Widhalm K, Rashidian F, Emminger W, Huber WD, Bariss-Riedl M Fritsch M, Reithofer E

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Widhalm K, Rashidian F, Emminger W, Huber WD, Bariss-Riedl M

Fritsch M, Reithofer E

Malnutrition in hospitalized children aged 3-18 years.

Results by using a new score in comparison with previous
described scores.

Journal fr Ernhrungsmedizin 2007; 9 (2), 13-17

For personal use only.

Not to be reproduced without permission of Verlagshaus der rzte GmbH.

Malnutrition in hospitalized children

aged 318 years
Result s by using a new score in comparison with previous described scores.

ABSTRACTS K e y w o r d s : malnutrition, Vienna score, Gomez Classi-

fication, Waterlow score, stunting, wasting
B a c kg r o u n d a n d a i m s : A universally accepted screen-
ing concept for children is not yet available. It is already
standard practice among paediatricians to maintain
height and weight charts, allowing calculation of growth
velocity which is high sensitive to nutritional status. Our
G rowth assessment denes the health and nutritional
status of children, because disturbances in health and
nutrition, regardless of their aetiology, invariably affect child
goal was to develop a new score, which reflected the growth and hence provide an indirect measurement of the
respective weighting of the corresponding coefcients, quality of life of an entire population [ 1 ] . Child Malnutrition
and to compare with two other scores such as Waterlow has been dened or described in many ways. To summarize
and Gomez scores. the common points, child malnutrition may be defined as
M e t h o d s : A new score (Vienna score) should identify the a pathological state resulting from inadequate nutrition,
subjects with suspicion malnutrition and the specicity including undernutrition (protein-energy malnutrition) due
with other scores should be evaluated. The score includes to insufcient intake of energy and other nutrients [ 2 ] .
total weight loss 5 % relative to pre-illness body weight, If the body does not receive the energy it needs in the form
weight/height percentile p10 and lack of appetite and of food, weight loss (mostly due to lack of muscle mass) will
laboratory parameters such as serum albumin, total lym- occur. Children with malnutrition have inadequate fat stores
phocyte count and Haemoglobin. and relatively little muscle mass. Their bones are prominent
R e s u l t : In our study we tested their applicability in pae- and they often have disproportionately large abdomens.
diatric hospital patients and compared the results of the Brain development can be impaired, and these children
three scores. 100 patients were included in this study. have a high incidence of disease because their bodies can-
The Vienna score could identify in 43 % and 15 % of all not ght infection [ 3 ] .
patients as mild and moderate forms of malnutrition re- The four major components of assessment of nutritional
spectively; using the Waterlow score, prevalence of mild, status in children are: clinical (such as anthropometric), bio-
moderate and severe wasting (applying %IBW-H) could chemical, dietary and feeding quality development [ 4 ] .
be identied in 2%, 2% and 1% respectively and 32%, 8% Growth assessments have therefore been used to monitor
and 9 % of all patients were identied as mild, moderate the nutritional status. While there are a variety of methods
and severe stunting (applying %BH); by means of the used to measure growth, the most common are known as
Gomez score (applying %BW), prevalence of mild, mod- anthropometric indices, which compare an individuals age,
erate and severe forms of malnutrition were appeared in height, and weight, each of which is measured against the
33 %, 13 % and 5 % of all patients respectively. others. The values are expressed as percentages, or percen-
C o n c l u s i o n s : The Vienna score can identify children tiles, of the normal distribution of these measurements [ 5 ] .
at risk of nutritional depletion better than previously Through anthropometric studies, researchers have found
described scores and is able to dene the moderate form that particular measurements correlate with specic growth
of malnutrition more than the both forms of Waterlow trends, based on how the body normally changes over time.
score and as well as Gomez score approximately. Future Abnormal height-for-age (stunting) usually measures long-
clinical trials should be performed in order to get more term growth faltering. Low weight-for-height (wasting) cor-
information about the prevalence of malnutrition in var- relates with an acute growth disturbance [ 5 ] .
ious paediatric populations using this score and to inves- Children with chronically malnutrition often have delayed
tigate whether clinical relevant forms of malnutrition can growth (height for age). This is in contrast to acute malnu-
be identied in an appropriate way. trition, which leads to a decit in the weight-height-ratio.

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Albumin Totale Lymphocyte Count Hemoglobin Score-

Criterion, g / L Criterion, x 10 9/ L Criterion, g / L points
severe 25 0,5 105
moderate 2530 0,510 105110
mild 3035 1,01,5 110120
none 35 1,5 120

Additional criteria
a) International or total weight loss of 5 % relative to pre-illness body weight (4 weeks)
Tab. 1: Indications for b) Weight/height percentile 10 percentile*
supplemental nutrition c) Lack of appetite
in pediatric cancer
patients Vienna score * K . KROMEYER- HAUSCHILD, M. WABITSCH, D. KUNZE E T AL. : MONATSSCHR . KINDERHEILK . 149 (20 01)

Bengoa et al. suggested clinical, biochemical and various is unacceptable that nutritional problems causing signicant
anthropometrical methods (head and arm dimensions) to clinical risk are not identied [ 15 ] .
identify malnutrition among children [ 6 ] . Nutritional status There is good evidence to suggest that improvement to ca-
in children is an indicator of health and well being at both tering services; increased use of articial nutritional support;
the individual and the population level. Screening for mal- and improved pain management and nausea control to
nutrition should be an integral part of pediatric care uni- improve appetite will increase a patients nutritional intake
versally [ 7 ] . Malnutrition is associated with a higher morbid- and status. There is some evidence to indicate improve-
ity resulting in an increased need for medical resources and ments in nutritional status will positively affect length of
economic expenses [ 18 ] . Malnutrition is a well-recognised stay and mortality [ 8 ] .
problem in hospitals, with the prevalence estimated be- It was observed by Hendricks et al that the prevalence of
tween 2850 % [ 8 ] . acute protein-energy malnutrition (weight for height) in hos-
About 30 % of all patients in hospital are undernourished. A pitalized pediatric patients based on the Waterlow criteria
large part of these patients are undernourished when admit- was as follows: severe, 1.3 %; moderate, 5.8 %; mild, 17.4 %;
ted to hospital and in the majority of these, undernutrition and none, 75.5 %. The prevalence of chronic protein-energy
develops further while in hospital. This can be prevented if malnutrition (height for age) was as follows: severe, 5.1 %;
special attention is paid to their nutritional care. Other fea- moderate, 7.7 %; mild, 14.5 %; and none, 72.8 %. The preva-
tures of the patients primary disease are screened routinely lence of acute and chronic protein-energy malnutrition was
and treated (e. g. dehydration, blood pressure, fever), and it signicantly less in 1992 than in 1976 though [ 9 ] .
In another study prevalence rates for moderate and / or se-
vere malnutrition (z-score 2) in hospitalized children on
admission were considered as 18.7, 18.2 and 6.9%, for weight/
Malnutrition Points (for every parameter) age, stature/age and weight/stature, respectively [ 10 ] . In an
other study, the prevalence of acute PCM was documented
severe 3
in the hospitalized children and adolescents on the day of
moderate 2 admission using Waterlow score (weight for height) in group
mild 1 02 years with 59 % (36 % mild, 23 % moderate), group 26
none 0 years with 53 % (38 % mild, 15 % moderate), group 610 years
with 50 % (33 % mild, 17 % moderate) and group 1018 years
BODY WEIGHT (4 WEEK S) ....................................................................................... 2 POINTS
u WEIGHT/HEIGHT PERCENTILE 10 PERCENTILE ............................................... 2 POINTS
with 44 % [ 11 ] .
u L ACK OF APPE TITE ................................................................................................... 1 POINT

Points Malnutrition Procedures and calculations

02 none Three nutritional risk scores were utilized at hospital admis-
36 mild sion to identify patients at risk of malnutrition during hospi-
710 moderate talization.
Weight / 50 th percentile weight for length and length / 50 th
1114 severe
percentile length for age by different percentiles charts for
Tab. 2: Vienna Score Points boys and girls [ 12 ] were evaluated for Waterlow score [ 13 ] and

2 | 2007 ernhrungsmedizin

weight/50th percentile weight for age*100 by different per- Data collected from 100 hospitalized children released that
centiles charts for boys and girls [ 12 ] was considered for Go- 43 subjects identify as mild form of malnutrition applying
mez classication [ 14 ] . Vienna score. Data conducted on 43 patients belonging to
Vienna score was developed as a new Score based on Hen- the mild form of malnutrition using Vienna score revealed
dricks criteria with additional criteria as weight/height percen- that 23 patients of this group have lack of appetite, total
tile p10, total weight loss 5 % relative to pre-illness body weight loss of 5 % relative to pre-illness body weight appears
weight, lack of appetite to assess nutritional risk of malnutri- in 5 participants, weight/height percentile p10 reports in
tion effectively and quickly. The Vienna score is enclosed. 18 children and albumin, total lymphocyte count and hae-
The following nutritional risk factors such as weight/height moglobin define below the reference values in 17, 12 and
percentile p10 (2 points), total weight loss 5 % relative to 31 subjects respectively.
pre-illness body weight (2 points), lack of appetite (1 point), In a relevant percentage of those tested, Vienna score, Gomez
laboratory parameters such as albumin, total lymphocyte classication, and Waterlow score identify different results
count, haemoglobin (laboratory parameters were classied as being nutritionally at risk. Although the categories of the
such as 3 points for severe, 2 points for moderate and 1 point results were not completely identical for the three tools,
for mild) were identied on admission. Malnutrition grades there were more patients at risk malnutrition according to
by Vienna score were classied as normal (02 points), mild the Vienna score (43 %) than according to the Gomez classi-
(36 points), moderate (710 points) and severe (1114 points). cation (33 %) or the Waterlow score in stunting and wasting
Percentiles after Kromeyer-Hauschild [ 12 ] were used as weight/ forms (32 % and 2 %).
height percentiles. Appetite and weight loss 5 % were rat- The direct comparison of the Vienna score with the Gomez
ed by means of standardized interviews on admission. The and Waterlow scores demonstrated among 43 patients classi-
laboratory parameters such as albumin, total lymphocyte ed as being nutritionally at risk using Vienna score, 15, 39 and
count and haemoglobin were recorded from laboratory 20 patients of this group could have not been detected any
diagnostic. forms of malnutrition using Gomez score, wasting and stunt-
Anthropometric measurements were taken on admission. ing form of malnutrition applying Waterlow score respec-
The patients Body Weight (BW, kg) was measured with a tively and also, the Vienna score could identied 9 patients
digital scale and Body Height (BH, cm) was assessed using as being nutritionally at risk who could have not been even
an Ulmer-Stadiometer. Body Mass Index (BMI) was calcu- detected as malnutrition using any other described scores.
lated using the formula: BMI (kg/m2) = BW (kg)/BH2 (m2). Prevalence of moderate form of malnutrition using Vienna
score among 100 hospitalized children was seen in 15 sub-
Subjects jects. According to the data of 15 moderate malnourished
patients using Vienna score, lack of appetite appears in 10
Nutritional risk was assessed prospectively in 100 paediatric children, total weight loss 5 % relative to pre-illness body
patients aged 318 years who are hospitalized from march weight reports in 10 participants, weight / height percentile
2006 to October 2006 in the department of Paediatrics in p10 denes in 9 children and Albumin, total lymphocyte
the University Hospital of Vienna using Vienna score and count and haemoglobin identify below the reference values
was compared with two other scores such as Waterlow and in 13, 8 and 15 participants of this group respectively. These
Gomez scores. ndings were the best predictor of whether patients were at
risk of nutritional depletion.
Results According to the categories of the results in moderate form
of malnutrition for the three tools, there were more patients
The Vienna score as a new score, the Gomez classication in moderate form of malnutrition according to the Vienna
and the Waterlow score are screening and assessment tools score (15 %) than according to the Gomez classication (13 %)
aimed at detecting malnourished individuals and those at or the Waterlow score in stunting and wasting forms (8 %
risk for malnutrition. In our study we tested their applicabil- and 2 %). Data collected from direct comparison of described
ity in paediatric hospital patients and compared the results
of the three tools. 100 patients were included in the study.
According to Tab. 3, the Vienna score (as index of nutritional
status) could be completed in 43 % and 15 % of all patients N = 100 No Mild Moderate Severe
as mild and moderate forms of malnutrition respectively
Vienna score 42 43 15 0
(p 0,001), prevalence of mild, moderate and severe wast-
ing (applying %IBW-H) was in 2 %, 2 % and 1 % respectively Waterlow score (wasting) 95 2 2 1
and 32 %, 8 % and 9 % (applying %BH) of all patients were Waterlow Score (stunting) 51 32 8 9
identied as mild, moderate and severe stunting (p 0,05). Gomez score 49 33 13 5
Also 33 %, 13 % and 5 % (applying %BW) were appeared
as mild, moderate and severe underweight respectively Table 3: The prevalence of malnutrition in paediatric patients using
(p 0,05). different scores.

ernhrungsmedizin 2 | 2007

scores demonstrated among 15 patients who classied as basis of weight-for-age criteria are a mixed group in terms of
moderate form of malnutrition using Vienna score, has been their clinical nutritional status [ 14 ] . It has been demonstrated
detected no forms of malnutrition using Gomez score, wast- that critically ill children are at risk for fat or protein depletion
ing and stunting form of malnutrition applying Waterlow and development of malnutrition, which is associated with
score in 3, 15 and 7 patients respectively and also, the Vienna increased morbidity and mortality [ 17 ] .
score has been detected moderate form of malnutrition in Therefore we tried to develop a score to dene malnutrition
3 subjects who were not even detected as malnutrition using in paediatric patients, based upon laboratory parameters
any other described scores. suggested by Hendricks et al. [ 9 ] and added total weight loss
In contrast, it was found 19 patients from 100 children who 5 % relative to pre-illness body weight, weight / height per-
could not been identied being affected malnutrition using centile p10 and lack of appetite. In our study has been con-
Vienna score, but the same patients were dened as malnu- sidered a new score (Vienna score) which reected the respec-
trition using other described scores. According to the same tive weighting of the corresponding coefcients and some
group of 19 subjects, 1 and 7 patients were identied as wast- other anthropometric indexes (%BW, %BH and %IBW-H) as
ing and stunting form of malnutrition using Waterlow score criteria for the assessment of nutritional status, our results
and the remaining 11 subjects dened as malnutrition using demonstrated the existence of nutritional status impairment.
Gomez score. Based on the collected data among patients as mild form of
The following Table 4 reects the observed diseases among malnutrition applying Vienna score revealed correlation be-
the patients conducted on 43 and 15 patients who belong to tween malnutrition in this group and mild, moderate and
mild and moderate form of malnutrition using Vienna score severe form of malnutrition using Gomez classication in 16,
respectively. According to table below, these diseases such 9 and 3 subjects respectively and association among de-
as shunt dysfunction, allergic asthma, migraine, Glycogeno- scribed group and mild, moderate and severe form of wast-
sis Ib, high fever infection, postoperative infection (PEG- ing and stunting applying Waterlow score were seen in 1, 2,
Sonden implantation), epidural haematoma, scarlet fever, 1 and 11, 6, 6 subjects respectively.
sepsis and rotavirus were classied as others diseases. The collected data among patients as moderate form of
malnutrition using Vienna score released that moderate
Discussion form of this group associates with mild, moderate and se-
vere form of malnutrition using Gomez classication in 8, 2
A universally accepted screening tool for children is not yet and 2 subjects and reports in this group
available. It is already standard practice among paediatri- 4, 1 and 2 of the subjects as mild, moderate and severe stunt-
cians to maintain height and weight charts, allowing calcula- ed respectively and appears only 1 subject as mild form of
tion of growth velocity, which is high sensitive to nutritional wasting using Waterlow score.
status [ 15 ] . Mild form of malnutrition using Vienna score has been re-
Waterlow score (WHC) was not an adequate screen for mal- vealed as well as Gomez and stunting form of Waterlow
nutrition, for several reasons. First, WHC is a better indicator scores and moderate form of the malnutrition applying this
of acute malnutrition than chronic. Second, there was a high score has been correlated with Gomez score better than
prevalence of extreme short stature. The NCHS derived the stunting form of Waterlow score, but association among
WHC from cross-sectional measures on children without Vienna score and wasting form of Waterlow score in both
disabilities and with normally distributed stature. These nor- forms of malnutrition were low. It was not found any sub-
mative values may not be of use in evaluating children with jects with severe form of malnutrition using Vienna score.
extremely short stature. Waterlow reviewed the literature Prevalent diseases in the subjects who were identied as mal-
and concluded that expected weight for height is relatively nutrition using Vienna score were kidney, M. Crohn, pneu-
independent of age. Third, WHC may perform poorly as arti- monia, rheumatism, liver transplantation and celiac diseases
cially added weight may elevate WHC, thus reducing its respectively.
ability to reect fat stores [ 16 ] . We conclude that this paediatric nutritional risk score can
The Gomez criteria relied exclusively on weight-for-age and identify children at risk of nutritional depletion better than
hence could not discriminate between short-term and long- described scores and dene the moderate form of malnutri-
term forms of malnutrition. Thus, patients classied on the tion more than the both forms of Waterlow score and as well

Form of malnutrition Celiac Liver trans- Other form of gastro- Kidney

n M. Crohn Pneumonia Rheumatism others
using Vienna score disease plantation enteritis diseases problem

mild 43 7 2 1 6 10 2 2 13
moderate 15 4 2 5 2 2
Table 4: The observed diseases among mild and moderate malnourished children using the Vienna score

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