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The temperature distribution across a wall,1 m thick at a certain instant of time is given
as : T ( x ) = 900 - 300 x - 50 x where T is in degree Celsius and x in meters.

The uniform heat generation of 1000 W/m3 is present in wall of area 10 m2 having the
properties =1600 kg/m3 , k=40 w/m.K = 4kJ/Kg.K
the rate of heat transfer entering the wall (x=0)and leaving the wall (x=1m).
the rate change of internal energy of the wall.
the time rate of temperature change at x=0,0.5m.
(ANS-120kW,160kW,-30kW,-4.6875x10-4C/s.The change of temperature is independent
of position).
2. A large window glass 0.5 cm thick (k = 0.78W/m.K) is exposed to warm air at 25 0 C,
over its inner surface, with convection coefficient of 15 W/m2 .K. The outside air is at
-150C with convection coefficient of 50 W/m2.K. Determine the heat transfer rate and
temperature at the inner and outer surface of the glass. (ANS- 429.78W/m 2,-3.650C,-
3. The composite wall of an oven consists of three materials, two of them are of known
thermal conductivity, KA = 20 W/m K and kC = 50W/m.K and known thickness LA= 0.3m
and LC = 0.15m.The third material B, which is sandwiched between material A and C is
of known thickness , LB=0.15m,but of unknown thermal conductivity kB.
Under steady state operating conditions, the measurement reveals an outer surface
temperature of materials C is 200C and inner surface of A is 6000C and oven air
temperature is 8000C.The inside convection coefficient is 25 W/m2.K. What is the value
of kB? (ANS-1.53W/m.K)
4. Find steady flow heat flux through a composite slab made of two materials A and B.
Thermal conductivity of two materials vary linearly with temperature as:
kA = 0.4(1+0.008 T), kB = 0.5 (1+0.001 T)
where T is temperature in deg. Celsius. The thickness: LA = 10cm, LB = 5 cm.
The inner side temperature of slab A is 6000C and outside temperature of slab B is 300C.
5. Two large aluminum plates (k=240W/m.K),each 1 cm thick with 10 m surface
roughness are placed in contact under pressure of 1 bar in air (k=0.026W/m.K).The
temperature at inside and outside surfaces are 400 0C and 1500C.Calculate(a) the heat flux,
and (b) temperature drop due to contact resistance.(ANS- 2.79x104W/m2 ,7.670 C)
6. A steel tube (k = 45W/m.K) of outside diameter 7.6 cm, and thickness 1.3 cm, is
covered with an insulating material (k= 0.2 W/m.K) of thickness 2 cm. A hot gas at
3300C, with convection coefficient of 200 W/m2.K, is flowing inside the tube. The outer
surface of the insulation is exposed to ambient air 30 0C, with convection coefficient of 50
Calculate: (1) Heat loss to air from the 5 m long tube, (2) The temperature drop due to
thermal resistances of the hot gases, steel tube, the instrument layer and the outside air.
(ANS-3531.8 W. 38.770C.)
7. A steam pipe is covered with two layers of insulation, first layer being 3 cm. thick and
second 5 cm. The pipe is made of steel (k = 58 W/mK) having ID of 160mm and OD of
170 mm. The inside and outside film coefficients are 30 and 5.8 W/m 2K, respectively.
Calculate the heat lost per meter of pipe, if the steam temperature is 300 0 C and air
temperature is 500 C. The thermal conductivity of insulating materials are 0.17 and 0.93
W/m.K, respectively.(ANS- 220.5 W/m)
8. A pipe, 200 mm outer diameter is carrying steam at 3000C. In order to reduce the heat
loss, it is insulated with a material, whose thermal conductivity varies with temperature
(0c) as k = 0.06(1+0.002T) W/m 0C. If the insulation thickness is 55 mm and temperature
of outside is 300C, calculate: (1) the heat flow rate per meter length of pipe, and (2)
temperature at the mid thickness. (ANS 309.67W/m,163.650C)
9. An electrical wire, 2 mm in diameter is covered with a 2.5mm thick layer of plastic
insulation (k=0.5W/m.K) to reduce the heat loss. Heat is dissipated from the outer surface
of insulation to surrounding air at 25 0C by convection with heat transfer coefficient of 10
W/m2.K.The wire is maintained at constant temperature of 120 0C.Estimate the rate of
heat dissipation from the wire per unit length with and without insulation. Calculate the
thickness of insulation when the heat dissipation rate is maximum. What is maximum
value of heat dissipation? (ANS-2.98W/m,19.2W/m,49min,60.75W/m)
10. A hollow spherical form is used to determine thermal conductivity of an insulating
material. The inner diameter is 50 mm and outer diameter is 100mm.A 40W heater is
placed inside and under steady state conditions, the temperature at 32 and 40 mm raddi
were found to be 1000&700C,respectively.Determine the thermal conductivity of the
material. Also calculate the outside temperature of sphere. If surrounding air is at 30 0C,
calculate convection heat transfer coefficient over the surface.(ANS 0.663W/m.K ,
11. A plane wall (k=45W/m.K)10cm thick ,generated at a uniform rate of uniform rate of
8x106W/m3.The two sides of the wall are maintained at 180 0C and 1200C.Neglect end
effect ; calculate (1)temperature distribution across the plate, (2) position and magnitude
of maximum temperature (3)the heat flow rate from each surface of the plate.(ANS
-88888.89X2+9488.89X+180 It is the required expression)(433.23 0C)(427kW/m2towards
left out)(372999.96W/m2from right face)
12. The steady state temperature distribution in 0.3m thick plane wall is given by
T(x)=600+2500x-12000x2 where T is in 0C and x in meters measured from left surface of
the wall. One dimensional steady state conduction occurs in the wall along x direction.
The thermal conductivity of the wall material is 23.5W/m.K. (a) What are the surface
temperatures and average temperature of the wall? (b) Calculate the maximum
temperature in the wall and its location. (c) Calculate the heat fluxes at its surfaces. (d)
Do you think that there is any heat generation in the wall? If so, what is the average
volumetric rate of heat generation?(ANS 6000C,2700C,6150C,0.104m(from left),730.20C,-
58,750W/m2(towards left out),169200W/m2)
13. A large 3 cm thick steel plate (k = 15.1W/m.K) is generating heat uniformly at the
rate of 5x106W/m3.Its both sides are exposed to convection to an ambient at 30 0C with a
heat transfer coefficient of 600 W/m2.K. Explain where in the plate the highest and lowest
temperature occur, and calculate their values.(ANS 192.250C,1550C)
14. A solid cylinder,100 mm in diameter generating heat at a uniform rate of
7x106W/m3.The thermal conductivity of solid is 190W/m.K and its surface temperature is
maintained at 1000C.Calculate (1)Temperature at the centre of cylinder. (2) Temperature
at the distance 25 mm from the centre. (3) Temperature gradient at 25 mm radius. (4)
Heat flux at the surface.(ANS 1230C,117.270C,-460.50C/m,175kW/m2)

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