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Histology Quiz _ Urinary System & Female Reproductive


1) Which structures are not included in nephron?

a) The renal corpuscle
b) The thin and thick limbs of Henle's loop
c) Afferent and Efferent arteriols
d) The distal and proximal convoluted tubules
e) Collecting tubules and ducts

ANS: c
2) What type of endothelium and basal lamina is included in glomerular capillary?
a) Non-fenestrated endothelium and continuous basal lamina
b) Fenestrated endothelium and continuous basal lamina
c) Fenestrated endothelium and fenestrated basal lamina
d) Non-fenestrated endothelium and fenestrated basal lamina
e) May be of mixed type

ANS: b

3) The additional cells of glomerular capillaries, mesangial cells have the receptors for:
a) Angiotensin I and Angiotensin II
b) Angiotensinogen and Angiotensin I
c) Angiotensin II and Atrial natriuretic factor
d) Atrial atriuretic factor and Renin
e) None of above mentioned

ANS: c

4) Where does the absorbtion take place?

a) Bowmans capsule and Renal tubules
b) Renal tubules
c) Bowmans capsule
d) Only in proximal and distal convoluted tubules
e) None of above mentioned

ANS: b

5) Where is glucose absorbed totally?

a) Proximal convoluted tubule
b) Distal convoluted tubule
c) Loop of Henle
d) Collecting ducts
e) Thin limb of loop of Henle

ANS: a

6) Microvilli and the Brush Border is present in the epithelium of:

a) Collecting ducts
b) Loop of Henle
c) Distal convoluted tubule
d) Proximal convoluted tubule
e) None of above mentioned

ANS: d

7) What type of epithelial cells is lining the thin limb of Henles loop?
a) Stratified squamous epithelium
b) Stratified cuboidal epithelium
c) Simple squamous epithelium
d) Simple cuboidal epithelium
e) Simple columnar epithelium

ANS: c

8) Which part of the nephron does Macula Densa belong?

a) Renal corpuscle
b) Proximal convoluted tubule
c) Distal convoluted tubule
d) Ascending limb of Henles Loop
e) Collecting ducts

ANS: c

9) Which part of nephron is responsive to antidiuretic hormone?

a) Renal corpuscle
b) Proximal convoluted tubule
c) Descending limb of Henles loop
d) Collecting ducts
e) Distal convoluted tubule

ANS: d

10) Where are the Juxtaglomerular Cells located?

a) Proximal convoluted tubules
b) Tunica media of the afferent arteriole
c) Distal convoluted tubules
d) Tunica media of the efferent arteriole
e) Collecting ducts

ANS: b

11) Where is renin synthesized?

a) Macula Densa
b) Juxtaglomerular cells
c) Mesangial cells
d) Podocytes
e) None of above mentioned

ANS: b

12) Afferent arteriole is a direct branch of :

a) Lobar artery
b) Interlobar artery
c) Interlobular artery
d) Arcuate artery
e) Segmental artery

ANS: c

13) All is true regarding Transitional Epithelium, except:

a) In the distended state is five or six cells in thickness
b) Superficial cells are frequently polyploid or binucleate
c) Superficial cells become squamous when distended
d) Superficial cells have a special membrane
e) None of above mentioned

ANS: a

14) Which cells in the urinary tract may be polyploid or binucleated?

a) Mesangial cells
b) Juxtaglomerular cells
c) Superficial cells of transitional epithelium
d) Podocytes
e) None of the above mentioned

ANS: c
15) What is the name of follicles with accumulating liquid between the follicular cells to
form a cavity?
a) Antral follicles
b) Mature follicle
c) Primary follicles
d) Multilaminar primary follicle
e) Primordial follicles

ANS: a

16) Which cells are producing estrogen in ovaries?

a) Theca interna cells
b) Granulosa cells
c) Theca externa cells
d) Fibroblasts
e) None of these cells

ANS: b

17) At what periods is atresia accentuated?

a) Just after birth
b) Childhood
c) Puberty and Pregnancy
d) Correct is a and c
e) All is correct

ANS: d

18) Where is human chorionic gonadotropin synthesized?

a) Granulosa cells
b) Trophoblastic cells of the implanting embryo
c) Corpus luteum
d) Corpus luteum of pregnancy.
e) Corpus albicans

ANS: b

19) When is the second meiotic division finished?

a) During Implantation
b) During Gastrulation
c) During Ovulation
d) During Fertilization
e) All is wrong

ANS: d

20) The peak secretion of which hormone results in an ovulation?

a) Estrogenes
b) Progesterone
c) Luteinizing hormone
d) Follicle-stimulating hormone
e) None of above mentioned

ANS: c

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