World Religions Quiz

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World Religions Quiz (25 points)

Name: Period:

Multiple Choice (1 point each)

1. Which religion does NOT recognize Abraham as a sacred founding figure?

a. Hinduism
b. Judaism
c. Islam
d. Christianity

2. The commonalities between Judaism and Christianity include everything B UT:

a. Both religions believe Jesus is the Messiah
b. Both religions incorporate the Old Testament as a part of their sacred texts
c. Both religions are monotheistic
d. Both religions agree Moses was chosen to bring the 10 Commandments to the

3. These religions appeared (first founded/created) in the following order chronologically:

a. Christianity, Judaism, Islam
b. Hinduism, Islam, Christianity
c. Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism
d. Christianity, Islam, Judaism

4. If a Buddhist reaches nirvana, that means they have achieved all of the following
a. A sense of reality; the quality of this moment
b. Believe in the oneness of Allah
c. A place of perfect peace & happiness
d. The highest state attainable in enlightenment

5. In Israel today, a person would most likely be ______ and ______.

a. Jewish
b. Muslim
c. Hindu
d. Both a and b
e. Both a and c
Matching: Sacred Texts (1 point each)

A. Torah
B. Old Testament
C. Vedas
D. Quran
E. Hadith

1. _____ The sayings or actions from the Prophet Muhammad, recorded after his lifetime
2. _____ T he first 5 books of the Jewish holy scriptures containing the books of Genesis,
Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy
3. _____ The literal word of God, according to Islam
4. _____ The first portion of the Christian Bible ranging from the book of Genesis to the
book of Malachi.
5. _____ Sacred verses and hymns, created around 1500 BCE in the Indus Valley

6. Identify the 5 Pillars of Islam, and explain what each of them are: (5 points)




Short Response (10 points)
Directions: Using the space provided, create a detailed response to the prompt below. To
receive full credit, you must:

Explain what caused the split, and when it occurred

Current events of what is happening in the Middle East because of the split

Prompt: Discuss the Sunni/Shia (Shiite) split in Islam, and how it affects the world today.

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