Project: Four Chambers Café AC502/ Group 5

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Four Chambers Caf AC502/ Group 5


Four Chambers Caf AC502/ Group 5

Background of the Study

The common struggle experienced by students who live within the

university belt is the lack of a safe, comfortable, affordable, and study- conducive

place to stay at for their late- and all-night study. There are a lot of cafs and

restaurants where you can stay and study for long hours but they are almost

always packed and noisy, and the food selections are unhealthy and expensive.

In todays generation, customers demand for a place suitable to their

preference in study. One of the keys to productivity is finding a good location. It's

difficult to study in a room full of distractions. However, the ideal location for

someone may not be the ideal location for others. Some may not like studying

somewhere private or even very quiet but there are those who deal better in a

place with background noise. Four Chambers is a caf that will satisfy the need

of a place where the customers can work, study, and lounge in whatever

atmosphere they want. They can eat comfortably and efficiently without having to

go too far or spend too much. The caf will provide its patrons with a place where

they can study comfortably and efficiently along with healthy food options which

can be crafted to their liking at affordable prices.

Four Chambers Caf AC502/ Group 5

Business Name

Figure 1
Company Logo

The proponents have come up with the company name Four Chambers".

The word chamber denotes a room or a small space inside something. The

company name suggests four different rooms with unique themes and

atmospheres a cafe can provide to its customers.

A company logo is a graphic representation or symbol that represents the

company. Essentially, it is typically the first thing a customer may notice and at

the same time helps in the creation of a brand identity for the business.

As seen in the company logo, there are four quadrants that depict four

suitable themes or moods offered to the customers: A leaf, on the upper left

quadrant, represents the nature chamber while the books located on the upper

right quadrant symbolizes the silent chamber. On the other hand, a piano

situated on the lower left chamber and a headset on the lower right chamber

Four Chambers Caf AC502/ Group 5

shows the classic and chill chamber, respectively. Moreover, green is the evident

color used to emphasize the number 4 as this elicits calmness, relaxation and a

key to a conducive learning environment.

Brief description of the Product

Many students face difficulty of concentrating and being productive.

Sometimes, they find a need to change the environment to help them focus and

get things done. Four Chambers is the answer to all the predicament of the

students when it comes to being productive in studying in public places. It is a

caf in the heart of university belt of Manila that is more conducive in studying,

and pulling off all-nighters, tailor-made for students here in university belt.

Four Chambers Caf offers hefty servings of great-tasting sandwiches

that can satisfy ones taste buds; sandwiches that are perfect for a quick

refueling to power everyone through the rest of their day with its own surprising

serving size. Our healthy sandwiches are made to order right in front of the

customer, using freshly baked breads, selectable sauces and a variety of

delicious toppings.

Moreover, different themes to choose from are especially designed to

cater the customers' preference in terms of ambiance and style that they usually

seek when going in a cafe. The Classic Chamber presents you with the best of

Classical Music to make listeners receptive to new information. Starting the

process from relaxing melodies to pace-quickeners for those last-minute

cramming sessions, classical music helps students get the most out of their

Four Chambers Caf AC502/ Group 5

limited time. The Nature Chamber offers you nature sounds that can drown out

distractions from the outside environment. This chamber is perfect for those who

wanted to boost their productivity or to enhance their relaxation. The Chill

Chamber presents you with all-time favorite Pop and RnB music for those who

wanted a calming stress-free study session that can keep you entertained with its

catchy beat. And the Silent Chamber is perfect for customers who wanted to be

productive in reading comprehension and memorization as this is like a mini-

library which maintains the silence of the place.

Moreover, the caf surely knows what your heart wants not only because

of the place that suits your needs but also because it offers hefty servings of

healthy and delectable foods and drinks that are good for the body. Four

Chambers will be your next favorite spot when you need an escape from the

intense environment.

Form of Business Organization

Four Chambers Caf will be a sole-proprietorship business which offers

students a place where they can eat good food while studying at an environment

that suits their preferences. As the name implies, this organization structure is

fully controlled and owned by a sole proprietor.

Four Chambers Caf AC502/ Group 5

Business Location

Figure 2
Store Location Map

The location of Four Chambers caf will be at Delos Reyes St.,

Sampaloc, Manila which is near various universities and colleges such as

FEU, UST, UE, PSBA, MCC, and UM, and review schools such as RESA,

CPAR, PAREx, and PRTC among many. The street is well-lit, has three

barangay halls surrounding it, this would make the customers feel safer

going to or leaving the caf anytime.

Four Chambers Caf AC502/ Group 5

Figure 3
Faade of the Location

Four Chambers Caf AC502/ Group 5

Statement of the Problem

I. Marketing Aspect

1. Who are the prospective customers?

2. Who are the existing competitors in the industry?

3. What is the competitive advantage of the business in the market?

4. What are the most effective marketing strategies that will be

implemented in order to penetrate the market?

II. Management Aspect

1. What is the management structure of the business?

2. What are the legal requirements that must be complied in establishing

the business?

3. How many workers are needed in the operation of the business?

4. What are the procedures that will be used in recruiting employees?

5. What are the conduct and work rules that will be observed by

employees within the establishment of the business?

6. What are the policies in terms of compensation and benefits that will

be implemented by the company?

III. Technical Aspect

1. How much will it cost to produce a product?

2. What are the procedures to manufacture a product?

3. What are the ingredients and food supplies needed in preparing the


Four Chambers Caf AC502/ Group 5

4. How much is the maximum capacity of customers that the business

can accommodate?

5. How many products can be produced in a day?

6. What are the equipments needed in establishing the business?

IV. Financial Aspect

1. How much capital is needed to invest in the proposed business?

2. How would the capital be allocated?

3. How many years will it take to recover the investments?

4. How can the company maximize its profit and at the same minimize its


V. Socio-economic Aspect

1. What role will the business play in the economy of the country?

2. What is the contribution of this project to the food industry?

3. What are the benefits of the products and services that the company

will offer to the customer?

4. What is the companys contribution to the government?

Investment Cost

Mr. Hanze Macasil, the owner, plans to invest a total of Two Million Five

Hundred Thousand Pesos (P2,500,000) for this business.

Mode of Financing

The business capital will be basically come from the investment of the owner. It

will be used to settle all the cost starting from building the infrastructure up to the

Four Chambers Caf AC502/ Group 5

operation of the business. Any shortage in the business will oblige the owner to

reinvest in the business


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