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UNIT NO.7 TPS: New Parli TPS Unit Capacity : 250 MW
Station Code: PTPS/NeV
1*HO Code: Time - 19:03 Hrs Date: 25.08.20t7
u-61F,( 20t7-t8107

2. Operating conditions at the time of Event :

Load (MW) Coal Cycle.s in seruice: Oil Support:
182 MW CD&EF Nit

3. Nature of Event: Forced

4. Name of Protection Operated (First Up) and other main protections Operated:
(1) loss of all fuel 2) Boiler tripped 3) Turbine Tripped 4) MFT operated
5.Observations.: TA Set was sharing a load of 182 MW with Coal Mill CD & EF . The stafting device MCB was
tripping frequently on over current. After checking it is found that starting device gear found jam, after
greasing by TM , Starting device found closing from 100 o/o to 52 o/o and all running coal mill tripped and boiler
tripped on loss of all fuel at 19:03 hrs on date 25l0Bl2AL7.
6. Remedial Action / Work Done : The stafting device card latched bit was resetted and trial taken, found
OK. but as a precautionary action, the DO card replaced with new one.

7. Root Cause Analysis: After greasing by TM, Stading device found closing from 100o/o to 52 o/o due to
malfunction in starting device card, as card gets latched due to forword reverse action.This caused MS flow
decrease to 30o/o, (225TlHrr.) this resulted in "loss of ignition" to all running coal mills, so allcoal milltripped
and boiler tripped on "loss of all fuel".

8. Preventive action suggested (Short Tcrm) : Greasng schdule for starting device will be followed and
command will be checked / ensured before putting stafting device in service.

9. Preventive action suggested (Long Term) : Nil

10. Similar event occurred last time : Nil

10A. Implementation Status of Long Term/Short Term measures stated at Sr No 10:- Nil

11. Boiler lighted up Time: 19[0 Hrs Date : 25.08.2017

12. T-A Set Synchronized fime : 22:13 Hrs Date : 25.08.2017

13. Remarls :

Chief Enqineer
14. Recommendations of Works Section:
1. Procurement/ Reptacement Ptan:
2. OperaUonal Error:
3. Delay in Maintenance:
4. Delay in bringing back the Unit:

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