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Creative Brief deZign

Project : Pancasila
Client : The Ministry of Education and Culture
Prepared by: Zahra
Date :

List of Deliverables
Tagline Campaign
TVC Campaign
Interactive Poster
Billboard series Campaign
Radio AD Campaign

Pancasila is Indonesias principles, which mean all Indonesian shouldve life by it.
Seeing how this is a global era, our younger generations would rather follow whats
trending sometimes even when they know its not a good value and completely dont think
about pancasila when in reality it is actually a good value to life by.

To create a visual that would grasp target group, to provoke their thinking ability to help
them understand it on their own. Make pancasila trending which will invite them to start
live by it.

Target Audience
Older group of teenager to early young-adult.
Around 18-25 years of age.
Urban lifestyle, modern, critical thinker.

Design Characteristic
To the Point

Time Schedule
Due date: January 24th, 2018
Details in another document.


The Ministry of Education and Culture

Prepared for: The Ministry of Education Prepared by: Zahra

and Culture My address
Client Address

It has to be made especially for the person who are meant to get it. Campaigning is a tricky
aspects we like to tackle whenever we can. Campaigning is just a reminder, how we remind the
people something they already know, ask them to make a change together with us, not lecturing
anyone of course, just simply a reminder.


We start with a deep research on the project, and targeted market, we want to know how we are
going to communicate with them, exploring all the ways we can get our hands on, make sure they
will react just as we predict they would.

We develop the idea into concept, more explorations, more research until we can have a firm
conceptual idea which we can apply to our designs.
Phase 1

Concerning with gathering information, such as researching and establishing design

Criteria, and defining the needs and problems that are to be solved.
Interviews are conducted to a variety of relevant audiences.
Distributing Questionnaire which will be collected and evaluated.
Establishing the Design Platform and Project Schedule.

Phase 2

After the designers and client have agreed with the basic program, and the solutions
That are presented.
This phase is more about presenting those ideas that design team feels appropriate and meet the
prescribed criteria the most.

Phase 3

This phase concerning with the designers team working on the chosen designs agreed and specified
By the clients, such as the colour, typography, illustrations, photography, and such.
To explain the applications, another presentation may be arranged. A definite direction will be chosen by the
clients and the designers after that, then any changes regarding the budget and/or schedules are agreed upon.

Phase 4

Decisions on all aspects, mechanicals and all other elements related to the design are final at this point.
Any changes made the client wants to make after this point are taken as authors alterations although de-
signer errors or printer errors are not.

Phase 5

This phase will depend on the matter of output it was agreed on.
Week 1
1. Create 5 concept ideas. To be chosen 2 out of the 5 ideas.
2. Start briefly research on the chosen ideas.

Week 2
1. Based on the research conducted the previous week, pick one idea which present more potential.
2. After the idea picked, start working on the concepts, and determine the deliverable.
3. Start working on Design brief and proposal.
4. Determined the time schedule.

Week 3
Conduct interview, questionnaire, and tackle the solutions to the problems that were identified.
Review and revise the design brief, and the proposal.

Week 4
Finalizing the design brief, proposal, and the schedule.

Week 5
1. Conduct a deep and critical research on the audience and
possible approaches the designers can start preparing to explore.
2. Start working on thesis.
3. Determine the tagline.
4. Start working on storyboard for TVC, and sketches for the posters.

Week 6
1. Evaluate research and conduct some more if need to.
2. Evaluate and develop storyboard and sketches.
3. Continue thesis.
4. Present findings.

Week 7
Start working on TVC and poster design.
Continue Thesis.

Week 8
Continue TVC and all the posters.
Continue Thesis.

Week 9
Finalizing Posters and billboard.

Week 10
Test print.

Week 11
Fix after test print, and reprint.
Prepare for presentation.

Week 12

Timing of work stated above are approximate only. The completion of the job would depend on
feedback from the client and/or its counterpart after each design presentation, the complexity of the
job, and urgency/priority from the client.
Estimated Investment deZign
1. Development the concept and visual design strategy, which includes:

1.1 Creating the Tagline Rp. 7.000.000,-*

Study and research on the current positioning (character,
identity, market perception, competitors), to recognize strengths and
challenges of the current identity and to expose the
strengths and discover solution for campaigning challenges.

1.2 TVC Creations Rp. 50.000.000,-*

Including each sub categories in the working manner order.
Storyboard designer
Talent scout (If need to)
Auditioning talent.
Shooting preparation.

1.3 Interactive poster Rp. 30.000.000,-*

Sketches Development
Photoshoot (if need to)
> Equipments
> Models
> Photographer
> Make-up artist
1.4 Billboard Rp. 40.000.000,-*
Sketches Development
Photoshoot (if need to)
> Equipments
> Models
> Photographer
> Make-up artist
1.5 Copy for the radio ad Rp. 15.000.000,-*

Point 1 amount of investment Rp. 121.000.000,-*

2. Studio expenses, which includes:

2.1. Inkjet/laser colour printing up to 60 sheets of A3-sized paper.
2.2. Final artwork (the CD contains the following file formats: working file in Adobe
Illustrator/Adobe Photoshop/Adobe InDesign/Adobe AfterEffect/Adobe Premier, JPEG, and PDF).

Point 2 amount of investment Rp. 40.000.000,-*

Total amount of investment Rp. 161.000.000,-*

* Exclusive of all taxes, printing, illustration, photography, image buying, copywriting, and other costs not mentioned above.
I. Project Initiation deZign
1. Agreements must be signed by all parties involved for the work to begin.
2. In a case of direct project assignment, deZign can only initiate work after the signed
Project Quotation (PQ) and Purchase Order (PO) by client are delivered to deZign.
3. In a case of pitched project where the client requires both Project Proposal and design
submission, deZign will charge a Pitching Fee in the amount of 10% (ten percent) of
Total Fees & Cost stated in the Project Proposal or a minimum amount of IDR 2.500.000,-
(two millions and five hundreds Indonesian Rupiah). The client is required to sign a Pitching
Fee Agreement before the initiation of design process, and the fee will be billed at the time of
the design presentation.
4. In a case of pitched project where deZign is assigned, the initial Pitching Fee will deduct
the Total Fees & Cost amount.
5. In a case of pitched project where deZign is assigned, deZign can only continue
work after the signed Project Proposal and Purchase Order (PO) by client are delivered to deZign.
6. In a case of pitched project where the client requires both Project Proposal and design
submission, all fees stated in the Project Proposal are non-negotiable.
7. In a case of pitched project where the client requires only a Project Proposal (without design
submission), deZign does not charge a Pitching Fee

II. Payment Conduct

1. A down payment of 50% (fifty percent) of Total Fees & Cost will be billed after the clients
written approval.
2. The remaining 50% (fifty percent) of Total Fees & Cost (plus other Production Cost incurred)
will be billed after the delivery of the Final Artwork file.
3. All invoices must be paid within 30 (thirty) working days after the date of issuance.
deZign reserves the right to charge a 2% (two percent) of Total Fees & Cost weekly
penalty on all overdue balances.
4. The fee and expenses quoted are exclusive of any applicable taxes.
III. Project Time Length deZign
1. The maximum time length of the contract is 12 (twelve) months since the date of the clients
written approval.
2. The time required for deZign to deliver the first design presentation is around 10 - 15 (ten
to fifteen) working days since the date of the delivery of complete project materials from the
client. This estimation of 10 - 15 (ten to fifteen) working days may take less or more time
depending on the complexity of the brief and on-going schedule at the moment. A detailed
timeline may be negotiated further.
3. The time required for deZign to deliver minor revisions of the design is around 3 - 5 (two
to three) working days, and may take less or more time depending on the complexity of the
brief and on-going schedule at the moment.
4. The time required for deZign to deliver major revisions of the design is around 5 - 10 (five
to ten) working days, and may take less or more time depending on the complexity of the brief
and on-going schedule at the moment.

IV. Time Length Expiration

1. If there is a significant chage in the direction of the project or circumstances such as

delayed/absence of feedback from the client that affect the project objectives, deZign will
have the right to adjust the fee and/or duration. If such changes are required, deZign will
notify the client both verbally and in written letter.
2. If the project expires from the time length due to lack of communication (delayed/absence of
feedback) from the client, and the client wishes to terminate the project, deZign reserves
the right to charge a 10% (ten percent) of Total Fees & Cost as Cancellation Fee. Therefore,
the client reserves no right to further use all the proposed design in any way.
3. If the project expires from the time length due to lack of communication (delayed/absence of
feedback) from the client, and the client wishes to continue the project, deZign reserves
the right to charge additional fees & cost or a renewed Proposal if necessary.

V. Project Termination

1. If the client terminates the project before the first design presentation during the time length of
the contract, deZign reserves the right to charge a 10% (ten percent) of Total Fees &
Cost as Cancellation Fee in addition to the Down Payment mentioned in point 1 of Payment
2. If the client terminates the project after the first design presentation during the time length of
the contract, deZign reserves the right to charge a 35% (thirty five percent) of Total Fees
& Cost as Cancellation Fee in addition to the Down Payment mentioned in point 1 of Payment

VI. Design Revisions

1. DESiGNLab does not limit the amount of revision(s) on the first stage of design (first stage of
design is concept development based on the clients initial brief).
2. If the client requests revision(s) that includes changes from the initial brief after the first design
presentation, deZign reserves the right to charge additional fees & cost or a renewed
Project Quotation if necessary.
VII. Final Artwork deZign
1. deZign will only deliver the Final Artwork file after the clients final approval of the design.
2. Any changes and/or errors of contents after the clients final approval is no longer the
responsibility of deZign.
3. If the client requests any changes after the delivery of the Final Artwork file, deZign
reserves the right to charge additional fees & cost depending on the complexity of changes
required. A minimum amount of additional fees & cost is for Studio Fee at Rp. 4.000.000,-

VIII. Outsource Handling

1. If the client requires deZigns service in handling outsources for services other than those
mentioned in Estimated Budget (photographer/illustrator/printer/suppliers/etc), deZign will
charge the client in the amount of total approved budget from outsource plus a 15% (fifteen
percent) handling fee.
2. Any outsources & services needed will be conducted after written approval of the client. Any
changes made after the approval will be subjected to additional fee.
3. Final fees (that might include expenses other than those mentioned in Estimated Budget if
necessary) shall be shown when the invoice is rendered.

IX. Project Quotation Time Length

1. The content of this Proposal is valid only for 30 (thirty) days since the date of issuance.
2. If the client wishes to continue with the contract after expiring this 30 (thirty) days period,
deZign reserves the right to propose a renewed Proposal if necessary.

The authorized client signature below is valid as a Purchase Order / legal approval for deZign to
proceed with the project described above, with Terms of Contract applied. Thank you for this crea-

Approved by, This Proposal is prepared by:

( )

Name: Zahra
Date of Approval: November 08, 2017
PT deZign Inc.
Jl. Wijaya IV No. 3, Jakarta 12160
T. (+6221) 7280 0908
F. (+6221) 7280 0907

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