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Maximum of additional 5% on final grade.

Deadline: August 24, 2017

Short Bond Paper, Times New Roman, Font Size 12pt, 200-300 words

Include movie ticket upon submission (can be negotiated)

Write a short critique on one of the films from the Pista ng Pelikulang Pilipino. Be sure to include the
following aspects in your critique:

1. A summary of the film, including the title and director. This is the introduction to your review
and gives the reader general information on what film we are going to read about and what
might be involved. (2- 3 sentences).
2. What is the universal theme or themes of the film? A few examples of universal themes are:
a) Redemption
b) Betrayal
c) Greed
d) Vengeance
e) Lost identity
f) Loss of innocence
g) The fall from grace
h) Fate
3. An aspect (or many aspects) of the film that could be improved in some way. What is something
that you have a further question about or that the company could have done differently in order
to create a stronger film?
4. An aspect of the film that was strong. What was one aspect (or many) that the company did
5. Are there other films or clips that you can compare this too in some way? Does it remind you of
any other films that you have seen? Do you have any other final thoughts on your review?

In writing your review, it is very important that you mention and discuss at least 3 of the elements of
film. You might reference:

a) camera angles
b) flow
c) colour
d) lighting
e) editing techniques
f) acting
g) artwork
h) music
i) sound editing
j) story
k) dialogue
l) costumes/props

30% Completeness All questions were answered.

40% Depth of Discussion Points are well made and backed up with sound reasoning. Discussion draws
from both the technical aspect of the film as well as its parallelism to real-life events.

20% Technical Writing Paragraphs are well constructed. Good grammar and spelling was observed.

10% - Format - Document submitted follows format required.

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