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Eee. ‘os San Meda College of Law, MEMORY A:D isi LEGAL ETHICS AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES | 65 LG de lant rs ees) IN ANSWERING THE EXAM QUESTION! 1, Use neutra! Identifiers like letters "X", “Y" "A", oF fictitious names like “Juan dela cruz’ for persons and the corntry’s capitel *Manlia* for the placa if required by the facts. NEVER use your name as name of a party or notary publi, 2. S.A rule of thumb, a mating ls any aymbol, ‘mark or writing that is uncalled for which has no place In the notebook or answer, or which appears ‘o have been placed by the Bar candidate to Identity his notebook. IN PREPARING THE FORMS IN PRACTICE: A. The Document Size General Ruto: 8.5" x 13° Exceptions: 4. Negotiable instruments 2 Contracts; and 3. Special Power of Attorney Margin: Top atid Loft hand sie: Not les than one and a haif (1 %) inches Right hand: Reasonable margin B. The Notarial Seal: It is impressed at the end Of the document where tha document, page, book numbers and series of the notarial register are indicated, If the document consists of more than one page, it must be impressed on every page thereof. ©, The Form (Non: Litigation Forma) + The declarations can be enumerated by using. (1) WHEREAS before each declaration or (2) by numbering each declaration, ‘+ Inusing the WHEREAS clauses, the form must be ended with a THEREFOHE clause, EXECUTIVE CoMmATTTEE: ERBENRT CAIN ABLGAN overall hale for opeatons, WAN CARLOS NUESTRO vie chat each frees, PEENE XNA ACOSTA ie cha ford ACE LO CONC POC LEGAL ETHICS AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES: MA. MANARANI UWAYA SOPUA subject hat, EOPONVLLE NOCTA WANA GITAU ati DCIMATUGA Ing ethics, MELANIE GAGA eal forms ensaens: + They siat with the sfeareeise KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, and end in IN WITNESS WHEREOF, + Ifa document needs to be acknowedged, the signature of two witnesses in needed. & Tia Legal Beate and char academies operations, MiNO10 ARIAS Rule 7, ROC Parts of a Pleading: 2, Rule 6 Sector 10 ROG Mannar of Making Allegations in Pleadings; and 8. Rule 8, Sections t and 14, ROC Effect of Failure to Plead ce mt ceca . Th usual commencement of a contract should © ‘This agreement" or “An agreement” or “Anticie of Agreement’, + Although it le better fo state the particular kind of contrect or agreement to be drafted as ‘This morgage", “This Contract of Sale", “This Contract of Lease" Personal Circumstance 4, The FULL names of the parties 2. Their capacities 3. Cit Status 4, Residence, should come next, Note: Logleal order in which the partles are io be nama Inthe doot ment must be ‘Ago Ceymo, Arthur Zapanta, Cectia Maeve Layut, Crystal Mercado, Ei Panza Flor Amor, Herbert Matin, Ira Sogullon, Mn Azo, lerey Hersandes lohnjobn Segabocn, ‘Wisadoy, Male Micaela Sta, Ara eyo, Juan Parl Sania, Joan Pa rs, Ma Theresa Abecantes, March Jeffarcon Fernandes, Oller Ban Beda College sf Lary _—- MEMORY AIO IN LEGAL ETHICS AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES} 66 “ji ©. The principal or operational clauses of the document should bo stated in separate, numbered paragraphs. Furpose: To facilitate ready-reference thereto D. Verbosity should ba avoided. F. Specific or technical terms, which nave. ‘special meaninge In the document should bo especially defined, F. Names of partios should bo repeated. The use of pronouns would give se to ambiguity. G. Tho document must be neat, free from erasures, Intolineations, or suspicions of alterations, 7 A. BASIC FORMS Form No, 4. Signature of Co JUAN TAMAD Counsel for Plaintiff (or defendant) Address: #88 Mayaman Si. Villon Vill. Makati City Roll No. ISP No. On PTRNO, on ‘at Number & Date of MCLE Cartiicate of Completion Exempt * As required by Bar Matter No, 1192, Apri 1, 2002, Roll No. ~to assure that the person signing Is a laviyer. IGP No, ~ to show compliance with) Sec. 10 of Rule 139-A that ‘default in the payment of the annual dues for ‘suspens'on of members in the Integrated Bar, and default in such payment for one ‘hx months shal! warrai year shall be 2 ground for removal or the name of the deling Lifetime Membership No. ~ for lawyers who secure and pay lifetime membership fees, TR (Professional Tax Receipt) No. ~ compliance with Sec. 139 of the toca *¥ “BM. 1922, as amended. Effective January 1, 2099. ain oe ent v. Jurat [Act of one who has executed a deed, in going before some competent officer or court and [declaring it to be his act or deed The acknowledgement accerpanies any notarized document that transmits rights or property ‘Two-fold purpose: * to authorize the deed to be niven in evidence without further j,00f of iis execution recorded 1. A clause may be Insorted at the ond of the agreoment that: “This contract shall extend’ and be binding uzon the partes thereto, their executors, ‘administrators and assign: 1, The place and cate of execution of the dosument usually come: stated thu fi “Signed in the City of Mail, Philippines, this” th cay of 20 Guevara, 1 Eattion Revised} eee ‘member ftom the Roll of Attorneys or te oem: i } foes Bed College of Ray MEMORY AD IN LEGAL ETHICS AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES] 67 “ ‘hare used: + toauthenticute an agreement between two or more persons; OR © where the document contains @ disposition of property 4: + affidavits + cettfications + whenever the person executing makes @ statement of facta oF attests to the truth of an event, under oath pubnenlodgment: inh" — abbreviation of “Sellicet." if means “to wit, namely." !tis used to parlicularize & general statement. Jun No. 2. Acknowledgment (Simple Form; 1976, 1994, 2904 BAR EXAMS) Jinm tio 2.4, Ono Signatory 1W] PUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES. PROVINCE OF gg, TTY! UNICIPALIFY OF BEFORE ME, this 2° day of March, 2009 In the Aunisipalty of Kalornunsig, Provinee of Sultan Philippines, personally appeeted Juan, Tamad, with *{Vald idenfitcation Document) S38 Me, UT-952 wssund by [an offclat agency] Social Socuuty Systam., on Soptamhar 24, 2007 and Finmmanity Tax Certifeate No. 20234632 kises on Jem sa"v 20, 2009, at Kniamonsig. Sulton Kudaral: ‘how tome to be the same person who executed the fovegaing instrument, aiid who acknowledged nis that the same is his free and voluntary act anv dees eee sree HEREOF. | have hereunto set my band and afixed my noterial seal, on the day, yosr, and place ahove writter, Name: 7 Notary Public for [Municipeliy/CiyiProvince} Offles Address of Notary Publle Appointment No, ‘int fdatel year} Roll of Aitomeys No FTRNo.____:[daie lesved}fplace lesued! IBP No. 7 {date issued] [Chapter] Serial Nov OT Connie ven ay "ag } ish i tne. No. a mt two Ne * : RAY 09 fink No, potins of 2008. 1 410 No, 2.2. Two or More Signstories (Joint Acknowladginendiet {RPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES HROVINCE OF SS. H TYMUNIOIPALITY OF Sy N ” BEFORE ME, Notery Public for and in the Municipotity of Ral ul day of March, 2008, personally appeared: S we With $83 No. 28-297788ssueaby te socel SBIR ununity Tex Certificate No, 1294 issued on January 1. 2069, at" tla Making, wth BSS No 124 85 ace ee 2 | vvwnmunty Tax Centeate No, 4224 lesued on Jaren 2 Zoos, at Kalamans Sr 68 |2009 CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS Suni Meda College of aw all known to me to be the same persons win exect ted the feregaing Instiument and they respectively ‘acknowledged 'o me that they sign d the same 3s thelr own free and voluntary act ana deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, | have hereunto set my hand on the day, year and at the place above waitten, Name: _ ee Notary Public for [Munic pailty CiiyiPovince) Office Address af Notary Public Appolniment No ___ Uni dat=) Iyear] Rol'of Attorieys Now . PTR Ro, : [dale Betiadl[place Issived] IP No {cate issue] (Chapter) Serial No, Of Commission . oe. No. Pago No, ook No Form No. 2.3, Ackaowindginant py Ci [REPUBLIC OF THE PrP INE Pee PROVINCE OF MUNICIPALITY BEFORE ME, this J lay of Much, 2009. in the Muvicipalty of J sia, Province of ‘Kuch 4 personally cppeared sucin Tania, rpresenting to ho the President (or Manager) of Mages Ing., known to me to be the same person who executed the foreg.iag wstrument for and in behalf 3 the said corporation, and ine acknowledged to me thal tv2 same fy the corpaiate acl and deed of Magazencla ing,, and that he is duly authorized fo sign the same. The sii Juin) Tamia) exhibued to ave his 2076-6543 Issued by Wie Social Security Syston Kalamansig. Sultan Rude! on January 42009, No. 9676, issued at Kalanansig, Sulla Kudargt on Fobruy 14, 2009. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, | have hereunto set my hand on the Jay. yarr and at the place above weitten. Nan 7 item ME PS OF ikdelleslnSHyIRevece} ‘i ‘Address of Notary Publig ppigiment No /Untitatelh ear} vy RallgtAttorneys ores “(Sale ie egghgiace ies” inaved] {Chapter er Boe. Ivo, Page No, Book No. / oe Series of 3608, Note tye 1. Acknowledgment for instruments conveying two [2)or more pagel gf land, included ty@RAeing after the first paragaraph: “AD 3 This instrument ralates to the sale (or mortgee) of __ parcels of ‘soe including the page on which this acknowladgement is wiilfen, each and Very pag) margin, having been signed by San Reda College of Law HAEMORY AID IN LEGAL ETHICS AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES] 69 2, Ackrowiedgment of instruments consisting of two (2) or mare pages, inciuse the following after the frat paragraph: Th lustrument consisting of __ pone ‘rcluging the page on whieh thls acknowledgment Is written, has Seen signed on the left Margin of each and every page thereat by and his ‘w258es (Hf any0\), and sealed with my Notarial Seal Form No. 3, Jurat (1994 BAR EXAMS) ‘SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before mo, in the G ius 2 day ef March 2009, the affiant exhibiting to me his Valid idantincat on Document] SSS agency] Social Securty Sysiom., on March 4. 2007, , nnd Commuinity Tax Cot issued on January 29, 2009, at Makati City. issued by {an offic sate No. 23245544 Nanna: Notary Office Address of Notary Public Appointment No. _____ Until date} Iyear] Roll of Allcrnays fa PTR No. _. {dale issued fplace issued) BP No [diate {ssued} [Chapter] Se tal No. OF Gummistiois Dos. No, Paye Na, Book Na Note: + the affiant is NOT known to the notary public personally, he must identity him through an identification card or certificate bearing his photograph anc signature, issued by an official agency. * Ifthe affiant is known, to the notary public, he should siate in the jurat that he is known to him personally ‘and explain why, as by saying that a‘fiant fs his acqusinence or friend, ‘+ Ifthe affant has no identification card witn picture or is not known to the notey public, the notary must Identify the afflant through one or more third party witnesses who each personally knows the affient and ‘who shows to the notary publ. the documentary Identiiation + Hthe document is subscribed before a public officer duty authorized to lake oaths, there I no need for the affant to produce @ CTC and for the entry into a Netarial Register. Form No. 4.Affidavit (In General) Parl of a Typical Swcm Stetoment (VeT-PFeFe-SJ) 4. Venue i 2, Tie Personal ckcumstance of the affant Eact of being swom in Eacts desired to be established Signature drat ane sha CHF Bale REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES) -" CITY OF PASIG) S.8. AFFIDAVIT eid |, Juan Tamad, of legal age, single/married to (Insert Name. of 0b x Mayaman'St Millon Vi_ Makati Giy, after having keen euly sworn in deebrdanop, and say that BSS (7212009 CENTRALIZED BAR OPFNEATIONS oan Boa Collece of aww (Hore narrate the facts desired to he est Rogistration of Motor Vehi:le:) lished, for example, an affidavit of loss of a Cerificate of 4. Thal Lam the wwe described as follows: \d lawiul owner of a certain motor vihicle whieh is more particulady ERIES i PE OF HT 2, Sometinie in une of this year, | mcs hooking for the original Certificate of Registration (of my sar but te my surprise, said Ouner's uriginal Copy could not fone; That | taok pains to look for said Cerificate of Registration, bul (2 no aval That | an exaculing this affidavit to alfest to the tru of te foregoing and to request from the Land Transportation Office of Mala City, a copy of said Certificate of Registration Further A‘fant sayott: Naught IN WITNESS WHEREDH, have hereunts affixed ayy signature this 2 cay of ity, Philiopings. 2009 at Pasig _AURAT Form No. 5. Affidavit of Good Faith (991 BAR EXAMS, We, the undersigned MORTGAGOR and MORTGAGEE, severally swear that the foregoing mortgage is made ana executed for the purpose cf securing the ubiigation, speci ater purpose, and thatthe same is aust aud vai obigaten, ard ong fraud, 3 rate! g therein, and for no ieggs opment Se 1B, CONTRACTS OR AGEEMENTS % Contract: meeting of the minds between two persons wheraby opggpings, to give something oF to reuider some service. (utile 1305, NEOREA Requisites: 4. Consent 2. Objact 3, Cause oF consideration 0 Sn Meda College of Han MENORY All IN LEGAL ETHICS AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES] 71. Raa ech sone Dera Rer aa Guremcoeeiaet " x Re a eect ‘ Bite olny the deedicontract nor the acknowledgment therefore Note: In 2 DEED, a person dinposes of his property or right Ir favor of another, Parts of a Typical Deed (VeTAP.CAP-SA) Se Venue f Tite Anncuncement Party One 5, Consideration * Act or conveyance Berty Two Signature; anid ‘Acknowledyment Aen: ‘Operate Words to Remember. rm il 1. Sale. ‘Vendor &.Vendee. ‘Sell, Transfor and Convey. 2. Assignment Assignor & Assign Assign, Transfer and Convey 3.Evchange Parly 18 Perty 2 ‘Cede, Transfer and Convey, '4-Bonation Donsr.& Denes For in conslderation of love and eee et EEE __.affection 5. Power of Altemney Principal & Agant or Ally. in” | “Name, co. istitu'e end appoint; Hereby eo fat Gr ‘ing and Granting Important Points to Remember, ‘i ‘© ina contract’ deed of sale, the’ properly must be stated in its PARTICULARITY. (re: technical description? Se ne ee a a ae eas a (Alico 1488, NCC) + Conveyance refers to everything by which any e mortgaged or assigned. ‘The subject of conveyance is lan. A decument of conveyance must be notorized or ackn’ register it with the Register of Deecs. interés n_osfate ta, grpaie aliens . Full name 2: Nationality 7 3. Residence or posta! address of the vendor and vendec’ : 4. Chilstatus. 5. Full name.of spouse f any 6. Ifthe vendor Is a corporation: stale whether itis legaly 2 Form No, 6. Sale of Registered Land (1983, 1994, 1969, 1991, 1997 ick Summary (als6 applicable in the sale of personal property: (Ve 4, Yorue ar tile 2. Bersonal circumstances 3. Gusideration 72 |2009 CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS San Meds College of Kaw Operative words Description of Property: specity tie technical description that appeared In the TC'T or OCT Eact of ownership ‘Acknowledgment neoe | REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES) PASIG CITY) 8.8 7 DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: |, duan Tamad, Filipino citizen, of tegal age, sirgie/marriad to spause (iLanv). with residence and post-office address at #8 Mayaman St. Milion Vill Maat City, WITNESSETH: For and In consideration of the sum of One Milon PESOS (Pt, 000,"000,00), Philippine ‘currency, to ma in hand paid by Marla Makting, Flipino ckizen, of gal age, sirglcimarried to spouse of yendee (It any) with recidence and post office address at #7 Mehirap. St. Contay. do hereby SELL, TRANSFER, AND CONVEY, absolutaly and unconditionally, unto the said hismer heirs ‘and assigns, that certain parcelis of land, togethur with the buldinga and: improvemente, thereun, situated in the City of Manila, and more particularly deseribed as follows, fo witt (Description of Property) ‘Containing San Beda College of Leas MEMORY All ity LEGAL ETHICS AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES! 77. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the LESSOR ie the ownar in fee simple of a certain parcalls of land, toge:her with the buldings and Improvenyats thereon, situated in fhe City 9° Monila, and more particularly described as follows: (Doscription cf Pronerty) WHEREAS, the LESSOP has offered to lease and the LESSEE has agreed Ic rent the above- ‘mentioned property. NOW THEREFOR, the LESSOR hereby lets and leases unto the LESSEE the above-described property under the following torms and conditions; 41, The monthly reatal shall be six thousand PESOS (2 8, 090), Philippine Currency, to be paid by the LESSEE at the office nf the LESSOR on or before the fith (") day of cach and avery month, plus one pper centum (154) surcharze per month for the payment of re.ttais made atte. the 6" day of the month due. It Is expr-ssly agreed and urderstood that the paymant of the rental here stipulated shall be made without the neccssity ot express demand and without delay on ¢ ny groun $ whatsoe 2, The term of this tease Is {ar (10 yoars) commencing on Janey 1.2018 ° 3. The LESSEE hereby expressly agrees and warrants that the leased premises shall be usedby him (it) exclusively for the following purposes, fo wit: residan ‘al: and the said LESSEE is hereby strictly Brotbie from usng the sal premises for any oer purpose ur tusinass without the prior wren consent of the LESSOR; v4, 2009 and expiring on January 4. The major and minor repairs stall be for the azcaunt of the LESSOR: 5, Taxes and assessments shall be for the account of the LESSOR, while expenses for electricity, ‘water and other wiities shall be for the account of the LESSEE, 5. Upon the signing of this agreement, the .ESSEE shall pey by way of deposit unt the LESSOR: the oum of pyalve thousand PESOS (B 12, 009) to enawer for payment of rentals inthe event thatthe ‘LESSEE faiis to pay the rentais on titre and other exponses or charges that the LESSEE may owa in favor of the LESSOR; i: 7. The LESSEE shill have the right of frst refusal should the LES8O} uring the term of the lease; (2007 BAR EXAMS, right oad rofvsc! clguse).” (Other coniitions: Venue of ttigatton shat only be in the Cit IN WITNESS WHERFOF, these presents are signed davof Marah, 2008. Tosser Signed in the preserice of: © WF 78 | 2009 CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS San Beds College of Law “| ATED CENTRALIZED DAR OPERATIONS enn BEF HOH College of Zain : Fonn No, 12. Lease of Parson"; Property REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPINES) CITY OF MANILA) 8.5, CONTRACT OF LEASE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: tee ‘That Juan Tamad, of tego! age, single/ varied to Maganda Tainad ard casiding In ‘St, Million Vil, Makall City, Phiippines, as he/she hereby jeases hisiher car make/model wih Plate No. 2206888 Motor No. 22498 and Engine No. 34566 to Mivia wakling. of tagal age,’ single/martiod to ‘Malakas Making and residing in #7 Maturap St, Centavo Vil Maca City, who hereby accepts to ‘ease the sald motor vehicle, subject to the following térma and conditions: (Staie terms’ and cunditions) : IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partins nave herounto set their hands this 3° day of March, 2008, in Mania, Philippines Ps vote rod Tessar Bee a — no | Assignment . Form No. 13, Deed of Assignimont | REPUBLIC OF THE PRILIPPIN : Pee 7] GITY OF MANILA) 8.5. DEED OF ASSIGNMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS |, duan Tamad, of legal age, Filipino and resident of #8 Mavaman St. Million Vill, Makati City, for and in consideration of the sum, of Aine thousand Pesos (PSO, acknowledged do hereby ASSIGN, CEDE, TRANSFETLAND CON\ legal age, and resident of #7 Manitap St. Centavo Vi interest over its subscription to One Hurdre Comoration, Incuding advances due frorn said corporations shall assume any and all unpaid subscription on the said shake sats aig taal ULES SELES ai IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tne assignor has sloned Bp igaee The agsignor hereby irrevocably CONSTITUTE, NX histher true and lawful attomey-in-tact to make representaya ‘cause the annotation of this assignment in the books of tne ca “Aasignor SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF: Ban Birds College of Law MEMORY AID IN LEGAL ETHICS AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES] 79 Form No.14, Daclon on i 2 REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIFPINES) CITY OF MANILA) S.S, DRED OF ASSIGHMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This Deed of Assignment, made and executed by nnd between Juan Tamiad, Filipino, of legal age, married to Magarn/a Tamad, with residence ot #8 Muyeman St._Milon_Vil, (ASSIGNOR) and Maria M: faking, Filipino, of legal age, married to Mafakas Making, with residence at #7 Mahiran St, Gentes Vill tanita City (ASSIGNEE TNESSETH That: 1. The ASSIGNOR is indebted to the ASSIGNEE in the sum of fivo.wadred thousand Pesos (£590,_900,09) and in tuli payment and complete satisfaction thereof hereby adsign, trariefer and convey unto the ASSIGNEE that cerlain real estate with all the buildiigs end improvements thereon, situated in Gity of Pasig, and more particuiarly described a¢ follows: (Description of property assigned) Of which real estate the ASSIGNOR is the registered owner, his title thereto being uvidenced by Transfer (or Original) Certiicate of Title No. 1234 of the Register of Deeds of Pasig 2. That the ASSIGNEE does hereby accept this essignment in full payment of the above- mentioned debt of fve hundred thousand Fasos (P50, 000.00). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parts have signed this Deed on 3 ray of March, 2009 at Mante City van Tamad Mac Aakting Assignor ‘Acsignee ‘With my marital consent: Mananua Temad ; Malnkas Mailing Assignors Wife . Assignee's Wife JOINT ACKNOWLEDGMENT ae a, < Mortoage (Artiolos 2088-2092, 2124-2134 NCC) ted MOA ATE OT Maid) Form No. 15, Real Estate Mortgage (1984 BAR EXAMS) Quick Summary; (VeT-MAM-CODAck) Venue and Tile Mortgagor: Amount of Loan Mortgages : Conveyance af Renal Prenerty with technical dagcrintion Gwneiship of Real P-oparty Discnarge of mortage Acknowledgment 75 REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES) CITY OF MANILA) 8.5. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: office address at il office address MORTGAGEE the. following descrihed real property, situated In Mania City, together with al the improvements t6 wit!” DM (Description of proverty) “Containing an area of 800 SQUARE METERS, more or less. “ 200 30x v8 of which real property the MORTGAGOR is tne registered ower as evidenced by Original/Trancfer’ Cortiicate of Tite No. 1224567 of the Registry cf Deeds of Mania, {oan dated Octabor 20, 2008 for the sum of One Milion PESOS (P 1, 000.000), PROVIDED, HOWEV! that I sald Juan Taimad shall pay or cause to be paid to eald (aria, Makin Mis heirs or aasigns, the su ‘um within the period of thrpe (3) vaars from auid aftr the execution of this MORTGAGE together with th Interest thereon at the rata of ‘hve9 por cer. tun (3%) per anus, iis MORTGAGE shal be discharged and of no effect; OTHERWISE, It shall ramain in full force and efiect and snali bo enforceable In the ‘manner provided for by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, these presents are sicnad at the City of Manila, Phiippines; on thie 2 dav of March. 2208. TO reiigager) aa \Wit my masta condont maria "(Wie of Mortgagon, ‘Signed in the presence of: Form No. 18. Chatte! Mortgage Chiatio! Moitgage Law or Act NO ‘Quick Summary (VeT-PeCon-SDAG) 0 ‘80 |2009 CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS San Bicdy College of Law a LTO ERTRAUZED BAROPERALIONS a enn ae Colles of Baty REAL ESTATE MORTG/.GE This REAI. ESTATE MORTGAGE made and executed by: single/marrled to Muqanda Tamad with residence and post City, nereln called the MORTGAGOR; In favor of ‘Marla Makling, Flpino, of legal age, single/ married to Mulatas Mekling wit residence and post ‘HZ Mahirap St Centax's Vil, Mania City, heroin called the MORTAGAGE. WITNESSETH That: 1. The MORTGAGOR docs hereby convey by way of REA ESTATE MORTGAGE unto the Filipino, of teyal ag Eounded on the S. along line 1-2 by Lot 1512; on the W., alchg linas 2-3-4-6-6 by ‘Lot 1488; on.the N. along lines 7-8-9 by Lot 1476 and on the E., along ling 9-1 by Lot 1488, all Cad-405-0, Manik: Cadestre. 10x 00. wax! 2. That this real estate mortgage is given as securly for the payment to the MORTAGAGE of a id ACKNOWLEDGMENT Yanue and Title Barsonal circumstances of the partios iP Conveyance of mortgage and technical description of personal property Fact that the oroperty was given as a security for a loan or a cupy of the PN Discharge of the mortgagi Ae, ee Bean Beda College of Law MEMORY AID IN LEGAL CTHICS AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES) 81 6 Acknowledgment 7. Affidavit of Good Fath [REPUBLIC OF THE FHILIPINES) CiTY OF MANILA) 8.5. CHATTEL MORTGAGE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ‘This CHATTEL MORTGAGE, made and execuied by, vuan Tamed , Filipino, of legal age, single/martied to Maganda Tamad, with residence and post- office address at #8 Mavaman St. Milion Vil, Makati City hereinafter called the MORTGAGOR, in favor of : Mare Making Filipino, of legal age, slagle/mariied to Malakas Mokling, with residence and post-office adcress at #7 Mahirap St. Contuyy Vil, Mania City hereinafter called the MORTGAGEE, WITHESSETH Thet 4, The MORTGAGOR do hereby convey by way of chake! mortgaga unto the MORTGAGEE, the fotowing described personal property, ordinarily situated and presently in the possession of the sald MORTGAGOR, to wit: (epecity and describe the article/s mortgaged) MAKE eRe MOTOR NO. ‘SERIES ‘SERIAL ICHAESIS NO. TYPE OF BODY PLATE NO, ‘YEAR MODEL FILE NO. AEN 2. This CHATTEL MORTGAGE is given as security or the paym nt to te MORTGAGEE, of a certain promissory note, dated O2tober 20 £008 for the sum of one | ;uidred thousand PESOS (P1900, 000) with interest thereon at the rate of three per centum (2%) per annuin, according to the terms thereof, and in the words and figures following: (copy the promissory nto) Date 100, 000.00 Z 180 days after date, ! an Tamad, prt ‘ % “

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