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Photography 1: Introduction to Photography

Mount Hebron High School Art Department

To be able to take Photography 1 you must have completed the pre-requisite requirement: Art 1 (with a
grade of a C or better)

“There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your

photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.”

-Ernst Haas

Course Description:

Throughout this course, students will apply the language of art in order to produce
fine art photographs. The primary experiences students will concentrate on will include
the following: the use of a 35mm Single Reflex Lens camera (SLR), film processing,
darkroom techniques and process, print manipulation and the presentation of work.
Students will use prior knowledge from Art 1: Foundations of Studio Art to compose,
expose, process, and enlarge images in the darkroom Students will also have
opportunities to work with digital imaging.

The Fundamental Experiences of this course are to:

1. Identify characteristic and appropriate use of equipment, materials, and processes

in making traditional black and white and digital photographs.
2. Analyze and compare ways master photographers find and interpret subject matter
to support an idea or theme through the use of Feldman’s steps to art criticism.
(Describe, Interpret, Analyze, and Judge)
3. Recognize conceptual approaches used by master photographers for personal and
public audiences to elicit an emotional response to cultural situations.
4. Maintain a visual image/idea bank/ idea generation in a sketchbook or photo
journal. Collect and analyze images in a specific area.
5. Research requirements and qualifications necessary for entering a career that
utilizes visual arts skills and behaviors.
6. Construct and practice the use of early photographic techniques, including pinhole
photography, cliché- verre, and photograms.
7. Demonstrate the appropriate use of a SLR 35mm camera to control accurate
8. Utilize and Demonstrate basic black and white photographic processes.
9. Demonstrate an understanding of technical properties of digital processing.
10. Apply Photoshop tools to create and manipulate photographic images
11. Employ proper health and safety precautions.
Studio Guidelines:

All students are expected to observe and adhere to all policies defined in the Student
Handbook regarding lateness and conduct. Lateness to class will not be tolerated. As this
is a studio class, attendance and promptness are critical to the success of each student.
Students are expected to abide by all darkroom and safety procedures. Students are
expected to maintain the studio and darkroom. Students are responsible to be where they
are assigned during the class period. Students who do not follow directions and
guidelines will be assigned consequences accordingly.

Portfolio, Assessment and Grading:

Each photography student will work towards compiling a successful portfolio over the
course of this year. The work in the portfolio will consist of work completed both during
class time and at HOME. Maintaining a sketchbook is essential to the success of the
student’s portfolio and success on tests, quizzes and exams. Portfolio reviews will be
scheduled between the instructor and the student periodically throughout the semester.
Grades will be based upon daily class work and preparation for class, homework, tests
and quizzes, and long-term assignments. Assignments will be evaluated based upon the
following components. Each assignment will have specific criteria explained at the
beginning of the assignment.

1. Objectives: Meeting the criteria or objectives for the specific assignment. Ex. An
assignment may include specific preparation, research and brainstorming. Please
2. Studio Skills: Proper handling of equipment, responsible use of time, respect for
others and their work, clean-up, and class participation
3. Craftsmanship/ Presentation of work: Neatness and respect for your work should
be evident in the appearance of the completed assignment.
4. Design: Thoughtfulness to the overall composition and its relationship t personal

Students can expect to have four to five major assignments during each marking period.
These assignments will have guiding themes that will be open to personal interpretation
and investigation; creativity is a must. There will be occasional quizzes and an exam to
assess student understanding and concept.

Out of class work is an integral part of this class. Homework will consist of
approximately 40% of the grade for this class. At home time will be spent preparing
brainstorming, journal research assignments, reviewing information for tests/quizzes and
exams, and for completing major assignments. Most major photography assignments will
require students to complete out of class work; students can expect to spend extra time in
the darkroom for superior prints and artwork, commitment is a must. It is in the student’s
best interest to use their regular class time wisely to complete assignments. It is the
student’s responsibility to manage class time and assignments wisely, including recording
all assignments and due dates in an agenda book.
Deadlines and Missed Work:
Assignment deadlines are set at the discretion of the instructor. It is the student’s
responsibility to obtain and make-up any missed work due to legal absences, and to
collect handouts, and notes. Please use class blog for updates. If the student is absent the
day the assignment is due the assignment is due the following day. Late work will result
in one letter grade reduction for each day late.

These materials are strongly suggested for success in this class. Class work points will be
awarded for bringing materials to class everyday be prepared both physically and

• A sketchbook is essential to meet all course requirements in the art department

• A usable #2 pencil everyday!
• 3 ring binder/notebook
• Apron or smock (This is to protect your clothing from chemicals)
• 35mm SINGLE REFELX LENS (SLR) or Rangefinder camera with a
MANUAL exposure (not digital!). Students that do not own a camera can
borrow one for the course will need to meet with instructor to discuss
• The high cost of photographic materials has made it necessary in the past to attach
a $60 studio fee for this course. As we no longer require this, all photographic
materials are provided for. The department is still paying $60 per student to
purchase film, photo paper and supplement the cost of chemistry and digital lab
maintenance. Additional personal expenses may incur due to the following:
o Accidents due to carelessness, improper use of chemicals, or students who
wish to develop their portfolio beyond the requirements of the class.

If any of the materials provided are lost, exposed, damaged, or otherwise no longer serve
their purpose then the student must pay for those materials in the future.

Parent-Student-Teacher Contract:
I have read and understand the expectations of me and agree to
the guidelines outlined in this syllabus. I also understand that failure to
uphold my end of the bargain may result in disciplinary action.

_____________________________ _____________________________
student name (please print) student signature

I have reviewed the expectations for this course with the student in my

_____________________________ _____________________________
parent name (please print) parent signature

_____________________________ _____________________________
phone number (home) email address

phone number (work or cell)


Some of the work we will be undertaking this year will be used

for building a school-based visual arts website. For this
purpose, I, the teacher will photograph some of your artwork,
students working in class, and take some quotes from
reflective statements.
As most of you are under 18 years of age, please ask your
parents / guardian to sign below giving permission for your
artwork to be reproduced for/in the school based website and
art education publication. (I can publish and post only student
work for which parental permission has been granted.)
Permission is not required, and this website will in no way
affect the assessment and grading of student work throughout
the year.

I grant permission for the Mount Hebron Fine Arts Department to

document my child, their artwork, and reflective statements for
publication in school-based websites and art education journals.

_____________________________ _____________________________
Student Parent

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