Mel Diverson Schem-EIA-Ch-10 Conclusion & Recommend PDF

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Melamchi Diversion Scheme Environmental lmpactAssessment


PHYSICAL The proposed Melamchi Diversion Scheme is likely to have diverse environmental
impacts on physical environment and landuse .in various localities (Melamchi
valley, Sindhu Khola basin, and the Sundarijal area) of the project area. However,
these adverse environmental impacts are not significantly high. In several cases
adverse impacts can be reduced to an acceptable level. It seems that the project is
acceptable from viewpoint of likely changes in physical environment and landuse.
The magnitude of impact is expected'to be high negative in the DIZ during the
short-term construction phase and medium negative during the operational phase.
The overall impact assessment has termed this magnitude as high negative to the
I'irst and medium negative to the later (refer to Table El0-1 in the Executive

Various watersheds management in sub-regional context has to be given priority to

help sustain physical environment and landscape. Before the feeder and access
roads are finished, environmental and landscape considerations should be taken in
design. Mitigation measures should be strictly enforced. Some of spoil materials
can be used for construction, thus cutting down the volume of construction
materials (i.e. sand and stone) that has to be quarried from the riverbed.

The following additional activities nebd to be undertaken for managing physical

environment and land use in the project area.

Further survey is necessary in the context of access roads along the line of final
alignment of the roads in order to collect data I information on slope stability
and land use in a precise waY.
Watershed management approach is a necessity particularly in the sub-basins of
the tributaries upstream from the point below the Timbu confluence. An action
plan needs to be developed in managing these sub-basins. Further survey is to
be made with a view to identifying delicato areas/hot spots in the project area.
Present slope conditions in the present area are trot necessarily permanent
features. Further investigation into slope instability of the Direct Impact Zone is
necessary prior to finalization of the Mitigation Management Plan.
Provisions need to be spelt out with regard to restoration of construction areas
and camps to incorporate relevant measures in the Tender Documents.
The identified measures for slope stabilization need to be incorporated in the
Civil Tender Documents.
Relocation provisions of canal heads in the Melamchi valley need to be spelt
out in the Tender Documents.
r Mitigation Management Plan with regard to measures to be undertaken in the
case of construction and upgrading of the Melamchi - Timbu feeder road should
be passed over to the concerned authority, and support to be provided by the
Project to this effect needs to be spelt out"

Melamchi Diversion Scheme Environmental lmpactAssessment

If the sensitivity of natural landscape is well respected and the project activities are
well considered with mitigation measures and mitigation plans, the project on the
whole is feasible from physical environment/landscape point of view.

IERRESIR/AL The proposed MDS has made considerable adjustments to avoid sensitive
ECOLOGY biodiversity areas i.e. SWWR and LNP in accordance with interactive meetings
with EIA team as such the Nagmati adit in SWWR is avoided and similarly the
SWWR ring road is not going to be used fpr access to Sindhu adit. Similarly
impacts on the sensitive area in the intake site will now be reduced due to shifting
of adit activities further down in the Ribal Khola however the Melamchi Valley and
the buffer zone of LNP will not be free from impacts both direct and indirect. If
strict restriction are followed and mitigation plan implemented the project should
not be unacceptable on ground of terrestrial ecology and biodiversity. The overall
impact assessment for terrestrial ecology has been determined to be medium
negative during the construction phase and minimal during the operational phase
(Refer to Table E10-l in the Executive Summary).

o Final engineering designs and construction strategy have not yet been firmly
determined. Therefore, precise information needs to be collected for prescribing
impact monitoring and mitigation of adverse impacts.
. Road construction activities especially between Taramarang and Timbu are
irregular and haphazard. It has caused damage to regenerating forest and barriers
for wildlife to visit the river. Special mitigation measures are to be prescribed for
this road in order to avoid major disturbance in the ecosystem of the valley. This
sector of road should also be considered as a major factor in the project design
and environmental management of the basis.
o The buffer zone of the LNP lying in Sindhupalchowk district and also in the
adjoining VDC of Nuwakot district need a special mitigation plan to safeguard
continued survival of valuable species of flora, fauna an their habitats. An
outline for the mitigation plan for buffer zone is presented elsewhere (see
Mitigation plan for Buffer Zone Chapter 8.4, page 8-22)
. A plan of action for restoration of temporarily acquired areas and disturbed
natural vegetation needs to be developed to ensure ecological sustainability of
the project area.

AQUATTC (FISH) Fisheries and Aquatic life study of the Melamchi Diversion Scheme was
undertaken as part of an Environmental Impact Assessment study. Fish survey of
Melamchi River determined the presence of 45 species of fish (Table 4-3). Danio
aequipinatus and Bariliuss shaua are the two additional species recorded. Sixteen
species of fish were recorded in Melamchi River during May. A total of 726 fish of
14 different species were collected, Snow trout contributed about 65% of the total
catch. The composition of Psilorhynchus pseudecheneis and Neolissocheilus
hexagonolepis throughout Melamchi River are 5.93Yo and7.44o/o respectively.

Melamchi Diversion Scheme Environmental I Assessment

Out of 45 species recorded from the project area 7 species are vulnerable, 2
occasional and 6 species are categorized as rare (Table 4-10). All the fishes
collected/ reported from the Melamchi river are edible and have considerable food
value. Three natural obstructions/ barriers were noted along the Melamchi river
Approximately l9l fisherman are report from project area. The survey indicates
that 4 %o fishermen are full time 92oh is part time and 4o/o are occasional. l5o/o
household Survey the average annual catches per household is 100 kg (Table 4-26).

Habitat destruction, loss of spawning ground. possible increase in water pollution

due to spoil disposal and other direct and indirect construction activities and
increase in fishing pressure are the possible impacts likely to be occur in
construction phase of the pro.iect. The operation phase impacts include de-watering
of 2.85-Km river section, reduced flow, changes in water quality etc. The impact on
local fishermen due to possible reduction in fish catch is also considered to be a
significant impact.

The mitigation measures recommended to minimize the adverse impacts are muck
disposal plan, riparian release of about 0.3-0.4 m3/s, watet quality protection
measures and "Asala Sanctuary" at Sharkathali. The other programs are open water
stocking of Katle and Sahar, establishment and operation of Asala Hatchery,
training and loan assistance to fishermen, environmental awareness and literacy
programs. Pre construction, construction and operation phase monitoring programs
are suggested. Melamchi Diversion Project, Water Supply Corporation, Fisheries
Development Division, NARC and Ministry of Population and Environment are the
possible line agencies and main agency responsible for monitoring. The study
indicates that proposed project would not cause serious impacts on fish and aquatic
life if the recommended mitigation measures were applied.

. Detail further study of fish and fisheries in the Melamchi River (upstream and
downstream of the intake site). l

e Further study of fish migration across the existing physical barriers in the
Melamchi River.
. Seasonal fish population and species diversity at different stretch of Melamchi

soc/o- Socio-economic implications of MDS project can be analyzedfrom short-term and

ECONOMIC long-term perspectives.

Short-term Ernployment: In short-term perspective, there will be some negative and positive
impacts due to the project. Employment generation will be the major positive
impacts to the Melamchi valley residents. The project needs different types of
skilled and unskilled manpower and the local people could fulfill some of these
needs" Poor, disadvantaged groups and women in general will be benefited
because of the job opportunities available locally. In addition, the manpower
working in the project needs many agricultural products including the dairy
Scheme Envrylrnentall Assessment
Melamchi Diversion

products that could be fulfilled locally. These economic activities

wiil enhance the
iocal economy and improve the quality of life of people'
Long-term Better Access: The access roads, particularly the Melamchi access road
iacilitate the mobility of local people, goods and services and transportation'
Because of the transportation faciiities, local agricultural
products could easily
reach to the various martet places within the district and
up to Kathmandu as well'
Better access roads to the inierior part of the district and close
to the National Park
will also increase the tourists' flow'
quality of
Electrification: Eiectrification in the Melamchi valley will enhance the
life of local people in many'vrcnys. Women in particular will be largely benefited'
ifr"y tru.r. to work late in the night and early in the morning. Availability
.i."rri.i y will be the further impetus for students to study seriously home'
Recreational facilities such as the use of radio and television
will increase and
frop.n ffy the local will become more aware of news and views
of the outside

Health and Education: As there is health and education component in

the SUP
part of the MDS project, it is likely that health and education facilities
will improve
in the Melamchi uuil"y fulfilling the human fesource development component
the project as a whole'

project on the
Negative lmpact On the other hand there will be some negative impact of the MDS
there will be
social and belief system of people. Because of the access roads,
continuous flow of outsideri in the Melamchi valley who couid disrupt

harmony of local people, conflicts and . violence could increase including

Similarly, social evils
frortit rtion and use of ihitd lubor for the construction work.
iike girf trafficking could increase because of new migrants the area. However,
enfoicing proper mitigation measures, these negative impacts could be minimized.
Similarly, the problem of solid waste management due to influx of workers and
price rise of fiod and other items could increase. But the MDS project site as a
whole is not a food deficit area and problem of price rise in food items may not
take place.

The Future in the future, better access of roads linking with Kathmandu, electrification in
Melamchi valley, transformation of subsistence economy into cash crops and
horticulture to fulfill the earnings of the locals, will lead towards the better
economy and change in the social system significantly. Local -employment
opportunities and ofi-fu.- activities will be on rise that will have definite
impact on the life of the local people.

In brief, the displacement of couple of households by the MDS project must be
the study
considered as a significant impact for the families affected. But for rest of
area, the rate of d'isplacemeni should not have significant impact on community's

Melamchi Diversion Scheme Environmental Assessment

character, cohesion and structure since the percentage of households displaced by

VDC in the Melamchi valley is low. The overall impact by the project without
mitigation measures from the socio-economic points has assessed to be medium
negative for both construction and operational phase (See Table E10-1 in
Exicutive Summary). However, with proper mitigation measures the project is
likely to have large long term positive impact on the socio-economic environment
of the area due to better accessibility and electrification. But, the project is still
expected to have some short term negative impacts during the construction phase'

i) At the moment, the MDS project does not include the Melamchi-Timbu access
road as part of the project. It is assumed that this particular access road is the
responsibility of the Melamchi water supply Board. As this access road is the major
component of the Melamchi Water supply Project, any trouble by the local people,
the compensation of loss of land houses of the people affected could
the whole project. This particular access road should be included as part of
the MDS project.

ii) Compensation of the loss of land, houses and other properties of the project
affected families must be based on the local market price .The term "local market
price" is vague as it differs from one individual to another. in the committee of
determining the price of iand and houses, the local people, particularly the VDC
chairrnan. ward chairman and some farmers must be included.

iii) In the MDS project, resettlement part is excluded. There are some families who
are seriously affected by the MDS project who deserve resettlement elsewhere.

OVERALL The overall impact assessment for each component of the environment has been
IMPACT done by assessinf individual impact assessment of various sub-components as
ASSESSMENT described in potential impact (Chapter 6 and summarized in tables E10-1 and E10-
2 in Executive Summary).


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