Esl Entrance Exam Final Y11

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Section A: Reading comprehension

1. Read the following text and circle the correct answer.

Ana Johnson is a 13-year old swimmer who lives in Melbourne in

Australia. Her dream is to swim for Australia in the next Olympics. She
swims in both long and short races and she has already come first in
many important competitions.
As well as spending many hours in the pool, Ana also makes time for
studying and for friends. I have lots of friends who swim and we are
very close. Its much easier to have friends who are swimmers because
they also have to get up early to practice like me and they understand
this kind of life. But Im not so different from other people my age. In
my free time I also enjoy going to the movies and parties. There are also
some good things about swimmers from other Australian cities and from
other parts of the world.
Ana is becoming well known in Australia and she believes it is
important to get more young people interested in swimming. I dont
mind talking to journalists and having my photograph taken. But last
year I was on TV and that was much more fun.
1.Ana hopes she will become an Olympic swimmer (_/2)

A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesnt say

2. Ana knows that she is better at short races that long ones. (_/2)

A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesnt say.

3. Ana has won a lot of swimming competitions. (_/2)

A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesnt say

4. It is difficult for Ana to make friends with other people who swim. (_/2)

A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesnt say

5. Ana likes doing the same things as other teenagers.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesnt say

6. Ana has met people from different countries at swimming competitions.


A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesnt say

7. Ana prefers speaking to journalists to be on television. (_/2)

A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesnt say

2. Read the text and answer the following questions:

Annas new school

Annas new school its been a very exciting week, as weve just moved into our new school
building! Its an amazing place, as the builders have used wood for the whole thing, just like
in our old school, but its also one of the first in my country designed to be really
environmentally friendly.
The school took months to build, so we saw it all happening. It was really exciting seeing
the builders clear the space where it would be, although it also meant that some lovely open
land disappeared. And the noise of the building machines was really loud, although the
builders often had to stop work because it rained so hard. We all began to think the building
would never be finished.
We have five classrooms now, which are enormous much bigger than in our previous
school next door, which was very old. We share one room with people in the town when
they want to have meetings and so on. Theres a nursery too, a lovely dining room, and
really big changing rooms which were looking forward to using as soon as our new sports
field is ready.
When you come into the school, one of the first things you notice is that there arent any
heaters in the building! Instead, the heat for the school comes from all of us inside it the
children, the teachers and the computers we use. The building is so well designed that it
holds all the heat inside and all the sound too, so if we sing inside our classrooms, we can
almost believe were inside a concert hall!
Another thing youll notice is that the school roof has a tree on top of it! It was put there by
the builders once theyd finished the roof, because they said it was the custom in Austria,
the country where the roof was made. The electricity for lights and computers comes from a
wind turbine on a hill behind the school. We went with our teacher to look at it yesterday,
and it goes round really fast. Its so big, it can be seen for miles! We took some pictures
which were planning to put on the website.
Even though were already using the school building, there are still some parts to be added
to it for example, at the moment were putting on a play for parents to come and see, but
we still have to walk back to our old school hall to do it. The replacement will be ready by
next year, though. Were so pleased with our new school, and our teachers say well all
learn much faster now were in it!
1. How did Anna feel about the new school? (_/3)
2. Why did the students think that the school would never be completed.? (_/3)
3. Describe the new school. (_/3)
4. What keeps the school warm? (_/3)
5. Give 4 problems of the school and explain. (_/3)
Section B: Grammar

3. Underline the correct answer

1.In some places it rains / there rains / it is raining almost every day.

1) Water boil / is boiling / boils at a temperature of 100C.

2) In some countries there is / is / it is very hot all the time.
3) In cold countries people wear thick clothes for keeping / to keep / for to keep
4) In England people are always talking about a weather / the weather / weather.
6) In deserts there isnt the / some / any grass.
7) Places near the Equator have a warm / the warm / warm weather even in the
cold season.
8) In England coldest / the coldest / colder time of year is usually from
December to February.
9) He has travelled a lot both / and / or as a boxer and as a world-famous
10) He is very well known all in / all over / in all the world.
11) Many people is believing / are believing / believe he was the greatest boxer
of all time.
12) To be the best from / in / of the world is not easy.
13) people would / will / did always remember him as a champion.
14) Very less / little / few people can travel abroad.

Section C: Vocabulary

4. Read the descriptions and give the word. The first letter is given to
help you.

Example: Your mothers brother is your: u n c l e

1. If you lose this you wont be able to get into your house: k _ _
2. Many people put these on in order to read: g______
3. You write important dates in this in order to remember: d____
4. You buy things with this : m____
5. This is a person a man is married to: w___
6. If your child is a girl she is your : d_______
7. You can catch a train or a bus there : s______
8. If you go camping you sleep in this: t___
9. People who like swimming often go there: b____

10.In order to take pictures you need this: c_____

11. The person who flies the aeroplane is called: p____

12. The manager of a shop is called: s_________

13. When you do the same action again and again you: r _ _ _ _ _

(_/ 13)
Section D: Writing

Chose one of the following topics and write 150-200 words: Total marks (_/30)

a) Write about your favourite person
Who that person is (details about him/her)
Things you do together
Why is your favourite person


b) Write about the best holiday experience you had.
When and where did you go ?
Who did you go with?
What did you do there? (activities / tourist attractions)
What was special about the holiday?

Remember to:
use adjectives and describe words
check your spelling
check your grammar , punctuation and

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