Name: Javier Mejía Class: 414

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Name: Javier Meja

Class: 414

Owning a car
The life students is easier if have own car,since they improve their movility.they do not
waste time waiting for public transport. Other point is that They can leave after 6 pm
,the transport public is not frecuent after 6 pm.
The security is other advantage. The students can carry different objects in their car
without fear being stolen.Nowadays the public transport has problems od
insecurity,whit your own car you go by any route and see diferent landscape and
change rutine.
The comfort the highhest point to have you own car because it own space.You can
even take companions . You can stop where you needs if want buy food or other
Have your own car gives you advantages in my opnion time is priceless and have your
own car allows you to move quickly and safely in addition to having the comfort that
we all want.

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