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Date/Time Activities Rationale

June 19, 2008

8:00 – 10:00 am >orientation about the head nursing Orientation is the process of
program (philosophy, description, acquainting a new worker with the
objectives, plan of activities, existing work program or the
requirements, and evaluation environment. The purpose of
criteria) with Mrs. Velez orientation is to make the new
worker feel wanted and needed by
co-workers, superiors, and to
convince him that his presence is
required for the realization of the
organizational work.
>reporting about the basic concepts (Gillies, Dee Hinn, 1989: 200)
of leadership and management
As nursing students become involved
in clinical assignments with clients, it
is important that they prepare
themselves for leadership roles.
(Potter Perry. Fundamentals of
10:00 – 10:15 am >break Nursing, 6th Edition, Volume 1; p.

The body needs fuel to provide

energy for cellular metabolism and
repair, organ function, growth, and
body movement. Nutrients are the
elements necessary for body
10:15 – 12:00 nn >continuation with the discussion on processes and function.
leadership and management (Potter Perry. Fundamentals of
Nursing, 6th Edition, Volume 2; p.

Contemporary nursing requires that

the nurse possess knowledge and
12:00 – 1:00 pm >lunch break skills for a variety of professional
roles and responsibilities.
(Potter Perry. Fundamentals of
Nursing, 6th Edition, Volume 1; p. 19)

The body needs fuel to provide

energy for cellular metabolism and
repair, organ function, growth, and
1:00 – 3:00 pm >continuation with the reporting on body movement. Nutrients are the
the assigned topics elements necessary for body
processes and function.
(Potter Perry. Fundamentals of
6th Edition, Volume 2; p. 1273)
>assignment of clinical areas
Contemporary nursing requires that
the nurse possess knowledge and
skills for a variety of professional
roles and responsibilities.
(Potter Perry. Fundamentals of
Nursing, 6th Edition, Volume 1; p. 19)

Date/Time Activities Rationale

June 20, 2008

8:00 – 9:30 am >orientation on the different As a student nurse, it is important for

responsibilities of a head nursing you to acquire the necessary
student functioning as charge or knowledge and competencies that
medication nurse and the steps in ultimately allow you to practice as
carrying out doctor’s orders an entry-level staff nurse.
(Request, Ticket, Pink Sheet, Kardex, (Potter Perry. Fundamentals of
Notebook, and Signature) with Ms. Nursing, 6th Edition, Volume 1; p.
Languido 371)
9:30 – 9:45 am
The body needs fuel to provide
energy for cellular metabolism and
repair, organ function, growth, and
body movement. Nutrients are the
elements necessary for body
processes and function.
9:45 – 11:45 am (Potter Perry. Fundamentals of
>continued with the orientation on Nursing, 6th Edition, Volume 2; p.
admitting patients, records and 1273)
reports, surgery, Code 33, trans-out,
out on pass, discharge, and deaths Before the nurse is expected to
assume any responsibilities, she
must have sufficient information and
understanding to avoid errors that
11:45 – 12:45 pm might be harmful or cause
>lunch break inconvenience.
(Douglas, Laura Mae. The Effective
Nurse, Leader and Manager, 2nd
edition; p. 349)

The body needs fuel to provide

energy for cellular metabolism and
12:45 – 3:00 pm repair, organ function, growth, and
>reported to the area of assignment, body movement. Nutrients are the
introduced self to the head nurse elements necessary for body
and staff nurses, familiarized self processes and function.
with the area of assignment (Potter Perry. Fundamentals of
Nursing, 6th Edition, Volume 2; p.

To manage a ward efficiently, it is

>assessed the patients, obtained essential that the head nurse be
information for the unit case load, thoroughly familiar to the area
and classified them according to the where she is assigned and with all
degree of care needed the activities performed.
(Barrett, Jean. Ward Management
and Teaching, p. 196)
When a nurse begins an assignment
with a client, the first activity
involves a focused but complete
assessment of the client’s condition
that enables the nurse to make an
accurate clinical decision as to the
client’s needs and required nursing
therapies. This initial contact is also
an important first step in developing
a caring relationship with a client.
(Perry Potter. Fundamentals of
Nursing, 6th Edition, Volume 1; p.
Date/Time Activities Rationale
June 21, 2008

7:00 – 7:15 am >attended the morning Endorsement is an essential

endorsement component in the delivery of good
nursing service.
(Kozier, et al. Fundamentals of
Nursing; p. 356)
7:15 – 7:30 am
>morning rounds with the head Periodic rounds would increase
nurse of the unit patient satisfaction, and improve
patient safety.
>assisted in vital signs taking
Vital signs are a part of the database
that a nurse collects during
assessment. Establishing a database
of vital signs during a routine
physical examination serves as a
baseline for future assessments.
(Potter Perry. Fundamentals of
7:30 – 8:30 am Nursing, 6th Edition, Volume 1; p.
>oriented to the physical set-up of 619)
the area (location of bed linens,
medication cubicles, IVTT station, To manage a ward efficiently, it is
patient’s stocks and ward stocks, IV essential that the head nurse be
cabinets, emergency kit, IV insertion thoroughly familiar to the area
table, IV poles, and the different where she is assigned and with all
sheets and slips for the chart and in the activities performed.
filing for requests) by the head nurse (Barrett, Jean. Ward Management
in the area and Teaching, p. 196)

>oriented to the functions of a

charge and medication nurse and The nurse reviews pertinent
reviewed the steps in carrying out knowledge, considers potential areas
doctor’s orders as well as on the of concern, and develops plan for
color of medication tickets with their interaction.
8:30 – 9:00 am specific frequency and timing (Kozier, Erb, Blais, Wilkinson.
Fundamentals of Nursing; concepts,
progress and practice; p. 354)
>functioned as a medication nurse
9:00 – 9:15 am together with the head nurse and Medication administration is an
prepared all PO medications essential part of nursing practice,
which requires a sound knowledge
>administered PO medications base in order for medications to be
administered safely.
(Potter Perry. Fundamentals of
>nebulization done Nursing, 6th Edition, Volume 2;

The nurse is responsible for being

9:15 – 11:45 am knowledgeable about the
medications. He/ She must know
appropriate dosages and dosage
>interacted with patients and SO to schedules.
establish rapport and trusting (Cravon & Hinle. Fundamentals of
relationship Nursing; p 510)

A nurse’s responsibilities in a given

11:45 – 12:30 pm role are outlined in a position
description describing the nurse’s
duties in client care and in
participating as a member of the
>lunch break nursing unit.
(Potter Perry. Fundamentals of
Nursing, 6th Edition, Volume 1; p.
12:30 – 3:00 pm
The body needs fuel to provide
energy for cellular metabolism and
repair, organ function, growth, and
>observed the head nurse and staff body movement. Nutrients are the
nurse and assisted them in carrying elements necessary for body
3:00 pm out nursing roles in the area processes and function.
(Potter Perry. Fundamentals of
Nursing, 6th Edition, Volume 2; p.
>attended the afternoon
endorsement Routine procedures provide a plan
for delegation of duties and for
getting the work done in the most
complete way. (Barrett, Jean. Ward
Management and Teaching; p. 239)

Endorsement is an essential
component in the delivery of good
nursing service.
(Kozier, et al. Fundamentals of
Nursing; p. 356)
Date/Time Activities Rationale
June 26, 2008

3:00 – 3:10 pm >attended the afternoon Endorsement is an essential

endorsement component in the delivery of good
nursing service.
(Kozier, et al. Fundamentals of
Nursing; p. 356)
3:10 – 3:15 pm
>conducted afternoon circle with the It is desirable for student nurses to
student nurses of ward I (checked have experience working in teams
uniforms and paraphernalias, and and senior students need to serve
assigned patients) as team leaders for at least a short
(Barret, J. The Head Nurse: Her
3:15 – 3:30 pm Leadership Role, 3rd Edition; p. 267)
>afternoon rounds with the head
nurse of the unit and the student Periodic rounds would increase
nurses assigned in the area patient satisfaction, and improve
patient safety.
3:30 – 6:00 pm (
>facilitated the level III and level IV Report/2006/oct_nov/research.htm)
student nurses
Accountability means that the nurse
>reminded the student nurses on is responsible, professionally and
duty about taking vital signs, legally, for the type and quality of
plotting, and charting nurse’s notes nursing care provided. The nurse is
on time accountable for keeping current and
competent in technical skills and
informed of the knowledge needed
to perform nursing care.
6:00 – 6:45 pm (Potter Perry. Fundamentals of
Nursing, 6th Edition, Volume 1; p.
>dinner break 19)
The body needs fuel to provide
energy for cellular metabolism and
repair, organ function, growth, and
body movement. Nutrients are the
6:45 – 9:00 pm elements necessary for body
processes and function.
>provided total patient care (Potter Perry. Fundamentals of
Nursing, 6th Edition, Volume 2; p.
>continued to facilitate the student 1273)
nurses assigned in the ward in
rendering holistic care to their Just as is the case with the staff
patients nurse, the nursing student has a
9:00 – 11:00 pm responsibility for the care given to
his or her clients and must assume
accountability for that care.
>carried out doctor’s orders (Potter Perry. Fundamentals of
together with the staff nurses in the Nursing, 6th Edition, Volume 1; p.
area 376)

The nurse in her dependent role

accepts responsibility for carrying
out certain medical prescriptions for
the patient. Only when the
11:00 pm prescription for the patient is
written and bears the doctor’s
signature does the nurse have legal
to follow.
>read the endorsement (Barrett, J. The Head Nurse: Her
Leadership Role, 3rd Edition; pp.

Endorsement is an essential
component in the delivery of good
nursing service.
(Kozier, et al. Fundamentals of
Nursing; p. 356)

Date/Time Activities Rationale

June 27, 2008

7:00 – 7:15 am >attended the morning Endorsement is an essential

endorsement component in the delivery of good
nursing service.
(Kozier, et al. Fundamentals of
Nursing; p. 356)
7:15 – 7:30 am
>morning rounds with the head Periodic rounds would increase
nurse of the unit patient satisfaction, and improve
patient safety.
>assisted in vital signs taking
Vital signs are a part of the
database that a nurse collects
during assessment. Establishing a
database of vital signs during a
routine physical examination serves
as a baseline for future
7:30 – 8:30 am (Potter Perry. Fundamentals of
>functioned as a charge nurse with Nursing, 6th Edition, Volume 1; p.
the unit head nurse and carried out 619)
doctor’s orders
The nurse in her dependent role
accepts responsibility for carrying
out certain medical prescriptions for
the patient. Only when the
prescription for the patient is
written and bears the doctor’s
signature does the nurse have legal
8:30 – 9:00 am to follow.
>functioned as a medication nurse (Barrett, J. The Head Nurse: Her
together with the unit head nurse Leadership Role, 3rd Edition; pp.
and prepared all PO medications 232-233)

9:00 – 9:15 am Medication administration is an

>administered all PO medications essential part of nursing practice,
9:15 – 12:15 pm which requires a sound knowledge
>continued to carry out doctor’s base in order for medications to be
orders and function as a medication administered safely.
nurse (Potter Perry. Fundamentals of
Nursing, 6th Edition, Volume 2; p.

The nurse in her dependent role

accepts responsibility for carrying
out certain medical prescriptions for
the patient. Only when the
prescription for the patient is
written and bears the doctor’s
>communicated with the patients signature does the nurse have legal
and their significant others, to follow.
established rapport and trustful (Barrett, J. The Head Nurse: Her
relationship with them, and attended Leadership Role, 3rd Edition; pp.
to their needs 232-233)

Nursing involves communication

with clients and families, other
nurses and health care
professionals, resource persons, and
the community. Without clear
communication, it is impossible to
give care effectively, make
decisions with clients and families,
12:15 – 1:00 pm protect clients from threats to well-
being, coordinate and manage
client care, assist the client in
>lunch break rehabilitation, offer comfort, or
teach. The quality of communication
is a critical factor in meeting the
needs of individuals, families, and
1:00 – 4:00 pm (Potter Perry. Fundamentals of
Nursing, 6th Edition, Volume 1; p.
>facilitated the reporting on basic
nursing procedures, developmental The body needs fuel to provide
theories, and calculations that are energy for cellular metabolism and
commonly used in the area with the repair, organ function, growth, and
ward I and VI student nurses, and body movement. Nutrients are the
Mr. Meneses at the conference room elements necessary for body
processes and function.
>asked questions to evaluate the (Potter Perry. Fundamentals of
student nurses’ comprehension and Nursing, 6th Edition, Volume 2; p.
provided additional information / 1273)
inputs about the topics discussed
Conferences provide an important
channel for exchange of information
between researchers.

Date/Time Activities Rationale

June 28, 2008

7:00 – 7:10 am >attended the morning Endorsement is an essential

endorsement component in the delivery of good
nursing service.
(Kozier, et al. Fundamentals of
Nursing; p. 356)
7:10 – 7:15 am
>conducted morning circle with the It is desirable for student nurses to
student nurses of ward I and Ms. have experience working in teams
Abella, our clinical instructor for the and senior students need to serve
day (checked uniforms, as team leaders for at least a short
paraphernalias, and assigned period.
patients) (Barret, J. The Head Nurse: Her
7:15 – 7:30 am Leadership Role, 3rd Edition; p. 267)

>morning rounds with the unit head Periodic rounds would increase
nurse and the student nurses patient satisfaction, and improve
assigned in the area patient safety.
7:30 – 9:00 am (
>facilitated the level III and level IV
student nurses assigned in the area Accountability means that the nurse
is responsible, professionally and
>reminded student nurses on duty legally, for the type and quality of
about taking vital signs, plotting, and nursing care provided. The nurse is
charting nurse’s notes on time accountable for keeping current and
competent in technical skills and
informed of the knowledge needed
to perform nursing care.
(Potter Perry. Fundamentals of
Nursing, 6th Edition, Volume 1; p.
>carried out doctor’s orders 19)
together with the head nurse of the
area The nurse in her dependent role
accepts responsibility for carrying
out certain medical prescriptions for
the patient. Only when the
prescription for the patient is
written and bears the doctor’s
signature does the nurse have legal
to follow.
(Barrett, J. The Head Nurse: Her
Leadership Role, 3rd Edition; pp.
>functioned as a medication nurse 232-233)
together with the unit head nurse
and prepared all PO medications Medication administration is an
essential part of nursing practice,
9:00 – 10:00 am which requires a sound knowledge
base in order for medications to be
administered safely.
>facilitated the continuation of the (Potter Perry. Fundamentals of
reporting on seizure and behavioral Nursing, 6th Edition, Volume 2; p.
changes in children with the student 850)
nurses of ward I and VI, and Ms.
Abella at Extension 8 Conferences provide an important
channel for exchange of information
>asked questions to evaluate the between researchers.
students’ understanding and (
10:00 – 11:45 am provided significant inputs about the mic_
topics presented conference)

>reported back to the area and

continued facilitating the student
nurses in rendering patient care

11:45 – 12:30 pm Just as is the case with the staff

nurse, the nursing student has a
responsibility for the care given to
>lunch break his or her clients and must assume
accountability for that care.
(Potter Perry. Fundamentals of
Nursing, 6th Edition, Volume 1; p.
12:30 – 2:00 pm
The body needs fuel to provide
energy for cellular metabolism and
>continued to facilitate the student repair, organ function, growth, and
nurses in the area and reminded body movement. Nutrients are the
them about vital signs taking, and elements necessary for body
closing the patients’ charts promptly processes and function.
(Potter Perry. Fundamentals of
2:00 – 3:00 pm Nursing, 6th Edition, Volume 2; p.

>conducted an informal disease Just as is the case with the staff

conference about common pediatric nurse, the nursing student has a
disorders through a game with the responsibility for the care given to
student nurses of ward I and VI, and his or her clients and must assume
3:00 pm Ms. Abella at Extension 8 and accountability for that care.
provided additional inputs to (Potter Perry. Fundamentals of
facilitate learning Nursing, 6th Edition, Volume 1; p.
>attended the afternoon
endorsement Conferences provide an important
channel for exchange of information
between researchers.

Endorsement is an essential
component in the delivery of good
nursing service.
(Kozier, et al. Fundamentals of
Nursing; p. 356)

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