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William Sampson

History 1110


Mein Kampf

Mein Kampf is a book written by Adolf Hitler while he was imprisoned in Landsberg

Castle after he participated in an attempt to overthrow the current German government. The book

was written in 1925 after one of his friends suggested he write about his struggles. The book was

written as an autobiography by Adolf Hitler. Hitler was a gifted orator and a very opinionated

person as shown in his book. In the book, he blames the Jews for most of the worlds problems

and for the Germans defeat in the First World War, while also establishing the German people as

the superior human race, also known as the Aryan race. Hitler wrote this book as a message to

the German people hoping to sway them to believe what he believed.

Mein Kampf was a book written in a particularly racist part of history, Black people were

still being discriminated against in the United States, and anti-Semitism was a very big problem

in Europe and around the world. It is believed that this book helped Hitlers rise to power.

Germany was still a very hardcore nationalist country. The German people believed they were

far better than the other countries in Europe, and they just needed an extremist leader that

believed that too, and that leader was Adolf Hitler. Hitler took advantage of a German country

that was still reeling from the First World War. The book was more of a blue print of things to

come from a Hitler run Germany. The world would never be the same after World War II, a war

Hitler would single handedly start. If people had paid attention to and done something about

Hitler and Mein Kampf, the World might be much different now.
Words and books have more power than we think. It is up to us and future

generations not to wonder into the same pitfall those of the early 20th century did. If we see or

read something that is concerning or is even reminiscent of Mein Kampf, we must reject it

immediately and not let those around us fall into it. We must be careful of how we move forward

and remember Adolf Hitler and Mein Kampf, it is an important part of History.

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