalted said:

When there comes to them some matter touching (public) safety or fear, they make it known
(among the people), if only they had referred it to the Messenger or to those charged with
authority among them, the proper investigators would have understood it from them
(directly). Had it not been for the Grace and Mercy of Allah upon you, you would have
followed Shaytan, save a few of you.2

Therefore as it relates to the great affairs which concern the Ummahfrom them being Jihad
the final say belongs to the Muslim ruler; it is not for any and everyone (to have a say in the
matter). End Quote.

The Prophet

Only the Imaam is only a shield who is fought behind.3

Ibn Taymiyyah may Allah have mercy upon himsaid: Jihad is only established by the leader
of the affairs of the Muslims.4

Thus the Muslim ruler is the one who calls for Jihad not rogue leaders, or individuals.

Extracted from the book: Jihadits conditions, categories and guidelines by Shaykh Muhammad Bazmool
Soorah An Nisa 4:83
Collected by Muslim 1841
Minhaj As Sunnah (6/118)
2. Fighting those whom it is not permissible to fight.

The Messenger of Allah


"Whoever kills a person who is under an agreement or treaty (with the Muslims); he will not
smell the fragrance of Paradise, even though its fragrance can be found from the distance of 40
years away.5

Allah the Exalted said:

But if they seek your help in religion, it is your duty to help them except against a people with
whom you have a treaty of mutual alliance, and Allah is the All-Seer of what you do.6

Imaam Sadeemay Allah have mercy upon himsaid in his explanation of the statement of
the Exalted: except against a people with whom you have a treaty of mutual alliance.
Meaning an agreement to abandon fighting (against the non-Muslims you have a treaty with);
then if the believers, those who did not migrate, desire to fight against the non-Muslims, then
do not assist them due to the agreement between you and them. End Quote.

3. Fighting beneath the banner of blind partisanship.

Whoever fights under the banner of blind partisanship, becomes angry for partisanship, or calls
to partisanship or supports partisanship, and is killed, then he has died upon Jahiliyyah.7

Collected by Al Bukhaari 1366
Soorah Al Anfal 8:72
Collected by Muslim 3446
4. Fighting in order to achieve martyrdom!

Shaykh Muhammad Bazmool said: It is not correct for the one who goes out for Jihad to
go out with the purpose of seeking martyrdom; rather it is a must that he goes out
seeking to elevate the statement of Allah and if he achieves martyrdom this is a virtue
from Allah. And if he does not achieve martyrdom he returns with the reward and the
spoils of war. Some of the people desire to kill themselves but they know suicide is not
permissible. Thus he goes out to what he believes is a Jihad and he wants to be killed.
And he thinks by this he will achieve the reward of martyrdom and he will become a
martyr! Ponder the previous hadith that will explain to you what I am saying: The

Allah has guaranteed for the one who goes out in His path, and he does not go out
except for Jihad in My path, believing in Me, and affirming My Messengers, then it is
upon Me a guarantee to enter him into paradise or return he to his residence that he left
from, obtaining the reward or the spoils of war.8

If this (Meaning: Going out with the intent to die and become a martyr) was legislated
why didnt the Prophet

do it? Why didnt the Companions do it? Why
were we commanded to make preparations? Why did the Messenger

wear armor? Where is the intent of Jihad to elevate the statement of Allah? Reflect; if
the Islamic army had this resolve then the soldiers would expose themselves to die and
they would not achieve elevating the statement of Allah! Thus it is upon the Muslims to
pay attention to this affair, because it is from the subtle affairs of the hearts. And it is
from the ways Shaytan can enter and corrupt righteous actions. End Quote.

Collected by Muslim 3484
5. Fighting without the permission of the parents.
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It was reported from Abu Saeedmay Allah be pleased with him:

A man migrated to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) from the Yemen.

said, Do you have anyone in the Yemen? He said, My parents. He said, Did
they give you permission? He said, No. He said, Then go back to them and ask their
permission. If they give you permission, then go for Jihad, otherwise honor them9

I say:

Therefore reflect my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, O Muslim youththose of you who are
being encouraged to participate in a so-called Jihad; consider the following:

Allah the Exalted said:

So whoever hopes for the Meeting with his Lord, let him work righteousness and associate
none as a partner in the worship of his Lord. 10

Imaam Ibn Kathirmay Allah have mercy upon himsaid:

Let him work righteousness means the action must be in accordance with the legislation of
Allah. And associate none as a partner in the worship of his Lord. This is the action which is
performed seeking the Face of Allah only, without partners. These are the two pillars required
for the actions to be accepted. It must be done sincerity for the sake of Allah, and it must be in
accordance with the legislation of the Messenger of Allah . End Quote.

Actions in Islam have pillars, conditions, and nullifiers. One cannot hope to reap the rewards of
his actions if he does not fulfill the conditions or if he falls into nullifiers which negate the
action. So how about the person who embarks upon an action without knowing its conditions
or nullifiers?!

Collected by Ahmad (3/75-76)
Soorah Al Kahf 18:110
An example of this is Hajj, the pilgrimage to the sacred house in Mecca. Every Muslim knows
Hajj is from the greatest acts or worship; rather it is from the pillars of Islam.
The Prophet said:

Whoever performs Hajj and does not commit any obscenity or commit any evil will go back (free
of) sin as on the day his mother bore him.11

MashaAllah! What a great reward! But do you anticipate receiving this reward without having
knowledge of how the Hajj is performed?

What are the months of Hajj? What are the rites of Hajj? What is the attire I should adorn for
Hajj? Where and when should I adorn this attire?

O Muslim youth I ask youDo you know the conditions and guidelines of Jihad?

Or are you going forward while being heedless of its conditions, guidelines and regulations?

Can a Muslim establish the prayer without knowing how to perform wudoo, without knowing
what nullifies wudoo? Without knowing the pillars and conditions of the Salat? Without
knowing what nullifies the Salat? What time to pray, what direction to face, how many rakats to
pray, what to say during the prayer?

Or do you say Allah the Exalted has placed conditions and guidelines for the prayer, fasting,
zakat, and Hajj, while ordering Jihad without conditions and guidelines?! Allah is far above and
free from such a thing!

Do you believe the Messenger of Allah

has given us specific guidelines in what
animals may be sacrificed for Udhiyah but has given the Muslim no guidelines in taking human

Do you believe the Messenger of Allah

has detailed to us which harmful animals
may be killed and which animals may not be killed, while allowing you to take human life as
you see fit?!

Collected by Al-Bukhaari (1521) Declared authentic by Shaykh Al Albani
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was asked, What should be avoided in the sacrificial
animals? He gestured with his hand and said, Four: a lame animal which is obviously lame, a one-eyed animal
whose defect is obvious, a sick animal whose sickness is obvious, and an emaciated animal that no one would
choose. And he said: Do not sacrifice anything but a musinnah; if one is not available then sacrifice a jadhah
sheep (one that is over a year old). Narrated by Muslim (1963). (A musinnah is a camel, cow or sheep that is two
years old or older.)
Islam gives us details and guidelines for: Entering the bathroom, exiting the bathroom, relieving
ourselves while in the bathroom, how to eat, how to sleep, how to be intimate with our
spouses, how to yawn, how to sneeze, how to dress, how to undress, weddings, childbirth,
burial, sleeping, awakening from sleep, buying, selling and lending, hairstyles and hygiene,
sports and entertainment, manners of joking, medicine and surgery etc.

Nothing have We omitted from the Book 14

Is every aspect of our lives governed and detailed except Jihad?!


63( ) 63(



What is the matter with you? How judge you?

Or do you have a scripture in which you learn

That indeed for you is whatever you choose?

Or you have oaths from Us, reaching to the Day of Resurrection that yours will be what you

Ask them, which of them will stand surety for that! 15

So fear Allah O Muslim youth! That which the followers of Osama Bin Laden, Anwar Al Awlaki
and the likes call you to is neither Jihad nor martyrdom; rather it is terrorism plan and simple.

Compiled and translated from various sources by Rasheed ibn Estes Barbee

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: There are four (creatures), all of which are vermin
and may be killed inside the sanctuary and outside: kites, crows, rats and vicious dogs. Al-Bukhaari (1829) and
Muslim (1198)
Soorah Al-An'am 6:38
Soorah Al Qalam 68: 36-40

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