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Dragadigshion is a dizis(vibra) dat qeonsist of dha dipndens of sabstences dat ifekt da

centr(a)l nerv(e)s system and brein fankshions, prodiusing oltereishons in
bijeiviur,percepshion, yadshment and iimoushion. Di ifeckt aof drags ar daiverss, dipnding
on da taip aof drags and di amounts or frikwensy with which it is consium. Dey can prodius
jalusineishons, intnsifai or hinder da senses, provouk senseishons of iooforia or disper.
Sam drags can iven liid to maedniss or daeft

Personal rileiishonship: rileiishonship with family , Frends or partner alterd, frikwent
diskashion apper, comiuniqueishon is int-errapter, there is los of trast and dstaens.
.Workj: lou prodac-tividi and ditirioreishon of workj cualidi or los ok workj ar frik-wenly
Iconomy: to aloqeit moUst of the mani to bai drags genereit inde(r) t-idnis.

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